Is there a way of setting Pocket Outlook to display the size of the email that's waiting on the server, instead of the size of the truncated bit that it has downloaded. I have unwittingly downloaded some big (ie expensive) emails because I couldn't see their real size.
If Pocket Outlook won't do this, is there an alternative?
not sure if it's a true alternativ but
most pop3 mail systems olso offer
a webclient option so you can check mails from a browser
i use this option alot because i get about 20->50 spam mails from korea each day (not really sure why because i dont read the language heck my system cant even display the chars )
also it's a good way to avoid mail virus's since they dont end up on your computer when you handle your mails using the www interface
I sync with my work outlook and i want message above 500KB to be downloaded to my phone. i cant find a setting to change that max download size. is there one? where is it?
In ActiveSync.
thanks for that.
ok I am using schap's 3.60 rom with arcsoft mms composer I am able to receive my hotmail and send emails through hotmail no problem, but I can't veiw any attachments. upon a send/receive I get an error message 'failed to get an email attachment' notification for every email that it tries to synch. any ideas I am really confused. I have tried usimg my device and storage card as the source to download too with no luck...
I'm having issues viewing my hotmail attachments from my AT&T Tilt as well... trying to find answers tonight
I also got an issue with attachments. I set it up to be loaded n the Storage Card, but in the settings, it says only 0.23 MB is left on the Card, while Resco Explorer says 265 MB are available.
Hi I Use My HD2 To See My Email But There Is A Problem That every Time I Try To DownLoad The Attachment Video Or File In My Email The System Said The File Is Too Big And I Cant DownLoad It So Can Anyone help Me Please .
Thanks In Advance And I'm Sorry For My English
by default the message and attachments are saved to phone memory. could your memory be full? try ...
mail tab - inbox - menu - tools options storage and select use storage card for attachments
I Do This Step And I Also Had The Same Problem ??????
Do you use hotmail account (or any other from windows live)? I have the same issue with my hotmail account however when using another mail account via pop3 access then I have no problem.
With hotmail I am not able to make the phone to download complete message with its attachement. Every mail is just a header and when I want the complete message with the attachment I have to click on the attachment icon and it starts to download. But this is max up to a few MB (I am not sure but I think that I was not able to download attachment bigger than 3 or 4 MB.
On the opposite when using my second mail account accessible via pop3 I can set up the phone to download the whole message instead of just header and the size of attachment doesnt matter.
Yes Thats Right I Use HotMail , But Do You Have Another Program That Let Me DownLoad More Then That
No, I am using just the built-in outlook - so this is not dependent on a software. I think it is a question of the way how do you communicate with mail server. As I said when I am using pop3 access I have no problem. However for Hotmail the default access is not via pop3.
How Can I Use OutLook can AnyOne Tech Me Please
Hotmail, POP3, IMAP4, et cetera are all garbage ways to access your e-mail.
Paying for hosted Exchange is the best way in my opinion...
...or, even better, do what I do and host your own Exchange at home!
Can You Tell Me How (Spike15)
When I try at attach a file that's over ~5MB in the default email app I get:
"the selected attachment exceeds the allowable limit set by your email provider"
I'm using a gmail account and I know the limit isn't that small...
I removed the account and did it with the advance setup but everything was set ok, imap...
Didn't find this issue on the web except for outlook.
Anyone else?
Any ideas?