XDA Orbit connects to router but cannot access internet - Networking

Forgive me if this has been covered before, I'm new to the forum. I did a search but can't find a problem which is just the same - hence the new thread.
I have an XDA Orbit II and run Vista Home Premium on my desktop, connecting to the internet via a Netgear WiFi router. My desktop and my partner's are connected via ethernet to the router, my laptop connects via WiFi and all have normal internet access. The router is set up for WPA-PSK and TKIP with a long password and when I turn on WiFi the XDA connects to the router immediately, and shows a valid IP address - which can only have been assigned by the router, confirming the conection.
I seem to be able to be able to access the Internet from the XDA OK, but then another time I get "page not found" errors and cannot connect to any sites at all. Generally when this happens it stays that way and subsequent connections cannot access the Internet either. Deleting all details of the connection and starting again seems to restore the status quo, but in view of the time it takes to retype the 32 digit password, I'm not too keen to do that often!
Whilst the XDA shows as connected and shows an IP address, accessing the router setup does not show the XDA as a "connected device" - I presume it should?
I'm not overly technical, but this seems quite incongruous to me. Has anyone any suggestions as to how I should go about troubleshooting this? I've no idea if it is a problem with the XDA, Vista or the router.


VPN over WiFi connection

I searched the forums for info, seems that others have had issues trying to connect a VPN session over WiFi. Basically, my wifi (internet) is connected, the 'Connect VPN' option appears in the 'Connectivity' bubble, but tapping 'connect vpn results in the unit trying for a while to connect and then giving up with no error.
Probably yet another XDA bug. My device is the XDA IIs (Blue Angel).
Anyone got a VPN going over wifi?
For the record, it (VPN) works fine over GPRS, although the implementation is shockingly bad. You cant hit boxes on yr lan via IP, it drops the VPN the moment you try. I guess i'll have to set up some hosts file to fool the sack of crap into realising that it needs to head down the VPN to get to said ip.
Check your ip's, they must be in different subnets at each end of the vpn eg (192.168.1.--- >>>><<<<192.168.0.---). If they are both in the the same range then packets won't be routed correctly.
I use vpn over a wifi lan every day, and it works like a dream (on an xda2 with soket wifi card).
Yeah, they are in different subnets, still refuses to connect. God knows. The wifi implementation on the Blue Angel is bugged to hell so I suspect this is just another bug.
I can get my VPN to connect.
My M2000 is connected to my local lan via wifi ( and I have set up a VPN to my work lan (
The vpn connects and shows as connected in the connection dialog bubble.
However, I can't see/ping anything on my work network.
The PPTP NDISWAN Miniport adapter shows as not connected.
Using xvIpconfig i can see that there are two active adapters.
One is my wifi card...all ok there.
The other is called RAS VPN Line 0.
It seems to have a correct IP address, subnet mask and default gateway for my work network but it says that DHCP is disabled.
Also the adapter address is 00-00-00-00-00-00...that can't be right can it ?
hi guys, have you made any progress with the vpn and the blue angel. I am having the same problem - VPN appears to connect fine and then drops without any errors etc. to make matters worse i deleted all 02 connections so now i can't even see the vpn connection. Help!!!

Wi-fi problems on the Exec?

I tried to connect my XDA to my works wireless network. I needed to get my MAC address added to the DHCP server so my IP address is assigned automatically in my department.
So, when I turn on my Wi-fi it finds the network and I select 'connects to Internet'. The connection now appears as 'available'. Next I tell it to connect and it displays 'connecting.....' then simply returns back to displaying 'available' again. No connection, no error message.
Does anyone have any idea what I may have done wrong? Surely if using DHCP I dont have to configure DNS etc?
Any advice would be great.
I had the same problem with my home wifi.
My wifi router was transmitting on wifi G only.
And when i changed it to B+G wifi transmission,and then it worked.
I then realised that the Exec has in fact a wifi B only...(i thought it had a G since windows mobile 5 is supporting G... but no...)

Wireless Problem

Done a search on various site but still no joy.
Just got a o2 XDA Mini S yesterday.But I cannot get it to connect to my wireless network at home.Its an open network, with a laptop,3 PC's,2 xbox's accessing it various times of day.All connect no problem.
My xda says my network is available,but cannot connect to it. Do I need to put in IP addresses in manually ? On the network cards section, it the SDIO WLAN wireless adapter that is used ?
Have tried allsorts,
First Question,
Is your WiFi router set to DHCP mode. If so then check that your device is also set to DHCP mode. If not change router to DHCP check that all your other devices are set to DHCP then you should automatically be allocated an IP address. A useful utility is WiFi Companion.
This scans for available networks and allows you to connect. it will also show you the IP address you have been assigned.
You could assign an IP address manually but this will have to be changed every time you walk on to another network. DHCP is better.
Thanks for the info DW, it is my router,popped round a mates last night and it connected to his network ok.
Will check what you said and the firewall
not sure by what you mean exactly by open network.
but are you using MAC address filtering?
when I got the Sony Laptop, I was so eager to get it all setup etc, that I forgot bout the filtering, it would see the network, but refused to connect.
I'm having the same problem. My Exec can see the network but not connect. I investigated it a bit more and for some reason it keeps trying to use the same IP address as my laptop. It also cannot connect to the net to update Avant Go when it's syncing (via my laptop).
I've tried connecting with all other devices switched off, to avoid the IP address conflict, but still cannot connect to the internet.
I'm pretty much stumped.
Setting the Wireless power setting for best performance was the trump for me.
On my Vario - Settings - Connections - Wireless LAN - Power Mode
Thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a try but unfortunately it didn't help.
If my laptop is switched off my Exec can connect to my D-Link router, but I cannot access any internet resources. I presume that somewhere in the settings is the solution but I can't find it.
For some reasons setting wireless "best performance" wortked for me too. Wizard (QTEK 9100 - gray market I guess as QTEK did not register on their site for me). I will still try Opera too.
Kind regards,
same thing happened to my qtek. it detected the network but could not connect and sometimes when it got connected, i still couldn't surf the net. is there anything in the settings that i'm missing? i also tried to enter the IP address manually but no luck either.
My O2 XDA Mini arrived yesterday. It sees my wireless network (as well as two others in my neighborhood) but cannot/will not connect. I've tried everything I've read above - which confirms I'm on the right trail, but...
The D-Link DI-624 wireless router is in DCHP mode. I've dropped all security for connection trials. I've put the MAC address of the XDA in the router, just in case. I cannot find the IP address of the Mini (how do you do that?), but have tried with and without allowing the router to assign it a random and an assigned IP address. My router does NOT have the default (198.162, etc, etc IP address.) so I've been careful not to blindly follow standard instructions. Of course, I have tried with specific IP addresses, default gateway (router), etc, etc.
One clue is that after trying for a long time to connect to the networks it finds, I got one error message from the XDA saying it could not be assigned an IP address from the network(s). Good clue - wish I know what it means.
There are only limited settings to check on the XDA, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something on the router. Any ideas? Many thanks.

WiFi and GPRS

For some reason I can connect to the internet very easily through GPRS (even when roaming), but at home with my own wirelss LAN, I can connect with no problem, but each time I try to access anything on the internet, I get a pop-up stating "Could not locate remote server". I don't have a router, I am using a desktop as the gateway, I am currently accessing the net with my laptop through the same means. All configurations for the LAN appear to be correct, but I must be missing something on the JAMin. In the WiFi settings, I see the LAN, almost full signal - Ad hoc Mode - status is connected - I'm assigned an IP ... seems like everything is in order.
Will one of you wizards point out what I've missed? I know it's probably simple, usually is.
If I'm having trouble connecting a device to a network that has previously been working ok, the first that I do is turn off all network security i.e WEP, MAC address filtering etc. Then reboot the wireless access point/router and your device. If you still can't connect, you can start to blame your device.
Don't think it's a network prob...
Thanks Matterhorn, but my laptop is still connected fine, no problems there... I get the feeling that the PPC's only recognising the GPRS as a valid network for internet access... it works okay when I login to a commercial WiFi network (when I'm in the States) but for some reason on my own network here at home, it logs in, just can't find a server for some reason. The first thing I thought of was the firewall, turned it off and still no luck.
Any other ideas? I thought maybe there was a setting for default AP or connection, but can't find it, nor can I find an appropriate reference in the manual. Ugh!
It would seem my JAMin was trying to access the internet not through the gateway, but through my laptop. As I don't have the laptop setup to share an internet connection, it would allow my JAMin to connect, but that was all. I went in the room where my desktop is, registered on the network there and bingo!
Too simple, should have tried that right away but it didn't occur to me at the time. Thanks for the help anyway Matterhorn!

Cannot connect to the Internet

My wizard has found my home router and has a strong signal but when i come to use msn messenger or ie it will not connect.
Any ideas?
'When connecting to a WiFi hotspot from a Windows Mobile device, you first turn on your wifi then the tower like arrow appears in the Start bar. Near the tower two oppositely pointed arrows keeps moving when connecting. These arrows should stay stationary meaning the network is successfuly connected. If you try using msn when the arrows are still moving, you'll end up seeing the device has no connection!
looking at the wifi it is active. i've checked the settings and it has a valid ip address but still will not connect.
but the gprs for t-mobile will let me connect but it costs £££.
Is your wireless router security encrypted??
Mine is.
If I connect to wifi on my device at home, it will ask for my encryption passkey. Then I tell it to save. From that point I can connect at home no problem. Now if I re-flash my rom and forget to enter my passkey, my Wizard will recognize my wireless router, but will not connect until I remember to re-enter my encryption passkey for my router onto my Wizard.
This may or may not be your problem, but I hope it helps.
PS- I created a simple text document with my passkey on it and saved it onto my SD, so now all I have to do is copy and paste the passkey. Makes life much easier.
(Posted by soopahfly)
I set the network up and the only security on the network is MAC control.
It will not issue an IP address without a valid, recognised MAC.
My Trinity will access the wireless fine here but the Wizard won't.
Its issued with an IP, Gateway and DNS servers but won't access the net.
Same deal at another house where the network is WEP encrypted and the passkey is known.
I have the same problem. My Blue Angel works fine with WiFi on WEP, but my Wizard does not. If I disable all encryption, it works just fine. But I don't want to get rid of the encryption. Any ideas?

