Cannot connect to the Internet - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

My wizard has found my home router and has a strong signal but when i come to use msn messenger or ie it will not connect.
Any ideas?

'When connecting to a WiFi hotspot from a Windows Mobile device, you first turn on your wifi then the tower like arrow appears in the Start bar. Near the tower two oppositely pointed arrows keeps moving when connecting. These arrows should stay stationary meaning the network is successfuly connected. If you try using msn when the arrows are still moving, you'll end up seeing the device has no connection!

looking at the wifi it is active. i've checked the settings and it has a valid ip address but still will not connect.
but the gprs for t-mobile will let me connect but it costs £££.

Is your wireless router security encrypted??
Mine is.
If I connect to wifi on my device at home, it will ask for my encryption passkey. Then I tell it to save. From that point I can connect at home no problem. Now if I re-flash my rom and forget to enter my passkey, my Wizard will recognize my wireless router, but will not connect until I remember to re-enter my encryption passkey for my router onto my Wizard.
This may or may not be your problem, but I hope it helps.
PS- I created a simple text document with my passkey on it and saved it onto my SD, so now all I have to do is copy and paste the passkey. Makes life much easier.

(Posted by soopahfly)
I set the network up and the only security on the network is MAC control.
It will not issue an IP address without a valid, recognised MAC.
My Trinity will access the wireless fine here but the Wizard won't.
Its issued with an IP, Gateway and DNS servers but won't access the net.
Same deal at another house where the network is WEP encrypted and the passkey is known.

I have the same problem. My Blue Angel works fine with WiFi on WEP, but my Wizard does not. If I disable all encryption, it works just fine. But I don't want to get rid of the encryption. Any ideas?


XDAIIi wi-fi problem

Hi all. I looked at several wi-fi posts on here, but couldn't find anything related to my problem.
I'm beginning to suspect that it's because of something stupid I'm doing, cos it really should be working...
Anyhoo ...I have a wireless router at home, and it's serving 3 PCs with DHCP IP addresses, and an internet connection. I have no issues with it.
What I'm trying to do now is get my shiny new XDAIIi to connect, so that I can have the damn thing on the internet. So far, no luck.
Now, I have got the XDA to detect my SSID. It detects all the settings, and tells me it's connected. I even have a signal strength bar on it which reads about 50%.
However, when I set it to pick up a DHCP address it stubbornly refuses, remaining with a "I can't see a DHCP server" 169.x.x.x address.
I've tried reserving an address on the router and allocating it to the MAC address of the XDA, and manually setting the XDA to have that IP address, entering my router as the gateway, and even entering 2 valid DNS server IPs from my ISP into the name server entries. Still nothing. It says it's connected with the IP address I allocated, but I have no net connection, and I can't ping that address from any of my PCs.
All the while the status screen on the router tells me that the device, with it's MAC address, is connected to the router fine.
Surely this has to be something simple. I have set up all the clients and router for my network, and the settings on the XDA are pertty much the same, and really SHOULD be working.
I'm kinda at my wits end.
So basically any suggestions or advice, or anyone with similar experiences please get in touch, cos I'm struggling to see what I've done wrong, and it's giving me an ulcer.
Many thanks in advance.
3COM WAP (3CRWE454G72) - XDA IIi WIFI Problems
Hi Jess,
I very much share your frustration.
I have a 3COM WAP (3CRWE454G72) which has served me well. I have a few machines at home working from it. At work we have 20+ machines working from the same model (older firmware).
My specs are as follow:
3C number 3CRWE454G72
Software version 1.03.07A
Boot loader version 1.00.00
Wireless version V1.0.2.1
Hardware version R01A
Don't have the office one's specs here at the moment ...
At work I can get an IP address (there's a windows DHCP server) .. AND I can ping google and traceroute to google. BUT, XDA IIi doesn't seem "know" that it's connected (e.g. network settings shows the WAP as available, but not connected). SKYPE even works!! But nothing else, no IE, no Terminal Services Client, no Avant Go, no network ActiveSync. They all say that the is no network card configured (but with vxUTIL, vxIPCONFIG, etc). I can see ALL the IP details from the DHCP server.
At home it's worse. I can't even get it to connect to the WAP (either with WEP 128, WEP 64 or encryption turned off). As I'm not even getting an IP address at home from the WAP's DHCP server, I've built a new DHCP server on my one linux box and it works for all my machines ... now I can actually trace requests from devices for IP's ... and the XDA IIi never requests an IP address. Which tells me that it's not even getting through the first stages of connecting with the WAP (again tried WEP, NO WEP).
To make things worse. I have been able to connect to some open WAP's in the neighbourhood ... everything functioning normal.
I'm losing the will to live here also ... ;-)
the plot thickens...
Hi Wolfie.
Well, at this end I seem to have more news.
By removing all WEP encryption and removing the MAC address access restriction I had enabled, I got the XDAIIi online, and all was working.
I then enabled the security a step at a time, and at each step updated the configuration on the handheld, and it still all worked. I was so pleased.
However this morning I have come to put the thing online again, and once again it refuses to pick up a DHCP address.
I tried my process again, and this time it wont work.
It definitely seems that it's the encryption that's stopping it, but I can't get it working this morning.
When I disabled everything I managed to get it online, but then re-enabling the security killed it and I can't get it to come online again.
Oh well, I will try again later. Fussy thing. Anyone ever manage to solve this ??
have u tried soft reseting the device and retrying, sometimes that cures these hiccups
Jess, thanks for the reply. There's hope. ;-)
I have tried your approach yesterday. However, to no avail. At home I completely opened my WAP, e.g. any MAC, no WEP/WPA, etc. But still nothing. When I look at my log files on the WAP. I can see plenty of entries coming from my XDA IIi ...
04 min(s) 41 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 43 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 45 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 46 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 48 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 50 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
... and it just goes on and on and on .... while trying to connect.
At the same time in all connections attemps, I don't get a single entry in my DHCP servers log saying that my XDA II attempted to connect.
Jim: I've tried hard resets, soft resets, O2 Active installed, Corporate mode, pretty much everything my single brain-cell can come up with. ;-)
The thing is definitely a little fiddly indeed ...
The search goes on ...
... anybody out there got their XDA IIi working with WIFI using DHCP and WEP or WPA?
Did you ever get this working?
I have a shiny new XDAIIi and have been trying to get connected via my Cisco Aironet 1200 WAP. The device happily detects my network, accepts the WEP key fine (complains if I enter the wrong key so I know it's communicating) but refuses to pick up an IP address. The Wireless LAN Manager just sits there "Scanning network..."
I firmly belive I'm just missing something but...........
Any help gratefully received :?
I got my QTek 2020i today and for the life of me I can't get it to connect to the internet using my wifi connection @ home
I also have a 3COM router 3CRWE754G72-A and I have my home pc connected to this and also occassionally my work PC - both with no probs.
I can get the qtek to connect and I get a 50% signal strength and I can view an IP address and everything looks good but I can't seem to setup a "Connection" as required by IE?
This is what I get:
"Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settins"
I tap settings and I get this:
Add a new modem connection
Add a new modem connection
Add a new VPN server connection
Set up my proxy server
I've gone into each of these and had a "play" but I still can't get the bloody thing to work :evil:
Can someone PLEASE help as this is starting to drive me mad! - I'm not giving up easily...I've been trying to get this to work for a good 4 hours now and I can't find anything in the manual or on the web that helps...this post was the closest I could fine >>> hence the bump!
have you try to configure the network cards in the connection setting and set the internet using the tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet?
guoper said:
have you try to configure the network cards in the connection setting and set the internet using the tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet?
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Okay, I can get the connection to read "connected" via the Wireless Lan Manager and I can get an IP address - which is totally different to all the other PC's that use my wifi connection - they're all 192.168.1.x whereas this is very different? - the address that I get isn't even the same as the IP Address of my router - I have a static IP address so I know this isn't changing???
Also, when I view the network card page I see the following:
Configure Wireless Networks
Add New...
3Com Available
I can click on this and view the settings for it or I can hold-click and get the option of connecting. If I do this, it just says "connecting"; it never actually says "connected"?
Anyone know where I can get a walkthrough for this?
3 Com Routers
Hi, DotN
I put a 3Com router in my local pub.
I have no problem connecting to it and solving the usual pub talk problems with it.
If you are getting a connection but your IP address starts with 169.254 then I would say you have a WEP problem. The software only appears to check for incorrectly formatted WEP keys, so either turn it off or make sure you enter the correct key. When selecting connect to a router the message sticks on connecting, come out of the screen and go back in after about 30 secs. Check you ip address. I have had some issues with GRPS trying to connect, but they seem to go away after a couple of hides.
I have to say that I am not over the moon with my XDA2i, but the wifi part has worked pretty well for me.
Re: 3 Com Routers
MacPad said:
Hi, DotN
I put a 3Com router in my local pub.
I have no problem connecting to it and solving the usual pub talk problems with it.
If you are getting a connection but your IP address starts with 169.254 then I would say you have a WEP problem. The software only appears to check for incorrectly formatted WEP keys, so either turn it off or make sure you enter the correct key. When selecting connect to a router the message sticks on connecting, come out of the screen and go back in after about 30 secs. Check you ip address. I have had some issues with GRPS trying to connect, but they seem to go away after a couple of hides.
I have to say that I am not over the moon with my XDA2i, but the wifi part has worked pretty well for me.
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Hi Paddy
Thanks for the info. You're bang on with the IP Address!...169.254.x.x
So what encryption can I use?
I've deffinately got the correct password but it's obviously not working
Hi again
Okay, I've just checked the encryption and I'm using WPA-PSK authentication with TKIP encryption.
Is this what you had?
3 Com Routers
Are you using a password or 13 Hex pairs, I use the pairs. Try either turning wep of completely or entering 26 1s. Remove your setting for your ap in Configure Wireless Networks screen then reconnect.
Let me know what happens
Re: 3 Com Routers
MacPad said:
Are you using a password or 13 Hex pairs, I use the pairs. Try either turning wep of completely or entering 26 1s. Remove your setting for your ap in Configure Wireless Networks screen then reconnect.
Let me know what happens
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Okay, I've basically removed all security from my wifi setup. I live in the middle of nowhere so it's not a problem - although once I get the wifi working I'll try and get the security going again.
I still can't get a connection
...stop the press!
Okay, I had a thought...maybe I can't connect because of the speed?
the router is a 11g but supports 11b (which is what the QTek 2020i/XDA IIuses) - sure enough, I had the 11g only option selected - DOH!
removed that and I've managed to connect without security.
I assume this was my problem all along...will now stick the security back on and try again
Thanks again Paddy
Update: I've now managed to get the wifi working with WPA-SPK authentication using TKIP encryption
all along it was simply a case of me having the speed on the router set above what the PDA was capable of! I'd set this ages ago when I first setup my wlan and had forgotten about it cause everything I use is 11g
Cheers again
DotN said:
Update: I've now managed to get the wifi working with WPA-SPK authentication using TKIP encryption
all along it was simply a case of me having the speed on the router set above what the PDA was capable of! I'd set this ages ago when I first setup my wlan and had forgotten about it cause everything I use is 11g
Cheers again
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Doh!...nope, not working again...back to the 169.254.x.x problem.
It's obviously to do with the encryption this time. I'll try some other variations - at least I know that it can work :roll:
No hard feeling, glad you found the problem
pretty much same prob!
i can get an ip, have to check what it is, it tells me its connected on the scanning network page but on the other bit it tells me its available or connecting but never connects!
i've turned wep off and still no joy!
its really starting to drive me mad!
please please someone help
Take a read back through the last lot of posts between myself and MacPad - I think you'll find the answer there.
For me, I had to totally disable my security and everything else - I could then connect. Once I'd done that, I managed to use WEP with a 26 digit key - start by using something like "0" 26 times...make sure u count as u type them zero's in though as if u get it wrong it won't work!
apart from that, not sure what to say. If you're getting the 164.x.x.x ip address though then as MacPad said, it's to do with the security.
I would mention that the XDAIIi/Qtek 2020ii use 11mbps wifi (b) and not 54mbps (g) so make sure u've got ya router configured to allow both types of connection...this eventually turned out to be my main problem - doh!
ok now im home ive re-read and done the things mentioned. with a completely unsecure connection i can get a connecation, but the moment i use any kind of encryption (im using wep 64bit, but tried 128bit as well) no matter what key i use i get a split second of connection then its gone!
firewall is not on either.
any ideas??
thank for the suggestions guys im finally progressing

Internet via wifi only works if I select 'work'

I was finally able to go online using the wifi. Where it asks what the network connects to, I had to change it to 'Work' instead of 'The Internet.' The problem is now I can't connect to any internal ip's such as my router or other networked computers. A bubble pops up over the wifi icon on the taskbar telling me I need to change my connection settings. Any ideas how to fix this?
Hi bendog2784!
The internet profile is used together with vpn connection settings and the work is for direct internet connection. The difference is in encryption but access should be the same so perhaps your problem is because of incorrect ip settings.
I have since got it to work. I think a lot of it had to do with the tmobile proxy. Not entirely sure though.

WiFi and GPRS

For some reason I can connect to the internet very easily through GPRS (even when roaming), but at home with my own wirelss LAN, I can connect with no problem, but each time I try to access anything on the internet, I get a pop-up stating "Could not locate remote server". I don't have a router, I am using a desktop as the gateway, I am currently accessing the net with my laptop through the same means. All configurations for the LAN appear to be correct, but I must be missing something on the JAMin. In the WiFi settings, I see the LAN, almost full signal - Ad hoc Mode - status is connected - I'm assigned an IP ... seems like everything is in order.
Will one of you wizards point out what I've missed? I know it's probably simple, usually is.
If I'm having trouble connecting a device to a network that has previously been working ok, the first that I do is turn off all network security i.e WEP, MAC address filtering etc. Then reboot the wireless access point/router and your device. If you still can't connect, you can start to blame your device.
Don't think it's a network prob...
Thanks Matterhorn, but my laptop is still connected fine, no problems there... I get the feeling that the PPC's only recognising the GPRS as a valid network for internet access... it works okay when I login to a commercial WiFi network (when I'm in the States) but for some reason on my own network here at home, it logs in, just can't find a server for some reason. The first thing I thought of was the firewall, turned it off and still no luck.
Any other ideas? I thought maybe there was a setting for default AP or connection, but can't find it, nor can I find an appropriate reference in the manual. Ugh!
It would seem my JAMin was trying to access the internet not through the gateway, but through my laptop. As I don't have the laptop setup to share an internet connection, it would allow my JAMin to connect, but that was all. I went in the room where my desktop is, registered on the network there and bingo!
Too simple, should have tried that right away but it didn't occur to me at the time. Thanks for the help anyway Matterhorn!

New Touch Diamond 2 Wifi Wont Connect

Hi Guys & Gals,
I have a brand new HTC Touch Diamond 2, on O2 network - this is an untouched device, all i have done is booted it up and sync'd it with my PC,
I have tried to connect the device to to wireless networks now with no luck.
1. My home connection - security enabled WPA-PSK password protected, The phone can see the network, i type in my network key - i also checked the password on my router setup. The little spinning circle comes up and try's to connect with no luck. It will then keep trying for as long as the wireless is on
2. Home connection again with no encription - again the same thing
3. Work connection WEP secured, type in the key, same thing again.
Has anyone encountered these sorts of problems before in the past - if so how do i fix it so i can connect wirelessly.
Cheers Guys
Doubt if this is an issue with the phone more likely to be a setup of the wireless.
What router do you use?
Do you have MAC Filtering enabled?
Do you use your router as a DHCP server?
Are there any error messages displayed on the phone?
When it doesnt connect and you tap the notification area (top bar to the right of START) do you have any messages there?
jderonde said:
Hi Guys & Gals,
I have a brand new HTC Touch Diamond 2, on O2 network - this is an untouched device, all i have done is booted it up and sync'd it with my PC,
I have tried to connect the device to to wireless networks now with no luck.
1. My home connection - security enabled WPA-PSK password protected, The phone can see the network, i type in my network key - i also checked the password on my router setup. The little spinning circle comes up and try's to connect with no luck. It will then keep trying for as long as the wireless is on
2. Home connection again with no encription - again the same thing
3. Work connection WEP secured, type in the key, same thing again.
Has anyone encountered these sorts of problems before in the past - if so how do i fix it so i can connect wirelessly.
Cheers Guys
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I too had problems with WIFI. My home work network was visible but it would immediately drop or not be able to connect. A few days later it started working flawlessly and I have no idea what changed.
I am sure you have tried a soft reset but just in case...
I have a NetGear DG(Some Number) v4 ADSL wireless router, which i have set up and works for all of my other devices (ie. Laptops, PS3). With a simple encription key.
I get no messages etc, all it sais is that its 'not connected' and there are no new notificatons
It then persists in trying to connect again and again, when it cant connect for a while, it then comes up with 'new network connections found' in the notificatins area.
I have switched the power mode to best performance with no luck.
I have tried on 2 different networks now. including with all encription off. WEP and WPA-PSK - This is driving me nutz cuz i love the phone, i just want to use it to browse the web without paying out the nose for it.
DHCP server is dynamic from my ISP.
I have contacted HTC now about the issue, but im going to feel so stupid if it turns out to be somthing simple like a setting on the phone somewhere.
But thanks for the reply
Have you checked you arn't using MAC filtering?
Log-in to your router and check under Wireless settings > Wireless Station Access List.
While you are on your wireless setting page check what Encryption your using for WPA-PSK? TKIP? (The wrong encryption chosen will cause you not to be able to connect)
Ok maybe telling you how to suck eggs but on your phone:
Settings > Communication > Wifi
Select Advanced at the bottom right.
Select Change Network
Click Add new...
Type in the name of your network (The SSID also found under wireless settings, Case sensitive)
Select Connects to: The Internet
Leave the other two boxes unticked.
Click next.
Select the correct Authentication - WPA-PSK is different to WPA2-PSK. You will probably be using WPA-PSK.
Select the correct Encryption (Propably TKIP)
And type in your Network Key
Click Next and Finish.
How does this fair and what are the results of checking info on wireless setting page?
Im at work at the moment trying to connect to the WEP connection,
This connection most deffinatly does not have mac filtering on it, just asked the network tech.
Changed the network key to.... Shared key and it works
so i am guessing that it must be somthing to do with my setup at home..
Cheers guys
Just match up the Authentication / Encryption / SSID and Network Key from the router to your phone setup and you should be fine.
HTC TD2 Wifi issues
There's some discussion around the web about this problem of encrypted wifi connectivity: a few things to note
1] the TD2 is _very_ sensitive to the power settings applied to the wifi chipset.
The default power saving settings are only likely to work if all other on-board devices - bluetooth, HSDPA, GPS [and maybe even the screen] are either off or in low power mode: the general recommendation seems to be that one adjusts the wifi device power to be "best performance" if one wants to guarantee connections.
2] several people have reported that both the wifi device [card] and the settings for the particular wifi lan [SSID] to which you are attempting to connect should both be configured for "Work" rather than "The Internet".
3] these secured/encrypted connection failures are not about the WiFi access point or router: I've personally tested with several different makes and models of Router and Access Point [3com, Cisco, Enterasys, Netgear, DLink, Belkin etc] - both on my own and on client networks where I have complete control of security, and have also methodically tested every single combination of TD2 setting for WEP and all variants of WPA. In each case my TD2 has failed to make a valid encrypted connection.
The same device will happily connect to "open" unencrypted access points and routers.
Other models of HTC device, such as the Tytyn II and Touch Pro work fine on the same access points and routers: so we can be pretty sure that this is specifically a TD2 issue.
Conversations with HTC's European Tech Support on this issue have not been helpful to date, but they HAVE pushed the issue further up the line, so there's a chance that we'll see a resolution.

WPA problem

I have an HTC Elfin that has no problem connecting to a home network with WEP encryption. But at work, I cannot connect to the network with WPA-TKIP encryption. My phone just tries to connect for a few seconds and then the status of the access point goes back to "available". I've verified the network pass phrase, as it does work with my co-worker's netbook. What is the problem here?
BTW, I've been reading up on this problem and somebody mentioned the fix of turning on/off the wifi (turn on wifi, connect, turn off wifi and then on again), but it doesn't work for me:
dtran707 said:
I have an HTC Elfin that has no problem connecting to a home network with WEP encryption. But at work, I cannot connect to the network with WPA-TKIP encryption. My phone just tries to connect for a few seconds and then the status of the access point goes back to "available". I've verified the network pass phrase, as it does work with my co-worker's netbook. What is the problem here?
BTW, I've been reading up on this problem and somebody mentioned the fix of turning on/off the wifi (turn on wifi, connect, turn off wifi and then on again), but it doesn't work for me:
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Try to set wifi to best performance instead of best battery first.
Often the problem is also caused by a combination of the router (brand/type) and a Windows based device/computer.
Some things you can try to get a working connection with WPA-PSK enabled:
1. Modify the registry:
2. Modify the network settings:
Settings > Connections (tab) > Wi-Fi > Network Adapters (Tab)
and select "NE2000 Compatible Ethernet Driver" (maybe you have to config a static ip-address).
Thanks for the suggestions. I did all those, except for the static IP since our network admin doesn't provide one. It still doesn't work. One thing I'd like to understand is that in my case, why does the WPA-PSK connection work for the standard Windows environment (laptop/netbook, desktop) but not Windows Mobile? What could be the difference?
I don´t know what ROM are you using, but if it is some of 23XXX Builds, disconnect first the Bluetooth and then connect the Wireless... Should work now...
My ROM is MK_872_05 WWE, from chota_shivaji. It uses WM6.5 CE OS 5.2.21872. Thanks for your suggestion. I will try it out on Monday when I get back to work.
I disconnected the Bluetooth connection and tried again to the WPA-PSK encrypted access point at work and it still doesn't work. Just yesterday at a relative's place, I was able to connect to his router with WPA security. I think there's something different with the one at work which does not work with Winmo devices.
at work do u just have a password or a user/password? are u using certificates?
At work I have a guest username and password that I can use to log in for the WIFI access point. The password changes every week, but I confirmed that I used the latest one. But I don't think there's a certificate needed since my co-worker is able to use his home netbook to log in without anything else except the same username and password.
