Screen alignment loop - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I got my 8525 secondhand off ebay, and I'm having problems with it. I did a clear storage or a reset of sort, and I'm stuck in loop of screen alignings. Originally, before I did the reset, the touch screen does not respond when I tap on the top right, and the screen alignment loop was also there when I chose to align screen and I had to take out the battery to fix it. I notice small pieces of cardboard stuck in between the side of the lcd and casing so would that be the problem here? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Sounds like the digitizer is stuffed... You may have to replace the LCD.
You can get them off EBay for $70AUD and there is a Service Manual so you can open and fix yourself. Here -
Its not too hard but you will need a small flat blde screwdriver, a small phillips head and a size 6 torque key.
All the best of luck,

Thanks Ultramag
I did a bit of research, and I came across this thread.
It seems we both have a similar problem. Would the software method work for my case? I want to avoid dismantling the hardware if possible.
Thanks again.

Yes and no. You need another Hermes (same model) to get the alignment settings from and this is only to get the phone operational so you can use it. It WON'T fix the touchscreen, Its just a stopgap measure until you replace the faulty LCD.
I was lucky as I have a few friends who I sorta got into the hermes who I could get the settings off. You can navigate around your hermes without th touchscreen but its a REAL *****. Bought a couple of Jasjams off the net and was lucky enough that BOTH worked. Still put my mainboard into 1 and gave the other to a friend who was having similar issues...
Hope that helps...

Thanks mate, I really appreciate it.


XDA2 fell in water Please help!!!!

i ve a xda2 it fell in water and after that i got it dried n cleansed from a dealer but now the problem is that it only works upto the "align screen" intial setup and downt move any further i also tried to ugrade with WM5 bt same thing, Please help me. I shall be thankfull to all to you.
Kindly help
try to clean board with isopropyl alcohol or in ultrasonic cleaner. Maybe it can help you.
Is it really dry? It can take some time...
See this:
Replace the battery
I had the same problem after my mda ii went through the washing machine. Replacing the battery fixed the problem.
thanks guys for the replies , further my XDA had been properly dried and cleaned but now the problem is that the machine doesnt operate further than the "ALIGN SCREEN" setup where one has to tap the screen at four corners and the center one I tap the screen i return to the same screen as ask to tap the screen again.
Will flashing the rom serve any purpose or is it aa hardware problem, rest of the device seem to be ok even the bluetooth light flashes when i turn the XDA ok. But not able to get i any further from there.
So what do the experts have to say, Please reply.
thanks again
well, mine had very hot coffee poured all over it.
my suggestion to you would be, dont turn it on or place the battery for at least 3 days if under normal drying conditions only.
or if you know how to take it apart, spray everything with contact cleaner, it will dry up immediately,
then cross your fingers and hope nothing shorted out when it first went inot the water.
strategy is - wait - dry- wait - test - dry some more - spray contact cleaner - dry - test - until such time it works. coz some moisture might still be present and causing a little bit of short circuit.
It sounds more of a hardware issue than a software issue and you may have to take is apart to fix it.
Try two things, Number 1: (You need to use some latex or vinyl gloves if you need to take your unit apart). You are going to need to check your digitizer connection to the motherbaord, make sure you don't have any mosture trapped in the ribbon lock and make sure the entire front part of the digitizer is flush against the inside case edge. Number 2: Have you seperated the digitizer from the LCD yet? If this thing was in water the slightest spot of moisture will disrupt the very small electrical field between the digitizer and the LCD that recognizes the stylus taps. Abosolutly nothing should be present between the two and also around the white or grey strip on the inside of the digitizer for it is also a contact strip. You can use a lens cleaning cloth to clean any dust and moisture from the inside of the digitizer before you put it back together with the LCD. Being I worked on about 150 toshiba e750's that suffered sprinker damage in a fire, I learned quite bit on what makes a Pocket PC tick. Good luck with getting it working.
the same
I had the same problem 3 or 4 years ago with a HP Jornada 680 (handledPC). I must unfortunately say that I could never get my touchscreen working back again. Perhaps if you could change your screen for a new one, or at least one that always worked (some are sold around the www, even a few by members here if i remember).
Good luck
the stylus is working as the sceen responds to the tabs, but the process of calibarating the screen doesnt finish and keeps on repeating. and it asks to align the screen again.
The digitiser is working but the software doesnt seem to be working...
what do you have to say?
and thanks for the reply
guys thanks for the reply
but no luck... is there any sofware that can check if the components are working and ok, or simply what should i do. The info about the problem in a nut shell is
First the loading happpens with the O2 screen then the "Windows mobile screen says Tap the screen to setup the pocket pc" Then when i tap the screen next screen comes saying "ALIGN SCREEN" with a crosshair in the middle of the screen when i tap it with the stylus it moves till all four corners are tapped which crosshair point to. But now the problem begins.
The same screen repeats and asks for the same procedure again and again and again And the Xda processing doesnt move further.
i even flashed the ROM but same thing........
no luck
Have you bought a new battery yet?
Like I said above, my MDAII went through the wash. Just like you, i got the align screen process followed by a spontaneous hard reset. I bought a new battery, charged it up in the cradle overnight, then popped it into my machine. Good as new.
Don't mess with the software until you try a brand new battery.
Cheap and effective.
Hmm, the touch screen is responding to taps, but maybe its a bit 'offset'.. I mean maybe when you tap exactly center, it will receive your tap to be a lot more offset to right, left, up or, down.. Cos that's what making the 'align screen' asks you to realign again and again..
Hi Tanvir,
I want some of the others to advise on what I am suggeting. On my xda I ( which I own as well as a Blue Angel) we are able to put it into boot mode and press the "action" or was it the "contact" button to get it into test mode. Being I don't own a Himalaya but I would guess that they would have that function too, and in that function it has a test for the aligment screen which it might be able to align in the test mode away from the OS running. If someone has the tip for helping Tanvir of getting his unit in to test mode, Please someone post it for him. Also being I don't own the XDA 2 if anyone has anything to add on my suggestions, the floor is open. let me know how it's going Tanvir. Cheers.
I'm sure Tanvir's digitizer is no more...
Go to and purchase a new one... not that expensive!
Good luck!
Hi shane,
thanks for the help and time i ll try the process u suggested and lets see what happens, i ll inform you if any luck,
An thanks to all the guys for helping,
hi jamil
ive guessed that posibility too, but the question is there is no way to fid out if it s he reason...

Screen problem

I have got serious problem with my Hermes. When device is "cold" everything is working ok but after 20-30 minutes of using i got problems with screen.
It looks like screen alignment problem but i can't fix it with any known method. I have written simple application that shows me that top left corner is always pressed.
I have disassembled device to see if its really problem with chassis and its not. When i turn on device without chassis i got same problems.
I'm thinking bout buying new digitizer without LCD but i don't know if i could exchange it by my own.
How do i combine LCD with digitizer in Hermes? What tools i need?
Thanks for any help.

T-Mobile MDA start on a white screen??

I need help...
My T-Mobile MDA can power up but it will just stay on a white screen & after awhile, the backlight time-out & swtiches off.
Tapping the screen or the power button will bring it back on.
All the buttons seem to be responding & the system sound comes on when I press some buttons.
What might be wrong?
Several soft reset will not bring me to the standard screen.
Is it a hardware issue or software issue?
Please advice me what I should do to recover from this situation.
I finally performed a clean reset & the standard WM5 "tring" sound came on.
At least, the system board is working fine.
But nothing appeared on the screen except for the greyish-white background.
I also brought the MDA into the bootloader mode but I don't see the Tri-colour screen.
What should I do next?
I noticed from the MDA Service Manual that there's a flex board for connecting the screen/front panel buttons to the system board.
Could that be cause of my problem? Or is it the LCD screen giving me problem?
Please, anyone who has experience with this issue, I appreciate any help I can get.
Is your MDA out of warranty? Do you have insurance? If no and I were you I would probably take it apart and check for a loose or bad connection. You got the service manual you should be good to go.
bendog2784 said:
Is your MDA out of warranty? Do you have insurance? If no and I were you I would probably take it apart and check for a loose or bad connection. You got the service manual you should be good to go.
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My MDA has no more warranty nor insurance.
I took the plunge & disassembled it.
I made sure all connections are clean & tight before reassembling the unit.
The screen still stayed greyish-white.
This morning, I screen suddenly turned on but for a brief moment.
It seems that when I slide out the screen (or slide out the keyboard), half way through when 2/3 of the k/b is exposed, the screen looks just as it should.
Beyond that it will blank out, kinda like a device having been put to hard reset from an operational state...except that the backlight stays on & then greyish lines start to appear.
So now, I'm not sure if it's the screen that's causing problem or the flex cable.
The flex cables are very hard to find where I'm & very costly too, judging from eBay auction listed.
Would appreciate any help to revive the screen of my MDA.
I got a Replacement LCD for my MDA for $39 at WWW.HTCLCD.COM
belize2004 said:
I got a Replacement LCD for my MDA for $39 at WWW.HTCLCD.COM
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What happened to your LCD that prompted you to replace it?
Did it crack?
If mine was cracked & there were fragmented display showing through, I would have gotten a replacement LCD with no questions asked.
However, in my case, the LCD is not showing anything other than a greyish white shade no matter what I do to the hardware.
I'm not sure it is a LCD problem as I mentioned above that yesterday, I got it to work for a short period of time at a certain position.
That said, I can get a replacement LCD for my MDA for less than US$25 here.
If it is an intermittent problem (as you described) I'd check the flex cable again.
try to reseat the connector that goes to the LCD (the large one that is locked in place with orange tape and the little brown clip on the connector itself).
hi im having the same probs with my vario, have you havd any luck sorting this out?

OMG White Screen!

Ok I need help from the gods of xda
I dropped my tilt the other day. When I picked it up everything seemed fine, yet the screen was completely white. No signs of cracks or a broken lcd. So I've tried the following: Soft reset, Hard reset, took out the battery, took apart the phone and disconnected the lcd and then re connected it. Still the same problem. WHITE SCREEN!
I can still receive/make calls, when i touch the screen in places where i remember the menus to be it still responds due to the noise, also the open and close noise still sounds.
The phone was bought new on Ebay, so i don't have a warranty through them or AT&T. After much research I hear people saying the same has happened to their phones as well and that there is a ribbon or flex cable problem. Something about still giving power to the LCD but not data, thus the white screen.
Now what I dont understand is do I need a new LCD because it has that ribbon/flex cable on it???? (link)
Do I need this product?(link)
Both contain a "flex cable" so im confused and frustrated, someone please help! any ideas would help
whew bought an LCD with digitizer on ebay for $45 and fixed it. Very easy process
vsicarbon said:
whew bought an LCD with digitizer on ebay for $45 and fixed it. Very easy process
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hi there, would it be possible to post the link to ebay item? i also need a new touch-screen.tnanks
I am curious about this as well. I have a friend who has a hermes and he mentioned to me that that his screen was starting to go white like explained here. I look at his phone and I also noticed that the bottom hardware keys were not working at all.
I am wondering if this same ribbon cable for the LCD would also be the same one for the bottom keypad and if I fix the screen the keys will become active again.
Anyone have any experience with this?
I am wondering if this same ribbon cable for the LCD would also be the same one for the bottom keypad and if I fix the screen the keys will become active again.
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That i dont know but here is the link to the LCD screen w/ digitizer
Same product and vendor I got mine from. Shipping took 3 business days. I advice to buy the insurence
Park City said:
I am curious about this as well. I have a friend who has a hermes and he mentioned to me that that his screen was starting to go white like explained here. I look at his phone and I also noticed that the bottom hardware keys were not working at all.
I am wondering if this same ribbon cable for the LCD would also be the same one for the bottom keypad and if I fix the screen the keys will become active again.
Anyone have any experience with this?
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Tuck in for a long read and perhaps no single answer for all cases:
In short, yes the d/pad cable and LCD screen connections are linked which is why it is not uncommon for the white screen to show up when the d/pad is not working.
To the OP - I would just point out that if you get the white screen after a fall it may just be a loose connection at the d/pad and no need for new parts.
Dismantling instructions here:
But let's not start discussing the white screen here, please use the first link I gave above if you need to post.
a user i dont recall now his name,fixed is whitescreen by replacing the camera,open the device and remove the camera module, reassemble to test.

Question about:Replacement of LCD and digitizer and a wierd piece

Hello everyone..I recently replace the lcd for my niki htc...I bought the screen from ebay for $35 (plus shipping). Everything works fine but sometimes when i slide the phone the screen is wably or it looks like something is not connected and it moves but when i close it and i restart it again. it's fine or if i let it for awhile like that (so it goes on and off). So my question is...Is it the manufacture that made the screen, or is it something that it hasn't been connected right?
The other question is that my digitizer is broken in the up left corner and im thinking to replace it does any one can tell me how to take of the digitizer. i have found this website : but it stops at the screen it doesn't tell you about the digitizer.
And the 3rd question is about that little piece it has fallen from somewhere while i dismantling my phone, i took a picture of it so someone can tell me what it is and where it goes.
Thank you very much for looking, and sorry for the noob questions first timer dismantling a phone and i loved IT!!!
You may wana have a look at the service manual, wich can be found here:
It says that you can not disassemble it without replacing the speaker!
When you remove the speaker you need a new one. (or at least this is how I understood it
Maybe that part is the door for the MicroSD Card slot?
no i opened the cellphone 6 to 7 times so far. all you have to do is to unscrew the small screw that keeps the speaker in place so you can have more space to work with it.
all you have to do is to take off the digitiser where it gets connected. take the screen off. and raise the little black strip where the digitizer stripwires come out and push out the digitizer. it feels liked it doesn't go out but if you push it carefully it will. they have glue it with some kind of glue that it doesn't come off the digitizer but it stays on the cellphone so you can put in place your new digitizer...
If anybody needs help... pm me or leave a reply in this thread.
speaker rubber perhaps?
I just replaced my digitizer today (bought the handset from ebay - faulty touch screen). The little rubber that covers the speaker fell out in my hand when I was dismantling mine, so maybe thats what it is (looks similair).
Oh a quick question - after replacing my digitizer, my touch screen still doesnt work, even after hard reset - when asking to 'tap screen to set up device' it wont respond to any taps. Any ideas ?
fubofo said:
speaker rubber perhaps?
I just replaced my digitizer today (bought the handset from ebay - faulty touch screen). The little rubber that covers the speaker fell out in my hand when I was dismantling mine, so maybe thats what it is (looks similair).
Oh a quick question - after replacing my digitizer, my touch screen still doesnt work, even after hard reset - when asking to 'tap screen to set up device' it wont respond to any taps. Any ideas ?
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my friend i think you have a bad digitizer, some people on ebay send defective digitizer and especially when they are from china they don't really care about sending a good one.... I had to send mine back 3 times!!!! i just got the last one 3 days ago and it took me at least a month and a half to send me a working one...If you pay with paypal...Tell the ebay user to send you a good one...Do not!! Do not!! send feedback until you got a good digitizer....Mostly it has to do with the connectors i guess where the digitizer connects.... Tell them that you need a new one and you can't wait for very long...tell them this is a customers cellphone and you need to have it fixed as soon as possible.. If they don't want to exchange for a new one dispute the payment!!! Don't wait too long...Do it Asap... As i told you there lots of defective digitizers....I had reset mine also but nothing happens i believe this is mostly hardware problem...If you have any questions about how to dismantle ask me... I have open my cellphone over 10 times cause of the digitizer
Thanks Nikos, Im fine with opening these devices they are easy enough to work with.
I purchased a digitizer for a Polaris not long ago and it worked perfect. Im gonna take the Nike apart tonight again and adjust/fiddle with the connections to make sure - I dont want to wait another 2 weeks for a replacement digitizer and pay for postage lol.
But i guess if it doesnt work tonight I will have to 'grin and bear it' and send it back
Just built in a replacement digitizer. Everything works quite well, some inaccuracies in the lower parts of the touch screen, but it works.
I managed to leave over a screw. And a barely visible stain between the Digitizer and the LCD.
But at least it is working again as a replacement phone and for testing various stuff...
btw, now knowing the phone from inside, that part could be the "door" between the SIM slot and battery. or the rubber part that directs sound to the microphone on the bottom front PCB.

