finding/deleting orphan files - XV6700, PPC-6700 General

what is the best way to find and delete orphan file from old programs that may have been missed when uninstalling? it seems like my windows folder is swollen but I don't know what in there could be from an old install, thanks in advance


Removing Junk File??

How can i remove the junk files installed in my /windows directory? i saw many but i dont know if it is important. is there any programs that deletes any unusefull files or junk files? Thanks
your windows dir is filled with the files that windows contain
most are located in rom and can never be deleted
Some files like when i install a software and uninstall it some files will not be deleted. (ie. Help files, images, .txt etc)
got some exampes ?
i know that sometimes shortcuts are not removed from programs
and it's temp dir is also likely to get some temp files once in awhile
but i havent had issues with alot of space being lost to files not being removed
suppose you could always make a backup using activesync and then try
to remove stuff and softreset if it cause issues with programs or windows stuff then do a hardreset and restore your backup
maybe i was wrong. maybe the files that i saw is important and not a junk files. Thank You anyway.
There are utility programs like SpaceMaker and MemMaid which will do housekeeping for you. They delete the "junk" files from your device.

Backlight.exe & Power.exe.. Please?

Hi all,
Havn't posted for a while but I am still here! My exec seems to be running pretty fast now, using ozVGA
Anyways, just installed 2 patched *.exe files into windows directory (Backlight.exe.0409.mui.exe and Power.exe.0409.mui.exe) but me being stupid, I forgot to make a back up of the ORIGINAL backlight.exe and power.exe (located in the Windows DIR on the phone)...
So could somebody PLEASE upload me them two files, as I really need to restore them because using ozvga is hurting my eyes at the moment!
Thank you!
Not sure if this is what you want, since they are ROM files.
They originally had Read-Only, Hidden & System attributes set, but don't know if those will survive being compressed with WinZIP.
Exactly what i needed.. but I have no such luck of getting them onto the exec! i remove the attributes and it still doesn't let me copy!! DOH! any ideas? and thank you for such a quick reply
peteypye said:
Exactly what i needed.. but I have no such luck of getting them onto the exec! i remove the attributes and it still doesn't let me copy!! DOH! any ideas? and thank you for such a quick reply
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Sorry, wait a minute... That's better just got my spare (hopefully working) brain cell out of cold storage. :roll:
Both files are shown as "ROM" files if I look at their properties in the \Windows\ folder using Resco Explorer, so, errr..... won't they already be there if you delete whatever you've currently replaced them with?
Unfortunately, neither ActiveSync Explore, nor the PDA's File Explorer appear to allow you to overwrite an existing system file on the PDA. Resco's Explorer does allow this, although you get a message saying that the world will probably end if you do. I just tried copying another program into Windows as Backlight.exe. Then deleted my program, and the original was available again. But as mentioned, not posible with File Explorer, nor ActiveSync Explore.
Ok, simply by deleting the two files restored the default versions and fixed my problem.
Thanks for your advice, astage.
peteypye said:
Thanks for your advice, astage.
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Nothing to thank me for ..... since I'm just another fish out of water...
astage said:
Not sure if this is what you want, since they are ROM files.
They originally had Read-Only, Hidden & System attributes set, but don't know if those will survive being compressed with WinZIP.
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link not working .

How to delete a font from the windows folder?

I manually copied a japanese font into my windows/fonts folder, but now when i try to delete it, my o2 neo says its in use and i can't delete it.
Of course i terminated all tasks and rebooted several times but i still can't delete it.
Does anyone of you have any suggestions regarding my situation? Maybe a program to unlock files? Or a Program which will delete the file after the next reboot or something similar?
Help is greatly appreciated!
No response yet?
So i guess the only choice is to do a hard reset?
Isn't there a little trick i could use to delete that stupid .ttf file?
you must rename the *.ttf to *.old or so.
then softreset and than delete.
*.ttf is loaded automatic at system
Thats impossible!!!
It really worked!
Thank you soo much Menkul!
I even didn't try that out, because i thought the OS wouldn't allow me to rename a locked file
menkul said:
you must rename the *.ttf to *.old or so.
then softreset and than delete.
*.ttf is loaded automatic at system
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Guys, you are so fantastic, without you life with PPCs would be incredibly harder. This tip saved me hours of restore-work.
Thanks for your engagement, I will honor this
rename it
and delete it

How-To's For Nubs

Hi guys, this is my first windows mobile ever, and i've come on here and looked at all these threads for around 2 weeks now and id really like to start doing things!
I've looked at the *Leo hints and tips* and downloaded Resco, so i now know how to edit values and things in the root folder, but what i'm unsure about, and i'm sure all the new people to windows phones are to, is where to start?
I mean the phone reads .cab files, but say I download a .cab file, do i download it on my pc and put it on the phone, if so where to? After that do i have to click it, run it, what? Do i download it off my hd2 and it'll run? which I have done, but after installation, where is it stored if i want to open the file? What happens if i install a .cab and don't like it? Where is it for me to delete and how do I go about this? how do I uninstall things i've installed?
What im asking is, if there is a starting tutorial for these things, can it be a sticky because there are hundreds of threads on here and the search tool and my searching isn't finding what I really want...essentially...'HD2 for dummies...' guide.
sorry if this has been said before, or i'm expected to know these things, but if someone could point me and many others in a direction, or a sticky could be made, then id be one happy welsh man!
Cheers guys.
The simple answer to your question about cab files is that they're installers, just like you have on your PC. When it's installed, you can (if you wish) delete the cab file. (I keep all mine so if I upgrade my ROM then I can install things again without having to find the cab files all over again.) There's also "remove programs" in the windows settings folder, and you can uninstall apps from there.
Think of it more like a PC than a phone and you'll get on with it a lot easier.
Also, if it's windows you want help with then there's dedicated windows folders on this forum. Windows isn't specific to the HD2, so you will usually get better help in the more specific areas.
Other than that, just play with it and have fun.
Hope this helps
To install a cab you just need to copy or download it to your phone and then click on it. An installation wizard will then appear to take you through the installation process.
right okay, so the .cab i can delete as if it was a .exe file, but where do i save it on the phone for it to run, which folder?
When using file explorer and tweaking and installing .cabs, thats windows though i pressume? Not htc...
matt_attack_2k1 said:
right okay, so the .cab i can delete as if it was a .exe file, but where do i save it on the phone for it to run, which folder?
When using file explorer and tweaking and installing .cabs, thats windows though i pressume? Not htc...
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You can run the cab file from anywhere you like on the phone. If you're planning on deleting them after installing it really doesn't matter. Like I said, I keep my cabs (and would recommend it too!), so I have an "installers" folder, with sub-folders for different types of cab files.
Installers and tweaks are not specific to either windows or HTC - they could be either or both.
I personally keep all my cabs at Storage Card\Backup\CABs I transfer them to there from my PC, run them from there, save them there.
You can put them in any folder you like and run them from anywhere you like. There are no rules on where cab files need to be.
right okay, so i install a .cab file, say for example ive installed a new unlock slider, i change my mind and don't want that one anymore i would like the old one back, what do I do?
matt_attack_2k1 said:
right okay, so i install a .cab file, say for example ive installed a new unlock slider, i change my mind and don't want that one anymore i would like the old one back, what do I do?
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In that specific example, you'd have to check the thread where you got the new slider from. That's overwritten original files so obviously an uninstall doesn't recreate them. I tend not to install theme mods that can't be rolled back, purely because of this!
I've tried some alternative lockscreens before, and they definitely had the original files in a cab so you could undo it.
right okay. and for example if i was to install, i don't know, an additional button up onto the top bar by the start menu, how would I go about deleting?
Back to my OP, why is there no tutorial or hot-tips threads made as a sticky for people new to this stuff like I am?

Non-existent folder stuck on desktop

Disclaimer: Ok, I know this is off-topic but I have found that the people here on this forum are pretty smart with their computer stuff so I'm fairly confident that someone here can help me with this.
I have a folder on my desktop called com2. I was using this folder a while ago for no important person, it was just a random name for a temporary new folder. When I was done using it, I deleted it. Or so I thought.
Now as you can see the folder is still there, and when I try to delete it Windows doesn't want to play along.
I can still drag and drop files into the folder, but then if I try to open the file that I place in there, it says there's a problem with the directory. I tried creating a new folder on my desktop with the same name but that spat an error at me.
Basically it seems that this folder doesn't exist at all yet for some reason it won't go away! Anyone know what to do?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Try these:

