Searched WIKI and posts, think it's posessed - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

My phone with no change and with every rom is now doing the following.
1. Instead of alarm going off, it calls back the person that last called me at the time the alarm was sapposed to have gone off... sometimes.
2. Calls last call dialed at random often. No specific time of day or number, it just picks a recently dialed or call recieved number, and calls it.
3. Not sure if it's my cheek, but it looooves to put calls on hold as soon as i anwer or in the begening of the call.
4. Any slight touch or fast movement or large breeze over the bottom buttons (mostly noticed on the 4 way) it will call a person.
5. It can never find a 3g network and wants to know if I would like to make a voice cal instead. That's on any call that's not on my sbp favorites.
I know the answer to many other questions, but these are the ones that concern me most that just started out of the blue and i can't find anything other than the mention of one person here saying his phone calls his wife in the middle of the night. I feel the pain.
Any ideas? thinking of going iphone 2.0. Got most the stuff i use and it's stable. But i LOVE the qwerty and would really rather keep this hermes.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks everyone,

oh yeah, and the alarm clock, birthdays, and appts change days and times then go back to the correct times and days. Does this about once a day.

Ref issues 1-4
My guess is a switch on the D/pad is not releasing correctly/fully and is causing an intermittent contact at the slightest movement or sound. I think you guessed that already.
So anyway - to rule out a software fault you could backup and do a hard reset and test before restoring the backup.
If that fails - assume a hardware fault.
Possible things to check - would require dismantling.
remove the d/pad. Cgeck the buttons for visible movement/any sign of poor contact and release.
If all appears fine then re-assembly will automatically have caused the d/pad connector to be re-seated (another possible cause of the issue - loose connection).
If the problem remains, my best guess for a fix would be d/pad board replacement.


picking up the phone takes time

I have the german T-Mobile MDA-Pro with D1. (whytf can't I specifly that in my profile ?) I experience some strange thing with it. When I pick up the phone when someone calls me (by pressing the green phone button) it takes a while until the other side can hear me.
So whenever I answer a call (by pressing that green phone button) I will have to wait 5-8 seconds after the buttonpress until I say something or else the other side wont hear what I say and still thinks I havent answered the phone yet.
Yes! indead...I've got the same problem. is it a software bug?
I too have the same problem, and sometimes it hangs up the call even when I press the green button.
I've posted before and everyone has said 'Use the search'...I have and can't find anything relevent (don't think the search facility of this is very good).
Can someone PLEASE point us.
I really do miss the speed and efficiency of my XDA2s!
I have had some experience of this, it does delay mine was worse before I got rid of all th O2 tat, it is now liveable with, however it is cutting off when I press the answer button !!! OR IS IT after conducting tests using another mobile I found out that
1) the phone does not take very long before O2 divert the call to Voicemail
2) the phone starts ringing long before you know anything about it (its worse if the phone is asleep) it can be a good few seconds before it makes any indication noises
3) it carries on playing the ringtone after the call has been diverted which gives the impression that pressing the answer button is futile.
I have talked to the technical suppport of t-mobile germany and they told me they era aware of this issue and they will be releasing an update in Q12006 that will resolve this issue.
I have talked to the technical suppport of t-mobile germany and they told me they are aware of this issue and they will be releasing an update in Q12006 that will resolve this issue.
I too have this problem and for the moment while i await any future fixes from O2 or others, i am using the following short-term fix; Under phone settings I have changed the delay period before calls are forwarded to ansafone if unanswered (this works on O2 anywa). One problem with this is that callers may give up before they are diverted to ansafone if you set the delay too long
did this really resolve the issue I was talking about in my initial post ? (that when I pick up the phone by pressing the green button the caller can not hear me for the fist 10 seconds )
I have XDA Exec and kept getting confused why my GF always sounded confused and puzzled when I answered the phone, Id say "hello" and she would wait a while, then say "Hello? you there?"
I never realised it was MY phone that was cutting off my voice at the start of the call.
In regards to the delay ringing, and answering etc, I am giving all my friends instructions to bloody well keep ringing! I turn answerphone off normally as my phone is always on. If you want to speak to me, keep ringing till i answer, if I dont want to talk, ill reject the call.
Why ring twice and hang up? I could be doing anything that takes more than 2 seconds to get that damn phone out of my pocket, get it out the case, open it, see who is calling, press the button, damn, missed call.
Same problem here. I am seriously thinking about using this as just a PDA. I don't think it's practical to use a phone that only works some times. Somebody on HoFo said that the Universal isn't meant to be used as a phone, it can, but it isn't meant to be. I'm starting to agree.
I just like the idea of not having to carry around a phone AND a pda. I kind of hoped that's what the universal offers. But it kind of looks like it doesn't ...
Its a great phone when used as a hands free device, answers almost straight away, and has great volume unlike most hands free - my callers also comment that the line quality is excellent even if a few metres away from the phone.
I do always feel stupid though when using the phone as a standard phone, would feel more comfy putting a brick to my head.
I use the old phone ringer as my incomming call notifictaion and I hear my phone in plenty of time. The standard o2 incoming notification sound was useless. I don't know what T Mobile have but might be worth trying a different notification sound.
I will have to wait 5-8 seconds after the buttonpress until I say something or else the other side wont hear what I say and still thinks I havent answered the phone yet
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Did anybody found a solution for this? this is very annoying.
Agreed, its just ridiculously slow - I worry whether or not I've hung up on people too, it takes a good few seconds before the line is actually dropped, let alone for the interface to update.
I've stopped using the "suspend" option and the phone seems to work like you'd expect (even on a cheap cell phone!). But the battery life is suffereing. Hopefully my new spare battery should be here soon.
I've stopped using the "suspend" option and the phone seems to work like you'd expect
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You mean I should walk around with some spare batteries in my pockets. :wink:
I think my pockets are too small for so many things.
Does anybody knows if this problem is known to HTC? Is there going to be an update?
It isn't possible that a phone doesn't act like a phone in these features that are already working 100 years. I want to pick up my phone and talk immediatly
By the way how do I switch off the "suspend" mode?
What is the "suspend" mode and how do I switch it off?
Look at Settings>Systems Tab>Power>Advanced Tab
Uncheck to "Turn off device if not used.."
This will stop the "suspend" mode
eeek ! Now I know why I would need an extra battery ....

dropped calls with 8125 phones using direct push

We've implemented several 8125 phones in our office and they are all experiencing the same intermittent problem. Multiple times a call would come in and after you pick up, there is only dead air on the other end. We are running the official cingular 2.25 rom with direct push enabled to use with our exchange server. I'd like to get rid our blackberrys and move to a direct push solution but all my users are crying about this issue. Also, they claim that downloading blackberry messages did not turn off the voice function or it was at least less apparent. Is this something I can fix/tweak or just a weakness of this phone and GPRS.
Same problem here!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
there are some other threads about dropped calls with certain applications running that auto connect to the net.
i use summiters rom, and have not once had a problem with pushmail causing a disconnect, however, some apps such as agile messenger do.
you might want to search around a bit and see if you can narrow it down to something besides pushmail, or perhaps try a different rom to see if it is in fact somehow pushmail.
jmel said:
there are some other threads about dropped calls with certain applications running that auto connect to the net.
i use summiters rom, and have not once had a problem with pushmail causing a disconnect, however, some apps such as agile messenger do.
you might want to search around a bit and see if you can narrow it down to something besides pushmail, or perhaps try a different rom to see if it is in fact somehow pushmail.
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Actually the problem is a little different. The calls aren't being dropped after the voice connection is made. It happens before the connection when there is an incomming call and the phone is tring to switch from the directpush datastream over to voice. When you answer the phone, there is only dead air on the other end. I had this happen to me twice last night. I think the problem is with cingular's network not properly handing over the call to the phone after the phone is able to accept the call. If you call your cell phone while you are syncing or downloading something you can actually hear this switch over take place from another phone. The first 3 or 4 rings are just happening on the cingular end and not even reaching the phone. You'll hear a click (this is where the actual switch over takes place) and the rings will sound quiter and will actually be contacting the cell phone. Even though direct push isn't "always on" and only syncs on changes, I think it's intrusive enough to disrupt the voice capability of these phones. Note, we are all running stock cingular 2.25 roms. As far as I know, this rom has only been available since June 19th so I doubt there are a lot of people running this in an enterprise email environment (unless people out there are using hacked roms in the workplace). Whether this is a cingular/htc/microsoft problem is unclear, but I'm not sure this product is ready for business use.
Concur: this isn't the "dropped calls" problem. I've had this same thing happen too: pick up the call and there's just dead air. I've been playing with this myself and it may also be related to hitting the "answer" softkey instead of the green phone button. I've had lots of problems if I picked up the call using the "answer" softkey. So far, everything's been great since I changed over to using the green phone button.
Sleuth255 said:
Concur: this isn't the "dropped calls" problem. I've had this same thing happen too: pick up the call and there's just dead air. I've been playing with this myself and it may also be related to hitting the "answer" softkey instead of the green phone button. I've had lots of problems if I picked up the call using the "answer" softkey. So far, everything's been great since I changed over to using the green phone button.
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Yeah, I definately have been hitting answer on the screen instead of hitting the green button...I'll see if that changes anything
[quote="Sleuth255" it may also be related to hitting the "answer" softkey instead of the green phone button. I've had lots of problems if I picked up the call using the "answer" softkey.[/quote]Wow. I've had this problem for quite a while, but I just thought it was a dropped call in the network. It never occurred to me that this could be a problem with my phone, let alone that the problem's potentially so easy to solve.

Loosing sounds?

Hi, can anyone advise as to why I lose the all sounds on an Orange Branded M3100 phone, other that Microsoft voice command 1.6 no other software has been installed! The details of the ROM are as follows
Operator Version:
ROM Version:
ROM Date: 07/13/06
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.37.7010.01H
Here what happens no sound on the phone, reset the phone sound is now back, after a while, don’t know how long but the sound disappears, you get no ringing sound, menu click sounds nothing, reset the phone again and all is back, so it would suggest that it’s not a hardware failure but a software failure, how can I stop the orange branding installing itself after a cold reset in case something there is causing the problem, has anyone else came across this problem?
This is a brand new phone only received it Friday, does it need to go back?
Kind Regards
I've recently noticed on my 8525 too, after a while it seems to just go on silent but the setting isn't changed it still set to on and no sound comes out of the phone no matter what program is used.
Phew, I thought it was just me..
I have noticed it may be something to do with the Bluetooth ear piece, although it always seems to happen when I have left the phone a while. and never when I try to check for the problem
To isolate whether this is hard or software you could try doing a full backup. Do a hard reset and let the device run for as long as it would normally take to show the problem, without any additional software. But do run wifi and power intensive applications to warm up the device - as this can cause internal connector problems.
If the problem is gone, this will tend towards a software problem although not an absolute guarantee. There are some issues that are related to both soft and hardware!! For example the screen fading to white issue can be caused by running (power intense) software that makes the device warm and that in turn causes pressure to be put on the screen.
A final thought, the speaker connection block is next to the stylus tip. There have been cases of the inserting and removing of the stylus causing the connector to become loose. This can cause intermittent sound or no sound at all. The warranty voiding fix is easy. Remove back and check connection is tight. No further dismantling needed. Ensure camera toggle arm is engaged before putting screws back in. (Rear Speaker)
The front speaker can also have issues. has spring contacts that can become slack - poor contact with m/board. There is a thread on checking this.
No Sound, not a Stylus issue
8525, ms voice dial 1.6,
HTweakC 2.0,
SBP Mobile Shell 1.0.0 build 2632.
ROM 1.34.502.1
This has been happening about a week, nothing new installed. On Saturday I missed 12 calls because it was "auto-muted" nothing was on mute, just no ring sounds or anything else. I thought it might be some setting, I suspected that it didn't come back after I had set on vibrate for a meeting, so I went through everything, looks good. had to soft reset for audio to come back. Happened again Yesterday morning after being on charger, had to soft reset, happened again this morning after being on charger, had to soft reset. I'm suspicious of the charge ciruits, the phone was placed on a night-stand and I checked to make sure sound was working AFTER i plugged the charger in (i am an on-call engineer for hospitals) when I got up this AM the first thing I checked was the sound, no sound. Had to do a soft reset and sound is fine.
i cant say that my sound has been "loose"
thefunkygibbon said:
i cant say that my sound has been "loose"
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yep, I agree. My keyboard slider might be loose, but never had problems with the sound.
No sound - possible solutions
I too have had the no sound problem, but I also have a solution (well it seems to work for me and a few other people I know)
I have found that if I have more than about 800 sms messages on the phone (combined count across inbox, sent items, deleted etc...) my phone will decide sometimes to stop making any sounds.
Other symptoms include thew screen not going back to the background when problems are "closed" (well press the X button), sometimes not changing from portrait to landscape.
Hitting the reset key temporarily fixes the problem, but it strike again at any time...
I have seen this on both the official UK orange firmwares
As a side note, more than about 1000 sms messages and 5 unread sms messages and the phone will lock up about 10 seconds after the phone boots up. You have to be quick when the phone boots to go in to the sms inbox and delete 1 message before the phone locks up. This can be a bit tricky but i have done it a few times
from readingmany related threads, it looks like there are several causes for this issue. for me, it was definitely microsoft voice command 1.5 and 1.6. I turned off any notifications from voice command and my problem went away. no calendar voice announcements, no callerid, no bluetooth routing announcements, etc. voice command simply doesn't give up control of the audio sometimes, and it appears to occur most when it wakes up and announces something.
All I use voice command for now is voicedial. try that a while and see if you are fixed.
1.5 was worse, but 1.6 does it too.
good luck!
saga continues
It did it again, twice in one day. Picked up the phone, (it had been resting on the table for several hours). No sound, I tested by placing a call and turning speaker on.. this works! So the speaker (rear) is fine as well as the front (ear).
After I heard the speaker on speaker phone I tried hearing the dial tones or other sounds, none. No incoming ring.
Device and phone volume on FULL
Turn volume off, vibrate, on, off on, and from phone screen turn to vibrate then back to sound
Vibrate still works for inbound calls
Turn voice command off and on
Go to phone (in settings and play the ring I've chosen) and suddenly it’s working again?
I'll try the turning all but phone options in voice command to no-notify. But to tell you straight, this is silly, one more day of this and it's probably (unfortuately) crackberry city for me. I simply can't have a phone that doesn't ring. I guess some ittertation of an O2 would do.. but I'm not too keen on plopping down another 5bills....
any ideas?
labrati said:
It did it again, twice in one day. Picked up the phone, (it had been resting on the table for several hours). No sound, I tested by placing a call and turning speaker on.. this works! So the speaker (rear) is fine as well as the front (ear).
After I heard the speaker on speaker phone I tried hearing the dial tones or other sounds, none. No incoming ring.
Device and phone volume on FULL
Turn volume off, vibrate, on, off on, and from phone screen turn to vibrate then back to sound
Vibrate still works for inbound calls
Turn voice command off and on
Go to phone (in settings and play the ring I've chosen) and suddenly it’s working again?
I'll try the turning all but phone options in voice command to no-notify. But to tell you straight, this is silly, one more day of this and it's probably (unfortuately) crackberry city for me. I simply can't have a phone that doesn't ring. I guess some ittertation of an O2 would do.. but I'm not too keen on plopping down another 5bills....
any ideas?
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I have just read your last two posts. I am wondering whether you are saying you have a sound/ringer problem OR whether you mean the phone sometimes crashes and therefore does not ring (i.e. you then need a soft reset) and sometimes you discover you've missed a call but never heard it ring.
If the above is true then I think you need to look for the solutions for avoiding hangs/freezing. I can guide you to these or a search will show them. It certainly does not appear that you have any physical problem with the speaker/earpieces.
dogo said:
Phew , I thought it was just me..
I have noticed it may be something to do with the Bluetooth ear piece, although it always seems to happen when I have left the phone a while. and never when I try to check for the problem
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Hi, I never had a sound issue untill I started usin my HT820's, but have noticed a few times lately that my device sounds arent working, (I dont mean always through to the bluetooth headset) and I just power off/on the device, I dont get that many calls, so I havent missed any, and wasnt sure if it was rom or bluetooth related for sure, but I do usually leave my bluetooth on, just not always the headsets, it also doesnt happen a whole lot.
Loose connector
I'm not sure if this will help anyone, but i was losing sound on my 8525. I had dropped my phone twice and the rear speaker connection had gotten loose so i opened it up following the directions at
and now i have sound again.
Continued Issues
Mike, thanks, the issue isn't with the phone locking up at all, it's been very stable, I think I've soft-reset probably 3 times in two months.
The phone literally will stop emitting any sounds. I can still hear if I place a call and if I place that call on speaker phone it's fine. However if you call the phone, try to play an audio file, etc there is no sound that emits from the device.
It did it AGAIN today, I tested, was able to place a call and put it on speaker and called it with my other phone, the pop up screen announcing the inbound call came up and everything else on the phone worked as it should (except no ring). I then went to settings phone and hit ok (top right of screen). BAM.. sound was working on the device again, inbound calls ring, able to play audio etc.
I did note one other possible anomaly, I have my PTT mapped to initiate voice command, when trying to use this I was unable to initiate voice command. After going to phone and pressing OK, voice command started working again. W/O voice command I'm sunk, I have 500+ contacts.
I placed a call to AT&T and I'm back on the "chronic retention" list.. ughhh.. I went through 8 treo's last time. I don't want another basket of refurbs to deal with, I like WM so much better than previous interfaces.. any ideas are very, very, very welcome.
More information
This morning, the sound was gone again, but I went into settings and started playing to see what else might induce it to work again, I tried voice command again, disabled and re-enabled, that didn't work.
I then went into sounds and that didn't work, went into Today, and Buttons neither of those worked, but when I went into input (didn't do anything, just opened it and closed it) sound started working again.
Hopefully, none of you guys have a newer ROM with the loud startup animation and attempted to turn down that volume via the registry as outlined in the wiki. Unfortunately, doing that also lowers the speaker volume so I just disabled the animation instead. Phone and bluetooth sounds fine but mp3 and everything else were also lowered to a whatever level depending on the startupanimation volume you set.
It did it to me again yesterday, this time only going to settings phone and pressing OK would make sound come back.
Today, the phone refused to dial or emit any sound. Would not come back after soft reset (would not dial, no sound) had to do a hard-reset (removed battery). After first soft reset a windows came up to advise that mobile voice command couldn't start...
For a darn near $500.00 phone this is pretty sad. Love the phone but gee whiz...
Daily occurance
Well, it does it every single day at least once a day, and I've noticed the phone has slowed a lot, sometimes during SMS or email the cursor goes away or I have to wait 20-30 seconds for words to complete typing after I've finished. I guess I'll get my refurb next week. Perhaps go back to palm.. dunno...
possible fix?
I turned OFF the SMS message sounds and it seems to be working w/o losing sounds again! I'll let it run for a couple of days and see if this is the deal, but I now have no audio announcement for ActiveSync, POP email, SMS, or MMS. I do have audio/vib for missed calls. Anyway, it's been up and running fine all day. Good Grief.
no fix in sight
On hold with ATT right now for another phone. It did it again today at about 10AM. Strange, it may be time sequential, but it didn't do it at all yesterday.. it was great to have the phone ring.

Phone calls drop... BlackBerry Connect the cause?

I bought a TP2 a couple of weeks back; first thing I installed was Blackberry Connect (following instructions on this forum). BBC works perfectly, often pushing email out to the TP2 faster than I get it on the desktop. It's a real winner, pushes PIM info out to Pocket Informant 9 very nicely etc etc. I'm very pleased with the whole set-up.
However, I noticed that the TP2 was regularly dropping calls, both incoming and outgoing. What happens is this: when I make an outgoing call, I dial the number, the calling screen (the one with the dark grey "keypad" key and the red "end call" key) comes up briefly, there are often three quiet beeps and the phone reverts to the green phone screen (the one with recent numbers, the dial pad and the "talk" key). On an incoming call, the answer/reject screen comes up for a second or two with a ringing tone, but before I can pick up, it drops and usually goes off to voicemail. A soft reset seems to cure the problem for a short while, but I was ending up doing a dozen soft resets a day to pick up voicemails and make calls.
After BBC I had installed Kaspersky Antivirus, wondered if it was that blocking calls, turned everything off. No change.
I then suspended the BlackBerry service yesterday and used the phone with no problems (switched BBC on and off several times to check). It seems fairly clear that the BlackBerry connection is somehow interfering with the voice calls.
Any suggestions? Searching the forum hasn't produced anything. No-one on either of the two "BBC working/not working" threads here seems to have encountered this. Dropped calls seem to be an issue on some other HTC models, but no obvious solutions, apart from switching to GSM/manual frequencies. I don't know whether that's the issue here.
Apart from BBC, Kaspersky and PI9, I'm using the machine pretty much as it came out of the box: ROM is 1.19.401.1 (51489) WWE dated 22/6/09 whatever that means. I downloaded a Hotfix from HTC to correct issues with using + in SMS messages. BBC is v.106. I'm on a UK o2 corporate tariff with data and BlackBerry service.
I'm not sure if this properly belongs as a new thread - it doesn't seem to fall within any existing thread, but Moderators please move it if there's a better home.
Thanks very much.
I have received my Rodhuim last Wednesday.
From Wedneday to yesterday, I had not problem with phone calls.
I have installed BB connect yesterday evening so I'll let you know if I have the same problem or not.
Murcielago said:
...I'll let you know if I have the same problem or not.
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Thank you. Judging by the lack of replies, this doesn't look like a widespread problem.

HD2 Dropping calls

Hi guys, this is my first post - very exciting.
I've had the HD2 for 3 weeks now and I love it. The only issue I have is with it dropping calls. I don't think it handles the handover from cell to cell very well but that's not my main issue as it happened from time to time on other phones too. My main query is with the clever accelerometer related functions. According to the manual, during a call if you put it face down it activates the speaker. Mine just ends the call. I think that it is getting confused during calls if I move and cutting me off. Done two hard resets but no joy. Does anyone know how to disable the function either through settings or registry?
I've looked around for quite a while on the forum and can't find what I'm looking for. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
PS It has stock O2 ROM, BSB tweaks, etc
Danno320 said:
Hi guys, this is my first post - very exciting.
I've had the HD2 for 3 weeks now and I love it. The only issue I have is with it dropping calls. I don't think it handles the handover from cell to cell very well but that's not my main issue as it happened from time to time on other phones too. My main query is with the clever accelerometer related functions. According to the manual, during a call if you put it face down it activates the speaker. Mine just ends the call. I think that it is getting confused during calls if I move and cutting me off. Done two hard resets but no joy. Does anyone know how to disable the function either through settings or registry?
I've looked around for quite a while on the forum and can't find what I'm looking for. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
PS It has stock O2 ROM, BSB tweaks, etc
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In terms of dropping calls, it is usually due to the handover sequence between cellsites, rather than the handset itself.
I'm guessing you are on O2? If so, PM me your location and I'll get my "inside contact" to take a look at any outstanding issues there.
I must admit, I've not used that accelerometer feature yet, but I have turned it on. (Under Settings -> Sound & Display -> Ring and Notifications)
Erm.. This might sound like a dumb post but I was having problems with call disconnection whilst in the middle of calls. I discovered the problem - I'm LEFT HANDED!
When I used the device I held it in my right hand and type/operate with my left. When I held the phone to my right ear to have a conversation I was occasionaly touching my cheek with the call-end button and that's how I was getting repeated disconnections - true story.
I am now a practicing ambidextarian...
Thanks for getting back so quickly guys
a practicing ambidextarian eh............ I wish I could breathe underwater! (sorry I couldn't resist it)
I don't think I'm cutting off the call through contact with the screen all the time though but yes I have done it more than once!
Thanks for the info rp-x1. I'm in Settings -> Sound & Display -> Ring and Notifications and the only thing that looks relevant is the 'Quiet ring on pickup' option and I'm not sure it's related. For instance, I got a call early yesterday morning and answered the call in bed. When the wife elbowed me and I turned on my side the phone assumed I was putting it face down and ended the call. I'm looking to disable this function.
Dropping Phone calls even in locked screen state
I am also dropping a alot of calls . Not sure if it is related to face down as the phone is always upright after answring a call. May be the call end button.
Having said that the phone was locked when I received a call today. I moved the slider to answer said "hello", then after 3 seconds it disconnected.
Any ideas?
edit: Seems like a proxomity sensor issue, judging by other threads. Will continue to search for a fix/workaround.
htc hd2 dropping calls
Hi everyone,
I have a htc hd2 since 1/2011, love the phone BUT i HATE the dropping calls problem!! Please help. also will upgrade to windows 7 help with this problem.
I hardly use the phone to make calls, so I'm not sure if the calls dropping in the past is any relation, but as stated by Danno320, according to the manual ( i went back looking for this ), turning the phone face-down will activate speakerphone.
This is so exciting... so I tried it a few times.
All it did was to disconnect the calls.
I wonder if the action really does turn the speakerphone on.
Anyone who's tried and succeeded?
I also want to know if there's a solution to this now that I know my phone isn't functioning like what the manual said it should be...

