Auto disconnect GPRS cachetime is not work ! - Networking

I used many tweak softs to set the planing setting of GPRS connection but i alway have the issue like this:
I set
- not auto search GPRS when start radio., not auto connect when start.
- not alway on:
CacheTime 60 - Timeout in seconds (althrough i set 60, 100, 600 ... !)
SuspendResume GPRS_bye_if_device_off - Timeout after CacheTime
(all tweak soft will edit that two regedit values)
But issue is:
- GPRS auto disconnect immediately when there is no gprs repuest.
For example if i have a soft which down load 1kB foem web A, after that, he disconnect to that web A. after 1-2s, he connects to web B to load .... The issue is, when he disconnect from web A , in 1-2s after that, there is no GPRS request , so WM6.1 will disconnect GPRS immediately ! And then, after
1-2s, WM must reconnect GPRS when the soft request GPRS to connect to web B ... go on if there are web N, web Z .. to connect (1-2 seconds between)
So, if the GPRS connection last to 60s, it just need to connect GPRS 1 time !
I dont know how the ConManager - just turn on or of GPRS work. Cause , when is open Conmanager, turn GPRS on and let ConManager open, GPRS will still alive (althrough i set 60 or 600 seconds in cachetime). But if i exit ConManager, GPRS will disconnect immediately. I think ConManager just only use for turn on or of GPRS (wifi ...) and not request GPRS anymore .
*** another ...
How to set the GPRS can connect when device turnoff (when there are some soft request, and auto disconnect after cachetime) ?! Because, there is some softs (like weather, stock ...) need connect to auto download data in duration. But, in whole time, the device is turnoff, so they must wait the device turn on screen, and then WM can connect GPRS to respond GPRS request of those softs ..



When I make a GPRS connection it never disconnects, if I browse a web page and then close IE and all other running apps the GPRS connection stays alive. I have to either hold the red button to disconnect to soft reset, Is there any way to get to to auto disconnect after a set time or is it supposed to do this and mine is just faulty.
It also happens with MMS, I send an MMS and it sends fine, but the GPRS connection stays on. You do not see the connection listed with'in the connections list, but you do have the arrows at the top to tell you your on a GRPS connection. If I make another GPRS call to the ISP then it hangs up the MMS connection and makes the connection to the ISP etc...
There is no option with'in the connection bubble to disconnect yet I have this option on my XDA1 which was updated to PPC2003. I can manually disconnect sessions using a disconnect option. But not on my new O2 XDAII running the latest ROM from O2.
To disconet manuley just tap and hold the o2 ikon then untick your conection. as to the timeout it is in there somewhere but i carnt rember off hand
Have you tried GB-Soft Tweak? It has settings to disconnect GPRS after a specified amount of inactive time.
My problem is somewhat different: When I use GPRS settings WITHOUT a proxy assigned, there is the bubble of GPRS connecting (with cancel) and when connected (in conjunction with GB Soft Tweak), there is a disconnect button.
But when I assign a proxy setting to the GPRS, these buttons disappears. In fact EVEN if it is connected to GPRS, when I tap on the radio icon, it stays in the state displaying as not connected (meaning there's STILL an option to connect to GPRS even if i'm already connected)
the only way to disconnect is the press and hold red button OR to use the disconnect button of my GPRS monitor (SPB)
I dunno if this is connected to GB Soft Tweak, or a bug in the OS on handling the radio.

GPRS disconnect )-:

I'm using xda 2.
when I open the GPRS connection manually, it stay connected until I disconnect it.
When the connection is open automatically (when I use the internet explorer, or using any other application that use a gprs connection) the connection disconnect if I don't use the device for a minute or two.
If I continue to use the device, the connection don't disconnect.
Is there any setting that will prevent the device to disconnect.
I develop application that should synchronize to SQL server, the synchronization takes 15-30 minutes, during this time the user don't use the device...
Ive got the same problem.
Im using my Qtek 2020 as a Wmodem for my laptop for the moment.
If i connect, i disconnects after a few minutes and there is no speed.
But if i softreset the device and reconnect to the modem, everything works fine for a couple of hours. Then it disconnects, and i have to softreset again to make it work...
Really annoying, and took me quite a WHILE to figure out how to get it to work.
Would be very nice to know that kind of ****ed up bug this is..
Sounds like you need GPRS Tweak (freeware)
Thanx, i think it works.. Just installed it, and put it on GPRS always ON
GPRS Tweak
I also installed GPRS Tweak but when I perform a soft-reset it don't start GPRS automaticly.
What have I done wrong?
Go to the second settings tab, there u have som settings for GPRS starting.
Although, this program didnt fix my problem. I still have to reboot everytime
i have used GPRS for 2 hours. For some reason, it resets GPRS after a random set of time... Really annoying.

Navigating to a WAP site using WIFI

I am using my K-Jam to navigate to a WAP site ( but as soon as I do my phone ignores my WiFi connection and tries to use GPRS instead. Is there any way to stop this behavior?
Same problem here ! tryed the same.
have noticed you can not display pic's when on WAP sites.
Also . would like to know how to disconect the GPRS connection when it is connected. only way i know how is to connect to a different conection and then cancell it before it connects.
any help would be appriciated ! GPRS is costing about 2.35 per 1 meg .
to discon gprs hold down the red end call button for a few secs.
i am gettting annoyed with similer wifi/gprs problem
seems that if i have wifi on in the (like in the house) and i have it set to download from my exchange server then thats all well and good but when the phone goes into standby and the wifi auto turns off, the exchange activesync still happens but automatically changes and connects via gprs. the whole point was that as i was in my house i wouldnt need to use/waste money on gprs calls since i can use wireless.
I hope the I-mate developer read these forums and update the problems on a new rom update.
GPRS is costing me £2.35 per meg . But as far as i know I ( We ) only get charged for the info downloaded, if it is connected to a page that has loaded completely and is not downloading anything, there should be no extra charge even if connect to same page for hours.

Where is my GPRS Connection?? Disappeared...

Hello all
You all know that once we set our GPRS connection in our PPC's then it appears when we press the G button on the top of our Pocket PC's. If we want to turn it on manually we press the underlined link with its name and it connects OK? ok.
I have made the same settings in my qtek 9000, I have a valid GPRS Connection in my Internet Connection Settings that works. Even Pocket IE uses it to connect to the Internet.
But when I am in my Today Screen and just want to set it on, I press the G button and my connection is not there. So I cannot manually turn it on, unless I go to Connection - Settings and Choose Connect etc...
All I want is a way to make my GPRS Conenction appear when I press the G button Is there a registry way around it? Thank you all...
P.S. I know about the permanent GPRS on hack, but it wont do me any good. I have a limit of 40MB a month so I want to choose when to use it.

disable conection (3G / GPRS)

Does anyone know how to disconec 3g/gprs in today screen
when i use tytn2..i just klick(touch) 3G/GPRS icon to disconect my conection
but when i use xperia i can't find icon disconec in 3G or GPRS icon...
why you want disconnect data conexion?
hmm...i finish my brosing..and want to disconec my conection..but my step so long and make me tired
example: signal icon
2.and i go to com manager conection
4.turn off
but when i use other pda(tytn2) i just clik 3g icon and just click disconect to end my conection after use ...
What about setting a HW button to start Comm manager
I´ve heard, with SKTools you can add a disconnect button to the connection-balloontip even in the trial mode.
use NO DATA. its a small app try to search it
You can get the disconnect button and timer back as follows:
create new dword value "Flags2"
value=8 show disconnect button
value=16 show disconnect button and connection time
NoData will completely disable your data connections so the phone cant connect (handy when abroard):
I thought NODATA is for permanently setting GPRS off?

