videos recorded cannot play back on PC - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

ok, i have tried dozens of codec packs and cannot get videos recordrd from my hermes to play on my pc. i have found how to get the video but cannot get sound at all... can anyone point me to what i need? thanks in advance.
also i am running CRC's rom version 12r9. not quite sure how to find the camera software version though...
here is a link to a test file i just created, somehow i need to find out how to play the sound..

i had success playing all mp4 files using quicktime

i had the exact same problem. any video i transferred to my pc would not play. quicktime would play 3gp files, but not mp4. no other software would play my mp4 files except for vlc player. i'm assuming it's an error in my windows installation or registry. i'm gonna transfer a couple vids to one of my laptops and see if they play on there. then i'll know whether or not it's due to my windows installation. if they play on laptop, i'll do a clean install of xp and see if they play.

Super will play them as well as the newest realplayer....

Why u not try Ultimate Media Pack or Classic Media Player? U can get this soft on

download quicktime OR download and install this then you can play the vids in wmp on your pc

I had the same problem, I just rename the video files from .mp4 to .3gp on my computer and it plays them just fine.


MP4 conversion

good day.
i've noticed that when we take videos using XDA 2, it records the files as MP4. It isn't good but its not bad quality, HOWEVER, I cannot seem to play it when I transfer it to my PC.
Can anyone please suggest an MP4 to any recognizable PC format converter?
quicktime play them
quictime can play MP4 i think.
You can also chance the capture format to AVI
in Camera settings/Tools menu at bottom/Options
im hitting myself in the head, BOING!
thanks, im weird, hehehe.
there is also a codex u can install which will allow you to play MP4 in windows media player on your PC... i will upload it when i get home ... i use it without any problems
thanks, ill be waiting for the upload.
I've made a little research....
the videos are not recorded in mp4! They are recorded in "3GP"
but you are right, Quicktime Player is the recommended player for 3gp files (regarding the above website).
Even the "QuickTimeAlternative" did not play the files
quicktimes does at least i've never had any issues
and it's the normal version not the pro one i use
as promised pls find the codex for windows media player, which will enable you to play MPEG4 on you i said before its worked fine with me, i have been using it for the past 8months without any problems.
oh just in case if you want to do you research this is where i got the codex from
i'm not trying to be anel or anything but it's codec not codex
it's a merge of Compressor / Decompressor
where codex is a manuscript volume
shouldn't it be anAl ?
[double submit]
Can't find the delete checkbox
heh yeah well i do suppose i could blame it on that maybe the forum had a curse filter ..... but i'm not going to ...
There's also 3gp2rawavi command line utility that seems to work for the 3gp files produced by the XDAII.

Camera records into mp4, Windows Media does not play mp4

Then film clips I take with my XDA II are in mp4 format. I want to view them on my desktop computer. Windows media doesn't not recognise mp4. I have used Quicktime (I think) in the past but didn't like it. What is recommended to play mp4 videos? Or how can I get Windows Media to play it, if possible?
try looking hereøg&meta=
u can play real and quicktime files from Windows Media Player if u install the Real Alternatine and Quicktime Alternative :wink:

mp4 files from v-mate - Windows Media 10 and TCMP AAC issue

I have just bought a v-mate from Scandisk.
This device creates mp4 files from TV (etc) input on to an SD disk which in theory can be played directly on any mp4 player.
However, having created the files tonight I can't get them to play properly on either Windows Media 10 for PC Mobile or TCPMP on my Universal.
If I open with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile for Pocket PC. It just plays the audio and not the video.
If I try and open it with TCPMP (0.72RC1) I get the following error message:
"Player: MPEG4 AAC Audio decoder not included! It was removed from the package because of intellectual property considerations". If I get rid of this message and tap 'play' it then plays the video file such that the video is fine but there is no sound.
It plays other MP4 files fine (eg ones I have made with the camera itself).
Clearly the file has audio and video information, but neither WMP 10 for mobile or TCPMP can play both. I suspect this is not a v-mate issue but rather something about WMP 10 or TCPMP.
Any suggestions guys? I have looked on the forums but can't see anything on this.
just install plugins (will install the right codecs in thecoreplayer)
i play mp4 psp movies with them on my universal (works great )
Cheers Mate, worked first time - I am sure it's all obvious to you and other experienced users, but this has sorted me out splendidly.
I had the same issue with TCPMP not playing the MP4 files, got the same message saying the decoder was removed from the application. Loaded the two CAB files that were posted but still get the same message. Do I have to change anything in TCPMP to use the plugins for MP4 files?
Roy_S said:
I had the same issue with TCPMP not playing the MP4 files, got the same message saying the decoder was removed from the application. Loaded the two CAB files that were posted but still get the same message. Do I have to change anything in TCPMP to use the plugins for MP4 files?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which version of TCPMP do you use?
Try de-installing and installing.
Or even better
Try "Coreplayer" (this is the newest from tcpmp)
but sadly enough not free
(with a little search you can find reg/fix)

Video taken on 7500 won't play on Vista

I have taken some video on the 7500 and copued the file to my Vista PC, it won't play. In my stupid world I assumed that Microsoft would have used a format on WM6 that could also be played natively by a Windows PC, am I asking too much.
Anyone got a simple (free) fix ?
install FFdshow (dated 03/01/2008) and haali media splitter (in that order) and you will be able to play just about every video file you come accross within windows media player !! if windows media player ever complains in future and says "I dont know this file type should I try to play it anyway" just say yes and it will play (if the above two files are installed)
The solution is simple: change the extension from .mp4 to .3gp
This will play with RealPlayer or QuickTime Player.
wgary said:
The solution is simple: change the extension from .mp4 to .3gp
This will play with RealPlayer or QuickTime Player.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So it does, many thanks.

problem moving video to pc

I have searched all the threads and there are lots of folks that have problems or questions about moving video to their ppc, I want to do the opposite. I have taken some video and want to move it to the PC. When I do that via activesync the video will not play in medio player or quicktime. media player will play the audio not the video. Media player will not recognize the file on the ppc either.
How can I conver the video?
att 8525
try playing it with vlc player link
half way there
The vlc player will show the video, but it does not pick up the audio. I also would like to get this into a format that could be shared easily, so I would still like to convert it.
if you want to convert then i suggest you try

