Free Internet - Two Mobiles via Modem Functionality and Data Call - Networking

Hey there,
I've been searching the net and this forum for a long while but did not find anything close. Here's what I have in mind:
I have a mobile plan that allows free calls within the provider network. I have a couple of phones, normal mobiles, but also three HTC devices.
I would like to place one HTC device (WM5 or WM6 with Wifi or via ActiveSync) at home, where it will always stay on and is connected to the Wifi or the internet via ActiveSync. This device contains a SIM CARD and therefore is callable.
Now, when I am out, I'd like to use my other phone and basically dial-up the phone at home for a data connection (DUN). This part should be easy.
The tough part is: How do I get my phone at home to pick up the call, treat it as a data call and route the data through the Wifi or ActiveSync to provide internet over this call/connection.
Anyone done anything like that? Ideas?

Is this wat ur looking for ?
second page

well, thanks for the hint. This would only solve part of the problem, but I am more worried about the modem part.
Now, I've changed the scenario a bit and I think this should be doable, yet I fail to get Vista to setup a incoming connection via Bluetooth modem...
New scenario:
Vista Internet PC connected to HTC WM5 via Bluetooth, Bluetooth Modem detected and useable on PC.
In Win98, I think, I was able to set up an incoming modem connection, so it would pick up automatically and take the call as a data call and route it over the local network. This would be perfect!
In Vista, I don't manage to find this incoming connection option anymore.
Yet, this solution would need a running PC all the time, not perfect. So if anyone has an idea on how to do this solely on a HTC WM5 device, this would be brilliant!


Browsing the web while on a call? possible?

is there any way on my mda i can use the wifi to browse the web while i talk on the phone via bluetooth or even wired? i heard theres a reg tweak but i cant locate it after many searches. please give me sum knowledge!
Not possible at the same time with GPRS/EDGE because your phone is class B. No class A phones are sold retail yet.
Yoıu have to suspend the call and browse the web or vice versa..
That's funny I can surf (either using WiFi or GPRS) and speak at the same time!
It was one of the main reasons I chose the qteck 9000.
OK! I edit..
You can not use GPRS/EDGE at the same time with phone call. One must be suspended. You CAN use wired or Wifi while talking on the phone.
if you use UMTS connection and your provider is supporting it, you CAN surf while talking on the phone.
I confirm, Orange France does allow simultaneous 3G web + voice access I did the tests:
Was on a call switched to email picked up new mail, switched to PIE surfed some news sites as I kept on chating on the phone!
I thought the same was true with GPRS but I never did the above test over a GPRS connection...
It also works for T-Mobile in the UK, I use my MDA PRO as a 3G modem plugged into my PC via USB all day long, and can have phonecalls at exactly the same time as using the internet.
Neither one has to be "suspended", they both work at the same time (although internet use is a bit slower when you're on a call, because they both use the same bandwidth).
I haven't tested it with GPRS, that might well be different as 3G has a lot more bandwidth available than GPRS/CSD...
A few questions for sl9:
1. do you use the included Wmodem program to do this or did you configure something on your PC manually?
2. could you do the same with a BT connection from the WM5 machine to your PC (instead of using the USB cable)?
3. would using BT lower the available surfing speed on the PC?
4. what sort of data plan do you have to be able to "be connected all day"?
edeplano said:
A few questions for sl9:
1. do you use the included Wmodem program to do this or did you configure something on your PC manually?
2. could you do the same with a BT connection from the WM5 machine to your PC (instead of using the USB cable)?
3. would using BT lower the available surfing speed on the PC?
4. what sort of data plan do you have to be able to "be connected all day"?
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1. Yes, I am using WModem with the USB cable so the MDA PRO acts like a 3G broadband modem to my PC.
2. There should be no reason why you can't do the same with Bluetooth. But bear in mind Bluetooth is SLOWER than 3G (it's about as fast as GPRS), so if you want to use the full speed of 3G, you need to use the USB connection. IR (Infra-Red) is much faster than Bluetooth and faster than 3G, but slower than USB.
3. Yes - see no. 2 above for the reason why.
4. I am on T-Mobile UK's Web & Walk Professional, "unlimited" 3G and GPRS data use (they say 2GB max usage per month, but I never get near that). So I stay connected to my home PC from my office PC all day long with remote desktop :mrgreen: Surprsingly, this doesn't use too much bandwidth - this month I used about 600MB which is far below the 2GB they allow.
T-Mobile in the UK have the best data tarriff by FAR, I have this bolted onto a superb base voice tarriff too which is Flext 20 - a brilliant companion to WnW PRO in fact probably the best combo tarriff there is on any network, in any country :mrgreen:
Note: You can also use activesync at the same time as 3G WModem and making a voice call(!).
I have tested connecting to my PC with Activesync over bluetooth, connecting my PC to the internet using WModem over 3G with USB, and then making a voice call on my phone. It all worked! I could surf the net whilst talking on the phone and ActiveSync was busy synchronizing my calendar and e-mails at the same time. This is truly an amazing device, I love my MDA PRO :mrgreen:
Thanks for the quick reply!
OK guys.. the first post was about MDA, you are talking about 3G and MDA :?
I only mention about GPRS/EDGE not 3G/wired or smth. else..
I think we are not on the same thing. Forgive me if I am wrong..
do i have to change any settins to get wifi/phone call to work? because i cant seem to get it to go yet
For wi-fi + phone I o not think there is any settings that need changing.
Are you sure you have enough battery? If the level is low it could be possible there is not enough power to handle both radios...
Also are you sure both wi-fi and telephone work correctly if used by themselves?
Finally do you have an MDA IV (ie HTC Universal) because otherwise your in the wrong forum from the start!
i`m sure the wifi and the phone work themselves. and i have a tmobile mda tthe us version... i`lll try again and let u guys know what happens

Potential very noob-like question!

I've just started using my MDA Vario II at work. My problem(s) are as follows:
1) I wanted to use a remote program to access all the functions/screen of my vario from the PC - does anyone know any decent, cheap (or preferably free!) remote programs?
2) I wanted to connect it to the PC and still use my unlimited Web & Walk from T Mobile, rather than the work internet connection - but every time I connect it asks me to input details of my work proxy server. Is there any way I can stop it from doing this? Even if I don't input the details, it still doesn't connect via GPRS.
Any help would be much appreciated! I apologise if I'm asking stupid questions - I'm just fresh from the lands of SE P910i's
1) I haven't seen anything free that was realy worth it. I went ahead and bought the best one I've seen and that's SOTI PocketController. It's $35 but since I write apps for the PocketPC it was worth it. With SOTI you can take screen captures, record video of your screen, download the latest skins so it looks like your phone, get access to a command promt, task viewer and stuff like that. Your suppose to be able to connect to it over the internet as well, but I haven't got this part to work yet.
2) You can use a Bluetooth DUN (DialUpNetwork) connection from your laptop to your phone so that your laptop will use your phone as a modem if there is now WiFi connection around. I use this and it is very handy. T-Mobile's web site has the information you need for this, if you can't find it let me know and I will send you the PDF I have for it.
zakkz said:
1) I wanted to use a remote program to access all the functions/screen of my vario from the PC - does anyone know any decent, cheap (or preferably free!) remote programs?
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I use "remote display control for Pocket PC", it's free (as in beer):
pof - amazing! that was exactly what I was after - thank you so so much!
as for the internet connection - I might not have explained myself properly. Basically I wanted to have my vario connected to my pc by usb, but then use the web & walk from my phone rather than the work internet connection. At the moment, whenever I connect to my work pc, and try to go onto the internet, it asks me to enter the proxy settings for my work network. I basically wanted to disable this and just use my web and walk connection. is this possible?
Thanks for your replies Codesmoke and Pof. I hope i'll be able to return te favour one day when I get to grips with this device!
Yeaaa i've also been trying to do the internet connection thing through your PC, basically leave the phone charging with USB, but active the bluetooth connection and use your phone as a modem, i never got any further than that, mainly cause the non-microsoft bluetooth stack on my computer was giving me trouble dialing up.
Put "*99#" with no speechmarks as the dial up phone number, this will dial into web and walk. Leave the username/password blank.
You could always plug your device into your laptop / computer and then Ctrl-Alt-Del and kill the process "wcescomm.exe" which will then just leave the phone charging ?

How to Setup Laptop to Use 3G Internet from My Cingular 8525?

Okay, I've searched for several hours so I don't act like a true newbie and ask a dumb question that's been asked a hundred times, but I can't find anything definite on this, so here goes.
I have a new Cingular 8525 and have Cingular's PDA Connect Unlimited data plan. I am in a 3G area. I have an out of the box phone with Windows Mobile 5 with no ROM updates or hacks on it.
I would like to take my laptop in the car and hook my phone to it and have my laptop use the 3G connection that my phone is providing. I know you can setup a modem connection, and I've done that, but it only connects at 115k, which is the fastest setting the modem driver and bluetooth dongle have listed. I would like to be surfing on my laptop at the 3G speeds.
I know there are implications where Cingular may or may not charge me, because I am supposed to possibly have something called the Laptop Connect plan, but lets assume that's not an issue.
Also, whichever way is easiest, I can either use my USB cord to tether my phone and laptop together or use my Bluetooth on my laptop and connect that way.
Anyone have the steps on how to make this work?
Did you ever get this working?
I have almost the same situation: a Tom Tom GO 720 device that will talk to the 8525's Handsfree service via Blue Tooth, but says that the phone is not advertising the DUN service.
Got it working
I did two things to make it work.
First, I got Internet Sharing working by using the cabinet called UPRREY-ICS[1].cab that you can find on this forum site. This will install a link to the Internet Sharing application and show it under Programs.
That made my laptop able to use the GPRS connection. This uses the Bluetooth PAN to tether the laptop and the phone. (but be careful - your plan might not allow large data transfers).
Second, I found two files, also on this forum site, called (or separately as and has a .rgu file in it that I didn't have to mess with .. I just copied the other files to the windows directory and restarted.
Now my TomTom GO 710 finds the handsfree connection, the phonebook/object connection, and the DUN service so it can get on the internet when it needs to.
Thanks to URPREY, The.Drone, and MUN for their previous posts. You rock.
I have a tomtom gps 720 that I am trying to conntect to a HTC touch diamond, downloaded the software and have placed it into my windows directory etc.. which seems to have helped as it now shows on my tomtom that my phone supports wireless data transfers, the problem I am having now is when putting the setting in the tomtom for the wireless settings my mobile of phone does not appear so I am getting up to 65% through setting it up before I run into a wall....
any further ideas?
I would suggest using the data cable method without bluetooth headaches. Diamond has a ver poor battery, so when ised with USB cable it can stay alive but ultimately your laptop battery is drained
Diamond should have built-in internet connection sharing option. Does the prompt that appears when connecting to PC have that? If not try the HTCtoUSB PopUp cabs taken from Raphel.
I have no problem connecting the htc diamind or the tomtom go 720 to the PC, I'm just trying to get the wireless data to work so I can send and receive text messages through the TomTom.
I need to find the best possible laser color printer
Hello, I need to find the best possible laser color printer at the lowest possible price. I need to prints lots of documents black and white, flyers with a few photos on them, color posters and etc. So I would like to have both of best worlds and have some great photo quality and print the most pages per toner cartridges. Can anyone help me basically find a good all around color laser printer that has full ink toner and not so expensive?

Automatic connections (Wifi/3G)

Hi everyone!
I've had PDA phones since a couple of years now, and I've always been searching for something.
Here is my problem:
When the phone needs an internet connection, windows mobile automaticaly tries to connect with the 3G connection.. As I don't have an unlimmited 3G connection, it's very annoying..! That's why I have to manually turn the Wifi "ON"
What I am searching for
I'd like a very intuitive and simple software that ask (with a popup for example) which connection to use (Wifi/3G) when the phone needs the internet.
Hope you understood what i'm searching for..!
While not a solution NoData might help part of your problem in the interim.
It will at least let you disable 3G/GPRS when you need to so you don't go over.
Thanks for the answer, i know this solution.. But that's not really what i'm searching for..!
Maybe You can create a fake connection for 3G so the phone doesn't get to connect? Just an idea, haven't tried. It still leaves the WiFi problem - why there isn't an option to select which connection to use if one is needed...
depending on what rom you have im sure comm manager has buttons for wife and data connection, with basic on off control for each.
However Id have thought someone could write something which would switch between data connection enable and wifi disabled (when out and about) and the other way around when you have wifi available and dont want to use up your 3g allowance.
I don't think it's that easy
that Comm part is build into WM, so the developer would need to write a new shell that acts as internet and gives you the option of selecting the connection..
I do like the idea though
is perhaps feasible with Mortscript?
In which one intercepts the “Internet” call and then by Popup the choice would have?

A question that will mess with your head, Bluetooth and Internet Sharing, in an odd..

Ok statement 1. A Hermes with a fast data connection can act as a wireless modem for WiFi on a PC.
Statement 2. A Hermes can talk to another Phone Via Bluetooth to transfer files and data.
Question 3, Can you have a Hermes share internet to another PHONE that Does NOT have a data connection.
Now everyone is probably why in the world would you want to do this?
I have a Hermes and an Elfin. I want to put one in the car without a SIM, use it as a mobile media machine, run TomTom and fill it full of movies and videos. But I want to be able to have it go online and check addresses and such. Now how to do I use my primary phone to share its internet access over bluetooth to the 2nd phone. Is it even possible?

