text to speech programs - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Anyone knows if there's any text to speech/voice program for diamond?

Not jet. ask a developer

Try Flite, which lives here: http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/flite/
It's a bit basic but works fine.

what about speech to text?


Morse Code Input/Program

I tried a search on the forums here and didn't find anything. Also an extensive Google search with no results, so I don't have that great of an outlook here.
Does anyone know of a program to either:
Add a Morse code input to the Windows Mobile OS (preferred)
Something to let me write SMS messages using Morse code (ala http://laivakoira.typepad.com/blog/2005/05/morse_texter.html)
The idea would be to allow me to send SMS messages (and possibly do other text-related tasks) on my Wizard using one hand and one or more of the buttons on the front. The other program linked above is basically exactly what I would want, but it's for Symbian phones.
From what I know of the .NET compact framework, it shouldn't be too hard to hack up a similar program for Wizards. So I can always give it a go if no one knows of an existing one.
I've looked for such a program extensively myself and haven't found anything so far.

Speech to Text

I am wondering if anybody knows of a good Speech to Text Program I can use on my mogul. What I am looking to do is be able to reply to text messages or emails while driving. Using a bluetooth headset would be the best way, i just want to be able to touch reply and speak the text, the touch send and not have to type on the keyboard while driving. Any suggestions appreciated. Thank you for your responses in advance.
Sprint Mogul
WM 6.1
Jott is a pretty neat service, with the basic idea being that you can call a phone number, dictate a message, and have it sent wherever you want (SMS, email, blog, etc.):
I believe they are still using human transcribers, believe it or not, rather than speech-to-text software. I suppose the benefits & drawbacks of that are debatable. It doesn't quite nail your original request, in that it's not integrated into your phone (so you couldn't hit "reply" from there) -- so that may be a deal-breaker for you. But, it's free and probably worth a try. And they keep adding lots of new features, such as "Jott Links" to things like Google Calendar:
and going the other direction, with the text-to-speech functionality of "Jott Feeds":
(or even have your Gmail read to you if you like):

Text-to-speech (TTS) SMS Reader (like Blue&Me®)

Hi, Folks,
I'm searching for a software to read the incoming SMS like the Blue&Me® by Fiat/Microsoft do.
I've found this app (TellMeText 1.1.0), but it has only one language (US English), and the language file is compiled with the executable app.
Anyone knows a app to do this function and a way to use the Gabriela Voice (Pt-BR) from iGo or something like this?
Thanks in advanced
Microsoft Voice Commander can do what you want (read out SMS), do a search for the cab.
this belongs in the Q&A section
thank you

Google Speech to Text seems to be broken after update...

Anyone else having this problem? I switched to Vlingo and it's keyboard and everything works fine. Does the Google voice server go down often or is it something going on in my phone from the update?
I'm specifically trying to use text messaging with speech to text.

text to speech using eclipse

i want to have voice prompt in my android app.., i have used the text to speech program for this, that program will take user input in the form of edit text and then speak out that text, i want to use that program for voice prompt like when the time is set it will speak out this phrase " your time is set to" and the new time which is set by time picker like 08:00,so it should speak like "your time is set to 8 o' clock" can anybody help me out in this please ??
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