x9000 or x9500? - Shift General

I am going to buy a shift and I was curious if anyone can say with certainty if there is any REAL differences (other than the cellular modem types, the cover on the x9000, and color) between the two versions.
I've heard some people say the build quality is "supposedly better" with the x9000 while others have said that they are both equal. I've also heard that there are some x9500's that have English keyboards, which would be ideal.
Thanks in advance!


Similar Hardware:

This just adds salts to my open wounds:
similar specs - with WM5 grrrrrr
not bad. Any pricings yet?
Hardware is similar but..
Not the same !!.
Processor main and sub arictecture might be different so I guess that ripping the ROM might not work for us.
Furthermore, after reading some posts about people upgrading thier existing Win2003SE to Win2005 (Ipaq & Dell only), I've noticed that most of them is not satisfied with the new os. Thier problems varies from hardware compability, AS problems and more.
So basically I think that Win2003SE is still the best for Jam owners so far.
Bright Star

This is a "Should I Buy?" thread.

I was a XDA Atom user (boy, was that a big mistake), then i shifter to a Sony Ericsson P990i. A friend of mine is offering to swap with me my SE P990i with an XDA Trion (HTC TYTN). Now comes the question, should I or shouldn't I?
I got frustrated with the Atom's performance (poor battery life, slow sluggish response (especially with MS Voice command as compared to my imate jam), memory drains, and clunky MS 5.0 handling). I got rid of it as soon as I could.
NOw I have an SE P990i. I miss my pocket PC. Shoudl I swap the phone, or should I stick with my SE P990i? Can someone give me a direct comparison between the Atom and the Tytn?
Thanks in advance.
Thats a tough question because its not as easy as comparing an atom to a tytn for example. However, the biggest comparrison I always remember when weighing up a non windows mobile device (because there are a few on the horizon that have tempted me to contemplate it) is the software and the interface. Because really why else would you consider swapping if not for the fact that you obviously miss the windows mobile platform?
Anyway you were probably looking for hardware comparrisons but as a TyTN and M3100 user I can tell you the TyTNs only suffer 1 problem as opposed to the Atom series - which (until the end when they got the software right) was one big stuff up; and thats screen alignment issues and to a small extent sticky keys on the keyboard. Besides that the device is very quick, responsive, one handed use is great, keyboard is fantastic for everything from emails to sms, phone reception is well up there, and the interchangable roms between all the Hermes variants mean if your have a compatibility issue with some software or responsiveness chances are another variants ROM will correct it, as some users have found with GPS and performances.
You could ask your friend WHY he wants to trade. Does his TyTN have the famous Screen- and keyboardproblems, does it have a weak WiFi section, does the keyboard slide in and out to easy and\or has he trouble with the stylus?
I had 3 TyTN (up to version HT633) and ALL had serious problems. And remember the screenalignment can make thet TyTN unusable at times.
Theoretically speaking Tytn is the most capable for many things. Personally I have regretted the fact that I spent so much money buying this problematic device and this because the cons are more than the pros. I'm talking about the known problems of screen allignment and freezing when in sleeping mode etc. Only these two factors are major drawbacks when u r speaking about pda phones. In my opinion HTC did not manage to fully "support" the device before put it on the market resulting the "bugs" now coming out one by one. I hope HTC will take seriously all these problems and fix them with the appropriate ROM..
takis999 said:
Theoretically speaking Tytn is the most capable for many things. Personally I have regretted the fact that I spent so much money buying this problematic device and this because the cons are more than the pros. I'm talking about the known problems of screen allignment and freezing when in sleeping mode etc. Only these two factors are major drawbacks when u r speaking about pda phones. In my opinion HTC did not manage to fully "support" the device before put it on the market resulting the "bugs" now coming out one by one. I hope HTC will take seriously all these problems and fix them with the appropriate ROM..
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I fully agree. I also regretted the fact that I bought one...but luckily my reseller is giving me a refund. This device is rushed to market and not fully tested. I hope HTC has it QC better for the devices that will be released the next few weeks\months. I never...never...never had a device with this many bugs right out of the box. It even makes me agry because I paid almost 800 US dollar for this - and I am realy sorry to say - piece of garbage.
WM devices all the way.....
I had read this post previously but decided not to share my opinion as I haven't had the pleasure of evaluating the new P990i. But on reading over some of the posts on this thread I thought it suitable to do so now.
I have previously owned a P800, P900, K750i from SE and an XDAIIi, XDA mini, Universal, Vario, Prophet and now a VarioII. So whilst I have had much experience of owning & using these devices, I am by no means professing to be any kind of expert.
IMHO, based on my personal experiences and frustrations of getting to grips with Windows mobile devices and their buggy ROMs, I still believe that they are the best convergance devices out there. In short:
1. Always buggy ROMs/software and incompatibility across avrious applications.
2. Too many releases of newer and better devices, only shortly after everyone has bought in to the current one, leading me to believe that I've been conned, yet I always buy into it again.
3. Lousy support from manufacturers (even worse if bought on contract-network providers branded phones).
4. The frustration of petitioning and waiting for manufacturers and software devlopers to rectify their incomplete software (sometimes a big part of the reason for purchasing certain hardware/phones).
1. No other platform offers as much personal customisation, modification and the ability to update your software/ROM as Windows mobile devices.
2. This point really ties in with the first; closest and most compatible format to Windows PC O/S, in my opinion. providing your not a Mac user!!
3. If you have the time (most people don't) to invest in resolving all issues that affect you (not including defective hardware), you will end up with a nigh on perfect device for your purposes (within reason of course).
That said, my list of Pros don't seem to be too extensive do they? That's because, for me, they encompass all I personally need.
For me the TyTN/VarioII is slowly but definately becoming a very reliable and stable device. As a matter of fact, it already is! I just have one gripe about video playback performance using a 3rd party appl, but that is also being resolved by the developers as we speak, but it didn't happen overnight and not without perseverance on my behalf. Hence the reason why WM devices are not for everyone.
If you click on my name and read all of my boring posts (no funny comments please), you will find that there has been a teething period for all my devices and a fair share of frustration and dissapointment on my behalf too, but I stuck with them all until they gave me virtually no problems. Then the next best thing came out and I moved on to the next challenge or toy.
Bottom line for me is: Does my current device meet my immediate needs? Yeah, pretty much most high end phones do that.
But for longevity: Is my current device versatile enough (in terms of features), configurable/modifyable/adaptable and compatible with my PC and my hobbies. Yes Yes Yes. Nothing else even comes close for me. The TyTN, in my opinion, may be a buggy device for many, but not for many others. I have no major issues at all. I use wi-fi everyday without issue. I use HSDPA several times a week and whilst I'm not always able to achieve my highest 1.4 Mbps, I now usually achieve a minimum of over 800kbps in poor reception areas. I have not had any screen alignment issues at all, no sticky keys, no dropped calls or poor quality calls (& I only get one bar signal where I live & work), but I do suffer from occasional lock-ups (mostly due to my impatience when multi-tasking) but no more than 1 or 2 a fortnight. Battery life is pretty good given my wi-fi usage. I charge every night (by choice or habbit) but actually don't need to charge until the end of the next day. TomTom GPS works like a charm as does bluetooth and basically everything else I do with it. Camera is not the best out there, by a long shot, but it is pretty good for day shots.
There's too much to mention. I guess the Pros list just grew!!
Im by no means an advocate or employee of Microsoft either, but they just happen to produce what I want and I'm prepared to take out the time to tweak these things to MY liking.
If like me, you're this way enclined, you won't regret moving back to WM, especially the TyTN, providing you don't get a dodgy one like many seemed to have done.
I put my money where my mouth is;
Wifes Phone: Universal (MDA Pro, not my old JasJar)
Daughter 1's Phone: Hurricane smartphone (poor support from manufacturers though)
Daughter 2's Phone: Prophet (my previous device)
Son 1's PPC: HP iPAQ rx 3715
All devices are running on different ROMs than the ones they were shipped with, and none of them have any issues at all. TyTN beats the Universal hands down (well except for the VGA screen).
Hope this helps.
When my airtime contract came up for renewal, I waited for the P990, but was sorely disappointed when it arrived. In my opinion its an excellent piece of hardware but severely let-down by the software. This was compounded by operator firmware that came with the device that was not subject to the normal Sony Ericsson firmware updates. The phone was therefore very buggy and I just couldn't live with the instability and inflexibility/lack of customisation of the OS and software. Also, in my opinion, due to the P990 coming so late to market it is likely to be superseded sooner rather than later (there are rumours of a replacement in Q1 2007).
I returned my P990 and got a 1605 instead - it was a good choice. If I hadn't waited for the P990 I could've got the TyTN when it was released! Anyway, I so far have had no issues with my 1605 and have loaded it with a whole bunch of software and got it to function in the exact way I want. OK, the camera is not so good on the TyTN and the screen has only 65k colours (the P990 has 250k) but I can live with that. In my opinion, you might want to bear in mind the P990 is more of a phone and the TyTN is more of a PDA.
Another plus for the TyTN is the syncing software (very important to me). Overall, ActiveSync is fairly stable and I think it performs extremely consistently when syncing, i.e. exactly the same items appear in the PPC as they do in Outlook. The Sony Ericsson software is a mess. They took the old xtnd connect software (I think that's what it was called) then tacked on module after module to get it to do what they wanted. This resulted in crappy product that conflicts with other software (e.g. WIDCOMM) and multiple installation issues and doesn't even sync well - there are still bugs left over from the days of the P800 (I won't deal them here).
I am very happy with my TyTN. Fingers crossed I won't get the screen alignment issue that appears commonplace. Personally, I think the TyTN wipes the floor with the P990 as far as functionality goes. (Before the P990 I was a diehard SE fanboy!).
Ce said:
You could ask your friend WHY he wants to trade. Does his TyTN have the famous Screen- and keyboardproblems, does it have a weak WiFi section, does the keyboard slide in and out to easy and\or has he trouble with the stylus?
I had 3 TyTN (up to version HT633) and ALL had serious problems. And remember the screenalignment can make thet TyTN unusable at times.
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>Well, actually, she wants to trade it because it is a pocket PC phone. SHe had not problem with it at all. She just prefers a symbian phone as opposed to a pocket PC one.
Ce said:
I fully agree. I also regretted the fact that I bought one...but luckily my reseller is giving me a refund. This device is rushed to market and not fully tested. I hope HTC has it QC better for the devices that will be released the next few weeks\months. I never...never...never had a device with this many bugs right out of the box. It even makes me agry because I paid almost 800 US dollar for this - and I am realy sorry to say - piece of garbage.
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>What unit are you using now?
Slider758 said:
When my airtime contract came up for renewal, I waited for the P990, but was sorely disappointed when it arrived. In my opinion its an excellent piece of hardware but severely let-down by the software. This was compounded by operator firmware that came with the device that was not subject to the normal Sony Ericsson firmware updates. The phone was therefore very buggy and I just couldn't live with the instability and inflexibility/lack of customisation of the OS and software. Also, in my opinion, due to the P990 coming so late to market it is likely to be superseded sooner rather than later (there are rumours of a replacement in Q1 2007).
I returned my P990 and got a 1605 instead - it was a good choice. If I hadn't waited for the P990 I could've got the TyTN when it was released! Anyway, I so far have had no issues with my 1605 and have loaded it with a whole bunch of software and got it to function in the exact way I want. OK, the camera is not so good on the TyTN and the screen has only 65k colours (the P990 has 250k) but I can live with that. In my opinion, you might want to bear in mind the P990 is more of a phone and the TyTN is more of a PDA.
Another plus for the TyTN is the syncing software (very important to me). Overall, ActiveSync is fairly stable and I think it performs extremely consistently when syncing, i.e. exactly the same items appear in the PPC as they do in Outlook. The Sony Ericsson software is a mess. They took the old xtnd connect software (I think that's what it was called) then tacked on module after module to get it to do what they wanted. This resulted in crappy product that conflicts with other software (e.g. WIDCOMM) and multiple installation issues and doesn't even sync well - there are still bugs left over from the days of the P800 (I won't deal them here).
I am very happy with my TyTN. Fingers crossed I won't get the screen alignment issue that appears commonplace. Personally, I think the TyTN wipes the floor with the P990 as far as functionality goes. (Before the P990 I was a diehard SE fanboy!).
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>I totally agree with you. The P990i is a bit clunky and clumsy especially when in comes to synching.
mackaby007 said:
I had read this post previously but decided not to share my opinion as I haven't had the pleasure of evaluating the new P990i. But on reading over some of the posts on this thread I thought it suitable to do so now.
I have previously owned a P800, P900, K750i from SE and an XDAIIi, XDA mini, Universal, Vario, Prophet and now a VarioII. So whilst I have had much experience of owning & using these devices, I am by no means professing to be any kind of expert.
IMHO, based on my personal experiences and frustrations of getting to grips with Windows mobile devices and their buggy ROMs, I still believe that they are the best convergance devices out there. In short:
1. Always buggy ROMs/software and incompatibility across avrious applications.
2. Too many releases of newer and better devices, only shortly after everyone has bought in to the current one, leading me to believe that I've been conned, yet I always buy into it again.
3. Lousy support from manufacturers (even worse if bought on contract-network providers branded phones).
4. The frustration of petitioning and waiting for manufacturers and software devlopers to rectify their incomplete software (sometimes a big part of the reason for purchasing certain hardware/phones).
1. No other platform offers as much personal customisation, modification and the ability to update your software/ROM as Windows mobile devices.
2. This point really ties in with the first; closest and most compatible format to Windows PC O/S, in my opinion. providing your not a Mac user!!
3. If you have the time (most people don't) to invest in resolving all issues that affect you (not including defective hardware), you will end up with a nigh on perfect device for your purposes (within reason of course).
That said, my list of Pros don't seem to be too extensive do they? That's because, for me, they encompass all I personally need.
For me the TyTN/VarioII is slowly but definately becoming a very reliable and stable device. As a matter of fact, it already is! I just have one gripe about video playback performance using a 3rd party appl, but that is also being resolved by the developers as we speak, but it didn't happen overnight and not without perseverance on my behalf. Hence the reason why WM devices are not for everyone.
If you click on my name and read all of my boring posts (no funny comments please), you will find that there has been a teething period for all my devices and a fair share of frustration and dissapointment on my behalf too, but I stuck with them all until they gave me virtually no problems. Then the next best thing came out and I moved on to the next challenge or toy.
Bottom line for me is: Does my current device meet my immediate needs? Yeah, pretty much most high end phones do that.
But for longevity: Is my current device versatile enough (in terms of features), configurable/modifyable/adaptable and compatible with my PC and my hobbies. Yes Yes Yes. Nothing else even comes close for me. The TyTN, in my opinion, may be a buggy device for many, but not for many others. I have no major issues at all. I use wi-fi everyday without issue. I use HSDPA several times a week and whilst I'm not always able to achieve my highest 1.4 Mbps, I now usually achieve a minimum of over 800kbps in poor reception areas. I have not had any screen alignment issues at all, no sticky keys, no dropped calls or poor quality calls (& I only get one bar signal where I live & work), but I do suffer from occasional lock-ups (mostly due to my impatience when multi-tasking) but no more than 1 or 2 a fortnight. Battery life is pretty good given my wi-fi usage. I charge every night (by choice or habbit) but actually don't need to charge until the end of the next day. TomTom GPS works like a charm as does bluetooth and basically everything else I do with it. Camera is not the best out there, by a long shot, but it is pretty good for day shots.
There's too much to mention. I guess the Pros list just grew!!
Im by no means an advocate or employee of Microsoft either, but they just happen to produce what I want and I'm prepared to take out the time to tweak these things to MY liking.
If like me, you're this way enclined, you won't regret moving back to WM, especially the TyTN, providing you don't get a dodgy one like many seemed to have done.
I put my money where my mouth is;
Wifes Phone: Universal (MDA Pro, not my old JasJar)
Daughter 1's Phone: Hurricane smartphone (poor support from manufacturers though)
Daughter 2's Phone: Prophet (my previous device)
Son 1's PPC: HP iPAQ rx 3715
All devices are running on different ROMs than the ones they were shipped with, and none of them have any issues at all. TyTN beats the Universal hands down (well except for the VGA screen).
Hope this helps.
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Totally! Thanks! I am beginning to miss WM. After reading your post, I am now more inclined to get the tytn. I just hope that you guys would help me get out of a rut should I get in to one
How bad is the screen alignment bug?
What is the screen alignment bug? How bad is it and has it been resolved?
Search the forums as there is a large thread on the issue but in short, it was mainly, and I emphasise mainly early models of the TyTN that had issues with screen alignment and sticky keyboard keys.
However, some users are still coming across the problem, but this is at times due to them getting an early model that has just been in stock.
But like anything, its always the bad/troublesome experiences you will hear about more then the good points. Ive set-up and purchased 7 of these devices for friends and a business (due to them not being sold in AU until this week) and none of those have had issues or complaits. But I would be questioning why your friend wants to trade still.
Welcome back to WM...
of course we'll help you if u run into problems. that's what we all do here, as you know, being a WM man at heart. Welcome back.
Osir1s said:
Search the forums as there is a large thread on the issue but in short, it was mainly, and I emphasise mainly early models of the TyTN that had issues with screen alignment and sticky keyboard keys.
However, some users are still coming across the problem, but this is at times due to them getting an early model that has just been in stock.
But like anything, its always the bad/troublesome experiences you will hear about more then the good points. Ive set-up and purchased 7 of these devices for friends and a business (due to them not being sold in AU until this week) and none of those have had issues or complaits. But I would be questioning why your friend wants to trade still.
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She's just more comfortable with symbian (UIQ phones) than PPC, I guess.
Have to agree with the general opinion. I have a vario II and my brother in law has a P990i. The P990 is a great device, but at the moment he is really suffering from software availability for UIQ 3.0
Thanks guys.
I have seen the light
I have seen the error of my ways and will rturn to my beloved PPC/MS based PPC
just another thing I thought I'd point out - I'm a member of the esato forum, and it seems a lot of die hard SE fans have picked the Tytn over the p990. I chose the tytn for the keyboard, apps available, hsdpa, and the cheaper price. Tytns are going for around £280 compared to the p990s £400.
I think your "friend" is trying to make a quick buck
Yep, I agree wholly with the above 2 posts, no point writing it all out again!

Bad News..T-Mobile Ameo vulnerable HDD....

I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release, due to the Units displaying significant problems in battery drain in connection to the mechanical HDD. Apparently the units will be recalled to HTC to have the HDD replaced with flash memory to overcome the issues encountered by many users. Not sure how accurate this information is, but I personally know and trust the tester in question. Whilst he reports that the X7500 is blisteringly fast, he also states that the battery consumption is so appalling that one would not get through a days use of the unit, and that stated talk time of the X7500 is currently well below what is stated/expected.
He also indicated that HTC are considering recalling all units already sold in their various guises. Suppose we will have to wait and see. Looks like a few months of delay at the least with a probability with the Ameo shipping with WM6 Professional.
After all that waiting. Crying or Very sad Well I'd rather buy a fully functioning bit of hardware. This always was a point of weariness on my behalf due to my experience of the SGH-i300 with a mechanical HDD, which was ultimately one of the main reasons for getting rid of it......power consumption!!
I have recently changed the title of this thread due to fellow member, Wu, pointing out to me that the old title was confusing. Thankyou Wu.
mackaby007 said:
I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release, due to the Units displaying significant problems in battery drain in connection to the mechanical HDD. Apparently the units will be recalled to HTC to have the HDD replaced with flash memory to overcome the issues encountered by many users. Not sure how accurate this information is, but I personally know and trust the tester in question. Whilst he reports that the X7500 is blisteringly fast, he also states that the battery consumption is so appalling that one would not get through a days use of the unit, and that stated talk time of the X7500 is currently well below what is stated/expected.
He also indicated that HTC are considering recalling all units already sold in their various guises. Suppose we will have to wait and see. Looks like a few months of delay at the least with a probability with the Ameo shipping with WM6 Professional.
After all that waiting. Crying or Very sad Well I'd rather buy a fully functioning bit of hardware. This always was a point of weariness on my behalf due to my experience of the SGH-i300 with a mechanical HDD, which was ultimately one of the main reasons for getting rid of it......power consumption!!
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it still not comming to shop, but it recalled)
it is very funny
mackaby007 said:
I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release, due to the Units displaying significant problems in battery drain in connection to the mechanical HDD. Apparently the units will be recalled to HTC to have the HDD replaced with flash memory to overcome the issues encountered by many users. Not sure how accurate this information is, but I personally know and trust the tester in question. Whilst he reports that the X7500 is blisteringly fast, he also states that the battery consumption is so appalling that one would not get through a days use of the unit, and that stated talk time of the X7500 is currently well below what is stated/expected.
He also indicated that HTC are considering recalling all units already sold in their various guises. Suppose we will have to wait and see. Looks like a few months of delay at the least with a probability with the Ameo shipping with WM6 Professional.
After all that waiting. Crying or Very sad Well I'd rather buy a fully functioning bit of hardware. This always was a point of weariness on my behalf due to my experience of the SGH-i300 with a mechanical HDD, which was ultimately one of the main reasons for getting rid of it......power consumption!!
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I will phone my HTC contact this wednesday and see what he says. He is the senior enginner in HTC Head office so the infor he gives me should be pretty accurate.
For the battery part, i am very happy about it, the user of DOPOD has reported that the battery is very good, personally, i turn on Bluetooth all day, device is connect to 3G 24 hours and the screen is never off. So even when i attach my keyboard to DOPOD, my screen is still on. This allow me to use my device for whole day without charging.
I am very happy about the battery.
With WM6, i thought some member here has report Athena will com with WM6 upgrade when it's available, i think that might be true, because that's what i heard in 3GSM as well.
Ok, i have just spoke to my HTC contact, he say he hasn't hear anything about recalling the HTC device, he wasn't sure about Amoe since that invlove with the T-mobile, but for HTC Advantage, he say there is a delay on the release date, the reason beening ROM not totally complete yet, he say the Rom has some bugs which need to be fix. But it should be out in april sometimes.
Funny enough, he also say last week a senior enginner from DOPOD came by to HTC office to meet with their manager, he is guessing HTC is calling for help from DOPOD, since Dopod have finish their Rom already.
For the battery part, not sure about Ameo, but they have run benchmark on the battery for testing, and the result are very good, but at the end, it will depend on how you use your device.
I have ask him to keep an eye on this info, and will report it here if i hear anything more
All X7500 still being released..too much invested..
I wasn't happy with what I heard and pressed my friend for more info. According to his sources (since Thursday, when I last spoke to him), HTC will now most probably NOT recall the units they have branded for T-Mobile and their Sister company Dopod.
The problem apparently is not so much the consumption side of the HDD (even though it does drain heavily compared to SD cards), but the way the HDD was implemented. It is not very shock proof at all. Supposedly vigorous shaking has resulted in 'knocking the HDD out' as I was told, meaning what exactly is still unclear in the sense that it will either become dislodged or stop functioning.
The problem is the way HTC integrated the HDD into the X7500. Apparently they stripped it down before attaching/soldering and fitting it into the housing, resulting in its physical instability. So not a hardware fault, but a design floor which may cause a hardware fault if the unit should be knocked or even suffer a bump (whilst using GPS) in a bumpy car. And there are supposed to be some hardware issues too, but not severe enough enough to stop its release. So we'll be the paying guinea pigs, while HTC perfect the next model which will definitely come with Flash memory and WM6.
Bottom line is that too much has been invested in the X7500, so its release will go on even it is a few weeks late. Taiwan already sell the Dopod, whilst Netherlands and Germany are already selling the Ameo. T-Mobile UK should be following soon as will the Advantage, but if you're buying.....expect some problems and an updated version by the end of the year, as Sony have plans of releasing a UMPC similar in appearance to the X7500 and HTC will be making serious design changes to their next UMPC-look-alike WM6 device.
mackaby007 said:
I wasn't happy with what I heard and pressed my friend for more info. According to his sources (since Thursday, when I last spoke to him), HTC will now most probably NOT recall the units they have branded for T-Mobile and their Sister company Dopod.
The problem apparently is not so much the consumption side of the HDD (even though it does drain heavily compared to SD cards), but the way the HDD was implemented. It is not very shock proof at all. Supposedly vigorous shaking has resulted in 'knocking the HDD out' as I was told, meaning what exactly is still unclear in the sense that it will either become dislodged or stop functioning.
The problem is the way HTC integrated the HDD into the X7500. Apparently they stripped it down before attaching/soldering and fitting it into the housing, resulting in its physical instability. So not a hardware fault, but a design floor which may cause a hardware fault if the unit should be knocked or even suffer a bump (whilst using GPS) in a bumpy car. And there are supposed to be some hardware issues too, but not severe enough enough to stop its release. So we'll be the paying guinea pigs, while HTC perfect the next model which will definitely come with Flash memory and WM6.
Bottom line is that too much has been invested in the X7500, so its release will go on even it is a few weeks late. Taiwan already sell the Dopod, whilst Netherlands and Germany are already selling the Ameo. T-Mobile UK should be following soon as will the Advantage, but if you're buying.....expect some problems and an updated version by the end of the year, as Sony have plans of releasing a UMPC similar in appearance to the X7500 and HTC will be making serious design changes to their next UMPC-look-alike WM6 device.
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I will try to confirm that with my HTC source, i think it make sense, HTC are not too good about writing ROM, that explain why they are asking for help from DOPOD. Anyway, i must say my DOPOD machine is running very smoothly, battery is amazing, and i have successfully change my today screen to total english, therefore i think DOPOD is a better option now for those who don't want the black one.
wu5262 said:
I will try to confirm that with my HTC source, i think it make sense, HTC are not too good about writing ROM, that explain why they are asking for help from DOPOD. Anyway, i must say my DOPOD machine is running very smoothly, battery is amazing, and i have successfully change my today screen to total english, therefore i think DOPOD is a better option now for those who don't want the black one.
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Congrats your ur Dopod wu.
I'm glad you're having no issues with it so far. I'll be getting the Ameo despite its supposed shortcomings + insurance!! So what the hey?!?!
Agreed, HTC are new to ROM building, but they do now own Dopod, so I very much doubt that their ROM will lag behind Dopods especially if Dopod have to help them perfect the HTC ROM.
Who cares anyway? Soon enough we will have access to the most stable and fastest ROM and all versions of the X7500 will run exactly the same, as the hardware is the same.
My only concern now is the stablility of the HDD.
yes, Dopod is very better than Ameo and advantage
but problem is color it is silver
can paint it and change color to black or change the case?
I change my 7710 from silver to black with changing case
can it do with athena?
Arya said:
yes, Dopod is very better than Ameo and advantage
but problem is color it is silver
can paint it and change color to black or change the case?
I change my 7710 from silver to black with changing case
can it do with athena?
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Arya...no disrespect intended, but what are you getting the X7500 for? It just seems that you are comparing so many devices with it, to the point of sounding confused. No device is perfect, nor will Man be able to make one.
You simply have to decide on which device meets your requirements according to market availability. For me it's the Ameo. Other devices due out soon have some specs that equal or better the Ameo in certain areas, but fall short in other areas.
Ameo all the way and if I encounter any of the problems I have been informed of, it will be insured and still under guarantee, so I won't worry unnecessarily.
So my advice to you would be to not think X7500 first, but what are my needs? Then decide on which device best suits you.
Arya said:
yes, Dopod is very better than Ameo and advantage
but problem is color it is silver
can paint it and change color to black or change the case?
I change my 7710 from silver to black with changing case
can it do with athena?
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Ask Indra how to do it. He should be available in the Universal forums.
mackaby007 said:
Arya...no disrespect intended, but what are you getting the X7500 for? It just seems that you are comparing so many devices with it, to the point of sounding confused. No device is perfect, nor will Man be able to make one.
You simply have to decide on which device meets your requirements according to market availability. For me it's the Ameo. Other devices due out soon have some specs that equal or better the Ameo in certain areas, but fall short in other areas.
Ameo all the way and if I encounter any of the problems I have been informed of, it will be insured and still under guarantee, so I won't worry unnecessarily.
So my advice to you would be to not think X7500 first, but what are my needs? Then decide on which device best suits you.
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That is very well say, agree with you there. Let's see if HTC can come up with a stable ROM (with the help from DOPOD). Hopefully they make their ROM right so they don't damage the HDD. After Advantage is out, we can then compare all the ROM and choose the best one and install.
mackaby007 said:
Arya...no disrespect intended, but what are you getting the X7500 for? It just seems that you are comparing so many devices with it, to the point of sounding confused. No device is perfect, nor will Man be able to make one.
You simply have to decide on which device meets your requirements according to market availability. For me it's the Ameo. Other devices due out soon have some specs that equal or better the Ameo in certain areas, but fall short in other areas.
Ameo all the way and if I encounter any of the problems I have been informed of, it will be insured and still under guarantee, so I won't worry unnecessarily.
So my advice to you would be to not think X7500 first, but what are my needs? Then decide on which device best suits you.
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I think and select x7500
i want a POCKET PC with BIG screen
with GPS and GOOD camera
with KEYBOARD to type very long SMS
LOUD speaker
Athena has all of thing except Infrared
I want X7500 for it's color
I don't go for U1000 because it is now chinesse and if it available in English, maybe i get it
Ameo is locket and can't use
but i think now that i comming to get one athena, i get that i like color and ...
the ondy different in their is in COLOR and ROM and MATTERIAL. i think hardware is like eachother and one has problem other has it too
tanX and sorry for my long post
nuclear said:
Ask Indra how to do it. He should be available in the Universal forums.
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Why in universal forum?
Changing case of athena in Universal forum?!!!!!!11
mackaby007 said:
I have received news from a tester of the T-Mobile Ameo, that it will be delayed in its release...
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This is funny, I already own the T-Mobile Ameo for almost two weeks now, even before you posted this.
1. the battery life is pretty impressive for such a device, you can get through a working day with a couple of phone calls and internet surfing/playing around with the unit and the battery still shows 30% power left.
For some people this battery life may not be good enough, for me it is OK since I always charge my phone(s) over night anyway.
2. I "smashed" the Ameo several times on my office desk, on my bed, on my office chair, I carried it around all the time, even running with it in my pocket.
No problems at all with the HDD, especially since it uses a sensor which detects "acceleration"(drops, movements, etc.), so I highly doubt that there would be trouble, even if it isn't mounted properly.
Of course there will be an updated Ameo/X7500 by the end of this year, HTC puts out a lot of new units on the market, I would be surprised if they didn't.
I highly doubt that HTC would "allow" T-Mobile to acquire and sell defective Ameos, T-Mobile could easily make them responsible for defective units and this could cost HTC a lot of money.
I don't say this isn't true but I know how rumours and gossip is travelling the internet and although sometimes there is some truth behind all this talk, I would take it with a grain of salt.
P996 said:
This is funny, I already own the T-Mobile Ameo for almost two weeks now, even before you posted this.
1. the battery life is pretty impressive for such a device, you can get through a working day with a couple of phone calls and internet surfing/playing around with the unit and the battery still shows 30% power left.
For some people this battery life may not be good enough, for me it is OK since I always charge my phone(s) over night anyway.
2. I "smashed" the Ameo several times on my office desk, on my bed, on my office chair, I carried it around all the time, even running with it in my pocket.
No problems at all with the HDD, especially since it uses a sensor which detects "acceleration"(drops, movements, etc.), so I highly doubt that there would be trouble, even if it isn't mounted properly.
Of course there will be an updated Ameo/X7500 by the end of this year, HTC puts out a lot of new units on the market, I would be surprised if they didn't.
I highly doubt that HTC would "allow" T-Mobile to acquire and sell defective Ameos, T-Mobile could easily make them responsible for defective units and this could cost HTC a lot of money.
I don't say this isn't true but I know how rumours and gossip is travelling the internet and although sometimes there is some truth behind all this talk, I would take it with a grain of salt.
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It's not the Ameo or Dopod u1000 being push back, it's the HTC Advantage, the Rom they wrote is causing Damage to the HDD. Ameo and DOPOD U1000 don't have this problem
wu5262 said:
It's not the Ameo or Dopod u1000 being push back, it's the HTC Advantage, the Rom they wrote is causing Damage to the HDD. Ameo and DOPOD U1000 don't have this problem
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Oh boy...the HTC X7500 is the SAME THING, there is no hardware difference between the X7500 and the Ameo/U1000.
Since the X7500 isn't even on the market yet, all these speculations are what they are...speculations or most likely GOSSIP.
P996 said:
Oh boy...the HTC X7500 is the SAME THING, there is no hardware difference between the X7500 and the Ameo/U1000.
Since the X7500 isn't even on the market yet, all these speculations are what they are...speculations or most likely GOSSIP.
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Man, it's not GOSSIP, i was one of the tester for HTC Advantage, i have been notify by HTC that the Rom has serious Bug on HDD handle. I also have contact of one of the most senior engineer in HTC. It has been confirm Advantage is being push back, just don't know how late it will be. If lucky, with the help of DOPOD, they might still get it out on time.
We all know there is no hardware difference, it's the ROM which makes the Advantage being push back........
p.s. mackaby007, you should change the post title, it's making some people confuse.
P996 said:
Oh boy...the HTC X7500 is the SAME THING, there is no hardware difference between the X7500 and the Ameo/U1000.
Since the X7500 isn't even on the market yet, all these speculations are what they are...speculations or most likely GOSSIP.
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As nicely as you try to put it P996, what you say implies that either I, or whoever my source is are either foolish in speaking of these things or blatantly lying. It certainly is not gossip, as I have not heard this anywhere else. The fact that you nor anyone else that has bought it and yet hasn't experienced this problem, does not detract that some testers have come to be aware of this design/assembly flaw in the Athena that COULD cause the problems mentioned in my earlier thread and talks had taken place with T-Mobile UK with regards to returning the units (possible recalls for Germany & Netherlands). The fact that this will not be taking place can be attributed to certain facts; i.e.
1) Too much has already been invested in a product that is not guaranteed to go wrong.
2)The Athena is NOT faulty, it' implementation of the HDD unit is subject to vulnerability due to the way it was stripped down and mounted in the overall casing. NOT faulty.....hence NO Recall...Get IT P996??
3) Furthermore I sincerely doubt that you are truthful in your account of how many times or the extent to which you have knocked your brand new device about. Yes I'm implying that you are lying by exaggerating, to prove a point.
4) I'm still getting the Ameo despite the only vulnerability reported to me.
5) I was merely sharing pertinent information to anyone who like me wants to make well informed decisions about future expensive purchases...whether we like the negatives or not.
6) As stated before...(for those too lazy to read through all the Athena posts there aren't that many at present)...T-Mobile UK have not yet released the Ameo and the tester/testers in question are from the UK and extremely well qualified and known to me personally, so I trust what they tell me, but not without question.
7) The point wu raised about HTC's ROM damaging the HDD is a totally separate issue, but confirms that HTC are well aware of problems with their HDD, be it soft or hardware related.
Lastly it is very easy to look at the past posts of every member..therefore if you suspect a persons integrity, you should at least have the decency to check them out before implying that another member is a gossip-monger. Wanker!!
mackaby007 said:
As nicely as you try to put it P996, what you say implies that either I, or whoever my source is are either foolish in speaking of these things or blatantly lying. It certainly is not gossip, as I have not heard this anywhere else. The fact that you nor anyone else that has bought it and yet hasn't experienced this problem, does not detract that some testers have come to be aware of this design/assembly flaw in the Athena that COULD cause the problems mentioned in my earlier thread and talks had taken place with T-Mobile UK with regards to returning the units (possible recalls for Germany & Netherlands). The fact that this will not be taking place can be attributed to certain facts; i.e.
1) Too much has already been invested in a product that is not guaranteed to go wrong.
2)The Athena is NOT faulty, it' implementation of the HDD unit is subject to vulnerability due to the way it was stripped down and mounted in the overall casing. NOT faulty.....hence NO Recall...Get IT P996??
3) Furthermore I sincerely doubt that you are truthful in your account of how many times or the extent to which you have knocked your brand new device about. Yes I'm implying that you are lying by exaggerating, to prove a point.
4) I'm still getting the Ameo despite the only vulnerability reported to me.
5) I was merely sharing pertinent information to anyone who like me wants to make well informed decisions about future expensive purchases...whether we like the negatives or not.
6) As stated before...(for those too lazy to read through all the Athena posts there aren't that many at present)...T-Mobile UK have not yet released the Ameo and the tester/testers in question are from the UK and extremely well qualified and known to me personally, so I trust what they tell me, but not without question.
7) The point wu raised about HTC's ROM damaging the HDD is a totally separate issue, but confirms that HTC are well aware of problems with their HDD, be it soft or hardware related.
Lastly it is very easy to look at the past posts of every member..therefore if you suspect a persons integrity, you should at least have the decency to check them out before implying that another member is a gossip-monger. Wanker!!
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nicely say mackaby007, agree with you there.
Since i haven't tested the T-mobile Amoe, i don't know anything about it.
The HDD issue HTC Advantage is having is a software problem, to do with how their ROM handle the Micro Drive. So don't worry, when it comes out, it should have no problem, that's what they are working on now.
wu5262 said:
nicely say mackaby007, agree with you there.
Since i haven't tested the T-mobile Amoe, i don't know anything about it.
The HDD issue HTC Advantage is having is a software problem, to do with how their ROM handle the Micro Drive. So don't worry, when it comes out, it should have no problem, that's what they are working on now.
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Thanks Wu. I agree with you completely and I've changed the title of the thread as you advised.

G2/ DZ forum merge...? *scratch this*

*edit* Feel free to delete this thread admins. I found this has already been addressed in the announcment thread.
Original post:
"So I noticed that G2 and Desire Z forums have been merged due to the fact that they are practically identical other that the radio stuff... but why are a bunch of Desire HD threads popping up here? That phone isn't really too similar.. are these mistakes or has the HD forum been merged aswell?"
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Its a stupid idea to merge these, really. When people start bricking phones left and right... I'm not helping anyone. And usually, its people like me and the other senior members who have to deal with this crap and not the mods... Just because a few foolish people (with good intentions) who have no idea what's going on want this, it doesn't mean its a good idea. One major complaint was that the desire z isn't as active... well, tough ****! How is that OUR problem?! Just because our brothers on the other side of the pond are having trouble attracting development/theming isn't our problem. They need to jump in head first and do their own work if its lacking... I don't care about that really but this is just gonna create total confusion and many $500 paperweights, lol!
How is it going to create paperweights ? The main source of semi-bricking that I've seen is running Visionary, something that I try and steer people away from.
The same custom ROMs can be used on both phones.
Engineering hboot doesn't need to be applied any more, and shouldn't be in any guides aimed at newcomers.
I think you're misunderstanding the lack of difference between the two phones. You still mention a "framework" difference but I don't know what you mean unless you mean the Sense framework (which is purely a ROM issue and nothing to do with hardware).
Thanks for your kind welcoming words towards DZ owners though
steviewevie said:
How is it going to create paperweights ? The main source of semi-bricking that I've seen is running Visionary, something that I try and steer people away from.
The same custom ROMs can be used on both phones.
Engineering hboot doesn't need to be applied any more, and shouldn't be in any guides aimed at newcomers.
I think you're misunderstanding the lack of difference between the two phones. You still mention a "framework" difference but I don't know what you mean unless you mean the Sense framework (which is purely a ROM issue and nothing to do with hardware).
Thanks for your kind welcoming words towards DZ owners though
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Radios/hboots will still be flashed and can cause a bricked device. With frameworks... a lot of soft bricks which newbies will think its a real brick but whatever... just complicates things, that's all. Take for example, htc magic forums... complete mess because of the 32a/32b boards being in the same dev section. Brick city over there, lol! This is what we need... same subforum section with Desire z/G2/same general/same q&a/same accessories/different dev. sec/same theme. Perfect example is the htc wizard subforum, seperate board sections. Believe it or not the G2 and Desire Z have extremely similiar boards but they are different. Enough to cause problems. Wait and see... and I understand that you feel personally attacked because you were a big advocate of the merge but its nothing personal. I've been around here long enough to see a bad idea executed and the problems that arise. And no I have nothing against my desire z brothers... I had just heard someone meantion about development issues in your previous dev forum and that was their only reason for wanting a merge. That kind of pissed my off for some reason and just sounds lazy. I'm not judging everyone from the desire z subforum for that one, lone comment but it just added fuel to the fire, so to speak... I think the merge isn't bad but we need two seperate dev sections, imo. That's all...
It's ok, I don't feel personally attacked
I'd like to know what you feel is the exact difference in the boards between the two phones though ?
The only hardware difference that I'm aware of is different physical keyboard layouts (a non-issue, since that's the same issue on most phones, dealt with by software). And different radio bands set in hardware (again, the same issues on most phones, not a reason to split forums, we're not talking about GSM vs CDMA here).
How come the same custom ROMs can be used on both phones if there's such a difference ?
The guides to rooting/S-OFF now don't include instructions to flash eng hboots. And the Wiki makes it pretty clear that it's unnecessary, and lists the different ones for the two different phones if people really want to try it. I doubt many people will be looking at the Wiki when they root/S-OFF though.
We actually don't have any evidence that flashing radios from one to the other is a problem. I posted up in another thread that we really need this to be verified. I actually suspect it will work fine (e.g. the version numbering is in the same sequence across both phones).
steviewevie said:
It's ok, I don't feel personally attacked
I'd like to know what you feel is the exact difference in the boards between the two phones though ?
The only hardware difference that I'm aware of is different physical keyboard layouts (a non-issue, since that's the same issue on most phones, dealt with by software). And different radio bands set in hardware (again, the same issues on most phones, not a reason to split forums, we're not talking about GSM vs CDMA here).
How come the same custom ROMs can be used on both phones if there's such a difference ?
The guides to rooting/S-OFF now don't include instructions to flash eng hboots. And the Wiki makes it pretty clear that it's unnecessary, and lists the different ones for the two different phones if people really want to try it. I doubt many people will be looking at the Wiki when they root/S-OFF though.
We actually don't have any evidence that flashing radios from one to the other is a problem. I posted up in another thread that we really need this to be verified. I actually suspect it will work fine (e.g. the version numbering is in the same sequence across both phones).
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You might be correct... I'm just going from past experiences. We can confirm with some version numbers. But I guess time will tell. I do hope things work out. Its just nice to have less headaches though... with s off things can get dangerous, complete bricks. I've bricked a few phones as a former cell tech and its never fun. I even bricked my wife's phone back in the day, lol! But... that's how things go sometimes, you live and learn. I just don't want to see new folks bricking phones with complete s off... I know its gonna happen but we don't have enough proof yet that things are completely safe as far different bootloaders go. I think we should have been 100% certain that cross flashing radios is safe.. etc before the merge. Maybe I missed something and everything has been tested before hand?
I'm not going to enter into G2 and DZ merging, I don't know well enough how similar they are. Accessories for one would definitely work with the other though, right?
The point asked about in the original post, WHY ON EARTH ARE DESIRE HD THREADS BEING MOVED OVER HERE??!?!?!
We're talking about cases, batteries, screen protectors... these are nothing like the G2 versions. Take a look -
Half the threads have been moved! Why?!?!?!
Before the G2 and the Z came out I had heard on good authority that the same radio's could be flashed on either device, leaving the only real difference being the partition sizes which is infact a non-issue.
Although I know of no-one who can confirm or deny the radio point since release
AndyCr15 said:
The point asked about in the original post, WHY ON EARTH ARE DESIRE HD THREADS BEING MOVED OVER HERE??!?!?!
We're talking about cases, batteries, screen protectors... these are nothing like the G2 versions. Take a look -
Half the threads have been moved! Why?!?!?!
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Yeah, something went wrong there. But I think most of that has been sorted out now.
If you see any DHD threads that are still in the wrong place, then please PM the mods about it.
There's loads! Click the link. Half the threads are moved!
I can see 11 on page 1 alone. I'm not listing them all for a mod. This is the second time the Desire HD forum has been messed up...
Well, who wants to be the test subject and flash the other's radio? I would but I'm a broke college student and can't afford a replacement lol.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
AbsolutZeroGI said:
Well, who wants to be the test subject and flash the other's radio? I would but I'm a broke college student and can't afford a replacement lol.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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lol, there is always someone willing to try it, but not me, I can't afford a replacement phone at the moment.
AbsolutZeroGI said:
Well, who wants to be the test subject and flash the other's radio? I would but I'm a broke college student and can't afford a replacement lol.
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I've made a couple of posts up in the dev threads on this. Specifically, we have what appears to be a significantly newer radio version (just based on the numbers being higher numerically, not that scientific I know lol) for the DZ Egypt ROM.
Now *if* we could verify this is fine for the G2, it may benefit a lot of G2 owners to be able to try it out. DZ owners can try it too though.
I was asking in those threads if someone who's a bit of a radio expert could perhaps try it (e.g. those involved with writing gfree to unlock our radios).
(sorry for shouting )
By the way guys, remember the G2 and DZ are both codenamed "Vision" by HTC.
So we can always start referring to "Vision" in threads if we're talking about issues which will affect both phones (i.e. not specific to stock ROMs).

Whays with all the versions ????

Guys i really don't get all the version numbers this thing has >>>
I know the VZW has smaller buttons and wireless charging so what does the other versions has :
the D800,801,802,80*,9**
is there a difference and shouldnt there be a newbie guide to this awsome phone can't seem to find one !!!
Tried a simple Google search? It's all out there. No need to be so befuddled.
3abdo3asal said:
Guys i really don't get all the version numbers this thing has >>>
I know the VZW has smaller buttons and wireless charging so what does the other versions has :
the D800,801,802,80*,9**
is there a difference and shouldnt there be a newbie guide to this awsome phone can't seem to find one !!!
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Simple. You get the one that your carrier supports. Why would you care about the rest?
Phones support an insane amount of bands these days, but they still can't cover EVERY band, carrier, frequency, etc, world-wide, on a single piece of hardware.
I wish they all had wireless charging, Vermizon is the only one that has it as far as I know. And the Korean version has a smaller replaceable battery, but as far as I know, those are the only two models with an "obvious" difference. The rest I assume is internals and support. Some models might even be exactly the same and only have different model numbers to indicate the carrier.
Again, why worry about it, get the right phone for your carrier. Done.

