Uninstall problems - Touch CDMA General

I recently have uninstalled a few 3rd party apps but for some reason they are leaving their icons in my programs folder, how do I remove these icons? I have already run the uninstall program and have deleted any leftover folders (pic below with red circles around what I'm talking about)


\windows\start menu\programs
and remove all the shortcuts you want
know yourself out

it will not allow to remove the icons fromt the programs folder (the programs have already been installed but the icons were left behind)

Wow! no answers yet

Deepeyes said:
Wow! no answers yet
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Really, it's OK. People have weekends on the internet too.
Rudegar was correct in what he said to you. Maybe he assumed that you were a bit more savvy when it came to this kind of stuff. What he means is that through the File Explorer or another similar program like Resco or Total Commander, navigate over to the "\windows\start menu\programs" folder on your device. Once there, delete the invalid shortcuts. This will resolve your issue.

qui_aff said:
Really, it's OK. People have weekends on the internet too.
Rudegar was correct in what he said to you. Maybe he assumed that you were a bit more savvy when it came to this kind of stuff. What he means is that through the File Explorer or another similar program like Resco or Total Commander, navigate over to the "\windows\start menu\programs" folder on your device. Once there, delete the invalid shortcuts. This will resolve your issue.
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Thanks for the info, I misunderstood what he had said now I understand how it is done

Deepeyes said:
Thanks for the info, I misunderstood what he had said now I understand how it is done
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Lazy didn't read below, Memaid does a nice job at cleaning a bunch of that up too, and dead registry installs etc.
If this wasn't suggested already.


Help.. need rid of some icons

does anyone have a cab file to hide the small icons on my tmobile wing?
the tzones,my5,musicplayer,ect.. ones at the very bottom. any help would be apericated, i tried searching the form but came up empty handed.
the term to search was "system tray"
welcome to xda-devs
i apericate that link, but that is for windows mobile 2005, and the wing has windows mobile 6 on it. thanks for the keyword aswell, im gonna try to do another search aswell.
funny. i've tried it and it works.
also, try clearing out your startup programs
fzzyrn said:
funny. i've tried it and it works.
also, try clearing out your startup programs
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oh, ok, its just said on that thread that it only works for windows mobile 2005
how would i go about clearing out my startup programs??
connect to activesync
explore device
should be a bunch of files. delete the ones you don't want (or the ones that have systray icons)
fzzyrn said:
connect to activesync
explore device
should be a bunch of files. delete the ones you don't want (or the ones that have systray icons)
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awesome, so intsall the cab 1st then do that?
nah. you can install the cab OR do that
or you can do both. it doesn't really matter. Cleaning out the startup folder increases your ram too, though
fzzyrn said:
nah. you can install the cab OR do that
or you can do both. it doesn't really matter. Cleaning out the startup folder increases your ram too, though
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i tried lookin that up and i didnt see a folder for startup,
so i installed the software and did a soft reset and as soon as i put my device lock on it came back? any sugestions?
the proper name is StartUp. if you cant find it using your pc, try using file explorer on your wing
fzzyrn said:
the proper name is StartUp. if you cant find it using your pc, try using file explorer on your wing
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ok i found the startup window on my actual device, and i have
voice command wifinit
which ones do i get rid of? and if i get rid of them that will remove them from my tray?

X1 Panel HTML pseudo-handlers

If anyone discover more pseudo-handlers for HTML panel development. Post them here.
The current ones discovered are
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Webpage in Internet Explorer
Open google.com
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Webpage in Opera Mobile
Open google.com
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Launch Bubble Breaker Game
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To launch applications from the Program Files directories you need to use something of this form. The "%CE1%" sets you to the program files directory
Google Maps
Replace %CE1% with any of these to go to the directory
%CE1% = \Program Files
%CE2% = \Windows
%CE11% = \Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%CE14% = \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
%CE17% = \Windows\Start Menu
%CE18% = <default volume, dependent on device configuration>
%CE19% = \Application Data
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To launch the messaging facility you can use ...
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Great idea!
Nice stuff. But how do you open URL with Opera instead?
And how do you start an installed app?
Im not too sure. I spent while yesterday trying to figure out where the root read directory is.
EDIT: Seems the exe's are located in \\Windows\
So, im guessing if you wanted to launch a website in Opera it would be
Open google.com
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I can confirm ^^ works
Evostance said:
Im not too sure. I spent while yesterday trying to figure out where the root read directory is.
However I couldn't find cprog.exe on the phone....
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cprog is in windows as are the others.
fards said:
cprog is in windows as are the others.
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Yep found it thanks
Evostance said:
Im not too sure. I spent while yesterday trying to figure out where the root read directory is.
EDIT: Seems the exe's are located in \\Windows\
So, im guessing if you wanted to launch a website in Opera it would be
I can confirm ^^ works
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Great stuff.
But how to launch other installed apps (the ones in \program files\)?
Lovsten said:
Great stuff.
But how to launch other installed apps (the ones in \program files\)?
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Not sure yet. However most of the apps should be in \\Windows
How about trying the winmo aliases, can't find a list of em at the mo, but : DEFBROWSER and the like. (without the space, stupid smilies)
Then the paths have defined shortcuts but I can't find a list of those either (I'd best go to bed too tired, before I fail to find that as well) something like CE% points to /windows etc.
Launching Other applications
To launch applications from the Program Files directories you need to use something of this form ...
Google Maps
The "%CE1%" sets you to the program files directory
To launch the messaging facility you can use ...
Please note I've only tested the two examples I have given at the top not these other ones here for access to other areas of windows mobile
%CE1% \Program Files
%CE2% \Windows
%CE11% \Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%CE14% \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
%CE17% \Windows\Start Menu
%CE18% <default volume, dependent on device configuration>
%CE19% \Application Data
More info can be found here ...
nice one that was the list i was looking for last night...
im making a new panel and have been able to make the app start by pressing on a button on my panel. is it possible to make the app autostart when i press u press on the panel?
if so could someone post the code i need.
Hi there and thanks for this tips!
I've got an application saved on my memory card, any idea how to specify the link to be able to start the app?
Hi again,
Having tested a bit more I realised there is one more basic thing I don't get to work besides figuring out the right path to the memory card.
I have an application that I have developed myself. The application can be started by going browsing for the file in the file explorer, and then clicking it. the question then is; How do I then make a link in my html-panel to start the application?
I thought I could use the links like above, but exchange the name of the application to the file-path? This seems to work for my installed applications, e.g. Xperia Tweak can be started by with:
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But my own application can not be started with:
VOR applikation
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Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Or are there alternative ways of starting up my application?
Hi there,
I'm building my own panel and get stuck with some links that are on my memory-card.
I want to link to G-Alarm wich is on \Opslagkaart\Programmabestanden\ageye\G-Alarm\GAlarm.exe (yeah, that's Dutch), but the link to
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doesn't work. I get a . NET CF initialising error. Strange because I can open these from the Start menu. Same goes for moBlog:
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And does someone know where to link to if I want to start the MSN chat, the Calculator and the Notes?
When I've taken care of these little issues, I'll share my panel here. Thanks in advance!
Ganondolf said:
im making a new panel and have been able to make the app start by pressing on a button on my panel. is it possible to make the app autostart when i press u press on the panel?
if so could someone post the code i need.
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you have to register edit,
go to software- sonyericson- panelmanager or something like that
Holds alot of information to.
is it possible to make a button for sms that change its icon when new sms is received?
like spb mobile shell sms icon?
Anyone Know any more?...
Hi gys, been working on a HTML panel and cant find out the following info.
I'm sure all the exe's have additional args, is there anywhere that has them all together.
one im looking for is for the tmail.exe so i can show sms when i click on the image.
i have at the moment
a href="extended://app:start?app=tmail.exe" img src="email.bmp" alt="email"></a>
this will open the mail app but not automatically select the email screen.
Anyone know the right arguments?
It's really annoying that this isnt held centrally somewhere, sony need to get in gear, lol!
Opening a .lnk file
Hi guys / gals,
i have a two .lnk file in windows folder that will allow me to create a new text msg and allow me to go to sms view in tmail.exe.
How would i open these using html?
tried a few variations.
href="\WINDOWS\NewSmsMsg.lnk" will open the text contained in the file and messes up the panel, sets the panel screen to be the text inside the shortcut file from then onwards, the panel must be uninstalled to fix that issue.
calling href="WINDOWS\NewSmsMsg" done nothing
same as href="NewSmsMsg" and ="NewSmsMsg.lnk"
Anyone got any ideas.
Annoying as clicking on these shortcuts in the windows folder will do the desired action, just trying to get me html panel to do more useful actions.
Oh and you can write java script in html panels, it's in the example html panel for visual studio creating panels, not sure about flash, have not tried it, it probably JS only being microsoft.
Camera working, notes, msn messenger, calculator
here is the code to run camerarunner.exe that some people have had an issue with:
<img src="camera.png" alt="Images"/>
hope that helps some people out.
also to run notes its:
<img src="notes.png" alt="notes"/>
messenger is:
<img src="messenger.png" alt="Messenger"/>

Name under Program in Program tab

Is there any standalone cab or reg fix so you can have the name of the program under the icon in the Program tab?
EDIT: and when you go into Program from the start menu, can you move the icons in there to a specific map so you can get the program view a little more organized?
You can move all the programs around and rename the files by using total commander or resco file explorer.
I have done this to organise the folder into many sub-folders.
Thank you Dave!
Now for the name under program tabs, couple of cooked roms that have the feature in them so there should be a easy way like a cab or a reg-hack
Skippydoo said:
Thank you Dave!
Now for the name under program tabs, couple of cooked roms that have the feature in them so there should be a easy way like a cab or a reg-hack
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Sorry - I meant the program view in the START menu not the TAB (you had both).
I don't now use the program TAB in TF3D as I have all the programs organised in sub-folders under windows\programs and windows\office mobile.
I use that with quick menu and it's so much faster for my many apps (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3117017&highlight=secondtoday#post3117017 - it's grown since then !!)
Cheesy Dave said:
Sorry - I meant the program view in the START menu not the TAB (you had both).
I don't now use the program TAB in TF3D as I have all the programs organised in sub-folders under windows\programs and windows\office mobile.
I use that with quick menu and it's so much faster for my many apps (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3117017&highlight=secondtoday#post3117017 - it's grown since then !!)
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Yeah, I realized that you mean't the ones that you access by the start menu and got it fixed, just need the solution for my main issue. Will try yours though, but if anyone know how to fix the names please tell anyway!
Dutty's ROM does that
harrispo said:
Dutty's ROM does that
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Yeah I know, installed it right away when it came but there were a few things on there that didn't suited me (big props to duffy anyway) so I would really like to have a solution that doesn't require a whole rom.

Explore issue

Got rather a big problem. I installed Resto Explorer and was using it quite happily until the trial period lapsed. I did purchase the program as I liked it but got the wrong license generated and still waiting to hear from their support on getting it fixed. In the mean time I was unable to edit or do anything of substance.
So in my wisdom I decided to remove it for now. Big mistake! I am now unable to explore my phone as I cannot find the default explorer. I think I may have removed that from the start menu. OCD cleanliness you understand!!
So I cannot explore at all and thus cannot install anything to replace it.
Anyone know how I might recover from this one?
try installing total commander
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
rphillip said:
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
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Not quite sure what you expect to be stored in the registry for the file explorer. I've had a brief look and can't see anything in there. Just using it will set up any data storage that it uses. AFAIK it only needs to remember the last location it was in - nothing more.
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
rphillip said:
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
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Open file explorer and go to windows\start menu\programs and find the shortcut. Just rename it in there.
Incidentally, if you select an application, anywhere on your phone and do "Copy", you can then go to the above mentioned programs folder and do "Paste Shortuct". Just in case you lose any more shortcuts

Help Movie Folder App!

well i want to find out how to make a similar movie app like the transformers app in my htc hd2 in other words is there a way i can make my own app w/icon and open it just like the transformers app but with different kinds of videos like movies and music videos
Please need help, i looked for days & found nothing on how to do that
well i want to find out how to make a similar movie app like the transformers app in my htc hd2 in other words is there a way i can make my own app w/icon and open it just like the transformers app but with different kinds of videos like movies and music videos
Please need help, i looked for days & found nothing on how to do that
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Your best bet would be to make a shortcut to the folders they are in and then copy the shortcut to the start menu and then assign an icon to them.
How would i make an icon to that folder though thats the main answer i want
P.S. thats exactly what i did and thats what i really want to do make an icon for that folder shortcut to work on the start menu
How would i make an icon to that folder though thats the main answer i want
P.S. thats exactly what i did and thats what i really want to do make an icon for that folder shortcut to work on the start menu
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Ok find an icon you want either on the internet or the forums and then you need to make the reg setting for it. Something like this,
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\"you link name here".lnk]
then drop your icon in the windows folder and then reboot and the icon should take
K tnx but ill try later my freaking Laptop is running out of battery
K tnx but ill try later my freaking Laptop is running out of battery
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Or you could use something like JWMD Icon Changer, no reg editing and lets you save and load themes of Icons .....
Well i used JWMD Icon Changer to change the shortcut in my start menu and well it worked but it says "the file _____ cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file." in other words it cant opened even if the icon is there...i probably need a .exe to open the folder i made to an icon like the transformers app...sigh it would be easier if u guys made one for me, an app icon that i can put my videos & movies in that app anytime i want, just like the transformers movie app
It would be much appreciated if someone did this for tnx
Well i used JWMD Icon Changer to change the shortcut in my start menu and well it worked but it says "the file _____ cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file." in other words it cant opened even if the icon is there...i probably need a .exe to open the folder i made to an icon like the transformers app...sigh it would be easier if u guys made one for me, an app icon that i can put my videos & movies in that app anytime i want, just like the transformers movie app
It would be much appreciated if someone did this for tnx
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Try creating your shortcut to the folder like this
Assume you know some of this but gonna cover the whole thing ..
create a text document on your pc, change movies to wherever you want, ...
35#"fexplore.exe" \Storage Card\Movies
the number before the # is the number of characters after the #
create the file in notepad, move it to the device /windows/start menu/programs and rename it .lnk
This will launch file explorer to the folder of your choice ...
Then change the icon to whatever you want ...
And of course since it is a .lnk in your start menu , it will show up so you can add quicklinks ...
Tnx 4 your time and help guys but, to tell you the truth i have no idea what the last reply was about and how to do that, well you could just say im a total noob on these kinds of things thats why i needed someone to do this for me and plus im not familiar with programs like REGEDIT....so if anybody replys please only reply if u have a folder movie app that i want; just read any of the comments i posted
P.S. Sorry if I wasted anybodys time in helping me
Tnx 4 your time and help guys but, to tell you the truth i have no idea what the last reply was about and how to do that, well you could just say im a total noob on these kinds of things thats why i needed someone to do this for me and plus im not familiar with programs like REGEDIT....so if anybody replys please only reply if u have a folder movie app that i want; just read any of the comments i posted
P.S. Sorry if I wasted anybodys time in helping me
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I attached the link ... just unzip it, and put it in /windows/Start menu/programs
in device memory
be sure to create a folder on your Storage card called movies ..
When connecting to activesync and browsing to the \Windows directory in main phone memory, sometimes it can take a while for the folder to show the files, so when it opens just goto \windows\start menu\programs and copy the lnk in the zip to there ...
Hope it works ....
Oh My GOD!
Holy crap it worked thank you so much watcher64 & tnx 4 sticking with the questions i was saying and all that other crap but man I cant tnx u enough so thank you again.
Hope this helps other people
watcher64 said:
I attached the link ... just unzip it, and put it in /windows/Start menu/programs
in device memory
be sure to create a folder on your Storage card called movies ..
When connecting to activesync and browsing to the \Windows directory in main phone memory, sometimes it can take a while for the folder to show the files, so when it opens just goto \windows\start menu\programs and copy the lnk in the zip to there ...
Hope it works ....
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He's going to come back to you for the icon now
@OP JWD Icon Changer. Toy with it, you'll figure it out.
leepriestenator said:
He's going to come back to you for the icon now
@OP JWD Icon Changer. Toy with it, you'll figure it out.
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He already has the Icon Changer ....
But, the icon is no big deal now that it works for him ....

