tweek tools - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

hi there people i'm sort of new here and have been reading page after page of information trying to find out which ROM's RADIO and applications and tweeks would best serve me.
i have downloaded the apps i think are the best starting point but i've become stuck when it comes down to the tweek tools. i have found 2 which interest me but i'm unsure as to which would work best
1. Schap's tools - Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3
2. DiamondTweak 0.5.3: Tweak it easy
could some advise me which is the best one for a new user to the windows moblie world
and i have tried to read up before posting thanks in advance for any help and advice given.

nlnasty said:
hi there people i'm sort of new here and have been reading page after page of information trying to find out which ROM's RADIO and applications and tweeks would best serve me.
i have downloaded the apps i think are the best starting point but i've become stuck when it comes down to the tweek tools. i have found 2 which interest me but i'm unsure as to which would work best
1. Schap's tools - Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3
2. DiamondTweak 0.5.3: Tweak it easy
could some advise me which is the best one for a new user to the windows moblie world
and i have tried to read up before posting thanks in advance for any help and advice given.
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Use them both!
they each have some unique features and it aint like the memory usage is really bad, i think in total, together that take less than 1Mb
(I use both!) Happy Tweaking

MysticGenius thanks for taking the time to answer me, much kudos!!
but won't they both be tweeking and configuring the same features, will using them both be like running 2 differing anti virus programs??

nlnasty said:
MysticGenius thanks for taking the time to answer me, much kudos!!
but won't they both be tweeking and configuring the same features, will using them both be like running 2 differing anti virus programs??
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no they have some the same features and some different.
also some of the features may not be applied properly with diamond tweak, but are applied correctly with ADV Conf and visa versa.
i have both, they do not constantly run therefore it is not like having 2 anti virus programs.
i do alot of graphic design, i prefer using the gimp for some and photoshop for others, both softwares do the same thing in general, but they do things differently. it depends on what effect i want.
these are the same.
or if you dont want both install them both and remove the one you dont like, but personally i use both, i find that diamond tweak works best with graphical/user settings and such like where as i prefer using advconfig for more system related tweaks like changing the times of cutting my calls off for example.

MysticGenius thanks for the advice i'll install them and let you know how i get on then

MysticGenius, installed both successfully and had play around but i've removed the advanced config tool untill i've got my head round it!! thanks for the advice


TouchHDTweak - Any interest?

Hi, I'm a proud owner of a Sony Ericsson X1, and the developer of XperiaTweak (
You can see the features of this application if you go to my website:
I've recieved some E-mails from people who are trying to use this application on a TouchHD, but that will currently fail (since it's developed for the X1), so I'm just wondering if there's any interest here for a special TouchHDTweak - version of my application? I don't have a TouchHD myself, but if there's enough interest I can try and develop a version for TouchHD and maybe get some help here when it comes to beta-testing it.
I think you would be a star in all our eyes for developing a version for HD. Please do go ahead. I know I will speak for all owners.
I would be very interested.
Would be very interested here too I'm sure there are a whole host of things to unlock about the HD architecture
I would love a TouchHD tweak! Right now I'd using Schap's Advanced Configuration tool 3.3 and the Diamondtweak program.
I really wish the ROM guys would get cooking too.
+1 please
HD tweak would be great!
Not to decry this generous offer from someone who has already been instrumental in what appears to be a successful porting of Panels from the Xperia, but i think before putting nelshh to a shed-load of extra work we should check to make sure the functionality he is proposing isn't already available in exisiting apps.
I haven't done anything more than a cursory assessment, but it looks like a number of the features of the Xperia Tweak are already available through existing TF3D and Diamond Configurators that mostly work fine on the HD. For example, some of what I spotted on the Xperia Tweak site is in Advanced Configurator. Other elements may not be appropriate to the HD.
So personally, i would suggest caution and that someone with a little more time than I have right now looks to compare the Xperia Tweak tool with exisiting tools.
Nelshh, do you have a complete feature list for your Tweak?
iain.fraser: you're absolutely right, There's some different apps that already does what my application is doing and more, but the idea behind my application is basically simplicity, such as a small number of the most asked for tweaks, and in addition device specific tweaks (such as the LED and Panel-tweaks for X1). And I'd be more than happy to write something for the TouchHD! If there's interest and if it finds it's own place amongst the other tools.
Really Interested too and I can help you (as soon as I've got the device) with the testing!
+1, It would be nice to have this at HD.
Tweak Away!
Your the man TweakMaster!!
nelshh said:
iain.fraser: you're absolutely right, There's some different apps that already does what my application is doing and more, but the idea behind my application is basically simplicity, such as a small number of the most asked for tweaks, and in addition device specific tweaks (such as the LED and Panel-tweaks for X1). And I'd be more than happy to write something for the TouchHD! If there's interest and if it finds it's own place amongst the other tools.
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If in light of my earlier comments you are still up for tackling the project, put me down as a possible tester
how many +'s are we allowed to give I would give +100 if my vote counts that many times
i'm in.
if you can make the LEDs work like the way X1 worked, you will be my god!
Tweak! Twaek! Tweak!
Sure I would appreciate such a project!!
I have a question - request. Have it for years now....
I hate the power off button.
I want to power off the screen and use: or lock or a slide 2 unlock program.
To wake up the device i just want to touch the screen or double click or touch the home button and wake up the device but not the F**** power button. Can this be done? Please?????
I use gsen and i can poweroff the screen and etc.
I see absolutely no reason not to
Lots of +s from me too please!
yes please

I Made a Guide to Xperia/WinMo - Comments, Suggestions?

Hi everybody,
I recently completed an extensive guide to the Xperia and Windows Mobile in general. Most of the info might be old news if you're an experienced user, but hopefully there's something in there for everyone. If nothing else, it may be convenient to have all the elemental stuff gathered in one place.
I have tried to compile the best and most common tweaks and customizations, essential software in seven different categories, the many user-interfaces and how to get them, various modifications and some of the highlights from here (XDA Classics), et cetera. I did my best to include as much as possible, and the guide will continue to grow.
Here it is if you want to have a look:
A Guide to Windows Mobile
I put a lot of effort into this and I would really appreciate some feedback, what do you think of it?
I hope you'll find the guide useful.
Thanks --Lars
I am reading it now. You have done an excellent job mate.
This could be the perfect way to beginners to tweak their X1 without doing all the testings we did, with all the hard resets and restore of our backups we did to get all this... If you keep it up to date with all the new software, this could be the ultimate guide to the X1
Great Work!!!
Kudos! Check it out:
This is a great guide
Keep up the good work
Excellent job - clear and comprehensive.
Comforting to note that I have already come across many of the tips and tweaks, but there are still a few new ones, for which I'm grateful to you.
On the profiles issue, my recommendation would be Phone Weaver - it costs a bit of money, but that is money well spent if you ask me. Highly configurable, very stable, and does the job very nicely thank you very much.
I'm going to have to investigate the JBed font size tweak though - I don't have a "Device Info" folder in the registry so there is no Java Font setting to change.
Thanks great job It will be great to create a wiki ! ;D
I would like to second the well done comments posted here and I have some suggestions. The trend in WM is for big one size fits all interfaces like TF3D and Point UI etc. While such interfaces are nice to look at they dont offer much opporutunity for user customisation, you can change a background and thats bout it.
I am a fan of the Previous system used on the today screen where users select plug-ins and configure them to there own tastes. The two I use most are HomeScreen ++ Floyd theme and TodayGif, all of which had there roots on this site.
How about a list of open source freeware Today Screen Plug-ins that users can customise and change, for users like myself who resent being put in a software straight jacket like TF3D. Other manufacturers like Samsung and Nokia and iphone, are going down the plug-in or widget route, increasing user customisation, while WM seems to be moving in the opposite direction, away from the more flexible, more customisable previous plug-in system.
Thats my 2P, once again good job.
i like the site, very useful!
A big THANK YOU for your work!
I just hoped to find such a great summary of profound knowledge here in the Wiki for the X1.
Once more: Great work! Keep it up!
I’m very glad for all the positive feedback, thank you!
I will make a news box at the top of the page with recent updates and additions, since my ambition is to add all things of interest that I come across to the guide.
msalmank: I appreciate the blog post, cheers
Mr Anderson: I installed the trial version of Phone Weaver, seems like a really good utility for profiles (if not the best of the bunch) - I’ll add it to the guide.
Mark A Cilenti: I intentionally left out the minor Today Plug-ins because I thought they would be of less interest, but I agree: there should be such a section as well.
remixtech: Even though you had a little wink smiley after your wiki suggestion, I took it as a dare and I will make a wiki version of the guide as well that anyone can contribute to (even though chance is no one will write in it)
Thanks again, folks. I'm off to bed
wow this is awesome!
Brilliant! Thank you for your hard work, i've found it very useful.
Altough I am already aware of most of the tips and tweaks listed on your guide I must tell you that it is definitely the best compendium on the X1.
Hats off to you!
Thank you very much for all your hard work.
excellent site.. great work..
I thank deeply from my side.
Definitely comprehensive and sufficient source of almost all needed WM/X1 info!
Any example on your WinMo Xperia Guide about Bottom menu of HelloWorldPanel example
I tried modifying the HelloWorldPanel example that comes with the SDK.
I still have trouble trying to show the custom bottom menus of the Xperia screen.
Could someone share the code snippets on how to get this to work ?
I like to have 2 menu on the left and on the right, and one menu has items to pick from the list when clicked.
Many thanks!n
Thx.. a very nice site with nice info ^.^
Thanks for all the responses! Great feedback.

Tweak for TP2

Hi All,
Can someone help me with an application for the tp2 to tweak such as Diamond Tweak which you can switch the automatic keypad lock and hide some stuff.
Im looking for such application and especially to make the auto lock for the keypad other than s2u.
Welcome to the forums!
If you have a quick look around you'll find references to many tweak applications. I suggest that you look at the "software worth installing" sticky here and the cabs, tips and tweaks thread in the Rhodium / General branch.
I too am looking for something like Diamond Tweaks. Is anything available for Rhodium? I did of course check out the software to install thread, and have searched around, while I did find tons of good info, I have not found an app which performs multiple tweaks like Diamond Tweaks (or prior to that Kaiser Tweaks).
Am I just looking in the wrong place? The closest I have found is for the Topaz, but it seems people are having problems using it on the Rhodium. I am also looking for something like Diamond TF3D config. Anything available?
TP2 Tweak
I have never been a fan of "ME TOO" Forum messages, and in fact, messages that ask the same questions over and over are one of the reasons I don't like forums that much... but it seems I can SUBSCRIBE only to a thread I have contributed to, and the TweakTP2 utility that doesn't yet exist would be a GREAT addition to my life...
My contribution; While hAndyUtils has a Pro2 specific utility with SOME tweaks, it isn't quite as full as the DiamondTweak I used to use.
frogstar42 said:
I have never been a fan of "ME TOO" Forum messages, and in fact, messages that ask the same questions over and over are one of the reasons I don't like forums that much... but it seems I can SUBSCRIBE only to a thread I have contributed to, and the TweakTP2 utility that doesn't yet exist would be a GREAT addition to my life...
My contribution; While hAndyUtils has a Pro2 specific utility with SOME tweaks, it isn't quite as full as the DiamondTweak I used to use.
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Yeah, me too, lol
Forum gets a little circular when the same questions pop up again and again cos peeps can't be bothered doing a simple search.
In fact, if you can't search you probably shouldn't be tweaking. You'll only break your phone and the come back and fail to search for an answer to your self inflicted problem, starting the whole boring loop again.
Wasn't it Black Flag who released the album "Stupid people shouldn't breed" ?
Edit : Sorry, it was Skatenigs
I was actually thinking of petitioning this as well. I am currently using HD Tweaks and TD2 Tools, but as they are made for different phones some things don't work properly. If I use TD2 Tools I get the opton for "TF3D Rotation" which I actually hate. If it is activated then Touch Flow rotation becomes accelerometer activated and it is WAYYY too sensitive rotating when I so much as sneeze. If it I turn it off then when I open the keyboard it rotates but I can't actually SEE TF3D, only the windows bar on top and below where TF3D should be. A tweak app specifically for the TP2/Rhodium would avoid this kind of conflicts. Hopefully I hope it is made eventually. It'd be a great help for those who want to do some tweaking either in an easy manner without having to dig out a registry tweaker and have to look up the correct values and for those who are somewhat newbies and prefer a "safer" method that is easy to undo.
try this one
HD Tweak works quite well for me.
Same goes for Advanced Config.
These are all the tweaking tools I really need for my TP2.

Where to start?

Hi all,
I inherited an old Orange SPV m500, and found this forum while searching for a way to unlock it from Orange. It worked and was very helpful, so you have my thanks for that!
Then I see all this skinning business and I would love to customise the phone a bit more; there's several things I'd like to do including installing a bigger dialler, a better 'homepage', etc, etc. So I went ahead and installed what seemed to be the latest ROM I could use (the WWE_O3 Cottula rom, which is the last one with a working camera from the looks of it - I need the camera). That's all fine and dandy and worked nicely (although it often tells me I've just inserted a memory card when I haven't).
However, all this extra software is an absolute mystery. It's all circular references which isn't helped by the lack of clear English (no offence, I know it's not everybody's mother tongue). I simply can't seem to find a start point that explains what software does what, how to install it, etc. All the threads seem to assume that you already know the software and what it does. Even the 'wiki' for the magician is limited to descriptions of upgrading the ROM. JMLToday Touchflo Manilla 3d 2d etc. etc.
I don't have a very modern device, so I don't expect to be able to install all of the latest whizzbangs on it, and to be honest I don't need a huge bundle of features, but I'd love to make my phone easier and faster to use and I know you guys have put huge effort into software to do just that. I just can't figure out what I need or how to go about getting it.
Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome to the forum xobby. First of all xda-developers is mainly a technical forum to help in upgrading and tweaking your device. There may be threads involving applications but , like you said, it's not very organized. So the first thing you have to do is use the search function to look for what you are looking for. If you can't find anything then you might ask nicely from the members in the forum for help. If you are looking for specific applications then there are other sites that is more suited for searching for applications.
I would suggest that you do a general search of the internet for programs, skins, etc that you would like to install in your unit and where to download them. It requires a lot of searching and looking I know but that is just the way it is.
Good luck!
By the way. Since you upgraded to WM6.1 by Cotulla, you will have no problem installing almost all of the newest applications available for windows mobile the same as those for the newer more expensive phones.
ferdiebaq said:
Welcome to the forum xobby. First of all xda-developers is mainly a technical forum to help in upgrading and tweaking your device. There may be threads involving applications but , like you said, it's not very organized. So the first thing you have to do is use the search function to look for what you are looking for. If you can't find anything then you might ask nicely from the members in the forum for help. If you are looking for specific applications then there are other sites that is more suited for searching for applications.
I would suggest that you do a general search of the internet for programs, skins, etc that you would like to install in your unit and where to download them. It requires a lot of searching and looking I know but that is just the way it is.
Good luck!
By the way. Since you upgraded to WM6.1 by Cotulla, you will have no problem installing almost all of the newest applications available for windows mobile the same as those for the newer more expensive phones.
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Thanks very much for the advice!

Should I cook or stick with tweaks?

OK - Lets try again!
I have been trying quite a few ROM's on my HD2 and they have all sort of rolled into one mash-up of memories in my head - for the most I can't say I have noticed much difference in speed or responsiveness in the ROM's, and despite a few problems I have only come across one ROM that gave me any real issues.
But none of the ROMs have given me exactly what I am after (and that's an ever moving target anyway!) so I am thinking about having a go at cooking a ROM of my own. But before I go down that path I wanted some paternal guidance on the matter - and a clarification over the benefits of getting a stock ROM, adding all the software and tweaks I use then cooking it, against just installing the stock ROM to my HD2 then installing the apps on top and applying the tweaks afterwards. Are there any benefits such as speed or memory usage? or is it simply that if I need to hard-reset the device at any point I don't have to go through all that reinstalling again?
So your thoughts on the pros and cons of cooking vs installing would be greatly appreciated by a brain-addled HD2 user.
Been cooking for Trinity but not for HD2 ... still ...
Cooking gives you chance to make a ROM that is perfect for You. Some things cannot be removed like MS Live or Office via usual un-install procedure. Also you can cook ROM with favorite theme and applications.
Tweaking is completely different story. There are a lot of tweaks and most of them work but when you start implement a lot of tweaks things will get complicated. Suddenly Bluetooth will stop pairing, compass wont work as it should and so on. Then you will start hunting newer versions of applications that could solve some of the problems but will create some others ... you see the pattern?
At some point you will be satisfied with your ROM and even publish it here ... but then there will be new OS build available ... and there you go again.
Basically, depends on what kind of user you are. If you need HD2 to work and run applications without too much problems then you should stick to original or cooked ROMs. On the other hand, if you have a lot of spare time and will to learn something new, you should go for cooking.
Hope this helps
Humm - pretty much as I thought really, as I need a device that works then looks like I would be better off sticking with some of the ROMs existing chefs have created.
What would help in this matter would be a sticky with a table on it showing various comparisons with ROMs - I know this info can be found on each ROMs page but a single post with it all compiled together and then linking to the various ROM pages would be great. I guess comparisons could list the chef, ROM build no, Core build no, Manila version, WM version, size, Driver version, additional apps, removed apps and so on.... - just needs someone to keep the data up-to-date. Any takers?
it.tinz said:
What would help would be a sticky with a table on it showing various comparisons with ROMs - I guess comparisons could list the chef, ROM build no, Core build no, Manila version, WM version, size, Driver version, additional apps, removed apps and so on.... - just needs someone to keep the data up-to-date. Any takers?
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Well volunteered if you can also get a screenshot alongside them that would be great.. either that or steer me towards a Landscape enabled/576ram/no copilot/vista task bar and slider with no curtains and I'll leave you in peace.
terrytpot said:
Well volunteered if you can also get a screenshot alongside them that would be great.. either that or steer me towards a Landscape enabled/576ram/no copilot/vista task bar and slider with no curtains and I'll leave you in peace.
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If time and experience were on my side I would love to - its great to see these ROMs developing.

