Finger Friendly Open Source RSS and Podcast Application - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I am NOT the developer of the application , Plus this thread was Created in Development and Hacking coz others can develop on this application as it is open source , I just happened to find this application.
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>>> Video :
BeyondPod is an Open Source, RSS feed reader and podcast manager for Microsoft Smartphone and Pocket PC. Using BeyondPod you can subscribe for RSS feeds, read the feed content, download and listen to associated podcasts directly on your mobile device.
Download + Source from developers Site :
BeyondPod is Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.
May be the chefs can Cook this in to the ROMS

Hi, i've tried it already some week ago, and it crashes when i try to go to the Tools page.
What i've notice, except the good and clean looking, is that the "finger friendly" feature is just the feeds big buttons. In my MioA701 with WM5 there is no finger scroll.
Good one, anyway, for what i could see, there are many options (like download audio or stream it)

I am sure the video had finger scrolling ( may be they just used good old FTouchFLO for scrolling )

alfibus said:
Hi, i've tried it already some week ago, and it crashes when i try to go to the Tools page.
What i've notice, except the good and clean looking, is that the "finger friendly" feature is just the feeds big buttons. In my MioA701 with WM5 there is no finger scroll.
Good one, anyway, for what i could see, there are many options (like download audio or stream it)
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Just had a look on the BeyondPod furum and he as fixed the problem something to do with version of .net you're using?
Looks good might give it a try.

Anyone want to live on the cutting edge, BeyondPod's beta releases can be found here :, currently at v2.7.1.7.
Skyntchev, the developer is very receptive to user comments and feature suggestions, and he fixes any bugs fairly quickly. This is definately a great podcast caching program. I highly recommend it.

the0ne said:
I am sure the video had finger scrolling ( may be they just used good old FTouchFLO for scrolling )
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I know for sure that BeyondPod relies in some cases on TouchFLO to do some of the scrolling - at this point primary for the feed browser. The scrolling in the rest of the application is built-in inside BeyohdPod.
Unfortunately we could not find a good way to add built in support for Finger Scrolling in the browser at this time (may be somebody can help with that).
The Crash on Tools happens if an old(er) version of the .NET compact framework was used. The latest development build should have that fixed.
If anyone is interested in helping with the development - please feel free to contribute. There are several places that we are currently "stuck" and some help will be very welcome. (You can drop an e-mail to "support" at


Good RSS feed reader?

Can anyone recommend a good RSS reader for my Vario II? I'm looking for something that can access RSS feeds and render them nicely on the Vario's screen.
If anything worked with Bloglines (I have lots of subscribed feeds on Bloglines) then that would be really ideal.
Spb Insight though lacks of many features found even in freeware readers (like pRSsReader), but has a unique feature that allows to write a script (template) to download and parse web pages. It is at version 1.01 currently, and I believe it will grow to a better product soon. But after I used it, I don't want to return to "plain" RSS readers.
If you want to try pRSSReader, do NOT install version 1.3.2, try the current 1.3.3 beta instead. 1.3.2 has a serious problem overwriting a system DLL on Hermes devices.
pRSSReader is great, I didnt have a problem with 1.3.2 but the current beta is the best and very stable
Visit for a download
I like Egress.
Note - "Support for Bloglines and NewsGator synchronized channels - NEW in 2.3"
Newsbreak is IMO the best.
lmychajluk said:
I like Egress.
Note - "Support for Bloglines and NewsGator synchronized channels - NEW in 2.3"
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i agree, it also cache web podcasts now v 3.1.0
I try 5-6 different ones back when I had a Cingular 8125. Egress was the best one and I'm still using it now with my Cingular 8525.
lmychajluk said:
I like Egress.
Note - "Support for Bloglines and NewsGator synchronized channels - NEW in 2.3"
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Egress gets my vote also
I am a Hubdog user and it's good as well as free.
I've installed Egress twice - and had to deinstall it both times because it crashed on my Hermes (Vario II). Does anyone else have this problem with this program? It looks like a nice piece of software.
bobbyelliott said:
I've installed Egress twice - and had to deinstall it both times because it crashed on my Hermes (Vario II). Does anyone else have this problem with this program? It looks like a nice piece of software.
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Are you running the latest version? It works great on my 8525. I installed the program to main memory, and store my channels in main memory also. If you're trying to use the today plugin while storing the program and/or channels on your storage card, you're going to have issues.
Only pRSSReader provides a decent today screen plugin which scrolls the new items as a ticker ..
I'm currently running Egress on my Samsung i730 (trying to get my hands on a 8525), and I have the program installed in main memory, but the channels and enclosures I store on my SD card. Works fine, though every once in a while there will be a particular article in a feed that causes it to lock up, but I suspect that's just a badly formatted feed (or one with a huge inline image) rather than being completely the reader's fault. As long as I skip that particular article in the feed, it's fine.
gravejoker said:
Only pRSSReader provides a decent today screen plugin which scrolls the new items as a ticker ..
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Egress does this too...
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Palm messaging clone

I recently got a Cingular 8525 and really want the threaded features that the Palm application seems to provide. I've looked around a little bit and found nothing compelling for free or for sale. Everything I've seen so far is bloated (.NET), buggy, or ugly. No offense intended.
I'm proficient in C++ and have written some PPC 2003 applications in the past so I'm going to roll my own program in my free time.
These may not all be possible but my goals for the first release are:
Plays nice with Pocket Outlook (messages and their state (new, read appear in both places)
Integration with Notifications (display message and launch application in the usual manner upon receipt of a message)
Integration with Contacts application
Proof of concept design (SMS only, minimalist interface)
I'll then post it and the source code and see what additions and visual enhancements poeple want most.
All I've seen of the Palm application are some screenshots on engadget. Would someone with the Palm application be willing to send me a series of detailed screen shots showcasing their favorite UI features?
I can tell when a UI is done well and when an application looks good, but I'm no good at coming up with stuff myself.
I only ask about UI features now to help me architect things in a way to make help me more easily implement features people want later.​
Are any developers out there able to point me in the right direction for the Pocket Outlook and Contacts integration stuff? I'm currently reading a ton of documentation searching for this and a pointer might speed things up considerably.​
If there's already an open project doing the same thing I'd rather improve that than make my own. Does anyone know of one?​
the official palm messaging app has been extracted and ppl have been working on getting it to play nice with most wm5 devices. check out:
This is where all the action's going on. you can get a copy of the app by PM ing the ppl there. It works very well with the TyTN and interfaces very nicely.
anyone have any more screenshots of the palm messager? I'ld like to see it before i take the plunger
Take the plunger, lol...
Found these on another site. Remember tho, Palm has asked us not to distribute the app. Please respect their authority
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rss program?

Hi there. I saw in this forum many good programmers. Can any of you make a RSS program with embeded photos like newspanel???
RSS Hub is my choice of reader, and will probably always be. Even supports podcasts, and auto updates.
The New Viigo beta, for SURE! Has TONS of features, at least give it a look:
I like BeyondPod. It works well for me.
pRSSReader. does its job simply and perfect
I know there are a ton of free ones but I've always gone bake to SPB Insight because it actually downloads the whole article and not just a link. Does anyone know of a free one which also has this feature? Basically in the morning before I set off to work I connect to my wireless network and update all my channels, there is no 3G available in my area, nor where I work, no wifi at work either, which is why I like to have whole pages downloaded. I have HTC RSS hub built into my rom but it only gives me brief headlines wanting to connect to the internet to view the whole article. Seems like a waste of time to me.
uniqueboy said:
I know there are a ton of free ones but I've always gone bake to SPB Insight because it actually downloads the whole article and not just a link. Does anyone know of a free one which also has this feature? Basically in the morning before I set off to work I connect to my wireless network and update all my channels, there is no 3G available in my area, nor where I work, no wifi at work either, which is why I like to have whole pages downloaded. I have HTC RSS hub built into my rom but it only gives me brief headlines wanting to connect to the internet to view the whole article. Seems like a waste of time to me.
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pRSSreader does that too AFAIK
Try Egress.
ZzFDKzZ said:
Try Egress.
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I really like the Egress 4.0.0 interface however it has horrible memory leaks (Once I uninstalled Egress the memory leaks stopped). I have yet to try 3.3.0.
I really like pRSSreader which you can find at the below URL. The new 1.4.x release really improved the UI. However, there are a few small bugs that the author David Andrš is really working hard to fix.
all this programms are good but not any can show pictures in today screen like new spanel.

[APP][02.11.08] GRemote v0.4.2- new method for mouse move like IBM TrackPoint...

I want to invite everyone to download new version of my app. You can change your phone in to mouse,keyboard, remote controller etc...
Now support for devices without G-Sensor and other resolutions QVGA,VGA,WQVGA.
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_share": "Share",
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Official post describe this app is lockated here.
Enjoy and donate if you like it,
GRemote author.
definately trying this when i get home great work
Very cool, trying now Thanks!!!!
OMG!!! I wish I was not a student and had money to donate... This app is P E R F E C T!
e.g. I tried it via Wi-Fi. Is it working with bluetooth?
well, it's working GREAT on my polaris... it reacts amazingly fast and is built very well.
some suggestions:
1. Add DPad support for media playing...
2. Add direct bluetooth connection instead of areal network.
3. Add timeline in media player to see progression of current track (and to go thru it)
4. Add support for winamp maybe..
i suggest you take a look at this app. i've been using it for quite a while now and it's very very useful.. doesn't react as well as yours and doesn't have as many options.. but it's usefulness is very noticable.. and it's bluetooth integration is important.
thank you so much. this is wonderful
this program is absolutely incredible. ive been looking for something like this for a looong time to control my carpc with. Kudos man, ur a god. I was just wondering if its possible to add like a play list for the media control maybe? maybe it can refer to the media program thats open or have a plugin for say itunes or windows media player and it shows you whichever songs are on the current playlist? just a thought
marbalon said:
Now support for devices without G-Sensor and other resolutions QVGA,VGA,WQVGA.
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thx to support all devices
secoseco said:
thx to support all devices
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You welcome.
New version ready to download.
New version released. Main changes:
-profile support for different connection
-authorization added
-connection timeout exception
-option to load default profile at start up
-vibration on virtual button press
-auto popup SIP keyboard in keyboard mode
-touchpad support in keyboard mode
-new tabs in GRemoteServer (General,Logs,Keyboard)
-most bugs fixed
-new bugs codded
GRemote author.
New version ready to download.
Last changes:
-added blank password support
-connection timeout increased
-new method for mouse move. If you want to use it, go to GRemoteServer Touchpad tab and select "Emulate IBM TrackPoint". It works similar to IBM TrackPoint. Go to Touchpad applet and try it, to check how it works
-many bugs fixed (tell me if I fix problem with connection timeout in v0.4.0)
Dear MarBalon,
I want to just say that is is a great program. I got it working over bluetooh on my laptop and it has greatly helped with presentations and alot more. Please keepu p hte good work. I did have one question. I have a titan so I can't use the mouse feature, only the touchpad. For the keyboard page is there a way you can just make a full on screen keyboard?
Keep up hte Good work - JukEboX

[TouchXperience] Beta Apps Teaser

This is my thread to post for the current tools that schaps released exclusively to beta testers. I won't post downloads, it's only meant to stir interest
Here is a non-exhaustive list of features which will be included in TouchXperience:
Program Manager (organize, launch, install or uninstall)
Task Manager
Communication Manager
Profile Manager
Event Manager
Document Manager
Ringtone Manager
Call Manager
Power Actions
End Actions
One Touch Settings
Wi-Fi access points
Network devices
Bluetooth devices
Data connections
ActiveSync partners
Internet (history, favorites, WLM status)
Search engines
RSS Feeds
FM radio
Theater & Movies info
Xbox Live
Locations (maps)
Home automation
Wallet (secure place to save passwords & confidential data)
Stock quotes
World clocks
Finance management
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EDIT: Reviews come later!
EDIT2: Some reviews posted!
[Security Manager Beta]
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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[Time Synchronizer Beta]
Nothing much to say really. It's very accurate and I love it. Also great for the traveler.
[File Editor Beta]
Honestly it's like a super notepad for my phone. It works pretty awesome to the fact that I can edit RGU files as well. I edited XML, INI, etc with ease. This app is wonderful for editing files on the fly. It has replaced microsoft word for me.
[Capture Tool Beta]
Honestly, this is the best screenshot app I've ever seen. It vibrates the timer lol. And it has more options than SPB and Shake and Save. Now only if it had g-sensor support.
[Touch Paint Beta]
This is a fun little app. I don't think I can review much on it, but it's fun when you're bored.
[Storage Manager Beta]
[Wi-Fi Locator Beta]
It's an app that lets you visually find Wi-Fi access points. Pretty cool
[Diagnostics Tool Beta]
I never heard of this before, but I like
that looks promissing, I do love schaps's work
is there any release date ?
schaps has been working on this for a whlie looks great
hanackin said:
that looks promissing, I do love schaps's work
is there any release date ?
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No ETA for public users. But for donators, it was released on Saturday
I was wondering how he's been Hermes is sitting in a box, it misses schaps old roms, but every device since then has enjoyed Advanced Config! Priceless app. Touchxperience is still progressing!
Good News.....It'll be nice seeing his work again.!
Good News!
That last diagnostic tool looks very interesting.
What happen to touchxperience? that was promising with lots of donors
snoopyrph said:
What happen to touchxperience? that was promising with lots of donors
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It's moving This is just some apps that are part of it. I'm testing them out right now.
Glad to see TouchXperience is progressing
Been waiting a very long time for a new Schaps ROM.
I thought Touch Xperience has been dead, good to hear that it's still alive!
