making jam one-hand capable - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

So with the newest spb pocketplus you can use the d-pad to open programs and whatever is on your spb today plugin. This allows one to do a lot with only the d-pad and hardware buttons. But you could make the device almost completely button operated by one hand if you:
a) could assign the END button to function as the the upper right corner button of the screen, i.e. ok, close, or hold the button for spb pocketplus menu (currently it just returns from an app to the today screen, but leaves the application left open)
b) could open the start menu with a button
c) had a program that allowed for text entry via the d-pad
d) could dial using the d-pad
Anyone know of any workarounds, tweaks, regedits, or programs that allow for any of this? At this point I've got my jam just how I like it, I'm just looking to add the icing to the cake with a few usability tweaks.

VJOkButt will answer your Question 1 (and do a bit more).
VJKeyPress could be used to answer your Question 2 (and do a bit more).
3 & 4 I haven't see good (if any) possible solutions for. I'm thinking about making some new apps to help though. Later.

spb pocket plus allows you to set the cose button to actually close apps. I have my right hardware key set to open the context close menu where I can then select close, today, minimise, etc, and my left hardware key set to open the start menu. All this is possible with spb pocket plus.
I'm using an mda compact II though.

I'm using AEButtonPlus with VJKeyPress en VJOkButt, works excellent & the support from V. is marvelous.

I'm using AEButtonPlus with VJKeyPress en VJOkButt, works excellent & the support from V. is marvelous.

You only had to say it once

Oh excuse me for exaggerating a little, won't do it again I promise...but your tools do allow me to use my device almost one handed & I'm really really pleased with that, whoops did it again pls don't wet your pants ;-)

Oltp, if I make it possible to use it with no hands, are you going to have my babies? :wink:
[offtopic, but I'm half way hand controls, I mean, not babies. For babies, I'm 95% there - baby Vijay555.1 is coming in two weeks :shock:]

[my last offtopic for today]V that's terrible, you didn't develop many new products lately & now I know why! So after your lovely wife has delivered the baby there will be no time for development whatsoever :-( As we're planning to buy another house with a spare bedroom in a few months, send him/her over & I'll save this community.
& now serious: that's wonderful news V. You'll be astonished what these little kids are up too. Hope your wife is in good health & the baby too! & when you ever develop the ultimate voice or mind control for my magician I'll get your kid a bike. I got three kids & lots of stuff we don't need anymore & one of my close friends travels regularly into the UK. Just let me know what you need.
[/my last offtopic for today]


2005 will be launched in Feb 2005

See this link for details:[/url]
Anonymous said:
See this link for details:
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Appreciate the ++ search. One thing I have noticed is the inconsistency in the "Start button icon". Everyimage looked different!
I mean, this could be fake or even made up pics :roll:
Are we ready for another BGates newbie :roll:
You got that right Cyber mate.
Will the companies like FONO, Axiom, Comtel or Plug-ins void our warranty if we do decide to move to 2005 Mobile?
No it won't
Every Pocket PC release since CE2.11 (except for 2003SE) has comeout in the Spring. Along with new devices. This time will be no different.
after the win mobile 2005 comes out - will it be posible to upgrade our devices or they (the phone makers) should fit the win 2005 (by software changes) for the device first?
(as you guessed it - im new and my first device is the mini )
Looks to me like that start button is still the size of a pea - which means if you are using your hand on the home screen, its almost impossible to hit that in the corner. And this suposed to be a serious, native PHONE OS? Wow.....
skagen said:
Looks to me like that start button is still the size of a pea - which means if you are using your hand on the home screen, its almost impossible to hit that in the corner. And this suposed to be a serious, native PHONE OS? Wow.....
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You've obviously never used WM2003. It's the same size as current version. You can touch the text or logo to access it and it's perfectly usable.
I would be nice to be proved wrong, but I very much doubt this will be made available on current devices. Their product life is just too short. It also looks like the UI is designed to use extra programmable menu buttons at the bottom of the screen, as on MS Smartphones. Few PPC PE devices have enough hardware buttons to support this.
Wrong. I have an I-mate Jam Phone (WM 2003SE). As I said, it is egnonomically retarded to make the HEART of entry into the device a tiny button crammed in one corner and taking up like 1/50th of the screen space.
If you were trying to make it harder to touch - you couldn't enough said.
And that is the START button? Wow! I'd love to know what Microsoft spends all their millions of dollars on usability budget on. That placement & size of the start button would get you an "F" if you were a student in design school. Its THAT elementary.
Its not just the "Start" button on the whole, the entire Win 2003 PPC OS is just very poorly sized considering that is suppesed to be a phone OS. Look at the notifications. You have to hit a thin ass line if you plan on turning it off. Want to close a windows, its a tiny ass x squeezed in the corner or a screen? I mean, hello.....
The should have tested these things with thumbs as well as styluses. Elementary design principles. Very elementary.
But that is exactly what heppens when you take a blinkered mentality ("we are Microsoft make Windows software for PC's". We must have a "Start" button - and put everything in there.") into the design of a thumb-operated phone.
skagen said:
Wrong. I have an I-mate Jam Phone (WM 2003SE). As I said, it is egnonomically retarded to make the HEART of entry into the device a tiny button crammed in one corner and taking up like 1/50th of the screen space.
If you were trying to make it harder to touch - you couldn't enough said.
And that is the START button? Wow! I'd love to know what Microsoft spends all their millions of dollars on usability budget on. That placement & size of the start button would get you an "F" if you were a student in design school. Its THAT elementary.
Its not just the "Start" button on the whole, the entire Win 2003 PPC OS is just very poorly sized considering that is suppesed to be a phone OS. Look at the notifications. You have to hit a thin ass line if you plan on turning it off. Want to close a windows, its a tiny ass x squeezed in the corner or a screen? I mean, hello.....
The should have tested these things with thumbs as well as styluses. Elementary design principles. Very elementary.
But that is exactly what heppens when you take a blinkered mentality ("we are Microsoft make Windows software for PC's". We must have a "Start" button - and put everything in there.") into the design of a thumb-operated phone.
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isn't that a matter of taste? i mean.. they COULD make the start button bigger but then maybe someone like I would say "hey its to big it takes up like ALL of the screen and i cant see my today screen" i for one have no problem using either the start button or the"x" button for closing using my thumb.
Maybe the best would be if one could maybe have like a stylus window (kinda like now) and a big button finger layout. just a thought.
It's not a phone OS, it's a PDA OS. I agree though, that the Smartphone Edition cound have an option to enlarge all buttons so that you'd be able to navigate with one hand.
Loboman said:
It's not a phone OS, it's a PDA OS. I agree though, that the Smartphone Edition cound have an option to enlarge all buttons so that you'd be able to navigate with one hand.
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I dont know any indusrty analyst who does not agree that these devices are converging - which has clear implications for software and OS makers: phone interface gets used often and requires seamless finger usage. Especially on devices with no physical phone keyboard! No rocket science required there.
And once you start selling OS software tilted "Windows Mobile 2003 Se for Mobile Phone", you're on the hook to delver something that works appropriately as a mobile phone OS! There is no escaping that one.
Ditto when your OS is designed for devices such as the Moto MPX and the Jam and the Eten 500. These are devices clearly made for those who are phone-oriented and will carry the device in their pocket everywhere - as opposed to the XDA II buyer who is more or a PDA and phone is just tacked on. Its in the Microsoft business plan to attack the market for such phone-like devices to challenge the treo and Blackberry - so they've gotta deliver credible phone ergonomics too!
I'd understand the omissions in 2002, maybe even 2003. But to come out with 2005 (when convergence is patently obvious and they are pushing heavily to be a phone OS) and they are still missing the boat with "Windows for PC" as the bedrock of their ergonomics?
As I said, I'd love to know what their user experience research budget is going on. A bunch of first year designs school students would have picked up on the obvious - as you yourself agree: if its a phone OS, you must have an credible option to go stylus-less, espcially for those primary phone options. As it is we are still at the level where dialers and today screen add-ons are legitamate commercial software. The OS should have presented a legitimate soultion there. That would be live Windows Longhorm coming out and they have a 3rd rate browser and a 3rd rate search engine as default in the OS. That's just not on - it's your primary interface and the OS must offer something up to par there, otherwise you are forcing users into slow and memory-eating add-ons such as Mobi Dial.
Loboman said:
It's not a phone OS, it's a PDA OS. I agree though, that the Smartphone Edition cound have an option to enlarge all buttons so that you'd be able to navigate with one hand.
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Errr.. please come back when you know what you are talking about. Smartphone Edition doesn't have on screen buttons - how can it when it doesn't have a touch screen. You *CAN* do everything with one hand. That's the whole point of the programmable menus at the bottom, one of which kicks off the Start menu.
Anonymous said:
Loboman said:
It's not a phone OS, it's a PDA OS. I agree though, that the Smartphone Edition cound have an option to enlarge all buttons so that you'd be able to navigate with one hand.
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Errr.. please come back when you know what you are talking about. Smartphone Edition doesn't have on screen buttons - how can it when it doesn't have a touch screen. You *CAN* do everything with one hand. That's the whole point of the programmable menus at the bottom, one of which kicks off the Start menu.
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To make this clearer - all the menus on Smartphone Editions are linked to hard buttons on the phone. So the everything can be done one handed, and the size of icons doesn't matter jack sh*t. As for PE 2005 - that's why the new menus have appeared at the bottom - to give the benefits of Smartphone Editione on Phone Edition - so you don't have to touch the screen or dig out your stylus for common operations.
Why the obsession with the start logo, when tapping anywhere on the text will do? And why do you need to do this to get to the "phone" functions you keep banging on about? That's what the Green, Red, Contact and Calendar hardware buttons (and the Smartphone style "soft" keys) are for. What's difficult about that? If that's too complicated for you - maybe you should to go back to a Nokeeeyah!
I said the DEVICE is primarily phone-style one. Therefore the primary mode of use is fingers not stylus. - This means that various programs (which are buried in the start menu) need to be more accessible. Which is not the same thing as saying that its a phone and all you need is phone access.
If you think people buy a £400 PPC phone for calendar and contacts programs alone, then you dont know much about the market. The other programs the device runs need to be better accessible.
I couldn't care less if microsoft groupies are offended - it is a fact that Nokia has a better grips on the software ergonimics. If it makes you emotional, too bad. I'm more concerned with the fact that MS needs to think beyond the cliche and ergonimics of a Windows PC when they are designing a PHONE.
skagen, you are "gay" Go jackoff to your garbage Symbian OS which is buggier than bloody hell.
And Mikee you're an As*Hol* :evil:
Its a phone, dude. If it hs got things wrong with it, that's just the facts. If I though Symbian phones was better, then I'd buy a Symbian phone - duh! The Jam is better hardware than what's available on Symbian, but actually OS is not as intutive as Symbian.
This Win Mobile for PPC phone OS has some major failings and omissions - which is the very reason the XDA Develpers exists: til fill the gaps. And BTW, , we are not here to be teenage PPC fan-boys.That's for the kids on Howard Forums. This website here is about realistic assessment of these devices.
skagen said:
I said the DEVICE is primarily phone-style one. Therefore the primary mode of use is fingers not stylus. - This means that various programs (which are buried in the start menu) need to be more accessible.
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You just don't get it do you? They ARE accessible without using the stylus using the fully configurable HARDWARE BUTTONS, D-PAD navigation, on some models JOG DIALS and START and CLOSE BUTTONS, and with 2005, the SMART BUTTONS linked to the context sensitive menus at the bottom of the screen. Sheesh!
skagen said:
The Jam is better hardware than what's available on Symbian, but actually OS is not as intutive as Symbian.
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Have you actually watched someone using a Symbian PDA/Phone combo? Yes, that's right. If you're not dialing a number, it's time to tap tappity tap with the stylus. The P800-910 series have LESS buttons, and so LESS direct access to applications, (not to mention, many 1000 less aplications) than devices using PPC PE!
Anonymous said:
skagen said:
I said the DEVICE is primarily phone-style one. Therefore the primary mode of use is fingers not stylus. - This means that various programs (which are buried in the start menu) need to be more accessible.
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You just don't get it do you? They ARE accessible without using the stylus using the fully configurable HARDWARE BUTTONS, D-PAD navigation, on some models JOG DIALS and START and CLOSE BUTTONS, and with 2005, the SMART BUTTONS linked to the context sensitive menus at the bottom of the screen. Sheesh!
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The hardware buttons are already allocated for things that people would use. So its silly to be telling people "you can remap your contacts button to dictionary". Ok then - so how am I gonna get the contacts quickly.
On the Tungsten E, for example hit the center button on the D pad and you can immediately start pagig through your applications. Try that on the Jam- you cant. That's lame.

One-handed operation

Hi all.
I own a Qtek S100 for around 2 weeks, and have come to love the device for it's all around functionality and small form factor.
As a PDA w/stylus, I have absolutely no complaints. It's a great tool with hundreds of different pieces of software and games to play with.
As many of you, I want to use the Magician as my main phone as well. This is where the problems start. Windows Mobile does not seem be geared towards non-stylus use, yet when you are out and about, it would be nice if you could accomplish basic tasks without the stylus. The main reason being is that when you are out you want to protect the screen so you put the device in a case, so the screen isn't accessible.
Anyway, you guys know all this. Now here's the question. Is there software out there that's designed to make Pocket PC phone edition a better one-handed device? I am thinking of something like the following:
You click one of the hardware buttons, which opens this 'one-handed' program. This brings up a tree/menu of different functions. Anything you would need to do while you're on the road. For example:
Turn the phone to silent.
Turn bluetooth on/off.
Control the music you're playing (on/off/forward/back etc..)
Turn the device off.
Anything you can think of.
I realize you can do some of these things by mapping certain buttons to certain programs or by scrolling on the today screen or by trying to use the start menu, but I'm finding that you can only get so far before you're stuck and you have to use the stylus.
So is there any software of this nature? If not I might sit down and write something myself. If I do it would be cool if everyone can pitch and name things they'd like to do with one hand that they can't seem to accomplish.
What you need as a starter is Burr Oak HotButton Plus. This allows you to assign ONE hardware button that then pops up a list of programs that you can run. The list is configurable of course. You can navigate through the list of programs using your D-pad.
I would suggest getting a list of "Settings" shortcuts (available on the forum). Place these shortcuts in a folder and call them from HotButton Plus.
I also find Microsoft Voice Command a very useful software, especially when I'm driving. You can open programs, play music, etc. using your voice.
Also, this hardware-button tweak might do something nice. Haven't tried myself.,40355
I use AEBPlus in combination with Mortbuttons. AEBPlus is bound to a hwardware button, in my case Calendar. When I double press it, Mortbutton 1 pops-up a list of apps that I set in Mortbutton options. In this way, I can switch on/off bluetooth, phone, or launch apps. Mortbutton gives up to 12 apps per list and 5 lists are available. With AEBPlus I can bind 3 Mortbuttons per hard button, e.g. 36 apps per button!
Mortbuttons can be found on
thanks guys. I will give all of these a try!
phoneplus for phone abilities
phonealarms for profiles
All those programs are not directly given what we expected - one handed operation.
Could you develop the program?
jamijam said:
Hi all.
I own a Qtek S100 for around 2 weeks, and have come to love the device for it's all around functionality and small form factor.
As a PDA w/stylus, I have absolutely no complaints. It's a great tool with hundreds of different pieces of software and games to play with.
As many of you, I want to use the Magician as my main phone as well. This is where the problems start. Windows Mobile does not seem be geared towards non-stylus use, yet when you are out and about, it would be nice if you could accomplish basic tasks without the stylus. The main reason being is that when you are out you want to protect the screen so you put the device in a case, so the screen isn't accessible.
Anyway, you guys know all this. Now here's the question. Is there software out there that's designed to make Pocket PC phone edition a better one-handed device? I am thinking of something like the following:
You click one of the hardware buttons, which opens this 'one-handed' program. This brings up a tree/menu of different functions. Anything you would need to do while you're on the road. For example:
Turn the phone to silent.
Turn bluetooth on/off.
Control the music you're playing (on/off/forward/back etc..)
Turn the device off.
Anything you can think of.
I realize you can do some of these things by mapping certain buttons to certain programs or by scrolling on the today screen or by trying to use the start menu, but I'm finding that you can only get so far before you're stuck and you have to use the stylus.
So is there any software of this nature? If not I might sit down and write something myself. If I do it would be cool if everyone can pitch and name things they'd like to do with one hand that they can't seem to accomplish.
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I use the O2 xdaI machine. I will get tmobile MDA COMPACT (= I-mate JAM) next week.
Hotbutton application is ok but the best so far for one hand operation is definitely Microsoft Voice Command ver. 1.5. It works increadibly weel on XDAI and I expect it will run even better on the JAM (I will let you know next week).
Cheers !
Heard some things about Micrsofot Voice command but I was finding it hard to believe that using voice could work well in most cases (what if it's noisy? etc...). Maybe I'll give it a try.
Gonna give all these suggestions a try before I think about doing something myself. The goal would be to create a program that lets you go through the menus, etc of ALL programs. Just using the buttons.
I don't know if i need to start a new topic about this but I'm trying to find out an easy way to create a launcher under a hardware button, like a bunch of people seems to wanna have.
In 'windows\appsbuttons' you can assign any hardware button to an *.exe. I want to know if there is an easy way to create a *.exe which
opens a *.link.
Something like:
» goto programfiles
»open IE2BUTTON.lnk
Hereby IE2BUTTON.lnk refers to the map IE2BUTTON where you can put every shortcut you want
Tried AEBPlus but it conflicts with application button mapping such as in TCPMP. Sometimes TCPMP gets the button press sometimes AEBPlus Plus got it - couldn't live with that so had to uninstall AEBPlus.
I use a combination of software:
PPCProfiles-Pro on the Today screen for switching phone on/off, bluetooth on/off etc via switching between profiles I've set up.
VJOKButton assigned to the memo button for closing apps, clicking OK.
MortButton for starting apps etc.
Application button mapping in TCPMP for one handed mp3 / video use.
The one thing I really want to be able to do still is alter the screen brightness one handed.

**UPDATED - 2**: JasJar: Thoughts & issues after a week'

I've used my JJ for a week [+] now, and after being a pretty strong user on my Himalaya, I'm not convinced that the JJ has a lot to offer. Here's a summary of my experiences, and some questions ppl may b able to help with:
What it truly offers vs XDA
Look, it works. But is it worth the money. Here's what you truly get, make your own decision. I have loot, so I went for it. But if I was stretched, there's no way...
Pretty kewl internet surfing: Speed good in 3G areas, and screen size along with small fonts (hi res) makes page width manageable. I find many sites where the combo boxes do not populate, but it definitely works on many sites that my XDA did not. Can't wait for Opera, tho many others anxiously await NetFront.
Useable email writing due to good keyboard. But, even with WebIS Mail, there is no HTML mail - just plain text. U can receive HTML as text of course.
Battery life not much different to XDA: a well set up XDA that is. I'm only now trying with 3G turned off to see if that helps further [Actually, I think it's quite a bit better than the XDA afetr all]
Pretty: Yep, VGA is very pretty. [After some use, I'm finding it very nice for calendars, surfing, emails, and anythng else where screen estate was apremium]
Terminal Services client: (aka remote desktop) - STUNNING given hi res. I can now get into my remote eMule server and see how things are going in crystal clarity. Love it!
Issues I have not solved - any thoughts?
Not enough hardware buttons in good locations: I drove my XDA with ButtonMax and the easily located hardware buttons. The JJ has fewer, and rather discrete, buttons. This means that you can't always hit that "close app" button easily, and paging in MobiPocket is limited. I HAVE gotten buttonMax to work - but a workaround is required. [VIto ButtonMapper also works]
No 'New' button: This sux BIG time! I had my XDA customised to "New SMS" vs "New eMail", and now I have to go into mail (WebIS mail beta is sloooow), choose account (SMS vs eMail), then hit new. Sounds like I'm whining, but I churn out a lot of messages in a day... [Using pocketPlus, I;ve gotten a "new message" command mapped to a hard key. Works great: hit the button and I get a list of account options. So it goes button-click accounnt-type message]
No Pocket Informant: Oh this is BAD BAD BAD!! The internal calendar app is SO crap one cannot believe that devices actually sell with it! I wouldn't have ever changed to PPC if I hadn't known about PI in advance. ANyway, PI fails on the JJ, even with October-1 ROM, due to 'POOM' issues. They are workin on it, but I'll be watching Agenda Fusion's progress equally closely. The first across the finish line...
[UPDATE: I've got it working - read their forum covering v3 this beta release for more. It's AWESOME in VGA!]
Nope - it fails after a day, and PI dev/ceo dude says he thinks it's a JJ ROM issue and it not working on solving it. SO start watching for Agenda Fusion to solve this for us...
Titlebar date/time: the OBOpt hack works, but the damned date only shows in the today screen. Go into any app or programme folders, and it gets knocked off the title bar. I WANT the time visible at all times - not like a today plugin damit!! Any suggestions? [UPDATE: Answer below - I didn't know of this WM5 feature]
Speed dial and recent call access: Up/Down on joypad no longer take me to speed dial and recent calls list when in phone mode. Now I have to touch the screen to dial whilst driving. Voice dialing will help - bit I've not tried this yet. Will see if ButtonMax can solve l8r tonight. [No, there's no "recent calls" command to map BM to - will have to work on a reg hack at some stage for this]
If ur buying for the keyboard, be careful; it's not that accessible. I still use the SIP for a lot of input, and only unrevolve the whole things when I'm settling in to surf or message [But its a GREAT keyboard!]
No BT icon. Bit daft. [Will test out BT switch apps this w.end]Buss updated his BT icon app for the JJ - look elsewhere under my posts. It's great - but it showed me that the BT issue is actually a deeper problem covered elsewhere - BT disconnects and is unreliable at best!
[*]Duplicates: I can't f'ing believe that I STILL get duplicates in the notifications queue!!! M$ have absolutely no excuse for not sorting this widely known issue out once and for all. Havn't yet found a proggie that does nightly cleanup - any tested suggestions? [REMOVED: this must have been a rogue app cos after a hard reset and re-insatll, I no longer have dups. I'll try to figure out what caused it over the next few days]Npote - they are BACK! sddeamon dups, and despite several hard resents I have not managed to figure out if there's a specific app causing them. I do know that there's no software to automatically clean up every night that works for the JJ on this particular dup[/list:e4db347fb1]
Things that work well for me
I've got quite a few of my critical apps up and working. Here's what I rely on:
Uptime Meter: gr8 4 battery life watching
Phone Dashboard: to track monthly 'free' minutes. Charts and dialog boxes don't do well in VGA, but it works [No it doesn't - no minutes are tracked - sorry!]
PocketPlus: Now, some forums say this does NOT work - latest 3.0.0b3888 does (with October-1 ROM). Repeating alarms do not work tho so...[UPDATE: I have recently hard reset and am installing 1x1 over a few days to see what the bugger is - PocketPlus is a contender at this stage...]
apReminderPlus: ESSENTIAL repeating alarms (who the hell hears that wank "cheep" in the morning!?). Not the best app but it's free and works. WIll try others over time. Reason I'm not happy is that altho it repeats and ascends, it does not pause for 5 mins then repeat the process over until u finally get back to your phone and realise how many meetings you've missed. It tries - wants to auto-snooze, but this feature does not work in WM5
Terminal Services client is great
ButtonMax: Now ESSENTIAL given the lack of external buttons on JJ. Map the few buttons u have to click, double-click, click-n-hold. I can't record Macros yet despite remapping "button 4" and readin all the help. They just don't record. [Also de-installed for now]
Pocket Sudoku: Yeehaa!
Mobipocket reader: Works - but fonts are not great to read for long [Get beta 5 from their dev site - Google it - STUNNING in VGA res!]
1-Calc, total commander, and eWallet all work fine.
Bluetooth headset support: Does a damn good job of reconnecting with my headset when I'm in rangeNOPE - it's a load of sh*t. Read my posts elsewhere on this!
Voicel dialing: Works VERY well - 1 click of BT headset and I'm ready to go
Extra section: Why I had to hard reset
Things went tits-up when I tried to install an app, then half way thro the cab transfer from PC-PPC I cancelled the process. DOn't see why it's an issue....but thereafter:
Add/remove list was blank
Could not install any new apps
Registry restore via sunnysoft did nothing to help (sunnysoft say "not for WM5" in their email to me - so don't expect too much from this...!)
Pocket Informant had failed (blank calendar issue) on me earlier so I was happy to re-build and give it a second chance anyway
At one stage my BT device went spastic - would not work, and when I deleted it I could not re-pair it
What's important is that there doesn't seem to be a way to get back to a saved state. Sunnysoft is NOT reliable according to THEM, and a simple memory copy cannot be restored.
I've been trying the beta for Mobipocket Reader 5. It works (though a bit buggy sometimes) and looks better in VGA but you cannot access the ID of the device from within Mobipocket. So, you cannot read secured books. I take it you used the old 4.x version and you could see the device's Mobipocket ID?
Re: JasJar: Thoughts & issues after a week's use
Titlebar date/time: the OBOpt hack works, but the damned date only shows in the today screen. Go into any app or programme folders, and it gets knocked off the title bar. I WANT the time visible at all times - not like a today plugin damit!! Any suggestions?
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Try tapping the Date/Time display on the Today screen. On the "More" tab there's an option "Display the clock on the title bar in all programs".
Re: JasJar: Thoughts & issues after a week's use
no1 said:
Try tapping the Date/Time display on the Today screen. On the "More" tab there's an option "Display the clock on the title bar in all programs".
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Awesome no1! You just made my whole lengthy post worthwhile. Thanks a stack.
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DaleReeck said:
I've been trying the beta for Mobipocket Reader 5. It works (though a bit buggy sometimes) and looks better in VGA but you cannot access the ID of the device from within Mobipocket. So, you cannot read secured books. I take it you used the old 4.x version and you could see the device's Mobipocket ID?
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Nice 1 Dale! Found it and I'm MUCH happier with fonts - it's so crisp n clean Happy to live with bugs (not that I've seen any yet).
For others, the beta is here:
For those interested, I emailed the makers of pocket informant saying that I have a wm2005 device and they replied with a link to the latest beta that works very well on the JJ. I suggest any1 interested do the same.
bukwit said:
For those interested, I emailed the makers of pocket informant saying that I have a wm2005 device and they replied with a link to the latest beta that works very well on the JJ. I suggest any1 interested do the same.
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Hiya bukwit, can U confirm for me: Was the link like this:
If not, please post it here. If so, this is the beta3 build that I (and several others) tried. It worked gr8 for a day, then during the midnight cleanup run I hit the blank calendar POOM issue. Let us know if you get past tonight without hitting the same wall...
yes this is the correct link for the beta...the current version I have is Rev 3 build 434. Been running it since saturday with no issues so far...
date hack on the today screen
As in the title- could you guys please provide the link to the date hack on the today screen? I am really missing the date on the JasJar top bar
New Soft
One more thing -
There is nice new pocket plus 3.0.1 which for my taste takes less memory, For me PI beta3 works ok.
Lucasz: Thanx for 3.01 - got it. Date hack is here:
ANyone know how to change format of date shown - I know I had it as dd-mmm in my XDA but I've no idea where I found the regkey
Bukwit: darn! what r u doing right that it works...? Think I'll do a full sunnysoft backup, then try PI alone and build up until I find whatever knocks it out. Will be worth it...
I little anoyance I have noted with the Jasjar that you'd may like to confirm:
The volume slider is not functional when the Jasjar clam is shut, screen towards the keyboard. It is OK with screen facing up! I discovered this playing mp3s as I do of a morning with device in protective pouch. I often like to bump volume up and down for various tunes. I found to have control, I have to slip the Jasjar in its case screen facing up - not good. :evil:
Thats the reason they gave a wired headset which has a volumer slider on it
universaldoc said:
Thats the reason they gave a wired headset which has a volume slider on it
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I never opened them! I use Etymotic Research ER-4P earphones / earplugs, exclusively for listening to music. Retail approx US$330 a pair. >30db Noise reduction passively, brilliant Bass... :wink:
Anything that comes with a device is suitable for phone dialog only, not Music in my opinion. Sound leaks, annoying other people etc.
I may consider snipping the earplugs off the supplied cable and wiring up a 3.5mm Stereo socket for my ER-4Ps if that is the only solution. Better still check out the accessory market and grab a spare that I can alter with petty cash.
$330?!?! Amzing! I guess you really do like your music!
I'll update this post reguarly using colour to distinguish between edits. So, If u post fixes, be assured that they'll get into the main post, but please don't be offended if that don't pass credit - readers will see who suggested it further down.
The second update is shown in RED
bukwit said:
yes this is the correct link for the beta...the current version I have is Rev 3 build 434. Been running it since saturday with no issues so far...
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Build 444 has been uploaded. It works fine
I still get loads of duplicates in the notification queue as well - all from sddaemon.exe? What's more this is a 'wakeup' event and so the duplicates were making my jasjar take foorreeevveerr to turn on from suspend. I removed them with scareybear check notification and it's much quicker to resume from suspend (like half a second as opposed to three to four seconds).
Does anyone know what sddaemon.exe is?
tintoy said:
I still get loads of duplicates in the notification queue as well - all from sddaemon.exe? What's more this is a 'wakeup' event and so the duplicates were making my jasjar take foorreeevveerr to turn on from suspend. I removed them with scareybear check notification and it's much quicker to resume from suspend (like half a second as opposed to three to four seconds).
Does anyone know what sddaemon.exe is?
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I found that after removing PI completely, these notification dups stopped. I had exactly the same issue before. Not saying it is definitely PI, but that's the ONLY thing I changed and I've been OK for a whole 8hrs now.
PS: Scareybear did not remove dups for me - just ID's then then I had to remove manually! Anton Amov's Pocket mechanic removed them - any idea of a utility that does it every midnight like we had in 2003SE?
Updated again in blue

Newbie questions

Hi all,
Just got my I-mate JAM last week ... and absolutely love it. I know the JAM isn't the latest and greatest anymore, but I wanted a small PPC phone and JAM's the perfect size. The JAMin is too expensive for me, and I also think its improvements (wifi, EDGE, WM5 to name a few) are over-rated.
I had a separate PPC (toshiba e330 ... yeah it's about time it retires) and a smartphone (MPx220) before so it's great I only get to carry 1 device instead of 2.
Anyways, got a few newbie questions I hope you guys can help me with ...
1- Storage memory??
I realize the JAM has limited memory so I've been installing as many programs as possible on the 1G SD memory card.
I still found that ~ 60% of 'storage memory' is used though, so I started moving some more programs to the memory card (and had to relink them one by one).
Afterwards I found the 'storage memory' has actually gone UP even more ... from 60% to 68%??!
What is storage memory? I thought storage memory is the stuff (program / database) stored on the RAM, so by moving some of the programs to the flash card I should see the storage memory go DOWN, not UP?!
When I run something like a 'space detective' I find that all of my big files are on the memory card anyways, so I really don't know how my storage memory got so high, and don't know how to get it back down neither.
2. Repeated resetting
Everytime I do a soft-reset, the PPC has a tendency to do repeated resetting before I finally get it back ... the first time it freaked me out. I thought it's gone into an endless loop and I'd have to do a hard-reset ... good thing I got it back after 4-5 soft-resets. Once I get it back it actually runs stable, and wouldn't reset itself.
Is that normal? Has anybody else experienced this? Usually it'd reset itself again once it gets to loading the phone alarm today plug-in, or when it connects to the phone network.
I currently have the following plugin's installed on the today screen:
-phone alarm
- ADB Weather
- Calendar
And I also run WisBar Advanced 2 ... but I have disabled WA2 to reload itself automatically on soft-resets.
I put phone alarm, ADB weather and WA2 on the main storage instead of memory, because I don't want to increase the chance of crashing.
Does anybody else has this problem? Do I have a software conflict here?
3. Photo contact?
I use photo contact that comes with the phone ... now that software is a piece of crap to begin with, keeps freezing the PPC even for the smallest thing.
And, 5 times out of 10 when someone who's been assigned a photo ID calls, the photo doesn't show up. This is despite I've put the resized photo contacts on the main memory, not the memory card.
Anybody experienced the same problem? And what's a good photo contact ID program to recommend?
4. Good dialer program?
I can also use a good replacement dialer program ... the dialer program that comes with the phone works, but it's pretty slow in suggesting contacts as I dial, and the buttons a tad small as well for 1 hand operation.
I tried D9, but for whatever reason it doesn't install for me ... plus, I also need the DTMF tones to check voicemail and what not.
5. Must have appz?
Any other must have appz you guys would highly recommend? Since getting the phone I've installed:
- phonealarm (great appz for changing profiles and displaying sms / vmail / email / missed calls)
- Wisbar Advanced 2 (great launcher)
- Cyberon BT voice dialer (not sure how it's not included with the phone)
- Resco File Explorer
- Resco Picture Viewer
- Mapopolis
- Intelligolf
- Sprite backup (works well, but extremely slow if launched from the PPC)
- eWallet
Thanks! Any comment / suggestions is appreciated!
Number16, welcome to the board.
I'm afraid I don't have time for a thorough response right now, but some thoughts:
- please read the board rules. Posting a thread with a useful topic title will get you more help, faster. It's in your interest.
- read the wiki and do search the board. The Magician is still my favourite phone, and we've all spent years posting about issues for it. It's likely most of your concerns have already been discussed.
- specifically read the wiki on favourite software. It's far from complete, but it'll point you in the right direction. Someone asks the question every 4.7 minutes, precisely, day and night, so you will find other more detailed responses elsewhere. My recommendations: get gsfinder, claunch and SmallMenuPlus NOW.
- investigate the BigStorage Rom hack. (see Wiki)
Will try to post more later if possible.
apart from games I'd recommend the following:
1. Eye on privacy
2. XCPU Scalar
3. SPB plus
4. HiCalc
5. Novii remote
6. imusic
I would recommend;
AE Button plus
Allows you to map up to 3 functions per button, works great on the magician
+ its free
"Total commander" is a great free file explorer
"Mortscript" is a useful for custom tweaking
"PHM Traylaunch" put shortcuts in the System Tool Tray
Also search this forum for a sound tweak that vastly improves audio quality when listening to music via headphones
& checkout
Thanks guys, great advices there.
Speaking of AE Button plus, I installed the (free) ver 1.0.1 but somehow it only works for the contact and schedule button. I didn't re-assign the TALK/END buttons because it says if I do I won't be able to use these buttons in the dialer.
And somehow AE Button also doesn't work for the camera and record buttons (on the side) neither ... if I re-assign some other tasks to them, they don't bring up the camera application but won't start the intended application neither. I just hear a few beeps and nothing happen.
Does the paid version of AEB Plus improve that?
Sorry if I've gone off-topic here...
number16 said:
Thanks guys, great advices there.
Speaking of AE Button plus, I installed the (free) ver 1.0.1 but somehow it only works for the contact and schedule button. I didn't re-assign the TALK/END buttons because it says if I do I won't be able to use these buttons in the dialer.
And somehow AE Button also doesn't work for the camera and record buttons (on the side) neither ... if I re-assign some other tasks to them, they don't bring up the camera application but won't start the intended application neither. I just hear a few beeps and nothing happen.
Does the paid version of AEB Plus improve that?
Sorry if I've gone off-topic here...
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That's the same version as i'm using. Works on my contact & calender buttons & on my camera & record buttons perfectly, I use the camera button for the camera & flight mode toggle, I have mortscripts assigned to the other buttons which changes the buttons functions depending on what program is in the active window.
I find this easier to use stylus free than WM5 (I also own a Universal & a Prophet for the wife)
From your first post it sounds as your devise is a bit buggy, might be worth doing a hard reset or flashing it with a custom ROM.
A well setup Magician is an almost perfect PDA/Mobile phone balance
Have fun.
PS; Try the free trail for the paid version of AE Button & see if you like it.
Mister B said:
That's the same version as i'm using. Works on my contact & calender buttons & on my camera & record buttons perfectly, I use the camera button for the camera & flight mode toggle, I have mortscripts assigned to the other buttons which changes the buttons functions depending on what program is in the active window.
I find this easier to use stylus free than WM5 (I also own a Universal & a Prophet for the wife)
From your first post it sounds as your devise is a bit buggy, might be worth doing a hard reset or flashing it with a custom ROM.
A well setup Magician is an almost perfect PDA/Mobile phone balance
Have fun.
PS; Try the free trail for the paid version of AE Button & see if you like it.
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i have 2.5.1 registered version i cant figure how to toggle flight mode plz and i wanna ask if we can put magician on vibrate mode with any any key ???
max414 said:
i have 2.5.1 registered version i cant figure how to toggle flight mode plz and i wanna ask if we can put magician on vibrate mode with any any key ???
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Flight mode toggle
Download from link below then unzip & copy the program below to your phone or sd card, then create a shortcut to it in your programs folder (if you have a shortcut in your programs folder, it will show up in the menu in Buttons). Then go to "Settings>Buttons" & pick what button you want to link to the flight mode toggle program.
Vibrate mode toggle
You could create a batch file to use with Mortscript (freeware) which would turn your vibrate on & off, then link this batch file to a button.
Its quite easy to do, do a search for Mortscript. If you need help let me know & i'll write the script for you & give you what help I can in setting it up.
Mortscript is a great bit of software which can enable you to solve a few problems so its worth doing some research on it.
Mister B said:
Flight mode toggle
Unzip & copy the program below to your phone or sd card, then create a shortcut to it in your programs folder (if you have a shortcut in your programs folder, it will show up in the menu in Buttons). Then go to "Settings>Buttons" & pick what button you want to link to the flight mode toggle program.
Vibrate mode toggle
You could create a batch file to use with Mortscript (freeware) which would turn your vibrate on & off, then link this batch file to a button.
Its quite easy to do, do a search for Mortscript. If you need help let me know & i'll write the script for you & give you what help I can in setting it up.
Mortscript is a great bit of software which can enable you to solve a few problems so its worth doing some research on it.
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i have got mort script but it s too much for my little brain......if was hoping if u could provide the file i will assign it a button ...looking forward to your help...thx for flight mode toggle
I've got the paid version of AE Buttons Plus and it still runs a little funny sometimes ... certain buttons will work from time to time. For example, I left "single click" for Button1 untouched (which should be Calender by default) and "double click" would start Notes. Well, it starts Notes on double-click all right, but from time to times single-click wouldn't do anything. A reset usually fixes the problem, but then it'll happen again after a while.
So instead of leaving "single click" for the button un-assigned, I've assigned it to Run Appz -> Notes. That did the trick so far.
I also find that Wisbar Advanced 2 is causing quite a bit of problem ... anybody else has problem with it? With WA2, PhoneAlarm and AEButtons running at the same time, the Magician gets pretty unstable. It's a lot better if I don't load WA2.
Which is too bad, cos i've been a fan of Wisbar from long ago (well, it was a freeware then) ... anybody has any suggestion for a taskbar launcher? I really don't want something that's too busy looking, and I don't like clauncher ... I use the today screen for caleder plugin's and what not.
max414 said:
i have got mort script but it s too much for my little brain......if was hoping if u could provide the file i will assign it a button ...looking forward to your help...thx for flight mode toggle
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I've sent you a private message rather than go further off topic on this thread.
Check your private messages & get back to me.
If you guys interested have a look at the 10 Best Softwares
Here's my 2 cents on this '10best software' list ... befoer I start I gotta say for the most part I don't agree with it, for 1 reason or another.
1. Wisbar Advanced / Desktop.
Ok, I really like Wisbar, dating back to the PPC2002 times. It was a smart little program that worked very well as a launcher and took up close to nothing in terms of memory and storage, and better, it was a freeware. The Wisbar advanced these days though, is a memory hog for what it does. It may not be a problem on somehting like a x51v, but on a device like the Magician it really isn't the best solution for launcher. Plus, I dunno if it's just me, but I ran into all kinds of software problems with Wisbar advanced 2, potentially caused by software conflict with other softwares I have. Maybe someone else have better luck with WA2 though.
2. PocketBreeze
Never really used it, but personally I'm not a fan of busy today screen ... but that's just me.
3. PocketWeather
DOn't know why I'd pay for this software when I can get ADBWeather for free.
4. PocketMusic
I used PocketMusic in the PPC2002 days, and it's not bad ... but these days when you can get GSPlayer for free, it gives PM a run for the $$.
5. RescoFileExplorer
No question about this one. Always the first program I install after a hard-reset, 'nuff said.
6. Memmaid / PocketMechanics
I use Memmaid and it's great. Never used PocketMechanics
7. QuickNotes
Never used it ... so can't really say.
8. SPB Backup
I used Sprite Backup on my old PPC so I continue to use it on the Magician. Other than being rather slow when it scans your device, I have no complaint about Sprite. I never used SPB so I can't compare.
9. Internet Browser
Haven't tried anything other than IE so can't say ...
10. Theft Alarm
Well, I use eWallet to store all the sensitive information ... never used theft alarm so can't say.
I guess that's just the list for PPC ... because for PPC phones, I'd say PhoneAlarm's one of the top 'must-get' softwares for sure.

"Finger Friendly" Apps--Requests and Rundown

Despite the recent "Touch" fad, many of us have been trying to reduce our reliance on the stylus for quite a while. I'd like to use this thread to compile a list of all "finger-friendly" apps, or log requests for apps to help spur their development. Don't forget to include hints if you have to configure an app a certain way to make it finger friendly. Many of these are in development already in this forum, so I thought it a good place to host this thread...
Here's what I use/know about:
PocketCM ( extremely useful for managing contacts. Active developer frequently makes updates. Good work tene!
PocketCM Keyboard ( separate app from one above just for keyboard entry. Looks promising.
cLaunch--freeware today plug-in for launching apps. Hasn't been in development for a while, but still useful and free! Many options to configure the layout as big as you want.
phoneAlarm ( today plug-in to handle notifications. Active skinning community keeps the look changing all the time. With certain skins this can be finger friendly.
WM5NewMenu ( configurable menu application that does a whole lot more than just start new contacts/notes. With liberal use of the "separator" item to spread out your entries, this can be very useful. Excellent app by Saman-cz.
Total Commander--file explorer replacement. Still requires the stylus for all functions, but when the mode is set to Show > Large Icons you can navigate folders pretty well with your digits.
Slide2Unlock ( basically a device lock. Some find this annoying, but its a quality implementation by A_C.
TouchNav ( for finger-friendly folder navigating. Looking forward to more development!
Unnamed app for quickly adding appointment or reviewing calendar (It was just a matter of time).
FreeStyl: A flash-based interface for WM5 and WM6 devices that is inspired by the iphone interface. Formerly known as whoneedsaniphone and can be found at
I really find that with the Touch, I hardly ever use a stylus anymore. It really has to do with the flush screen.
This is why even if you put the ToucFLO onto a different HTC phone, you still don't get the hard and flush screen. I used the TouchFLO on a Hermes and it just wasn't the same.
HButton you can map 6 apps on 1 one button
i like this, i've been trying to get a good iphone interface on my ppc for some time now, this helps! thnks alot..
SPB just re-did PocketPlus, incorporating a lot of touch-flow capabilities to explorer, PIE, contacts (I prefer PockerCM), and other apps. Costs, but looks interesting!!!!
That's right, Hbutton is a pretty powerful app, I only have Pocket Breeze on my main screen (I use WAD), cause I can launch 90% of the apps I need through the Hardware buttons.
I just installed FTouchFlo, and I like it a lot, it lets me scroll using my finger instead of the scrollbars.
Soooooo Cooool!

