PocketPuTTy, pageup/down and äöå - XPERIA X1 General

I'm an irssi junkie and that's one of the main reasons I wanted to get the X1.
I found that PocketPuTTy was the best SSH-client for Windows Mobile and it works pretty well. But I can't find a way to use pageup and pagedown in it.
In other Windows mobiles the keys are found at Fn+up/down arrow, but since there aren't arrowkeys in X1, it's a no go. Anybody have an idea how to get those functions available?
Another biggie was that the versions of the mobile that arrived to Finland are UK versions. That naturally means we don't have the äöå -buttons. There was a fix around to make the öäå available from áü-button, but the button doesn't seem to work in Opera nor in Irssi. Any way to fix that?
(And sorry if there have been posts about these matters before. I tried searching before posting new topics but couldn't find anything relevant)

You might use the arrow keys around the dpad for PgUp/Down, etc.

Doesn't work. I get the numbers 2,4,6,8 from the dpad

hey, how do you jump between channel/query windows in [email protected]? there's no alt/esc button so i dont know how to do that..

I got a Sony Ericsson X1 Xperia. I must say I really like the platform.
I use PQzII (http://nicque.com/PQz/PQzII.htm) to bind the vol up / vol down keys to ctrl and alt. Then when I connect to my irssi screen I can cycle the querys using Ctrl + N (next window) and Ctrl + P (previous window). I haven't gotten the alt meta key to work yet tough :-(
So for now I just have an alias in irssi /alias g window goto.
So I can type /g X where X is the window number I want to jump to.
Anyone know how to get the pgup/pgdown keys?

I have the same problem, can't send "alt + <digit>" combinations nor pgup/pgdown buttons.
Anyone can help us out here?

I'm also interested in finding the page up and down! *subscribes to thread*
What do you guys use PuTTy for btw? I use it for MUD.


making jam one-hand capable

So with the newest spb pocketplus you can use the d-pad to open programs and whatever is on your spb today plugin. This allows one to do a lot with only the d-pad and hardware buttons. But you could make the device almost completely button operated by one hand if you:
a) could assign the END button to function as the the upper right corner button of the screen, i.e. ok, close, or hold the button for spb pocketplus menu (currently it just returns from an app to the today screen, but leaves the application left open)
b) could open the start menu with a button
c) had a program that allowed for text entry via the d-pad
d) could dial using the d-pad
Anyone know of any workarounds, tweaks, regedits, or programs that allow for any of this? At this point I've got my jam just how I like it, I'm just looking to add the icing to the cake with a few usability tweaks.
VJOkButt will answer your Question 1 (and do a bit more).
VJKeyPress could be used to answer your Question 2 (and do a bit more).
3 & 4 I haven't see good (if any) possible solutions for. I'm thinking about making some new apps to help though. Later.
spb pocket plus allows you to set the cose button to actually close apps. I have my right hardware key set to open the context close menu where I can then select close, today, minimise, etc, and my left hardware key set to open the start menu. All this is possible with spb pocket plus.
I'm using an mda compact II though.
I'm using AEButtonPlus with VJKeyPress en VJOkButt, works excellent & the support from V. is marvelous.
I'm using AEButtonPlus with VJKeyPress en VJOkButt, works excellent & the support from V. is marvelous.
You only had to say it once
Oh excuse me for exaggerating a little, won't do it again I promise...but your tools do allow me to use my device almost one handed & I'm really really pleased with that, whoops did it again pls don't wet your pants ;-)
Oltp, if I make it possible to use it with no hands, are you going to have my babies? :wink:
[offtopic, but I'm half way there...no hand controls, I mean, not babies. For babies, I'm 95% there - baby Vijay555.1 is coming in two weeks :shock:]
[my last offtopic for today]V that's terrible, you didn't develop many new products lately & now I know why! So after your lovely wife has delivered the baby there will be no time for development whatsoever :-( As we're planning to buy another house with a spare bedroom in a few months, send him/her over & I'll save this community.
& now serious: that's wonderful news V. You'll be astonished what these little kids are up too. Hope your wife is in good health & the baby too! & when you ever develop the ultimate voice or mind control for my magician I'll get your kid a bike. I got three kids & lots of stuff we don't need anymore & one of my close friends travels regularly into the UK. Just let me know what you need.
[/my last offtopic for today]

Need an app that does NOTHING!

This might sound strange, but I'd need a program for WM5 Smartphones that can be called by a symbolic link (*.lnk) that I'd assign to a HW key and that does not do anything, just immediately returns without even switching the display. Does anyone have a crazy thing like that?
Thanxx, Mixx
PS: I am not totally crazy. I just have an HTC Excalibur (but the O2 XDA Cosmo version) that has a HW key for the Internet Explorer. I need to hijack that key, because I need to have a way to enter accented characters and I refuse to pick them from a huge table with the cursor. I managed to use AEKeymap, but if I use the current IE-key to switch to accented, it will first call the IE and only when I return (by e.g. ESCAPE) does it put down the right symbol. I figure, if I remap that key to this "does-nothing-app" (and I know how to use SHORT_IE.lnk), I'll be OK.
Currently I hijack the Messaging key for this purpose. That has the same problem, but if I am in an Email or SMS, it is no harm that it jumps to Messages (ends up where it started from, since I am in that app already). Thus I can have accented character in Emails, but not in any other application.
Nobody could help so far, but I am just too stubborn. This must be a solvable problem.
Some wrote just what you want:
Wonderful, wonderful, thanks a million.
Works exactly as I described above.
Thanxx, Mixx

copy, cut and paste via HW keyboard possible ???

Hi there! Maybe somebody asked this already but I could not find it:
Is it possible to copy, cut and paste with HW keyboard shortcuts? I am used to have a CTRL key from another model but on the WIZARD I only can do it via the Software Keypad by tabbing on CTRL followed by "c", "v" or "x" ... - is there any trick or solution?
there are a few programs that allow you to do that the only one that I can recall that was free is from the same makers of magic button (transcreative).
unfortunately, I'm blocked from work due to websense...and its restriction from software downloading sites...but you cango to www.transcreative.com and look through their software. it's some sort of keyboard that will connect through an IP. I've tried it in the past and it works over wireless lan too.

Long Press

Do you know, is it possible to map longpress-action for button (start, back and home) ?
I know, in menu i can add action for long-send button.
I use longpress-action on my previously elf and it was great
Thx for reply
I doubt that the stock ROM will give you that option. This type of functionality is Windows Mobile specific, not device specific; so considering that, look around the generic software (Windows Mobile) sub forum and see if you can find a tool that will help you with that. I can't recall any apps off the top of my head, but I know there are some floating around that will allow you that functionality. I'll do some searching and give a shout if I find any.
Scope this and give it a shot - I've heard of others having success with it:
Or here for Touch 2 / Tilt 2 specific instructions:
It should do what you need. Let me know if it helps or not!
I have tested it, install program OK, run program - add key
but touch2 freezed.
Dont work with key on touch2
grr, freezed everytime after SR
Long Send OK
if you create file Long_Send.lnk and put it in directory windows, it works...
In file is path to program for example:
"\Program Files\Total Commander\cecmd.exe"
the problem is, how are named the buttom (start-back-home)

'Ctrl' key on Touch2 Keyboard

After this issue, fate had worse things for my P3400i(gene). It fell down and the speaker stopped working. Frustrated with repeated issues, I decided to dump my gene and I picked up the Touch 2 (the special version without 3G and GPS).
Now, the P3400i had a 'Ctrl' key in its keypad which was handy for copying, pasting, selecting et al, just like a desktop. But I cant find the 'Ctrl' key on my Touch Keypad. Is n't it really there or am I missing something?
I think you are right: There is no Ctrl-Key in the keyboard. But look out for the free Program Total Commander: It's not allowed for me to post links (so search google for that tool) , it's a file manager with an "integrated" Ctrl-Key for copying, etc....
No, its not here. Missin nothing.
L.J.Silver said:
I think you are right: There is no Ctrl-Key in the keyboard. But look out for the free Program Total Commander: It's not allowed for me to post links (so search google for that tool) , it's a file manager with an "integrated" Ctrl-Key for copying, etc....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks L.J.Silver. 'Total Commander' is a file manager. What I am looking for is a keypad that comes with a control key. I want to have the 'Ctrl' key when I am typing say an SMS or working on a word file. I did come across SPB Keyboard but its not a freeware. I am going to try it and see if its worth the money. In the meantime, pl let me know if you know of another solution.
You can use Finger Touch Keyboard. However it's shareware but works fine without issues. It has various skins which can be used and contains Shift as well as Ctrl Keys.
Here's the link:
Naveen: Thanks a ton for this one. They have a stripped down freeware version as well. I installed it and it works yahoo!

