Edit order of letters that appear in XT9 - Touch Dual, MDA Touch Plus General

Hi all, this is a problem that I don't know how to solve.
When I press the ""a/s" button in a 20 keys keyboard having Xt9 active, the first character that appears is "s". This does not make sense for Spanish as "a" should be the first one. Now, everytime that I want to writte an "a", I have to change from "s" to "a" and this is a mess...
Pls, pls, pls... anyone that knows how to change these prioroties?

Try this, Paul at modaco made a great little fix for this. It works on UK devices, so may work on yours.


XT9 default words - Edit the dictionary

Hey guys,
There is only one thing that I can not seem to sort so far on my Touch Dual. Is it at all possible to edit the defaults when typing out on the keypad. I can repeatedly hit "2" and then change it over to "a" so that it defaults to this...only problem is that it reverts back to "c" when I go onto the next message.
Same goes with some of the new words I have added, it now switches over to them all the time which is just annoying.
try this for the a and c
Fantastic stuff, thank you for that. Now I just need to work out how to edit some of the other ones that annoy me.
Great now all im looking for is easy instructions on how to edit the xt9 'database'.
This is an excellent fix. Thanks!!
Another annoyance however, when typing 'an' it presents 'co'. Any way of changing this to be 'an' in a similar way please?

Issue with Xt9

Hi all, I have a 20 keys HTC Touch Dual. I'm trying to fix a problem that I find when I use XT9 writting in Spanish. When I click letter a, the 1st priority that Xt9 offers me is "s" when should be "a". Is there any way to edit this priorities and change them?
Thanks in advance.

Key remap

I tried Search button first, so if there is a topic already, please can you post the link?
I'm from czech republic and I'm very used to qwertz keyboard layout instead of qwerty. Is there any posibility to swap Y and Z on HW keyboard? I already tried change keyboard layout to czech (using this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=446449) but it didnt help.
I would very much appreciate if someone can help me.
Thanks in advance
Don't know if you checked this (in czech):
For non-czech speakers .. the post above (here on XDA-developers) says how to SWITCH the layout. Here is the method how the modify it.
There should be simple readeble text file in the phone at path:
(replace your locale code, see the post above).
In this file, replace any characters to obtain modified layout. Haven't tried by myself though.
Thank you, but
as far as I understood this file only changes characters that are offered by pressing "àű" right after some character - I mean when you press A you get à after first press of "àű" button and á after second press of "àű" button etc.
I'd like to change the layout from qwerty to qwertz. Just swap Y/Z, nothing more.
Any other ideas?
you need AEKMap.
I did this for my i780, just check the link in my sig.
you have to do the same for the X1, but i am not sure if the keycodes are identical. just try it out.
Thanks very much, this actualy works. I only wonder if it will slow down my device in some way.
it doesn't slow down my i780 and it is super lightweight.
you can also rearrange your czeck special letters in the sym txt file like others have pointed out. should give you a fully working, localized keyboard.
If all you want is to exchange Y and Z, go to the link in you first post and change the code to german layout. it works!
Well, that was the first think I thought of. But there are too many changes in the layout. So that was no option for me. but thanks for idea
btw. this AEkmap doesnt work in text boxes on pages in opera mobile.

Adding keys for QWERTY? help

Hi, i just wanted to ask for help, because im from Spain and need the "Ñ" key and i also want the "_" key on my QWERTY keyboard. As soon as i saw that there werent those 2 keys, i was wondering if there's an application that makes me configure normal keys (like Z,X,C, those who doesnt have blue letters) so that i make them also have "blue letter", like Ñ or those things
would be very nice since i only use qwerty for writing sms
thank you !
try x1bc. you can associate fn+a (,b,c,d,f,z,x,c,v) to any letter (or program)

keyboard problem

Hi my first time posting here, so sorry if this question was already asked.
My 8525 keyboard has letters that do not match the key symbol. It only happens on the shift characters and not the letters. It seems they are off by one or two keys at times. Are there any fixes or has anyone else had this problem.
Thanks all great site by the way !
mine is softbank X01HT - Japanese version
So to overcome the unmatch keyboad letter - i use japanese setting layout keyboard

