data connection without service? - Mogul, XV6800 General

greetings. Last week my wife had gotten a treo 800w to replace a mogul she had. Yesterday, i noticed the old deactivated mogul had received outlook emails. After messing around with it for a little while, i found out that it's receiving data. i can use pie, opera mini, google maps, etc. It wont make or receive phone calls and cant send emails or texts. Im nowhere near a wifi hot spot or router, so im not getting data that way. The weird thing is, the internet hadnt worked for the 6 days after removing the sprint service. But, for some reason, it started working yesterday. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before? will i get charged extra data fees from sprint? oh yeah, the phone had been soft reset a few tmes, and had the battery removed after it was deactivated. I was just hoping someone could maybe explain why this is happening and if ill be charged extra because of it. thx dschoenike

It will probably only work as long as the currently active phone is on the same tower as the mogul, once the other phone switches to a different tower the mogul should stop working until the other phone comes back into range.

thanks for the reply. sorry for my ignorance, but does that mean as long as both phones are relatively close to eachother receiving a signal from the same tower, it'll work? And once they're separated by a long distance, and going off of 2 different sprint towers, it'll stop working? i wonder how far sprint towers are away from one another. my wife and i work about 40 miles away from each other.

I don't honestly know, but I would bet 5-10 miles, maybe a bit more, depends on the height of the tower and how much power they are pushing.
I'm basing my info on my previous post from something I just read on HowardForums. In his case when his wife was to far away it stopped working. Someone else acknowledged it was a known issue, and that cell-phone companies are just to lazy to shut off the data. It will show up as billed on her plan, tho if she has unlimited, it shouldn't be a problem, tho I suppose if they were both accessing data at the same time, your carrier might get a little suspicious.
If her new phone doesn't have data, I would not use the old phone, as you will get billed pay as you go on the data.

shes got unlimited data on her new phone, so im thinking it wont be an issue. guess ill just enjoy it while it lasts. thank for the replies.


Help: Need help figuring if this is a phone issue or carrier issue...

Ok, I've had an 8525 unlocked for about 3 months now... Unlocked and used on t-mobile's network...
Until recently, I've had 0 issues with my phone from what I can remember(now running PDAs v20 windows 6.1 rom)
My problem is, during the day, in my room I recieve any and every phone call that comes in, calls never drop or hang up, BUT the call seems to cut out for about 5-15 seconds and then cut back in.. even though it says I have 4 bars.. in my kitchen with 4 bars, I get all my phone calls, but can't hear people (nor can they hear me at all)... I get emails, and browse the web fine.. but can't use google maps app (can't find my location until I leave lol)
I don't know what's up... at night, when I'm in my room, my phone works fine with no cutting out and in during calls, but during the day, that's when it wants to act all crazy... other t-mobile phones work perfectly fine in my room... my old sidekick also worked fine..
when I'm anywhere else in my city, my phone works fine (even with 2 bars)
I know nothing about how cell phones work when communicating with cell towers so any help someone can give me will be very helpful as I do not want to catch an aneurism calling T-Mobile themselves for help (though I doubt they'll help me since I'm using an unlocked ATT phone on their service lol)
Also... sometimes txt messages come and give me a time like it's in another time-zone... usually this happens when I'm out of state roaming on a different network (Immix in central PA for the most part) but now it seems to be popping up even while I'm home in NY...
any ideas?
seems like some kind of interference near your home...could be a carrier tower or even your TV? You could check with tmob if others in the hood are having day issues...
not sure what radio version u have, but u could try flashing a different one...
I've tried numerous radio's but having the same issues... it's some kind of interference in my house I guess.. I just can't figure out what it is... I called up t-mobile and was embarassed when he said "oh u have an ATT phone" lol he told me to switch sim cards with someone else on t-mobile in my home to see what happened... but.. no progress... I unplugged my wifi router to see if that would help but it didn't
I just find it completely odd that my service craps out on me in my room ONLY during the day... and it never did this when I first got the phone.. I'm completely lost... good news is, it only happens in my house...
Could be someone close by has just invested in a piece of equipment that is causing interference.. Might not be just in your place...
yeah, another thing that MIGHT be causing the interference is that they have been doing a lot of road work in my area... that could also be why it happens during the day but not at night... my kitchen is a different story, but different radio's have gave me different reception... with some radio's... it fades out completely and with others it'll fade out for maybe a second or 2
or it could be my neighbor who recently had a stroke, I guess there might be some machines in there.. who knows
I tried the latest radio and it yielded the best results in my kitchen so far but man oh man does it burn battery when I'm on the phone
I'm having the same problem...well as far as the text msgs go so i called tmobile last night and they took me off the network and placed me back on and since then I havent had any problems
Update: I put my GF's att sim card in my phone and went to all my "dead spots"... even when the signal bars were down to almost 0, the quality of the call was still clear and it wouldn't fade in and out during a call... Does anyone know if there's anything T-Mobile can do? Because I tried my moms sim card in my phone (t-mobile) and gave me the same crappy results (calls fading in and out at full 4 bar signal)

T-Mobile data connection, SMS, MMS and missed calls problems

Okay, I'm at my absolute wits' end here with T-Mobile. This is my first time posting here, I've trolled the forums for some time and have gotten some very valuable info here and I figured you guys were the best ones to talk to. Anyway, T-Mobile was FANTASTIC up until about 3 months ago when it all went to crap. I'm getting voicemails with no missed calls quite frequently these days.
Every now and then SMS messages come in 2 hours before they were sent (not really, but that's what the phone says) and it's completely inconsistent. I'll be having a conversation with someone and a text will come at 8:19pm and the next one at 6:21pm.
MMSs just don't come to or send from my phone anymore. No reason why. They show up as sent from my end but people don't receive them and I don't get them at all.
My internet connection (I have the $20 plan...whatever it's called) frequently stops working and a screen comes up every 30 seconds demanding I log on to the T-Mobile network. I have never received a username, password or domain (I think that's the third thing it asks for) so wtf am I supposed to put in there?
I'm done. The only reason I haven't crapped in a bag and mailed it to them is because I'm waiting for the Touch Pro to come out on Sprint. It's brutal. And it's hurting my social life. I got into a huge fight with a friend because half of my texts weren't going through and the ones she DID get made it seem like I was being a **** when I really wasn't at all. She still isn't talking to me and that was 2 weeks ago. It's so cliche to just blame the phone, BUT IT REALLY IS.
Is anyone else experiencing anything like this at all?
actually, you can't blame the phone. Blame the network. But thats just semantics.
have you tried using network wizard to set up some settings for your device?
What network wizard?
And yes, of couse I blame ****-Mobile, not the phone. The phone has been amazing. It's their crappy service that makes it look like a POS.

Story time...

Hey guys(gals),
I have an interesting dilemma. I have had 5 hero's in a month. One was defective hardware (so we can rule that out, it was the green phone button) but the other 3 have had an interesting issue. I will have the phone for about 4 days (this is with stock android, and two rooted with MoDoCo) and then all data ( including texts, voicemails, incoming calls) will stop. They only way to retrieve said data is to make an outgoing call, then everything floods in. The local sprint store keeps replacing the phone, but I refuse to believe that I am that unlucky. Any thoughts? Anyone having a similar issue?
27s said:
Hey guys(gals),
I have an interesting dilemma. I have had 5 hero's in a month. One was defective hardware (so we can rule that out, it was the green phone button) but the other 3 have had an interesting issue. I will have the phone for about 4 days (this is with stock android, and two rooted with MoDoCo) and then all data ( including texts, voicemails, incoming calls) will stop. They only way to retrieve said data is to make an outgoing call, then everything floods in. The local sprint store keeps replacing the phone, but I refuse to believe that I am that unlucky. Any thoughts? Anyone having a similar issue?
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Do you have a significant other that could use your phone on their plan for a few days to rule out your account specifically?
Your issues sound strange, and not related to the phone. It's hard for me to believe (like you also) that its the phone since you've had four of them now with the same issue. Also, you've tried different roms, so that also makes it more difficult to be a phone issue. Are you just running a bone stock one? Or are you installing particular apps? you might see if you can't replicate it with no additional software for a few days.
My Father and I are on the the same plan, (i.e. both on unl.) so that rules out service. The last phone, (no. 4) I left bone stock. No extra apps (except for Handcent SMS [ on a side note, I have run both ChompSMS and Handcent, so I do not think it is either]) and it still had the same exact issues.
27s said:
Hey guys(gals),
I have an interesting dilemma. I have had 5 hero's in a month. One was defective hardware (so we can rule that out, it was the green phone button) but the other 3 have had an interesting issue. I will have the phone for about 4 days (this is with stock android, and two rooted with MoDoCo) and then all data ( including texts, voicemails, incoming calls) will stop. They only way to retrieve said data is to make an outgoing call, then everything floods in. The local sprint store keeps replacing the phone, but I refuse to believe that I am that unlucky. Any thoughts? Anyone having a similar issue?
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Sounds like a problem with you account's provisioning or something. Mostly, it just sounds like a huge pain in the ass.
27s said:
Hey guys(gals),
I have an interesting dilemma. I have had 5 hero's in a month. One was defective hardware (so we can rule that out, it was the green phone button) but the other 3 have had an interesting issue. I will have the phone for about 4 days (this is with stock android, and two rooted with MoDoCo) and then all data ( including texts, voicemails, incoming calls) will stop. They only way to retrieve said data is to make an outgoing call, then everything floods in. The local sprint store keeps replacing the phone, but I refuse to believe that I am that unlucky. Any thoughts? Anyone having a similar issue?
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I had this exact same issue with my phone, it is definitely an account issue, get your msl number from them, mine was fixed after I did a ##786# menu then reset
they disabled texts and reenabled them on my account before they did this, and then they worked ever since
Have you changed your mode of operation setting? I haven't ever changed this but had a co-worker who changed it on his hero and it stopped getting text messages and voicemails until he made a phone call, once he changed it back it started working fine. Mode of operation needs to be set to Hybrid. You can find it under Settings->Wireless Controls->Mobile Network Settings. Hope this helps
Hey guys,
Thanks for the help, so no dice. I have left my Mode of Ops. in Hybrid (although, if you leave it on Ev-do is is kosher) and doing a reset does not work...It is a huge pain in the arse....
Well sh*t. I thought the last phone was the key, but here we go again. I got my MSL and did a reset, no dice, got Another No. 6...Sprint has no idea what the hell is going on. Personally, I think something in the phone is crashing software. I have no idea what could be, but wtf.
I've had similar issues before. It's definitely an account issue - not on your billing account, but your specific phone number in the carrier's system.
What I did was fight for months with Sprint, kept talking to retarded tech support reps who know absolutely nothing, fighting with their managers, fighting with their 2nd and 3rd level tiers, and been told 1000 times my issue was fixed, just to have it reoccur in a month.
Honestly, unless you feel like fighting like that, I suggest you call your carrier and ask for a new number. When they create a new number for you, your account is practically changed, and everything will work like new. You just have to suffer with a new number, which is only annoying for a month or so until everyone updates to your new number.
Good luck man, I hate when that kinda crap happens. Not so much because of the issue, but mainly because no carrier has any sort of good tech support and would rather hang up on you than try and troubleshoot anything. They're completely stupid.
Well, to be honest, I have to keep this number, it is my business number..So, what I am going to do is keep going to into the headquarters store here in omaha. Then. Once I get to about phone no.7/8/9 I am going to call sprint retention services. At that point I will have 7/8/9 phones on record, and they will fix it and give me the 3 months free, or I will walk. I like sprint better than others around here, but damn I am getting pissed...
27s said:
Well, to be honest, I have to keep this number, it is my business number..So, what I am going to do is keep going to into the headquarters store here in omaha. Then. Once I get to about phone no.7/8/9 I am going to call sprint retention services. At that point I will have 7/8/9 phones on record, and they will fix it and give me the 3 months free, or I will walk. I like sprint better than others around here, but damn I am getting pissed...
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Yeah dude. I was pissed too. Good luck man, I know how you feel. Sprint is great, but when they f**k up they really f**k up and it's a pain in the ass to get things fixed.
27s, this isn't a retention issue, this is a Tier 3 tech support issue. They need to go into your account and completely deconstruct it, and put it back together again. Basically, it's a glitch in the system causing your provisioning to bork itself. I've seen it before, and yes, it's a pain in the ass to fix, but if you get a caring/dedicated tech, it's not even close to impossible.
Frankly, call into sprint, get on the line for tech support. As soon as you connect, ask for ADVANCED tech support. Don't give up until you're on the line with them. They'll be your saviors in this issue, mark my words.
Edit: For the record, I'm a former Sprint tech. I've had to do this before for customers, so I've had experience in the issue.
Hey thanks for the advice....I will do this first thing tomorrow....I don't suppose retention will give me anything will they....The sprint store in omaha is like 100 blocks from my house....gas$$$...haha

receiving text late

lately i been noticing that my texts have been coming 10 mins late or more after the person sent them,i think this has to do with the data connection cutting off on its own problem i been having because as soon as the person calls me i would get the text at the same time that they're calling me. has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you fix it.
texts dont use data connection.
Late txt behavour is usually caused by the network, not the phone. The SMS service was never intended to be an instant service, we have just gotten used to them being delivered almost instantly.
If you have another phone that your sim works in, id do some testing and compare the two.
i hag the g1 and my sim was in that phone last week and the texts was coming in on time and now they come in late,maybe it's this phones radio.
heh, yea, could be, but that was last week, too. on thursday my broadband was fine but all weekend its been half speed,,,,
all i'm saying is you need two phones right there and compare, just to be sure.
first step in trouble shooting is proving the fault.

Vote on whether your Dell Venue Pro is crashing frequently

Trying to see if there's something in common with those who are experiencing lock ups.
My crashes arent frequently but it has happened a few times
Seem like I am having some crashing, though it seems to be dependent on using data service with little or no 3G reception. 16gb Model.
My units is not crashing all the time but it does it at least once a day which is bad. It seems to be when trying to switch between using cell network and WiFi. Would be nice if it was fixable with firmware.
Mine hasn't crashed so far. I tried downloading Harvest Game and it went fine over wifi. Tried heavy browsing with music in bgrnd and that too was fine. Only issue was the Bluetooth not communicating to the car properly. Its been a week now.
ive crashed only once, which was in the newsroom app, i was also updating marketplace one time and instead of crashing it would just take me back to the start menu..
mine has been crashing quite a bit...16 gig less than 14 gig available...
In the first 36 hrs I had the phone, I spent at least half of it in the PC connect screen. The phone would not boot...well..sometimes. Then it would boot by itself...reboot rather.
I called MS, ZUNE support. They helped walked me through some basic steps. Apparently I was touching the side buttons, camera, volume down, while powering up. Not sure if this was true, but dam they could reproduce the PC connect everytime. Since that call, I was more careful about powering up and have had no problems since.
I do get a lag in IE on WiFi, sometimes, not often, but daily. I found a web page that always sends me back to the desktop.
But crashing.....I have to be honest and admit that most of the crashes...if not all, in the first 36 hrs, probably were user errors. Now, I'm not a novice. I own more smartphones than most people on this forum. And if the phone buttons are that sensitive, then something is not right. However, since I've grown accustomed to the button layout and sensitivity, I've not had a single malfunction.
I've also recognized that certain apps are prone to causing, umm....unexpected results. Maybe instead of voting on crashes...we should keep a list of app suspects....
I got 2 units.
The first one had the Wifi issue and was constantly crashing.
The second one the Wifi is good, and it never crashed.
Maybe is related?
It seems to me that my device crashes a lot when my Wifi is on
sureloch said:
Seem like I am having some crashing, though it seems to be dependent on using data service with little or no 3G reception. 16gb Model.
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Same here, also 16GB model. Every crash I've had has either been related to the Marketplace, or it's happened when my rickety 3G connection had poor signal.
This sucks. Mine is crashing EVERYTIME I try to dl something related to xbox live (games) over wifi. Should I have this exchanged???
Crashes a lot. Sometimes back to back so after doing numerous battery pulls, I had mine switched out. Its always an app though that crashes it and the screen becomes unresponsive. Phone goes to home screen and the people hub is grayed out. Its not an os specific crash cuz my hd7 doesn't do that.
So far phone is mostly stable, crashes have been only with wifi enabled, and only had 1 other crash without wifi on. Been running for the last 3 days, no crash at all.
I have had my phone almost a week and have been noticing the crashing a bit more frequent. It always seems like when I am in the MP or using an app that requires retrieving data from the cloud.
I got mine since November... never saw it crashing
Only once it would not start...I had to remove the batteries and put them back on.
I have a feeling it goes with having it in your pocket for a long time.
Sometimes (happened twice in 3 month) the screen locks but it has something to do with static electricity, or rain (I switched on and off and it worked).
I got it upgraded to 32 GB by swapping the micro SD card.
Took a while to boot.... (I think it reformats the card) worked like a charm!
Fankly, it is the sexiest piece of hardware I've owned in a long time.
Much more stable than any phone I ever owned.
I've had my 16GB since the 28th. I have not had a single crash, freeze or hang in the 5 days I have been using it. OS performance wise, it has pretty much been perfect.
I am probably not a typical owner though. I was an existing T-Mo customer on the EM+ plan. I didn't have to call or activate the DVP with T-Mo. I just took the SIM out of my flip phone and put it into my DVP and was up and running. Since I am on EM+ and I paid full price for the phone, I am also not required to have a data plan and I haven't gotten around to adding one yet. Everything I have done is solely over Wifi. I think the fact that I don't have a data plan is going to wind up being the explanation for my lack of problems. I don't know if it is a Microsoft or Dell problem, but 3G and WiFi just don't seem to get along well on the DVP.
Even though I have been limited to Wifi, I have been using this thing constantly trying to get everything setup. I haven't had any Marketplace issues at all. I've been using the Facebook, Twitter and Netflix apps quite a bit. No Xbox Live stuff or YouTube app though. I installed the LastPass app and tested almost all of 50+ logins without any issues. All in all, I think I have given my DVP a fairly tough stress test and I honestly have to say it has passed with pretty high marks.
That's not to say my DVP is perfect though. I have had some bugs. The biggest for me is the cellular antenna. I get a mediocre phone signal in my apartment. My flip phone would hover between 2 and 3 bars out of 5. I get much worse reception on the DVP. I get a ton of No Service notices, especially when I pick it up. But it isn't just a death grip issue. I'll sit the phone on the arm of my couch and watch it fluctuate between No Service and 1 or 2 bars. If I want to make a call on the DVP, I have to take laps around my apartment trying to find a decent signal. Not fun. Outside of the dead zone that live in the reception is fine. If I get 5 bars, it stays at 5 bars no matter how I hold it. I also don't care for the SMS texting app. When I attempt to send a text while I have a low signal, I don't get a confirmation either way after I hit send. I sent 3 texts in a row out on Thursday afternoon and only 1 got through. It would have been nice to see a "Message Sent" or Message Failed" confirmation either way. I also can't import Contacts from my Sim. I see the box for it on my People Settings page, but it is greyed out. Very annoying. And I know it's a known issue with Microsoft, but the not being able to connect to a WiFi with a hidden SSID is just ridiculous.
I really haven't made up my mind yet on whether I am keeping my DVP. On the one hand, I really like WP7 and it seems like I got lucky and got one of the problem free DVP's. But I'm also not sure if I can live with the bad reception at home. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if anything interesting is announced at CES.
16GB and it locked up all of the time... It would just freeze there with whatever it was on the screen. That happened until I turned Wifi off. Now it's great. The only time that it crashed with wifi off was when I was running Beezz and it just hard locked for some reason.
So I would like to have Wifi... 3G coverage is spotty at best where I live. What are the chances of a firmware fix, ya think? I'm almost tempted to send it back to Dell... Even though I love it to death. Gosh that keyboard is amazing...
I sure hope it gets sorted out...
Can someone list the symptoms of crashing? Is it just screen freeze or apps won't launch when touched or something different? I had case y'day where except people, email and phone, none of the other apps would launch. When launched it would just return to the home screen right away. Then a battery pull fixed it. That was the first i had the issue since receiving the phone on 12/23. I have time till end of this week to decide on return or replacement.
MikeDupp said:
I am probably not a typical owner though. I was an existing T-Mo customer on the EM+ plan. I didn't have to call or activate the DVP with T-Mo. I just took the SIM out of my flip phone and put it into my DVP and was up and running. Since I am on EM+ and I paid full price for the phone, I am also not required to have a data plan and I haven't gotten around to adding one yet.
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Mike, have you received any calls on it yet? My experience has been that you can make outgoing calls all you want, but you need to tell T-Mo the new IMEI number to receive calls. That could also be why you haven't gotten a notification about the text messages.
When I called T-Mo to get the phone set up, they also told me about the available insurance plans (from $5.99/mo that covers the phone completely-loss/theft/damage/etc, to less than $2 for minimal coverage). I was on an out-of-contract plan too and had to pick up the phone at full price. My plan was phone+data, no messaging, so I only pay for texting. Everything done over WiFi or 3G has been great.
As for crashes, I think it's locked up 3 times now that required removing the battery and putting it back in. Those all happened within the first few days of owning it, but not since. (got it on the 23rd)

