working with sockets - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I want to code a dumb program for WM6
it just need to reads a file and send its content using an Internet connection
if there's no connection, it would be nice if the user could choose to select what connection (work, internet) he wants to be the default
I program in C/C++ for windows/Linux for a long time, but since I just want to code this specific application (and not become a WM6 programmer), I'd like to know if anyone knows where I can find something like "how to work with sockets basic example" so I can just find out the logic and copy/paste/adapt it to my code

would you like to program in C++ or in another language?
Are you fluent with Java?

HTC-Master said:
would you like to program in C++ or in another language?
Are you fluent with Java?
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I can program in Java, but I'd rather make a standalone app, so I think C++ would be better

The reason I am talking about Java is that if you are fluent with that you could use C# which is much easier and faster for professional Windows programming. C++ is a real mess in windows system and if you are a beginner in Windows I wouldn't recommend that.


New Programmer (Maybe)

Hi to all,
i'm new in xda\xda2 world...and i would like to develop under it? What i need for developing? What cpu type\model it have?
Well.. The About and Device Information screens in the System Settings menu should take care of your questions..
But if you're lazy, the XDA typically runs PocketPC 2002 on a StrongArm CPU, and the XDA II PocketPC 2003 (Windows Mobile Edition) on an Intel XScale (which is backwards compatible with ARM).
If you simply visit and click on developers you'll end up at
Where you can even order a free DVD-Rom with the PocketPC SDKs, compilers etc (they will charge shipping and handling, at a freakishly high rate). You can also download that stuff.
However, you will need Visual Studio .NET as well, which is not a free download (in fact, even the academic version will set you back more than EUR 100).
I've not ventured into it myself yet, so it's quite possible you can actually do without Visual Studio (as the compilers themselves can be downloaded). Also, there's a version of gcc for pocketpc.
Any one developing for pocketpc who wants to chip in here? (I'd like to toy around with programming a bit on PPC - regretably it doesn't have a built-in scripting language like epoc32 has/had).
You only need Visual Studio .NET if you want to create .NET applications. If you are just programming in C++, I'd highly recommend downloading Embedded Visual Studios 3 and 4 and get the appropriate SDKs (all of which are free). At least, that's what I use.
What about Java Midlets?
I am thinking on writing a couple of apps for PPC, but going into VS.NET might be too deep for me. I also want to extend those later for palm and maybe desktop. No hardware specific stuff so I thought I might get away with Java which I am pretty good at.
Does anyone have anything to say - pros / cons? How midlets are on O2 in general - fast / slow, too much memory or processing power? Please share.
Why don't you get down to c++? Fast, small, general support...
У нас сегодня день вежливости, так что вы просто идите за мной и никуда не сворачивайте!
Some day
Good old C++. Too many years with Java - softened my mind... Undoubtedly C++ is the best way to go in terms of speed and size. Lets see what people say. :idea:
I've been programming in Visual .NET (VB.NET more specifically), but even after installing the SDK I have no idea where to start? When creating a project, I don't see any new project type for Pocket PC applications ? In fact, what else do I need to do if I want to program in VB.NET ?
i read that visualstudio .net 2005 will be able to make pocketpc applications in all languages not just .net applications like 2003
not sure about how you get started with since vb is very evil and nasty
but with c++ mfc and c# .net you start out with a form and there you can place components on it and program what functions they have
but if you want to make games and stuff which dont use normal windows stuff then you are better off programming them in c++ directly for the arm platform
I use Embedded VC++ and MFC as it's far tighter/smaller than .net. Purists can go completely Win32(ce) native and avoid MFC altogether but MFC does make development a good deal easier without the bloat of .net (not to mention how slow it is..).
Same thing for me. C++ with EVC tools. No mfc for me (a little purist and feel it gives a clearer code )
Best way to have samller and optimize applications
I've been programming in Visual .NET (VB.NET more specifically), but even after installing the SDK I have no idea where to start? When creating a project, I don't see any new project type for Pocket PC applications ? In fact, what else do I need to do if I want to program in VB.NET ?
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If you have VS.NET 2003 you don't even need the SDK.
just File-> New->Project
on the left column "Project Types" choose your language and on the right click the "Smart Device Application"
Basically is like any windows application but less possibilities and if you want to create any serious application you'll have to do a lot of optimization and native coding.
Good luck
I'm also interested in programming with Embedded VC++...and was wondering if anyone know of books out there I can pick up that will help my learning process a little quicker. Its been a long time since i coded in C++ and need to refresh.
The part I'm really need help is the basic parts how to get things started.
I'm confident that once I get started i'll start to remember my C++ coding.
I'm downloading the Embedded VC++ from Microsoft as I type this post ...hope it wont be too hard to understand how to create a simple "hello world" program for PPC devices
Also if anyone knows a good web sites with code samples ...please PM or post the URL, I'v seen some but not all that great
Thank You
Sometimes less is more.......
zendrui said:
Same thing for me. C++ with EVC tools. No mfc for me (a little purist and feel it gives a clearer code )
Best way to have samller and optimize applications
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As mentioned above, if you drop ATL, MFC .NET and all the implied baggage they have to bring with them to work, you are left with the old WIN32 programming model. This is now considered very 'old hat', but if all your program uses are API's in WIN32's kernel.dll, user.dll, gdi.dll etc...... i.e. the very primative windows stuff, then it is possible to write an application that will run on any version of Windows Mobile. This application will be pretty simple, but the compiled .EXE file targetted at an ARM4xx model will run on almost any Pocket PC, without any other files. (i.e. The single APP.EXE file will run on any upwardly compatable system, no fancy implementation project to create or run, just copy the release '.exe' file to the target machine, and it will run!). These days 99%+ mobile PDA's run ARM class processors. The manufacturers call them by their own processor IDs but under the hood they are all the same.
To create an app that will run on the Mobile 5/6 platform without looking like previous Mobile 2002/3/SE apps, limit the Main menu items to two. This will make sure they appear either side of the input icon, as menu items. More than two and the Mobile 5/6 menu items appear as 2002/3/SE apps in the old control bar style.
wfberg said:
(I'd like to toy around with programming a bit on PPC - regretably it doesn't have a built-in scripting language like epoc32 has/had).
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As far as scripting goes... I'm a big fan of Mortscript. It's so simple... I guess I'm a little purist myself
Basic 4PPC
Basic for Pocket PC, has anyone tried this. I went to the site and it only cost around 40.00 US. I've worked with "basic" before and the progs were usually bloated and sluggish. Wonder if this would be the same.
i have started developing in ppl language the program name is PIDE from ariana soft..its very also lets u make games
ive created my first clock in it

Reading the registry with Visual Studio 2003

I'm developing a small application for my HTC Wizard, which I'm programming with Visual Studio 2003.
I need to open the shell application for M3U files, which I've tracked down to HKCR\M3UFile\Shell\Open\Command... but now I can't figure out how to either read that key to open the relevant player, or to execute the m3u file directly.
Because I'm using VS2003, I don't have access to system.win32 with the compact framework, so what techniques have others of you used to read or write to the registry?
Also, just as a side note, how do you find the current path?
There is no real concept of current path in CE. If you want to know the path your EXE is in, use GetModuleHandle(NULL) -- it'll return the fully-qualified path name of that process's EXE, from which you can parse out a path.
I'd advise against using the compact framework; .Net is a loser on PPCs as it just slows things down, taking up extra memory & cycles on a platform where both are in short supply. Use the real Windows APIs instead -- i.e. call RegCreateKeyEx/RegSetValueEx.
And if you choose to use Win32 API you can just call ShellExecuteEx()
and not mess with the registry.
RegQueryValueEx is what you need. Just set the appropriate type and buffer.
I'm always willing to learn new stuff... are there any good resources on programming for PPC without using .net?
I know there's EVC++, but I've installed it, and now I don't know what to do with it!
JonTheNiceGuy said:
I'm always willing to learn new stuff... are there any good resources on programming for PPC without using .net?
I know there's EVC++, but I've installed it, and now I don't know what to do with it!
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You can either use EVC++4, which is free but has an aged, not-so-standard C++ compiler (since it based on VC++6...but it only means a few quirks), or you can use Visual Studio 2005 which is supposed to replace EVC.
Jon, not to state the obvious, but there are many c++ tutorials for the PPC on the interweb.
What kind of experience do you have?
I have no prior experience with C++ - I bought the C++ For Dummies book in a charity shop a month or so ago, but it seems to refer to software that isn't available any more!
My core experience is with PHP, and recently I've been more interested in VB.NET for small apps at work, but most of what I want to do is with Windows Mobile - for which, all I have is Visual Studio 2003, and my co. won't fund me buying VS2005 as I got it for an old project that I still maintain, and anything new I need to write for work I can do with VS2005 Express...
That said, I'm not afraid of learning a new language, especially something as powerful as C++.
C++ for dummies is excellent, the best I've come across so far.
Have a read through this:
I'm currently unlearning and then relearning my c++ - one thing I've learnt coming from other languages - c++ requires discipline. It's not about shortcuts, you build up from the basics and keep going steadily. But you need to be logical, and prepared to put in the effort. So discipline - it's been a long time since I've had to think about that!

Programming the Hermes

Hi @ all...
i wanted to know if anyone is able to give ma an introduction into programming on mobile devices.
i've got the microsoft visual studio 2005 as a student version from my school, and found the mobile device template, but i wasn't able to figure some things out.
i will try much things by myself, but if anyone could give me an example on how to write a programm that accesses the phone line.
actually i want to write a program, that is able to place a call and send DTFM to the other side.
Is there a possibility to do this?
embedded visual c++ .. it is free and I'm using it .. look at what I've did all at my signature
What you are trying to do is not so simple. You need to read and learn about Telephony API (TAPI) which is a set of functions that lets you talk to the phone part of the device.
Also, you need to install the Window Mobile 5 and / or 2003 SDK which is available for free from MS.
Finally, you have not mentioned what programming languages you know.
There is probably simpler approach for .NET then TAPI, but .NET sucks.
already heard about tapi... but i'm not really into c++ programming.
but this will be neccessary i think.
as i'm leraning c# at school for now, i will try it that way, and if you say, there might be an easier way with .net, i'll try this. both of the phones i want to program are wm6 so i don't have to worrie about the freaking big framework as it is incorporated into wm6...
i will take a look at it, now with having tapi in mind, MSDN might help me a little...
thanks for the help

noob question: How to start programming?

Hi all,
Finally I've my HD2 and I must say, I'm very happy with it!
I'm no noob in informatics, I program in VB and VBA and I'm DBA in Oracle and SQL Server. But to be honest, I don't now how to start.
I tried searching the forum here, but couldn't find a thread: how to start programming on a WMO-device.
Thanks already for the info!
PS for example I would like to program this:
keyboard layout French (AZERTY)
T9 language Dutch
Koen D said:
how to start programming on a WMO-device.
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You start programming for WM the same way you do it for Win32. Just download mobile SDK from Microsoft and you're good to go. You use the same IDE, Visual Studio, for mobile programming, and coding experience is the same, in addition to the fact that a lot of code using WinAPI will just work. There are differences of course with regard to memory management or power management etc., but those are either documented on msdn or are discussed at length everywhere on the web.
VB and .Net won't be good for your purpose though, you'd need native C++ code for things like rewriting a T9 engine I think.
Hey hey!
You can find many interesting postings and topics here:
There are much more. Please look for the "stiky" posts. There are often very usefull informations. Sure, the moderators open some stikys "just-for-fun"... ... but many topics are realy interesting.
Some external sites can help you, too: (of course)
you can became a part of the msdn (winmo special) here:
When you became a good dev. You should look for 3rd party stuff like:
For the beginning it should be enough.
You can also program in mobile java, which will make your app portable to more devices.
Do you want to be a ROM chef, or programmer?
Or both ?
To just program for the Windows Mobile OS, you can
grab a (free) version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/2008
and download the WIndows Mobile development resource kit
from them.
Then you can blast away in C#, C or .NET
If you just want to cook ROM's then look at the kitchen thread.
Look at that thread anyway
Try Visual Studio, VB.NET and the Windows Mobile SDK there it is s
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
Also, is there anything need to be considered for WM Web Programming (such as JavaScript, CSS support)?
siamchen said:
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
Also, is there anything need to be considered for WM Web Programming (such as JavaScript, CSS support)?
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yep. most WM apps use C++, but even the C# apps will run as most of the ROMs contain the .NET fw by default
I have a question as well, are there any free-for-freeware frameworks for touch-friendly applications? Is there a Sense SDK?
bayowar said:
I have a question as well, are there any free-for-freeware frameworks for touch-friendly applications? Is there a Sense SDK?
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Microsoft has an SDK for 6.5's gesture support. I've not got around to using it yet though, so can't comment on it's quality or breadth of support.
Is there something I cant build using C only in this phones?
I mean can I build a complete rom, applications and such using only C?
thats the only lang I know so...
mr_Ray said:
Microsoft has an SDK for 6.5's gesture support. I've not got around to using it yet though, so can't comment on it's quality or breadth of support.
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I've seen that, what about buttons, sliders, tabs, flickable lists and all this stuff though. I've never developed for a mobile platform and I'd imagine starting from scratch with all UI elements steepens the learning curve quite a bit.
siamchen said:
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
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There are pros and cons to using managed code (C#/VB), and the same holds true about native code (C++). The former is much easier for high-level tasks, but you get less control and it may get a bit tricky when you need to access WinAPI not included in .Net CF (although there are usually ways to do it via Platform Invoke). .Net applications start slower, which may be an issue for certain tasks. Native code is (should be) faster, but a bit more complex and you don't have things like automatic garbage collection and so on. Sometimes you need a couple of lines of code in C# instead of two dozen in C++. Sometimes not. On the other hand, writing something like a graphics-heavy game in C# would be a strange endeavor. Some things are outright impossible like writing a system service, AFAIK. All in all, the pros and cons are described at length everywhere, and it's up to you to decide.
bayowar said:
I have a question as well, are there any free-for-freeware frameworks for touch-friendly applications? Is there a Sense SDK?
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In the Development and Hacking section you'll find a C# GUI framework (it's called Manila UI Framework or something like that) made by a fellow XDAer.
bayowar said:
I've seen that, what about buttons, sliders, tabs, flickable lists and all this stuff though. I've never developed for a mobile platform and I'd imagine starting from scratch with all UI elements steepens the learning curve quite a bit.
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If you want non-standard UI elements it can get tricky. For standard UI it's a no-brainer. There are some third-party libraries available. In addition to the C# framework I mentioned earlier, there's Qt (a cross-platform UI framework used by Opera for all their desktop (Linux, Win and Mac) and mobile (WM and Symbian) and embedded platforms including TV set-top boxes) incarnations, Airplay SDK that's a cross-platform framework for Android, WM and iPhone, some others I can't recall right away. They may or may not be free however.
Thanks for the reply, good to know about Qt. I'm vaguely familiar with that, had now idea it found it's way to Windows Mobile.
The Manila framework is called Manila Interface SDK, at least that's the only match I found.
bayowar said:
I've seen that, what about buttons, sliders, tabs, flickable lists and all this stuff though. I've never developed for a mobile platform and I'd imagine starting from scratch with all UI elements steepens the learning curve quite a bit.
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Actually it is not the UI but the SDK that has a steep learning curve. Besides the usual loops and if then else.. you need to know exactly which library does what and there is the confusion as there are a couple of them doing similiar things eg Messaging API. At least that is what I encountered when I first started and I agree that C++ has a huge advantage over C# or as it can interact directly with the hardware api instead going over in a big circle and sometimes, some functions can't even be achieved using!
Just install and catch up on OO by diving into
You'll be fine coding in either C# or VB.NET, the BCL for Ce is leaner than that for full blown windows but still very usable. After installing vs2008 don't forget to update the default install to wm6.5 sdk.
siamchen said:
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
Also, is there anything need to be considered for WM Web Programming (such as JavaScript, CSS support)?
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Hi mate,
I reckon c++ so u dont need to redisttibute the framework and your app will run fast, but if u want to write apps with db access net framework is the easy way, I'm in Sydney and I do c++ so PM if u need some help,
BTW is there some good app for programming in my HD2? taking my work on the go? something like visual studio mobile version?

What language and software uses android for programming?

Hey guys im considering porting/recoding an app from to work on android, but i havent got a clue what language is used in android, could someone tell me its name or some sort of website with this information?
Finally if someone is experienced in programming apps for android, i would like to chat about a few capabilities of the language.
Thanks in advance!
Android is Java-ish based.
i would recommend you checking out the program Eclipse.
The main applayer is java based with some xml thrown in. But there is a native development kit that you can compile c c++ and many other languages to run on an android phone. But since java is virtual machine based an app written in java will run on all phones*(some caveats like os version) while the app in ndk will work on only hardware that it was designed for
Also, is Google not working? A simple search for "Android programming language" would answer this question
From something awesome
killersnowman said:
The main applayer is java based with some xml thrown in. But there is a native development kit that you can compile c c++ and many other languages to run on an android phone. But since java is virtual machine based an app written in java will run on all phones*(some caveats like os version) while the app in ndk will work on only hardware that it was designed for
From something awesome
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hmmm, yes there is google but not what im exactly asking, and that makes me ask this:
You talk about c & c++ and other languages compilations to run on android phone, is a part of that list?
Could you show me a website or something that says more about that dev kit? im basically trying to port my apps from vb 2010 express (windows forms based) to android and if that thing is not possible should i use java to code it all over again?
Thanks in advance! this is for the ndk but it is not as simple as just compiling your code with the ndk. You will need to rewrite some of it to actuallytie into the android apis
You should really just use the java sdk. You will reach more people and be able to find more help and info
And I stand corrected, while there are projects trying to bring other languages to the ndk it is at this point just C and C++
From something awesome
killersnowman said: this is for the ndk but it is not as simple as just compiling your code with the ndk. You will need to rewrite some of it to actuallytie into the android apis
You should really just use the java sdk. You will reach more people and be able to find more help and info
And I stand corrected, while there are projects trying to bring other languages to the ndk it is at this point just C and C++
From something awesome
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oh well in that case i will need to learn java.... thanks mate, i think its easier to just rewrite the whole thing really i like proper optimizations and ports most of the times lack them.
Thanks for the information thats all i needed.
PS: rep added
if you know well you'll have no real problem with java.. it just adds brackets and semicolons essentially lol. I learned java in college and then was thrown into the .net framework using c# and i love the .net framework.. its so hard for me to go from using Visual Studios to Eclipse to make an android application because Visual Studios (which im assuming you use, is so powerful).. But yes android is java code behind and html (preferred) GUI. You can make your GUI using java but trust me its terrible!
jr10000 said:
But yes android is java code behind and html (preferred) GUI. You can make your GUI using java but trust me its terrible!
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Html? You mean xml?
Also try Intellij instead of Eclipse. Eclipse is way too bloated and IntellJ has some amazing autocomplete features. Its better in my opinion
From something awesome
jr10000 said:
if you know well you'll have no real problem with java.. it just adds brackets and semicolons essentially lol. I learned java in college and then was thrown into the .net framework using c# and i love the .net framework.. its so hard for me to go from using Visual Studios to Eclipse to make an android application because Visual Studios (which im assuming you use, is so powerful).. But yes android is java code behind and html (preferred) GUI. You can make your GUI using java but trust me its terrible!
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what?? i really need a proper GUI ugh... yes im using visual studio, and indeed is amazing, the app i have and i want to port to android is windows form based, the most essential thing i would need about it is the calendar control :\
You can use Javascript+HTML5 (it's complicated to express here but the whole things is pretty much native).
Python aswell, use SL4x or Kivy (Kivy is pretty good but it's still too new).
Sorry, being hate Java too much.
Funnnny said:
You can use Javascript+HTML5 (it's complicated to express here but the whole things is pretty much native).
Python aswell, use SL4x or Kivy (Kivy is pretty good but it's still too new).
Sorry, being hate Java too much.
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ok np, so to doublecheck this: to have an application with graphical interface i will need javascript and html5?
TheWarKeeper said:
ok np, so to doublecheck this: to have an application with graphical interface i will need javascript and html5?
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I dont know why people spread extremely non standard practices to people getting started...
No you dont need javascript or html5.
Android has a ui layout system based in xml. Its just there to arrange objects that you can access from the java code. So a little xml and java is all you need
From something awesome
TheWarKeeper said:
ok np, so to doublecheck this: to have an application with graphical interface i will need javascript and html5?
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The right way to do GUI is with Java, with the official SDK from Google.
Some non-standard way to do this is with Javascript (just a GUI wrapper from Javascript to Java) and Python (again wrapper to Python).
You can choose which way you want, many people I know didn't like Java, and they choose to use a web application, and then they want to embed this to a native Android application, so they go with Titanium Mobile or some others framework like that. It's not as good as Java, but it's some other way to start with your application (Web app first and then Native app)
Funnnny said:
The right way to do GUI is with Java, with the official SDK from Google.
Some non-standard way to do this is with Javascript (just a GUI wrapper from Javascript to Java) and Python (again wrapper to Python).
You can choose which way you want, many people I know didn't like Java, and they choose to use a web application, and then they want to embed this to a native Android application, so they go with Titanium Mobile or some others framework like that. It's not as good as Java, but it's some other way to start with your application (Web app first and then Native app)
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i feel like i should probably stick with java, i want it to be quick and fast and have alot of stuff to code, the program should run in background so it must not affect performance at all, will use timers with a basic code ticking every second while on background and thats it really
TheWarKeeper said:
i feel like i should probably stick with java, i want it to be quick and fast and have alot of stuff to code, the program should run in background so it must not affect performance at all, will use timers with a basic code ticking every second while on background and thats it really
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Then use java bro, it's an awesome programming language, I don't know why some people don't like it, each programmer should learn to get used to each language.
Anyway, for likes.. colors
Cheers, D4.
D4rKn3sSyS said:
Then use java bro, it's an awesome programming language, I don't know why some people don't like it, each programmer should learn to get used to each language.
Anyway, for likes.. colors
Cheers, D4.
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well ive been learning vb and i will admit that im still on intermediate level, even though i know all the basic stuff such as messing with its own functions, etc i still havent used any of the apis for it, the main problem with programming is that if u learn a language you would waste your time learning that one or else if u go learn to many languages you will end up not knowing none of them at all.
Ill see if i can mess with java, some people say syntax is a bit similar to c & c++
EDIT: btw, im not saying i dont find java good, a programming language that will basically run on any machine independently of the OS makes the language itself possibly the best and most versatile around.
I'm learning Android and I use Java and XML. I'm still a beginner though.
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I am just curious, software like Titanium Backup, or Angry Birds, which programming language do they use? Could this stuff be programmed with Eclipse in Java?
killersnowman said:
Html? You mean xml?
Also try Intellij instead of Eclipse. Eclipse is way too bloated and IntellJ has some amazing autocomplete features. Its better in my opinion
From something awesome
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Hey, do you know how to use intellij idea fire Android development?
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