Programming the Hermes - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi @ all...
i wanted to know if anyone is able to give ma an introduction into programming on mobile devices.
i've got the microsoft visual studio 2005 as a student version from my school, and found the mobile device template, but i wasn't able to figure some things out.
i will try much things by myself, but if anyone could give me an example on how to write a programm that accesses the phone line.
actually i want to write a program, that is able to place a call and send DTFM to the other side.
Is there a possibility to do this?

embedded visual c++ .. it is free and I'm using it .. look at what I've did all at my signature

What you are trying to do is not so simple. You need to read and learn about Telephony API (TAPI) which is a set of functions that lets you talk to the phone part of the device.
Also, you need to install the Window Mobile 5 and / or 2003 SDK which is available for free from MS.
Finally, you have not mentioned what programming languages you know.
There is probably simpler approach for .NET then TAPI, but .NET sucks.

already heard about tapi... but i'm not really into c++ programming.
but this will be neccessary i think.
as i'm leraning c# at school for now, i will try it that way, and if you say, there might be an easier way with .net, i'll try this. both of the phones i want to program are wm6 so i don't have to worrie about the freaking big framework as it is incorporated into wm6...
i will take a look at it, now with having tapi in mind, MSDN might help me a little...
thanks for the help


The simplest question of all...

OK, here's one that you should all be able to help me with.
I am a programer, but have not yet begun to create programs for my XDA 2i. I REALLY don't know where to start... I bought MS C++ .NET with the possibly misguided impression that it was supposed to be rather like the Java virtual machine, and that I could simply whip up an exe on my PC then move it to the PPC and it would just work...
But now I'm SO confused. What's all this about SDKs and having different ones for different versions of Windows mobile? And then there's the compact .NET framework, and then there's ASP, but I'm fairly comfortable that that's a different issue entirely.
What is the simplest way for me to begin writing C/C++ programs to run on my XDA 2i? I'm not interested for the moment in phone or other connection aspects - let's say I'm trying to write a visual calculator. So simple logical operations and a simple GUI.
I have experience with MS visual studio C++, and I can use libraries when told which ones to use, but am otherwise uninterested in them.
I gather the absolute simplest solution might be to write some JScript, but I want to use .NET C++ since I forked out for it.
The trouble is, there's so much info out there. Please help, then maybe one day I can start contributing useful info to this site too.
Thanks everyone!
Phil Drew
questions and answers much like yours
download Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 from Microsoft.. if you are a member of MSDN

what needed to program??

i have visual c# express, is there any chance to get a template for mobile development? or any other good ide without downloading 200 single files to get embedded visual c++ 4.0 working?
i mean something simple like visual c# full version?
i want to start programming but i dont get it, because no right ide is out there only this ms ****
got it worked,downloaded evc++4.0, dont like it
im more into assembler/basic progrmaming languages
is it possbile to use assembler for programming? something like nasm to the desktop pc world?
If you want to do assembly, use evc to start you off then put assemble into that. I used to do this on the desktop (pc) all the time when I was writing a program to controll some hardware over a parallel port. I see in the evc4 documentation some info on inline assembly so it should be fine there (its part of the c++ language to allow this).
What is it you need that low level for? To do an entire project that way must be very hard.
thanks for the info
i only asked for imformation, later i want to write my own bootloader,l simple kernel,like i did for pc, maybe getting more into the low level programming, which i like more than the high level stuff
is there no basic language for windows mobile that allows you to create easily applications, for free
sometimes i dont understand the developers, doing some weird stuff like evc++ where you need so much sdk/extra stuff only to develop, why not packing everything into a basic language and give this language all the apis which are needed
well thats something i think should be more supportet :lol:
I thought of starting it myself. I'm not very into "Visual" products, I'm a C++ to Java converted person More of a Java person. Anyway, was trying to step my foot into this realm and I've found a few SDK that can be downloaded and use, what should I start first? There are several choices that I've for from M$
1. Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Pocket PC Genuine Windows download
2. eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0
3. SDK for Windows Mobile 2003-based Pocket PCs
Wow, writing a bootloader. What do you intend to do with it? Custom OS or something else?
Guys, this is unlikely to be helpful for assembler etc., but I wrote an opus about an introduction to programming, from a beginner's point of view (ie mine!) a few days ago. Might be helpful to some.
Hi everybody,
I'm a really-confused guy about programming PDA...
I have a PocketPC 2003 device. I have to use TAPI for my university final project and I want to establish a data call through GSM from this device to a desktop PC with a GSM USB device working as modem.
-I've built a dll with TAPI functions with eVC++ 4.0
-I've built a wrapper in c# with VS2005, a smart device application that calls the functions I need stored in the previous dll (using p/invoke).
-I installed pocket PC2003 SDK from Microsoft.
Am I right?does the pocketPC support TAPI or not?I'm really confused b/c I'm reading tons of forums and some say it works and someother say the contrary...
please, only tell me if I'm using the right method of programnming.
looki here:
That question would probably have been better put in one of the other tapi threads.
I know you want to do ppc to pc but give that a try first. If you can borrow someone else's phone because you will need two ppc for this test. If you can communicate ppc - ppc then ppc -pc should be easy.
Every ppc phone I have had can make and receive data calls, but I have not rewritten the program to work with wm2005 so if thats your os don't bother.
There is another way to get a connection between a ppc -pc over a call. One of my phone/gprs cards had a gprs config tool that let me manually enter the number for gprs. After that I was able to use the terminal services client on ppc to take over my pc. The ppc tries to connect via the gprs and that dials my home phone then I set up the pc to accept incoming phone calls. After logging in it worked very well as long as some data was being transfered. The problem was that if no transfer occured for more than a few seconds the connection dropped out. I think its because the modem was treating a regular call as gprs, ie doing nothing when its not needed.
well vijay, i only want to get some outputs on my pocket phone, testing stuff etc
the problem is i dont have any experience about the bootsectors of the sd card (i think thats the only way not to erase wm2003), else i dont have any experience about the architectur
on pc its easy, because you have much references and some forums about this stuff, but for ppc i dont think there is any forum about os developing.
on pc you can easily use a floppy , writing the bootloader in the bootsector and let the bootloader call the kernel, thats it (for the beginning)
has anybody some stuff about it? some informations, would be helpfull
Have you seen itsme's posts (I think) in the wiki, and generally on google. The kernel stuff there was whoosh, right over my head. Incredible work, definitive I'd say. The founding fathers of XDA devs have done quite a lot of work on this stuff I think.

Reading the registry with Visual Studio 2003

I'm developing a small application for my HTC Wizard, which I'm programming with Visual Studio 2003.
I need to open the shell application for M3U files, which I've tracked down to HKCR\M3UFile\Shell\Open\Command... but now I can't figure out how to either read that key to open the relevant player, or to execute the m3u file directly.
Because I'm using VS2003, I don't have access to system.win32 with the compact framework, so what techniques have others of you used to read or write to the registry?
Also, just as a side note, how do you find the current path?
There is no real concept of current path in CE. If you want to know the path your EXE is in, use GetModuleHandle(NULL) -- it'll return the fully-qualified path name of that process's EXE, from which you can parse out a path.
I'd advise against using the compact framework; .Net is a loser on PPCs as it just slows things down, taking up extra memory & cycles on a platform where both are in short supply. Use the real Windows APIs instead -- i.e. call RegCreateKeyEx/RegSetValueEx.
And if you choose to use Win32 API you can just call ShellExecuteEx()
and not mess with the registry.
RegQueryValueEx is what you need. Just set the appropriate type and buffer.
I'm always willing to learn new stuff... are there any good resources on programming for PPC without using .net?
I know there's EVC++, but I've installed it, and now I don't know what to do with it!
JonTheNiceGuy said:
I'm always willing to learn new stuff... are there any good resources on programming for PPC without using .net?
I know there's EVC++, but I've installed it, and now I don't know what to do with it!
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You can either use EVC++4, which is free but has an aged, not-so-standard C++ compiler (since it based on VC++6...but it only means a few quirks), or you can use Visual Studio 2005 which is supposed to replace EVC.
Jon, not to state the obvious, but there are many c++ tutorials for the PPC on the interweb.
What kind of experience do you have?
I have no prior experience with C++ - I bought the C++ For Dummies book in a charity shop a month or so ago, but it seems to refer to software that isn't available any more!
My core experience is with PHP, and recently I've been more interested in VB.NET for small apps at work, but most of what I want to do is with Windows Mobile - for which, all I have is Visual Studio 2003, and my co. won't fund me buying VS2005 as I got it for an old project that I still maintain, and anything new I need to write for work I can do with VS2005 Express...
That said, I'm not afraid of learning a new language, especially something as powerful as C++.
C++ for dummies is excellent, the best I've come across so far.
Have a read through this:
I'm currently unlearning and then relearning my c++ - one thing I've learnt coming from other languages - c++ requires discipline. It's not about shortcuts, you build up from the basics and keep going steadily. But you need to be logical, and prepared to put in the effort. So discipline - it's been a long time since I've had to think about that!

newbie: creating appl. for xda pocket pc 2002

glad that i found this forum
new user of an xda Wallaby, i got a few questions,i would be happy if someone could help me. so sorry again for my boring questions.
is the pocket pc software separated from the phone software ? possible to get into the phone software?
i have little experience with basic and c. which development kit is okay , i saw Visual C++ for CE but thats a big cake for me, i would shot me in this, but only if this is the right thing. i look for a language with a phone software library, (and sorry for my bad english)
Thank You
Welcome to the forum.
First of, please don't worry about language here. This is a global forum and we have people from all over the world here.
Second, do you have any experience in programing for desktop windows?
Programing for Windows Mobile (it is actually a bit different from clean Windows CE) is basically Win32 programing so you need to familiarise yourself with that.
Now, the thing is that Pocket PC 2002 i a bit of an outdated system. Forunately, it is still supported.
What you need is a collection of free tools from Microsoft which you can download here. You also need Pocket PC 2002 SDK.
This collection includes 2 compilers eMbedded Visual basic and eMbedded Visual C++. I recommend using C++ as it is more powerful and doesn't need that pesky run time support VB uses. If you have any experience with Visual Studio 6 you will find the tools easy to get used to.
As for the 'phone software' it is part of windows, but using it involves more advance programing. First of you need to know how to use Win32 API. You can find documentation on TAPI (Telephony API) and RIL (Radio Layer Interface) in MSDN.
Good luck!
hello levenum,
thank you for your "Welcome"and Your helpful posting.
i first thought that it would perhaps be easier to go with an earlier version like CE 3, but then i have more troubles with cpu specific code?
i only tasted borland c 2.0 for dos and boland c++ 5.i saw a developers interface from a friend, Visual C++5, with Extension for Writing CE Applications,
I followed Your Download-Links, could not download Pocket PC 2002 SDK cause WGA Plugin failed i surf with a mac. i will find a solution )
so i will think on your words "First of you need to know how to use Win32 API" and step into Visual C++ first, thats a live step.
Thanks for Your Helpful Hints.

Want to learn to program for Windows Mobile

Let's say I have lots of free time, am a pretty smart guy, and am infatuated with my Windows Mobile device. I am a veterinarian, and know next to nothing about programming, except how to meddle with other people's PHP or javascripts. I know HTML pretty well, and have some experience with basic Flash ActionScript. Can someone help me start learning how to program for Windows Mobile?
I need to know:
1) Some good beginner's books
2) Software to start off with (free stuff preferred)
3) Good websites to check out
Can you help?
I'm no programmer, but have wanted to dabble. From what I can tell, lots of folks use embedded visual c++ to program WM apps. This is a free compiler you can download from Microsoft (search for evc++), but there's not a lot of MSDN articles or MS help in general with evc++ because they want to move you to the .net compiler ($$$). Good luck.
I found this haven't tried it. It seems to be like Visual Basic, which is easy to learn. Maybe someone here tried it and can comment on it?
I tried installing Embedded Visual C++ on my Vista machine, but ran into all sorts of problems with it crashing while trying to compile "Hello World!" any ideas?
In the meantime, I've downloaded and am using Visual C++ 2008 Express edition (free). Will that allow me to compile for Windows Mobile (.arm)?
Evb and Evc are old languages,actually most of the programmers are using .Net languages.
You need to install IDE Visual Studio then make a choice of the language you will use..
But I am not a programmer,someone else can redirect you better.
Good luck!
unapproachable2kx said:
Evb and Evc are old languages,actually most of the programmers are using .Net languages.
You need to install IDE Visual Studio then make a choice of the language you will use..
But I am not a programmer,someone else can redirect you better.
Good luck!
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EVB might be old, but EVC uses C/C++ in the exact same fashion you would use it in Visual Studio 2008. The key for me, is to really think about what you want to do, and what you want out of programming.
If you want to develop a little app that does some simple computation, or things less graphical, and you really don't have a passion for developing, then plunge into .NET. It's easy, it's effective and it'll get the job done.
On the other hand, if you're getting into multimedia, and your heart is in with software developing, then I must stress that the C/C++ route is REALLY where you should be going. I must warn you though, if you're new to programming, don't expect to have things fired up and running in 10 mins. It will take time .
Just my 2-Cents,
heres some videos that will help u get started!
ekw said:
heres some videos that will help u get started!
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thanks guyz..i was also looking for this ...

