HELP!! VZW XV6800 network data doesn't work - Mogul, XV6800 General

My Xv6800 data does not work. I've done everything that i found from the forums. Anyone have any advice? I did 2.40 olipro, then did stock rom, then DCD 3.2.6 and radio 3.42.50.

Did you load your carrier cab? I am assuming since you have an XV6800 that you Verizon, if so get the Verizon cab and install it.
Cabs are available here.

You will have to add the cell modem back in your self. When you flash with the custom rom there is no cellular modem added by default . It's documented some where (I had the same issue the first time I flashed). You have to go to connections click add then select cellular modem. Make sure you have the correct network settings (UN/PW) and your all good to go.

IS there any way to made a carrier cab? I do not see the one I need on the list. I have the original phone and I can pull it off from that phone.

depperly said:
You will have to add the cell modem back in your self. When you flash with the custom rom there is no cellular modem added by default . It's documented some where (I had the same issue the first time I flashed). You have to go to connections click add then select cellular modem. Make sure you have the correct network settings (UN/PW) and your all good to go.
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I think you need to refer to the post by BillThyCat because your wrong about that. A cab file is all it takes.

The only reason you would need to load a cell modem driver is if you were going to have it connect to a different ISP that your default carrier data network, as far as I know, as I have never had to load any sort of driver to get my phone back on the data network after flashing.
If your carrier isn't listed, and you have the original phone still handy, I believe there is info you can copy from your EPST screens and put into your new phone that will reenable data. Tho this is something I have not had to do since I have a carrier cab available.
What carrier do you have? Maybe someone else here with the same carrier can help out.
You may need to recreate the dialup connection under network connections as well, with most carriers the dialup # is #777 and then you use a login and password that is unique to your account. It's possible your carrier help desk may be able to walk you thru how to reconfigure this. Depends on the carrier.
This doesn't require software, just some configuration on the phone.


help, upgraded firmware and now no internet

Just upgraded the firmware on my Cingular 8525. I downloaded the latest version from the ftp website.
rom version 2.06.502.3
rom date 02/02/07
radio version
protocol version 32.67.7020.10h
What the phone does. The phone still works and I can make out going phone calls, but I am unable to download my mail or bring up web pages. It comes up as web page can not be loaded. I've tried to search for an answer but have not found anything yet.
I am using an old att sim.
Have you checked to see if the connection settings are set on the device (settings - connections)? Perhaps the ROM upgrade (is a Cingular one or HTC?) does not contain those settings - in that case you will need to manually enter them. Perhaps this might help: - not sure if the settings in here are right for your service or contract. A search here and on MoDaCo: might also provide the settings that you need
Good luck
My connection settings are correct. They were working before I upgrade the firmware. I am using Att settings which is proxy. Unless with the new firmware they changed. I think it might have to do with the bootloader being 1.09 I just trying to figure this out.
Thanks for your help,
So you are old ATT Blue in USA, correct?
Running the RUU 2.06 with Radio 1.34?
Do another hard reset as some times the first boot is not letting the entire Ext_rom complete, I do not know why but it happens sometimes on the new Cingular ROM.
After that if it doenst work then go to and check your GPRS setting in the "Connection" part of your setting and make sure the settings include the correct user name (wap.cingular.......... and password CINGULAR1..... etc)

Modem Link problems

I have an unlocked MDA i'm using on at&t, i am having troubles trying to use modem link on it, it has tmobile 2.26 rom on it, but when i try to use modem link i can't change the access point name, it says and gives me no other options, nor does it give me the option to add a new access point. Internet, MMS, SMS all work fine, just unable to use modem link. Also i can't get the computer to recognize it as new hardware even when i activate modem link as Is there something in the registry that i need to change like i had to in order to remove the grayed out portions on MMS settings? Sorry for the long post, i'm still kinda new to the whole wizard game, but i must say this site is a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Change your phone number on NFSROM without having to reverse back to original ROM

I just want to share my experience with you. I had to change my phone number thus required a PRL reprogram. Because I am running the latest NFSROM with WM6.5, the instructions from Bell (in Canada) would not work. Someone on this forum said that he had to revert to the original firmware from Bell and then flash back. However, I found the way to do it with out reverting back or even a hard reset:
-Run PST program under \Windows
-Choose edit and Enter your lock code (call MST). This should have been given to you on the Bell instruction. I heard the Verizon one is 000000. For Spring you can find the getpst program.
-Change the MSID to your new phone number on the default Display page.
-Change the Mobile Directory Number (MDN) on the NAM page to your new number as well.
-Make sure that all other relate fields i.e. MINs, MMC, MNC, NMSI, IMSI ... is correct. They should be changed automatically after you change the MSID and the MDN number.
-Quit the program. It will ask if you want to reset the phone. Say yes.
At this point, your phone should work. However, the aGPS might not be working. You will get fix via the internal GPS but it will take a long time because aGPS is not working properly. If this happen, install the Bell Carrier Cab here:
I imaging the procedure is very similar on other carriers.
You are a life saver! THANK YOU!
Thread Moved to General since it isn't development.
Bell Carrier cab link is not working.
smaugmra said:
Bell Carrier cab link is not working.
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Updated to the new FAQ post. Thanks for letting me know.

HTC Magic with no data plan need help.

i just bought a htc Magic. I do not have a date plan!
How do i block all the applications that use the interent so i don't get charged for using data?
When i am in a wifi area i want to be able to use the applications like internet because it will be free because it is WIFI.
I have bin trying to research the htc magic... Not sure exactly what rooting is but i am interested in loading a custom driver or something along those lines. i want to be able to install apps on my memory card and remove stock apps that come with my "Rogers provider" and apps like "market"
Can anyone help me?
My HTC info
Model Number: HTC Magic
Build number: 3.05.631.7 CL#118917
kERNEL vERSION: 2.6.27-5b47e83
Baseband version:
Firmware version: 1.5
Board version: 32A
The simple solution is to rename your default APN to something else.
For example:from default to default_off.
You can find this settings under settings->Wireles&Networks->Mobile Networks.
Or download application like "Apn switch" from market that wil do the same
there is no Wireles&Networks in the setting option there is Wireless controls.
Can some one help me? i want to restrict my apps on my HTC magic from using data from rogers. But if i am in wifi i don't care if they get information from that(like weather market etc.).
Also how do i delete stock apps that came on my HTC because i go into my all program and there is crappy rogers apps and some crappy HTC apps i can't delete
( i have bin getting texts fROM rogers saying that i am trying to use data)
please can some one help me. If i need a custom rom i will do that if necessary.( i like that stock rom that came with my HTC tho)
Well, have you looked in there for mobile networks and APNs or Access point names?
I have Android 2.1 installed and so I have diferent settings menu.
ok i found something that says APN i typed in default_off and saved it. ( before it said something with rogers name in it)
So now my phone woun'r try and use data?
Actualy you should have changed APN type not APN name from default to something else.
Sorry I was not clear anough.
Yes changing the name does nothing, you will need to either delete the APN settings called Rogers or Rogers MMS and/or blank all the settings in the Rogers APN.
Custom ROM's are not always needed to install apps from the sdcard. Just install Astro File Manager from the Market (free) then go to the root of your sdcard and click on the app/apk you have on your sdcard and allow it to install.
Also do not delete the Market that it used to get the apps you want using wifi unless you are downloading the apk and putting them on your sdcard to install.
You need to edit the APN and change the APN address that says something like "rogers-core-appl1.apn" to something else. Problem is, I'm pretty sure this will get repopulated on reboot.
Why not just call Rogers and have them block ALL mobile data on your account, then you have no worries.
waaaaaait a minute.
correct me if im wrong but isnt this a simple way of doing this:
settings --> wireless controls --> uncheck mobile network
for me (running official rogers 1.5 rom with sense UI update), this turns off all data services and maintains voice functionality.
when i turn on wifi and connect to a wifi network, my data services are good to know as they automatically use the wifi connection.
shouldnt this do the trick? or do not all ROMs have the setting above that i mentioned?
i wasn't able to go into Access Point names and delete Rogers but i went in and changed APN and APN address and changed it to default_off. But then i changed MMSC: "i'm not able to show you the adress" to blank. After i did that it let me delete the hole access point thanks everyone i think its going to work now haven't bin getting any e-mails from rogers.
Yea ill try asking them to block ALL mobile data to my account. But not sure if they will because they normally don't sell smart phones without a data plan.
Yea i all ready downloaded and installed astro file manager. Ill just load up apps from the pc because i think market uses mobile data because when i go to use it it says "Background data disabled"... And I'm not sure if i should enable it.
thanks everyone think it's all good now
"background data" what dose that mean? dose it mean mobile data usage or dose it just mean programs running in the background
Apps running in the background is what android does anyway. "Background data" is exactly what it says "data" that happens in the "background"(IE: when you exit the app). "Data" being information that transfers over the mobile data network.
Edit: On my MT3G on T-Mobile, changing the APN so that it's invalid (example, my APN is I simply took out the periods) disables the data connection. It was not corrected by a reboot. However, I'm on Cyanogenmod 5.0.7 test5, not a default rom.
I'm a little confused. should i enable "background data"?
But keep in mined i don't want to use mobile data.. i only use wifi
......... bump...

[Q] Connection Set up Not Working!!! HELP!!!

I went through the flashing okay. And I was even able to unlock and do everything else including getting a code from MS. But when I get to the step that says run connection set up, it tells me that my carrier is not in the database and then tells me to manually set up my APN.
I know I did everything else okay, but I know I can't edit my HD2 registry settings because of this. And my market and xbox features don't work because of this issue.Please, if anyone has had this experience, or knows why I'm getting a "carrier not in database" when I run HTC Connection set-up. I would greatly appreciate it. I hope I'm not the only one having this issue.
Same problem here. Whats your carrier?
I already tried to add the keys manually using a registry editor. However it didn't work and the phone has locked itself again. Now I cannot even unlock it anymore using chevron (it says no connection) so I cannot launch any registry editor or try something else. Probably I have to flush it again. However what I still really need is a solution to this problem with the carrier.
I have solved the problem. My carrier is a small carrier from austria (bob). It seems that the HTC tool simply doesn't have any data for this carrier (the tool in win mobile 6.5 has known bob...). I used another sim from another austrian carrier (a1), whith this i was able to run the tool and add the registry data!
The Connection Setup didn't work for me too. Just ask your provider for the APN (Access Point Name) the Username and the Password and type it in Settings-network- add APN. Thats all.
For A1 /bob its:
User: [email protected]
Password: ppp
Yes, but entering the APN has not been the problem. I wanted to use the Connection Setup to add registry keys according to the WP7 guide. However, I already have solved this by using another sim of another carrier.
@oscar2010 did this work for u too?

