What exactly is app unlock? - Shadow General

I am recommended to app unlock my shadow before changing the theme or anything, right?
But, I already changed my theme... And don't know if I should app unlock, whatever that means, my phone.
THanks in advanced.

ywindlass said:
I am recommended to app unlock my shadow before changing the theme or anything, right?
But, I already changed my theme... And don't know if I should app unlock, whatever that means, my phone.
THanks in advanced.
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I dont know about needing it for a theme, but on some applications you need it for them to work. Read http://www.allshadow.com/2008/05/23/how-to-app-unlock-your-shadow/

Yes, what the application unlock program does is unlock your phones security certificate so that you can install programs that are not signed with a security cerficate or seal. It lets you put most any program that is availible onto your phone, aswell as update the ROM.

Ok, thanks... I installed it.. How do i know its installed though?

If you can succesfully install third party programs, then you are indeed unlocked.

ashasaur said:
If you can succesfully install third party programs, then you are indeed unlocked.
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Yes, there is no real pop up or notification that says you are. If you installed it correctly, i bet its unlocked for ya


What is being installed, and how to STOP it?

After formating my athena it automatically starts to install something!
Does anyone know what it installs and if it is possible to stop it from doing that?
I want to make a new fresh installation and only install programs that I like and want!
I have the original WM6 rom!
Please help!
I think you are seeing the device initialization, something that HTC has inserted into the ROM installation process. Not something you want to stop if you want the drivers so everything works.
It is the Extended ROM - basically all the customisation your carrier installs.
But why on earth use a standard ROM rather than an AP one?
Confucious said:
It is the Extended ROM - basically all the customisation your carrier installs.
But why on earth use a standard ROM rather than an AP one?
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AP one?
I am not familiar with that, what is it?
Thanks in advance!
AP = Athena Project
A group of very clever people have created ROMS for the Athena with all the good biots and none of the bad bits.
The latest version is 3.0 Dual at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=346221
But 4.0 is finished and will be released when the unlocker is ready.
Thank you so much!
Confucious said:
AP = Athena Project
A group of very clever people have created ROMS for the Athena with all the good biots and none of the bad bits.
The latest version is 3.0 Dual at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=346221
But 4.0 is finished and will be released when the unlocker is ready.
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Thanks, will check it out now!
branko.savic said:
Thanks, will check it out now!
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If I install the AP 3 Rom, will I void my warranty?
yes, because you have to use olipro's unlocker first so your device can be super CID
edit: your original question - i think but im not for sure be if you stick the stylus in the back and and do a soft reset right before the customizations start then next time your phone loads it wont load that stuff but there is some stuff in there you might want.
irus said:
edit: your original question - i think but im not for sure be if you stick the stylus in the back and and do a soft reset right before the customizations start then next time your phone loads it wont load that stuff but there is some stuff in there you might want.
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Quite Correct! A soft reset during the three second warning will bypass the customizations. No harm in trying it without the customizations, then do a hard reset and let them install. If you don't need any of the extras, you can hard reset again and bypass again with the soft reset.
branko.savic said:
If I install the AP 3 Rom, will I void my warranty?
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Yes - although you can flash back to an official ROM your device will have to be super CID - but most operators don't notice the super CID and people have claimed off their warranty successfully. One person recently got their device back from T-Mob and it was CID locked again!

[Q] Add widgets in secure mode

I cant't seem to add widgets in secure mode on my s4(I337M). Is there anyway to force a third party widget into the lock screen without root? Thanks!
SUDroid said:
I cant't seem to add widgets in secure mode on my s4(I337M). Is there anyway to force a third party widget into the lock screen without root? Thanks!
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There is no way of 'forcing' a widget to the lock screen without root. Even the native widgets for the lock screen are limited to the 4 or 5 widgets you can enable/disable.
You might be able to find a theme launcher from the Play Store that can do everything you're looking for.
Here are some suggestions if you need them:
Nova Launcher
Apex Launcher
Holo Locker
From the launchers, you can search additional themes that may better fit yours needs/wants.
Hope this helps!
FourPointedFreak said:
There is no way of 'forcing' a widget to the lock screen without root. Even the native widgets for the lock screen are limited to the 4 or 5 widgets you can enable/disable.
You might be able to find a theme launcher from the Play Store that can do everything you're looking for.
Here are some suggestions if you need them:
Nova Launcher
Apex Launcher
Holo Locker
From the launchers, you can search additional themes that may better fit yours needs/wants.
Hope this helps!
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So you just said there is no way to force this without root. So you are saying if I root I can do this? I dont mean to hijack this thread but if you know of a way to do this with root can you please share?
blackguy101 said:
So you just said there is no way to force this without root. So you are saying if I root I can do this? I dont mean to hijack this thread but if you know of a way to do this with root can you please share?
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Well, when you root your device, there are many ways you can accomplish geting custom widgets and application launchers onto your lock screen. When you root your device with an unlocked bootloader, you can flash a custom ROM with lock screen customization. If you are using a device that HAS a locked bootloader, such as the Verizon or AT&T S4 on MF3 - you can still root your device, install SuperSU and install custom APK's that will give you what you're looking for.
Use this link for rooting on MF3:
Use this link for rooting on unlocked bootloaders:
Judging that we're in the AT&T section I would assume you need the first link, but you could've found this via Search.
Hope this helps!
FourPointedFreak said:
Well, when you root your device, there are many ways you can accomplish geting custom widgets and application launchers onto your lock screen. When you root your device with an unlocked bootloader, you can flash a custom ROM with lock screen customization. If you are using a device that HAS a locked bootloader, such as the Verizon or AT&T S4 on MF3 - you can still root your device, install SuperSU and install custom APK's that will give you what you're looking for.
Use this link for rooting on MF3:
Use this link for rooting on unlocked bootloaders:
Judging that we're in the AT&T section I would assume you need the first link, but you could've found this via Search.
Hope this helps!
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I'm asking tht is there anyway to put a widget on the lockscreen when it is in secure mode(Pin/pattern lock) without root?
SUDroid said:
I'm asking tht is there anyway to put a widget on the lockscreen when it is in secure mode(Pin/pattern lock) without root?
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SUDroid said:
I'm asking tht is there anyway to put a widget on the lockscreen when it is in secure mode(Pin/pattern lock) without root?
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jd1639 said:
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Correct, i've already stated there is no way to do that.
SUDroid said:
I'm asking tht is there anyway to put a widget on the lockscreen when it is in secure mode(Pin/pattern lock) without root?
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There's no way to put widgets on the lock screen while in secure mode. However you can still have widgets on your lock screen just when you get a PW lock then it isn't usable. Say that your doing something on your phone and you sleep it really quick and say you have the camera on the lock screen you wake the phone back up to take a picture just as long as it doesn't sleep too long and secure lock it you'll have the widgets there.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337

SOLVED for some HUAWEI Y6 types : How to root this device ?

Which ROOT options do i have for this device? SCL-L01 (other versions : see UPDATE)
For some unknown reason this solution does not seem to work everytime on this types.
But better give it a try
You do not need to unlock your phone.
Just install :
UPDATE : known versions of Kingroot working : succeeded feedback by other members but not always succesfull.
SCL-L01 4.5.2 Build : SCL-L01C432B130, SCL-L01C150B140
SCL-L02 4.6.5
SCL-L03 4.6.5 Build : SCL-L03C25B130
SCL-U31 4.8.0 Build : SCL-U31C185B140 (but with unlocked bootloader)
(another user : with unlocked bootloader, sim card out, wifi ON, Kingroot 4.8.0 = success)
I suggest you try all versions when above list is not working for you. You'll never know ...
Feel free to post your rooted phone's BUILD number please to help others.
Removed bloatware and apps with any app like link2sd etc...Installed AdFree to remove all ads
Thnx !
Solved !
you do not to unlock your phone.
Just install :
Just install this version AND only this ( the only one that works ) v4.5.2 and it worked for me.
Removed bloatware and apps with any app like link2sd etc...
Installed AdFree to remove all ads
raystef66 said:
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And what happens when you reboot? Is the root permanent?
digitri said:
And what happens when you reboot? Is the root permanent?
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It's permanent. No worries. Let the app do its work.
Best thing is that you do not need to unlock bootloader etc. like some users propose to do. So not necessary to ask unlock code @Huawei. (warranty stays)
If i am not mistaken you can unroot too. (warranty not sure after root)
raystef66 said:
It's permanent. No worries. Let the app do its work.
Best thing is that you do not need to unlock bootloader etc. like some users propose to do. So not necessary to ask unlock code @Huawei. (warranty stays)
If i am not mistaken you can unroot too. (warranty not sure after root)
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Well, that was the point. I want to buy this for my friend and want to be sure I can root without unlocking the bootloader, So thanks a lot. I wonder why other owners say it didn't work for them.
Do you have the dual sim / 2gb version ?
digitri said:
Well, that was the point. I want to buy this for my friend and want to be sure I can root without unlocking the bootloader, So thanks a lot. I wonder why other owners say it didn't work for them.
Do you have the dual sim / 2gb version ?
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No thanks ( ...but always free to use the 'thanks button' )
I am using the 1gb / single sim - can not confirm it wil work but i think it will.
Good luck !
root checker
Kingroot not root...
raystef66 said:
Solved !
you do not to unlock your phone.
Just install :
Just install latest version v4.5.2 and it worked for me.
Removed bloatware and apps with any app like link2sd etc...
Installed AdFree to remove all ads
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Hi, did u do other actions? Because i am not able to root by using only kingroot...
I tried a lot of time and lot I used many app and also pc...
Please can u help me?
Tonylom78 said:
Hi, did u do other actions? Because i am not able to root by using only kingroot...
I tried a lot of time and lot I used many app and also pc...
Please can u help me?
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i remember by running Kingroot the first time it said it didn't go by the usual "quick" root.
But after that message i could choose to do it 'manually' by selecting just a button to continue.
After that it went running for a couple of minutes, even a couple of time it rebooted and after that it said "rooted succesfully"
Checked it with rootchecker--OK !
Other apps like solid explorer, link2sd ect. asked for permissions to grant, so i am rooted by that way.
? Do you have the 2gb version with 2 sims ?
raystef66 said:
i remember by running Kingroot the first time it said it didn't go by the usual "quick" root.
But after that message i could choose to do it 'manually' by selecting just a button to continue.
After that it went running for a couple of minutes, even a couple of time it rebooted and after that it said "rooted succesfully"
Checked it with rootchecker--OK !
Other apps like solid explorer, link2sd ect. asked for permissions to grant, so i am rooted by that way.
? Do you have the 2gb version with 2 sims ?
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Yes I have the the 2gb and the 2 Sims. The screenshot u attached are after rooting success? Thanks for reply.
Tonylom78 said:
Yes I have the the 2gb and the 2 Sims. The screenshot u attached are after rooting success? Thanks for reply.
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Yes, the sreens are taken after root.
Mine is a 1gb/1sim. Perhaps this will cause the problem. I do not now. But i suppose the 2gb/2sims might normally work too.
Perhaps someone with a Y6 2gb/2sims might give it a try and give feedback to this situation.
PS : Have you succeeded sofar?
Rooting happened like video. Just to give you an example how it went.
First it said "root is unavailable" and after that you just tap "START ROOT".
raystef66 said:
i remember by running Kingroot the first time it said it didn't go by the usual "quick" root.
But after that message i could choose to do it 'manually' by selecting just a button to continue.
After that it went running for a couple of minutes, even a couple of time it rebooted and after that it said "rooted succesfully"
Checked it with rootchecker--OK !
Other apps like solid explorer, link2sd ect. asked for permissions to grant, so i am rooted by that way.
? Do you have the 2gb version with 2 sims ?
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raystef66 said:
Yes, the sreens are taken after root.
Mine is a 1gb/1sim. Perhaps this will cause the problem. I do not now. But i suppose the 2gb/2sims might normally work too.
Perhaps someone with a Y6 2gb/2sims might give it a try and give feedback to this situation
PS : Have you succeeded sofar?
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Tonylom78 said:
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This well known Android German forum has a quite big thread about it:
I don't read German but with a bit of help from google translate I can see that nobody there has succeeded to get root access without unlocking the botloader.
Seems like the OP here had luck with his phone. Perhaps huawei forgot to lock his bootloader?
digitri said:
This well known Android German forum has a quite big thread about it:
I don't read German but with a bit of help from google translate I can see that nobody there has succeeded to get root access without unlocking the botloader.
Seems like the OP here had luck with his phone. Perhaps huawei forgot to lock his bootloader?
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Nope they didn't forget....
I DID check the status of my phone,my friend. Did you?
Use minimal ADB and fastboot - go in ADB and check with " ADB reboot bootloader"
You will see your status my friend...it WAS locked. So don't be that suspicious...it worked with mine
Perhaps sent a mail @KingRoot like i did..perhaps they will look into it like they answered me
raystef66 said:
Nope they didn't forget....
I DID check the status of my phone,my friend. Did you?
Use minimal ADB and fastboot - go in ADB and check with " ADB reboot bootloader"
You will see your status my friend...it WAS locked. So don't be that suspicious...it worked with mine
Perhaps sent a mail @KingRoot like i did..perhaps they will look into it like they answered me
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Cheers m8, I wasn't suspicious it was just a little joke, but I'm glad to hear that you've checked the lock status. :good:
It looks like the 2gb/dual-sim type (to my knowledge that's the only type available in Europe) can not yet be rooted without unlocking the bootloader. Would be nice if it could though...
Got mine here...as a gift because i'm a gold member
It's in Europe as Belgium still is for the moment
Mine is a 1gb/single sim.
There are 1gb/dual sim also :
And yours, the 2gb/dual sim.
Hope you can root it in the end. Good luck !
edit : perhaps you can unlock OEM in " developer options" and give it a second try with Kingroot. You never know...
raystef66 said:
Got mine here...as a gift because i'm a gold member
It's in Europe as Belgium still is for the moment
Mine is a 1gb/single sim.
There are 1gb/dual sim also :
And yours, the 2gb/dual sim.
Hope you can root it in the end. Good luck !
edit : perhaps you can unlock OEM in " developer options" and give it a second try with Kingroot. You never know...
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Lol, dag buurman! Hi there neighbour I'm from Holland
My knowledge is indeed lacking, I stand corrected! I only saw the 2gb/dual sim version in the Dutch and German sites and presumed it was Huawei's Europe import policy.
It's available here for 136 euros from belsimpel.nl but I don't have it yet. I wanted to get it for a friend and dual sim is a must for her. I only want to root it, replace the hosts files to get rid of ads and unroot it again, so she gets no problems with ota updates and warranty and such.
Are you generally happy with this phone? Are the audio and call quality satisfactory?
Thanks a lot!
digitri said:
Lol, dag buurman! Hi there neighbour I'm from Holland
My knowledge is indeed lacking, I stand corrected! I only saw the 2gb/dual sim version in the Dutch and German sites and presumed it was Huawei's Europe import policy.
It's available here for 136 euros from belsimpel.nl but I don't have it yet. I wanted to get it for a friend and dual sim is a must for her. I only want to root it, replace the hosts files to get rid of ads and unroot it again, so she gets no problems with ota updates and warranty and such.
Are you generally happy with this phone? Are the audio and call quality satisfactory?
Thanks a lot!
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Hi neighbour ! Indeed a small word
No problem ! There are 3 versions of it.
But i thought you've bought the phone already and tried Kingroot...
I use this phone as an interim because my ZP999 is in first aid :crying: Screen total loss...
But by unrooting this phone and deleting all unnecessary stuff and linking all the apps to my 2nd partition of SD it became a rather quick and very decent phone indeed! From the 1GB RAM i've always 500MB free.
There is no lack in opening apps. Battery is more than satisfactory (3 days normal use, 2 days no problem when making a bunch of phone calls like i do etc. ). Battery-charge cycle less than 1 hour.
Design is good. Slim body
Phone call : good but they put a rather hard blocking noice reduction in it, so when you have somebody on the phone and he/she does not say anything, sound is totally gone - that's a bit different with all the other phones i've got : caller voice and background sounds are hearable all the time. But you get used to it with this phone).
Touchscreen is very good even looking at a small angle is more than good. Backlight clarity ok.
GPS excellent! Wifi and carrier connect : excellent ! 4G top !
Sound when playing music : very good ( better then my ZP999)
So in general : worth the 130 euro's :cyclops:

Device unlock app tmobile?

I need to get the device unlocked app working on the converted TMobile version. The app will not load and crash.
juancastro86 said:
I need to get the device unlocked app working on the converted TMobile version. The app will not load and crash.
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You'll have to revert to the TMO Rom in order to use the TMO unlock app. It won't run on the international version.
juancastro86 said:
I need to get the device unlocked app working on the converted TMobile version. The app will not load and crash.
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Have you tried the sun unlock guide? Got lucky and worked on mine when the app wouldn't unlock my phone.
You can do either revert back or use the guide on here to sim unlock but no easy task since either or you gotta put in the work.
Dr8ven said:
You can do either revert back or use the guide on here to sim unlock but no easy task since either or you gotta put in the work.
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Do you have the link for that. Thanks
juancastro86 said:
Do you have the link for that. Thanks
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Just in case the link 8snt working for whatever reason ...it's in the guide section of the forum

how "safe" is unlocking key for bootloader

Hello there,
i hope i am in the correct section. I have purchased a Nokia 6.1 (TA-1050) and i would like to install Lineage OS to use Google/FB as less as possible. If there is a more secute OS, please let me know.
I know about hikaricalyx and techmesto, that i can purchase there a key to unlock my bootlooader. Are those two websites safe to use? I dont know what they do with my IMEI and my serialnumber. Second, can i be sure that they dont install some third party tools in my smartphone while the unlocking process?
This is still quite new for me, sorry if i ask something already asked.
Unlock your Nokia 8 bootloader
HMD Global will allow the bootloader on your Nokia 8 phone to be unlocked, allowing for certain customizations. This feature is intended for developers only.
Keno_I said:
Unlock your Nokia 8 bootloader
HMD Global will allow the bootloader on your Nokia 8 phone to be unlocked, allowing for certain customizations. This feature is intended for developers only.
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Thank you @Keno_I. Whatever i get, if i will register there, what do i get? Is it possible to use the Nokia 8 bootloader unluck for my 6.1?
owftktrfqlvt said:
Thank you @Keno_I. Whatever i get, if i will register there, what do i get? Is it possible to use the Nokia 8 bootloader unluck for my 6.1?
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I'm not sure really. The URL link doesn't say Nokia 8, so please try it and check whether it works and get back to me!
Keno_I said:
I'm not sure really. The URL link doesn't say Nokia 8, so please try it and check whether it works and get back to me!
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Sadly it didnt work. But i have no problem to pay 5-10 € to buy this bootloader unlock. MY main "probleme" is, how safe to use they are. Can i be sure, that they dont install some third party software in my smartphone?
Thanks, Greetings.
owftktrfqlvt said:
Sadly it didnt work. But i have no problem to pay 5-10 € to buy this bootloader unlock. MY main "probleme" is, how safe to use they are. Can i be sure, that they dont install some third party software in my smartphone?
Thanks, Greetings.
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Um paying would be fine, if it is a trusted source.
Look for sources which many people have vouched for it.
I wouldnt buy it but in your case there seems like no choice.
I got my bootloader unlock from hikaricalyx and its very safe and takes only few minutes to unlock the bootloader. If you are aware regarding how to unlock the bootloader then you can only apply for bootloader unlock on your own during which you will be given a command prompt tool which you need to download and run on your pc with your phone connected. This tool will then produce some numbers which you need to provide hikaricalyx and in return he will then inform you the bootloader unlock key which you need to again input in tht tool.
He will not ask for your imei number.
I have unlocked my Nokia and installed LineageOS. I used the service from hikaricalyx and it was very easy. I got a lot of help and he was very kind. Even if my phone was unlocked and had some trouble to install LineageOS he helped me. I dont think, that the files we used to unlock my phone was corrupted.
For everyone who wants the files: These are useless for you. Every time you boot your phone, it will generate a random singature. We read this ramdom hash and he signed the unlockfiles with that hash. IF you want to install LineageOS like me, on your Nokia 6 these ~5$ are worth it.
Thank all of you who replied.
I am done with this thread, but i let it open for someone who have simular questions. Sone mod can close it if he want.
harshad_kp said:
I got my bootloader unlock from hikaricalyx and its very safe and takes only few minutes to unlock the bootloader. If you are aware regarding how to unlock the bootloader then you can only apply for bootloader unlock on your own during which you will be given a command prompt tool which you need to download and run on your pc with your phone connected. This tool will then produce some numbers which you need to provide hikaricalyx and in return he will then inform you the bootloader unlock key which you need to again input in tht tool.
He will not ask for your imei number.
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Running unknown tools are kinda fishy but you might wanna make sure you got a good antivirus or smth
Kenora_I said:
Running unknown tools are kinda fishy but you might wanna make sure you got a good antivirus or smth
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I have quickheal total security and had no issues with using the tool with antivirus ON.
harshad_kp said:
I have quickheal total security and had no issues with using the tool with antivirus ON.
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quickheal…. no.
I meant a reputated antivirus like Bitdefender or Kaspersky.
