Problem pairing XDA II with Holox BT GPS - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I know I'm not the only one to have experienced this but I can't find a solution in the archive. Any help would be much appreciated.
System: O2 XDAII, Rom v1.60.00, WM2003. In other words never upgraded.
GPS receiver: Holox BT321
I'm trying to get these to pair but although the XDA sees the Holox and makes a pair I'm getting a steady light on the Holox showing no active connection between the two.
It seems to be a com port issue. The only incoming com port available through Bluetooth->Connection settings is COM5. I've downloded Pocket Bluetooth Tools and attempted to configure the connection as a Serial port, but the only port available for selection is COM7. Presumably this is why they won't pair up properly? I read things about 'creating com ports' and such like but I see no way to do that on my OS.
The GPS does not have any software with it, all that's on the cd is an installation guide. The Holox website looks extinct so no help there.
I haven't tried to put any satnav software on the XDA yet, if that makes any difference. I have TomTom 5 (a used copy so not sure if it will activate!).
Any help gratefully received! Thanks.

Oops never mind - the clue was in the GPS software, or lack of it. I've installed a freeware gps prog and the holox is blinking away happily now

Use GPSGate
Ok!,the best way ( form experience) to pair most of the GPS devices with A PDA, no matter which one with WM2003 or later is to use GPSGate software from Franson , this will allow you to split the hardware S.Port to more than one virtually, and starts the BT automatically ones you set it.... Have Fun


Multiple Bluetooth Devices

Hi there guys, its been a while since posting but I have some great news regarding using multiple bluetooth devices in the car.
A few weeks ago I purchased a Navman 4410 GPS unit for my XDAII. With the new "72" rom the Navman worked perfectly with my XDAII straight out of the box over bluetooth.
Today I installed a Sony Ericsson HBC-30 bluetooth hands free carkit (Which also worked perfectly out of the box). I was interested to know if I could have the GPS unit operating and have the handsfree carkit working at the same time.
I was simply sitting in the carpark, with the GPS connected and onscreen, then I used my other phone to call my XDAII... the call came up on screen (interrupting the GPS screen) I pressed the "answer" button on the Sony Ericsson handsfree kit, and the call came through perfectly!
Once finished with the call I pressed the "hangup" button on the handsfree kit, and then a few quick taps on the screen returned me to the GPS navigation screen.
Certainly not perfect, however it appears that the bluetooth issues are finally getting resolved, and allowing us to begin using the XDAII as it was intended.
Hi Colonel, thanks for your update, it is comforting to know that they are finally sorting out BT problems.
Is there any way to get the phone screen to automatically close after finishing a call? so I don't have to manually close it to get back to my GPS screen?
No I dont think you can. Not without altering the GPS software to continually make sure its "on top" of other windows... but then you'd have a problem with seeing the "incoming call screen" as the GPS software would try to jump on top of it.
I'd be so happy simply if I could make HCB30 and Blutrek G2 headset work side by side on my Qtek...
points are:
1-where coul i get that da***n 1.72 rom for my xda 2
2-where could i get the g2 HS in italy(even worlwide...) or all over the web at reasonable price
help a newbie...
I can confirm your experience as far as BT GPS is concerned.
I however still have one issue to solve: When the MDAII (=XDA2) can't connect to the GPS (BT off, GPS off, GPS out of reach) and I start TomTom3, TomTom3 keeps searching for the GPS which results in a almost freezing MDA2.
Using rom 1,72 from Qtek I bonded the BT GPS and confirmed the question about assigning a com port.
In TomTom I assigned this (COM5) com port.
All works fine except for the issue mentioned.
Does this sound familiar?
BTW in the BT settings screen there is nothing shown about the assigned com port (just free space next to the two lines that should indicate the in- and outbound com ports). I found COM5 to be assigned to BT by trial and error . . .
edsub said:
I can confirm your experience as far as BT GPS is concerned.
I however still have one issue to solve: When the MDAII (=XDA2) can't connect to the GPS (BT off, GPS off, GPS out of reach) and I start TomTom3, TomTom3 keeps searching for the GPS which results in a almost freezing MDA2.
Using rom 1,72 from Qtek I bonded the BT GPS and confirmed the question about assigning a com port.
In TomTom I assigned this (COM5) com port.
All works fine except for the issue mentioned.
Does this sound familiar?
BTW in the BT settings screen there is nothing shown about the assigned com port (just free space next to the two lines that should indicate the in- and outbound com ports). I found COM5 to be assigned to BT by trial and error . . .
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Are you using "Bluetooth Tools"? Because I am not, i'm using the native bluetooth stack only.
I am using "Outbound" Com port 5 ONLY for my GPS. My 1.72 rom is the IMATE rom.
Im afraid that i'm not familiar with tomtom. So I cant help you there, sorry.
I am deliberately only using native MS bT stack.
I am only using COM5 for GPS too
What does the BT Settings show under
"Bluetooth Serial Port Setup"?
With me:
"Outbound COM port" checked, but after the colon is a "<not present>" shown.
"Inbound COM port" UNchecked, after the colon is a grayed-out "<not present>" shown.
Like i said I AM able to use the GPS via COM5.
Maybe this issue is a pure TomTom issue, I think your answer could clarify that.
edsub said:
I am deliberately only using native MS bT stack.
I am only using COM5 for GPS too
What does the BT Settings show under
"Bluetooth Serial Port Setup"?
With me:
"Outbound COM port" checked, but after the colon is a "<not present>" shown.
"Inbound COM port" UNchecked, after the colon is a grayed-out "<not present>" shown.
Like i said I AM able to use the GPS via COM5.
Maybe this issue is a pure TomTom issue, I think your answer could clarify that.
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Edsub, thats really weird... mine is:
"Inbound COM port:" UN checked, and after the colon is a grayed out "COM4"
"Outbound COM port:" checked, and after the colon is a black "COM5"
hi guys
im using imate 172 and tomtom 3 with a sony ericsson hb35 it works first time all the time with the standard stack. it works that good i even went and sold my carkit and just got a hold instead :lol:
@Kolonel Klink: I guessed it's strange. What ROM are you using exactly (OS & Extended).
I use the 1.72 Qtek rom with my own Extended Rom (wich is based on the Qtek ExtRom to which I added T-Mobile Nl customisations). I am sure there is nothing regarding Bluetooth in my ExtRom.
I heard from someone who uses the iMate 1.72 OS Rom (with his own cooked ExtRom) that he has the same results as you have.
Just trying to find to cause of this. Maybe I have to reflash to the iMate 1.72?? (shouldnt make a difference as both iMate and Qtek OS ROM's are the same 1.72.00WWE . . . .)
@freelockuk: Most interesting is the origin of your ExtRom. Arent there any Bluetooth enhancements in that ExtRom (like there were in the 1.60.36 T-Mobile NL ExtRom) that maybe make your 1.72 work better than mine concerning Bluetooth?
addition to prev post:
I noticed that there were two BT registry settings missing to get the assigned COMport show in BT Settings.
Also noticed another interesting value:
With me this one is:
In prev versions it was:
Can anyone with a 1.72 ROM that has a BT GPS mouse working via SPP AND who can start Tom Tom without the BT GPS mouse 'connected' post their setting of this key??
Okay, i've not cooked my own extended rom. I'm using the stock standard one from iMate.
I did find something odd today. I went into an IT expo and I turned flight-mode on. When I was finished I left and turned flight mode off. Then got in my car. I tried to make a call and it didnt go thru the handsfree kit.
Weird! I had to repair the device. So I did... and it all worked fine again. So I turned flight mode back on then off, and I ended up with the same result. It appears to lose the pairing when you turn the flight mode on.
Very odd!
I still have not found a solution to the behaviour where TomTom locks up the MDA with is isnt able to connect to my BT GPS.
Today I found out that this same behavious accurs on devices (not just MDA, HP too) that use a serial (wired) GPS when they take the current off the GPS . . .
That means:
1. TomTom Navigator can't cope with the situation where it cant connect to the GPS that is installed
2. With me TomTom navigator is not able to use the Bluetooth protocol on its side to cope with the (for Bluetooth GPS quite usual) unavailability of the BT GPS.
Again: Can anyone post me some info on this :?: :?:
Especially the registry items under
are of interest
@ Klink
Thanks for sharing your experiences, I'm watching them with interest.
Just wanted to as you about using your navman and the headset at the same time.
In your first post to this topic, you mentioned your 'carpark' test. I assume you weren't moving at the time, so the navman wasn't trying to give you directions.
What happens when you're driving along, getting instructions (ie. "turn left in 300m") from your navman, and the phone rings? Does the navman stop giving directions while you are talking on the phone using your BT handsfree? When you hang up does it resume giving directions again?
Emtact Trine BT GPS, Bluetrek G3 BT Headset
Like all of you my exprience is that it all works together.
But I've one problem. When navigating with TomTom and there is a incoming phone call and when I accept the call with my headset TomTom continues navigating but the sound of my QTEK2020 is muted during the call. So the instructions of TomTom cannot be heard.
I'm using plain MS BT Stack.
This behaviour seems not the be dependent of the use of a BT headset. I have a carkit and during a call TomTom stays active in background. Sound of TomTom is muted however, which I find nice.
When the phone call is ended, TomTom starts talking again.(also nice)
first of all my nevigation program works great with the jabra 250 bt , it also mutes the program during a call is madeqreceived but :
there is anothe program that is called "ontime" that sends trqaffic status to the imate, using the gprs andthen calculates the fastest root( from junction to juction) and the problem is:
if i want to use buth progtams with royaltek gps bt rbt1000 they both need the com5 port fot bt.
to solve this problem one can use a prog called: "gpsgate" which makes a virtual port for the programs to use so u can use several program with one bt device.
for some it works only with bt tools, for others it doesnt work at all, gos knows why?!
but - if any1 needs a solution - here is one.
have a nice day , spark
QTEK 2020 - 1.72.00 WWE - 1.06.01
Back Pack - jabra 250 BT- royaltek rbt 1000 GPS BT - DESTINATOR3(LIKE TOM TOM 3) - soon will recieve sd 1gb*40
Spark, where did you get 'gpsgate'??
here is the link

TTN5 and Universal

I can't get TTN5 to pick up my BT GPS. I think the problem is that I can only seem to be able to assign COM0, COM8 or COM4 in the BT settings dialogue.
TTN5 need 6 or 7 IIRC.
Even though the BT COM ports dialogue allows me to select any COM from 0 to 9. It complains about not being able to create the port if I select anything other than 0, 8 or 4.
Any ideas?
I am having the same issue connecting with my GPS and Destinator 3 s/w.
Try pairing the GPS with your device before loading tomtom, and assign COM0. That's what I did and tomtom picked up the device immediately without problems.
Having said that my GPS is a tomtom.
Can't install TT5... any suggestion?
I get an error and than installation quits...
you have to connect through COM5. At least it works for me.
Strange enough, now Tomtom doesn't show this port anymore, so they day they unpair, I'm screwed.
I have the same problem. I can only select com 0, 4 or 8 and none of these ports show up in TT5. I am unable to make it work. I even tried ti activate the GPS control panel ( but it seems this control panel does actually not work (probably why it was hidden in the first place).
Any suggestions to make TT5 work are very welcome.
Some how (no idea how), TT5 was working with the GPS. Yeterday I had to hard reset due to several reasons, I now, again, I cannot manage to connect the damn bluetooth GPS.
Same reason as always: NO COM5 in TT5.
Guys now I am really stuck! I have been messing about with the registry, this is what i have found; COM6 friendly name is RIL (radio something or another I think basically the phone etc…) I have changed that to another port (HKLM\Drivers\BuilIn\Serial….) changing the index to another port i.e. a free one like 0/4/8 upon reboot allows me to map port 6 to BT gps under MSBT stack; however the phone (radio) stops functioning although BT serial port has been assigned to 6 TT5 still does not start the connection! Looking through the reg under HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\serial_BTUR this is the default BT serial port; this is set to port 7 (Index) if you change that port to something other than 7 reboot BT stops working. I have loaded the old TT3.7 GPS driver/software (Not complete TT3 just the gps update) and I can connect and communicate with the BT GPS. The BT GPS is seen as BT GPS. I can leave it connected however as soon as I fire up TT5 still no GPS communication. Tried to get TT5 working for over a week and have still failed. I think we need to find how TT5 detects available ports and edit/hack that area. There is on thing I have noticed though; if I select TomTom GPS there appears to be some BT communication although no thing on the GPS screen the BT light on my GPS unit (Fortuna) flickers periodically. Seriously stuck any help greatly appreciated as I am currently running out of ideas…..
Guys now I am really stuck! I have been messing about with the registry, this is what i have found; COM6 friendly name is RIL (radio something or another I think basically the phone etc…) I have changed that to another port (HKLM\Drivers\BuilIn\Serial….) changing the index to another port i.e. a free one like 0/4/8 upon reboot allows me to map port 6 to BT gps under MSBT stack; however the phone (radio) stops functioning although BT serial port has been assigned to 6 TT5 still does not start the connection! Looking through the reg under HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\serial_BTUR this is the default BT serial port; this is set to port 7 (Index) if you change that port to something other than 7 reboot BT stops working. I have loaded the old TT3.7 GPS driver/software (Not complete TT3 just the gps update) and I can connect and communicate with the BT GPS. The BT GPS is seen as BT GPS. I can leave it connected however as soon as I fire up TT5 still no GPS communication. Tried to get TT5 working for over a week and have still failed. I think we need to find how TT5 detects available ports and edit/hack that area. There is on thing I have noticed though; if I select TomTom GPS there appears to be some BT communication although no thing on the GPS screen the BT light on my GPS unit (Fortuna) flickers periodically. Seriously stuck any help greatly appreciated as I am currently running out of ideas….. I Think there is only one Man that maybe able to help; ITSME help please!
I've completely given up. I've spent most of the day hacking the registry to COM5, with multiple combinations on the GPS control panel, etc... with no success.
I've hard reseted the device and I won't install TT5 until someone figures out how to connect it to a Bluetooth GPS.
I can't believe such a new device hasn't sorted out a simple connection to a Bluetooth GPS.
Well... not yet.
I've been able to set up TT5 working with my old Bluetooth GPS, but it doesn't work with my new Syson Blue Sirf III. Have no idea why, maybe someone can lighten me up.
Anyway, this is what I've done for non SIRF III and it works for me.
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 8.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 8 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
Hope it works for everybody.
Now, how to make it work in SIRF III - no idea. I've made the same process with the Sirf III GPS and it doesn't connect.
You sir, are a genius.
I salute you.
I've got a Fortuna Clip on and it sucks
They had to screw us again with the BT stack. Morons. It is abslutely impossible to set this baby up with TT5. I got TT5 to work on the Magician, and the XDA 2, but this, abosulutely beats me. It seems Tomtom barely let's me choose any ports...lost
Top Man andreuroig
Thanks andreuroig your a top mman Just got it working on Fortuna Clipon BT GPS; Can I pick your brains about maybe trying to install the WIDCOM BT stack on the universal; have tried manually hacking away at this; but have given up now....
hi mikeycollins13 wrote
It is abslutely impossible to set this baby up with TT5. I got TT5 to work on the Magician, and the XDA 2, but this, abosulutely beats me. It seems Tomtom barely let's me choose any ports...lost.
I agree Have tried andreuroig way, I can´t get a com0 in tomtom ,
Please help.
MIracle, got it to work. Clip on + tt 5.1
This how I did it:
1.) IN BT settings, (After having paired and chosen 'Serial', went to COM ports and selected 0
2.) Then, from inside tt5, went to gps...picked the 'other BT', it ehn showed IR ports, serial cable etc, Port 7 (no use, couldn't do much) and THEN Com port 0. Clicked that and it worked.
PM if you need help
slight subject change, but.... JasJar, Tomtom 5.1.......slight twist
possible to have the 100mb GB map stored on the phone, so to use a SD GPS Card?, Due to the new memory layout of the phone this could be an issue.
I have that and TTN3 was ok with the 32mb map in, but since 5.1 you cant have smaller than GB 105mb, so im stuck on TTN3 for SD GPS unit and TTN5 for the, err not yet purchased BT GPS unit,
Some sort of map cutter would be nice,
Ive ordered my Jasjar but waiting for the post,
What i really what to know is, do i put the SD GPS unit on ebay now and recoupe some losses having to get a bluetooth unit or not ????
Jasjar, BT GPS and TT V5.1
Some people here state that they installed TT V5.1. Actually V5.1 is an upgrade that can be downloaded from the TT support site. It requires V5 as a basis. BUT the V5.1 only comes in EXE format (no CAB fiile) so I wonder how you guys were able to get 5.1 installed as the setup program crashes as soon as it connects to Activesync 4.0 or 4.1.
you have to copy the 5.0 cab files across, then run them and it installs that way,
then just the 5.1 ugrade to copy across
faisal.husain: no idea about how to install de Widcom BT. That is out of my league.
Start from zero. Erase your bond with your GPS. Start TT5 and select any port that you have free (COM7 or even Serial on COM1).
Pair your GPS and follow the steps I've mentioned. It should work, but only, if it's not a non SIRF III gps.

GPS+ TomTom5 problems with new Blutooth Stack

When I first tried installing this stack (see here: ) my exisiting bluetooth devices - a Jabra BT200 headset and Ambeon GPS both worked, just like that - without re-pairing, the latter with TomTom3.
However, in order to make stereo over A2DP to work I had to hard-reset and reinstall everything. Glad to say A2DP did work! However took opportunity to upgrade from TomTom3 to TomTom5.
Now I've re-paired with the GPS using the new stack, during which it asks if I want ti install a serial port. But it doesn't seem to be recognised by TomTom. And, if I go to the COM tab, and try and add a new port there is nothing in the drop down.
Any ideas?
The BT outgoing port on my magician is fixed at Com5. Maybe because I am using GPS Gate (a program to create virtual Com port so that U can open 2 or more GPS program at the same time), I don't have any problem before and after installing that BT stack.
Maybe U can try GPS Gate too. Just open Com5 in GPS gate and create an virtual port Com6. Then ask TT to connection to Com6.
Thanks but it's all OK
I used this great little free program
to test whether the GPS box was actually connected (but not recognised by TomTom) and it was - on COM5!
So I pocked around with TomTom some more, and found that it could pick up a signal on COM5 but if a signal was not there it reported that 'No GPS device' rather than 'No valid GPS signal.'
upgrade tomtom 5 to tomtom 5.1 :wink:
GideonS, did you get BT outgoing port to show up? If so, how? Like you, when I try to select one, it comes up with a blank selector box.
(Maybe I missed something in the thread, but the GPS Gate surely relies on diverting an existing port?)
thanks in advance!
Re: Thanks but it's all OK
GideonS said:
I used this great little free program
to test whether the GPS box was actually connected (but not recognised by TomTom) and it was - on COM5!
So I pocked around with TomTom some more, and found that it could pick up a signal on COM5 but if a signal was not there it reported that 'No GPS device' rather than 'No valid GPS signal.'
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my tt5 5.21 (5430) + iberia plus 6.3.2 don't recognize my Socket GPS (
i used that program you mencioned and it receives data on COM8 as defined by me
i'm at home and i never get a fix inside so i can't test if it's the same situation of the error messages switch
when i do, i'll post the result

Compatible Bluetooth GPS Devices for Atom

I have TomTom software installed on my Atom, I've tried using a Polstar Bluetooth GPS unit to see if that would work but it fails to read the correct Comm port on the atom.
Does anyone know if this is compatible with the Atom, or of any other GPS devices (bluetooth or cabled) that would work?
Hi there
i am working with GPSlim236 from HOLUX and it very good and easy to install.
cool, thanks.
What's the battery use like if in use? The problem is that the lighter socket in my car is 'dodgy' to say the least, so the longer the life before i have to charge the better
(hmm...I predict being guided somewhere, losing battery life on GPS, and getting lost....SatNav at its finest.......)
The BT-77 (Nemerix chipset) from e-bay also works really well, especially considering the price. I have used this in Australia, UK and the US and have had no problems pairing it with the Atom.
Battery life is also good, as I've used it for a whole day with no sign of running out.
sometimes to connect GPS device, you need to create new OUTGOING port, and pareing the device
Thanks jeremy_elman, I will investigate.
Kropotov, I can get it to pair ok, and I have tried setting outgoing ports. The problem is that it won't allow me to set the outgoing port to the correct COM port that I need for the GPS. It comes up with an error.
I checked up on this from Polstar and they said to adjust registry settings. But even this doesn't work and they couldn't give me any information with regards to compatability. But I know the Polstar one I had works as it was working on an iPAQ 6340, installing it as a cable GPS device and setting the baud rate. The outgoing com ports on bluetooth could be set to the relevant ones for the device, and pairing was straight-forward.
Problem with GPS Reciver on Atom XDA with Tomtom
Hello, i've installed Tomtom 5.21 and the maps and everything is Ok. but i can't make the link between my gps reciver (Royaltek Star III) and the atom XDA. I've installed the partnership in the settings but it doesn't connect with the antenna. I've seen in my other pda (ipaq hx4700 and ipaq hx2790) that there is a bluetooth manager in the connection setting but there is non in the atom XDA. Do you know what's the solution ?
I've the same problem than you for the outgoing ports, i can't choose the one i want and i can't find the good port in tomtom gps settings.
kropotov said:
sometimes to connect GPS device, you need to create new OUTGOING port, and pareing the device
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same with u, kropotov. i use garmin gps10 with ATOM EXEC. work well and smooth.
it's very strange... i have all com ports free, and can choose all, include 8, that tomtom need. Do you have other bluetooth devices, pared with Atom?
I'm using a Garmin GPS10. To get around similar com port issues i install Franson's GPSGATE. A downloadable trial is available to try before you buy. The two advantages of this software solution is that you can nominate virtual com ports meaning you determoine the com port for the TomTom software and secondly you can use more than one GPS software package simultaneously. I run both Garmin Que (navigation) and OziExlorer (topographic and mapping) at the same time. You can't do this without GPSGate. Many bluetooth GPS devices drop their connections regularly. I find that GPSGate holds the connection better and reconnects quickly if it does drop. I highly recommend you try this before chasing around for different GPS devices.
Atom with BT GPS
I am using the Atom with the Holux GPSlim236 and it works like a charm.
Rated GPS battery life is 10Hrs and it uses the nokia 6xxx handphone battery so easy to charge and/or replace when battery gets old.
I had some problems using it initially 'cos built right into the Atom is a GPS management software that manages GPS connections apparently so that you can run more than one GPS application in the Atom and all the applications can share the GPS data. However I find that turning this on tends to lockup the GPS application (MapKing) and sometimes causes lost connections. TURN THIS OFF. Besides, I don't see myself using more than one GPS application (but that may change ! looking for a good track logging software - anyone knows one ?).
The other thing I noticed which makes the connection more reliable is to turn off the secure serial communication.
With those two settings off, works like a charm and no more problems !
O2 Atom with Holux GPSlim236 Bluetooth GPSr
Not sure if this helps but I am able to get my Atom to work with my Holux BT GPSr using Garmin Que.
Here's the link to how I set it up :
So far, it rocks!
O2 Atom with Holux GPSlim236 Bluetooth GPSr
Not sure if this helps but I am able to get my Atom to work with my Holux BT GPSr using Garmin Que.
Here's the link to how I set it up :
So far, it rocks!

XDA11s problem with TomTom, BT and GPS reciever

Hi Good Peoples,
My first post here and I hope you will excuse my ignorance please. I am hoping that someone can help me, as I would pull my hair out, if I had the left. :shock:
I have an XDA 11s and I have installed TomTom software. The satellite receiver is a Haicom HI-701 BT (four in one Bluetooth) and I have a number of problems.
When I installed the GPS hardware, in the Bluetooth Services section I installed it as a serial port connection and have the enable service box ticked. Do I need any other boxes here ticked?
The Bluetooth Manager shows the Haicom shortcuts, but it does not connect on start-up. It has to be manually connected. Once it is connected, unfortunately it shows no dataflow, in either direction. I think that is the second problem. :roll:
The Bluetooth flashing light shows that the Bluetooth connection has not been made; what do I need to do to fix that?
When I start the TomTom, it shows that I have no GPS Device (now there is a surprise) and I tried to configure it using the NMEA option with 4800 baud rate. However I then have eight options ranging from infrared through to Bluetooth serial to choose from, and I'm not sure which one I should be using. I mucked around for hours and had working for about one minute, but unfortunately I can not repeat the trick.
Is there anyone out there who could be kind enough to please tell me how to configure the thing please?
The XDAIIs is a BlueAngel - try posting in the correct forum next time.
Make sure that you have selected the "outgoing connection" - not the "incoming connection" when choosing the serial port in TT.
Also turn on BT and manually connect to the GPS first - somethimes I had to do that rather than rely on TT to do it for me.
You asked whether other boxes sould be ticked - what are these - I no longer have a BA and can't remember...
Charlie Grillo
oops sorry, I was not sure which forum to post it under as the BlueAngel did not specify IIs, although the picture looked like a better match.
I hate to sound like a total technical cretin but what is TT?
The other boxes are:
Authorisation requires
Authentication (Passkey) Required
Encryption required.
Thanks for the response.
TT = TomTom
I have found a fix for my XDA2 with Tom Tom and GPS BT-321 H
This was such a headache for me but through persistance - I got it working
This is how I did it
1. I downloaded - Bluetooth tool 1100 "BTHTools1100"
this help me to asisgn my Holox BT-321 to my XDA2 via bluetooth to port Com7
2. I then downloaded "GPSTuner_v5" & GPSmonitor1.1
These programes enable me to talk to my GPS and adjust PORT COM setting and also Band rate
having got these programes to work and pair with my GPS
the next step with TOM TOM6 worked fine trying different ports
All the Best to all XDA fans out there!!!
I have found a fix for my XDA2 with Tom Tom and GPS BT-321 H
This was such a headache for me but through persistance - I got it working
This is how I did it
1. I downloaded - Bluetooth tool 1100 "BTHTools1100"
this help me to asisgn my Holox BT-321 to my XDA2 via bluetooth to port Com7
2. I then downloaded "GPSTuner_v5" & GPSmonitor1.1
These programes enable me to talk to my GPS and adjust PORT COM setting and also Band rate
having got these programes to work and pair with my GPS
the next step with TOM TOM6 worked fine trying different ports
All the Best to all XDA fans out there!!!
Thanks, I have actually got it working with a combination of black magic, voodoo, good luck and threatening to trample on it. :wink:

