SimpleOS - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Has anyone used this, is it any good?
Take a look at it at let me know what your opinion is.

seems rather nice
but it is not free
seem to be an alternate OS as the name said
have you made a try ???

i bet it's sluggish it's .net and .net is always slower then native wm code
so making a gui replacement in pure .net is a slow thing

Nice progie
I will try later...

Ik looks nice, but its very, very slow.
I installed the demo just a few minutes ago... and I almost immediately deleted it after starting the program.
There seemed to be no way to close it. The start-menu didn't show as it should, so I had to soft-reset to het back to my normal interface. Clicking icons didn't work most of the time, you need to press them for a longer time, without moving them across te screen.
I would't recomend using it.

Looks like they have ported a version of Gnome?

Doesn't work on Kaiser...mhhh

it's not a real port of gnome, its a skin meant to look like gnome (apparently there is also an OSX version). It's very nice looking, but doesnt perform very well. Not worth the money. Perhaps on something like a kaiser with lots more ram it would be more feasible, but with our meager 64MB, it's almost totally worth it (though, you can psych people out with a "i've got linux dual boot", which is good for a few laughs).

i've tried it before and its crap

thanks for the opinions, im not going to try it ou t, it would seem like a waste of time.
ill try it out when its more stable.

you may have to wait for a pda with more cpu power as .net is interpted like java
they could make it more stable but it's unlikely they will ever get it really snappy


phone app doesn't close???

I got my EXEC a few days ago and went ahead with the corporate install - never been a fan of O2 Active.
The first thing I wanted to do was to install a decent task manager. So after reading good things about it - I went ahead with Magic Button.
However, what I have found is that after launching the phone dialer - it refuses to close and remains resident in program memory. Everything else closes fine and with no problems but the phone app just wont close unless you soft reset the device.
At first I thought it was a problem with Magic Button but I then tried GSPocketMagic+. Again, I launched the phone app and then tried to close it using the GSPocketMagic-> Close All option but that didnt work either.
So it appears that once launched, the phone app cannot be closed. Has anyone else noticed this on their EXEC/MDA Pro?
I don't use magic button but most of the closer apps exclude the phone app - do you really want to close that
If you really must close it, check this task killer out
This is from the Microsoft SDK, just modded very slightly by me to allow you to close errant apps, especially useful when I was developing VJBigPhone.
Be careful, it can close pretty much any app, including system stuff like GWES. But if that's one you want, that's what'll 'appen.
If you press the "Ok" button it'll sit in your Today Tray for ease of use.
Click the checkbox to allow you to close stubborn apps.
Thanks guys.
Yes, I really would find it useful to be able to close the phone app - program memory on the Universal is precious to say the least and the phone app uses about 1.1MB (according to MemMaid)
I will definitely try out your app when i get home (dont have my EXEC with me) as it seems a much quicker way to kill the process instead of having to open memmaid - although it is a pretty useful app in itself.
Just a question from a fellow would-be developer - what dev software do you use to build your apps? I am looking to get into doing some dev work my self and was thinking about using .NET.
However, seeing as none of your apps require the .NET framework to be installed, I'm guessing you use the standard MS SDK?
I didnt see the above app on your website... is it still in BETA?
mzaslam: I didn't write TrayTask list, it's provided as example code in the SDK. From memory I enabled its ability to close stubborn tasks, possibly did some GUI work and possibly changed the icon. Was some time ago now, can't remember!
I wouldn't say it's beta, although what Microsoft code isn't!? But I can't really take any credit for it, so I don't distribute it as mine. I just put VJ on it so can distinguish it from the non modded version on my PC. It works well though: I've noticed it does have one issue, that it won't load properly when your system is undergoing some problem, eg an application has hung etc. Then it won't populate the task list at all. But it's a good indicator it's time to soft reset then!
It's the best task killer I've seen, particularly for my kind of development where you need to kill hidden tasks.
Dev software: I'm going to be starting my info/blog site shortly, which will address just this kind of stuff. I've got very little experience programming for the PPC; so far I don't consider myself able to program, just throw stuff around
But I program with Visual Studio 2005. You can get hold of the beta free online, and if you need a copy of Beta 2 and are in the UK, I can probably send you a copy (I've only got 1!) But note, Beta 2 has issues with the WM5 emulator, which stalled a lot of my programming. But it's a nice enough environment.
You can get EVC 4 for free completely, so that's still a good choice, but VS2005 is perfectly competent.
I had the pleasure of meeting this guy
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
from microsoft at a Modaco meeting in London a couple of month ago (the one where that guy stole the prize phone!)
Prior to this I had been fretting that the PPC was good, but not good enough for thumb friendly use. So I wanted to write a program or two. I considered EVB, but it's pretty useless for my low level stuff. I met David Goon, who was evangalising .net CF 2. I discussed with him about writing today plugins and he said that for that kinda work, C++ was still the best way to do it.
So, being a C++ virgin, and only about 20 years behind the times, I started learning c++ in september.
C++ is unforgiving, but very low level, and it makes increasing sense to me. I still only know about 0.5% of all there is to know about it, but it's doing what I want, most of the time. .net is beautiful to program with I guess, but right now, since I'm still awash with c++, I guess I'll start learning .net in about another 20 years! .net is great if you're not doing low level stuff, and I recommend it. For me, c++ is still like trying to create the universe to create the horse to create the ability to teach it to drink! It's a lot of work, but it gets there in the end!
PS I can hopefully make you guys an app to just close the phone if you want. Give me a mo...
Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
Let the OS do its job and handle memory management the way MS intended! I haven't force-closed any applications for a week. No resets or anything, and I have a list of running apps a mile long. (Just checked, and I have 26 apps open, including ListPro, TCPMP and this PIE window. I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.) It works perfectly. If WM needs memory it will close apps for you in the background. Why worry about it?
Just my opinion.
Well, all I can say is wow. You certainly accomplished alot in a short space of time.
Ive been in the IT sector for a good number of years now but my expertise lies primarily with VB... yes yes I know!! I have in my time developed in Oracle and a number of other languages but most just didnt provide a true RAD environment.
So C++ (and its many variants) was not one of my languages of choice, not that I havent done some dev in my time. Its just not for me. C++ is very powerful but you have to put alot more in to get the best out of it.
Of course, the benefits of C++ are evident in its speed of execution but those advantages are no more (or so MS would suggest) with the release of .NET. All the .NET languages are more closely integrated and coded in the same IDE. OK so the syntax is different but they are all based on the same FCL and CLS ad nsame runtime environment
Anyway, thanks for the app and if you do get a chance to knock up a 'simple' app that kills just the phone app then that would be great.
SiliconS said:
Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
Let the OS do its job and handle memory management the way MS intended! I haven't force-closed any applications for a week. No resets or anything, and I have a list of running apps a mile long. (Just checked, and I have 26 apps open, including ListPro, TCPMP and this PIE window. I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.) It works perfectly. If WM needs memory it will close apps for you in the background. Why worry about it?
Just my opinion.
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I think the phone app is possibly the exception to this rule... I could of course be wrong. With program memory being as limited as it is, I dont think there is any reason not to want to give the OS a helping hand in its memory mamangement.
Lets face it, if HTC (and I suppose MS) had gone about designing the HTC and WM5 the way most of us wanted then we (as in all EXEC/MDA Pro/JJ) users wouldnt have to spend the insane amount of time on this forum trying to fix the so-called "features" of our beloved PPC.
Dont get me wrong, I love my EXEC but with a bit more thought it could have been soo much better.
I'm sure before long we will see the PPC headed the same way as the desktop OS i.e. Service Packs, Security Patches etc. which isnt a bad thing really.
Sorry if I've gone on a bit...
SiliconS said:
Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.
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How is PocketZenPhone on your EXEC? I read from other threads that they are having problems with it. Is it true? What is its main function?
mzaslam: Thanks for your comments!
Check out vjtaskkiller here. This is a generic task killer.
I'll try to write a phone toggle a little later, to quit or launch the phone approriately.
Re Programming: I'm happy with C++ for now. I'll learn .net at some point, but I think the hardware needs to catch up and have better integration of CF. Then we'll have no reason not to use it. But right now, I want to keep my overheads as low as possible, (what with SiliconS using VJBigphone in the background!)
SiliconS is exactly right, WM hibernation is supposed to take care of all memory management. However, I think especially as seen on the wizard, it's beneficial sometimes to give it a hand! Also, although for MS certification programs should be coded to be responsive to hibernation requests, not all are, particularly non certified code... so again, could be beneficial.
I have to say, WM5 is slightly laggy generally, so it's nice to keep it perky. But I would suggest most users don't need to use a taskkiller. However, I use smallmenu and never keep more than a couple of apps open, but then again, I've never had memory problems with or without intervention...
However, for development, certainly beneficial.
SiliconS: is VJBigPhone working ok?
Guys, new release
Just for you mzaslam!
cktlcmd said:
How is PocketZenPhone on your EXEC? I read from other threads that they are having problems with it. Is it true?
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I dunno. Seems to work perfectly for me, but I'm not convinced that the Outlook-based profile switches are working 100%. I haven't properly tested it though because it doesn't cause a problem.
cktlcmd said:
What is its main function?
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vijay555 said:
SiliconS: is VJBigPhone working ok?
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Yeah, seems to be. It's v0.8 so I haven't tried your latest yet, but I will when I get chance. The phone's working fine for me and is always scaled correctly.
OT: How long before v1.0 do you reckon? I must admit I miss having the Wireless Manager not fixed too, and IIRC you were going to try and work on that again? It's about time I bought you that (non-alcoholic) drink!
SiliconS said:
cktlcmd said:
How is PocketZenPhone on your EXEC? I read from other threads that they are having problems with it. Is it true?
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I dunno. Seems to work perfectly for me, but I'm not convinced that the Outlook-based profile switches are working 100%. I haven't properly tested it though because it doesn't cause a problem.
cktlcmd said:
What is its main function?
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Thanks SiliconS!
mzaslam said:
SiliconS said:
Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
Let the OS do its job and handle memory management the way MS intended! I haven't force-closed any applications for a week. No resets or anything, and I have a list of running apps a mile long. (Just checked, and I have 26 apps open, including ListPro, TCPMP and this PIE window. I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.) It works perfectly. If WM needs memory it will close apps for you in the background. Why worry about it?
Just my opinion.
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I think the phone app is possibly the exception to this rule... I could of course be wrong. With program memory being as limited as it is, I dont think there is any reason not to want to give the OS a helping hand in its memory mamangement.
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Glad you didn't take my comments the wrong way. Re-reading them again this morning they could be taken as offensive, and that wasn't my intention, hence the .
Well, I dunno. People complain a lot in this forum that it takes ages for the Exec to ring when someone calls them, and people keep missing calls, so anything that delays the phone app (e.g. closing it down manually) would IMHO be a V.Bad Thing. I've never had a problem just letting the OS handle it. When I was looking at my task list last night, though, (with 26 tasks running) I had 14MB program memory free, so I'm a long way from running out.
Leaving applications open makes the Universal more responsive and perky, since I don't have to wait for the OS to initialise them every time I want them.
Anyway, your phone, your choice of course. I'm just offering an alternative viewpoint since the desire to close apps seems to be just a peace-of-mind thing for the enthusiasts on this forum rather than being driven by any tangible need.
vijay555 said:
Guys, new release
Just for you mzaslam!
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WOW that was fast!! I woke up this morning and this is the last thing I expected
I really do feel honoured 8) Best not let it go to my head though!! You also wrote a general cmd line Task Killer, even better I reckon. How long did it take you to knock those up then?
Today is my last day at work, I'm on leave for 3 weeks so will have plenty of time to check out all your smart apps and of course play with my little black beauty
SiliconS said:
Glad you didn't take my comments the wrong way. Re-reading them again this morning they could be taken as offensive, and that wasn't my intention, hence the .
Well, I dunno. People complain a lot in this forum that it takes ages for the Exec to ring when someone calls them, and people keep missing calls, so anything that delays the phone app (e.g. closing it down manually) would IMHO be a V.Bad Thing. I've never had a problem just letting the OS handle it. When I was looking at my task list last night, though, (with 26 tasks running) I had 14MB program memory free, so I'm a long way from running out.
Leaving applications open makes the Universal more responsive and perky, since I don't have to wait for the OS to initialise them every time I want them.
Anyway, your phone, your choice of course. I'm just offering an alternative viewpoint since the desire to close apps seems to be just a peace-of-mind thing for the enthusiasts on this forum rather than being driven by any tangible need.
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No worries
I didnt take offence and you made a perfectly legitimate case for leaving the phone app running in the background. I think I will see how long it takes for the phone to respond with the phone app running and without.
It is still VERY useful (using vijay555's apps) to be able to kill tasks as and when you need - because there will come a time when you run low on prog memory. I think especially if you run something like TTN or CP!!
I am surprised that you have 26 apps running comfortably on your EXEC with no performance degradation. Are you sure you havent been slipped a limited edition EXEC with more memory than the rest of us poor souls
Just my humble observations, but when I first got my Exec I kept wanting to force close the Phone app, but every time I did it would refuse to reload. A soft reset resulted in the splash screen saying no GSM, so I had to wait for it to reboot, use the phone and then soft reset again to get it working properly. Anyone else found this?
Great tool by the way!
Hey, thanks for all your comments guys. Hope it was useful! Visit my site often for more releases (although not today, or at least so far!)
mzaslam: how long did it take? Um, basic code is used in VJBigPhone to find and modify the phone. Then writing the close code was relatively straightforward. However, debugging, testing and preparing the icon, screenshots, cabs, uploading and preparing webpage all took an hour or two. Got a good telling off from my better half for it! I really need to sleep more...
Findus: I've never had that problem, sorry!
SiliconS: VJBigPhone. I'm quite prepared to step to v1.0 if I can, if there are no issues. No one's mentioned anything bad I think, so I think the core code is safe to stick with. I'm intending to add a phone close option on the tray icon (just in case anyone wants it!) and hopefully one other minor but useful function. Beyond there, hopefully that's v1.0. If I can, I will try to enlarge the caller's photo as requested elsewhere, and if so I will incorporate it as a menu option. (that might be >v1.0)
Finally, I intend to re-address the wireless manager fix, and if it works, I'll reincorporate it as an option on the menu, and also perhaps as a standalone for those who don't need VJBigPhone! Sound ok? Any other ideas for incorporating in? :wink:
How are you guys finding this tool? There's one or two tricks you can pull off with VJTaskKiller, but I shouldn't let you in on how because you could cause some difficulties :wink:

The phone shaver - fun

Hello folks,
a friend of my had a funny idea, putting a shaving sound on his phone and playing it. His phone is the MDA Mini and it really looks cool.
Now don't you think it would be fun to write a little programm which plays such a sound and shows the picture of a shaver on the screen. so that it could be assigned to a hardware button.
Could be a nice laugh.
Unfortunatelly I don't know anything about programming....
Or is this just to complicated to write and therefore waste of time.
Wouldn't it be more accurate to make it vibrate, perhaps show the Philishave interface on the screen, and make you more attractive to women/men/animals/vegetables?
vijay555 said:
Wouldn't it be more accurate to make it vibrate, perhaps show the Philishave interface on the screen, and make you more attractive to women/men/animals/vegetables?
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haha...that's gonna be real funny. I'm definitely installing it if anyone manage to write it.
Well I think the vibrate does not quite give it the shaver effect. Since it sounds not like a shaver. Listen to the sound:
I already have it on my Hermes using Mediaplayer.
Anybody for programming yet?
I thought this simple project would be a great exercise to use for learning c++, so I bought a book, DLd eVC++ and all the other M$ crap they say you need only to have it crash when trying to create a new project..
So, then I DLd CEGCC to see if it would work, and I managed to compile the "Hello world" program, but when I tried a simple program to load a bitmap and ran into all these missing dependencies (or whatever the errors were).
Well, I didn't manage to get started in c++ because of the lack of information on the differences between the win32 api and wince api, Frankly, I'm freaking lost. In alot of forums I checked out people would ask questions only to be answered with stuff like "Why do you want to do that?"
I'll probably come back to the C++ after it simmers in my mind for awhile.
but, I don't like to give up, and don't mind compromising, so I threw together this package that uses PIE and some simple web pages to do the Pocket Shaver thing.
At least I tried LOL. It's kinda crude, but what the heck, it's for fun anyway.
BTW: if anyone knows how to write a C++ program that loads a bitmap and will compile in CEGCC, I'd be very pleased if you'd share the source code...

Hmm, Should I wait or upgrade now?

Regarding Windows 6.1
Should I just install it now? Or wait til NSPSD4 releases his ROM?
You could install now, the phone is usable and there are just a few adjustments to make it 99%
But if you're not in the mood to do that (reg edits, cabs and files) just wait to the final version. I believe it's worth.
Don't wait. It is faster at booting & some bloat has already been removed. The network wizard cab was a necessity post install for me.
very worth it imo... if you have the default neo tmo rom on there it bogs it down quite a bit... with the clean dev you have more storage space, more ram available due to using less system resources and overall a bettery experience, and its noticeable...
all the fixes for problems have been posted, and theres some goodies that still work fine from
I thought that a 4.2 version was in the works that would include all the reg fixes, patches, and programs.
if not can someone create a step by step sheet that simplifies what all the other threads on 3 different sites have come up with? I use my phone for every day stuff, and I cannot be messing with it over 5 days sorting through the mess of posts that I saw. I'm sure I am not the only one that wants this, and or benifit from a condensed all in one guide. I don't want to come off sounding like a stuck up or lazy person, but am looking at the big picture and seeing a very large mess that seriously needs sorted out. and I for one won't do it as I don't know which reg entries are correct or what programs are absolutly needed and cause someone somewhere alot of grief.
I can wait for a new release, but if all the stuff was to be gathered up nice and neat then there would be no need for another release, and save ND4SPD alot of time and trouble.....
for the clean dev rom and directions
landscape camera fix, if there is a portrait fix i don't care as i'm a landscape type of guy
omapclock/omapclockplus for oc'ing your device (at your own risk), don't msg me if you fry your phone
for wm5storage which makes your device act like removable media
TCPMP player, regarded as the best all around media player for windows mobile
esmertec jbed to run java apps like opera mini with 8mb heap for larger apps and games, also adds 3d capability
link to opera mini for MIDP 2, this is the advanced generic that i've found works okay for the juno, some sites aren't that great and the type is grainy but i make due
MMS fix (which i haven't really figured out) for the clean dev
i'll add as i come up with more, but that should get you started fairly well... N4 is coming out with his soon so no point in me trying to start up a cab with all this included and installed
your welcome
That is a start, but I remember seeing issues like the background screen during calls looked bad, and something with MMS setup and txt reply issues. I see that most of it is not a make or break thing but more of a convenience or eye sore.
thanks for posting stuff that you have so far, but man I seen alot of regedits and once I gather them all I'll see what is really needed. Like I said I want to do this upgrade, but I want everything laid out in front of me so I can dedicate the time needed for the upgrade, cause it is a real pain for me to make time(at least till college ends) to mess with stuff where it is a trial and error situation. Thanks for the start and lets try and get a nice and tidy list going.
Also for the Jbed program there a few fixes out there that I found once, didn't book mark, to fix stuff like the bottom of the screen cutting off and showing the stuff from the background, and performance settings, and other items. I really need a better way of bookmarking crap I really do.....
thanks for the starting run....
P.S. I plan on doing this this weekend.
I just noticed that that is for the clean dev install.... on allshadow there is another install that I was looking at that I want to do that is not the same as the clean dev install. Not sure which one is better, can anyone chime in on that?
BTW I have the shadow version(I know they are the same, just stating)
Ha, I went ahead and upgraded.
i'd wait.
i read that camera and video don't work properly right?
i can care less about those stupid myfaves..
can someone make like a review of he good n the bad?

What Makes Android Better Than Windows Mobile?

I see a lot of threads about Android.
I've never tried converting or even seen it in action but have a question.
How is Android better than Windows Mobile Professional?
Also how is it worse?
Or is it just different?
All I can say is 'try it to believe it.'
I can talk about it on and on, but you are not going to realize what you can get until you try it.
sshark said:
All I can say is 'try it to believe it.'
I can talk about it on and on, but you are not going to realize what you can get until you try it.
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second that. easy enough to dump on your sdcard without even touching your current winmo setup, so try it out and see.
jimt007 said:
I see a lot of threads about Android.
I've never tried converting or even seen it in action but have a question.
How is Android better than Windows Mobile Professional?
Also how is it worse?
Or is it just different?
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Its just better. Really.
Main thing for me, besides that its totally better, is that its finger based. No more silly stylus....
I just recently went all the way back to the stock sprint 6.1 rom just to see if I could ever live like that again. After spending an hour or so gathering cabs and tweaking everything just to get it to a comfortable state, I realized that all of the things I was trying to do are pretty much already done in even the most basic android builds.
It does come down to preference I suppose, but for me, just signing into my account upon booting android beats digging around for a WMMarketplace cab on a crippled IE browser, cumbersome setups for things like Windows Live, setting up and scheduling active sync, installing replacements for almost every default part of WM.
I really did love windows mobile for a long time. It's certainly one of -if not- the most customizable platforms. If you don't necessarily like how something works in WM, chances are you can do something about it. But that can take time. I was never really that interested in scripting out one of those huge uc files way back when.
The way everything works so well together in android without getting in your way is fantastic, but stop reading this and just trying it!
If you want to get your feet wet:
A self-extracting zip file I made to get a friend running Android. It's a all-in-one Haret of zenulator's 1.6 Donut. Just extract the Android folder it contains to your Secure Digital card, then run Haret.exe in Windows Mobile File Explorer. Then hit Run.
For porting contacts from WinMobile to Android, check this:
You know what? I'm going to quote myself, from another thread:
Pandemic187 said:
Personally, I like Android better than Windows Mobile because:
1. It's significantly faster for me
2. There's more freedom in terms of tweaking it
3. I think it has a MUCH better notification system than WinMo
4. I like the integration with GMail (better than WinMo's Exchange support) and other Google services
5. It has an app market!
These are pretty self explanatory, but I just love the notification system of Android. I was pleasantly surprised to see a weather alert appear in my notification bar after I downloaded the app the other day. Everything appears there - including your appointments on your Google Calendar, texts, e-mails - everything. I think it's just great how it's all unified.
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jnadke said:
If you want to get your feet wet:
A self-extracting zip file I made to get a friend running Android. It's a all-in-one Haret of zenulator's 1.6 Donut. Just extract the Android folder it contains to your Secure Digital card, then run Haret.exe in Windows Mobile File Explorer. Then hit Run.
For porting contacts from WinMobile to Android, check this:
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I installed it without any problems. Nice looking. Very clean interface.
But.... EVERY program that I tried, opened but had no way to back out. I had to soft reset each time. I tried 3 or 4 different things, and nothing let me go back to the main menu. Phone hard keys didn't do what they are supposed to do. After all it is a phone, the hard keys make it easy to call and hang up.
I guess I'm not patient enough to continue to experiment so I just deleted the file and am back to using Windows Mobile Pro 6.1.
jimt007 said:
I installed it without any problems. Nice looking. Very clean interface.
But.... EVERY program that I tried, opened but had no way to back out. I had to soft reset each time. I tried 3 or 4 different things, and nothing let me go back to the main menu. Phone hard keys didn't do what they are supposed to do. After all it is a phone, the hard keys make it easy to call and hang up.
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Power Button = Menu Button
Camera Button = Back Button
Hang-Up Button (long press) = Silence, Airplane, Shutdown
Those should work on every Vogue.
cybik said:
Power Button = Menu Button
Camera Button = Back Button
Hang-Up Button (long press) = Silence, Airplane, Shutdown
Those should work on every Vogue.
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I'd like to give a friend the package above, but he is on a Touch Pro. Would this be good for him to try? or is there something else better?
TheKartus said:
Main thing for me, besides that its totally better, is that its finger based. No more silly stylus....
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lol..huh? I have used Windows Mobile forever and cannot remember the last time I used the fact, the only time I use it, is to reset the phone through the little hole.
jimt007 said:
I installed it without any problems. Nice looking. Very clean interface.
But.... EVERY program that I tried, opened but had no way to back out. I had to soft reset each time. I tried 3 or 4 different things, and nothing let me go back to the main menu. Phone hard keys didn't do what they are supposed to do. After all it is a phone, the hard keys make it easy to call and hang up.
I guess I'm not patient enough to continue to experiment so I just deleted the file and am back to using Windows Mobile Pro 6.1.
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Well..........after reading some of the replies I reinstalled Android.
Not to belabor the point but I still don't like it as much as Windows Mobile Pro 6.1.
I would be losing to many things I'm very pleased with for a change to a different operating system.
It's back off again, I'm staying with Windows Mobile Pro 6.1.
If I ever want Android I'll buy an Android phone.
I agree with you about Android, it's not something I would use, but that's just me.
I wouldn't go back to 6.1 though, I'll stay with 6.5.x, it's a lot more finger friendly. The UI graphics on Android is decade behind everybody else. I would need a microscope to see what's on there. That's why HTC developed its own UI. Knowing Google, they probably can make up that decade in a week, but for now its Winmo.
PS you might want to try one of the port/build with SenseUI.
stopthebus said:
I agree with you about Android, it's not something I would use, but that's just me.
I wouldn't go back to 6.1 though, I'll stay with 6.5.x, it's a lot more finger friendly. The UI graphics on Android is decade behind everybody else. I would need a microscope to see what's on there. That's why HTC developed its own UI. Knowing Google, they probably can make up that decade in a week, but for now its Winmo.
PS you might want to try one of the port/build with SenseUI.
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To each their own I suppose - but it really sounds like your config is off or you're using some odd build if you "need a microscope to see what's on there".
plemen said:
To each their own I suppose - but it really sounds like your config is off or you're using some odd build if you "need a microscope to see what's on there".
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I would love to be able to increase the font size on Android. I've play around with both 120 and 160 and different resolutions, but unable to increase the font size to something usable. Any help would be appreciated. I've been scouring the net reading up on Android and trying different builds (last one was eclair 2.0.1) because I was offered the Droid for Xmas. After all the readings and research, I turn down the offer in favor of the trusty old Vogue (being made by Motorola is another reason; every Motorola phones I got, I had to open them up and super glued everything down).
I do appreciate some pointers on increasing the font/widgets size on these test builds.
crobs808 said:
lol..huh? I have used Windows Mobile forever and cannot remember the last time I used the fact, the only time I use it, is to reset the phone through the little hole.
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I often got annoyed with certain apps I put in, certain games, or menus and just brought out the stylus.
Well, one thing you always have to keep in mind running Android on the Vogue, is that it is not native to the Vogue. So, there is always going to be little imperfections. I was so impressed by Android on the Vogue, that I bought a G1. So now I run WM6.5 on the Vogue, and Cyanogen's ROMs on my G1. I really will never go back to WM. The only reason I use it now is because I have a contract with Verizon that somebody else pay for. If you really want to be blown away by Android, go to a store and play with a native Android phone. I find content is way more accessible for Android. For an OS that has been out for a very small fraction of the time that WM has been out, it's incredible. Lol, I'm rambling now, point is, try a native Android phone if the Vogue port doesn't suit you. Don't give up on it too easily.
I am using NFSFAN latest rom on my vogue.Have not tried any android as yet.Honestly,I have not followed it atall.So I am a complete noob to android platform.
So can anybody point me where I can get all the guidanceThanks.
Wow! I don’t mean to sound patronizing but I am genuinely impressed by the quality of responses to this question. Someone actually dared to ask a question about comparing WM vs. Android and there wasn’t any of the typical flame war style responses. Thanks guys! Just one more reason why I like the XDA forums.
I have been looking for a clear and concise answer (or partial answer) on this exact topic myself. I was hoping to get a quantifiable “here’s why I like Android” or “here’s why I like WM” response and I finally found something in this discussion.
I find that a certain anti-Microsoft sentiment often clouds these discussions to the point where they are not useful.
I have been using WM for *years* and develop applications for it. I am also supporting over 50+ Windows Mobile-based devices in the enterprise (warehouse & sales force automation apps). So when people come out and say stuff like “WM is slow, bloated and buggy” I find it an unhelpful response. I just have to chalk their comments up to anti-Microsoft sentiment that is so popular these days.
From this discussion I have a partial conclusion. It seems that the main difference between WM and Android are from a “user experience” perspective. Both of them seem to be reliable robust platforms from an OS perspective. The problem is that the WM interface is dated and heavily stylus oriented. Microsoft’s response to this is to make things “bigger” but not to radically rethink the user interface.
Windows Mobile in its present form bears an uncanny resemblance to Pocket PC 2002. This was designed to compete (and win) against the then popular PalmOS.
Android represents a complete rethink from a user interface perspective. On top of that companies like HTC add their own stuff like SenseUI (on Android) and TouchFLO (on WM) that change the user experience some more. So sometimes that makes the discussion more about the phone manufacturer (HTC vs. Samsung for example) then about the platform itself.
Microsoft is in a tough spot with WM right now. There is a huge install base of mobile business apps running on industrialized PDA’s (stuff like the MC75, MC55, Intermec CN50, etc, etc). The Purolator guys use WM for proof-of-delivery. These types of apps are often custom developed, expensive and have long life cycles. They are not sexy but they get work done.
Radically rethinking the WM user interface would likely break a lot of these types of applications. Everyone knows when switching to Android that their existing WM apps will not run. But everyone expects their existing WM apps from 1998 to run unmodified on the latest version of WM (and surprisingly they often do).
So how does Microsoft keep WM dominant in the business sector while at the same time making it “exciting and sexy” in the rapidly changing consumer marketplace?
Tough spot indeed. I wonder what they will do. I do love the competition from Android (and iPhone) and expect to see cool stuff from WM in the future. I just hope it doesn’t break too many of my 10+ year old apps ;-)
The Fish

Is it possible to tweak rhobuntu to work on blueangel?

It's a simple question, is it possible to run rhobuntu {ubuntu tweaked to run on rhodium... } on blueangel.
Here's the link for those who would liek to see what i'm talking about
well, As of now, i can run it on my touch diamond 2, but when i try to run it on blueangel, it just hangs and sits there until it gets a reset. But given that it runs perfectly on touch diamond2, there must be something that can be tweaked to make it run on BA, or atleast this is something that the more knowledgeable ones of us can try
I like the idea of running it on BA better than diamond2 because BA has a screen nearly 1.5 times wider, and a little longer too, would look better ; plus it has its own keyboard etc etc.
Well, in case someone else hasn't already started an initiative for this, i would like to request you to... in the most humble way possible
it wouldn't look better as it couldn't look better. both the rhodium and your topaz have a display resolution of 480*800 WVGA, whereas the blueangel has 240*320 QVGA.
that means, by simply porting it, i.e. changing display resolution settings and several hardware mounts, it would show less than a quarter of what you can see now. have a look at the screenshots, the blue space marks, what you would be able to see on the BA.
i have to say, it is a great project, but the rhodium and topaz hardware is so much better than the BA's, you should rather ask the developer for a zoom function, if you like it bigger, i don't see that working on the blueangel
how about ...
with nyditot virtual display.... or similar software for bigger resolution...
i think we should still try its possibility, if it boots then improvements can take place...
for example, what's the screen comparison of a computer vs. touch diamond... someone gave it a try and then they improved upon it ... things happen 1 stage at a time right ?
i'd like to think if someone more knowledgeable can make it run, then i can try every lil thing to try to make it better... i just don't know how to make it boot on a ba...
gimme a clue and i'll try everything else that someone with my knowledgebase {very little} can ..
My guess is that without hardware acceleration, ubuntu would probably run as slow as molasses in the BA. Although, it does sound like a tempting idea. I think we have a better shot at getting Android to work properly in the BA, which I would be very interested in seeing/working on.

