Lack of Agenda Space - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

I've posted in the Clock forum with hardly a response. Is anyone addressing the basic issue with business use of TF3D? The Today screen, while attractive, is not well suited to the original purpose; to see mail, appointments, etc at one glace. It uses up so much room needlessly, that there is no room for appointments.
The clock is about twice as big as necessary. Missed calls are not so critical as to need an entire line. Then last is what needs to be first, the agenda. Room for one appointment isn't even close to what a business person needs; we need the bulk of our day at a glance. In this respect, the original MS Today screen was far better, primitive as it is.
The fix is easy in concept. A clock half the size, and dropping the Missed Calls section in favor or an notification icon or something similar would allow room for 3-4 agenda items, which is acceptable in most cases. The question is, does TF3D let one make these kinds of changes? Anyone?

DrewVS said:
I've posted in the Clock forum with hardly a response. Is anyone addressing the basic issue with business use of TF3D? The Today screen, while attractive, is not well suited to the original purpose; to see mail, appointments, etc at one glace. It uses up so much room needlessly, that there is no room for appointments.
The clock is about twice as big as necessary. Missed calls are not so critical as to need an entire line. Then last is what needs to be first, the agenda. Room for one appointment isn't even close to what a business person needs; we need the bulk of our day at a glance. In this respect, the original MS Today screen was far better, primitive as it is.
The fix is easy in concept. A clock half the size, and dropping the Missed Calls section in favor or an notification icon or something similar would allow room for 3-4 agenda items, which is acceptable in most cases. The question is, does TF3D let one make these kinds of changes? Anyone?
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'The fix is easy in concept' is the key words here...
In reality It's not easy...
personally I don't know why you opened a new thread on this subject.. you have already done/asked the same statement/question...
I agree with you.. I would also like to have more appointments, etc on the Home tab...
If you'll have a look around here in the forum you will see that there is research going on on the subject of altering the programming of manila files...
But needless to say It's not easy! (or there would be more changing, more tabs, more of everything in TF3D)
Do a search about it... maybe you can contribute with your knowledge and programming experience?

Yes, I do understand that concept is different than implementation.
It is a new thread because clock design is not the primary topic, it is a means to an end. Also, because I had received no response previous to yours here. Thank you.
NisseDILLIGAF said:
'The fix is easy in concept' is the key words here...
In reality It's not easy...
personally I don't know why you opened a new thread on this subject.. you have already done/asked the same statement/question...
I agree with you.. I would also like to have more appointments, etc on the Home tab...
If you'll have a look around here in the forum you will see that there is research going on on the subject of altering the programming of manila files...
But needless to say It's not easy! (or there would be more changing, more tabs, more of everything in TF3D)
Do a search about it... maybe you can contribute with your knowledge and programming experience?
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Anyone know of a WM5 Today plugin that shows Mail and SMS on one line?

I have a Treo 750, and the screen real-estate is too small - although I love the device. In order to save some of that space, it seems obvious to me that having a 'combined' plugin for 'messages' - email and texts - would be a good idea.
Mind you, I'm a complete dufus when it comes to developing these things - wouldn't have a clue where to start - but you all seem like devotees who are likely to know (if anyone does) what's out there.
So you don't think I haven't looked, I have. I really, really have. But only in the obvious places that a newbie would go to. And this is such a specific request, it's not going to float to the top of most sites someone with my experience would be aware of.
Can anyone out there help me?
Thanks, in advance
How abt Pocket Breeze? You can even read them on your Today scren.

Development Request: Finger friendly Calender [add appointment]

By now there is quite a few diffrent finger friendly hacks/apps for contacts, dialing, sms etc. but as far as I know there is still no finger friendly Calender hack. I often have to add a appointment to my calender and it would be great if it could be done with a few finger clicks
Something like a screen where you choose date and time, write a appointment text and choose yes/no to alarm.
I dont know if its only me who is missing such an app/hack. But i really think such an app would be very usefull.
And if someone makes such an app someday i will gladly donate a couple of beers
Though it turned out to be a tad too cumbersome for me personally, perhaps you could find some use in this Calendar alternative, called Date Lens. Here's the link:
If you feel like reading, the presentation that was made by one of Date Lens' developers to Bill Gates explains lots of the features.
Transcription is here; start reading from "BEN BEDERSON: Thanks, Bill."
Also, try this prog: DeveloperOne AGendaOne. It makes things easier for use with the thumb.
martinbr said:
By now there is quite a few diffrent finger friendly hacks/apps for contacts, dialing, sms etc. but as far as I know there is still no finger friendly Calender hack. I often have to add a appointment to my calender and it would be great if it could be done with a few finger clicks
Something like a screen where you choose date and time, write a appointment text and choose yes/no to alarm.
I dont know if its only me who is missing such an app/hack. But i really think such an app would be very usefull.
And if someone makes such an app someday i will gladly donate a couple of beers
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I've working on one right now, I wasn't planning on make it public so far because it is still in EARLY development but I will if ppl here are willing to help me test it
i'm interested in this as well... tried date lens, but its not my cup of tea
i'll help in anyways i can, ArcticCat
ArcticCat said:
I've working on one right now, I wasn't planning on make it public so far because it is still in EARLY development but I will if ppl here are willing to help me test it
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I am more than willing to test it too..
Thank you all I opened a thread for this at
I'll be posting my "demo" soon

Appointments on home page

hello everybody!
Is there any way to prompt more than one appointment on TF3D home page ? Thank you for your answers.
I'm also interested...
That would be awesome to have. I need to open my agenda often to see my next meeting if that could be shown on the TF3D tab that would save me quite some frustration through the day ))
This question and many others come up so frequently that I wonder whether HTC take note of things that should have been included in the first place; multi-appointments and tasks to name but only two!
Yeah you are right, HTC seems not to take any notes on their users comments. You saw this already with the requests for the HTC Home. Now with the TF3D it is the same thing. Working here on this forum gives you some nice insight of what is possible with TF3D. If I just take a look @ D-MAN's work I guess there are options here. I'm not a developer myself but seeing the work of others that gives me hope ;-)
So it is not really a comment to HTC but a request to the developers here @ XDA that would be able to create such a feature.
i want it so badly....
it is just not enough for seems that only appointments in two days can be displayed on the home page....i wonder if a few more appointments(no matter how many days after)could appear so i don't have to get into the calendar page to check my upcoming appointment.
that is also what i am looking for... is that not possibe to be done for you pro's out there?

A number of general questions/ideas/issues

I apologise for starting what is, in many ways, an 'I'm a noob, help me!' thread but I have put some effort into researching each of these topics but I'm still left with questions, so I thought I'd just lay everything out there and see if anyone can help me.
Firstly, sometimes when I start to write a text message, the first character disappears. It shows on-screen for maybe half a second, then it's as if I've hit backspace and it gets deleted.
It's really odd, it only happens from time-to-time and so far I've not been able to discern any sort of pattern to this behaviour - it doesn't seem to be specific to certain contacts, nor does it seem to matter whether it's a new text or a reply that I'm writing. It's just completely random.
I've searched on this forum, checked HTC's hotfixes and kept an eye out on other fora I frequent that have anything to do with the Touch HD but so far I haven't seen anything about this.
Secondly, I've been trying to find a calender application that will allow me to enter 'rules'.
Basically, the hours I work depend on the day of the week but I work different days week-to-week. So what I was hoping for was to be able to program in a 'rule' that defines what constitutes 'work', depending on which day of the week it is and have it so that an alarm or multiple alarms go off a set period before the time I start work each day (to wake me up). Anyway, by having this pre-set rule, I was hoping that when a new rota becomes available at work, I would just be able to mark which days I was working and the calendar would automatically work out the hours etc.
I'm not sure if this is something most calendar apps are capable of or if it's a feature that just doesn't exist but so far my attempts to search for this have been fruitless, though maybe that's down to my choice of keywords or something...
In third place, what is, in all probability a fairly common question about syncing text/SMS messages to your PC. I have looked into this, I swear but there seems to be a lot of contradictory information out there, not to mention when I search the site, I seem to end up reading a lot of threads that are 2, 3 or even 5 years old.
This might sound a little sad but this plave is one of few fora where I can have a question and when I look or ask for an answer, I feel completely lost. So I suppose what I'm hoping for is for someone to come along, take me by the metaphorical hand and show me the solution suitable for half-blind, retarded chimpanzees, as I might just about be able to follow that...
Last up, I was wondering if anyone was aware of any Shoogle-like programs for the HD.
I've come across 'VibraNotify' by way of this thread, which I will be testing out soon but in case it doesn't quite do what I want, if there's anything similar out there that anyone's aware of, I'd appreciate the heads-up.
I really am sorry to waste people's time with questions like these.
I wish I could find all the necessary answers myself but, as I say, for some of them I can't seem to find any information and for others, I've found far too much.
I will be extremely grateful towards anyone who takes pity on me and is able to help out in any way, no matter how small.
Addressing your second question.
I am a long time user of Pocket Informant currently in version 8 and available for purchase or download a time limited trial at
You can set up different "work" times for each day of the week.
for the first point of your question, I also had some problems too with keyboard input so that maybe sometimes I wanted to type m and it actually pressed a (not exactly a common typo!)
I noticed that after a screen calibration problems were solved
start/settings/system/screen/Align screen button
hope it helps
alternatively, I can confirm that with Davideuck's v-5 and dutty's xtreme v1.9 ROMs I have never had typing problems
Step666 said:
I apologise for starting what is, in many ways, an 'I'm a noob, help me!' thread...
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don't feel too bad, these are pretty advanced topics that i have not seen covered here
Regarding point 3;
as far as i know you can't sync SMS, tho you can back it up with PIM Backup
there is also MyPhone currently Beta

[REQ/DEV] [WM 6.5] Titanium CStocks

WM 6.5 has really opened the doors for some nice development for panels. Much like the existing Touch Flo 3D, panels can be developed to show your favorite....well anything. Already great work on weather, fave people, opera, twitter, facebook, ms office, programs, settings...colors, themes...etc!!!
One of the things I love most about TF3D is the stocks tab. I have started to tinker with a stocks panel for Titanium, but wanted to get a tab started for any who may have input, or have begun development themselves. I have been playing around with the cprs, bronzeres, and colors for some time, but this is my first past at creating a new panel from scratch. The good news for me is many have laid some tremendous groundwork to help make this an easier process.
My plan is to link the existing msn finance widget in 6.5 to the panel. The plan is to show the details of each stock pick from msn widget to the titanium custom panel. I am in the process of mocking something up just to post what I am thinking soon.
Moderators...gods of xda...please keep me honest as I am not actually posting any dev just yet. If I am out of line, please accept my apology in advance and shut me down, but kindly please don't lock me out.
Thanks....more to come!
pmorganii said:
WM 6.5 has really opened the doors for some nice development for panels. Much like the existing Touch Flo 3D, panels can be developed to show your favorite....well anything. Already great work on weather, fave people, opera, twitter, facebook, ms office, programs, settings...colors, themes...etc!!!
One of the things I love most about TF3D is the stocks tab. I have started to tinker with a stocks panel for Titanium, but wanted to get a tab started for any who may have input, or have begun development themselves. I have been playing around with the cprs, bronzeres, and colors for some time, but this is my first past at creating a new panel from scratch. The good news for me is many have laid some tremendous groundwork to help make this an easier process.
My plan is to link the existing msn finance widget in 6.5 to the panel. The plan is to show the details of each stock pick from msn widget to the titanium custom panel. I am in the process of mocking something up just to post what I am thinking soon.
Moderators...gods of xda...please keep me honest as I am not actually posting any dev just yet. If I am out of line, please accept my apology in advance and shut me down, but kindly please don't lock me out.
Thanks....more to come!
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If I knew where to pull data from seperate program I would try this. Maybe in the next week or 2. Does anyone else wanna jump this one?
+1 for stock widget
instead of msn money should be better using yahoo finance, by far more complete... titaniumweather use mortscript to fetch accuweater data, will be possible make this widget same way?
JukEboXAuDiO said:
If I knew where to pull data from seperate program I would try this. Maybe in the next week or 2. Does anyone else wanna jump this one?
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This might work if you set it up like Showaco is doing his radar for TitaniumWeather.
i am with you here man... i would give away TF3d if I can get a stocks plugin for WM6.5 good idea.... great idea...
There is a FRENCH stock titanium panel.
You can analyze and modify this for your convenience.
Go to
Is there any update on the app?
With the current advancements in plugin developments, this would actually be an easy one to make. it's just a matter of reading rss feeds from stock websites. I'll see if i can make some time next week and look into this.
rpereira said:
With the current advancements in plugin developments, this would actually be an easy one to make. it's just a matter of reading rss feeds from stock websites. I'll see if i can make some time next week and look into this.
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Not to mention example already from the post i quoted below:
JMHL said:
There is a FRENCH stock titanium panel.
You can analyze and modify this for your convenience.
Go to
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The French version looks perfect. I only know basic French words. I poked around on the site some and I cant understand. I am going to try a translator or a friend who knows French. Does anyone have any pointers?

