Calls History limit - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Dear all,
Is anyone know howto increate a call history length?, On my device it's always limit at 300, even on registry HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone\CalHistoryMax is set to 65535.

there isn't a way to increase it via registry, i researched in the past and didn't find a solution. that value is something else, could be max size (bytes value) of call log.
changing the value has no affect and 300 remains the limit. i bet one of the reasons 300 is the limit could be because of the amount of time it would take to load the call history page if there were more than 300... probably take a while to load if there were say 1000..


MMS Video Length

Maybe this topic has been discussed but I cant find it anywhere.
I was wondering if it is possible to increase the MMS video length on my MDA Vario more than the measly 5seconds that it can at the moment.
I think the Vario is the best phone I have had but this is one thing that I would like to change.
There is only so much abuse you can cram into 5 seconds when sending video to your mates!!!!
HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\camera\AppDefSettings\P3\EnableLimit = 0
Disables the MMS Video 3gp recording duration limit. Mind you that you may not be able to send any MMS with longer video (due to size restrictions).
HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\camera\AppDefSettings\P3\LimitSize = 80 (DWORD decimal)
That 80 = 80KB. If you know the maximum size your (and the receiving) operator supports, subtract 16k from that, and use that value. 16 should be enough for all header data, any text you add, etc.
Thanks for that worked great.
100k is the limit for Orange UK (or so they said)
I guess that is 84 for the DWORD

[idea for an app] Free monthly minutes monitor

Hi, I have an idea for a usefull app, a standalone application for counting call duration. I will use an example on myself. I have a 100 free minutes voice plan from my provider, also 1GB data traffic. The app could have settings to set up the desired minutes amount and it would decrease it by the amount of outgoing calls, and a data transfer counter. Something like Phone Dashboard but not as a Today plugin but standalone program. (LCminute is way too complicated)
I found that US T-mobile has done something similar, called My Account, but where I live there's no such service from T-mobile.
It's just an idea, but i bet many ppl would appreciate it and I bet theres a bunch of ppl here who could do it
yeah something like that would be handy, an application that counts call duration, sms/mms and data usage.
I too would like to see this, any ideas anyone?
Edit: There is a program like this for Nokia users, be great to see something like this for us!
Look for batterystatus, search using the link in my sign.
It give you sms, call time and stuff like that. But it is a today plugin.
cd993: Good though with the sms/mms counter
ai6908: Well as i wrote in the first post, it should be standalone, because i dont wannt to disable TF3D to view the usage, I like the TF3D enviroment (the overkill would be if it could be a separate tab)
no one interested to make such an app? thats a pity
Surprised this isn't already out there somewhere. Hate having to run SecondToday or Manila Today Plugin just to run HomeScreen ++, but need to monitor my usage...
My Account
Your best be might be to see if you can modify the T-Mobile My Account app.
I think it is, I used this a while back - see what you think
It's fairly easy to do using Mortscript. I've used one in the past on my Wizard and I've recently been tweaking it to work on this phone. This current iteration is much less complicated/sophisticated than the original version (which I did not write), because I don't want data minutes combined with voice minutes, and I don't care to have my minutes broken down to days and hours for me. And since I have unlimited data I don't need to know how much usage I'm accumulating.
Here's a link to the original thread and script I believe. At any rate it's where I first learned about it 3 years ago. As you'll see the version I've included below is quite different from that one. Between the two of them you just might find what you're after, or perhaps have a good time making one that suits you perfectly.
Here's what I'm using now. It's written for Mortscript 3.1, which is quite different from his most recent version. Version 4.2 may be backward compatible enough to run this, or it may not. The program allows you to reset your current counters, so if you run it on the day your bill cycle starts fresh and choose Yes to reset it can help you to keep track of where you are for the month.
call getstats
If question {%stats% & "Reset Current?"},"Call Timers"
RegWriteDWord HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0,AllCurrent,0
RegWriteDWord HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0,AllCurrentNumCalls,0
RegWriteDWord HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0,IncomingVoiceCurrent,0
RegWriteDWord HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0,IncomingVoiceCurrentNumCalls,0
RegWriteDWord HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0,OutgoingVoiceCurrent,0
RegWriteDWord HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0,OutgoingVoiceCurrentNumCalls,0
call getstats
Message %stats%,"Call Timers"
sub getstats
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call realMinutes
%AllCurrentIncomingMins% = %realMins%
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call realMinutes
%AllCurrentOutgoingMins% = %realMins%
call getRealCurrentMins
%RealCurrentMins% = %returnRealCurrentMins%
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call realMinutes
%AllLifetimeIncomingMins% = %realMins%
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call realMinutes
%AllLifetimeOutgoingMins% = %realMins%
call getRealLifetimeMins
%RealLifetimeMins% = %returnRealLifetimeMins%
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call tallyCalls
%InVoPhLiTiNumCalls% = %callCount%
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call tallyCalls
%OutVoPhLiTiNumCalls% = %callCount%
call getTotalLifeTimeCalls
%TotalLifeTimeCalls% = %returnTotalLifeTimeCalls%
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call tallyCalls
%InVoPhCurrNumCalls% = %callCount%
RegReadDword HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers\Line_0, \
call tallyCalls
%OutVoPhCurrNumCalls% = %callCount%
call getTotalCurrentCalls
%TotalCurrentCalls% = %returnTotalCurrentCalls%
# There can be no blank lines in the code in the stats section.
%stats% = \
"-->Current Info<--^CR^" & \
"Minutes: " & %RealCurrentMins% & " Rnd'd Up^CR^" & \
" (" & %TotalCurrentCalls% & ") Calls^CR^" & \
"^CR^" & \
"-->Phone Lifetime<--^CR^" & \
"Minutes: " & %RealLifetimeMins% & " Rnd'd Up^CR^" & \
" (" & %TotalLifeTimeCalls% & ") Calls^CR^" & \
sub getTotalCurrentCalls
%returnTotalCurrentCalls% = %InVoPhCurrNumCalls% + %OutVoPhCurrNumCalls%
sub getTotalLifeTimeCalls
%returnTotalLifeTimeCalls% = %InVoPhLiTiNumCalls% + %OutVoPhLiTiNumCalls%
sub realMinutes
if expression (%minsOnly% = 0)
%realMins% = (%minsOnly%/60)
%realMins% = (%minsOnly%/60) +1
sub getRealCurrentMins
%returnRealCurrentMins% = %AllCurrentIncomingMins% + %AllCurrentOutgoingMins%
sub getRealLifetimeMins
%returnRealLifeTimeMins% = %AllLifetimeIncomingMins% + %AllLifetimeOutgoingMins%
sub tallyCalls
# Just a way of setting the var to use above.
%callCount% = %numCalls% + 0
m4xx0rz said:
Your best be might be to see if you can modify the T-Mobile My Account app.
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My Account is a server based solution, there is no way it would work for any operator other than t-Mo
Need data usage monitoring
Tref said:
It's fairly easy to do using Mortscript. I've used one in the past on my Wizard and I've recently been tweaking it to work on this phone. This current iteration is much less complicated/sophisticated than the original version (which I did not write), because I don't want data minutes combined with voice minutes, and I don't care to have my minutes broken down to days and hours for me. And since I have unlimited data I don't need to know how much usage I'm accumulating.
Here's a link to the original thread and script I believe. At any rate it's where I first learned about it 3 years ago. As you'll see the version I've included below is quite different from that one. Between the two of them you just might find what you're after, or perhaps have a good time making one that suits you perfectly.
Here's what I'm using now. It's written for Mortscript 3.1, which is quite different from his most recent version. Version 4.2 may be backward compatible enough to run this, or it may not. The program allows you to reset your current counters, so if you run it on the day your bill cycle starts fresh and choose Yes to reset it can help you to keep track of where you are for the month.
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Yes, I've seen those registry keys and MortScripts to access/reset them to monitor incoming/outgoing minutes used, however what I haven't seen is a way of doing the same thing for data usage, which is what I'm really after. One of the scripts in that thread you referenced allegedly tracks data usage, but uses registry keys that are not present on my device, so obviously that solution doesn't work for me on my Sprint Touch Pro.
Other than monitoring the connections and keeping track of the packets going in and out on that connection, how can I see how much data traffic my phone is using and be able to keep track and reset a counter for monitoring it so I don't go over my 5GB cap?
Sounds like an idea... but I also thought this already existed... Apparently not.
So what would you be looking for?
- Keep track of minutes usage
- Keep track of cellular data usage
- Keep track of your limits and warn if approaching
- Automatic monthly (date configurable) + minutes + data, with optional carry-over ?
Just thinking... anyways, if I would pick up on this project it'd probably have a free beta but end up in the appstore for a few bucks. If
What keys does your phone have in HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers? If there are none there which appear to be data related, have you searched your Registry for strings containing the word data? I have no idea how Sprint implements their version of WinMo, but it would seen that the registry would have to be employed in one step or another. My Wizard was a Cingular device running WM5, my TP2 an unbranded one and I'm running 6.1. The call timer dwords on both are identical. Why your Sprint is apparently different I have no idea.
Chainfire said:
Sounds like an idea... but I also thought this already existed... Apparently not.
So what would you be looking for?
- Keep track of minutes usage
- Keep track of cellular data usage
- Keep track of your limits and warn if approaching
- Automatic monthly (date configurable) + minutes + data, with optional carry-over ?
Just thinking... anyways, if I would pick up on this project it'd probably have a free beta but end up in the appstore for a few bucks. If
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I was thinking the morning that it would be nice if I went back into the code I'm running and modify it to ignore nights and weekend minutes/calls and to subtract them from the registry's lifetime entries too. But unless I actually wrote this as a daemon I'd be forced to activate the code after receiving a call under those conditions. Something to think about perhaps....
Yes, please develop this!
Chainfire said:
Sounds like an idea... but I also thought this already existed... Apparently not.
So what would you be looking for?
- Keep track of minutes usage
- Keep track of cellular data usage
- Keep track of your limits and warn if approaching
- Automatic monthly (date configurable) + minutes + data, with optional carry-over ?
Just thinking... anyways, if I would pick up on this project it'd probably have a free beta but end up in the appstore for a few bucks. If
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Actually, what I'd like is something along the lines of the built in iPhone usage information (see screenshots). Something that shows the cellular network data sent/received (including tethering), the number of SMS in/out and the number of voice minutes used (in categories, e.g., night/weekend, incoming, outgoing, etc., with the ability to select night/weekend hours since they may vary) and the ability to manually or automatically reset the counters at a specific time. Charting or otherwise keeping track of past usage would also be nice.
At the same time, I'm trying out various things to improve my battery usage, so I'd also like to be able to track time phone has been used, time since last full charge, etc., as the iPhone does. Note that I'm not an apple fanboy, I just like this particular app they have that groups together all this info and want something similar for my WM phone!
Really love my Touch Pro, but it's frustrating that getting basic usage info like this is not possible or is difficult to get at the moment. I'd gladly help beta such an app and purchase it once it's ready for release on the WM Marketplace. Had thought of this for my first WM app, but I know others out there could get it done in probably less than 1% of the time it'd take me.
Tref said:
What keys does your phone have in HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\CumulativeCallTimers? If there are none there which appear to be data related, have you searched your Registry for strings containing the word data? I have no idea how Sprint implements their version of WinMo, but it would seen that the registry would have to be employed in one step or another. My Wizard was a Cingular device running WM5, my TP2 an unbranded one and I'm running 6.1. The call timer dwords on both are identical. Why your Sprint is apparently different I have no idea.
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Not a surprise that Sprint does it differently, just to be difficult!
Here's an export of my Line_0 key:
Unlike some other devices that have individual keys for incoming/outgoing data, it looks like all that data (no pun intended) is crammed within the OutgoingDataCustom key. Problem is figuring out how to extract it from that key...
You're right on both counts. That is probably the key, and finding out what it means is going to be a problem. Of course Sprint's customer care wouldn't be likely to have a clue. If the folks here don't know, and there is no Sprint TP2-centric forum out there somewhere, then a Sprint Engineer would be the only hope.
I am constantly amazed though at what some of the folks on this board come up with, especially in regards to the registry. How they figure out that tweaking some of these values, which have no apparent similarity to the problem they are trying to fix, will do so is beyond me. So I wouldn't give up hope, and you might just try searching the registry if you haven't already.
Barring a non-Sprint solution, do they have a #611 type number you can call to get a text message back concerning your data usage to date? It's not as handy of course, and nowhere near as cool as an onboard program, but it could save some nasty overage costs.
Something else you might try is to record the values of that key before and after doing some very specific data downloading. It might shed some light on what is happening, especially if you're careful to record the exact amount of time it takes to download a specific amount of data.
Good luck!
App development VB .net
Fellow XDA members,
Im currently busy trying to build a (basic) Minute monitor, based on your personal input in free minutes in a textbox. The output works, but i've yet to get the results from the register.
Only problem is that my programming skills are super basic, so IF it works, it'll work for the Touch Pro 2 (maybe more phone, it should work as long a WM creates the registry values we need).
But any help would be appreciated.
My idea is to make it a free program once ready and working.
So is there anybody who wants/could lend a hand?
For someone with more experience in programming it would be easier.

Sedna Fingerprint Timeout

Like a few others with the HTC P6500 (Sedna) handset. I was annoyed by the 1 minute time out on the fingerprint security, which could not be adjusted easily. After looking at the registry etc further, I believe I have extended my timeout to 5 mins with the following registry adjustments.
Edit these values here:
AEFrequencyType - set to 2
(This calls AEFrequencyValue (below) which represents the number of minutes since any AE returned from VerifyUser successfully.)
AEFrequencyValue – set to 5
(Number of mins to delay timeout)
Then - Soft reboot the device[/B]
Initial tests appear that this works ok on my handset.
This post is for information only. I am not responsible for damage caused to your own handset. I am also not a developer, just someone who knows a little about computers etc. I hope that people find this information useful.
Thanks for the info but where is the "HKLM" folder to start with ?
Registry folder
Hi Chayen22,
You will need to install a registry editor onto the handset to access these settings. Have a look around on the forums to see what people use. I use one called Total Commander which also has many other useful features and tools.
If you are unsure of what you are doing it may be best speaking to someone you know who is good with Windows based computers. I'll also take this opportunity to say that I'll accept no responsibility for any damage caused when using registry editing tools on your phone. You make changes at your own risk.
I hope you find this info useful.

[Q] Enabling and locking Timestamps to photos?

Hi, I'm new to XDA Developers but have been using as a valuable resource over the past few months.
We have a HTC Touch Pro 2 device (WM6.5) that we provide support for to a number of personnel. The client have requested that we change the device settings so that photos have the timestamp applied and secondly that it not be possible to take it off again.
Since we have somewhere in the region of 600 devices to update, we'll need to do this via a registry change through our updates service. Try as I might though, I can not find the setting to do either of these. I have searched on here and google and can't find the answer. Has anyone done this before?
Thanks in advance.
I've been doing some digging on this and found a registry key under
called 'enableStamp'. However, when I change this on Visual Studio 2005 remote registry tool, it doesn't seem to make any difference on the phone, the menu option stays the same. Likewise, the menu doesn't seem to change the registry which leads me to think it's another setting someplace or the settings are stored elsewhere.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I've finally made a breakthrough on this. I had to export the entire registry, change the value, export the registry again and compare the files. I found that this value
contains a large Hex value string and found that change a value that was 48 (timestamp off) to C8 (timestamp on) was reflected on the device. This string seems to have a lot of values so I'm assuming they are all to do with options selected in the camera menu. I just hope one of them is to disable the timestamp option now. I've posted this here in the hope it helps someone else.

Parsing serial data over bluetooth - Arduino to Android

I have been transmitting values from my Arduino to my Android using the BlueSerial app. It's great so far, however, I'm only able to read values. Ideally, I want to read these values displayed, and convert them to a variable so I can use them for calculations. I have not altered the Blue Serial app, and the code can be found here (I'm unable to post links due to being a new member): github*com/plastygrove/BlueSerial
As I said, I would like to convert the strings to something useful in order to do calculations. Can anyone provide some guidance?
Isn't it easy enough to make Integer.parseInt(receivedMessageString); ??
panwrona said:
Isn't it easy enough to make Integer.parseInt(receivedMessageString); ??
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Yeah! Actually, I managed to use that and got it working. But now I want to transmit multiple values and store them as a variable. How can I go about doing that? Over serial, I can transmit them any way (whichever way is easiest), such as:
Voltage = 25
Current = 10
Speed = 5
Or without text if necessary like:
Or on a line separated by commas, such as:
How can I make my android app "know" that there are three separate values being sent, and store each of these into a variable?
Maybe send string values like 'speed: 25', then extract integer from string and turn into value? That's just first idea that came to my mind. What kind of device are you reading from?
panwrona said:
Maybe send string values like 'speed: 25', then extract integer from string and turn into value? That's just first idea that came to my mind. What kind of device are you reading from?
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That's actually what I managed to do. I used integer.parseint() for the one value. However, wouldn't this change when I'm sending more than one value? I'm trying to figure out how I can individually read each of the three values and store them. The integer.parseint() is working for the one so far though, so that's a start.
I'm sending data from my Arduino Mega to a self-made Android App via bluetooth. The data sends perfectly. And using integer.parseint(), I was able to even do calculations with the incoming number. But when I try to transmit several values, it gets tricky.
Maybe a HashMap <String, Integer> could work?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

