Home Screen - Wing, P4350 General

Is there anyway to change the two main buttons on the bottom of the LCD.
Right now i have Calendar and Contacts.
Is it possible to get SMS or something like New Messages on there?

JrMcNail said:
Is there anyway to change the two main buttons on the bottom of the LCD.
Right now i have Calendar and Contacts.
Is it possible to get SMS or something like New Messages on there?
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Start - Settings - Personal - Soft Keys and you will find the two spots to change what you want to make them.

or if you dont have that option, Try this link and download softkey changer.

JrMcNail said:
Is there anyway to change the two main buttons on the bottom of the LCD.
Right now i have Calendar and Contacts.
Is it possible to get SMS or something like New Messages on there?
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Use this....all you do is copy the file in your windows directory. Then, do a soft reset, and now under start/settings/system you have a soft key program. I included the file.


How to change the default App for the Soft Buttons?

How can I change the default settings of the Soft Buttons like "Contact" and "Calendar" to us PI?
Also, how can I change the setting for the Back-Light button? Because it seems to be not useful for now...
Thanks a lot in advance,
Its a reg key, i cant remember it off top of me head, search i saw it here somewhere, i now have messeging and contacts, contacts you cant change the the other is free to do whatever prog you want really.
soz i cant remember it :?
thanks a lot for the help... But I have installed PI and now when I click on Contacts soft button it calls PI Contacts... I want to put it back as the default Built-in Contacts software??! Any clue...

Button for Contacts

I've just received my MDA Vario.
It's a great phone (I sent my MDA Pro back, because it was just too big - the Vario is perfect).
But in the Settings/Buttons section, 'Contacts' does not appear amongst the list of applications which I can assign buttons against. Most programs are in the list (such as Camera, Excel Mobile, etc), but there is no 'Contacts' and no 'Calendar' and no 'Notes' - although Record is there.
Since Contacts is one of my main points of use, I need a Contacts button.
Please can someone help me get Contacts into the list.
I dont get it, Contacts is a pre-set button on the Vario. If you hold it upright looking at it without keyboard out, above the red button bottom right and below where it says T-Mobile is the preset contacts button.
Furthermore when you are in contacts, you get each persons name, just hold the central button at the bottom centre of the phone the loaf of bread shaped one if you like, hold it for a few secs in contacts and a list of different attributes for that contact pop up, you can scroll down and select phone numbers and email addresses.
monkeyphonix said:
Contacts is a pre-set button on the Vario
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No - It's a soft key - So Contacts is only available from the Today Screen, unlike the other buttons which are always available.
Whatever program I'm running, I want a one button press to take me to contacts.
Why isn't Contacts in the Settings/Buttons list of applications ????
Please help someone ?
My K-JAM lets me assign ANY of the hardware buttons to Contacts.
It could be that SPB PocketPlus has enabled this as it has extra features for button mapping however i am sure it was available before i installed PocketPlus.
Could this be an issue with the Vario ROM maybe?
AndrewK said:
monkeyphonix said:
Contacts is a pre-set button on the Vario
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No - It's a soft key - So Contacts is only available from the Today Screen, unlike the other buttons which are always available.
Whatever program I'm running, I want a one button press to take me to contacts.
Why isn't Contacts in the Settings/Buttons list of applications ????
Please help someone ?
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Well I've not done anything to it and it always pulls up contacts, whether you are in a programme or on today screen, the only difference is, if you are in say Calendar you have to press and hold and not just click. What ROM do you have ?
monkeyphonix said:
Well I've not done anything to it and it always pulls up contacts, whether you are in a programme or on today screen, the only difference is, if you are in say Calendar you have to press and hold and not just click. What ROM do you have ?
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No, press and hold just actions whatever the context menu option is (in exactly the same way as a press). So no good !
My Rom version is ENU (9/29/05)
ExtRom version:
Can you help ?
One of you guru's must be able to help me.
Please, please, please, please.
AndrewK said:
monkeyphonix said:
Well I've not done anything to it and it always pulls up contacts, whether you are in a programme or on today screen, the only difference is, if you are in say Calendar you have to press and hold and not just click. What ROM do you have ?
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No, press and hold just actions whatever the context menu option is (in exactly the same way as a press). So no good !
My Rom version is ENU (9/29/05)
ExtRom version:
Can you help ?
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Click to collapse
Your is different to mine.
That'd be very useful if it worked... Mine is however working the same as Andrews...
Any hints on what the differences might be?
Although it's tediously two presses, doesn't the red "phone" button take you back to today (from anywhere except in a live call) and restore the contacts softkey just above it?
My Dutch MDA Vario has the contacts app in the start-settings-buttons menu, so I am able to map it to a button. If you want to do it without the settings menu, because it does not show up there, make the regedit. It can be found in the thread "Lost" some of the buttons on my 9100 or something like that. search for "lost"+ buttons and I am sure you will find it. In that thread are the registry keys where the right values for the keys are given. Just take the key you want to map contacts to and change the paths to point to contacts application (probably /windows/contacts.exe, or something similar).
Save the reg edits, soft reset and bingo. It should now show up in the start-settings-buttons.
Dox, thanks for that. Simple, but effective
Um forgive me if I'm being dense but looking at it isn't the list of applications available to map to the hardware buttons just whats in your Start Menu?
If contacts has gone the shortcut must have gone from the start menu so surely just...put...it...back?

Text Messaging menu after change to WM6

With WM5, the softkeys were
Left softkey: New (text message)
Right softkey: Menu
after upgrading my Cingular 8525 to WM6 it is not that useful:
Left softkey: Delete
Right softkey: Menu
In effect, to create a new message I need to select Menu and then New.
Is it possible to assign New to the left softkey?
oh god yes
normanp said:
With WM5, the softkeys were
Left softkey: New (text message)
Right softkey: Menu
after upgrading my Cingular 8525 to WM6 it is not that useful:
Left softkey: Delete
Right softkey: Menu
In effect, to create a new message I need to select Menu and then New.
Is it possible to assign New to the left softkey?
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It might have been in your ROM!
Mine always had CONTACTS on the left and CALENDAR on the right! BTW: The HERMES has a direct MESSAGING button on the top left anyway, so, what does that matter? Next to you can enable the MESSAGING TODAY PLUGIN or assign / remap the buttons yourself!
This might help. Work on my WM6 ROM (vpG3 v3.62.3).
System tab
Soft key
from there you can set up you soft keys to run the application you want.
He means with the MESSAGING menu, not on the TODAY Screen. Yes, on today it's Left-Calendar, Right-Contacts.
We want it back to the way it was on WM5.
Left - NEW
Right - MENU
Please oh Please can someone find a fix for this. Who new the geniuses at m$ could find such a simple way to make daily texting so much more annoying.
jcm96 said:
He means with the MESSAGING menu, not on the TODAY Screen. Yes, on today it's Left-Calendar, Right-Contacts.
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Click to collapse
Yeah, I missed that the first time through... Sorry...

Contacts Dilema HELP!

I used Soft Key to change the shortcut @ the bottom of my screen i only wanted to change Calendar to New SMS, But when i started the Program it made me change both soft keys & Contacts is not in the list. Now i have New SMS & anything but Contacts.
Any body else had this problem? or does anyone have a fix for this????
Funny enough even if i navigate :
Contacts is not in that list either.......Weird......
I have attached screen shots to help.
Learn to use the registry. The keys you are looking for are in:
Key 112 is your left soft key, and key 113 is your right soft key. You just rename the, "Default" value to what you want to appear on the screen, and the, "Open" value to what you want to launch (the Contacts.lnk is in the /Windows/Start Menu/Programs folder I believe).
Oh, and get Schaps Registry Editor before any of that. ; )
Thanks for the info you have given but im afraid it don't help cause the contacts.ink or even contacts.exe is nowhere to be found on my device not even in the windows folder....
I have attached a screen shot for you to see.
Thanks again.
And by the way i use PHM Registry Editor.....
Do you already have "Contacts" in your start menu? On my phone, I have Contacts in my start menu, and it is no longer in /Windows/Start Menu/Programs but it is listed in Windows/Start Menu. I think it moves the .lnk over when it's active in the start menu. Just a thought.
I mean, it has to be on the phone somewhere. Although I can't seem to locate it in Windows either...kind of makes me wonder where the phone is pulling it from when I select it...hmm...
No it's not in my start menu, proof is in 1 of the attachments in my1st post.
Last nite i installed PocketCM and used soft key to choose the shortcut to it.
Now i have what i originally wanted
Left Shortcut:......New SMS
Right Shortcut:....Contacts (through PocketCM)
Screen Shot Attached
Yeah, I use iContact v0.6. I'd love to use PocketCM if it didn't try and do so much more than just contacts. It's refusal to stop trying to handle SMS is what makes me stay away from it.
Not to sure what you mean about PocketCM taking over SMS just switch it off in options if you dont like it.....
I use PocketCM V0.23 together with TouchPal 3.0 and the SMS option works well for me if anything better than the original cause it shows the whole conversation and it makes it easier for you to remember what you texting about he he he....
Try it.....
I've got a similar problem:
My right softkey was Calendar, some time ago it said "shortcut not found".
I set it again using Schap's Advanced Config, but it kept disappearing 2 or 3 times.
Now, the links for Calendar and Contacts have disappeared in the Start Menu!
I was able to copy the calendar.lnk from the \Windows directory, but there is no contacts.exe.
I do not use PocketCM, so that's not the root cause...
Try installing PocketCM and use that for a while to see it that shortcut dissapears aswell.....
Sounds like we have all got gremlins in our Hermes!!!!!!!! he he he
Here is the link:
Hope im allowed to post that......

Contacts on HTC HD MINI

Hi all,
I've got a HTC HD MINI and I would like to go to contacts clicking on just one key. If I want to go to contacts I have to click on "Green" key and then "More" or go to "Start" key and then "Contacts".
Anyone know any software or something like that to create a shortcut to a button?
PS: I also would like to add an invisible X button to my device. I've tried one .cab that I found here on this forum, but it didn't work.
What do you mean by the "Green" key? Which Contacts are you referring to? HTC People or WinMo Contacts?
Anyway, whichever Contacts app you are referring to, you can use Bsb Tweaks to assign the left soft key to the Contacts. One click brings you to that app.
What's the left soft key?
I wanted to put it on the 4th key (the reverse one).
Why don't you just go Settings/Personalise/Home Screen Tabs and move the Contacts tab to one of the first positions ? That way you can open Contacts from the Sense screen, or from any other program by hitting the Home key then Contacts (I know that's 2 presses but it works well!)
But I want the other contacts application. The one that has the phone numbers with the name of the person. And I wanted to put it on one of the keys... and I've got a software to do so, but it doesn't open when I click the key... and I'm not understanding why.
My ROM is the last PT original ROM.
