Adding keys for QWERTY? help - XPERIA X1 General

Hi, i just wanted to ask for help, because im from Spain and need the "Ñ" key and i also want the "_" key on my QWERTY keyboard. As soon as i saw that there werent those 2 keys, i was wondering if there's an application that makes me configure normal keys (like Z,X,C, those who doesnt have blue letters) so that i make them also have "blue letter", like Ñ or those things
would be very nice since i only use qwerty for writing sms
thank you !

try x1bc. you can associate fn+a (,b,c,d,f,z,x,c,v) to any letter (or program)


change keys on keyboard?

Does anybody knows if it posible to change the assinment of the keys on the keyboard?
I would like to change the Windows Startbutton into CTRL, So i can easy use CTRL C and CTRL V.
Do i have to change the keybddr.dll for it?
Not to be a "me 2"er, but I am looking to swap the comma and period. They're on the same key, but I have to use the "Option" button (round dot) to get a comma. Well, when I'm option-locked and typing numbers, I use the period a lot more than when I'm typing letters. I'd like to see a way to simply swap those two functions on that key.
Changing Map
I´m from Brazil and in my portuguese keyboard I had an issue with comma an period keys.
I´ve used the AEKMap program to remap my keyboard. On google, type aekmap an the link will come.
Here are the settins i used.
; layout [email protected]
Layout Alvaro, Full-size Keyboard
Hint Alvaro
Key 00BE c002C; VIRGULA
key 00c0 c002e; ponto
big ups!


I prefer using the on-screen keyboard with the enlarged keys, and with the "space" key.
The problem is, that I can't find the "?". So everytime I have to ask a question, I have to change the input method - that is so irritating. I have to say, that my keyboard is scandinavian - so maybe they had to sacrifice the "?" for the local letters we have.
But, if the "?" is there on the keyboard - then do somebody know where it is hidden? And if not, is it posible in changing the layout/some letters - in a simple and easy way?
On an English keyboard the ? is accessed via the shift key.
Unfortunately that is not the case om the scandinavian keyboard. Maybe it is because there are not enough keys - since they have to include three letters more than the english (æ, ø and å).
But they have included signs like: "["
A sign most people rarely use, but a "?" people use all the time. :?
Do they ? ;-)
Sorry I have no idea, but couldn't resist.

Key remap

I tried Search button first, so if there is a topic already, please can you post the link?
I'm from czech republic and I'm very used to qwertz keyboard layout instead of qwerty. Is there any posibility to swap Y and Z on HW keyboard? I already tried change keyboard layout to czech (using this: but it didnt help.
I would very much appreciate if someone can help me.
Thanks in advance
Don't know if you checked this (in czech):
For non-czech speakers .. the post above (here on XDA-developers) says how to SWITCH the layout. Here is the method how the modify it.
There should be simple readeble text file in the phone at path:
(replace your locale code, see the post above).
In this file, replace any characters to obtain modified layout. Haven't tried by myself though.
Thank you, but
as far as I understood this file only changes characters that are offered by pressing "àű" right after some character - I mean when you press A you get à after first press of "àű" button and á after second press of "àű" button etc.
I'd like to change the layout from qwerty to qwertz. Just swap Y/Z, nothing more.
Any other ideas?
you need AEKMap.
I did this for my i780, just check the link in my sig.
you have to do the same for the X1, but i am not sure if the keycodes are identical. just try it out.
Thanks very much, this actualy works. I only wonder if it will slow down my device in some way.
it doesn't slow down my i780 and it is super lightweight.
you can also rearrange your czeck special letters in the sym txt file like others have pointed out. should give you a fully working, localized keyboard.
If all you want is to exchange Y and Z, go to the link in you first post and change the code to german layout. it works!
Well, that was the first think I thought of. But there are too many changes in the layout. So that was no option for me. but thanks for idea
btw. this AEkmap doesnt work in text boxes on pages in opera mobile.

Changing the keys of the on-screen qwerty

Hi there and Merry Christmas!
Being a proud HD owner for two days now I noticed that the layout of the on-screen qwerty (qwertz in my case) is unfortunately not really "smilie friendly"
Due to the German language using such funny letters as ä, ö, ü and ß, the parentheses got moved to the symbol page.
Does anyone know how to change the 2nd-function layout of the keyboard?
Maybe there is even a chance to not only get parentheses back into the game but also make a whole character string just by pressing one button. Like a smilie key
Down below you can see the qwertz standard and "smilie" version.
So far it's only photoshop...
I'm also interestd in this remapping...
Any idea to change the attribution of the 2nd function (long push) ???

Keyhook for ä/ö/ü?

I don't know what English X1 keyboards look like, but on my Swiss X1 there are three keys for ä, ö and ü. I think these keys do their job in a different way than the other keys, because I have noticed that when I slide the keyboard out and start typing, the phone is too slow to show the text in the first few seconds, and if I write a word caontianing ä ö or ü, that letter will not appear at the position where it is supposed to be according to the typing order, but at the beginning of the phrase. I therefore think that those keys trigger a special function which passes the correct key to the system, and this function is obivously way faster than the normal IRQ. So, first I would like to know whether there is a solution of this problem and if my assumptions are right, and second if there is a way to apply this behaviour to other keys or change the existing one, so that maybe we could get a ctrl key.

