What's the .exe file name for Programs or Settings? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I hope I posted this where it belongs,,, I have an 8525 and I need to know what is the .exe name to open programs or settings.
Ive tried \Windows\htcSettings.exe but nothing... thanks for any help.

go onto file explorer, my device, windows and in there are the folders at the top, progras and settings have a folder each you open them and all your items are there.


Deletin icons on the programs list

I am having problem deleting an icon from the promgrams section of o2 XDA2.
I downloaded one program and later deleted the program through romeove program. The actual program has been deleted but has left behind an icon on the programs list. I cannot figure out a way how to delete it. Can anyone help
Deleting items in program list
Look in "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" - they are all there.
use explore or what ever file browsing tool that you use to get your kicks
go into the dir called windows
go into the dir called start menu
go into the dir called programs or something like that
it's just like on a pc
Use File Explorer. Go to \Windows then \Start Menu. Open \Programs and do whatever you want.

Getting a program on the start/programs menu

For some reason my Internet Explorer program never appeared on the
start menu or in the programs folder. Every time I want to open it I need
to use file explorer and open it from the folder. Does anyone know how I
get it into the program folder? I've even tried cut and paste but can't.
Start > Settings > Menus* > [x] Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer doesn't appear as an item to be checked. That's my problem.
Start > Programs > File Explorer
browse for "iexplore.exe"
tap and hold on "iexplore.exe", then choose "Copy" from the popup.
browse to Windows\Start Menu\Programs
choose Menu, then Edit, then Paste Shortcut
rename the shortcut to just "Internet Explorer".
You'll then find IE in Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
And you'll also find it in that list to add it to the Start Menu.
Thanks for the idea but unfortunately it didn't work. I have tried the copy-paste idea on the xda and I get the message "Cannot copy 'iexplore': Executable and resource files in ROM cannot be copied."
If I try to do the copy-paste thing through the PC the "iexplore" file doesn't even show in the place I can clearly see it in the windows folder on the xda!
It's got me stumped.
cheers, Brett
Those phpBB errors are getting quite annoying.
/me re-types
Silly protectionisms in Windows Mobile...
Try the attached file - it contains a shortcut to IE. Just place the shortcut in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ - should do the trick.
Thanks ZeBoxx. Worked a treat.

Need Settings lnk files

For some reason the .lnk files are all gone. The \windows\settings folder is empty. So when I click on Start-Settings my XV6800 hangs since there are no files? Can someone tell me where I can find these or what they point to?
same here!
hard reset your device to get the files back. But remember to backup all your day since it will be deleted.
Just open your File Explorer, find and delete folder "Settings" under \Windows\Start Menu and soft-reset... All links will be recreated.

How can I make a program link for a .exe file?

I have an exe that I found that I would like to add to my programs list. Is there a quick way to do this?
I can run it from file manager, but would like it to show up on the start menu or in list of programs
What you need to do is copy the file into
my device / windows / start menu / programs. Then paste it as a shortcut.
Hope this helps.
the in built file explorer wont let u do that. try total commander
When i right-click (hold the finger to the file) i get the following menu where you can see : Send shortcut to programs. It becaomes available in programs then.
Create a shortcut to the exe file using your file explorer and place shortcut in /windows/start menu/programs.
Thanks for everyone's help! I got it to work.
Glad you got it sorted.
Solution found, thread closed

Help With Moving Files

Hi all, I'm a noob to the Hd2 and liking it very much, certainly beats my old Nokia n95. I'm trying to do these 2 things listed below:
Enable Hidden Default Games
Go to the Windows directory and copy bubblebreaker.exe and solitaire.exe to the games folder in Windows\Start Menu. Make sure to unhide system files
Enable NaviPanel Without Owning the Car Kit/Navigation Dock
Go to Windows folder and copy NaviPanel.exe as a shortcut to Windows\Start Menu folder.
I've hooked the phone upto the computer using sync and got show all files/folders hidden and system, and have found all 3 exe files, but after i have right clicked on them and copied them, when i go to paste them into the windows\start menu folder, I get an error and it won't let me put anything in there.
Is there a setting i am missing somewhere?
I'm on T-Mobile in the U.K and with stock rom.
Thanks in advance for any reply and help
+++ Bump +++
do it from within the phone, not from the pc.
browse to it in file manager, press and hold, copy, browse to games folder, press and hold,emty area choose paste as shortcut
cheers for that.
how did you find the hidden files? I, for the life of me, cant figure it out. I have resco explorer btw.

