TomTom - GPS is gone???? - P3470 General

I need help !!! After flashing my Pharos with "PHAROS_ROM_20755_WWE_manila2d_opal_v8.by_poldo" my Tom Tom software disapeared and the device cannot find the intern GPS ?!?! I managed to install TomTom software from the TomTom web page but I cannot use it cous GPS is still not there.

Geman ROM
I have the same Problem. And others too.
look here:
Only orange Rom works, I tried it.
But i can't speak french.
Does anyone know, how to change the language into German?
The German Rom which is posted here also does not work with GPS.
Does anybady have an other German Rom, where GPS is OK?
Thanks for Reply,


Tom TOm greek map Searching

Hi everyone,
I'm searching for a Greek map for my O2 XDAII fot tomtom navigator 3.
Does anyone have it and help me please?
I'll come to Greek for holiday!!!!
Regards and many thanks,
Here you´re able to buy this maps....
PS: Closed thread.....

I'm looking for tomtom cab files please help

In computer crash I lost my cab files of tomtom. Anyone can point me to a link where I can download it? Thank you
mmm :shock:
they have the tomtom cab files for download also you can reinstall the from you cd??
bertboeve i hope that isnt pirate software :lol: the mods wont be pleased
Hi gays, firstly excuse my poor English speaking!!
Tomorrow I'll be a happy HTC cruise owner but here in France the operator SFR remove the tomtom software from the phone and also the GPS CD from the package . So is it possible to have an '.iso' image of the GPS CD. for HTC French users it's will be really grate

Language Pack in German an New functions in WM6 on feeler

Hey Guys,
at first i want to say, that i´m really tankfull for making a wm6 version for my feeler (SDA).
But after a lot of searching i already couldn´t find an german language pack for this rom.
(i installed the t9 in german) but there was nothing to see like a german language pack.
I installed this Rom : WM6.for.Feeler.and.Amadeus.WWE.ClearType
inside i can only find a english an chinese pack. is it possible to install german on this phone? (please give me a link or something)
and the second part of this tread:
what are the ne functions in WM6? i didnt saw any great change from ronswens wm5 to wm6.
(the only thing is, i found the office mobile.)
Is there any other thing that i could do with it?
i hope the battery leaking bug isnt in this rom, but i couldnt test it, because i installed it this night. so when there is the bug in my rom how can i fix it?
so long..
So i forgott something: my tomtom isnt runnig since i flashed wm6. i can start it and agree to the safety rules, then i have to choose my map, after doing a click on the map tom tom hungs up.........
I search for a german languagepack too. I hope somebody has one.
has someone a german version of wm6 or an language pack.
how long is the standby with wm6 on an sda?
ciao mavo
I am also looking for a German languagepack.
I have begun to build one but i have many Problems.

TomTom6 with Chinese P3600i

Does anyone know if its possible to run TomTom if you have a Chinese OS? My previous cellphone was a Dopod D810 and with the Chinese OS, TomTom cannot find the maps on the MiniSD - the "Storage Card" text is in Chinese. To solve that problem, I just downloaded the English version of the Rom.
Now I have purchased a HTC P3600i - also Chinese (got a deal, since it was used) - but now HTC doesn't provide the English ROM anymore. So does anybody know if there's a trick in getting TomTom to find the maps on the MiniSD Card?
I've already tried downloading the official TomTom6 cab file provided by HTC, but no luck there.
Thanks in advance.

Tom Tom or Ndrive to Qtek s200

Hello to all,
I´m trying to get tom tom or ndrive soft to my qtek s200, but until now.....nothing.
Can anyone help me with that..
Sorry for my english..
can you please say what´s your problem?
Is your phone dead, or doen´t start your tomtom after install.
Another choise... does the installer doesn´t work and which version of tomtom is interessting, too.
Have you this programm on SD, or DVD? (catch question)
No it´s not dead, i can´t get the software anywhere to put tom tom or ndrive on my qtek.
i search in many sites, but a can´t get any program (tom tom or ndrive ) to install it in my qtek
I~m in Portugal, so i would like the program with portuguese or iberic maps.
do a google search on Ndrive pocketpc and I think you will find something useful..
Oh sorry I misundersood.
It´s a little bit nasty, but look first at TomTom
The software I in your language available and I hope it can help you to fish the right one, wheresoever.
Eu tenho o TOMTOM ultima versao e funciona bem. Manda PM
