Hardware Keyboard Characters Out of Place - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi everyone,
I have just purchased a vodafone version of htc hermes, the v1605. Everything was alright, but I discovered that some keys on the hardware keyboard is out of place. For example, a key that was supposed to input a hyphen "-" turns out to be a "?" instead. "!" turns out to be "~" and so on. A couple of them are misplaced, while most of them are alright.
How do I fix this problem? I asked my local technician and he told me that it has something to do with the registry or something. I suspect that the driver is to be blamed. Any help will very much be appreciated. Thanks.

you can change the registry here:
or download schap's advanced config and change the keyboard mapping. you can find it in the stickies in the dev and hacking subforum


Can i change O2 Rom to work correctly with spanish keyboard?

In the office I have a qtek 9000 spanish version (spanish keyboard). I have upgraded to O2 english rom. Everything is fine but the keyboard. Some specials keys (colon, semicolon, etc) doesnt match keyboard because the rom "thinks" my keyboard is an "english keyboard". Is there any way to change it? maybe remapping the scan codes? may be applying a pach)?
Was just looking into this...
I was just checking the other forums on this and came across some interesting posts in the wizard section on remmapping keyboard by way of a reg edit. Here is the data pertaining to the wizard. You can probably do the same with the Universal. CREDIT GOES TO OAINOT for this.
Now we need a small registry hack.
1. Use a registry editor like total commander.
2. Go to \HKCU(HK Current User)\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale.
3. Change the value of the key "Locale" from "0809" to "0407". "0407" is the locale ID for Standard German. You can find other Locale ID suitable for you at: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/winxp/xp-lcid.mspx.
4. Do a soft reset and enjoy. All the keys and symbols have fixed right.
Try this.
I found this info by doing a forum search for "QWERTZ" (the german keyboard layout).
Good Luck and let me know how it goes.
Also check out AE Keyboard Mapping Software
Thanks, I have solved it in other way.
I ve changed the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\Qwerty from 66569 (english) to 68617 (spanish) and works fine
i have qwertz keyboard
and Italian rom
how i must change the key?
why I don't see qwertz key in the registry?
I must create new one?

keyboard messed up, registry hacks??

Hi Forum,
I installed the japanese IME as it was discribed at another forum (http://www.firstloox.org/forums/showthread.php?s=c973622a044a5a4a87c1f6099f097d74&t=4510), and it seems to work almost perfect on my qtek 9100, new German ROM installed. Only problem: the program changes the keyboard settings, means that I can't use the symbol- key (function+space) any more, so ä, ü, ö, ', ... are gone. I already tried AEKMap, when downloading the German keyboard file, it doesn't show up within the program. I inserted a new string called "Locale" to the registry-settings at HKCU/ControlPanel/Keybd etc., as it was posted here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=44489
-nothing helped. Do I miss something?? I will go to Japan next Saturday and desperately neeeeeed a Japanese IME- but also my German keyboard layout!
Greetings from Berlin,
Hi again, some more information: It seems that the keyboard is working, the only thing which doesn't work is the "symbol"-key (the "blue dot + space"-combination). Does anybody know if there's something hidden in the registry how I can re-map it and get it back to work??
There's a text file you'd need. You can easily create this yourself, though it might help to just find it somewhere.
A pre-made on is in:
Hi ZeBoxx,
doesn't work for me, unfortunately. As I said, the layout of the keyboard is ok, only thing is the missing function of the "symbol"-key. I played around with different keyboard settings, they all work ok BUT this symbol think doesn't. Any other ideas??
Did you specifically read this last part?
Symbols List - Changing the symbols when using the Sym hardware key along with a regular key (select devices)
Change the Symbols List
To change the Symbols List simply find the file "\Windows\sym.txt", and edit + save this file. The structure of the file is pretty straight-forward:
On each line, type the regular letter or number for the key as it is when normally pressed. Follow that letter up with the alternative characters ('Symbols') in the order you wish for them to appear. For example, from a WWE ROM:
This will replace the letter 'e' when using the Sym key with 'è', then when striking the Sym key again with 'é', then 'ê', and so on.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sure, but as I said, it's not the problem that this text file is wrong or anything- it seems that the symbol key doesn't work at all. No matter how many times I use this combination (blue dot + space), nothing changes, no effect on any letter/symbol/etc.
In the meanwhile I did a hard reset, installed all the apps again, same issue. I uninstalled the japanese IME, back to normal. I'm pretty sure that this prog changes some registry setting I need for the use of the symbol-key- I searched the whole registry, but since I'm not familiar at all with this I didn't find anything helpful...
got exactly the same problem. Searching Internet and all but I dont find any solution: there must be a registry entry enabeling it but where...
Yep, got the same problem. Finding it hard to search for relevant problems to do with this. Any help would be apprieciated.

Symbols in Hermes Keyboard Got mixed up? help!!

Hi guys! It's my first time to post here. I,ve got a problem with regards to My Hermes Softbank X01HT with a DOPOD Asia WWE ROM. The symbols in my sliding keyboard got mixed up. Like when I press the @ symbol the ? appears, when I press ! in my sliding keyboard the @ appears, press ? the - symbol appears and so on and so forth. I tried to tweak the registry using the method in the "Known Issues of Hermes Thread" to no avail. Is there a solution to this problem? or this is a harware issue? Could you help me please!!! Thanks in anticipation of your help.
I have this same problem. Did you resolve it yet???
Theres a keyboard fix somewhere around here... you just gotta look for it.. or find the registry setting to revert your keyboard back to normal.
Its in the wiki
When applying a non-cingular ROM to an 8525 its default keyboard is different than the 8525.
The Fix:
"Layout"=263177 (decimal)

Swaped Hardware keys problem

Running WM6.1 on my Hermes but the "y" and "z" keys on the hardware keyboard are swapped.
Is there a way to change the keys back to normal, perhaps via a registry hack ?
Anyone ???
There must be a way to re-assign keys on the slide out keyboard. Right ?
okey dokey....installed Advanced Configuration Tool 3.2 and solved the problem.
Hope this helps someone.
QWERTZ layout is German.
GO Links???
Deleted for reason I found the link, on ask search!
Have a good one!

touch HD keyboard. yes. i read the forum rules

Hello everyone!
Just a quick question. I have had to start a new thread as no one seems to be answering on the other threads.
I have the HTC touch HD. Now i got a registry editor last night solely to see if i could change the scanning frequencies that it uses to see if i could get it to lock onto a particular usa 3g band.
However in the process i see that when im typing a message now the keyboard (The HTC full qwerty one) now doesnt show the menu with the numbers running along the top and the most common symbols when i press the abc key to enter just numbers or symbols. I now have to press and hold the relative key so that they little grey version can be used.
This is frustrating me as i love this keyboard and i want it the way it was. restoring the registry has had no effect.
Any assistance rendered would be really useful.
Many thanks
Thats what you get for messing with registry
Only thing i can think of is a Hard Reset.
I am not sure how you made the "number" input keyboard missing with the Regedit. But as far as I know if you've installed one of the HTC hotfixes namely BLAS00369 Office Mobile Enhancement, it will make the number input keyboard missing. Once installed that hotfix you will no longer be able to fix the problem except a HARD reset. As my advice goes, do NOT install that particular hotfix upon your re-installation then you are OK. Let me know if this solves your problem.
have you tried installing another keyboard and switching back and forth to see if that helps?
Thanks for the help all. yes i had used the hotfix and i then saw that my problem was the exact same one that other users had experienced. upon navigating to the correct threads i saw the relevant solutions. I installed the suggested keyboards and removed them. then it all started working again. Stupid hotfix....
thanks very much

