Start menu flickering, keyboard input unstable. Halp - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

This is probably a hardware problem (did a hard reset, no change). The symptoms are:
The start menu flickers on and off, pressing the start button on the keyboard stops it, but it soon starts again if I try to write something.
Sometimes the keyboard doesn't work at all, and even the soft keyboard can't erase letters at times.
It actually disappeared a for a couple of hours after me hammering the keyboard in frustration, but then it came back again.
And I think the warranty has expired, so, anything I could do? Anywhere I can get it repaired cheap? Could it be a bad keypad connection?

grkn said:
This is probably a hardware problem (did a hard reset, no change). The symptoms are:
The start menu flickers on and off, pressing the start button on the keyboard stops it, but it soon starts again if I try to write something.
Sometimes the keyboard doesn't work at all, and even the soft keyboard can't erase letters at times.
It actually disappeared a for a couple of hours after me hammering the keyboard in frustration, but then it came back again.
And I think the warranty has expired, so, anything I could do? Anywhere I can get it repaired cheap? Could it be a bad keypad connection?
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Could be the keyboard connector, but equally it could be the phantom screen presses on the start menu problem. Does it ever close programs for no obvious reason?

Yes. it does (usually when the start menu starts flickering on/off), and sometimes lolololol is "typed".. apparently it think it's funny.

grkn said:
Yes. it does (usually when the start menu starts flickering on/off), and sometimes lolololol is "typed".. apparently it think it's funny.
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I hav a feeling it's this issue:


Keyboard intermittently not working

I've had my Hermes for about a month now. On about 4 occassions I've pulled the keyboard to use it and input will not be 'received' properly. It seems the Hermes gets stuck in a 'mode'.
Some of the keys work... like at the moment I clicked forward on an email, slid the keyboard out to start typing but the letters did not work. Pressing 'Return' activates the start menu, however.
I started pressing random things to get it work: I pressed the green phone button to get to the dialer, tapped the X for the dialer to get back to the email and now the keyboard is working again. Weird!
Has anyone else experienced anything similar?
nahguam said:
I've had my Hermes for about a month now. On about 4 occassions I've pulled the keyboard to use it and input will not be 'received' properly. It seems the Hermes gets stuck in a 'mode'.
Some of the keys work... like at the moment I clicked forward on an email, slid the keyboard out to start typing but the letters did not work. Pressing 'Return' activates the start menu, however.
I started pressing random things to get it work: I pressed the green phone button to get to the dialer, tapped the X for the dialer to get back to the email and now the keyboard is working again. Weird!
Has anyone else experienced anything similar?
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If you can rule out software issues then there is a push on multi connector inside that may not be pressed in firmly!
I've had this problem sometimes. If I 'beat the phone' to it, or catch it mid-thought, as it were... Just have to be a bit slower with it. Seems that I slide the keyboard out before it has time to allocate the appropriate amount of CPU time to flipping the screen and initialising the hardware input, so it either takes a few presses for it to register, or it just gets stuck in keyboard-in mode, and I have to soft reset to make it work.
Happened on my old Hermes, not happened yet (touch wood) on my new replacement.

funny screen problem?

Hi everyone,
I'm experiencing a very weird problem, with my Trinity (actually a p3600i).
When I'm using my thumb or fingers to type on any SIP, sometimes the start button is pressed even though I'm no where near the start button!
I'm not sure if it's happened when NOT using SIP.
I've noticed that it only happens when using my thumb/fingers. If I use my nails to type the problem never happens. Same when using the stylus, no problems...
Anyone know what is going on here? It can be very annoying sometimes.
Thanks for reading!
OK I just made it happen when just in the today screen.
Doesn't just happen when using any SIP...
Happens when I'm tapping in the bottom left region of the screen in portrait mode.
you are not alone
have the same problem, occurs couple of times a day, and as you noticed when using fingers. we are not the only ones, many (really!) trininty users report the same problem. finally it may result in widely known problem related to flickering start menu button and irreactive touchscreen.
i noticed one more thing: when you disable sound for screen taps from sounds and notifications menu the erratic reactoin seems to go away, not completely, though because i still manage to cause false start menu activation by chaotic screen tapping in phone mode.
read this topic, sorry to disappoint you but imho this is our nearest future
looks like i will need to send it to them for repairs
and nothing ever returns back the same, when it goes to get repaired

Hermes Screen Error

I have only just noticed this weird error with the screen of my phone. I have read of similar problems but I haven't seen anything the same as mine. I have a feeling that it is something to do with the keyboard. Some buttons don't work properly and the start menu constantly flickers. If the start menu stops flickering for a minute then when I press the center button the start menu pops back up, same thing happens if i press space on the keyboard. This happens in both portrait and landscape so its not the same as the screen alignment problem. I have uploaded a (dodgy) video to youtube if it helps anyone:
Thanks in advance.
I now have a feeling the problem is with my keyboard. The o, l and p keys dont work unless i mash them really hard for 5 minutes and the delete key doesn't work sometimes. This is making me think that the start button might also be acting up. Anyone have any ideas? If I can't get this fixed by the weekend then I'll probably get an iphone.

Incorrect response from touch screen

Hi there!
I have absolutely ridiculous problem with my THD. All of a sudden screen started to act like it is half disabled. In simple words, if a touch some icon on top bar, let's say Start button, click appears on clock. Basically it is looks like touch area displaced by half an inch down. I've tried to calibrate screeen and it seems like it worked for a few minutes and then turns back. I had to hard reset the whole thing and it did not help either. All images, icons, screen items appeared correctly on screen. Bottom menu bar responses correctly though.
I did not drop the phone if it will give a clue.
Anyone knows what the hell is that and how to fix that problem? Please help.
Thank you.
Anyone? Please...
sounds like you need to re align your touch screen. you need to go to Start>Settings>System>Screen then align screen
If you cant get to this then a Hard Reset might be the only way to go
Nothing is working. Now I cannot even get past screen alignment. Looks like it can be a hardware problem.
u may have to hard reset
then after that if it still wont work then u may need a replacement
Yeah. It sound like it is. Jast called HTC support, did hard reset again and after few minutes it is back to that misalignment. Damn...
Connected to ActiveSync and have you got 'My Mobiler' running? I noticed some strange screen behaviour with that on the Device and the host PC.
try pressing both volume keys and tapping the screen at the same time(volup + voldown + tap the screen) --- it will get you to align screen mode if that doesnt work then maybe you have some problems while flashing a rom or something!
TPEHEP said:
Yeah. It sound like it is. Jast called HTC support, did hard reset again and after few minutes it is back to that misalignment. Damn...
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I am having the same problem, it started suddenly somedays ago. I realized that when I hard rest it works fine for some time and then slowly left side of the screen stops responding, after a while only right side react to touch so you cannot access START menu nor anything else from the whole screen, just the left corners.Any solution?

Touch Screen too sensitive

Has anyone else had the issue where you can press down on the screen, a tool bar or something and the screen starts to shake or the selector starts to auto select things. I get this a lot and typing is often very hard because it randomly selecting things when i am typing on the keypad.
I have seen it once when i put the phone down go through random menus, is this a fault or just normal due to sensitivity?
A|ex said:
Has anyone else had the issue where you can press down on the screen, a tool bar or something and the screen starts to shake or the selector starts to auto select things. I get this a lot and typing is often very hard because it randomly selecting things when i am typing on the keypad.
I have seen it once when i put the phone down go through random menus, is this a fault or just normal due to sensitivity?
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I've had the same problem several times with both stock rom and cooked.
I turn it off, wipe the screen and it will usually revert to working properly.
Most would say it's a fault unfortunately. Personally I've returned mine for a replacement after a 'repair' which fitted a new screen made the problem worse.
See this thread.

