Development Request: Finger friendly Calender [add appointment] - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

By now there is quite a few diffrent finger friendly hacks/apps for contacts, dialing, sms etc. but as far as I know there is still no finger friendly Calender hack. I often have to add a appointment to my calender and it would be great if it could be done with a few finger clicks
Something like a screen where you choose date and time, write a appointment text and choose yes/no to alarm.
I dont know if its only me who is missing such an app/hack. But i really think such an app would be very usefull.
And if someone makes such an app someday i will gladly donate a couple of beers

Though it turned out to be a tad too cumbersome for me personally, perhaps you could find some use in this Calendar alternative, called Date Lens. Here's the link:
If you feel like reading, the presentation that was made by one of Date Lens' developers to Bill Gates explains lots of the features.
Transcription is here; start reading from "BEN BEDERSON: Thanks, Bill."

Also, try this prog: DeveloperOne AGendaOne. It makes things easier for use with the thumb.

martinbr said:
By now there is quite a few diffrent finger friendly hacks/apps for contacts, dialing, sms etc. but as far as I know there is still no finger friendly Calender hack. I often have to add a appointment to my calender and it would be great if it could be done with a few finger clicks
Something like a screen where you choose date and time, write a appointment text and choose yes/no to alarm.
I dont know if its only me who is missing such an app/hack. But i really think such an app would be very usefull.
And if someone makes such an app someday i will gladly donate a couple of beers
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I've working on one right now, I wasn't planning on make it public so far because it is still in EARLY development but I will if ppl here are willing to help me test it

i'm interested in this as well... tried date lens, but its not my cup of tea
i'll help in anyways i can, ArcticCat

ArcticCat said:
I've working on one right now, I wasn't planning on make it public so far because it is still in EARLY development but I will if ppl here are willing to help me test it
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I am more than willing to test it too..

Thank you all I opened a thread for this at
I'll be posting my "demo" soon


Lack of Agenda Space

I've posted in the Clock forum with hardly a response. Is anyone addressing the basic issue with business use of TF3D? The Today screen, while attractive, is not well suited to the original purpose; to see mail, appointments, etc at one glace. It uses up so much room needlessly, that there is no room for appointments.
The clock is about twice as big as necessary. Missed calls are not so critical as to need an entire line. Then last is what needs to be first, the agenda. Room for one appointment isn't even close to what a business person needs; we need the bulk of our day at a glance. In this respect, the original MS Today screen was far better, primitive as it is.
The fix is easy in concept. A clock half the size, and dropping the Missed Calls section in favor or an notification icon or something similar would allow room for 3-4 agenda items, which is acceptable in most cases. The question is, does TF3D let one make these kinds of changes? Anyone?
DrewVS said:
I've posted in the Clock forum with hardly a response. Is anyone addressing the basic issue with business use of TF3D? The Today screen, while attractive, is not well suited to the original purpose; to see mail, appointments, etc at one glace. It uses up so much room needlessly, that there is no room for appointments.
The clock is about twice as big as necessary. Missed calls are not so critical as to need an entire line. Then last is what needs to be first, the agenda. Room for one appointment isn't even close to what a business person needs; we need the bulk of our day at a glance. In this respect, the original MS Today screen was far better, primitive as it is.
The fix is easy in concept. A clock half the size, and dropping the Missed Calls section in favor or an notification icon or something similar would allow room for 3-4 agenda items, which is acceptable in most cases. The question is, does TF3D let one make these kinds of changes? Anyone?
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'The fix is easy in concept' is the key words here...
In reality It's not easy...
personally I don't know why you opened a new thread on this subject.. you have already done/asked the same statement/question...
I agree with you.. I would also like to have more appointments, etc on the Home tab...
If you'll have a look around here in the forum you will see that there is research going on on the subject of altering the programming of manila files...
But needless to say It's not easy! (or there would be more changing, more tabs, more of everything in TF3D)
Do a search about it... maybe you can contribute with your knowledge and programming experience?
Yes, I do understand that concept is different than implementation.
It is a new thread because clock design is not the primary topic, it is a means to an end. Also, because I had received no response previous to yours here. Thank you.
NisseDILLIGAF said:
'The fix is easy in concept' is the key words here...
In reality It's not easy...
personally I don't know why you opened a new thread on this subject.. you have already done/asked the same statement/question...
I agree with you.. I would also like to have more appointments, etc on the Home tab...
If you'll have a look around here in the forum you will see that there is research going on on the subject of altering the programming of manila files...
But needless to say It's not easy! (or there would be more changing, more tabs, more of everything in TF3D)
Do a search about it... maybe you can contribute with your knowledge and programming experience?
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Appointments on home page

hello everybody!
Is there any way to prompt more than one appointment on TF3D home page ? Thank you for your answers.
I'm also interested...
That would be awesome to have. I need to open my agenda often to see my next meeting if that could be shown on the TF3D tab that would save me quite some frustration through the day ))
This question and many others come up so frequently that I wonder whether HTC take note of things that should have been included in the first place; multi-appointments and tasks to name but only two!
Yeah you are right, HTC seems not to take any notes on their users comments. You saw this already with the requests for the HTC Home. Now with the TF3D it is the same thing. Working here on this forum gives you some nice insight of what is possible with TF3D. If I just take a look @ D-MAN's work I guess there are options here. I'm not a developer myself but seeing the work of others that gives me hope ;-)
So it is not really a comment to HTC but a request to the developers here @ XDA that would be able to create such a feature.
i want it so badly....
it is just not enough for seems that only appointments in two days can be displayed on the home page....i wonder if a few more appointments(no matter how many days after)could appear so i don't have to get into the calendar page to check my upcoming appointment.
that is also what i am looking for... is that not possibe to be done for you pro's out there?

Designer desperately seeking developer to create TF3D RSS Reeder

As a frequent RSS user I still didn't find an RSS Reader which uses the snappy interface and touch friendly buttons of TF3D. So I created some screens hoping an enthusiastic developer feels challenged to create an ultimate RSS reader for TF3D.
Some requirements should be:
Import feeds from OPML file and/or sync with Google Reader
Update All, Update Channel or update Feed seperately (conveniant when using roaming abroad)
Auto update (every .. minutes/hours/days) and notify when new items arrive
... And more
A great wish would be to add the program in the tab structure in TouchFlo.
So the big question is: Which developer feels the urge to create this baby????
If someone feels this urge, I will make more screens, but I first want to know if there's somebody out there who wants to help me...
Hmm that's a good idea, especially love the "sync with google reader" part, browsing google reader on opera mobile is just plain madness.!
Love to see this becoming a real program! Hope someone will help you out nielsepiels!
yeah ! good idea !
I'm waiting for it....
BYE, Bobo
hopefully it will become true..i know people in this forum are genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really good idea!!!
Bobo Xni said:
I'm waiting for it....
BYE, Bobo
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I also!!!
If this will make it into development, I will defenately donate!
SSC said:
If this will make it into development, I will defenately donate!
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Got my vote too - I could offer my services beta testing on my AT&T Fuze - I would definitely donate for this - Heck, I'll give someone a few bucks as soon as i see a beta!
same.. i would def donate some money for this, was thinking of something like this the other night.
anythings better than RSS Hub - buggy as hell with its constant freezes
maybe this is the right place to post it.......i would love to develop such an application (and other tf3d plugins) but i didnt find any documentation on tf3d development so far......the only thread where someone asked for a documentation is only available in google-cache with no answer posted....
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...
ZeroOverride said:
maybe this is the right place to post it.......i would love to develop such an application (and other tf3d plugins) but i didnt find any documentation on tf3d development so far......the only thread where someone asked for a documentation is only available in google-cache with no answer posted....
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...
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Maybe this guy can help you out.
ZeroOverride said:
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...thx!
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TF3D is developed in Lua. D-MAN666 is one of the few guys who knows how to edit TF3D and develop TF3D applications, like his calendar application.
@ Nielsepiels & Mandragore: THX!!
wow, this looks cool. would be awesome if you could code this app. and props to the thread starter, nice screens!
I think we need more threads like this. that way we get more finger friendly and nice looking apps!
Hi guys , i'm sure it's a very useful idea.
I'm thinking about coding this (i'am learning on mobile coding) , waiting for any suggestion , so let's go for making this cool stuff.
ps: sorry for my bad english ;-)
Came across this thread and thought it was worth reviving
There was a thread about this a long long time ago, but I think people just forgot about it. Its such a good idea - and yet HTC havent even mentioned any RSS enhancements for the new version of TF3D on Diamond2, etc :s. I hope someone can make this - they would definately get a donation from me for it
Upping this to see if there are any developments.
I wonder if the email tab on TF3D can be "tweaked" to receive RSS headlines instead of sending and receiving from an email account?
I'm going to try and found out how that tabs is put together it might offer some ideas.
I'd love to be able to flick through the headlines/stories from my favourite feeds like you do with text messages or even better have a "ticker" running across the screen with the latest news..... that would be cool

W I N D L Es To Do List

I'm on a mission! These are the things that I want to change on my x1. If you know of a way to fix any of these then please please please let me know how.
Here they are in no particular order
1) Auto Que text messages
By this I mean.... if I try to send a text message with no signal I get a big nasty red message saying something along the lines of Message Was Not Sent. Try again? and a loud annoying beep to follow
What I want...... Is to be able to hit send, jam the phone back in my pocket and get back to what I was doing. Happy in the knowledge that if I didn't have signal when I sent the message, it will automatically re-send as soon as I walk into signal.
2) Find a free way of making video calls (I can only get skype to make voice calls)
3) Skin the text messages or find a text message panel to make it easier to use and less ugly
4) Add a storage card shortcut to my start menu
5) Stretch the landscape pin entry to full screen
6) Get the OK button to actually cancel and close things
PROBLEM SOLVED With WkTASK I can hit the x button then select "close" or "close all"
7) Stretch the landscape keyboard to the full length of the screen
PROBLEM SOLVED With Finger Keyboard 2 the keyboard is stretched across the full length of the landscape screen. Plus I no longer have to sharpen my thumb nail to a point to be able to send a text message
8) Totally Remove today screen lines (not just change the color)
9) Play Game Boy Advance Roms in full screen landscape mode
10) Remove "today" and recent programs icons from the start menu.
11) Stretch the top right cross button
I have installed gtrabs SEX1 "F" series Task bar icons and I love them. id also like to stretch the x at the top right of my screen to twice its width. To make it easier to press.
PROBLEM SOLVED With WkTASK I have skinned the x button its not allot bigger but it dose make it easier to press.
12) Make it easier to change tracks whilst driving
I have a sat nav style phone holder that sticks my x1 to my car windscreen in landscape mode, with the buttons out. I connect my x1 to my car stereo and pump out the tunes via my car speakers. But with the media experience panel its so hard to change tracks without looking, the button is so small its dangerous
PROBLEM SOLVED The driving panel is more than what I was looking for it has mph, track shuffle, sat nav button, and perfectly sized volume, track skip, and pause buttons, Xuanlong got it to me 10 days before it was released!
13) Stop the experience panel changing color I want it to stay ocean blue
bump (Thread updated)
w.i.n.d.l.e said:
12) Make it easier to change tracks whilst driving
I have a sat nav style phone holder that sticks my x1 to my car windscreen in landscape mode, with the buttons out. I connect my x1 to my car stereo and pump out the tunes via my car speakers. But with the media experience panel its so hard to change tracks without looking, the button is so small its dangerous
PROBLEM SOLVED THANKS TO Xuanlong @ The driving panel is more than what I was looking for it has mph, track shuffle, sat nav button, and perfectly sized volume, track skip, and pause buttons, Xuanlong got it to me 10 days before it was released!
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Where did you get the on the road panel from??
(Pre Release) On The Road Panel
(Pobierz = Download) right click, save target as. some people have problems downloading I managed to get it to work on Internet Explore. Other new panels here but are reported to be a bit buggy.
On the Road Panel looks great, but the navigation button/config does not work
Where can I get my TT maped to the button?
now, that's just lame... this problem fixed by someone @ it sort of sounds like:
'the xda community has once again proven to be unfriendly and unhelpful but thanks god someone at proboards helped me out there, so why don't you guys and gals all come along and let's help ourselves by posting links to stuff that's on xda'
come on dude, you could have just read through topics on this forum to see what's out there that might be useful or used the search option, most of the issues you had and wanted resolved were quick hits
To make the reply box larger in messaging you can use Total Commander to search for and edit the file thread_sms.htm in the windows directory. It's a hidden file so make sure you have 'show all files' checked when you search for it
Look for this line:
<inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBECT" width="98%" height=35 spell focus count .. .. ..
Change height (in this case 35) to 70 and you get 3 lines for text replies. Just change the numbers and see what works for you and soft reset after editing the file...
Still an ugly interface but much easier to use. Mine is set at 140.
Sorry, but I had to post this. I saw the other shameless plug for your site on another thread as well and didn't bother to comment. I hate people who say "this looks like an ad" and "you should use search"... but this looks like an ad and you should use search.
I personally don't really care if you want to share your website with others, my only issue is that you should give credit where credit is due.
Might want to change your post to read "problem solved thanks to X WITH solutions that could have easily been solved by using the search function from XDA developers" since most of those tools came from here anyway (apart from the driving panel. wktask is a japanese program, but it was adapted into english on these boards).
But to be honest, if you cant use the search function here, it's probably best to post elsewhere anyways.
PS most of your other points can be found here as well. Just use search.
mikebem said:
now, that's just lame... this problem fixed by someone @ it sort of sounds like:
'the xda community has once again proven to be unfriendly and unhelpful but thanks god someone at proboards helped me out there, so why don't you guys and gals all come along and let's help ourselves by posting links to stuff that's on xda'
come on dude, you could have just read through topics on this forum to see what's out there that might be useful or used the search option, most of the issues you had and wanted resolved were quick hits
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Classic QFT.
Like I said before, I have no problem with you and your board, but don't rub it in our faces every chance you get.
Again, most of these questions can be answered fairly easily using XDA search.
As I imagine it can be hard to do the storage card shortcut, I'll give you a hint on it. On your phone, navigate to \windows\start menu. There you'll find a whole lot of shortcuts. Copy and rename the extension one of them to .txt and open it. You'll see a nice and comprehensable path there. Adjust it, save and rename back to .lnk. You're all set!
For the shortcut problem (storage card): why don't you try the easiest way "copy"->"paste as shortcut" in File Explorer. That's the most standard way to create shortcut.
mikebem said:
now, that's just lame... this problem fixed by someone @ it sort of sounds like:
'the xda community has once again proven to be unfriendly and unhelpful but thanks god someone at proboards helped me out there, so why don't you guys and gals all come along and let's help ourselves by posting links to stuff that's on xda'
come on dude, you could have just read through topics on this forum to see what's out there that might be useful or used the search option, most of the issues you had and wanted resolved were quick hits
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jhoffa said:
Sorry, but I had to post this. I saw the other shameless plug for your site on another thread as well and didn't bother to comment. I hate people who say "this looks like an ad" and "you should use search"... but this looks like an ad and you should use search.
I personally don't really care if you want to share your website with others, my only issue is that you should give credit where credit is due.
Might want to change your post to read "problem solved thanks to X WITH solutions that could have easily been solved by using the search function from XDA developers" since most of those tools came from here anyway (apart from the driving panel. wktask is a japanese program, but it was adapted into english on these boards).
But to be honest, if you cant use the search function here, it's probably best to post elsewhere anyways.
PS most of your other points can be found here as well. Just use search.
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Damn you dudes are harsh. He has an awesome site. It's like XDA-dedicated to the X1. Give him a break?? He doesn't get paid for anything, and spends alot of time on that site; only to contribute to the X1 family.
And the comments of [email protected], come on?? No one here knows who some1 is if he just like posts 'xuanlong' or so, but he refers to one of the members of his site. I can tell you now that you wont find all of the contributors and be able to pm them if he just gives their nicknames?
Place yourself in his position before posting your 'comments'.
Have respect, keep your thoughts for yourself
AxE-mAn said:
he has an awesome site. It's like XDA-dedicated to the X1.
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very very debatable... um, actually, very not true
Jeese, some of you guys are like spoilt little kids,
All this guy has done is to take some of his time to make a site dedicated to the X1 and simply gives you links to other websites that have some cool programs on them. It is actually very useful for people who dont have the time to go searching through all of the XDA site.
XDA is a good site but can be difficult to find things relating to the X1 specifically through the search when you only have 5 mins.
You guys are just slating someones hard work for no reason, if you dont like it then don't go to it and dont comment on it.
markoc84 said:
Jeese, some of you guys are like spoilt little kids,
All this guy has done is to take some of his time to make a site dedicated to the X1 and simply gives you links to other websites that have some cool programs on them. It is actually very useful for people who dont have the time to go searching through all of the XDA site.
XDA is a good site but can be difficult to find things relating to the X1 specifically through the search when you only have 5 mins.
You guys are just slating someones hard work for no reason, if you dont like it then don't go to it and dont comment on it.
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Ah wow dude, thanx. Someone actually understands and realises this dude's work. It's so much simpler to get around on his site.
I admit, nothing will beat XDA, but this site is dedicated to the X1, much more userfriendly and easier to find things.
All we need is more members and contributions, and that site might become the number 1 Xperia site.
Just take a look at his site. If you don't like it, your loss. And keep your comments for yourself. If you do like it, help out a bit!
Thanx for the GREAT site W I N D L E. Don't give up
thelucius said:
For the shortcut problem (storage card): why don't you try the easiest way "copy"->"paste as shortcut" in File Explorer. That's the most standard way to create shortcut.
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Doesn't work on folders for me, just files.
As for you other lads who feel like being windle's knight in shining armor, you're behaving just as bad by "bashing" those who oppose his website. Not everyone has to like it, but they have just as much right to post they don't as windle has right to post about it in the first place. Basically, I'm pulling a "right back at ya" here - if you don't like their posts, ignore them!
Besides, he's still advertising his own site, with links to this site, on this site! Doesn't that strike you the least bit as odd?
w.i.n.d.l.e said:
3) Skin the text messages or find a text message panel to make it easier to use and less ugly
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Resco Contacts. It'll reskin the dialer, the call registry, your contacts and messaging.
PointUI Pro (unreleased).
Touch-IT v4.5 - The new Touchflo pretty much covers over the Winmo interface entirely.
There the ones i've used, others might have other solutions. Touch-IT is the best, but of dubious legality. PointUI will be great eventually, but it's still in early stages. Resco is OK, needs work but it's perfectly useable and better than the standard Windows Mobile stuff.
mikebem said:
now, that's just lame... this problem fixed by someone @ it sort of sounds like:
'the xda community has once again proven to be unfriendly and unhelpful but thanks god someone at proboards helped me out there, so why don't you guys and gals all come along and let's help ourselves by posting links to stuff that's on xda'
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Gee, how could anyone find XDA unfriendly and unhelpful? I wonder... do you think... it could be posts like that?
Again, I love XDA, it's got good stuff, but all too often, on receives replies that are not friendly or helpful. My opinion is, if you dont have something worth while to contribute, dont bother replying, if it's just to tell them to search, or complain, etc.
And there's nothing wrong with giving a little credit where credit is due. I've seen plenty of links on other sites and blogs, crediting users at XDA in a similar manner.
Since you've already acknowledged some of XDA's perceived flaws, perhaps we could try to improve that image, rather than just taking shots at another site?
Angelusz said:
Doesn't work on folders for me, just files.
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Strange. It definitely works works on my xperia with folders. I tried it before I wrote the comment.
Try smiley sms for the message skin.
mikebem said:
now, that's just lame... this problem fixed by someone @ it sort of sounds like:
'the xda community has once again proven to be unfriendly and unhelpful but thanks god someone at proboards helped me out there, so why don't you guys and gals all come along and let's help ourselves by posting links to stuff that's on xda'
come on dude, you could have just read through topics on this forum to see what's out there that might be useful or used the search option, most of the issues you had and wanted resolved were quick hits
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If somebody from had helped me I would have put problem was solved by jimbobjoeorrob @ and somebody had helped me on xda ect. just giving the credit to those that took the time to help me out rather than ***** about my posts.

[REQ/DEV] [WM 6.5] Titanium CStocks

WM 6.5 has really opened the doors for some nice development for panels. Much like the existing Touch Flo 3D, panels can be developed to show your favorite....well anything. Already great work on weather, fave people, opera, twitter, facebook, ms office, programs, settings...colors, themes...etc!!!
One of the things I love most about TF3D is the stocks tab. I have started to tinker with a stocks panel for Titanium, but wanted to get a tab started for any who may have input, or have begun development themselves. I have been playing around with the cprs, bronzeres, and colors for some time, but this is my first past at creating a new panel from scratch. The good news for me is many have laid some tremendous groundwork to help make this an easier process.
My plan is to link the existing msn finance widget in 6.5 to the panel. The plan is to show the details of each stock pick from msn widget to the titanium custom panel. I am in the process of mocking something up just to post what I am thinking soon.
Moderators...gods of xda...please keep me honest as I am not actually posting any dev just yet. If I am out of line, please accept my apology in advance and shut me down, but kindly please don't lock me out.
Thanks....more to come!
pmorganii said:
WM 6.5 has really opened the doors for some nice development for panels. Much like the existing Touch Flo 3D, panels can be developed to show your favorite....well anything. Already great work on weather, fave people, opera, twitter, facebook, ms office, programs, settings...colors, themes...etc!!!
One of the things I love most about TF3D is the stocks tab. I have started to tinker with a stocks panel for Titanium, but wanted to get a tab started for any who may have input, or have begun development themselves. I have been playing around with the cprs, bronzeres, and colors for some time, but this is my first past at creating a new panel from scratch. The good news for me is many have laid some tremendous groundwork to help make this an easier process.
My plan is to link the existing msn finance widget in 6.5 to the panel. The plan is to show the details of each stock pick from msn widget to the titanium custom panel. I am in the process of mocking something up just to post what I am thinking soon.
Moderators...gods of xda...please keep me honest as I am not actually posting any dev just yet. If I am out of line, please accept my apology in advance and shut me down, but kindly please don't lock me out.
Thanks....more to come!
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If I knew where to pull data from seperate program I would try this. Maybe in the next week or 2. Does anyone else wanna jump this one?
+1 for stock widget
instead of msn money should be better using yahoo finance, by far more complete... titaniumweather use mortscript to fetch accuweater data, will be possible make this widget same way?
JukEboXAuDiO said:
If I knew where to pull data from seperate program I would try this. Maybe in the next week or 2. Does anyone else wanna jump this one?
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This might work if you set it up like Showaco is doing his radar for TitaniumWeather.
i am with you here man... i would give away TF3d if I can get a stocks plugin for WM6.5 good idea.... great idea...
There is a FRENCH stock titanium panel.
You can analyze and modify this for your convenience.
Go to
Is there any update on the app?
With the current advancements in plugin developments, this would actually be an easy one to make. it's just a matter of reading rss feeds from stock websites. I'll see if i can make some time next week and look into this.
rpereira said:
With the current advancements in plugin developments, this would actually be an easy one to make. it's just a matter of reading rss feeds from stock websites. I'll see if i can make some time next week and look into this.
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Not to mention example already from the post i quoted below:
JMHL said:
There is a FRENCH stock titanium panel.
You can analyze and modify this for your convenience.
Go to
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The French version looks perfect. I only know basic French words. I poked around on the site some and I cant understand. I am going to try a translator or a friend who knows French. Does anyone have any pointers?

