Blackberry Clock on Homescreen - Touch Cruise ROM Development

hey, i didn't know where to post it to get through to all 2D and 3D Polaris developers in this site. My question and a dumb mans request: Is there anyway to make the homescreen watch on any Polaris rom or application look like the one on the new Blackberry? Apreciate any answers, Cheers!
Link to the new Blackberry homescreen, it's absolutely gorgeous.

supergreenish said:
hey, i didn't know where to post it to get through to all 2D and 3D Polaris developers in this site. My question and a dumb mans request: Is there anyway to make the homescreen watch on any Polaris rom or application look like the one on the new Blackberry? Apreciate any answers, Cheers!
Link to the new Blackberry homescreen, it's absolutely gorgeous.
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Blackberry you said???????
You are @ TOUCH CRUISE Forum here, Google will help you.
Nice day

he's asking that someone could "bring" that clock on polaris. yea, is so nice!

I suggest to post your request here :


The Best Home Screen plug-in

what is the the best home screen plug in! I currently and have been using HTC home, is there anything better? I have Tmobile wing!
Every time I'm suprised again when people post a question like this....
There are so much Today Screen Plugins available. There is no "best" Today Screen Plugin. It all depends on your needs.
For example, there are a lot of users here who love the IPhone interface. But there are also a lot of users who prefer something else like HTC Home or something else.
I'm using SPB Shell 1.5 and I like it so much >>>>
give it a try it's cooooooool...
azzambm said:
I'm using SPB Shell 1.5 and I like it so much >>>>
give it a try it's cooooooool...
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I also like SPB Mobile Shell. New version (2.0) should be out soon and looks incredible. BOO
Heres a video of new version:
hopefully the new version will be released at the end of this month .....
Rhapsody said:
Every time I'm suprised again when people post a question like this....
There are so much Today Screen Plugins available. There is no "best" Today Screen Plugin. It all depends on your needs.
For example, there are a lot of users here who love the IPhone interface. But there are also a lot of users who prefer something else like HTC Home or something else.
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dunno why you're surprised, a simple look at the user's post count (2 as of now) should explain a lot. unless, of course, he's been lurking a lot before posting, but if he was, he'd see the countless today plugins available.
Anyway, I do agree with Rhapsody, there are literally hundreds of today plugins, including plugins that support embedded today plugins (a la SPB Mobile Shell), and plugins that act as helpers for other programs (a la MortButtons)
for starters, take a look at iLauncher, TodayAgenda, rlToday, SPB Mobile Shell.... too many to list. or maybe next time, try this out
Ultimate Launcher 1.2
Jamey-8 said:
what is the the best home screen plug in! I currently and have been using HTC home, is there anything better? I have Tmobile wing!
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Dear freind,
try UltimateLauncher 1.2
Mod Edit: WAREZ is NOT welcome on this forum. Strike 1
hskeik said:
Dear freind,
try UltimateLauncher 1.2
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I love Ultimate Launch as well, really nice, and completely customizable. The ability to switch tabs by sliding your finger accross the screen just puts it over the top...
The best today plugin here hands down!
iamjfarrell said:
The best today plugin here hands down!
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bad link....can you repost? Just curious what you think is the "best".
I too use Ultimate Launch!
kwickone said:
bad link....can you repost? Just curious what you think is the "best".
I too use Ultimate Launch!
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I don't think it is a bad link. I think he was suggesting the original poster search before posting. Very subtle.
UltimateLauncher 1.2
UltimateLauncher 1.2 is the best i have seen
larsuck said:
I don't think it is a bad link. I think he was suggesting the original poster search before posting. Very subtle.
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That's what I got out of it...
I would like to say thanks to the people for ur help! and thank u to the people who think the r better than us, I am a jr member, still learning! I am so happy that u sr members feel the need to take ur frustrations out and pic on the little guy! thanks again for ur help, ur critism, and the decision to never ask for help again
Simple the best for me
for me spb pocket plus.
the most user and the very best ever made for wm devices
Marcos200 said:
for me spb pocket plus.
the most user and the very best ever made for wm devices
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If you love SpB Pocket Plus then you will love UltimateLauncher. It does everything pocketplus can and more on your today screen.
I use both but pocketplus is just set as a plugin on Ultimate launch so i can use the system monitor as i like the skin lol.
To be fair pocket plus does offer some good features outside of the today screen that i love so keep it installed too.
Jamey-8 said:
I would like to say thanks to the people for ur help! and thank u to the people who think the r better than us, I am a jr member, still learning! I am so happy that u sr members feel the need to take ur frustrations out and pic on the little guy! thanks again for ur help, ur critism, and the decision to never ask for help again
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Don't take it to heart. These are the same people who think it is funny to post as an answer.
i like the basic HTC home pligin although now i mostly use the fantastic pointui (
i'll second ultimate launcher... it has a bit of a learning curve, but if you look on page 2 of the "Question About Tabbed"
you'll see a great example of what it can do... The guy even includes a video.
In his thread, he explains what he did, how he did it, etc... I took his post as a tutorial to UL and now have all the guys at the office using it as well.
anyways, check out his vid and his post for more info.
Jamey-8 said:
I would like to say thanks to the people for ur help! and thank u to the people who think the r better than us, I am a jr member, still learning! I am so happy that u sr members feel the need to take ur frustrations out and pic on the little guy! thanks again for ur help, ur critism, and the decision to never ask for help again
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First welcome on board
Well you've got those who have given specific suggestions and those who have more or less said do a search there's lots been talked about previously. If you take the balance of these extremes, then you'll have a good philosophy for the Forums. i.e. Do a bit of searching and if the answers are not there then post a question.
MaxMotus said:
If you love SpB Pocket Plus then you will love UltimateLauncher. It does everything pocketplus can and more on your today screen.
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Yeah, but relatively bloated. Some just want a small and configurable app for tabs and configurable plug-ins for each tab.
Gestures and animation for a home screen may have a gee-whiz factor, but if a tab button is present I'm more content to tap it to enter its listing, and then tap the app icon that I want to launch. I find that to be quicker and more reliable.
I'm not so interested in style. My preferences are for a small footprint and functionality.
With the addition of FTouchSL or TouchFlo, I can have basic gestures to launch apps or minimise, etc..

Diamond Suggestions? Touch Contact (Icontact or other)

I have a diamond and am looking to replace the contact software. I am trying to sort through the massive posts of icontact versions and others.
Suggestions on a finger friendly contact replacement (icontact, pocket CM what) there any that will edit the contact?
Also please let me know what other figer friendly applications you have on your diamond or pro.
drj said:
I have a diamond and am looking to replace the contact software. I am trying to sort through the massive posts of icontact versions and others.
Suggestions on a finger friendly contact replacement (icontact, pocket CM what) there any that will edit the contact?
Also please let me know what other figer friendly applications you have on your diamond or pro.
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I'm happy with iContact Burt Edition
I own the Diamod since two days so don't still have other application on board
You can find a lot of useful thing on Diamond XDA forum
Ciao, Andrea
drj said:
I have a diamond and am looking to replace the contact software. I am trying to sort through the massive posts of icontact versions and others.
Suggestions on a finger friendly contact replacement (icontact, pocket CM what) there any that will edit the contact?
Also please let me know what other figer friendly applications you have on your diamond or pro.
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First of all dont post unless your contributing, your just going to get flamed, 2nd, why dont you ask in the diamond forum?
Anyway, icontact berts edition is good.
veyka said:
First of all dont post unless your contributing, your just going to get flamed, 2nd, why dont you ask in the diamond forum?
Anyway, icontact berts edition is good.
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Im sorry I did not know that XDA-Developers was a board where you cannot ask questions. Thats new.
drj said:
Im sorry I did not know that XDA-Developers was a board where you cannot ask questions. Thats new.
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Yes, you can ask questions, but in the right place! See the FIRST sticky in this forum!
You are not developing anything, you are not hacking anything, so :/
in my experience, pocketcm is far too buggy. iContact is much nicer. I use burt edition.

Some addons?

Hello all,
First things first: my first post (anyway I've been reading this forum for quite a while, and I love it!)
I have a HTC Touch.
I would like to know if there is a .cab to add the "slide2answer" function fully working as a stand alone addon.
On the other hand I would like you to advise me what kind of "good" software should I install...
PS: please be aware that I have searched on this forum for these answers... perhaps I am too lame to understand them...
There isn't any app like this yet, but HTC has implemented it in Touch HD and we are waiting for a CAB
gronostaj said:
There isn't any app like this yet, but HTC has implemented it in Touch HD and we are waiting for a CAB
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too bad... still waiting then.
thanks for the answer

Android icons in Touchflo

I would love to have the Hero icons as tab icons in Tochflo 2.1. If I provide the icons, can someone make a .CAB file to install these? I’m sure lots of us would like to have these on our phones…
Hero icons: here
Thanks robertpaul
I agree, i'd love these too
noone has it????????
robertpaul said:
noone has it????????
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shouldnt this be posted on the Skin Requests thread of this forum?? Please read the rules and know where to post what!!
try requesting this on the skin request thread..hope someone will help u out surely!!!
yes I think this would be a good idea an id dl an use it on my htc fuze!!

Glass Clock WM6.5 Sense 2.1

Hello everyone. I have been using this forum for quite a while now and have been learning a lot. This is my first post so be gentle. I didn't want to post until i had something valuable to give back to the comunnity. I would like to share a clock that i made. I have a t-mobile TP2 with stock WM6.5 rom and Sense 2.1. I have no way of modifying this for any other WM version or carrier. I hope you like it.
Ok here is the first installment of the Glass Theme. (
- Calendar Tab
- Stocks Tab
- Internet Tab
Hopefully will be complete soon. Let me know if you see any issues.
Jaysworkshop said:
Hello everyone. I have been using this forum for quite a while now and have been learning a lot. This is my first post so be gentle. I didn't want to post until i had something valuable to give back to the comunnity. I would like to share a clock that i made. I have a t-mobile TP2 with stock WM6.5 rom and Sense 2.1. I have no way of modifying this for any other WM version or carrier. I hope you like it.
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Nice clock. Great job!
Great Job
Easiest clock I've installed and it looks great! Thanks.
Could you release a cab for the slider and tabs? I like the way you designed the slider.
dapbmonkey4u said:
Could you release a cab for the slider and tabs? I like the way you designed the slider.
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I got the icons from this post by Brent372
Post called "Yet Another SenseUI 2.1 Slider (sorry, I can't post links yet)
See the first post for Glass Curtain cab
OK. Sorry I'm still learning how to use the forums and don't know how to add another file to the original post so here you go. Let me know if there are any issues.
Thank you. Did you make the glass slider icon too? Keep up the good work.
Nice clock, and thanks for the props !!!!!
dapbmonkey4u said:
Thank you. Did you make the glass slider icon too? Keep up the good work.
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Yes I made all of the glass icons. I am currently looking for a set of slider icons that I like and then i will release a full theme.
Ver nice work. Will be watin patiently for your next updates.
installed aaaaaand, nothing
why am i the only person that this did not work for? LAME!!!
*Silly me, i guess for some reason i thought GC=glass clock since everyone was raving of th clocks easy install. I dont need glass curtains since i already have them removed, and i dont want glass email envelope or glass anything else, is there a cab for JUST the clock like in the old days of 6.1
