SKScheMa script help pls - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I am looking to create a script similar to the
this tutorial or even the 'Connect to different GPRS providers (if you have "multisim" adapter)'
In my situation, i have a single Sim with 2 different APN's (GPRS Connections). By default it will use the 3G conenction but if its GSM then i want it to use the back up connection.
One is for EDGE/2.5G connections (when its roaming)
the other is for 3G connections.
I can set it manually in my 'Connections' settings but i'd love for it to check and adjust automatically according to the Not Roaming 3G or Roaming 2.5G
Can anyone please help?
thanks in advance!
edit: would a script that looks to see if GSM is active then select the matching connection?


How to if I only want data via WiFi - Don't want to pay carrier data fees

I'm sorry... I've searched the forum using a few different keywords and can't find exactly how to do this. I did see a posting on "MoDaCo_NoData" but it seems to crash on my Tytn (installs but errors after it runs).
I have downloaded the official HTC WM6 Rom update and have that installed now. I'm just reading up on the hacked roms (Black Majik)... might try it in a week or two.
I know on WM5 if I didn't enable WiFi and by mistake ran IE, it downloads the data from the cell network, which is definately NOT what I want. Worse, if for some dumb reason, Wifi is a low signal, it might drop and push you onto the cell network for data, which has happened to me a few times now and unless you are paranoid (I am now), you never notice that it's slipped onto cell data network. It's starting to cost me a fortune.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Just change the settings for your gprs data connection so they are incorrect and then wont connect to the network, easily done .
Start/Settings/Connections/Connections/Advanced/Select Network
Some clarification needed...
Just change the settings for your gprs data connection so they are incorrect and then wont connect to the network, easily done .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry... where do I do that exactly? If I go to connections, click on "GPRS Setting" it asks me is I want to use PAP or CHAP... nothing else.
As well, I forgot to mention I did get a Tytn for my wife as well, so would be nice if there was a program or simple step to enable/disable and easy for the wife to use.
Start/Settings/Connections/Connections/Advanced/Select Network
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, doing this brings up "Network Managment" with two items on screen to choose.
1. Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using:
Options: a) My ISP
b) My Work Network
Edit / New
2. Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: Options:
a) My Work Network
b) My ISP
If I do item 1 above, and change it to My Work Network, then I can no longer access web sites via WiFi. Which is what I'd like to do, just use WiFi, no other wireless data transfers via the cell carrier.
Thanks for your help and any clarifications..
You are facing errors with your Modaco Nodata because you haven't setup any data connection (3G or GPRS) to your provider. Try setting it up and running Modaco Nodata again.
It works a breeze for me. But then again, if you don't have any connections setup, you shouldn't worry about anything in fact.
cmariotti said:
Sorry... where do I do that exactly? If I go to connections, click on "GPRS Setting" it asks me is I want to use PAP or CHAP... nothing else.
As well, I forgot to mention I did get a Tytn for my wife as well, so would be nice if there was a program or simple step to enable/disable and easy for the wife to use.
Thanks, doing this brings up "Network Managment" with two items on screen to choose.
1. Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using:
Options: a) My ISP
b) My Work Network
Edit / New
2. Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: Options:
a) My Work Network
b) My ISP
If I do item 1 above, and change it to My Work Network, then I can no longer access web sites via WiFi. Which is what I'd like to do, just use WiFi, no other wireless data transfers via the cell carrier.
Thanks for your help and any clarifications..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When you go to Connections/Connections/Advanced/Select Network/and select My Work Network, click EDIT then click on the Proxy Settings tab and check this network connects to the internet....
Simply go into the network settings area (the same area people have noted above) and remove every connection other than your wi-fi.
Poke around, you'll figure it out.
Even easier
Call your carrier and disable data to that phone. Then there are NO worries that you accidentally change a setting and get a big bill as a result.
Maybe you can use CommmgrPro
I use WiFi when ever and havent ever had fees................

Set radio to GSM (save power)

Does anyone know how to get the phone to use GSM only for radio connection. Then, separately, GPRS / HSDPA for data when specified? This ought to save a fair bit of power. I looked in the settings, and can disable HSDPA, and specify GSM for SMS but nothing more.
Setting, Phone, Band tab then change auto to GSM under Select your network type.

WM6.1 Networking very confusing, can anyone demistify it?

Hi folks
Since day 1, I have always found the Networking (WiFi, 3G) system on WM61 very confusing.
If I go to connections, I have "My work network", Under there I have my Vodafone live profile. I have no idea why. Why cant I see WiFi settings here, and adapters etc
Under advanced, I can choose programs that auto connect to the net and auto connect to a private network. I have to set both of these to "My work network" otherwise my Vodafone Live 3G connection will not work. Surely connecting to a private network and connecting to the internet could be one and the same (in the case of using a router via a lan) ? Also this Network Management dialog does not seem to have anything to do with the Wi Fi network. I mean I cannot get at my WiFi adapters here etc.
The whole thing is a mess, If I want to see WiFi settings I have to use the WiFo icon in settings.
Can anyone make sense of this for me (and I'm sure many others). I'd love to see a definitive guide as to whats what, an explanation of each function/icon/tab/dialog
and finally a recommended setup for using WiFi, 3G etc
im kinda confused by WM6.1 network management too!
Currently i have my top setting set to 'Work Network' so that it accesses my wifi at home,
And the 'private network' is set to my 3G data provider, however it seems very clunky and if it was the other way around, i risk using my 3G data allowance even if Wifi was connected.
Im keen to also get some clarity here.

Wifi instead of Data connection

I have been trying for a long time trying to figure out a way to use Samsung Omnia Pro b7610 wifi connection for all applications which require internet connection like windows update, widgets, browsing internet. No matter what i do, it doesnt work, although I managed to somehow use wifi for browsing internet by using IE but no other service. When I go to "Manage my connection", it shows me no option for making a wifi connection, it only shows make/edit modem connection, VPN, proxy settings and if i go to advance settings it shows my GPRS connections only for editing, if I want to make a new connection, it asks me for dialing properties only related to modem.
Please help me out, what should I do. Another thing on the top bar where all the icons are displayed for network, battery, there is an "E" in a box, as far as I think it is my GPRS connection/data connection, but when I click on this icon it takes me to network settings where there is no option for disabling it, like it does in case of wifi icon.
when you create/edit your gprs setting, you need to make sure in the "select a modem", you are using GPRS. Then you will need to setup your access point. I.E., Tmobile would be either or
i have all the GPRS settings, which my service provider sent me and I saved them. It shows all the info like access point, user name, password but my problem is not this, I do not want to use GPRS at all, instead I want my wifi to be my default connection for all internet related tasks, I want to disable GPRS.
The icon for GPRS at top task bar which is "E" in a box, does not disappear no matter what I do, I want to pay for GPRS charges for accessing internet instead I want to use wifi for this purpose, please help me out to disable this E icon, when I click on it, it takes to network settings, where all the settings are like Select band, select network -manual/automatic, wifi, 3g- which I have turned off, no GPRS enable or disable function.
My problem is simple, i want to use wifi as a default connection like we do on our PC/laptop, so that all the applications which need internet access can use wifi instead of GPRS or data connection.
i have managed the same problem with a freeware named NoData
there you can enable & disable GPRS/WAP connections
google for 'modaco nodata'

How to change from GPRS to 3G/HSDPA?

I've got my new phone today and it's awesome!!
For some reason, it's only connecting on GPRS (a "G" in the bar at the top) and I can't find the setting to tell it to seach for 3G/HSDPA networks!
On my old phone, I manually set it to only use GPRS, so this maybe why as the setting is remembered on the simcard (?).
There is an option to switch on and off 3g data access under Settings > Wireless and Network > Mobile Networks > Use only 2g Networks

