Murata Radio, is it for real? - Touch Cruise ROM Development

Has anyone notice the influx of first time posters with no signatures having radio problems just
after someone posted the link to the russian ROM and radio?

yes it is real, radio sucks, I flashed it, no 3g signal, after flashing it, I then tried Murata radio and everything is back to normal, then tried again, **** out of luck again, had to redo the Murata. I suspect is not loading properly because there is no way to get the radio to install without getting the device in bootloader mode first. this isn't the case for me with Murata Radio.

Tupac_Shakur said:
yes it is real, radio sucks, I flashed it, no 3g signal, after flashing it, I then tried Murata radio and everything is back to normal, then tried again, **** out of luck again, had to redo the Murata. I suspect is not loading properly because there is no way to get the radio to install without getting the device in bootloader mode first. this isn't the case for me with Murata Radio.
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also finally achieved 1004 kb per sec download on the murata radio

reyjabs said:
Has anyone notice the influx of first time posters with no signatures having radio problems just
after someone posted the link to the russian ROM and radio?
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i pointed that out one or a few times also and had my doubts about it, but I tried it myself finally, and it had no negatve effect on my Orbit 2 so far... you can also revert back to any other Radio ROM or full ROM of your choice after that... There is also a vote where you can see which people already tried the ROM with success. Not many votes yet, but some of them are not first time posters.
Oh and... I am not Russian

This rom REALLY a micracle. I have problem with reception before after upgrade latest radio which cause very bad reception but finally i try this Murata Radio...It's simply awesome, bring back my polaris with full to try this radio, perfect for wm6.1.

another one lol... joined 2006 ... duh!

reyjabs said:
Has anyone notice the influx of first time posters with no signatures having radio problems just
after someone posted the link to the russian ROM and radio?
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Here is a non-first-poster...

fixed my polaris..
poor radio signal quality solved via Murata Radio Rom..
but don't forget to backup your device, because your device will be hard reset after murata radio rom

mavvy4ever said:
Here is a non-first-poster...
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That's quite comforting mavvy and thanks for the heads-up. Just can't help being cautious after noticing the frenzy which is quite similar when radio came out only to find out, days later, that it ****ed up the signal quality of some devices.
Anyway, has anyone tested how it affects the internet speed of the polaris?

where can i find the murata radio

Polaris > Polaris upgrading etc. > Bad 3G/UMTS reception after ROM upgrade -> Possible solution, 2nd post.

reyjabs said:
That's quite comforting mavvy and thanks for the heads-up. Just can't help being cautious after noticing the frenzy which is quite similar when radio came out only to find out, days later, that it ****ed up the signal quality of some devices.
Anyway, has anyone tested how it affects the internet speed of the polaris?
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internet speed is same as 1.64 radio ( i always use my TC as a modem via BT ) , but battery draining is incredible high now when using as modem

do not use this!
do not use this. i tried it, it erased all my programs and settings.

backup !
citrix80 said:
do not use this. i tried it, it erased all my programs and settings.
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I warned in
ycimpir said:
poor radio signal quality solved via Murata Radio Rom..
but don't forget to backup your device, because your device will be hard reset after murata radio rom
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This is the reson when ppl say do not open an other thread!
This is the reson when ppl say do not open an other thread!
citrix80 said:
do not use this. i tried it, it erased all my programs and settings.
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citrix80 said:
do not use this. i tried it, it erased all my programs and settings.
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you should have read the thread carefully.

And use UDK's custom RUU to avoid HR!

Bump Bump.....

I tried to flash Murata, but the progress bar didn't move. I tried using CustomRUU and still no luck.
My TC got stuck in bootloader and I had to use mtty to get it back to normal.
Anyone know why?
Maybe if I hardSPL again, it will work?

And also Murata ROM is the best. Better then any cooked ROM here. Better then WM6.1 ROMs. With this Muara rom I have 10-20 % better benchmark performance in CorePlayer with same movies.


Battery Reporting in 10% incriments

i upgraded from a wizard a few days ago, and after installing batterystatus and using the default wm5 batterymonitor have noticed the hermes battery only shows in 10% levels. 100,90,80 and so forth.
is this normal on other phones, or is something majorly screwed here?
Normal. However, most of the current ROMs have the 1% increment fix already cooked in. If you do a search you will probably find the .dll or cab that it needs...
alright i'll take a look, but if i cant find anything someone mind posting a link?
foundit. nevermind. thanks.
cerjam said:
foundit. nevermind. thanks.
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and the answer is????
please share your knowledge!... i've the same problem...
I also switched from a wiz recently, but everytime i soft reset, my phone shows full battery again. ist there a fix? thanks
Unless you are cooking a rom the "fix" is useless to you. Its the rom that is the problem. Flash Hard SPL V7 1st then change to a cooked rom from the wm06 forum.
I did flaash with SPL7 so i don't thats the issue,
and yes, i did install a carrier rom first.

Radio ROM

Updated official Radio ROM for Polaris
Did you test it?, from what ROM came from?
where did you find it?
how do i update the radio version? i have downloaded an nbh file but i dont know what to do to go any further
dd2music said:
where did you find it?
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Got from here. Testing is fine.
for my, the best radio rom is, i test, and post my feedback !
Thk for this news
martint2k8 said:
dont know what to do to go any further
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Use 'Romupdateutility' also called as 'RUU'. Rest on screen. Follow. If you don't have the RUU, download it, search for it first.
Thanks for the share..can't use this one because its not a 1.58****.
But because you put only the .nhb file over here i made a new file incl. the custom rom update utility.
Download here:
Keep up the good work..always love new (radio) roms.
can you probably upload the whole rom including os+radio?
thanks in advance
bravedoan said:
Got from here. Testing is fine.
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Can you please post this ROM in the other site such as Rapidshare due to redirect to HTC site which required serial number.Or which serial number should I use? Please help me, I need this rom.
My device HTC Touch Cruise (Polaris 3651)
Thanks in advance
Just copy and paste the link into the download manager. It starts downloading the complete rom update.
Got from here. Testing is fine.
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I didn't find anything about new Radio on this page for Polaris.
Any ideas?
ispanets said:
I didn't find anything about new Radio on this page for Polaris.
Any ideas?
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Yes. It is not full web address.
I've already install after and i don't see any changes but works fine.. GPS also it so fast like prevision..
Best Regards,
thank you all perfect vs
Rom needs to be really better than hardly imagine that new rom offers faster and better GPS/signal....I have almost always 100% signal and GPS in 15 seconds...
Perhaps longer battery life.....this is always welcom......
Let us know.
sein said:
Can you please post this ROM in the other site such as Rapidshare due to redirect to HTC site which required serial number.Or which serial number should I use? Please help me, I need this rom.
My device HTC Touch Cruise (Polaris 3651)
Thanks in advance
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Take a look at 2 post above yours..i already uploaded it to rapidshare incl the ruu.
but here is the link again:
bravedoan said:
Updated official Radio ROM for Polaris
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Yes...I am now use on and DL,Official ROM from HTC HK WM6.1CHT.
So... i´ve got say that this radio is far more better in the battery.
I charge it every single day and since i´ve flash this radio i manage to
have extra half day of battery!
As far as the GPS or reception i saw no diference.
I´m with the M-Amine 2.0 Rom that cames with radio
So thats my experience so far..
Thks for sharing.
I have tested it and must say it works great. Much better battery life and very quick GPS Fix. Allso verry much better signal strengt.

White Screen after Soft reset and HD hangs/freezes

Hi You all,
Can someone help me out? I have installed an custom rom, like Energy of Artemis 8.0. When installing a programme to run on the HD and have to do a soft reset my HD freezes and have to install the custom rom again, otherwise he wil not work at all. It won't go into the bootloader?
Thank you for your help,
It sounds like you flashed an incompatible radio, perhaps ask you querys in the thread of whoevers ROM you flashed.
Flashmore said:
It sounds like you flashed an incompatible radio, perhaps ask you querys in the thread of whoevers ROM you flashed.
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Hi Flashmore,
With both ROM's i had flashed radio and also tried with radio but gave me the same result?
Thanks mate,
SiriusHD2 said:
Hi Flashmore,
With both ROM's i had flashed radio and also tried with radio but gave me the same result?
Thanks mate,
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That's because radios with 51 in the naming convention don't support the 576m hack and at least for the NRG rom I know these radios won't work. You need to use either 2.08.50 or 2.07.50 for that rom (can't speak for the Artemis rom).
ClydeB1 said:
That's because radios with 51 in the naming convention don't support the 576m hack and at least for the NRG rom I know these radios won't work. You need to use either 2.08.50 or 2.07.50 for that rom (can't speak for the Artemis rom).
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Wow you are in swift action thanks for that! Where do I find the wright radio for the Energy ROM?
SiriusHD2 said:
Wow you are in swift action thanks for that! Where do I find the wright radio for the Energy ROM?
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i think not depend from radio
if the radio is wrong,your device don't boot
try Mtty or task29 solution
for cleaner well memory device
and after flash rom execute hard reset
SiriusHD2 said:
Wow you are in swift action thanks for that! Where do I find the wright radio for the Energy ROM?
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Here - - use either the 2.08.50 or 2.07.50 radio.
alesscam said:
i think not depend from radio
if the radio is wrong,your device don't boot
try Mtty or task29 solution
for cleaner well memory device
and after flash rom execute hard reset
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Believe me it is the radio. Read the NRG thread and there are at least 57,365 people with the same problem. Ok, I may be exaggerating just a little but it seems like that many. The device does boot but gets stuck at the white HTC screen.
ClydeB1 said:
Believe me it is the radio. Read the NRG thread and there are at least 57,365 people with the same problem. Ok, I may be exaggerating just a little but it seems like that many. The device does boot but gets stuck at the white HTC screen.
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ok mate
if you say I to it I believe
it's a strange
I have always since that device not boot when used wrong radio
just to throw in a little agreement with clydeb, on non tmous phones,if the radio is incorrect the phone starts, but hangs on the grey screen until you boot to bootloader and correct the radio.
i'm using Artemis is 2.08 no problem at all...
samsamuel said:
just to throw in a little agreement with clydeb, on non tmous phones,if the radio is incorrect the phone starts, but hangs on the grey screen until you boot to bootloader and correct the radio.
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i Agree with that....sir Clydeb help me alot...
BladeKnight said:
i'm using Artemis is 2.08 no problem at all...
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Hi All,
Happy Easter to you all! I have installed the 208.50 radio and everything is working again Now my HD2 is running on Artemis 7.0 and tomorrow i wil try the Energy 1ste of april version to see how that Rom will be running. But so far it helpt me a lot and thnx everyone for all the great possibilitys you have given me solve this problem........
Arno (SiriusHD2)

Question on how to replace sound drivers in T-Mo 2.13 ROM

I had asked the question about a stock 2.13 T-mobile Rom with sound drivers from 2.10 so that Android would not have the robotic sound, but the thread seams to have disappeared. Any idea why? Seems like an innocent enough question. Anyway I was able to cook a 2.10 ROM to my liking, but I would still like to know how to switch those drivers since 2.13 was a little more stable and faster on my HD2. Thanks for the help
masondoctorjt said:
I had asked the question about a stock 2.13 T-mobile Rom with sound drivers from 2.10 so that Android would not have the robotic sound, but the thread seams to have disappeared. Any idea why? Seems like an innocent enough question. Anyway I was able to cook a 2.10 ROM to my liking, but I would still like to know how to switch those drivers since 2.13 was a little more stable and faster on my HD2. Thanks for the help
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I was just about to ask the same thing
Check out this thread. Looks like some useful info.
95gs-t said:
Check out this thread. Looks like some useful info.
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What thread is that? I don't think you posted a link.
Same Problem here guyz
masondoctorjt said:
What thread is that? I don't think you posted a link.
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Sorry, Here is the link
95gs-t said:
Sorry, Here is the link
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Thank you for that info.
masondoctorjt said:
Thank you for that info.
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Becareful with just swapping over those files in that post. I tried it last night everything worked well, except for data. At one point I thought the phone was bricked. Had to flash stock rom from sd card to get everything back to normal. Might want to check with some of the chefs for any further details of how to get this done on a stock rom.
95gs-t said:
Becareful with just swapping over those files in that post. I tried it last night everything worked well, except for data. At one point I thought the phone was bricked. Had to flash stock rom from sd card to get everything back to normal. Might want to check with some of the chefs for any further details of how to get this done on a stock rom.
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Thanks for the warning. I have flashed the latest stock that just came out yesterday 3.14 and it seems very good and works with mattc v1.8. So i'll probably just cook out the bloat and use that. Thanks for the help.

[Q] Update part00.bin radio without reflash?

Hi all,
Running Yuki's Mango V2. Is it possible to update to this radio:
... without reflashing and then re-updating to 7020? (I.E. maybe using the cab installer) Seems like a simple question but I couldn't find it in the search.
Fmstrat said:
Hi all,
Running Yuki's Mango V2. Is it possible to update to this radio:
... without reflashing and then re-updating to 7020? (I.E. maybe using the cab installer) Seems like a simple question but I couldn't find it in the search.
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as far as i know, the answer is NO. you have to reflash....
sb2003 said:
as far as i know, the answer is NO. you have to reflash....
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Thanks for the reply. I'm curious as to if this is a limitation because it's really not possible, or because no-one has made a cab. Since this is the software radio for WP7, not the radio ROM, it theoretically seems possible to update via the file system.
Thanks again,
Fmstrat said:
Hi all,
Running Yuki's Mango V2. Is it possible to update to this radio:
... without reflashing and then re-updating to 7020? (I.E. maybe using the cab installer) Seems like a simple question but I couldn't find it in the search.
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As i know, the latest version of HD2_Updatable_XBmod_Yuki_v2_native had already included the radio, so why don't you flash it again?
Fmstrat said:
Thanks for the reply. I'm curious as to if this is a limitation because it's really not possible, or because no-one has made a cab. Since this is the software radio for WP7, not the radio ROM, it theoretically seems possible to update via the file system.
Thanks again,
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As I know it is possible to flash the radio by cab sender,,you can find this:
Update Cab Building Process
An update cab is a container for 3 different types of packages.
with ability to replace any files in all part of the rom.(sldr,nk,imgfs)
never need to create a new rom, you can create a cab for what you want (logo,radio & more)
take care update cab modification are not removed by a hardreset.
The native radio costs more battery usage. I alse want to change the radio withou reflashing said:
As i know, the latest version of HD2_Updatable_XBmod_Yuki_v2_native had already included the radio, so why don't you flash it again?
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I'm not entirely sure this is true.. My HD2 running Yuki V2 has Radio 5.69, which to my understanding does not work with the Camera trick, and therefore results in much higher standby voltages than radio 5.51T.
Fmstrat said:
I'm not entirely sure this is true.. My HD2 running Yuki V2 has Radio 5.69, which to my understanding does not work with the Camera trick, and therefore results in much higher standby voltages than radio 5.51T.
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Yes and I also wait someone to make the radio cab for us.
liu2002 said:
As I know it is possible to flash the radio by cab sender,,you can find this:
Update Cab Building Process
An update cab is a container for 3 different types of packages.
with ability to replace any files in all part of the rom.(sldr,nk,imgfs)
never need to create a new rom, you can create a cab for what you want (logo,radio & more)
take care update cab modification are not removed by a hardreset.
The native radio costs more battery usage. I alse want to change the radio withou reflashing
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thanx, now we wait for CAB
Fmstrat said:
Hi all,
Running Yuki's Mango V2. Is it possible to update to this radio:
... without reflashing and then re-updating to 7020? (I.E. maybe using the cab installer) Seems like a simple question but I couldn't find it in the search.
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I PMed xboxmod a few days ago asking if he intends to build a cab for updating soft radios. He didn't respond. I'm sure his inbox is flooded.
I hope this is possible, I went through the entire update process last night just to find the new radio didnt fix my problem. I'm not looking forward to trying another
XBmod is going to make a cab for radio swapping soon
Robbie P said:
XBmod is going to make a cab for radio swapping soon
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Link isn't working.
Sorry copied it
