Sent Items Not Syncing (on Device and Server!) - Mogul, XV6800 General

Here's the deal...I have three email accounts configured on my xv6800. One business account, and two personal. I can send and receive everything fine on ALL accounts, but no matter what account I send from, the sent items does not save a copy, and their is also not a copy saved on the server, yet the emails are going through to the recipients just fine, however they just dissapear after they go out, they do not stay on my device or my IMAP server.
Before you respond with the obvious solutions, please know I have already made the correct settings. Both the "Save sent items" box is checked as well as the "Sent" items box in Manage Folder (to sync) in the settings sections. Even with both those options set up correctly outgoing email is not saved on my device or my server.
What's the deal? It is setup as IMAP, not POP, so everything should by syncing back and forth just fine....? HELP!

anyone? this is a common problem I found on Google, but nobody seems to have any answers.


Gmail POP’ped to desktop and IMAP’ped to Wizard?

I would like to read my gmail email in MS Outlook on my computer, and while I am away from it, read the new only emails (the ones not yet downloaded to desktop) from my T-mobile MDA.
The way I understand it is done is to POP emails to desktop (which deletes them from the email server) and use IMAP on the mobile device to read whatever is not POPped yet. The problem is that Google’s Gmail does not support IMAP protocol. So how do I do this then, other than to change to an email provider who supports both POP and IMAP?
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder.
I think what you need to do is change the settings in MS Outlook on your desktop to leave a copy of the email on the server for x number of days. On your PDA change the imap server settings to only download the last x number of messages or messages that were received in the last x number of days. I don't use a POP server anymore but you should be able to use the "tools" then "email accounts" then "view or change exisiting email accounts" and look for something along the lines of leave copy/copies of email on the server so that way Outlook doesn't delete them from the server.... In terms of the POP settings on the PDA make sure that it is never deleting emails off the server otherwise you are going to be faced with "dissapearing" email messages.
Hopefully this helps or someone else can be more helpful.
go to your gmail account, in the settings you can set it to be accessable through POP, do that. Dont forget to set it to leave a copy on the server
On your PDA you need to configure Outlook to accept the gmail accout.
go Start > Programs > Messaging
at bottom of screen choose Accounts
click New
enter email address click next
enter Your Name, User name, Password ( I leave the save password box ticked as I am idle ) click next
choose account type POP3
choose Name POP3 (unless you have option to choose another name you like better) click next
in server information
set Incoming as
set Outgoing as
click the options button, page 2 of 3 check Outgoing requires server auth , check box Require SSL
click next
box now shows all Accounts as New, Text Message, POP3
click the OK top right of screen
thats it, done.
Wizzer said:
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder
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...and hence not downloaded to the desktop if I understand correctly.
justintime07 said:
On your PDA change the imap server settings...
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Gmail does not support IMAP unfortunately. Also, I do not want to go by the number of days or number of messages because those things are not known in advance. I only want to pop email to my computer, and read whatever is not popped to the computer from the mobile device.
tbc_borg, the instructions are helpful if I only wanted to read email from the road. But after email is downloaded to the device, Gmail does not pop it to the desktop, which is not good for me.
I think I found how to do this.
I got another gmail address, set up forwarding of everything from the main email to the second one (with the original left in the main Inbox). I pop everything from the main email to the desktop and from the second email address to the Wizard. I will be receiving duplicate emails to both desktop and the mobile device, but that is better than having only half of emails on the desktop. Any better ideas? I searched extensively, found nothing smarter (well, again, other than finding an email provider that supports both pop and imap protocols).
I had the same problem. What I did was open a second relay a/c, eg [email protected]. I then added a forward on all mails from my normal gmail account to the relay account. On my phone I have my incoming mail server set to the relay account but my outgoing server set to my normal account. This means that all your mails will be forwarded to the relay account and when you want to reply to any of them on the phone it will send them from your normal account!
Bit of a roundabout way of doing things but works fine!
WOW, good hint with the different outgoing server, decmac! It works just as expected!
But I noticed something else that is wrong. I send a test email to my main email address, it gets forwarded to the relay email address. Send/receive from computer, receive the email fine. Send/receive from Wizard, receive it fine as well. So far so good. However, when I send/receive from the Wizard again, the email message that has just been downloaded gets DELETED and is nowhere to be found on the device (not even in "Deleted Items" folder.) I wonder what I have missed in the settings somewhere.
Yeah, that's a problem. It seems to only keep a current copy of your Gmail inbox on the phone so when you do send/receive it overwrites everything. What I have done to get around this is select "Get Message headers only" and select "Include x Kb of message body" Make x big enough to get all of your messages. It then keeps my messages in my inbox until I either delete it or select "Get entire message and any attachments" in the email message.
Not sure if this would work but maybe move messages into a local folder on the phone. Haven't tried this but in theory it should work! The above works perfect for me!
Perfect! It works!
Vielen Dank!
Kein Problem

small pop3 problem

I have set up a new pop3 account with my home isp blueyonder. they had some problems the other day with sending email through there smtp server. Now my outbox (in folder view) shows 1 unread message; but if I go to look in the folder it is empty. I do not have "show only last 3 days" checked. if I connect to the account via webmail all looks fine. it appears that something is stuck on my vario 2. other than deleting the account is there any way of sorting this small annoying problem?
This happens when I send/receive via my gmail account on my phone. I'm currently investigating... I've also had an issue where Pocket Outlook doesn't correctly authenticate with the SMTP server (on my own personal address) before trying to send emails, resulting in 550 no unauthorised relaying allowed. Also investigating this, as my POutlook is setup correctly.
Just thought I'd let you know you're not the only one experiencing this issue.
Hi, sorry I can't be of some help to you on your issue, but this pocket outlook is so crap, on my accounts I have it set to automatically connect and check for mail...well if there is mail in my gmail or unread..and it connects and checks for clears out my inbox, it will say I have messages and list the sender and subject in the notification, but the inbox will be empty, then theres the imap issue of not putting sent messages in the sent folder, very aggrivating to not have a decent mail client, I tried lists gmail as an auto configure...but that's just bs...cause all that does is list the "" not any ports or ssl I manually configured it..then it spazzes on the password screen and won't continue, not to mention I set it as default one time I installed and it totally jacked up pocket outlook..which led to hard reset number 1.
Sorry to rant off topic, but after reading others woes about pocket outlook, I couldn't stfu
nice (sorry) to see others having problems too! from your replies I am doing well. I also noticed the IMAP problem too, when connecting to ny bluyonder account the webmails deleted items were "trash" and would not be deleted
Hi, sorry I can't be of some help to you on your issue, but this pocket outlook is so crap, on my accounts I have it set to automatically connect and check for mail...well if there is mail in my gmail or unread..and it connects and checks for clears out my inbox, it will say I have messages and list the sender and subject in the notification, but the inbox will be empty
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If it's the disappearing Google Mail emailsyou're talking about then the solution is to set it to retrieve headers and set it to 999KB
athiqueahmed said:
If it's the disappearing Google Mail emailsyou're talking about then the solution is to set it to retrieve headers and set it to 999KB
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Thanks for the info, I'll give that a shot..I had had it set to receive full copy of messages.
And sorry again about your post timbouk.

Emails disappearing

I have searched for email problems but found none that describe my problem.
The problem is this.
1. Emails that have been read, but not deleted are removed from my HD2.
2. I get a notification that an email has been delivered. If i don't read that email, pick up my phone and so on. I can return to my phone knowing that i should have a message to read and find none.
I believe that what may be happening is that my emails are getting cleared down on every send/receive schedule.
Can anyone assist?
I am not saving messages to the SIM card currently.
I had that problem.
I guess that messages are deleted from hd2 when they are deleted from mail server
In other words, when you download them with computer for example, where you probably set it to: delete messages from server after they are downloaded, they are deleted from hd2 after next send,receive...
So I guess that these emails you would like to read them on your hd2 are deleted because in the mean time you or some software deleted them from email server
I find this happens if I empty the deleted items folder in Outlook on the Windows PC to which my HD2 is synched.
Disappearing email
On HTC Touch HD, when I wanted to save an email, I have deleted it. In that way it stayed preserved in the "deleted items" folder.
However, on HD2 email is disappearing from that folder also, after it has been deleted on the server.
Is there any way to save e-mails permanently on HD2? Except moving it to the "drafts" folder...
CRO_Misho said:
On HTC Touch HD, when I wanted to save an email, I have deleted it. In that way it stayed preserved in the "deleted items" folder.
However, on HD2 email is disappearing from that folder also, after it has been deleted on the server.
Is there any way to save e-mails permanently on HD2? Except moving it to the "drafts" folder...
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find the email options screen that lets you set the storage location, and on that page is the option to control when and how to empty the deleted items which by default is set to automatic on connect disconnect.
samsamuel said:
find the email options screen that lets you set the storage location, and on that page is the option to control when and how to empty the deleted items which by default is set to automatic on connect disconnect.
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Thank you for your reply, samsamuel!
I have tried to find an email option screen that you are referring to, but I just don't see it anywhere.
Could you please guide me to it?
sure, from home screen go mail -inbox -menu -scroll down to tools -options switch to storage tab and there it is.
Oooops, I 've missed the scroll down part.
hehe you aren't the first
Hi there!
I have the same problem, but this problem persists...
samsamuel said:
find the email options screen that lets you set the storage location,
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Ok, done.
samsamuel said:
and on that page is the option to control when and how to empty the deleted items which by default is set to automatic on connect disconnect.
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Ok, switched to "Manually".
What I do (just for testing purposes):
1- I'm at home and using Outlook 2003, so from one email account of mine I send a short email to THE email account which is also set up in my HD2.
2- Once I see the email has been delivered, I force my HD2 to refresh and I receive the email.
3- Now I refresh Send/Receive in my Outlook. Fine, I receive the message too.
4- Finally, I refresh again (Send/Receive) in my HD2...
5- The email I had on my HD2 screen, is gone. If I go to my InBox folder, there's nothing there.
What's wrong? Although I know the server deletes the messages, why can't my HD2 keep a message that had already been received?
Mano75 said:
Hi there!
I have the same problem, but this problem persists...
Ok, done.
Ok, switched to "Manually".
What I do (just for testing purposes):
1- I'm at home and using Outlook 2003, so from one email account of mine I send a short email to THE email account which is also set up in my HD2.
2- Once I see the email has been delivered, I force my HD2 to refresh and I receive the email.
3- Now I refresh Send/Receive in my Outlook. Fine, I receive the message too.
4- Finally, I refresh again (Send/Receive) in my HD2...
5- The email I had on my HD2 screen, is gone. If I go to my InBox folder, there's nothing there.
What's wrong? Although I know the server deletes the messages, why can't my HD2 keep a message that had already been received?
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thats because when you check the account from the mobile, it leaves a copy of the email on the server, and creates a copy in your phones inbox. When you check from Outlook on the pc, it physically downloads the email, thus removing it from the server, so when you check again from the phone, the inbox is empty.
You can alter outlook to not remove messages, but you end up with all your mail stored on your pop server, and the isp might not like it if it grows too large.
samsamuel said:
thats because when you check the account from the mobile, it leaves a copy of the email on the server, and creates a copy in your phones inbox. When you check from Outlook on the pc, it physically downloads the email, thus removing it from the server, so when you check again from the phone, the inbox is empty.
You can alter outlook to not remove messages, but you end up with all your mail stored on your pop server, and the isp might not like it if it grows too large.
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Hi there samsamuel. Thanks for your answer.
I understand this behaviour, but what I can't possibly understand is why the email is not kept in my HD2: I get the notification, I click to download it, hence, in that very moment a copy of the email is in my device. Then, why can't it be kept in my device if it was already there!?
It's fine if later on, it refreshes and it detects that there's no email in the server's inbox....but please, don't delete me the copy that I already had in my device! It has no sense!
Isn't there an option to keep these copies?
And yes, you're right, I don't want to alter my outlook, that would be a nightmare.
No choice for that?
Are you all happy with this email behaviour?
..I'm asking because there seems not to be a solution for this...
I'm having the same problem man... it's giving me the ****S. How do I put android on this PoS HD2?!
figured it out...
Open inbox > Menu (scroll down to tools) > Options > Click your email account > skip through all the bull**** until you get to the "Email Setup, automatic send / receive & dowload messages" drop down boxes screens, Hit "Advanced Settings", then change the 'When deleting messages:' from delete them off the server to keep them on the server.
Stupid WinMo.
Try an email account that supports IMAP. Some providers allow POP3 or IMAP so you might not have to change accounts.
I don't like the way IMAP looks in Outlook, but it works much better across several devices. I have two PCs and a couple of phones. No matter where I am, each device always reflects what is ACTUALLY in my email online. It took a little adjusting to, but I think it's much better. In Active Sync/Windows Mobile Devie Center, I no longer have Outlook set to synchronise with my device. Try signing up for a free Gmail account and try it on your phone and in Outlook on a PC and see what you think...
Somehow found what seems to be the problem...
inbox - tools - options - accounts tab - choose your account - edit account setup - click next until:
Automatic Send/Receive:
[Every 60 minutes]
Download messages:
[From past 3 days]
Change this from past 3 days to All messages and voila!
It's seems to save space by providing you only with latest e-mails. Make sure to do the Storage options mentioned earlier!

Email Outlook account / Other accounts

I'm struggling to figure out the email set up on the HD2 and hope someone might be able to shed some light.
I have set up 2 email accounts "1 at mydomain dotcom"and "2 at mydomain dotcom" and they seem to be working fine. I used Start > Email > Setup E-mail and filled out all the boxes with the same settings as I use in Outlook on my PC (incoming / outgoing mail server etc)
When I send and receive mail it gets stored in a separate folder for each account.
But ...
There is also the "default" Outlook account which seems to be the one that syncs with outlook on my desktop. I cannot seem to set anything up in this account for sending and receiving email. It only seems to have two screens - one for sync options and one for Advanced E-mail Options. The latter has a box for "my email address" but no settings anywhere.
Am I missing the point somewhere ?
What I would like to do is set it up so that my PC and my HD2 are pretty much the same. I'd like to sync the two and have the HD2 able to send and receive mail from the either account and, store these in the Outlook folders
Any help or advice would be great
You need to change it using Windows Mobile Device Center as it's set there to sync emails. I made the same mistake recently...
Wow - fast reply ! Thanks
OK so you're saying I can set up all my HD2 mail accounts within MDC ? I didn't notice that so will take a look
Still struggling
OK, thanks, I found Mobile Device Settings in MDC
Change content sync settings
Sync wirelessly with Exchange Server
Manage a Partnership
Connection settings
Get device certificates
End a partnership
But none of these seem to lead me to a place where I can set up Outlook mail on the phone (othere than sync settings)
I don't have Exchange Server - just Outlook on my PC
I'm trying to set up my mail accounts in Outlook on the HD2 so that whether I send and receive mail from my phone or my PC both accounts are available inside the Outlook account rather than in separate accounts
Hope that makes sense ?
When I first setup my phone using WMDC it asked what I want to sync with my phone (contacts, notes, email, calendar, etc.). If you select emails it'll sync your Outlook emails to your phone but not the settings. If you want to get rid of the Outlook on your phone you have to change what you sync with it.
Just in case there is some confusion caused by wording of the question:
If you use WMDC, you can ONLY sync with the Outlook email on the PC BUT you can only update email when you connect to WMDC.
If you want to receive and send emails when mobile, you set up email accounts within the HD2 email programme. Hit the email tab, menu, add account.
Then set up like you would an account in outlook
Seems it may not do what I want
Thanks for your help guys - appreciated.
It sounds like this HD2 won't do what I need then.
Sync between my "local pc outlook" and the "phone outlook" is no good on its own.
If I have email accounts set up on the phone which are not part of the sync I won't have a record of my mails on my pc
I tried sending and receiving within "phone outlook account" and that only works when connected to the pc which does seem strange
If there's anything else I can try or if anyone has a workaround to handle all my mail from both accounts and sync them between the pc and phone I'd love to hear

Disappearing emails with Gmail(workaround)

I was having some setup issues with Gmail pop; I’ve found a workaround so thought I’d share it.
I like to check my email regularly with the HD2 throughout the day, but manage the majority of these through Outlook when I get home. So on my HD2 I set up a pop mail account to check my Gmail at regular intervals (5 mins), get the entire message but leave a copy of the message on the server so I can still access these with Outlook later.
Problem was whenever the HD2 downloaded an email despite the setup being configured to leave the message on the server these mails were marked “as read” by Gmail and archived, presumably because my Gmail account was set to “archive emails that have been accessed through pop”. This was clearly overriding the “leave a copy on the server” setting. So I’d get an email on my device, this was then automatically removed from the Gmail inbox and archived, 5 minutes later the HD2 would check again, see the inbox was empty and therefore delete the email from my device. Outlook never got a look in as when I got home all the emails had been archived so it was seeing no emails at all.
Hence the disappearing email problem.
Firstly I tried changing the Gmail setting to “keep Google mails copy in the inbox when it had been accessed by pop”, this worked to a degree but I found it slightly irritating having to go in and manually erase all the emails in my Gmail inbox once I had downloaded them.
I then tried enabling imap in Gmail and binning pop access altogether, i.e., accessing all my emails through imap both on the HD2 and on Outlook. Again this worked to a degree but I have Outlook set up a particular way and I found that imap didn’t really work for me in that regard.
Eventually I sussed getting it to work the way I want, I set up both pop and imap access in Gmail. I had the HD2 accessing mails through imap, and Outlook accessing through pop (with the setting for ” archiving emails once accessed through pop” enabled in Gmail). So the HD2 would accrue all the emails that I received throughout the day and keep these in the Gmail inbox so when I fired up Outlook at home these were still there to be downloaded. Of course once I had retrieved these emails through Outlook these were automatically archived by Gmail and only then were they removed from the HD2 then next time it checked the server, which was fine as they had been dealt with and were no longer required, perfect!
So that’s been my weekend really, hope it helps anyone that wants a similar setup.
POP is the wrong method for your interest.
POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it.
You only need to use IMAP method to leave a copy on the server.
Just that easy.
You could have saved a lot time if you only setup imap in your email settings in the phone.
All other stuff was completely too much. Sorry
Im using that method since i had the Touch HD and still use it with Gmail on the HD2 and my mails stay on the huuuuuuge google servers too.
Undoubtedly imap has its advantages, certainly on the phone its working well for me.
You did raise a point:
"POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it"
Should this happen when the you have set-up an account on the device thats configured to "do not delete messages from the server"? Because despite my account being set-up this way my emails were being deleted (or archived, either way, disappeared!) nevertheless. That's specifically why i wanted to detail why I did what I did as I'm sure this issue could catch other people out.
POP is designed to catch mails AND clean up your email account on the server.
This makes sense when you have limited storage space (i have an arcor account too and have only 25mb on there).
From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option.
This is mostly the reason that the emails get deleted when using POP.
IMAP is designed to give you the opportunity to have a look at your emails like on the server.
When you read an email on your pda the mail will be automatically flagged as read on the server too.
It is some kind of sync.
There are these two well known ways just to give you the opportunity and fulfil your needs. Just use the one that serves you well.
In your case this will be IMAP
"From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option"
When i was setting up the account on the HD2 I was ticking this option to leave message on server upon deletion (see screen shot), although it seems i was misunderstanding this function.
Yeah the function you checked was only for the deleted mails.
It just tells the server what to do with the mails that you deleted on your device.
Sounds good, I'd just replace imap access on the HD2 with activesync, even better.
I'm interested in what your "weird configuration in outlook that makes you not able to use imap" is though.

