Settings Saver - Wing, P4350 General

I am hoping that someone can help me. I am trying to find the files that must be created when you input your GPRS and Server data. The obvious reason for this and most of the flashing junkies out there will know, I am trying to automate at least some part of the settings process after a flash. If I am barking up the wrong tree, please let me know. I appreciate any feedback and I thank you in advance.

Usually, most ROMs cook in the connection wizard which makes things a lot easier. If the ROM you have doesn't include it, then just install the cab and have it configure the settings for you.

Kareem, thanks for your reply but I think you may have misunderstood, or even more likely... my explanation was poor.
After flashing a new ROM, I manually input the pushemail setting for Vodafone EG. I then manually setup my work email server connection.
My question is: when I do this.... where do the settings reside? Is there a file somewhere?

I can't believe someone hasn't thought of this!
What about you "pureskillz"? I know you can flash 5 ROM's in a day...


Make Part to ROM - Urgent

Please please reply it.
I want to make my application part of ROM my three PDAs. ( I have XDA2i, PDA2K and K-Jam), so machine will have application after hard reset. (i don’t want to write FLASH Memory \Storage\1257 etc i think any one can delete that)
Q1) is there any installer available which deploy to ROM and make desired application part of ROM.
Q2) to upgrade any ROM , is it must to have base ROM ?
I really thankful for your feedbacks
Hi Khurram!
There are no installers that can put apps in to device ROM. If you want to add to the ROM you need to do the following:
1)Extract ROM image (or get one for your device from somewhere).
2)Decrypt the image (nbf file) and extract all files.
3)Add your app
4)Repackage and encrypt the image.
5)Reflash your device with the new image.
The tools to do it are on this site (check out ROM kitchen), but this is a complicated process, and there is a good chance you will wind up with a useless device which won't boot.
So you should read up on ROM cooking and be very careful when altering ROM images.
Good luck!
Hello levenum,
Great reply , thanks a lot . you are the only person who replied me now and in past as well.
in past, you suggested the "file store".
Problem: it is not a secure way , any person can remove it from the device.
does any one have idea about Extended ROM or any other secure and risk free way ?
Hi Khurram!
When you first posted you didn't specify your program was sensitive, and you didn't want people deleting it.
If it's really important Extended ROM is not good ether since it can be unlocked and manipulated just like the File store. There are unlocking tools in this forum.
If your program is some kind of anti-theft app. (in case your phone gets stolen) the only way to ensure no one messes with it is to put it in ROM.
Of course even then someone could re-flash the device with an original ROM,
so nothing is 100% secure.
Great , really impressed in way you picked my point.
i am working on such a application , actually 3 months ago I lost my newly purchased XDA2i , luckily i got that back with the help of mobile operator but I want to developed such a application which will lock the machine totally and will not allow re-flashing as well.
Q: stop to re-flash is possible?
Q: any existing tools for anti-theft ( i saw something at ROM Kitchen but it is for specific versions only)
any further help will be appreciated.
Thanks Again.
Yes, there are projects like this here:
Although, I don't remember anyone trying to put the app in ROM.
As for preventing device from re-flashing:
It is possible theoretically, but would require serious programming skills, and good knowledge of hardware.
There is a special program, called bootloader, which is responsible for loading the OS or writing a ROM update to the device. The only way to prevent re-flashing would be to write one of your own, and even then getting it on the device would be tricky.
Any way, that kind of knowledge is way beyond me.
But I do have one question you should consider:
Does your program need to save data, like SIM details for authorized SIMs or changing password?
Since this data cannot be written to ROM dynamiccaly, you would have to compile your program for each user\device specifically, and the password would have to be hard coded.
yes my application will be extention of existing security tools with more control of device something confidentional :twisted: .
the only problem is prevent from deletion so thats why i am worried about it
I didn't mean for you to tell me what your program saves.
I just wanted to point out that while preventing a program from being deleted is possible (I don't think many thieves would bother re-flashing a device, specially if your program would make it look as if the device is malfunctioning and not locked, only the user will know what to do)
its impossible to save settings so they will not be deleted.
If you are making this program only for your self, than fixed password, or SIM info is not a problem, but if you intend this for other people you will have to come up with some solution to store the settings securely.
At leas for this you may have to use the File store.

Beginnings of a Noobie Sticky?

I recently got an i-mate K-Jam after migrating from the Palm OS and found this useful site. Sounds like everyone here is doing some great work. After looking through this site as a guest for the past 2 days I do have a suggestion: someone set up a sticky post with some basic information?
Some initial suggestions:
In addition to the FTP sticky post: ( ftp://xda:[email protected]/ )
Cooked ROMs available/version/developer
Useful programs:
Backup your roms and the directories where they are located
View your rom and extended rom - e.g. Total Commander and the link to download
How-to: backup your rom
I haven't been able to find Wizard_Service_Manual.pdf on the FTP site but if you Google that specific file name you can download it.
How-to: backup your extended_rom
Overclocking utilities etc.
I know this post sounds like a noob post but with a sticky post like this most noobs will not have to spend hours/days sifting through all the posts to find some basic stuff before asking questions to which they should know the answer.
Now to my noob question (haha) I haven't been able to figure out: Can/should I update my K-Jam with the new T-mobile mda rom, or will my K-Jam start looking like T-Mobile.
I have a SIM unlocked phone (don't know how to check if the CID? is unlocked?), I like the default theme and colors that come with the K-Jam and WM5, and I'm not with any plan providers as I need to switch sims quite often depending on where I'm travelling.
As far as the stickey, that is out of my leauge. As far as loading the new t-mobile ROM, however, it will change to look like T-mobile IF you allow the extended rom to run. The trick I believe is to load the rom, wait for it to boot up. It will show "customizing in 3..." at which point soft reset the device. This stops the extended rom from installing. Now, you can install the extended rom from your other device manually. Before you upgrade your rom, install total commander and use it to copy the extended rom to your pc (based on your previos post I am assuming you know how to do this...) Then once your new rom is up and running simply copy all of the cab files to your device and run them (by going to them in file explorer and clicking on them...) You can also customize by only installing what you want from either rom. Or, a more advanced way to do it would be to create your own rom with its own extended rom, and load that, but that is harder and more technical I believe. Also, it is easy to change the theme of the device, to whatever you want. I use ThemeGen CE on the PC and Schemechanger on the ppc to tweak colors, both are freely available on this board somewhere. If changing the theme is all you want this is much easier, the reason that I would install the other extended rom is for the custom stuff, for example it auto installs t-mobile network ect... However since you change providers all teh time you probably know how to change most of this anyway, and so it may not be as big of a deal to you. So you know, I have T-mobile and I am running the 2.26 ROM, and although I have only had it for a day or two, I like it. Let me know what you decide to do, or if you have any more questions, want to know about the best (In my opinion, of course!) software or settings, ect... Also, sorry for rambeling so much
Thanks for the reply Starcruiser, I'm still doing a bit of reading on the ROM portion of stuff before I do anything. As for keeping track of searches and not having to spend hours trying to repeatedly find the same topics I'm pasting the following useful link as backup info:
WnG88: we're trying not to litter the forum with stickies.
We have the Wiki for a much more effective way to distribute this kind of info.
Set up a wiki page, and I'll sticky your wiki if you want
PM me if necessary.

My new TyTN...seems to be missing MMS...

I just got a TyTN. On my HTC Universal, there was a MMS console or something...forget what they call it...
But it was flawless and there isn't one on the TyTN from what I can see...
Can someone help me out? It MIGHT be my general non-familiarity of the device so I don't see it...but I don't see any programs or settings that even come close to referencing it...
If I understand the questions correctly
From messaging.
Select MMS
You have to install the from ExtendedROM.
I for one, didn't install it, cause the whole messanging application (SMS and E-Mail) starts much faster without MMS installed.
At the moment I'm searching for a proper replacement for MMS that's not that lazy.
Missing MMS Menu on HTC TyTn
I have the same problem on my HTC TyTn. In fact, MMS menu is missing. I've read the answer but I don't know where I could find
Could you help me, please.
unhide the extendedrom as described in the extrom unlocker thread. then you should find a file *shortcut*mms*.cab in the dir /ExtendedROM
Thanx for answering. I've tried what it explained, but nothing happen. My phone coming from SFR (vodaphone). Maybe there is something else to do.
ROM Version
ROM Date: 06/18/06
Radio Version:
Protocole: 32.53.7018.01W
Me, too, and I think I've got it figured out..
I have most of this problem solved but need one additional piece of info (at bottom); maybe someone can fill that in for me.
I got a new 8525 from the day they came out. The letter 'A' stuck so I had to exchange it for a new one. The first 8525 I had showed the MMS directory just fine but the second one they gave me did not. I'm not aware of any differences in the way I set them up or how this could be, but MMS has been missing from my second 8525 since I first fired it up. Cingular support was no help.
Here's what you need to do to fix it:
(1) You need to unhide the Extended ROM. Info on doing that can be found here:
Note that in my situation my phone was already SIM unlocked, and I found that I did not have to CID unlock my device in order to fix this problem. Information on what the difference is between SIM unlock and CID unlock can be found here:
(2) Now, when you open File Explorer, you'll see a new folder listed called "Extended ROM." Open that folder and you'll see a list of .cab files that can install various things for you.
Run the MMS installation .cab file called "MT_Shortcut-MMS-Hermes" to install the MMS function that somehow got missed in the initial setup. I found that I was not able to install this program to Extended ROM, and I did not try to install it to the storage card, but it installed in my Device memory just fine.
Open up Messaging, and you should now see the MMS folder, unless you soft reset, in which case you have to re-install. In my case, no configuration of the MMS function was needed, and MMS works just fine.
QUESTION: Whenever I soft reset my phone, I lose the MMS function again and have to re-install from the .cab. How do I make MMS a permanent feature of my phone?
I hope this helps folks get at least as far as I've managed and maybe someone else can help finish answering this problem. Thanks in advance.
Let's say a stupid asshole erased his ext-ROM and is now missing the whole .
Is it possible to flash back only the ext-ROM ?
Can someone send the .cab to the asshole (meaning ME!) ??
Replying to myself :
contents of known extended roms are here :

Issues with Data/Edge after installing New ROM

I just installed my frist ROM on my Tmobile Wing. I'm pretty new to all of this and haven't done it before. There are a few things that I need to tinker with, but one of them I havne't been able to figure out. I assume that there is something I need to do to get the Data/Edge/Radio working, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have searched as much as I could, but still couldn't locate what needs to be done. When I try to connect to something that needs the edge, it give me a message from the top that says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your settings, tap Settings."
Can anyone let me know what might need to be done?
Thanks for your help!!!
Oh and "ROM_HERALD_WWE_6.1_BUILD_20764.1.4.3" is the rom I installed
Nevermind. After finding it, i'm sure it would have frustrated you to tell another Noob. But after searching enough I found out the info
Run the network wizard if it has one on the rom. If not you can find a network wizard cab on this website somewhere. Its a easy fix.

Hard-reset on wm2003

Hi there,
I'm having difficulty with a Symbol MC5040 running windows mobile 2003. It's hard-reset procedure will actually make everything worse, it's supposed to uninstall and reinstall some programs, setup some configuration, but some parts will fail and it will configure more than it should... I would like to learn how the hard-reset is done, so i can "master" the process, find out why it's doing this and fix it.
Can anyone point me to the right documentation? My google searches are flooded with the wrong results...
There is Clear storage item in settings.
And what does it do?
I'd like to modify the hard-reset process, how's that going to help?
I really appreciate your reply and I'll look for more information on it, but can you elaborate? Thanks!
Ok I read some, and it seems clearly unclear what it does exactly, compared to the hard-reset. I would think they are the same... but this still doesn't help me.
I know how to do the hard-reset, I'm doing it on a dozen different devices every day, but it helps a bit and also make things worse... something is wrong with it. It needs to be reconfigured.
I've read somewhere the hard-reset will reset everything to factory default and then add the OEM customization... I think this is where I need to look, but I couldn't find much valid info on that...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You're not going to be able to modify the hard reset/cold boot. That's all configured in the rom. You'd need to re-cook and flash the rom to modify how things boot up. I have a 2003 device, but it didn't have a customization step after the welcome screens. All you could really do is skip customization (if it occurs) by soft resetting after going through all the welcome stuff.

