Did AT&T Shutdown the internet for WAP Users? - Networking

I have the unlimited Medianet service with AT&T. This morning I noticed I couldn't get on the internet with my Tilt. I tried all sites with no luck. I restarted my connection, and even did a SR. Nothing! I went to my wife's BJ2... samething. Anyone have some insight on what I'm going through? Is the reign of $15 unlimited internet over?

I'm having problems, too, but I suspect mine are more complex than yours.
I've been having difficulty connecting to the internet after loading WM6. Before that, I had WM2003SE and my phone started connecting w/ GPRS spontaneously. It was costing me a lot, because I had one of the smaller mMode plans. Tried to switch over to MEdia Net, and customer service wouldn't let me since my phone is a PDA (SX66). They want us to spring for the $35 service.
I'm wondering if I need to upgrade my radio (running on 1.02.10) or look for a patch of some sort to get my internet connectivity working again. Right now I can't connect to anything and AT&T tech support suspects that I may have corrupted something with the OS upgrade. I'm not technologically savvy, so I'm really at a loss for ideas on this.
I refuse to purchase a new device simply to get internet back. I love my SX66 and would hate to give it up.

try removing the wap username and password... They changed the connection settings to not have username and password anymore!
See this link for more info:
but it specifically says to leave user/pass blank!

shogunmark said:
try removing the wap username and password... They changed the connection settings to not have username and password anymore!
See this link for more info:
but it specifically says to leave user/pass blank!
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My HTC wizard has no username or pass on the WAP settings, but it still refuses to connect. I doesn't even display the G or E....
Judging by AT&T's Medianet forum, a lot of people are having problems, and AT&T's response has been sticking their fingers in their ears and telling people to check their settings and call support. Unfortunately I'm in training for a certification all week and am not a authorized account whatever....so I have to wait until the member of the family that is and myself have similar schedules.

Removing the username and pass worked on my tilt. I have interenet.

Still no internet for me. I double (well, quintuple) checked my settings, and I get the same problem when I put my SIM in an old AT&T Sony Ericsson clamshell, so it's definately not my settings.


T-Mobile Free GPRS problem

as of right now i cant get anything on the t-mobile free wap/gprs: cant load webpages and cant use AIM
anyone else get the same problem? thanx
I've got exactly the same problem... stopped working about 4 days ago... tried everything... even a hard reset of my MDAIII... nothing did it... it does connect to GPRS, but then it doesn't do anything... the connection is established, it's not that the APN doesn't work or anything... it's just that no data comes through... any suggestions?
Same Issue
I'm having this problem with the wap.voicestream.com gateway on T-Mobile aswell. I contacted the Tmobile techs yesterday and they claim that there never has been (right) and never will be access to wap services over the XDA. The supposedly 'reset' my data connection, but this has no effect whatsoever on my ability to access the internet. Could T-Mobile finally do away with our free data (or in my case 4.99 for tzones)
Any further suggestions would be greatly helpful.
I just called t-mobile...
I just called t-mobile because I am having the same problem. The rep says that they finally closed the wap.voicestream.com loophole this past week and that's why it's not working. He said the only way I can get internet, e-mail, AIM etc.. is by paying the $19.99/month internet plan which is outrageous. So hopefully someone has suggestions on what to do...Is there a way to get access wth internet2.voicestream.com without paying the $19.99.
The rep was nice and said that wap.voicestream.com might still work with a wapbrowser.
I'll see if that works but either way say goodbye to your wireless XDA's!!!
well, that's good and bad news... did he say whether the 19.99 add on is GPRS or not?... and which option is it exactly... I am willing to pay the extra bucks, but I want GPRS with a reasonable speed for that...
Ya- the internet2.voicestream.com is GPRS not so fast in my opinion- you really think it's worth $20 a month?
i'm not sure which server is which, but i use wap.voicestream.com with $4.99 t-zones and get wap speed but access to just about the entire web. the connection is way slow (do a search here for "test gprs speed" to compare my speed to others) but i don't care because i'm not a heavy user. also, i have to pay extra for any messaging that i do. i burnt agile messanger into my rom, and use it for aim occassionally; i pay $.05 for every message. unlimited email is included, but you have to use the my tmobile email bs. it's not bad, and email turnaround is usually 30 min. they will not allow me to have the $20 addon for gprs because of my credit class. i recently quite one of my jobs, selling cell phones, and can tell you that for $19.99 you get unlimited gprs everything, including IM. typical speed is 56kbps, although the network will support up to 114kbps (actual speed depends on signal strength, network traffic, blah, blah). Note that roaming is not inluded, so if you went to say NC, you will incur additional charges. anyway, post or pm me if you want to know more.
i'll screw around with different access points when i have time...
Wow- thsnks for the tips-
I installed a WAP browser last night and was able to access wap sites but I didn't even think of trying real sites until I read your post- and they work!! The speed is the same as before but I don't understand why these sites work on a WAP browser but not on IE.
Can you explain further on how to get e-mail with wap.voicestream.com. Before they closed the access I was able to just send and recieve using my POP-3 account. How can I do that now?
And for IM I used to use AIM for pocket PC using prt 80 but that has also stopped working.
I will try agile messenger when I get home- but why would that work and AIM not?
Also, I don't know why you pay $4.99 for t-zones when you can get the wap.voicestream.com access without it. I called t-mobile last night and they said that t-zones have nothing to do wth a pocket pc at all and from my experience they are right. i have been using wap.voicestream.com for months now without t-zones.
what the hell is happening ? I am on my XDA right now using IE with wap.voicestream.com . AIM and my email works. Hopefully it's back up and this isn;t just a tease.
no such luck here... I still don't get anything through wap.voicestream.com ... even though I even signed up for unlimited t-zones now... the 4.99 one... just to see whether that would get me anything... but no... not even wap sites work...
Even stranger... trying internet2.voicestream.com gets me the "Modem disconnected" crap, but actually, for a second or so, it works, loading parts of pages... any idea?
In order to use the email setup that I have, you have to have T-zones. Basicly, you go to "my tmobile" at tmobile.com, and click on my email. put in the info and it will send your phone program call that sets it up automaticly, or you can put it in manually. If you have the developer SE rom, it won't work, becuase they removed the programs that allow your carrier to program your phone. Also, I think "my email" only appears on "my tmobile" if you sign up for tzones. You tell thier server your emial info ,it checks your mail, and then forwards a copy to your phone...
As far as why stuff won't work......
OK. the way it used to work...
You could put in the server, blah, blah, blah..... and get just about free everything.
T-Mobile started gearing up for T-zones. A new concept where they make money off of people accessing the internet through wireless devices. Makes sense. BUT this is a VERY LARGE and INTRICATE network of computers LANS and WANS not to mention GPRS connections. SO, T-zones is implemented across the network, hurridly, so not everything is 100%. Some geographic areas still allow unauthorized (free) access, becuase not all the equipment is set up correctly. On top of that, if your device confuses the network, you might sitll get free access. Some devices do, some don't. IF you sign up for T-zones with win 2003 and set up wap.voicestream.com as the access point using GPRS/Cellular, then you should be able to go to PIE, put in an address, and it will fire up WAP or WWW. Some wallabies/himilayas just won't do it (radio and rom ver???)(to the best of my knowledge). It is what I have been using for quite some time and it's what I'm using right now.Right now I still have WWW access, but not IM (agile will not sign on anymore (aim)).
I also happen to know that they are performing MAJOR system wide maintainance right now in geographical blocks. I had a problem and called cust care, and then asked my T-Mo rep about it. Sure enough, they are updateing alot of equipment. So this might explain why my AIM is out.
Ports are only unlocked when the system unlocks them (IE you paid for access) or somehow those ports were just never locked on your account (IE your lucky).
Short of the long.... in VA (where I am) I have access with what I have setup. In other parts of th country, it might not work.
If you just buy hte GPRS package, then stop screwing around with us, call customer care, and keep reaming new a$$holes in customer service reps, until you get what you want.
Do a search for "free unlimited GPRS" find all words. About 2/3 down the page, someone announces that it only works with 2003. That's where I set up my connection from. I don't specify anything but wap.voicestream.com.
Anyway.....I'm very busy, but will try to check back tommorrow.
On my MDA II, Agile doesnt connect through APN=WAP gprs. In their manual, they say it should connect!
I'd like to upload pictures from my device. My provider is Orange NL
I want to use APN=WAP, because it is free.
any idea?
well... I've been quite on an adventure with T-Mobile GPRS... I purchased their 4.99 unlimited t-zones add-on after my free GPRS didn't work anymore... couple days later I was back online with wap.voicestream.com ... now, about 5 days ago, internet stops working again... no http... but my email still works... so, I figure they are blocking port 80 for some reason... to test that I was going to start a proxy server on one of my webservers... to see whether I can tunnel http through one of the open mail ports... what do you think about this... do other people have the same issues?
I had no problem sending HTTP thru port 110 to Squid running on my server.
Check this out too:
Looks like that person is using T-Mobile's proxy server to surf both HTTP and WAP.
I just got of the phone with Cus Care. EXCELENT. I actually got someone who owns a wallaby, and cooks his own roms. This is much different from the normal pageturner I end up haveing to deal with!
Anyway, the damn 6315 required the network to be revamped, and the bastards ended up cutting out tzones for wallabies. :evil: now it's $20 unlimited GPRS or nothing.... dirty bastards.
I got the Tmobile WAP working again!
I have the 4.99 tzones. Mail always worked. The web stopped working earlier this month.
I installed NetFront 3.1 and use port 8080 in the proxy settings. Works like a charm. NetFront is cool too. Beats the stew out of Pocket IE.
Does anyone know how to remove Pocket IE...I could really use the room.
GPRS IE Now Working on T-Mobile
I have an XDA II running 1.72.181 and using the Blackberry mail with internet and voice plans on T-Mobile. My internet also stopped working a week or so ago. T-Mobile unable to help because "XDA is not supported device..." :evil: I believe my problem stems from the same network changes that are mentioned above related to HP PPC.
Anyhow, based on Fuzzie's post and info, I set a new wap.voicestream.com connection up under My Work Settings, set up the proxy based on fuzzie's IP info and, hey presto!, internet browsing restored!! Have to stop the blackberry client and connect using the My Work connection BEFORE launching IE, but small price to pay to get my internet connection back!!
Thanks to all for the leads and data!!
Were you on an Internet plan or a t-zones plan?
Actually on a Blackberry Minutes and mail plan, using the Blackberry APN or the wap,voicestream.com APN for browsing. Both stopped working a week or so back. Then I read this thread and am now back up browsing using the wap.voicestream APM via the proxy
is there anyway to use PIE and Tzones to browse the web, or would I have to install some other wap browser???
Which settings would one use if he were using PIE?
Thanks in advance!

Softbank X01HT on t-mobile GPRS setttings

I have tried for over a month now to get my Softbank X01HT(same as HTC TyTn and tmo MDA?) to work with the t-mobile usa gprs with no luck. I have contacted t-mobile and spent over two hours on the phone with them trying different things to get it to work. I would like to know if anyone out there has gotten this to work and if so please share with me how? Also, is there something preventing the phone from accepting a connection from t-mobile? The phone was purchased unlocked. I am using the HTC TyTn ROM on this phone.
Thanks in advance,
Mine works fine
Hi Braheem,
I have a softbank x01ht and have it connected to the tmobile network here in cali. When I first got it i just dropped my sim card in it and input the network settings from tmobile and I was on surfing the web with no problems. Three days later I couldn't connect. I allowed this to go on for three days and I finally called t-mobile. The first lady I talked to in tech support said everything was fine and nothing was wrong with my account. Then she asked if I wanted to go to pda support so I said sure why not. I just told them that my phone was the same as the mda II and she informed me that what had happened was I was on the 5.99 internet plan and they had a script run through and disconnect ppl that were using that plan with pda's. Only thing I think is maybe seeing ppl with high internet usage and then disabiling it? She said if I sign up with the pda plan for 29.99 then I would be able to get on in 24 hours. 12 min later i was up and surfing the web again and it has been that way for over a week. She said to get to pda support just say pda at the voice menu. Anyway hope this helps. If you need network settings they are on the t-mobile site, but i can help you out more if you aren't sure what to put or where to put them.
I have an x01ht with the 19.99 blackberry plan in california, usa. Mine has been working all the time. all you have to do is on your "my-tmobile" change your phone to any blackberry and get the 19.99 add-on internet plan and allow 5 to 10 minutes for the plan to activate, on your htc go to start>settings>connections>Connections click on add a new modem connection
and fill everything out:
Enter a name for the connection: whatever you want
Select a modem: cellular GPRS, 3G
Access Point Name: wap.voicestream.com
leave user name, password and domain empty and click finish
Now from here you can have internet but its going to take a while the first time you try to access it. Open PIE (Pocket Internet Explorer), you will see a pop-up notification when the gprs/edge is connecting. load any website. I suggest using google.com to make the load faster. Its going to take around 2 to 3 minutes for the page to load completely.
Now here is something nobody else has done in this forum, something new and fresh. You want faster internet? Here is what you have to do:
First, download and install a registry editor (I personally use PHM RegEdit)
Open it and go to HKEY_CURRENT-USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
now look for "ProxyEnable" click on it and make sure the value data is set to 1 (it will enable proxy to work on PIE), if it doesn't exist (which i doubt) create it, to do that go to edit>New DWORD and fill it out like this:
Value name: ProxyEnable
Value Data: 1
Base: Decimal
click ok.
Now create a string value with the name "ProxyServer", to do that go to edit>new string value and fill it out like this:
Value name: ProxyServer
Value Data:
click ok.
Now restart the device and run PIE, you will clearly notice how the pages load faster.
The reason I know this is because I am a network professional, I will not explain in detail why this settings make the internet faster but ill try to make it as clear as possible:
You can get the 5.99 t-mobileweb that will allow you to ONLY use the PIE. You will not be able to use e-mail, stream media or use im clients because the ports are blocked.
The blackberry add-on plan will allow you to do everything possible with internet on your device but they internet speed is slower.
Both plans use the same servers but the ports make the difference in speed, so to take advantage of the best qualities from both plans I added the proxies for exclusive use of the PIE in the registry (since there are no settings in the PIE software to configure the proxies).
I hope it helps you. Please forgive my weird english i'm Colombian. if you need further help feel free to PM me.
I am new to windows mobile devices but I can be of help with things related to networking.
How about on AT&T's 3G network?
Interesting posting. But would your suggested ProxyServer value be good also for AT&T 3G network? Actually, I am trying to use my Softbank X01HT(Hermes200) with a non-AT&T ROM to access its Media Net (with a Media Max bundle plan), but don't know the proper settings.
All I saw so far were postings for Cingular (AT&T) 8525 which is officially supported by AT&T and perhaps >95% similar to X01HT in hardware. But I suspect the ROMs for these two phones are different, so the settings should be different too. Is it true? Can you help? Thanks.

isp.cingular vs. wap.cingular?

I have always used wap.cingular and have seen references to isp.cingular. After searching, I cannot seem to find why I would use isp.cingular. Does anyone know the difference?
While I am at it, anyone know what that disable and restore proxy settings are for as well? I don't have them on my CUSTEL 2.5 ROM and I know they came out on the last Cingular ROM (or if I added the CUSTEL Cing Apps pack) but I haven't seen a need for them.
Maybe...maybe not
Well, here's my 2 cents, cause I wish I could get isp.cingular to work. Since I upgraded to the latest ROM I've been unable to make isp.cingular work. Before, when I went to a page, such as Google, I'd get the normal Google page. Now that I seem to be stuck with wap.cingular, I'm automatically redirected to the WAP page (www.google.com/m). I've found no way around it. Everything is fine when there's no WAP page. But I'd rather have a little more control on some web pages...Google is a good example, cause I hate their WAP page.
Oh, I love Cingular questions.
I suspect there may be a move afoot to eventually phase out isp.cingular. If you have a MEdiaNet plan, you must to use wap.cingular, isp won't work. Heretofore either access point has worked for PDAConnect plans, although it's interesting that kpk703 appears to have lost the ability with a ROM update.
Only practical use I've found for the proxy is the ability to access MEdiaNet services such as http://home and Cellular (formerly Cingular) Video (available to any plan, I'm reasonably certain).
With the PDA connect plan (and you have to specifically ask for the PDA connect plan, you can use either). NOTE: with the ROM update, and possible the one before, IE is hard coded to use the wap.cingular proxy. You need to disable that. (do a search).
$20 MEdia Net for the win?
sim card question
Does it matter what sim card you use. I'm using my old orange cingular sim card from 2 plus years ago, it's the 64K smart chip sim card. Ii have received new sim cards with my wizard and with the 8525 but just kept using the old card. My connections work fine and speed doesn't seem to be an issue. I'm thinkin if it ain't broken don't fix it....am i right on this one?
Yeah I do have a media net plan, so I guess I have to use wap.cing... Might not matter. I will play around with the proxy settings when I get a ROM that has them. I have never seen the http://home, but then again its probably just another cingular splash page.
Not a proxy issue
I have the PDA Personal Max...and I don't subscribe to Medianet. Not a proxy issue on this side. My problem isn't with Internet Explorer...I can't even connect to isp.cingular anymore. When it attempts to connect it gives me an error. Again, fine until ROM upgrade.
anothersmith said:
Does it matter what sim card you use. I'm using my old orange cingular sim card from 2 plus years ago, it's the 64K smart chip sim card. Ii have received new sim cards with my wizard and with the 8525 but just kept using the old card. My connections work fine and speed doesn't seem to be an issue. I'm thinkin if it ain't broken don't fix it....am i right on this one?
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Yes, I've got the same SIM card and it works fine for me.
diaftia said:
Yeah I do have a media net plan, so I guess I have to use wap.cing... Might not matter. I will play around with the proxy settings when I get a ROM that has them. I have never seen the http://home, but then again its probably just another cingular splash page.
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Nah, it's actually a bit more than that. Local weather, news, sports & entertainment links. Access to your account. Customizable. Pretty cool, IMO.
kpk703 said:
I have the PDA Personal Max...and I don't subscribe to Medianet. Not a proxy issue on this side. My problem isn't with Internet Explorer...I can't even connect to isp.cingular anymore. When it attempts to connect it gives me an error. Again, fine until ROM upgrade.
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I don't believe the PDA Personal Max works with the isp.cingular. I had that plan too, and could not get it too work. I then called and switched to the PDA connect, and it started to work. They are the same price, but you don't get any SMS/IM messages with the PDA connect.
For what it's worth
Cingular/ATT customer service seems to know less and less about the situation the more often I call. It only appears to be a provisioning matter if you've subscribed to one of the MediaNet packages, where you're basically SOL. If you have PDA Connect, PDA Max or PDA Personal Max, without a MediaNet add-on, isp.cingular should work. I tried an experiment and have had limited, yet some, success. Using ProxyManager I ran the EnableProxy cab, tried to connect to isp.cingular, no go. Back in ProxyManager I ran DisableProxy. Was able to connect and bring up a page in IE. Now, new problem. I can't get into all web sites. From just a couple tests it appears web sites with WAP detection turned on won't come up, Google, Yahoo for example. Other sites, that I know do not have WAP pages, seem to come up fine. The good news (if you can call it that) is that the automatic redirection to WAP sites, like www.google.com/m, isn't happening. Of course, www.google.com is coming up either. Ready for a couple more suggestions. At least I think I'm headed in the right direction.
I too have experinced the inability to connect to isp.cingular. I have upgraded to a WM6 ROM, also changed my plan to a PDA unlimited plan that has the 1500 included SMS/MMS. So I can't really say if either one is the culprit here. When I called tech support, I was told that isp.cingular and wap.cingular are basicly the same pipe, that isp is mostly used for the cards, and wap for the PDAs. Now the girl seemed to be technical, and I'm not an expert on Cingular/AT&T (yet), so I'll give her he benefit of the doubt. Assuming this to be the case and they are/share the same pipe, then it's just QOL/routing that is the primary difference, not speed. Of course I don't friggin have 3g in my area yet, so I can't comment on that aspect.
This sound right?
ISP is for PDAs, Connect Cards and Computers. ISP has the option of using a cingular proxy server to compress data as it is sent. it also has higher speed caps and lower latency. u will not usually be able to access isp with the medianet plans unless a mistake(serious) has been made in your provisioning. my COU line used to allow it but alas I have 3g no longer .
if you can, use ISP if not , dont sweat it.
I have the "PDA Personal Unlimited" plan, and not the MEdia connect plan, but I still can only connect to wap. and not isp.cingular.com.
The connection gets dropped immediately.

T-Mobile Tech Support Really Sucks...

Man I really hate T-Mobile's tech support. I called them to ask a simple question:
If I cancel my Total Internet Package which is just 20$ more on by phone bill that I don't really need to be spending, will I be charged for using the WIFI on my phone when I am at home?
I have Comcast cable internet at home and can pick up the router's signal with my MDA even with the sim card out and browse the internet.
They turned around and told me that I would be charged per Kb if I canceled my Total Internet Package and then used my WIFI to pick up my home internet service.
By the way this was T-Mobile's Windows Mobile Department that told me this...
Ok now I have 2 questions for all of you.
Is what T-mobile told me true?
Is there a cheaper way to get unlimited GPRS internet than T-Mobile's $19.99 Total Internet package?
The only time I use my GPRS is to update WeatherPanel and when I am using the OZ Instant Messenger. All other time I spend on the internet is with WIFI turned on and GPRS turned off.
Please, all help will be greatly appreciated and well received.
Thanks in advance, your friendly neighborhood computer geek, Dan.
Well I hope I can help answer your question somewhat.
I do not pay for the GPRS service through Tmobile, I try not to use it at all. If I pull data through it then I am charged. But if i use a wifi hotspot then Tmobile will not charge me. In truth they should have no way of telling if and when I use a WiFi connection. The reason the rep told you this was really a twisting of the truth. He can probably get away with telling you this because it will cut your access to Tmobile HotSpots which you get access to with the data plan. Sneaky sneaky bastards, you should post this little tale on http://consumerist.com/ .
To answer the second if Tmobile is your carrier then NO I dont believe you can get GPRS data from another carrier. Unless your phone is sim unlocked and you choose to use another carrier to get your data through, but this will need you to switch sims out. Either way your gonna pay for it. I would hold out till 1-2 quarter of 2008 Tmobile will start its HSDPA role out, providing upwards of 3Mbps for data. Of course you will need a phone capable of HSDPA, but such is life.
If I am uninformed of another method maybe someone here will be so kind as to enlighten us.
ritalin said:
Well I hope I can help answer your question somewhat.
I do not pay for the GPRS service through Tmobile, I try not to use it at all. If I pull data through it then I am charged. But if i use a wifi hotspot then Tmobile will not charge me. In truth they should have no way of telling if and when I use a WiFi connection. The reason the rep told you this was really a twisting of the truth. He can probably get away with telling you this because it will cut your access to Tmobile HotSpots which you get access to with the data plan. Sneaky sneaky bastards, you should post this little tale on http://consumerist.com/ .
To answer the second if Tmobile is your carrier then NO I dont believe you can get GPRS data from another carrier. Unless your phone is sim unlocked and you choose to use another carrier to get your data through, but this will need you to switch sims out. Either way your gonna pay for it. I would hold out till 1-2 quarter of 2008 Tmobile will start its HSDPA role out, providing upwards of 3Mbps for data. Of course you will need a phone capable of HSDPA, but such is life.
If I am uninformed of another method maybe someone here will be so kind as to enlighten us.
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I figured T-Mobile was full of S**T... I know I can access the internet via WIFI even without a sim card in the device. I only use it at home or in hospitals anyway. Like I said though, the GPRS for me, is just for WeatherPanel. That's why I am trying to find a cheaper way...
Thank you for your help though. Not the answer I was hoping for but very grateful non the less.
You won't get charged for using wifi. If weather panel is all you really use GPRS for then go to the 5.99 plan. That's what I use and have no problem using weather panel or even browsing the web. The other day I even streamed video over it, although GPRS is way too slow to be any use for that but I wanted to see if it worked. The only apps that I know of that do have problems are mostly IM apps since they have most of the ports that those programs use blocked on the 5.99 plan.
Just realized that you said that you use OZ IM, I'm not sure if that will work or not, I can't seem to get it to work with WM6.
You will not be charged per kilobyte, whoever told you that was either new or retarded. The only difference you will see is that your instant messaging will go thru text messages instead of wifi, charging you per message, to log in, to log out, etc. That's due to the way the OZ instant messaging is written. The 5.99 has been working for a lot of people, but it was a glitch in the system that is slowly being fixed market by market, so don't get upset if it doesn't work for you or if it suddenly stops working, as it was never meant to work. If you connect thru wifi, you won't pay anything as it's your connection thru wifi to your phone's wifi, and the T-Mobile network is nowhere in the mix. Again, the Instant Messaging will be billed as text messages.
johnny12times said:
You will not be charged per kilobyte, whoever told you that was either new or retarded. The only difference you will see is that your instant messaging will go thru text messages instead of wifi, charging you per message, to log in, to log out, etc. That's due to the way the OZ instant messaging is written. The 5.99 has been working for a lot of people, but it was a glitch in the system that is slowly being fixed market by market, so don't get upset if it doesn't work for you or if it suddenly stops working, as it was never meant to work. If you connect thru wifi, you won't pay anything as it's your connection thru wifi to your phone's wifi, and the T-Mobile network is nowhere in the mix. Again, the Instant Messaging will be billed as text messages.
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That is really good to know. Can you tell me or direct me to a thread that explains the real difference between the 5.99 plan and the 19.99 Total Internet Package?
i don't know about the question you had, but I've had the other extreme as far as Tmo's customer support/tech support... always been great to me. Even after 2 refurbs.
Whoever told you that you'd be charged using Wi-Fi was either full of it or was ASSUMING you would then be accessing T-Mo services...why would you? Just use whatever service you use from home.
I use my MDA with Wi-Fi in my house ALL the time and it has NOTHING to do with T-Mobile. It's not EDGE/GPRS--it's a totally different technology, just like hooking your wireless laptop up to your home router.
Furthermore, you can use the Wi-Fi with T-Mobile Hot Spots if you have that subscription with ANY Wi-Fi computer you have--no reason to have more than one Hot Spot account--many hotels now have it, not just Starbucks.
T-Mobile NOW forces you to pay for Hot Spots with Internet Service as a bundle but they are different technologies.
The Internet Service is EDGE/GPRS and that is a CELLULAR service and is programmed into your SIM chip. I use that too. My MDA can hook into eMail and web sites without a Wi-Fi connection via the cell modem. But it's not nearly as fast.
I actually have 2 SIM chips with this service--I got one for my old IPAQ6315, but that's in the MDA. The one in the MDA is in my notebook computer--it has a Cingular Sony Ericsson cellular modem that I got the unlock code for, and put the chip from the MDA in there--I ALSO can use my notebook with EDGE/GPRS, or Wi-Fi (or even RJ45) connections.
I have the eMail for my regular eMail routed to my MDA--no messing with another address. So it's working a lot like a Blackberry as well.
Finally, you asked if there's a cheaper alternative: There is. It's called "T-Zones" and it's T-Mo's WAP service, for $6 or $7/month. It gives you the limited access you get on cell phones, and you already have it with the fancier internet access--click on T-Zones and you'll see it.
Generally, with T-Mo, service is a waste of time till you get to Level 2. But if you get to Level 3, then you get the techs that really know their business. The PDA support can be similar. But you got to jump through a lot of hoops to reach that level and that can take 30-45 minutes on the phone. Be persistent.
dharvey4651 said:
That is really good to know. Can you tell me or direct me to a thread that explains the real difference between the 5.99 plan and the 19.99 Total Internet Package?
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the 19.99 plan gives you your actual connection to the GPRS/EDGE(and in 4 test markets 3G! T-Mobile bought a whole lot of 3g network up recently.) network (internet2.voicestream.com), by connecting thru this route you are given access to the ports required to get to full websites, as well as email servers, etc.
the 5.99 plan is your basic wap access, t-zones and other wap sites. It's what is used by motorola's, samsungs, basic phones. Gives you access to your account information from T-Mobile's wap sites (but not on an mda running less than wm6 and having had the tzones applett installed), accuweather's website, and other wap websites. By connecting thru the wap APN, you are directed thru a filter that doesn't allow you full access to normal websites.
Now, T-Mobile has a glitch in their system where every now and then you get 5.99 internet and your number isn't put into the filter, so the ports that were supposed to be closed off to you never were, and you can browse and email just as if you had the 19.99 feature. The only problem? They know of the glitch and are closing it market by market, which has been taking the better part of 7 months now, but it's not that far from being finished.
Almost all programs you have installed on the mda that are third party will default to what ever internet connection is available, however, the OZ instant messaging program from the MDA and almost all other T-Mobile PDA's is written specifically to use the SMS (short message system) as the next backup if you aren't connected thru the internet2.voicestream.com, or blackberry.net apn if you are using a blackberry, so if you are connected thru wifi, then you will be charged text for each message.
Hope this helps, if not, let me know.

Softbank Prepaid USIM - Internet Access

First off I apologize for digging the topic of Softbank up, believe me I know its be discussed to death, but I have a slightly different angle: Prepaid Data.
I've gotten MMS working fine (props to xda-devs and BeeGee on that one). Internet though, it seems, uses slightly different proxy settings (or there is an entirely unknown APN). I've spent the last few days becoming immersed in the entire discussion.
Because this is PREPAID, the flat rate information obviously does not apply as there is no flat rate for prepaid AFAIK. If I use the flat rate info (or CABs) I can't establish a data connection (and get an error).
BUT After trying tons of combos I can _almost_ access the Internet via my phone. Connecting the phone to a PC and troubleshooting it reveals I can get full DNS resolution when using:
APN: mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp
Username: softbank
Password: <starts with a 'qce' and so forth>
I can't actually connect to anything directly though.
I can open up a port to 8080 to vfkkwapproxy.vodafone.ne.jp and it appears to be a HTTP/WAP proxy. However if I specify that as my HTTP proxy on the phone or PC I get this error:
The error actually varies depending on the browser. The above is FF for the PC. Opera and IE for the phone will give slightly different numbers.
If I try to do a data connection using the following APNs:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
I can't establish a data connection, but using the mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp info above I can (which is also what I use for functioning MMS).
Perhapse its the wrong APN I'm using and the blocking is just a symptom of that APN/proxy only allowing MMS? Or I wonder if there is some other proxy information I need to use for the prepaid USIM and it will suddenly work.
Its such a tease that DNS will resolve any domain name (www.cnn.com, etc) but blocks actual connections
Anyone have any ideas?
I was thinking that perhaps someone here had the non-flat rate proxy information that was different from the [email protected] stuff I had been trying, too.
Any help would be appreciated, I feel like I'm so close to totally winning the war against Softbank ...
+1... if someone could get the right settings that'll be great. going to Japan again in a couple of weeks and would really like working 3g internet...
I've done a ton of testing with the APNs. (Again this is for a prepaid USIM) Here is what doesn't work. I'm hiding all but the first letters of the passwords because you can find them easily somewhere else.
APN Username Pass Status
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
softbank error
softbank [email protected] softbank error
softbank [email protected] softbank error
softbank [email protected] c29m********* error
open.softbank.ne.jp opensoftbank ebMN************ error
open.softbank.ne.jp softbank qcef************ error
open.softbank.ne.jp opensoftbank qcef************ error
open.softbank.ne.jp open001softbank itTA************ error
open.softbank.ne.jp open ozRt************ error
webopen.softbank.ne.jp softbank qcef************ error
vodafone [email protected] vodafone error
open.softbank.ne.jp softbank ozRt************ error
vodafone [email protected] vodafone error
vodafone [email protected] vodafone error
[email protected] vodafone error
[email protected] vodafone error
[email protected] softbank error
[email protected] softbank error
[email protected] error
vodafone error
*99# [email protected] softbank error
*99# [email protected] softbank error
*99# softbank softbank error
*99# softbank qcef************ error
*99# error
[email protected] vodafone error
[email protected] softbank error
mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp softbank qcef************ connects, MMS only
mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp error
mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp [email protected] softbank error
mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp softbank softbank error
mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp opensoftbank qcef************ error
mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp [email protected] qcef************ error
mailwebservice.vodafone.ne.jp vodafone qcef************ error
mailwebservice.vodafone.ne.jp softbank qcef************ error
I did what I consider to be about as comprehensive attack on the proxies I've seen on the internet for softbank as well as trying some combos just for the hell of it while connected to the mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp APN.
Proxies using the mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp APN (Which allows MMS)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
sbwapproxy.softbank.ne.jp:8080 error WJ46140E
webopen.softbank.ne.jp:8080 timeout
vfkkmmsproxy.vodafone.ne.jp:8080 error
vfkkwapproxy.softbank.ne.jp:8080 unresolveable
vfkkwapproxy.vodafone.ne.jp:8080 error WJ46140E - forbidden
sbkkwapproxy.softbank.ne.jp:8080 unresolveable
sbwapproxy.softbank.ne.jp:8080 error WJ46140E
mmsopen.softbank.ne.jp:8080 error WJ46086E
smilemms.softbank.ne.jp:8080 error
sbmmsproxy.softbank.ne.jp:8080 error WJ46086E
mailwebservice.softbank.ne.jp:8080 unresolveable
mailwebservice.vodafone.ne.jp:8080 unresolveable
The errors I get are actually HTML content that comes from the proxy. There are two codes with associated text with them, my friend has translated them for me.
WJ46086E: エラーが発生しました。リクエストが不正です。means; an error has happen. Your request is injustice.
WJ46140E: お客様の端末からはご利用になれません。means; with your phone(type of phone) you can use it.
The last one makes me think if I play with the User-agent I might get it working. Trying that next, but if that is the case I find it unlikely that anything except for Opera or other spoofing-enabled browser will work (so no Facebook app, weather widgets, YouTube, etc etc).
I'm less than hopeful as well because the Softbank store assured me the phones they do sell /w prepaid USIMs don't have web browsers or any way to access the Internet - but you can connect via USB and do it with a laptop. Meaning there should be no restrictions.
Interesting - Change your settings with non-softbank Y!Keitai button
Went through and tried a bunch of different User-agents with no luck:
SoftBank/1.0/934SH/SHJ001/SN359416021923029 Browser/NetFront/3.5 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
SoftBank/1.0/920SH/SHJ001 Browser/NetFront/3.4 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
SoftBank/1.0/930SC/SCJ001/SN355159020117946 Browser/NetFront/3.4
SoftBank/1.0/830N/NJ002/SN356756020446453 Browser/NetFront/3.4 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
SoftBank/1.0/730SC/SCJ001/SN356756020446453 Browser/NetFront/3.4 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
SoftBank/1.0/730SC/SCJ001 Browser/NetFront/3.4 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
SoftBank/1.0/X05HT/HTJ001 Browser/NetFront/3.4 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; *HTC/X04HT*) Opera 9.50
Then I figured, well the 707SC is a model sold /w prepaid and tried:
SoftBank/1.0/707SC/SCJ001 Browser/NetFront/3.4 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
(using the vfkkwapproxy.vodafone.ne.jp:8080 proxy)
And I stumbled on a way to access the Keitai/Settings page normally only accessible by hitting the "Y!" button on real softbank phones.
Any URL will pull up the settings page, prompting for PIN and letting you adjust your email address and other settings. This means there is no need to bring in a non-Softbank phone with USIM to a Softbank store to change your email address (via having them put the USIM into one of their demo phones, you changing your settings and returning your USIM).
.... Which is pretty cool, but a) I already had them change my address and b) unfortunately this hardly helps me get Internet access.
But I found it interesting.
The site ultimately redirects to this as a base URL: http://nocharge/GATEWAY/
I tried a few variations but didn't stumble on anything except error messages.
At this point I'm ready to give up, but am posting these combos so if someone does stumble across something they can check to see if I've tried it.
I may try attacking the "nocharge" site a bit, but I find it unlikely to yield anything useful in getting me real access.
User Name
This thread awakened long-forgotten memories of an article seen years ago.
Maybe useful.
Hmm, definitely a good idea. No ICMP is let through it seems, but DNS definitely does work.
The main issue to leveraging this is that I need a Windows Mobile client for it to work. I'm not interested in using my phone as a modem /w a laptop (which I bet I could get working with Linux). I want Internet on the phone itself to work.
Softbank doesn't appear to allow DNS queries to other servers aside from theirs otherwise I could do some dirty port 53 proxying on one of my own servers.
I'm going to keep digging along these lines and see what I can find.
Even if you get this to work, won't you be paying the ridiculously expensive tethered data rates that apply for prepaid cards, i.e. 16 yen/6 seconds, which would drain a 3000 yen prepaid card down to zero in less than 20 minutes?
Not with what I'm trying to do, no. I'd be using the MMS APN (because that is the only one which I've been able to connect to) which is flat 300/yen per month.
Also, the data rate is not _that_ expensive. I worked it out to be around 700/Yen per MB. Yes its not cheap, but seriously moving that much data is not my plan. Just some mobile sites and what not. "Just to have it in case". I don't plan on uploading pictures and video to Facebook, etc.
Also right now I'm faced with _losing_ most of my 3,000 yen calling credit because its going to expire after 2 months. All I do is MMS, which is a flat rate of 300 yen per month. But credit expires after 2 months, so ...
I think basically its a non-starter though. ICMP traffic is blocked and while I can get _SOME_ DNS traffic through it does not appear to be enough to use wmiod and iodine (the only TCP via DNS tool I've found with a WindowsMobile client). Here is what I've tried: http://www.it.teithe.gr/~kontam/#
I can see the DNS requests come through to my server but the client reports a general error on handshake. Looking at the source code to the WM client it looks like basically its not getting anything back (though I can see my server is sending it). It would appear that Softbank is stripping off the data to the R-types this tool uses.
Its a shame though, I'd happily pay a higher rate for data. Its just nobody seems to know the APN info for prepaid cards. I know its possible as its listed as a feature on the Softbank website and catalogs -- but they say of course "only on Softbank phones". Which means again, some hidden username, password and APN.
Why would I happily pay such a high rate? I had a rental phone here last year for 2.5 months and it cost me about $400. I don't want to sign a contract as I'm here for 3.5 months this year (and only have a temp stay visa). So if I can stay under like 15,000 JPY per month, I'm still technically 'ahead' ... and using my Touch Pro is way better than the cr*ppy rental phone.
B-mobile sells a prepaid sim-card for data access (8400 yen, 500 minutes). You'd have to sim-swap whenever you wanted to use it, but it may be an easier option. They also have a prepaid, no-contract, 3G USB data modem, whose sim card may also work for you.
trolld said:
Its just nobody seems to know the APN info for prepaid cards. I know its possible as its listed as a feature on the Softbank website and catalogs -- but they say of course "only on Softbank phones". Which means again, some hidden username, password and APN.
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Could you point out where you saw this being listed as possible? I never saw this listed anywhere, but never looked very hard, either. I have the latest Softbank handset catalog in front of me now (Autumn 2009) and if I'm reading p. 35 correctly, it says you can't use web on the prepaid plan. It says that "data transfer" is possible, but I guess this refers to the USB modem (tethering) capability.
According to this page, [email protected] should work for prepaid data access:
halogen-9000 said:
According to this page, [email protected] should work for prepaid data access:
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Definitely does not work, was one of the first things I tried (and just tried again as well).
I updated my list of non-working APN/Username/Password combos on the first page of this thread.
I am tempted to call SoftBank one last time and tell them I have one of those handsets and internet isn't working. They swear there is nothing to 'enable' for Internet to work but I wonder if that isn't the truth and there is some switch they need to throw (and hadn't because I don't have an SB phone).
halogen-9000 said:
Could you point out where you saw this being listed as possible? I never saw this listed anywhere, but never looked very hard, either. I have the latest Softbank handset catalog in front of me now (Autumn 2009) and if I'm reading p. 35 correctly, it says you can't use web on the prepaid plan. It says that "data transfer" is possible, but I guess this refers to the USB modem (tethering) capability.
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I believe its saying tethering only because the pre-paid phones are not advanced enough to browse the web on there own. It has to be going through the same process though, unless I'm missing something.
trolld said:
I believe its saying tethering only because the pre-paid phones are not advanced enough to browse the web on there own. It has to be going through the same process though, unless I'm missing something.
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I don't think this is correct. My prepaid can browse HTML files fine if I copy them to the phone. I suspect that I can't actually connect to the net from the phone because SB locked it down in the phone somehow (I can't get to the network settings menu to check anything).
Now, two interesting things.
1. I think if I subscribe to unlimited mail service, I will be able to connect to a limited series of web pages from the phone itself, to set up mail settings. But I'm pretty sure I won't have full internet access, because the manual says so. As I said, maybe SB locked down the phone with some crippled network settings. Since it's locked I can't play around with the settings myself.
2. If I tether to my PC using the provided software and USB cable, it uses the [email protected] access point (that's what the PC software shows). I suspect I will have full internet access, because the manual implies so (but at a horrendously expensive time-based, not volume-based, rate).
Now the funny thing is, if tethering uses [email protected] and can get full Internet access (mind you, I didn't test this), then why can't you do that from your phone?
Maybe the PC-based tethering software is doing some hanky-panky to get the connection going.
I think a prepaid deal like the b-mobile I mentioned earlier might be easier. However reading more closely, the b-mobile android sim card says you're only supposed to use it in a GDD phone, not other phones. Caveat emptor.
Would be interested to know if you get this going, but I still think it's gonna drain your prepaid balance faster than you can say "Oto-san".
P.S. Supposedly in January 2010 the carriers will be required by law to provide network connection settings to allow third party phones on their network.
halogen-9000 said:
P.S. Supposedly in January 2010 the carriers will be required by law to provide network connection settings to allow third party phones on their network.
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Wow!!! this is gr8 news ....is it applicable to Japan?
where did u learn of it...interesting...
Do a google search for "in 2010, Japanese law is forcing the carriers". I'm looking for more information on this, myself, but I've heard it from a lot of places.
halogen-9000 said:
Do a google search for "in 2010, Japanese law is forcing the carriers". I'm looking for more information on this, myself, but I've heard it from a lot of places.
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Yeah not much info about it on the internet. But lets keep our fingers crossed and hope such laws are changed. Will make life lot easier for people like us...
Yeah I heard about the 2010 thing, unfortunately it won't help me this time around (only in Tokyo until Dec 15th, then back to Thailand). I'm sure I'll be back in Nihon again next year though most likely, so hopefully then
Hal: Interesting but I don't see how it could do anything that couldn't be done on the phone. Are you in Tokyo?
I'm back in the USA right now on a 1 week visit, but will be returning next week.
trolld said:
Hal: Interesting but I don't see how it could do anything that couldn't be done on the phone.
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True, but if it's sending a magic word that is not to be found anywhere outside of the PC tethering software, it could require sniffing the wire/analyzing the program, both of which seem rather tedious.
Have a look here for the files:
Are you in Tokyo?
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We regret to inform you that the information you requested is released only on a "need to know" basis.
Still, if there are any questions you think I might be able to answer, give me a holler here... I'm nothing but an interested prepaid user, however.
No luck
Well, I charged up my prepaid phone and did some tests. Results are not encouraging.
1. I had to apply for long mail service first.
2. Then, from the SB phone I was able, for the first time, to access an online mail settings page from the phone's built-in browser: i.e. limited web access. However the phone denied arbitrary URL access with an error page saying I could only access the pages for my mail settings.
3. The Samsung PC tethering software recognizes the phone, tries to use the [email protected] access point, but fails to connect to the Internet at all. It tries to dial, then an error appears both on the phone and the PC that the connection was severed.
All in all, this basically confirms exactly what you discovered.
This page pretty clearly says it is impossible to access the Internet from prepaid plans: http://forum.gaijinpot.com/showthread.php?p=590486#post590486
This is in line with the general SB statement of "no web on prepaids".
The *only* concrete evidence I have that tethered access is supposed to work is the "Softbank prepaid service guide 3G" from 1 year ago which explicitly says on p. 78, in English, "Data communication - connect handset to PC via USB cable to use it as a modem. Handset + cable -> Establish an Internet connection for PC use / Data communication rate: \16(with tax)/6 seconds".
If I wanted to complain I could try to take that manual as evidence, with my phone and USB cable, and demand that they show me how it works. However I expect that would be pointless and they would just say, "sorry, the manual is wrong, it doesn't work" - which is basically the result we've found so far.
I would love to be proven wrong on this, but I'm not sure I see much hope.
EDIT: Reading p. 35 of the prepaid service manual in Japanese, it seems that 2 items were lost in translation to English on p. 78. The original Japanese says (a) "64K/UDI" data transmission is possible and (b) Usable from APPLICABLE HANDSETS. Therefore, this "data" seems to be NOT 3G data, but "64K/UDI" data, whatever that is. And your handset has to support it, which mine apparently doesn't. Maybe this can shed some more light on the situation.

