TF3DOnnOff Paket by JeckyllHavok - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

TF3DOnnOff Paket by JeckyllHavok
Hi there with this collection off scripts you get the possibility to power on/off your device with TF3D enabled, also a little auto Off Function is Included.
Just download the attached zip folder and unpack all files to the root of your device.
Then copy TF3D-DisplayOff-mscr to your programs folder and map it to a button.
Now run the writenotification.mscr, (you need this file just at the first time, do not run it twice)
Now reboot your device with tf3d disabled in today plugins.
After reboot you should notice that TF3D starts.
Now with the button you mapped the tf3dDisplayOff Script to you can put your device to sleep with a keypress.
To power it back on just press power button.
If TF3D is disabled you can start it with the maped button too.
After 5 minutes a windows apear which will ask if device should go to sleep, if you press yes or do nothing device goes to sleep, if you press no the window will reapear in 5 minutes, i make that cause i miss that device with TF3D won't go automaticlly to sleep.
To remove the scripts just run remove notifications.mscr and delete the files.

hey i can't seem to get it to work on my nike..
how do you run writenotification.mscr???
My device says: first run program, then file.
And do you know a way to reload the clock so it starts on 00:00 and then flip down. Mine only does that when i enable the plugin the first time after it has been disabled.

hey i can't seem to get it to work on my nike..
how do you run writenotification.mscr???
My device says: first run program, then file.
And do you know a way to reload the clock so it starts on 00:00 and then flip down. Mine only does that when i enable the plugin the first time after it has been disabled.
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Do you have MortScript installed on your device?
Just open the file like an audio file for example.

what do you mean by unpack all files to the root of your device.

in the attached zip file are several mscr files. Copy them to the main directory of your phone

can't work for me.... i must locate files in windows folder or anywhere in my device? when i click on mscr file WriteNotification.mscr nothing happens why?

can't work for me.... i must locate files in windows folder or anywhere in my device? when i click on mscr file WriteNotification.mscr nothing happens why
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There comes no visible notification when clicking on write notification, place all files like this
\My Documents
\Program Files
<<--Extract here the files from the zip file
and now place a second copy of TF3D Displayoff.mscr in \Windows\Start Menu\programs\HERE...
Before you start right press remove notification and open it, and noe the same with erite notification.
Now map TF3D Display OFF to a button of your choice and disable TF3D in today plugins and restart.
If it works you will notice that TF3d start...

JeckyllHavok said:
After 5 minutes a windows apear which will ask if device should go to sleep, if you press yes or do nothing device goes to sleep, if you press no the window will reapear in 5 minutes, i make that cause i miss that device with TF3D won't go automaticlly to sleep.
To remove the scripts just run remove notifications.mscr and delete the files.
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who does that part work? i dont get it

Sorry--what is this mortscript and where do we get it..? lol

telegraph0000 said:
Sorry--what is this mortscript and where do we get it..? lol
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What about search function? Or Google?

This prog. freezes up my Kaiser to the point of a soft reset. I see TF3D start automatically after a reset, but when I press the assigned soft key to 'sleep' the screen goes off for a second, comes back on, TF3D is gone, and the unit is unresponsive...

doesnt work...I followed your instruction explicitly....and 1 after the inital reboot...tf3d doesnt come up and when activating the TF3D Displayoff.mscr its just dims my screen...howeever I'm still testing

ljinsane said:
doesnt work...I followed your instruction explicitly....and 1 after the inital reboot...tf3d doesnt come up and when activating the TF3D Displayoff.mscr its just dims my screen...howeever I'm still testing
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I'm on 3. Nothing. If I take any longer with this phone tonight, my girl is going to KILL me. I'll play again when she goes to bed.

ljinsane said:
doesnt work...I followed your instruction explicitly....and 1 after the inital reboot...tf3d doesnt come up and when activating the TF3D Displayoff.mscr its just dims my screen...howeever I'm still testing
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I have had this on my phone for the last few days...not only does it not work consistently but I cant uninstall the damn thing...'remove notifications' script does not work at all ...I'm going to have to do a hard reset(no big deal though) to get it off my phone.
To the OP...I appreciate your efforts but please PLEASE test and make sure your apps work as advertised before releasing in the futre...these scripts have far too many flaws

I have had this crapware on my phone for the last few days...not only does it not work consistently but I cant uninstall the damn thing...'remove notifications' script does not work at all ...I'm going to have to do a hard reset(no big deal though) to get it off my phone.
To the OP...I appreciate your efforts but please PLEASE test and make sure your apps work as advertised before releasing in the futre...these scripts have far too many flaws
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If anyone here is playing around with TF3D for qvga or the drivers you should know that everything with this is still instable and beta´.
The script to it works on some roms and on some not,
If i hear questions like what is mort script and so on i think noone of you should anything of this, caus you are unable to use a search button.
Next versions of the script are posted in the new TF3D Manila dev. forum.
I think everything is posted there (that has to do with manila) until development is ready.
Cause everyone here is always asking the same questions.
If someone can't get rid of the notifications.... mmhhh.... search and you will find a solution how to edit the notifications on your your phone. Hard reset was not needed.

JeckyllHavok said:
If anyone here is playing around with TF3D for qvga or the drivers you should know that everything with this is still instable and beta´.
The script to it works on some roms and on some not,
If i hear questions like what is mort script and so on i think noone of you should anything of this, caus you are unable to use a search button.
Next versions of the script are posted in the new TF3D Manila dev. forum.
I think everything is posted there (that has to do with manila) until development is ready.
Cause everyone here is always asking the same questions.
If someone can't get rid of the notifications.... mmhhh.... search and you will find a solution how to edit the notifications on your your phone. Hard reset was not needed.
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on the contrary..due to time...a hard reset was needed..I dont have time at this particular moment to dig and search for a solution... it is much less time consuming for me to harrd reset and restore from a back up. If you have solution to the notifications issue you should have posted it ...not trying to diss you but seriously...what was the point?

If after the write notifications script, you start the remove notification script all is good.
look into the scripts and you will see that the one does the oposite of the other.
Don't know why it dowsn't work for you.
Try the attached one, it doesn't do anything with notifications, in the archive there is a readme file.
If you don't want this anymore just delete the scripts and the lnk file(make a backup of the old one if it's there)

JeckyllHavok said:
If after the write notifications script, you start the remove notification script all is good.
look into the scripts and you will see that the one does the oposite of the other.
Don't know why it dowsn't work for you.
Try the attached one, it doesn't do anything with notifications, in the archive there is a readme file.
If you don't want this anymore just delete the scripts and the lnk file(make a backup of the old one if it's there)
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great post. I will test it out.

JeckyllHavok said:
If after the write notifications script, you start the remove notification script all is good.
look into the scripts and you will see that the one does the oposite of the other.
Don't know why it dowsn't work for you.
Try the attached one, it doesn't do anything with notifications, in the archive there is a readme file.
If you don't want this anymore just delete the scripts and the lnk file(make a backup of the old one if it's there)
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I have been using this most recent one and it has proven to be the best solution thus far! Is there any type of update on this method since your last post? I am not a member of the developers forum but I feel you are on the right track and hate to be excluded from future developments.
Thanks for all of your work!!!!!

Great, work. This is really the workaround that makes TouchFlo3D worth it for me. The turning off is smooth, whilst it takes a bit too long to switch on (I know that's touchflo and not your script).
I couldn't get the autooff to work. The instructions say to paste the autooff and poweron in the root folder. Shouldn't poweron be in the windows/startup folder? Otherwise I don't see how that script is being called? Or are the scripts in the root folders run automatically?
Is the newest mortscript beta release required for the latest version of this to work? Or would 4.05 or 4.1 do just as well?
Thanks for the good work!
Edit: Ah, the short_power.lnk calls poweron. But doesn't that means you have to manually enter standby and then wake up every time you softreset?


iPhone GUI upgrade free!

Here is the blurb I just found....
and here is the free download link...
Some of the buttons didn't work until I edited the .ini file enclosed but otherwise looks cool and works nice esp the lock/unlock slide thing.
Click this link for a VERY cool rewrite of this application;
Nice work!!!!!!!
great find! i was hoping this would show up when i first saw the video. I got it loaded and it's pretty nice to work with. One question so far....where is the comm manager located on the 8525. Im trying to find the path so i can link the settings button to it but i cannot find it. Thanks!
Edit: This is a little bigger issue for me, my clock on the device it self it correct but in the iphone launcher app it is 4 hours ahead. How and hell do i fix this? Any help is appreciated
bodypilot said:
Some of the buttons didn't work until I edited the .ini file enclosed but otherwise looks cool and works nice esp the lock/unlock slide thing.
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How did you edit the .ini file?
^^^ Same question here.
I have no issue updating. I just don't know what to do.
I downloaded and will run the file. I will take a closer look.
PS: WICKED FIND! I was starting to think that it was lost to us. said:
How did you edit the .ini file?
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Connected the phone via activesync and copied the file to my pc. Then I can edit with notepad by right click - open with etc. If that's not working for you drag the file and drop it onto a notepad icon
bodypilot said:
Connected the phone via activesync and copied the file to my pc. Then I can edit with notepad by right click - open with etc. If that's not working for you drag the file and drop it onto a notepad icon
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Here is what the config.ini file contains as default....
[Button Config]
stocks=\Program Files\TCPMP\\player.exe
maps=\Program Files\GoogleMaps\Googlemaps.exe
weather=\Program Files\Skype for Pocket PC\Skype.exe
ipod=\Program Files\Starbrite\ppod\ppod.exe
Great find!
Has anyone tried this on WM6? I'm planning to try it in a few days, so if there's no feedback, I'll let you guys know if it works.
wavesound said:
Great find!
Has anyone tried this on WM6? I'm planning to try it in a few days, so if there's no feedback, I'll let you guys know if it works.
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yes, it works on wm6 and even 2003se
i have some problem with the clock i see only 0 0 in my main screen and when i tap it to lock the screen i see nothing ....maybe it'a beacuse i have hebrow installed in my pocketpc what should i do?
and another quick qustion can i make the screen automticly lock it self after a few min that i didn't used it?
great job!!!!!
That's the same for me, "0 0" instead of the time on the clock, but the locking works when tapping on it... any idea?
I got the french Orange "Swiss" last rom...
Very good job indeed, congratulations!
james341 said:
...can i make the screen automticly lock it self after a few min that i didn't used it?
great job!!!!!
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I do not know how to do that, but I managed to map hardware button to slide.exe. To do that you have to create a link to it (for example to programs folder). Then you can map this link via Settings >> Buttons. Only issue I am having is that the time is lagging two hours on Slider screen.
bodypilot said:
Connected the phone via activesync and copied the file to my pc. Then I can edit with notepad by right click - open with etc. If that's not working for you drag the file and drop it onto a notepad icon
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Many thanks. I will try
Any ideas yet on how to get the time in the the launcher program to sync with the phone itself? Mine is still running 4 hours ahead.
CAB File
Here is a CAB for automated install/uninstall.
EDITED: --------------------------------------------------------------------
NEW INFO: Go to for the new file.
Very nice find! Like many other my only problem is with the slide unlock the time is off by 5 hours and the date is 1 day ahead. If anyone finds away to fix this please post, thanks I will continue to play around with it and see what i can come up with..........
tried it on wm6 slvw version and get "installation of iphone slider for was unsuccessful. the installation file is not intended for this device.
ceelo2007 said:
Very nice find! Like many other my only problem is with the slide unlock the time is off by 5 hours and the date is 1 day ahead. If anyone finds away to fix this please post, thanks I will continue to play around with it and see what i can come up with..........
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Just a guess - I don't have the application installed and haven't had that program but your phone has to clock settings Home -> Visting. Maybe your phone is accidentally set to Visiting clock and the home clock is off by a bit and the applications are pulling the time from the Home clock? It's a shot in the dark guess but worth a shot!
chymmylt said:
Just a guess - I don't have the application installed and haven't had that program but your phone has to clock settings Home -> Visting. Maybe your phone is accidentally set to Visiting clock and the home clock is off by a bit and the applications are pulling the time from the Home clock? It's a shot in the dark guess but worth a shot!
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Thanks for the reply that was actually the first thing that i checked when i noticed the problem
Clock Off
Best guess I can give is that the time isn't being adjusted for time zone. Mine is 5 hours ahead and I am in US Central time zone (GMT -6) so it is close to Greenwich mean time.
I would try to fix this myself since the source is provided but I need a developers kit and a compiler...
Actually if I remember correctly (big IF) daylight savings time is a US thing so with DST right now that would put the offset right at GMT.
anybody figure out how to fix the timing issue

another way or a program to turn the flash light up?

Is there a program or a way to turn the flash light on? I want to assign it to one of my hard buttons and don't like going into camera then pushing the flash on everytime i want to use it.
Don't know if it works on your device, as it wasn't designed for it, but I wrote VJCandela to do this on older devices.
I use this one:
It's great and I have it assigned to a button just as you describe. Comes in very handy when digging in a computer or server racks.
N715DP said:
I use this one:
It's great and I have it assigned to a button just as you describe. Comes in very handy when digging in a computer or server racks.
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does anyone know where i can put this exe so i can assign it to a button? i tried programs folder and windows folder and it doesn't show up on the list under settings > buttons
i also try putting the exe in the apps folder, no luck
I actually have it on my memory card... I think it gets registered as an application the first time you run it, then it can be added to the menu... it's been so long, I don't remember exactly.
N715DP said:
I actually have it on my memory card... I think it gets registered as an application the first time you run it, then it can be added to the menu... it's been so long, I don't remember exactly.
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are you using the cab one listed on that page? or the exe one
the exe I think... let me poke around and see
looks like I just put the exe in the start menu folder
N715DP said:
looks like I just put the exe in the start menu folder
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Install the cab below, then go to /Windows/Start Menu/Programs folder and make sure flashlight.lnk is there and you will be able to assign it to a button like me.
the OP would need this, mine has been working all along
nice, thank you

[ How to ] : Turn off your Touch HD without pushing the power button!

Hi guys,
I'm fairly new here, but I thought that I should join in on the contributions and give back to the community, because I've already had countless hours of help just by searching through the knowledge (mostly garbage though..) that can be found through the search engine! Anyhow, after through much sifting, I managed to create a nifty little tool to help you turn off your Touch HD via software. What's the purpose of this? It is simply to preserve the lifespan of your power button. For some reason, the powerbutton and volume buttons just don't seem too solid to me (mainly the powerbutton).
Enough wish-wash, let's get down to it!
What you need:
1) HTC Touch HD (It may work on any phone with a 480 x 800 layout, I'm not sure, I only had enough money to buy a single phone)
2) If you don't already have it, get Mortscript and install it onto your phone.
3) Now, download the tiny attachment and extract the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file within it. Place this anywhere you'd like, on your Desktop for example.
Baby-Step-by-Step instructions:
1) Connect your phone to the computer. Mine is set via USB only, no active Sync. Copy/Cut the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file to any location on the phone's storage.
2) Disconnect USB, and unplug the cable.
3) Go to File Explorer, and look for your "Auto Shutdown.mscr", wherever you placed it earlier and copy/cut the file.
4) Navigate your way to the phone's storage via File Explorer, and go to Windows > Start Menu > Programs > MortScript >
5) Paste the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" there.
6) Soft-reset.
And, that's it! I asked you to place the .mscr file inside the MortScript folder because this prevents you from accidentally pressing the file when viewing the Programs menu. If you're going to add the .mscr file to the TouchFLO shortcut list, I strongly suggest you put it all the way to the bottom to prevent accidentally presses as well. After all, upon pressing, your phone will shutdown.
Having said that, you can also now use this with Cyberon Voice Commander or Microsoft Voice Commander, so it's really quite awesome in my opinion.
If someone has already posted something like this (I don't remember seeing any when I searched though...), feel free to ignore this entire post of blabber and move along already, I can't believe you had the patience to read till this last word!
Enjoy! I know I am!
EDIT: I've uploaded a new file down below. Download that file instead. This will now work with any phone running WM 6.1 and higher. I am not certain if this will work on WM 6.5 based cores as I am not sure how the Shutdown process works.
I can't imagine that the power button (nor the volume buttons) will take any damage by simply pressing them. I'm doing so for five months now (pressing them often during the day) and haven't noticed any damage.
The only think to consider is the fact, that you have to press the power button on the left side. You don't need to press it hard then.
Anyway I think there are enough exe files, which will shutdown your device, so writing a MortScript isn't neccessary at all.
johnpatcher said:
I can't imagine that the power button (nor the volume buttons) will take any damage by simply pressing them. I'm doing so for five months now (pressing them often during the day) and haven't noticed any damage.
The only think to consider is the fact, that you have to press the power button on the left side. You don't need to press it hard then.
Anyway I think there are enough exe files, which will shutdown your device, so writing a MortScript isn't neccessary at all.
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Thanks for the input. See, I thought my power button was funky when it was only more responsive on the left side, at least now I know that the phone was made that way. To each his own I guess (I am very compulsive when it comes to the care of a new gadget, sometimes a little insane), I just got the phone like 2 days ago, so I'm still just finding my own balance on what is comfortable and preferable for me. I just thought I'd share it with you guys, that's all .
My philosophy when it comes to doing things is to do things with the least amount of resources, in this case, installing the least amount of programs. I see MortScript being very useful for me in the future in doing certain things without having to install more .exe files.
PoisonWolf said:
... It is simply to preserve the lifespan of your power button.
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Thanks for sharing your developement.
Using your tool might help to use the power button 10 years or more. I bought my device in Germany. Here we have 2 years of warranty and I don´t plan to use my Blackstone very much longer.
Matthes42 said:
Thanks for sharing your developement.
Using your tool might help to use the power button 10 years or more. I bought my device in Germany. Here we have 2 years of warranty and I don´t plan to use my Blackstone very much longer.
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I honestly cannot tell if you're trying to be condescending, patronizing or what have you. If you honestly don't want to use the script, simply don't, I'm not begging you to use it. It's really that simple. If you must go out of your way to put other people down for things they've shared, then I simply feel sorry for you.
But okay, thanks for the response.
PoisonWolf said:
Hi guys,
I'm fairly new here, but I thought that I should join in on the contributions and give back to the community, because I've already had countless hours of help just by searching through the knowledge (mostly garbage though..) that can be found through the search engine! Anyhow, after through much sifting, I managed to create a nifty little tool to help you turn off your Touch HD via software. What's the purpose of this? It is simply to preserve the lifespan of your power button. For some reason, the powerbutton and volume buttons just don't seem too solid to me (mainly the powerbutton).
Enough wish-wash, let's get down to it!
What you need:
1) HTC Touch HD (It may work on any phone with a 480 x 800 layout, I'm not sure, I only had enough money to buy a single phone)
2) If you don't already have it, get Mortscript and install it onto your phone.
3) Now, download the tiny attachment and extract the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file within it. Place this anywhere you'd like, on your Desktop for example.
Baby-Step-by-Step instructions:
1) Connect your phone to the computer. Mine is set via USB only, no active Sync. Copy/Cut the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file to any location on the phone's storage.
2) Disconnect USB, and unplug the cable.
3) Go to File Explorer, and look for your "Auto Shutdown.mscr", wherever you placed it earlier and copy/cut the file.
4) Navigate your way to the phone's storage via File Explorer, and go to Windows > Start Menu > Programs > MortScript >
5) Paste the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" there.
6) Soft-reset.
And, that's it! I asked you to place the .mscr file inside the MortScript folder because this prevents you from accidentally pressing the file when viewing the Programs menu. If you're going to add the .mscr file to the TouchFLO shortcut list, I strongly suggest you put it all the way to the bottom to prevent accidentally presses as well. After all, upon pressing, your phone will shutdown.
Having said that, you can also now use this with Cyberon Voice Commander or Microsoft Voice Commander, so it's really quite awesome in my opinion.
If someone has already posted something like this (I don't remember seeing any when I searched though...), feel free to ignore this entire post of blabber and move along already, I can't believe you had the patience to read till this last word!
Enjoy! I know I am!
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Thanks for spending the time to share with us your program... I find it usefull as i.m sure many more will....
Thanks for sharing!!!
I've actually tweaked it a little bit. I am currently using the attached version. The attached version will work with any phone of any resolution (I think it has to be WM6.1 and above).
Still reading up on the Mortscript language, very nifty, I must say! Enjoy!
I used my last phone (XDA) for five years. The power button went after a couple of years. Ok it really got smashed in as it fell off a two story scaffold on a construction site so I might just bookmark this page for later use.
can we just put the .msr into the programs folder and without installing the mortscript, will it work?
bigdeal88 said:
can we just put the .msr into the programs folder and without installing the mortscript, will it work?
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No, you need mortscript because it is the parser. Mortscript is the program that reads and processes/parses the .mscr files. It is essentially a simple script reader.
Why do you ask? Are you not able to use Mortscript?
PoisonWolf said:
No, you need mortscript because it is the parser. Mortscript is the program that reads and processes/parses the .mscr files. It is essentially a simple script reader.
Why do you ask? Are you not able to use Mortscript?
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this application is just too great to be missed. its just that i am lazy to try mortscript.. would be wonderful if there is a cab file. nonetheless, am dnloading mortscipt now to give this prog a try.
thanks alot!
Hi, i followed the instructions, installed mortscript and copy the file, reset phone. When i click the file "shutdown process.mscr" i get a warning.
Window "Warning" could not be found.
Line 2 (\windows\start menu\programs\mortscript\shutdown process.mscr):waitforactive("warning", 10)
thanks for your effort.
ruguk said:
Hi, i followed the instructions, installed mortscript and copy the file, reset phone. When i click the file "shutdown process.mscr" i get a warning.
Window "Warning" could not be found.
Line 2 (\windows\start menu\programs\mortscript\shutdown process.mscr):waitforactive("warning", 10)
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Are you using WM 6.1? The script assumes that you have the "PowerOffWarning.exe" available in your Windows folder. I would assume that all WM 6.1 would have this file.
You're welcome.
Hi, my version is just 6. So i guess thats why i don't have PowerOffWarning.exe in windows folder. Maybe its time to upgrade my phone or search more for a full shutdown soft.
ruguk said:
Hi, my version is just 6. So i guess thats why i don't have PowerOffWarning.exe in windows folder. Maybe its time to upgrade my phone or search more for a full shutdown soft.
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There is no need to mate. Go to your windows folder and browse the contents. I assure you, you will find something along the lines of PoweroffWarning.exe. Just keep looking. When you think you've found the right file, just try pressing on it and see if the warning window pops up. If that's the one, then you've got the right file. All you do then is open the .mscr file with notepad and modify the PowerOffWarning.exe name to the name of whatever it is that you found. It is important that you leave the formatting exactly the same as it was.
PoisonWolf said:
I've actually tweaked it a little bit. I am currently using the attached version. The attached version will work with any phone of any resolution (I think it has to be WM6.1 and above).
Still reading up on the Mortscript language, very nifty, I must say! Enjoy!
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I had been looking for a app that could turn off the phone.
I hate having to hold the power button.
cyberhern said:
I had been looking for a app that could turn off the phone.
I hate having to hold the power button.
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Haha, you're welcome. But if you don't mind installing a third party program and filling up the registry with an additional couple of lines, look for the PowerOptions software in the Development and Hacking section.
PoisonWolf said:
Haha, you're welcome. But if you don't mind installing a third party program and filling up the registry with an additional couple of lines, look for the PowerOptions software in the Development and Hacking section. Cheers.
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Found it thanks very cool
Also found a cab that adds a power off ink
its called 888_poweroff
thanks again

No touchflo when booting

Hi there,
I've searched the forum but could not find this problem yet.
90% out of the time when I boot the sytem it does not start the touchflo software. I need to reboot it again after which it does start.
Any thoughts?
Same for me.. but for 50%.
I suspect S2U2 or maybe the SIM pincode form to make troubles with touchflo
Sounds weired but open the keyboard and type your pin in landscape mode. Don´t know why but it works
I have found this to work.
Put the device in Airplane Mode before you reboot. It works for me.
I have put an manila.exe shortcut on windows/startup folder.
Now all´s working fine.
By the way, this is a great piece of hardware.
Hmm,strange, never happened to me before, has been using more than 1 month now. Restart many times, and TouchFlo still start normal.
Maybe you have to many third party software installed :>
Same problem here.
Already posted in lots of threads around, looking for an answer. I even hardreset the device trying to isolate the problem. At first I thought it would be s2u2, but then I found that Max TTM places a "shake" program in the startup folder. After removing it, the device started loading TF3D fine (most of the time).
Since it happened again already once, my conclusion is that neither the shake program nor s2u2 are the true softwares to blame. I think it is something in my startup folder tho.
I had the same problem..
And i solved it, by uninstalling S2U2 I really like S2U2 but i had to uninstall this to get TF3D working directly.
This is what happened to me in detail:
1: Installed S2U2 > Reboot > TF3D Won't Boot
2: Reboot > TF3D Won't Boot
3: Reboot > TF3D Won't Boot
4: Reboot > TF3D Boots
Every 3 resets TF3D boots, otherwise nothing will happen.
When uninstalling S2U2 everything was fine.
ark666 said:
I have put an manila.exe shortcut on windows/startup folder.
Now all´s working fine.
By the way, this is a great piece of hardware.
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Did that! Thanks! Solved the problem...
StealthNet said:
Did that! Thanks! Solved the problem...
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Since I'm a total N00B, can someone tell me how I can do this?
I'm glad by the way that I am not the only one woth this problem
Thanks again
I've found that if I put my PIN fix in the Phone settings so you don't need to enter it anymore upon booting the phone TF3D always launches...
And must say, when I use shortcuts to reset the device it won't boot neither, but when I shut down the phone and start it again it starts...
Ok, I think I just spoke too early. I give up.
Already thought that S2U2 was causing the problem. Thought it was Max TTM... but thing is, after using the manila.exe shortcut, the clock doesn´t work anymore (it gets the time when it booted but stays there).
So, basically, add me to the ones that have this problem. Tbh, I guess I´ll just hardreset the phone right now. Argh!
Hiho and hello to everybody (1st Post )
I have the same problem but with my TP2 it helps disconecting the phone from the cabel. The last 20 resets TF is starting.
Hope this will help you.
since i installed MAX TTM i have this problem! even if i launch it from \windows\manila.exe...time doesnt work...
cbx_smtp said:
Since I'm a total N00B, can someone tell me how I can do this?
I'm glad by the way that I am not the only one woth this problem
Thanks again
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In FileExplorer you tap and hold the manila.exe file in the \Windows folder. In the pop up menu you choose copy. Then move to the \Windows\StartUp folder and tap and hold in a blank spot. Choose paste shortcut in the pop up menu. That's it, or at least one way to do it.
I don't think manila.exe is a hidden systemfile, unless the entire \Windows folder is hidden. Then you will have go to options and tic the show hidden files.
Same thing with touchflo. It doesn´t work. Any modificaion causes problems with tf3.
The method with starting in flight modus works fine and another method with entering PIN with hardware-keyboard works too. I think there is a bug with PIN-keyboard and i hope it will be patched. Anyway i´ve heard win 6.5 coming soon as an oficial update and then... maybe this tf3 problem will not be relevant for us.
I hope it´s sounds english enough to understand it.
Same problem.
I solved deleting the cleartemp startup shotcurt on windows/startup.
How many of you guys/girls, have the 1% battery cab installed?
I have same problem , but before install the 1% battery cab.
Also have 1%Battery thing, but had the problem before.
I feel, that if I wait a few seconds before typing in the pin until all icons in the upper right corner are present, booting touchflo3d works fine.
Please try!

2 very specific questions (Disable the cannot connect bubble solved)

I would like to both find the following 2 fixes and cook them into my rom, but i cannot yet find the fixes - perhaps someone could be so kind as to help.
1. I do not want to see the 'could not connect' message - yes I have disabled both the connected and disconnected option but cannot find a way to remove that message. Really annoying when using TomTom.
2. When I tap the little keyboard at the bottom, to bring up the on screen keyboard, half the tme I accidentally get the input option menu I never use this and only want the standard keyboard - can I disable the option menu?
I have more questions, but am working through them as I think they are solvable by me with more time research.
Many thanks.
EDIT - See post 22 for likley solution to problem 1
crazyC said:
1. I do not want to see the 'could not connect' message - yes I have disabled both the connected and disconnected option but cannot find a way to remove that message. Really annoying when using TomTom.
2. When I tap the little keyboard at the bottom, to bring up the on screen keyboard, half the tme I accidentally get the input option menu I never use this and only want the standard keyboard - can I disable the option menu?
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1. I don't know.
Softreset...that's it.
Thanks, but I have tried that and it did not work. (I have gone back and checked that the reg edit was still there after the soft reset, and it was.)
TomTom breaking Manila
I still cannot answer my two initial questions, but have come across a strange issue.
I have tried to cook TomTom into my ROM to save time on the install. I have done this is the past with old style kitchens on previous phones no problem.
I have used the cab to ext converter in OsKitchen and made a package. If I inlcude the package in my ROM however, Manila will not start. Itr just syas tap here to start HTC Sense, and then flickers a bit but for love nor money I cannot make it start.
By a process of elimination I am sure it is the TomTom package causing this.
Running the cab via cab does not cause this issue.
Would anyone know what the problem might be?
Don't use the cab converter to make the EXT. My guess is that the cab has a setup.dll, and the converter is missing something important. Here is how you want to make the package:
Install the cab; get all of the files created and put them in your package. Obviously, there will be files in \program files, but there may be some dumped into \windows, \my documents, the device root or \application data or \startup. There may be a new directory in \windows. Find those files and put them in the package as well; organize them however you want. Personally, I'd relocated the .exe and dll's and anything else I could into \windows, but I've never used tom-tom and don't know how it's organized or how it works.
Next, get all of the registry keys (after you register the program). I'm guessing that it's HKCU\software\tomtom or hklm\software\tomtom or something similar. There may also be other keys installed elsewhere (like clsid keys). Find those. If there's a setup.dll, you can open it with a text editor and probably see where they are. Some may appear in the _setup.xml. The best way to do this is to track changes with sk tracker, or do it the hard way and compare the registry before and after install with windiff (comparing full registry exports).
Once you have all the files and the reg keys, build the package. Clearly, the package builder is failing you, so I'd punt on it. Don't cook in the setup.dll, though (or anyting with a similar name, like tom-tomsetup.dll; sometimes there's more than one). Also, sometimes more complicated cabs will have zip files that install further during installation-open these up, look at them to make sure you have all the contents, then remove from the package.
Just a little add to Farmer Ted's excelent instruction.
I use wince cab manager to extract a cab, this will give you the registry plus the file locations.
This will give you something to compaire and helps you easier search what you are looking for.
The file locations you can create yourself in initflashfiles.dat or app.dat
To export a registry on device I use registry workshop.
With registry workshop you can export registry from your device straight to your pc.
If you are planning to realocate all the files to windows you need to edit the shortcuts to so they direct to windows and not program files for example.
The shortcuts you can open with a tekst editor.
Thanks guys - much appreciated.
The problem is that TomTom runs fine, its just that it screws up Manila. I will try and pull the cab to pieces as advised to make sure it is converting properly and also to see if I can spot anything that might impact Manila in the registry etc.
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on teh original two questions?
Not realy, but if the cab runs fine but your package isnt then there must be something wrong in the package isn't?
crazyC said:
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on teh original two questions?
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There is actually not much in the cab.
Using Wince cab Manager I can see no setup.dll
There are also no reg entries - nor can I find anything in the reg on the device that does anything other than list the install directory.
Looking at th files it installs, there are a couple of bluetooth files that can cause an error - odly it seems to not affect me when it is a cab but it must overwrite the windows ones when it is cooked in. The only thing I can think of is that it also has a phone.dll that presumably overwrites the one in the sys.
I will try cooking without this in my next build and see.
Unfortunately I am out of time as have recooked/flashed almost ten times trying to tie down this issue and then getting back to a stable base.
I have also 'broken' Arkswitch which was working on earlier builds. Don't think its related though.
crazyC said:
Thanks guys - much appreciated.
The problem is that TomTom runs fine, its just that it screws up Manila. I will try and pull the cab to pieces as advised to make sure it is converting properly and also to see if I can spot anything that might impact Manila in the registry etc.
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on teh original two questions?
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It's weird that it screws up manila; I don't use manila (or T-T, obviously), so can't help you there. I'm just guessing that you're missing a registry key that you need to get the package to work. Is there a tom-tom demo (not warez)? If you post a link, I'll take a look at the cab to see if I can make an ext from it, or figure out what's going on. Some cabs are just a *****, and you're better of doing a cab install. You should see the Redfly cab, it's sick, lol. It's one that has a zip file that does a secondary install. I hate it. I also hate Redfly, but that's another story.
I read somewhere that with some sip buttons, if you press the left half, it launches the keyboard, and if you press the right half, it launches the menu. I've never experienced it myself, and don't know which builds it affects or why it happens. Is this what's going on? I'm just guessing, since you say it eff's up half the time. I have no idea how to disable the connection message, but I wouldn't mind knowing how, either. It's annoying as crap.
What's your device memory left over?
I'm just thinking, maybe you could exclude TomTom from the taskmanager exclusive list.
Sorry one more idea, you are cooking for Rhodium right?
HD2 and Rhodium have a simulair bluetooth stack.
I remember on first HD2 roms there were some problems with TomTom and bluetooth on HD2.
Just a taught.
crazyC said:
There is actually not much in the cab.
Using Wince cab Manager I can see no setup.dll
There are also no reg entries - nor can I find anything in the reg on the device that does anything other than list the install directory.
Looking at th files it installs, there are a couple of bluetooth files that can cause an error - odly it seems to not affect me when it is a cab but it must overwrite the windows ones when it is cooked in. The only thing I can think of is that it also has a phone.dll that presumably overwrites the one in the sys.
I will try cooking without this in my next build and see.
Unfortunately I am out of time as have recooked/flashed almost ten times trying to tie down this issue and then getting back to a stable base.
I have also 'broken' Arkswitch which was working on earlier builds. Don't think its related though.
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Thanks both for your continued help.
Yes I am cooking for the Rhodium and am using the Rhodium Manila plus Cookie 1.6.1 so as to keep memory use in check. Ok I have added in the 1.8 HTC messaging but it doesn't cause a problem. Memory is about 40% free on first boot - am also using 23568 as the SYS base. I also use Ameba.
I think my Arkswitch issue is due to something else cooked in, but being honest I dont really use Arkswitch much and so am going to drop it next time I cook I think.
Farmer Ted - There is no issue with TomTom as regards Warez as far as I know - the program is fine - it is the maps that must be purchased and talking about getting round that is where the problems arise. The program itself is OK.
I might get one last chance to cook and flash tonight to check out my theory about the Phone.dll. If not I will post back and throw myself on your mercy, although as you say, it might be better to just live with the fact it will be a cab install. due to the way the files interact and the fact that the tomtom package works, I do think something is being overwritten in the cooking process and all I can see is that file.
The reason I have persisted with TomTom is that I have made an old style OEM package in the past from the cab with no problems (long lost kitchen).
With regards to the Bluetooth issues - I have sorted those now AFAIK.
RESULT! re TomTom - will post back after putting my little girl to bed.
OK - to summarise.
I ran TomTom through the cab importer within OsKitchen and it produced a package.
Although the cab had installed and run with no errors, cooking it in created 2 errors.
Firstly, there was a bluetooth message about bttray or something not being a valid application.
This is caused by two BT files in windows being overwritten by the TomTom ones. Simply renaming the two fiels to include the word OLD in the name sorted that. I will just remove them next time as I do not think they are necessary if the windows files are there.
The second issue was that Manila would not start. I believe this is due to a similar issue to the above, in that phone.dll was being overwritten. I renamed the file to PhoneOLD.dll and cooked in the package and now Manila starts.....
Still looking for answers to my first two questions though
(and yes its cos I keep hittingt he side of the button with my fat fingers that the keyboard selector comes up)
I'm not sure what's up with the keyboard, although I use Resco, so maybe you don't get then menu popup when you hit the wrong half. Have you tried killing SIPGT_app.exe? Maybe it won't pop up with that killed. If that's the case, then remove the bootlauncher key in your ezinput package. Killing it may not help, though.
I could not find that exe file to kill. The keyboard behavious is I believe as it is intended to work - just not how I want it. But are you saying Resco Keyboard fixes this?
However my final reflash last night seems to have gone a bit nuts. I am now getting all sorts of problems with apps not being able to run because they are unsigned etc or bits missing.
We are talking about stuff cooked in that has previously worked flawlessly.
Had some issues with my PC last night as well. I think I need to go back a step when I get home tonight and maybe rebuild the kitchen.
Time and kitchens have moved on a little, but as things are going well, I am back to my original 2 questions that continue to perplex me:
1. Is there a way of stopping the 'cannot connect' bubble from coming up, or even to make it automatically close after say a few seconds.
2. Is there a way of stopping the keyboard selector menu from popping up when the side of the keyboard icon is hit. I just want the qwerty option and do not want the menu to come up ever.
I have been able to make no headway at all with (1), - found mention of one cab somewhere but the link had expired - and have tried various things for (2) but with no success yet.
PS- to follow up my previous posts yes the fixes I mentioned for Tom Tom work fine - it was the 3 files causing the issues.
In my old Kaiser roms i used the below reg key to disable connect notification,sorry i really dont remember if it disable also"cannot connect".
Disable Sip Menù is the same reg key that another guy posted here:
I tried it on my HD2 before posting here and setting it to 0 it leave the menù where you can select keypad,compact qwerty,full qwerty and language,it is still present a little menù with the option and my guess is that this isnt removable.
crazyC said:
Time and kitchens have moved on a little, but as things are going well, I am back to my original 2 questions that continue to perplex me:
1. Is there a way of stopping the 'cannot connect' bubble from coming up, or even to make it automatically close after say a few seconds.
2. Is there a way of stopping the keyboard selector menu from popping up when the side of the keyboard icon is hit. I just want the qwerty option and do not want the menu to come up ever.
I have been able to make no headway at all with (1), - found mention of one cab somewhere but the link had expired - and have tried various things for (2) but with no success yet.
PS- to follow up my previous posts yes the fixes I mentioned for Tom Tom work fine - it was the 3 files causing the issues.
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Cheers for that - I am concluding that the SIP issue I wil live with, and I already have that reg key set to zero for the connections issue, to no avail. I am experimenting with some other keys, but its really shooting in that dark, and as I cannot readily reporduce the notification, it will be a few days before I can even see any change.
Oh well. I will update if I get anywhere.
Ooooohhh, following some more digging, I MAY have an answer re the cannot connect bubble. I saw someone elses solution and that has actually led me to what could be far simpler.
I will try and cab it up later tonight for other to try. It is just a reg entry
EDIT - maybe I spoke too soon.
I am testing this by alternating between 3G and 2G on the comm manager - normally this will pull up the message. (Could someone confirm this as a valid test method).
I thought I had it solved, then the message appeared, but have done it another ten times with no hint of the message.
Some more testing to do......

