Audible Format Conversion Guide (Say NO! to Mono) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

How to convert Audible Format 4 (.aa) to .mp3
Let me be clear, this is not a piracy technique, this is a way to use content you already purchased on Windows Mobile based phones/devices in the way you want to use it.
Do Not Steal Software or Content – it’s theft stupid.
Audible “Support” claims that only format 2, and 3 work on Windows Mobile 5/6 Devices, keep in mind that this is because they lock down their format to their player. Format 2, and 3 are low quality MONO audio formats. Format 4 which is the closest to .mp3 and happens to be stereo is not supported…. That really sucks, nothing like listening to 24 hours of mono audio. I pay for their “service” which entitles me to 1 credit every 30 days, in my case 1 audio book. Who cares what device I play it on Audible, my media card is agnostic and does not have hardware limitations. DRM in general really honks me off, so with that in mind I went all google nuts and put together a way that works for me from a few different sources. A small guide on how to do this below:
Step 1 – Gather Resources
You will need to get the following software/stuff to make this work
1. Current paid for Audible Account
2. AudibleManager Software
3. AudibleMediaPlayerFilter.exe (Used to be available from Audible, but sadly they don’t offer it anymore)
4. Goldwave 5.0.6 (Pay, buy it, it is very good)
5. Lame .mp3 encoder (Free)
6. mp3split (Open Source)
7. A beefy Storage Card (8gb MicroSD in my case)
Step 2 – Uninstall/Install/Select/Convert/Split
1. This assumes that you have already downloaded your audio book/books and that you have installed AudibleManager. If you have not done so, install AudibleManager and download your media. Make sure it is format 4.
2. Shut Down AudibleManager
3. Move your freshly downloaded book to a different directory than the current directory I suggest C:\Audiobooks. In Vista the files will be located in C:\Username\My Douments\Audible\Downloads or something close to that. In XP they will be in C:\Documents And Settings\Username\My Documents\Audible\Downloads.
5. Install AudibleMediaPlayerFilter.exe, in both Vista and XP you will receive 1 or more .dll errors. No worries here, just Google the .dll files you need, they are freely available. Put them in C:\Windows\System32. Then re-install again and repeat until you have no more errors.
6. Install Goldwave, it will complain that there is no encoder present for mp3, that’s ok, just install it. Now go to the program directory that contains Goldwave, it’s in C:\Program Files\Goldwave. Copy the Lame Encoder files to the Goldwave directory. Now go back to your desktop and run the install again, don’t worry just run it, it will not complain about the encoder this time, if it does, try a different directory inside Goldwave.
7. That was the hard part, fire up Gold Wave. It is a really great piece of software, problem is the newest version no longer supports this feature, so you have to use an older version. I would suggest that you register it, I did. I now use it for all my conversion needs.
8. Go to settings and configure your default audio format, don’t get too crazy here Chief, these files are going to be huge, so set a reasonable bit-rate. The quality of format 4 is not that great to begin with. I use a variable bit rate up to 192kbps. That gives me a file size of around 900mb’s per 8 hours of audio.
9. Select Batch from the toolbar\menu, then add the files you downloaded, remember they are in C:\Audiobooks or wherever you put them.
10. Wait a minute home-skillet, there are no files in that directory, change the selection to “all files” and there you go all your files should be there ready for you to select.
11. At this point it will ask you to enter your Audible account information, once it “authorizes” you can proceed.
12. Once you have selected the files, go ahead and start the processing, it will take quite a while to finish. 8 hours of audio takes about 3 minutes for it to initially read and about 25 minutes for it to convert to .mp3. I have a Quad Core (Q6600) with 4gb of ram and the software will use about 1.5gb of memory and all 4 cores. I also did this same process on a Core2 Duo (2.13Ghz) machine with 2gb of ram, it took the same amount of time.
13. Ok, processing is done, install mp3split. I suggest you split the files into 30min segments, it’s pretty straight forward, if you need help there are tons people using this program, just go to Sourceforge and look around.
14. That’s it you are done, you just have to move the files to your device of choice. FYI it will take forever if you are going to do this via Activesync (40-50min). I suggest a card reader.
It seems more complicated than it really is, once you have it up and running it’s pretty painless, just takes a while
Other Method -- The Analog Hole
*Disclaimer* this takes forever, it’s one to one, so 8 hours of audio will take 8 hours to record, plus conversion time.
Programs like Tunebite don’t do anything special that you can’t emulate with open source software like Audacity. It is very much like the olden days of yore where you had to tape stuff off the radio.
1. Download and install Audacity, Lame Mp3 Encoder, AudibleManager and your Audiobooks.
2. Start Audacity, for source select “what you hear” then hit the record button.
3. Start AudibleManager, and play your Audiobook.
4. Go back to Audacity and check your levels, make sure you are not clipping. If the audio goes into the red too often your recording will sound like doggie poop. You may have to start over a few times to get it right.
5. I suggest you unplug your speakers and go take a nap, play some 360, whatever, just make sure you come back by the end of the book.
6. Save the file you recorded as a .mp3 file, wait for it to finish (it will take a while), then split the files if you so desire.
7. Transfer the files to your device.
*The files you end up with are DRM Free and can be played back on anything capable playing .mp3 files.
*You don’t have to use .mp3 if you don’t want to, you could use ogg for example.
*You can pick any splitting point you like to save space on your device.
*You don’t have to use their player, which saves memory.
*The difference in file size between .aa and .mp3 is significant, .aa is around 100mb for 8 hrs of audio, while the mp3’s are about 700-900mb. Hopefully Audible will change their mind and add format 4 to Windows Mobile devices, until then this is what I have to do to listen to stereo audio books on my AT$T Tilt.
*It takes some mucking around with .dll files, google, and reading skills, I know some people want an all inclusive piece of software that does this.
You loose the book art and the book-marking feature of the Audible Player. (use your favorite media application to add any art you want)
Bonus Tip#1 – Install software like File Renamer and cut down the filename length and remove your username from the file name, it will make it much easier to read on your device.
Bonus Tip#2 – Use different media players for different things, I use HTC Audio Manager for audio books and S2P for regular .mp3 files.
Bonus Tip#3 – Put your music in a different folder than your audio books, it helps keep everything organized.
Bonus Tip#4 – Keep your purchases DRM FREE, use Amazon for music instead of iTunes. Support the EFF, and don’t steal music/content/software.
This is in no way my work, just a compilation of other techniques I found using Google. Wait, what’s a Google? Seriously, how did you get here without using Google? I know Live Search and Yahoo are very “neat” looking, but for serious searching please use Google.

what a great help
I got to say i was kinda hesitant but made a stab at it anyway. I have the tilt also bought bluetooth headset for audio books. Went to audible paid subscription set it up downloaded it and F#[email protected][email protected] only receive book in mono. Listening to an eight hour book on headset with one speaker working is a joke. I followed your instructions all the way to the lame encoder. got a little lost just converted file to wma which i hope will work on mobile 6 i have a 8g card so if i have a problem i will split it with suggested software. Just want to take the time to thank you for the thoughtful insight on this subject. What a joke having paid for the audio book and have to listen to it in mono. The instructions were extremely easy to follow and well thought out. Except the part of mp3 encoder from lame to goldwave cant get it to work but nonetheless a great help to me and i am writing just to say thanks...............keep up the good work.............

Or you can just wait for the next Audilble Player to come out... which will have BT stereo and level 4. The closed beta is being worked on already.

I am plannng on a quick rewrite of the guide soon, I can,t wait till Audible releases a new player. I love the service, but I really hate the current player.

Well it's been years. I think this post should be deleted as the information is pretty much irrelevant. I hope it helped someone in it's day.

aa to mp3
personally I think, that TuneConverter is a better software for this purpose. First of all it converts without quality loss, it supports all the most popular formats like aa, aac, m4a, wma and it can easily strip iTunes, Zune or Wal-Mart...
This is why I advice just to give it a try.

Do you have a link for TuneConverter?
I usually go the complicated way of:
- download as Format "4"
- write to CD (virtual CD), which includes the titles as CD Text
- rip CD(s), converting tracks to titles from CD Text
Audio quality is just bearable with format "4" (I guess ~32k mp3), but the path of ripping to CD is the only one if you don't want to have iTunes installed.

To deal with the Audible AA to MP3 conversion, you can use TuneFab Apple Music Converter. As an excellent audio DRM removal, it has the ability to remove DRM from the AA audiobooks and convert protected AA to MP3, FLAC, M4A, etc. for making AA files available on any media player and device. Better still, the original ID Tags and chapter info will be preserved in output MP3 or M4A files while converting.
What I used to convert Audible audiobooks is this one, but it is not a freeware. If necessary, you can try it from it's website.

I have tried the software, but most of them can't keep the original quality of Audible files.
Currently, I used the DRmare Audiobook Converter for Mac. It seems it the software that is most closest to it.

I will give a try soon my friend also recommend me another one calls Tunelf Audible Audiobook Converter ,seems have similar function.



Hi all,
I'm new to everything here and just had a few newbie questions.
I have an O2 Xda 2 but i want to remove everything O2 related from the phone. I am currently using a TIM sim-card but don't really want everything TIM related to be installed either. Is it possible to just have a default phone that simply uses the TIM part of things for calls n messages only?
Ringtones..... What file types are acceptable for use? And what can i use to convert mp3's to a decent length and size for use as such.
More if i think of them.
Thanks in advance
"Ringtones..... What file types are acceptable for use? And what can i use to convert mp3's to a decent length and size for use as such."
you can use wav files, midi and wma. for mp3s; you can always find a decent mp3-wav converter...but that would mean your filesize for one ringtone would be big. what you can do is convert it to wma; that should make the size smaller. or; you could play the mp3 via your xda and then use the recorder to record a part of the mp3 song you want....(recorder to record...a little redundant there )
for the first one; are you saying you want to take out the entire o2 rom???
you can find LAME here
command line is: lame --decode <mp3file> <wavfile>
This is the highest quality encoder/decoder for MP3 available
as for WMA, there are 2 ways of creating this.
1. Put your device into the craddle, open Windows Media Player, put every file you want to send to the playlist. Go to CD/Devices section. On right hand panel choose your XDA as your device, and press sync button.
2. Take of the SD card, put into your SD card reader on your computer, do like above, but this time choose your SD card as your device.
There is one annoying bug at WMP9 even WMP10 beta. sometimes, if you are lucky, your MP3 file will be converted to WMA automatically and then transferred automatically. Otherwise, it's just plain copied. This is not happen to WAV files anyway.
The only O2 related item is O2 wallpaper there, and support link. You can just delete the shortcut from the start menu, and it's gone. Much of O2 related item are third party software actually. Your SIM card functionality is hidden under Programs->SIM Tool kit.

Programs Archive

Hi everyone,
I think that this topic could be one of the most helpful topics in this forum, especially for new members.
In this topic everyone (who wants to share..) posts his favorite programs, games,..... etc.
some information about what he post.
and the links to download them if available.
Me to begin with:
Programs :
A very good bluetooth stack that support many devices and enables many services.
Enables you to select where do you want to install your programs.
The file is attached.
Make your pda works as a flash disk that enables transfering files easily.
The file is attached.
*Spb GPRS Monitor
A very helpful tool that monitors the transfering of the data.
*NR Deluxe
makes your pda as a remote control that can control everything.
Nice Mp3 Player just like apple Ipod.
The file is attached.
A multimedia Player that can play everything mp3, wave, avi, mp4, wma, wmv, amr........etc
*Spb pocket Plus
a very good program that customize a lot of things in your pda.
*Pocket Mechanic
Stack analysis, format, clean up, registery fix............ and much more helpfultools.
*PocketMax AlarmToday
Set your favorite song to run instead of the usuall alarm sounds.
The file is attached.
Enables you to enter the registery keys and edit whatever you like.
The file is attached.
enables you to choose who do you want to accept calls from and who you want to automatically reject.
The file is attached.
Makes the sound much better..
The file is attached.
You can ask for any unattached files.
that was what i have ...... what about you?
hope to get posts soon
the files:

soo i think im in a little over my head

hello, first off im not very computer savy shall we say. i can do basic stuff and follow directions very good thoe. i just bought a htc p4300 which i believe in the wizard i really just want to figure out how make my own ring tones for now. do i need to sync the phone to my computer ? i down loaded some music to the phone already is there a way i can just use a song off my playlist as ring tone. any help would be great. thanks and again im a newbi to the smart phones so please be easy on me
well i figured out i have a g4 so ill go look in that section
custom ringtones need to be added to /my documents/my ringtones/ in main memory.
i tried to sync the song from my computer using windows media player but i couldnt get it to work. is there a way to do it right on the phone its self. again sorry for the dumb question but im just not to computer litereate compared to some of you guys out there
Yes, you should sync your phone to a computer, it will make this much easier for you.
First: get the sound file you want to use on your computer. edit it using Audacity, or convert it to WAV and use the Windows Sound Recorder, if all else escapes you. The final output should be .wma format ONLY (you might get away with using mp3, but I never did). Use the freeware program SUPER to convert files from any audio/video format to any other. For best results, convert to WMA at 16 bit stereo, 44KHz sampling rate, 96kpbs bitrate. Also, keep your ringtones under 30 seconds in length, or bad things will happen while your phone tries to play enormous ringtones and act like a two-way radio simultaneously.
I assume you still have Windows Mobile 5 on your phone (or you would have already bricked it if you tried to upgrade it), so you can download ActiveSync 4.2 to sync your phone to the computer (don't use 4.5, 4.2 is best for the Wizard with WM5, G3 or G4). This way you will be able to sync contacts, email, etc. but more importantly for this use, you'll be able to browse phone directories from your computer.
Deposit your new mp3 ringers in \Windows\Rings on your phone. Be patient navigating through the \Windows folder on your phone. There's a lot there, and it usually takes a while to open.
Then just switch your ringtone like you would any other. (I found that I needed to add a space between the end of the file name and .wma, as in "ringtone .wma" for it to work properly, your mileage may vary.)

Solved - Delete Post

im leary about buying this pocket player, because i downloaded for my htc hd2 and it wont play any music files or vid files, i went to to associations in settings and there not checked, and it will not allow me to check them.
is the pocketplayer compatible with the HD2?
change settings / associations
bought it 1 month ago, very happy with it, only listen to audio books not tried video (tcpmp meets my needs) in order to select an item settings/associations tap on the item you want to select, it will hilight then bring up keyboard and press enter, hope this helps. ps works perfectly on my hd2
thanks alot for your reply!! ive been wanting to try to find agood player.
i finally got the settings down now thanks to you!!
next question.. ive went to menu, options library and added my storage card\ music. then tried to play ANY files on my storage card but it wont play or add any of them? and they are all mp3??? they all added fine on windows media player on htc, and they all add fine tcpmp, and coreplayer, but they won't add in pocket player? but it has added all the os ringtones? and custom ringtones ive added to the ringtones folder on the device(not storage card) also it did find my videos. all avi's and it won't play any of them?
any other tips would be appreciated. i dont wanna buy a product that i cannot even get the trial to work!
Thanks for your time and patience!
To make "checking" work, you MUST enable virtual keyboard. Use up/down and enter keys.
BT keyboard also does the trick.
This is a common issue of WM 6.5. I have same problem with pocket player too.
still doesnt work .. this is sad for me caus eim a comp tech and consider myself VERY tech savy. so sorry guys
ive watched while its scanning folders, and it never goes to storage card? just scans... is c program files flip disc? wont goto storage card, and in pocket player settings library folder it shows i have \storage card\music and \storage card\video to monitor for files. and i DO NOT have c program files\flip disc selected.
adding files from memory card
as i said i only use it for audio books and dont use the library but i can tell you how i use it which might meet your needs (i assume "the library" allows you to select contents of a playlist via mp3 tags), i add a book via the "open folder" option this will recurse all sub
directories from the chosen folder and add them to current playlist. i then save the current
playlist via the browse->playlist option, as i said unless your music is well organized this might not suit.
i have just tried creating playlists via album and arist this worked fine all my files are on sd card. just checking are we talking about same player "conduits pocketplayer v4.1", have you tried emailing them, i found their tech support to be v efficient & helpful.
good luck, and happy to help
EDIT - my two pennies worth
works well with cheap ipod handsfree from ebay as play pause work
when device locked (important feature for me), it is currently my
audiobook player of choice beating out rockbox on old ipod, one less
gadget and playback speed adjust with constant pitch.
xtacybyme said:
im leary about buying this pocket player, because i downloaded for my htc hd2 and it wont play any music files or vid files, i went to to associations in settings and there not checked, and it will not allow me to check them.
is the pocketplayer compatible with the HD2?
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I've been using it (I assume you mean Conduit's version) for years now and am now using it on the HD2 with just the minor problem mentioned already (needing to use a soft keyboard to change settings).
Messing with Zoomify on it now, because I had some problems getting precise clicking on the bar where I wanted to jump ahead in a podcast.
If you're still having problems, send them an email - in the past I've found that they were very responsive to problems (same day replies).
Messing with Zoomify on it now, because I had some problems getting precise clicking on the bar where I wanted to jump ahead in a podcast.
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how did you get on with zoomify

A way to manage music and playlists on wm (HD2)

I think that a post like this must be done, because I can't find anything right, and i have read many other people questioning about :
my device HTC HD2 Leo must be the best mp3 player!
-2 days ago I was thinking: yeah this hd2 is a great device, but to complicate to do some things and ecc.. I'm not a programmer, i can't do by myself I alwas have to wait to find solutions and twaeks.. even music, i can’t import a simple playlist.. i don't know.. I never try an iphone. Probably is simpler, it's almost a legend, it's firstly an ipod… At least music will be perfect... i will think about..
-yesterday i tried an iphone: i wanted just to test the music software, but i immediatly realized: Wow is this an iphone?!?! it seems a toys!!! and the music soft it's even less powerfull and functional then i was thinking! Always too enphasys on this object! it just slide well!... and i can't do anything different here..bhaaa
No matches, come proudly back on my wm hd2... !! at the end it really eats all other devices,and i have to solve his problem!..
Spending again time in serching, finally i found a way to manage music pc-device for good. yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! more complex than expected, but damn, it works. As usuall for McGuiver’s breed\wm users .
The first problem is the music software on pc, you can choose obviously what you want, tranfer just songs has no problem for all. The problem is playlists exporting in ALL cases. I want my (sorry it needs months) mood-auto-playlists, or 4-stars-upper or everithing else both on pc and device with the ability of playing them when i want..but…but…but.. nothing?!?!? Are you joking me?? it’s so strange I want it, without rebuilding all playlist on device?!? Not perfect sync pc-device and reverse device-pc..just my playlist on device when i sync..
unlucky, it ‘s so because of some issues in devices and pc software options ...
1: pc music software in my experience:
Windows media player 12: good default software but limited. Even if is the windows software, now it can't tag music, and syncing it's unable to export the playlist file on device, only songs. (i belive probably we will see a windows phone7 ad hoc software, there no answers to that strange support, probably they want to make wm7 more attractive..)
MediaMonkey: the best music managing player! and not only the best, if you really want to organize music in deep way, it's the ONLY allinone solution. but as for the hd2, you have to search and learn a lot on the net, I had many problems in first experience. In the end, it can do everything on devices and pc. There's just one problem, it exports well playlists(m3u) but on wm device with storage card they were ‘wrong’written. argh! (but now i can solve!)
Itunes: personally i don't like it, but it's a good manager. Nothing really better against the others, it’s just comfortable if you have an apple device. if you depend from it, you can find solutions like pocket tunes software, or else.. but why when i have MM, and many software music player device?
Winamp, foobar, vlc.. they where appreciated software too, but for me MM still does everything better..
2: I conclusively choose MM. But how export well playlists? The problem remain that when I export a playlist, MM can’t recognize the songs file path written in playlists. So you’ll have readable lists imported, without the right file association. If you look in playlists opening them with notepad, songs playlists path will be: music\artist\album\song ..instead of the right (for most device player) storage card\music\artist\album\ songs…
In these way the only device software able to read these ‘wrong’ playlists will be that great free software called S2p from A_C, that can be extended with S2U2too. It works well, and probably on any wm device, but in my opinion on my Hd2 I would like something even better if possible..
I took a look on other software, and even if they are not all free, they all have their + and -. Playlists are featured not so much and well too.. Between them I personally prefer these two:
Pocket Player: the best in general,scrolling ,playlist,nowplaying,ratings,albumart..
haven't tried with 10 gigs jet, but it’s really the most powerful, usable, music oriented one.. even if some things are still not perfect, I hope they will be fixed on 4.2 release. It reads M3U playlists and other.
Htc audio manager(manila/sense music tab): It’s the only one with that beautiful landscape mode. - : must be tweaked to scan the right folder on SD, navigation has not alphabet scroll, and at the end I think that PP works better, but it’s good and already installed. It reads just ASX playlists file.
Everithing you choose, the important is to understand the right file format for playlists on your device player. HTC->asx, PP->m3u, others->…………. And converting will make you free
As said the only auto-exportable playlists files, seems to come only with MM, and being my player I’ll work with these. It ‘s stupidly complex, I have to admit, but … works! Hoping that someone in future could make it simpler (in MM or in wm devices, please!!):
After I sync device with MM importing mp3s and playlists files, written playlists’ songs path, as said, will be readable but wrong\incomplete for all player except s2p. And all the other players remain unusable in this way.
To solve, the only solution I found is to convert that file in working one, and you need two tools:
-m3uToAsxConverter (for pc)
-and PlaylistManager (on device) i don’t remember link, sorry( Google it)
In this way, if you drag and drop the imported-device-not-working-m3uplaylist-file ( that has not ‘storage card’ write in paths) on m3uToAsxConverter.exe file. It will be converted automatically in an asx file (good for htc audio manager) with also the right path rewritten.
Now re-import manually the converted playlist on device, and open that with PlaylistManager.
If you want to insert it in HTC AM, go for file , save as HTCoption….
Or if you want it for others players, choose simply save as , for example in PP folder, and convert the asx file again in an m3u file.
Finally you’ll have all your playlists on device too, remembering ,thanks to McGuyver, to update them when something change on the pc library.
That’s so! Yhahuuuu
Hoping this could help others, I’m quite a newbie in Wm world, so I don’t know if all this is the best solution , but in all the time I spent searching about, this is the only working way..
Let me know if you discover\do something better please!
where we want to go without XDA !
a big kiss from italy
Thanks for taking the time to share. I just started looking for a solution to this today!
A simpler way?
TommyRose said:
I think that a post like this must be done, because I can't find anything right, and i have read many other people questioning about :
my device HTC HD2 Leo must be the best mp3 player!
Everithing you choose, the important is to understand the right file format for playlists on your device player. HTC->asx, PP->m3u, others->…………. And converting will make you free
As said the only auto-exportable playlists files, seems to come only with MM, and being my player I’ll work with these. It ‘s stupidly complex, I have to admit, but … works! Hoping that someone in future could make it simpler (in MM or in wm devices, please!!):
After I sync device with MM importing mp3s and playlists files, written playlists’ songs path, as said, will be readable but wrong\incomplete for all player except s2p. And all the other players remain unusable in this way.
To solve, the only solution I found is to convert that file in working one, and you need two tools:
-m3uToAsxConverter (for pc)
-and PlaylistManager (on device) i don’t remember link, sorry( Google it)
In this way, if you drag and drop the imported-device-not-working-m3uplaylist-file ( that has not ‘storage card’ write in paths) on m3uToAsxConverter.exe file. It will be converted automatically in an asx file (good for htc audio manager) with also the right path rewritten.
Now re-import manually the converted playlist on device, and open that with PlaylistManager.
If you want to insert it in HTC AM, go for file , save as HTCoption….
Or if you want it for others players, choose simply save as , for example in PP folder, and convert the asx file again in an m3u file.
Finally you’ll have all your playlists on device too, remembering ,thanks to McGuyver, to update them when something change on the pc library.
That’s so! Yhahuuuu
Hoping this could help others, I’m quite a newbie in Wm world, so I don’t know if all this is the best solution , but in all the time I spent searching about, this is the only working way..
Let me know if you discover\do something better please!
where we want to go without XDA !
a big kiss from italy
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The path in the .m3u is dependent on where you tell MM to save it. So I moved all my files to a folder in this path on the pc: "c:\storage card\music\ . . ."
Then I saved the playlist to the "c:\" and the playlist now includes the "storage card" part of the path. You don't have to put in root at c:\. I can go anwhere, but you have to save the playlist in the level above "storage card"
When I moved it to the HD2, it did not work! I saved a new song on the hd2 to the same playlist, moved it back to the PC to see why it would play, and not the songs saved by MM. It turns out that MM saves the path as "storage card\music\ . . ." It does not put in the initial '\" in the path. It should be "\storage card\music\ . . ."
So, now after I save the play list with MM to c:\
1. Open playlist with notepad
2. type Ctrl+H (Replace)
3. type "storage" in 'Find What'
4. type "\storage" in 'Replace with'
5. select 'Replace all'
6. save the file
7. sync to hd2
That's it. The file is on correct format with the full path. The point is to have identical paths to the music on both the hd2 and PC.
Hope this helps . . .
Strange behavior...
I read through your small guide and did not get any answer to my problem so here goes:
I had my songs in one folder on my SD card, i had made two playlists.
Then without removing thoose two playlists i moved my whole music folder into where it should be in My Documents/Min Musik <-- Swedish path!
Now to my problem, as you can see in the picture i have two playlists with a different icon (Blandat and Sade) on it, thoose to is not removeable
why and how can i remove them manualy? I have searched through my whole device without finding them.
Please can you help me...
I use Windows media player to hold my music and playlist on my PC, i then make an auto sync of my HD2 with wmp for all my playlists and they all work perfect in sense?
my music AND my playlists on my PC gets transferred and recognized perfectly?!?
EDIT: by the way, for tagging my mp3's with information AND build in image witch also gets shown everytime in sense, i use NCH stamp id3 tag editor.. works like a charm
low-dogg said:
I use Windows media player to hold my music and playlist on my PC, i then make an auto sync of my HD2 with wmp for all my playlists and they all work perfect in sense?
my music AND my playlists on my PC gets transferred and recognized perfectly?!?
EDIT: by the way, for tagging my mp3's with information AND build in image witch also gets shown everytime in sense, i use NCH stamp id3 tag editor.. works like a charm
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Thanks for sharing. Could you please share versions of wmp on pc? ALso, what type of playlist (.asx, .m3u, etc) is created on PC? does it sync as-is, or converted to another type on hd2? Also, what is the folder structure of your music (and playlists) on both PC and HD2?
Thanks . . .
This is my solution for those who use Itunes and especially those who prefer to use the simplicity of the unix platform within the mac.
The software for syncing my music is called double twist which runs both on Mac or PC, this great piece of software recognises the HD2 straight away and imports everything from your itune library which you just copy to your SD card. It even now support itune s the Android Market for those that may want to port Android to their HD2 in the future when it becomes available.
Once you have connected your beloved HD2 a sync music panel appears with 2 options, sync all music or selected playlists, I use this section for only syncing my podcasts because that is the only thing that changes each week, this is how I do it;
1. Create a playlist in itunes called podcast
2. start up DT and go to library > music> source >itunes and select the podcast playlist you created
3. Now go to the file menu > library > add to library
4. Now the playlist will appear every time you connect and you just need to refresh this playlist which can be doe automatically in the preferences.
Every week I start up itunes and wait for it to finish downloading my subscribed podcasts and then drag them into my podcast playlist, after deleting the previous weeks podcast. Now just start up DT with HD2 connected and press the sync button and my podcasts are now on my my HD2
This solution is excellent for those who realised that owning a MBP running virtual box with windows 7, best of both worlds. This set up allows you to take advantage of the apple MBP and still be able to flash ROM's from the one set up.
<p><em>hope</em> this helps</p>
regis.stration said:
Thanks for sharing. Could you please share versions of wmp on pc? ALso, what type of playlist (.asx, .m3u, etc) is created on PC? does it sync as-is, or converted to another type on hd2? Also, what is the folder structure of your music (and playlists) on both PC and HD2?
Thanks . . .
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This is probably WAY too late, but as I had to sync my first WMP playlist to my HD2 today and ran into the same issues as everyone else before finally working out the secret, I thought I'd update this thread. Best of all, you don't need to download or convert anything, syncing does work as it is supposed to.
- First of all Restart both your computer and HD2 (this is a precaution and can't hurt).
- After making your playlist in WMP attach your phone via USB as normal. IMPORTANT: when your connection options appear, make sure you select 'Active Sync' and NOT 'Disk Drive' (even though this would be a faster transfer the playlists won't come across this way). Press Sync on WMP.
- After Sync in WMP is complete, make sure you ALSO 'Sync All' in Active Sync. This might take a while and may even create an error at the end. Don't worry. If you don't do this, you may find that even though the Playlists appear on your HD2, none of the Music actually plays.
- Launch your HD2 Player and let the scanning complete, but don't play anything.
- Unplug and Restart your HD2.
- Now (hopefully) your playlists will appear AND play.
Am I reading this thread correctly...
Does the HTC Sence player read .asx playlists only?
If so where does the playlist have to sit for the sense player to pick it up?
If I read this correctly should it go in the phone root?
If so I have a problem: I have placed one there and the sense player can't see it :-(
I am using MusicBee to create and export my playlists in.asx format. I can even get it to map the paths correctly from PC path to HD2 path so may have a simple working solution if I can just get sense to recognise the .asx file.
Any help on where I should locate the .asx file so that sense player will see it greatly appreciated.
I can't even find the ones that I have created manualy through the sense player itself!! WTF does sense do with them??
HTC HD2 playlist location and format
I have done some investigating. It appears that the audiomanager does NOT use ASX format playlists, but basically m3u style with just the path to each song, one song per line. The location of playlists is \Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\playlists
The tricky part seems to be that playlists are in a BINARY format. If you use Playlist Manager to convert a playlist for audiomanager, then copy that playlist from \Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\playlists you will be able to open it in Notepad and it appears to be an ordinary text file. In fact, you can add songs to it in notepad, save the file, copy it back to \Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\playlists and after a soft reset the playlist will have your new entries. However, if you were to copy and paste the text in that file to a new text file, copy that to the HD2 and soft reset the new playlist will appear empty.
Examining the files shows the playlists produced by Playlist manager are substantially bigger than an equivalent plain text file. A hexdump shows that each character is padded by a hex 00, and there is some extra stuff at the start.
In short, Playlist manager ( is the way to go. Make plain m3u playlists (making sure the path is relative to your phone, not your pc, as described in other posts), open them in playlist manager and use it to export them to HTC audiomanager - then soft reboot.
BTW, playlists made this way can't be edited in the phone. Changes will be lost when you reset. Deleting them seems to be a bit tricky, too.
Edit: Playlists created on the phone are stored in a single binary file in \Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\AdioManager_Eng.vol

