Weird Colored Bar at Top of LCD - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am having an issue with my G4 HTC wizard in that when I flash a new rom I am left with a multi-colored bar above the Start button running across the top of the lcd screen (a few pixels wide).
On some roms it disappears for instance 6.1 Diamond, but the TNT's it is always there however many times I flash. I have tried both 19213 and 20723 and most of the other roms with still the same issue.
Does any one have a fix or explanation for this as it looks stupid and is irritating on a Black wallpaper?

Seems like batti or some other battery program. Look in the settings of programs and you should be able to disable it.

I think this is your solution:
It worked for me.


Am I too stupid for TrueVGA, or what?

I'm using MvRTrueVGA on my m5000 (SIM unlocked since yesterday) with AKU 3.2 beta 14(Ivan's Version), and it's working fine, as long as I stick with the default windows theme. Any other theme (.tsk) or background image I try and use, regardless of it being a VGA theme, or a standard QVGA one, show the background image small and centered on the today screen, instead of fullscreen.
What am I doing wrong here?
Sorry I don't know the answer. But can I ask you a question, in True VGA mode is the icons at the top on main screen OK. Because mine keeps on flashing with the other 3.2AKU ROM.
I take it you mean he icons in the upper menu bar? Volume, Phone Connection, etc? Yes, they're fine now. Before I flashed AKU 3.2, I had the orange AKU 2.0 on there, and when I used TrueVGA, it swapped the volume icon for a connection one (the two little horizontal arrows), but it still worked as a volume button.
But no, now with beta 14, everything seems to work fine, except the background images.
Yes i do, thanks for that. I'll try installing it today. Because with prevous verions of the ROM the icons weren't visible or kept on flashing.

HTC PPC6800 - Odd bars across some screens?

I've installed a few apps and all went well until I noticed bars going across the screen when I go into texts and tasks other other similar windows. Does anyone know what this is from? Is it possible to get a virus on your PPC? I've got an HTC PPC6800/Mogul, if that helps.
Any ideas? The bars are the same color as whatever theme I've got applied, maybe that'll make some sense.
It's ONLY 'Tasks', 'Text Messages' and 'E-Mail' that's affected by the lines across the screen. They're horizontal lines running right through the text and it makes it pretty hard to read. Also, if I apply the stock skins (Windows Mobile Green & Windows Default) there are no lines at all and everything works like it should. Why are the custom themes not showing up like they should in those three windows?
LOL...i've seen that's caused by the theme...i've made myself some before awhile back and i have the 6800 as's because whoever made the theme that you were using made the background of the task,notes, etc...a color instead of plain can actually use themegence to open up the theme and modify it so that the task,notes,etc are white and then you wont see that problem

Htc_Default theme screwed up

Hi, I've been reading around this forum and it has been quite helpful - now I have a question of my own. The Herald comes with the older default HTC green theme (not the WM green theme). I decided to try out the newer black one but since they appear to have the same name the Htc_Default theme became a mix of the two . What I mean is that the background and everything is like the original HTC green theme but the bars at the top and bottom (start menu, time, etc bar and Calandar, Contacts/whatever the left and right softkeys respond to) are black like in the new one. Is there a way to fix this? I've tried downloading and installing both the new and old one again with no result.
edit: i might add that I'm interested in being able to have both themes, and at the very least restore the original. it doesn't make that much of a difference, so I wouldn't hard reset or anything, but it is a minor inconvenience which, for lack of a better term, I would prefer to not exist

Screen Rotation bug

After using the screen rotation cab (found here towards the bottom), I've got a little graphics bug occuring in TouchFlo3D's SMS display.
When viewing horizontally (either with keyboard in or out), there is a thick vertical black bar that appears 'behind' the text. (See attached)
Does anyone know how to fix this? Or can recommend a program besides Gyrator that works well with TouchFlo3D and Opera, at the very least?
dag dude i feel your pain, i had a similar issue when i insatalled a theme, i had issuses veiwing images and when rotating the phone. the only thing that fixed this isusse was to hard reset my tp2, so thats the only advice that i can give to you, here is the link that shows you how to do it:

SenseUI not appearing have to touch screen for it to appear?

For some reason when i soft reset my phone senseui does not appear, I get a screen just showing phone and contacts and when I touch anywhere on the screen senseui appears.
Anyone got any idea about this??
Cracked it looks like V6 Test 1 Brians Taskbar Icons are not compatible with 1.48 ASIAN Rom
This thread can be closed

