phone app doesn't close??? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I got my EXEC a few days ago and went ahead with the corporate install - never been a fan of O2 Active.
The first thing I wanted to do was to install a decent task manager. So after reading good things about it - I went ahead with Magic Button.
However, what I have found is that after launching the phone dialer - it refuses to close and remains resident in program memory. Everything else closes fine and with no problems but the phone app just wont close unless you soft reset the device.
At first I thought it was a problem with Magic Button but I then tried GSPocketMagic+. Again, I launched the phone app and then tried to close it using the GSPocketMagic-> Close All option but that didnt work either.
So it appears that once launched, the phone app cannot be closed. Has anyone else noticed this on their EXEC/MDA Pro?

I don't use magic button but most of the closer apps exclude the phone app - do you really want to close that

If you really must close it, check this task killer out
This is from the Microsoft SDK, just modded very slightly by me to allow you to close errant apps, especially useful when I was developing VJBigPhone.
Be careful, it can close pretty much any app, including system stuff like GWES. But if that's one you want, that's what'll 'appen.
If you press the "Ok" button it'll sit in your Today Tray for ease of use.
Click the checkbox to allow you to close stubborn apps.

Thanks guys.
Yes, I really would find it useful to be able to close the phone app - program memory on the Universal is precious to say the least and the phone app uses about 1.1MB (according to MemMaid)
I will definitely try out your app when i get home (dont have my EXEC with me) as it seems a much quicker way to kill the process instead of having to open memmaid - although it is a pretty useful app in itself.
Just a question from a fellow would-be developer - what dev software do you use to build your apps? I am looking to get into doing some dev work my self and was thinking about using .NET.
However, seeing as none of your apps require the .NET framework to be installed, I'm guessing you use the standard MS SDK?
I didnt see the above app on your website... is it still in BETA?

mzaslam: I didn't write TrayTask list, it's provided as example code in the SDK. From memory I enabled its ability to close stubborn tasks, possibly did some GUI work and possibly changed the icon. Was some time ago now, can't remember!
I wouldn't say it's beta, although what Microsoft code isn't!? But I can't really take any credit for it, so I don't distribute it as mine. I just put VJ on it so can distinguish it from the non modded version on my PC. It works well though: I've noticed it does have one issue, that it won't load properly when your system is undergoing some problem, eg an application has hung etc. Then it won't populate the task list at all. But it's a good indicator it's time to soft reset then!
It's the best task killer I've seen, particularly for my kind of development where you need to kill hidden tasks.
Dev software: I'm going to be starting my info/blog site shortly, which will address just this kind of stuff. I've got very little experience programming for the PPC; so far I don't consider myself able to program, just throw stuff around
But I program with Visual Studio 2005. You can get hold of the beta free online, and if you need a copy of Beta 2 and are in the UK, I can probably send you a copy (I've only got 1!) But note, Beta 2 has issues with the WM5 emulator, which stalled a lot of my programming. But it's a nice enough environment.
You can get EVC 4 for free completely, so that's still a good choice, but VS2005 is perfectly competent.
I had the pleasure of meeting this guy
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
from microsoft at a Modaco meeting in London a couple of month ago (the one where that guy stole the prize phone!)
Prior to this I had been fretting that the PPC was good, but not good enough for thumb friendly use. So I wanted to write a program or two. I considered EVB, but it's pretty useless for my low level stuff. I met David Goon, who was evangalising .net CF 2. I discussed with him about writing today plugins and he said that for that kinda work, C++ was still the best way to do it.
So, being a C++ virgin, and only about 20 years behind the times, I started learning c++ in september.
C++ is unforgiving, but very low level, and it makes increasing sense to me. I still only know about 0.5% of all there is to know about it, but it's doing what I want, most of the time. .net is beautiful to program with I guess, but right now, since I'm still awash with c++, I guess I'll start learning .net in about another 20 years! .net is great if you're not doing low level stuff, and I recommend it. For me, c++ is still like trying to create the universe to create the horse to create the ability to teach it to drink! It's a lot of work, but it gets there in the end!
PS I can hopefully make you guys an app to just close the phone if you want. Give me a mo...

Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
Let the OS do its job and handle memory management the way MS intended! I haven't force-closed any applications for a week. No resets or anything, and I have a list of running apps a mile long. (Just checked, and I have 26 apps open, including ListPro, TCPMP and this PIE window. I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.) It works perfectly. If WM needs memory it will close apps for you in the background. Why worry about it?
Just my opinion.

Well, all I can say is wow. You certainly accomplished alot in a short space of time.
Ive been in the IT sector for a good number of years now but my expertise lies primarily with VB... yes yes I know!! I have in my time developed in Oracle and a number of other languages but most just didnt provide a true RAD environment.
So C++ (and its many variants) was not one of my languages of choice, not that I havent done some dev in my time. Its just not for me. C++ is very powerful but you have to put alot more in to get the best out of it.
Of course, the benefits of C++ are evident in its speed of execution but those advantages are no more (or so MS would suggest) with the release of .NET. All the .NET languages are more closely integrated and coded in the same IDE. OK so the syntax is different but they are all based on the same FCL and CLS ad nsame runtime environment
Anyway, thanks for the app and if you do get a chance to knock up a 'simple' app that kills just the phone app then that would be great.

SiliconS said:
Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
Let the OS do its job and handle memory management the way MS intended! I haven't force-closed any applications for a week. No resets or anything, and I have a list of running apps a mile long. (Just checked, and I have 26 apps open, including ListPro, TCPMP and this PIE window. I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.) It works perfectly. If WM needs memory it will close apps for you in the background. Why worry about it?
Just my opinion.
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I think the phone app is possibly the exception to this rule... I could of course be wrong. With program memory being as limited as it is, I dont think there is any reason not to want to give the OS a helping hand in its memory mamangement.
Lets face it, if HTC (and I suppose MS) had gone about designing the HTC and WM5 the way most of us wanted then we (as in all EXEC/MDA Pro/JJ) users wouldnt have to spend the insane amount of time on this forum trying to fix the so-called "features" of our beloved PPC.
Dont get me wrong, I love my EXEC but with a bit more thought it could have been soo much better.
I'm sure before long we will see the PPC headed the same way as the desktop OS i.e. Service Packs, Security Patches etc. which isnt a bad thing really.
Sorry if I've gone on a bit...

SiliconS said:
Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.
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How is PocketZenPhone on your EXEC? I read from other threads that they are having problems with it. Is it true? What is its main function?

mzaslam: Thanks for your comments!
Check out vjtaskkiller here. This is a generic task killer.
I'll try to write a phone toggle a little later, to quit or launch the phone approriately.
Re Programming: I'm happy with C++ for now. I'll learn .net at some point, but I think the hardware needs to catch up and have better integration of CF. Then we'll have no reason not to use it. But right now, I want to keep my overheads as low as possible, (what with SiliconS using VJBigphone in the background!)
SiliconS is exactly right, WM hibernation is supposed to take care of all memory management. However, I think especially as seen on the wizard, it's beneficial sometimes to give it a hand! Also, although for MS certification programs should be coded to be responsive to hibernation requests, not all are, particularly non certified code... so again, could be beneficial.
I have to say, WM5 is slightly laggy generally, so it's nice to keep it perky. But I would suggest most users don't need to use a taskkiller. However, I use smallmenu and never keep more than a couple of apps open, but then again, I've never had memory problems with or without intervention...
However, for development, certainly beneficial.
SiliconS: is VJBigPhone working ok?

Guys, new release
Just for you mzaslam!

cktlcmd said:
How is PocketZenPhone on your EXEC? I read from other threads that they are having problems with it. Is it true?
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I dunno. Seems to work perfectly for me, but I'm not convinced that the Outlook-based profile switches are working 100%. I haven't properly tested it though because it doesn't cause a problem.
cktlcmd said:
What is its main function?
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vijay555 said:
SiliconS: is VJBigPhone working ok?
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Yeah, seems to be. It's v0.8 so I haven't tried your latest yet, but I will when I get chance. The phone's working fine for me and is always scaled correctly.
OT: How long before v1.0 do you reckon? I must admit I miss having the Wireless Manager not fixed too, and IIRC you were going to try and work on that again? It's about time I bought you that (non-alcoholic) drink!

SiliconS said:
cktlcmd said:
How is PocketZenPhone on your EXEC? I read from other threads that they are having problems with it. Is it true?
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I dunno. Seems to work perfectly for me, but I'm not convinced that the Outlook-based profile switches are working 100%. I haven't properly tested it though because it doesn't cause a problem.
cktlcmd said:
What is its main function?
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Thanks SiliconS!

mzaslam said:
SiliconS said:
Arrgh! Someone else obsessed with force-closing apps on Windows Mobile!
Let the OS do its job and handle memory management the way MS intended! I haven't force-closed any applications for a week. No resets or anything, and I have a list of running apps a mile long. (Just checked, and I have 26 apps open, including ListPro, TCPMP and this PIE window. I'm also running PocketZenPhone and VJBigPhone.) It works perfectly. If WM needs memory it will close apps for you in the background. Why worry about it?
Just my opinion.
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I think the phone app is possibly the exception to this rule... I could of course be wrong. With program memory being as limited as it is, I dont think there is any reason not to want to give the OS a helping hand in its memory mamangement.
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Glad you didn't take my comments the wrong way. Re-reading them again this morning they could be taken as offensive, and that wasn't my intention, hence the .
Well, I dunno. People complain a lot in this forum that it takes ages for the Exec to ring when someone calls them, and people keep missing calls, so anything that delays the phone app (e.g. closing it down manually) would IMHO be a V.Bad Thing. I've never had a problem just letting the OS handle it. When I was looking at my task list last night, though, (with 26 tasks running) I had 14MB program memory free, so I'm a long way from running out.
Leaving applications open makes the Universal more responsive and perky, since I don't have to wait for the OS to initialise them every time I want them.
Anyway, your phone, your choice of course. I'm just offering an alternative viewpoint since the desire to close apps seems to be just a peace-of-mind thing for the enthusiasts on this forum rather than being driven by any tangible need.

vijay555 said:
Guys, new release
Just for you mzaslam!
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WOW that was fast!! I woke up this morning and this is the last thing I expected
I really do feel honoured 8) Best not let it go to my head though!! You also wrote a general cmd line Task Killer, even better I reckon. How long did it take you to knock those up then?
Today is my last day at work, I'm on leave for 3 weeks so will have plenty of time to check out all your smart apps and of course play with my little black beauty
SiliconS said:
Glad you didn't take my comments the wrong way. Re-reading them again this morning they could be taken as offensive, and that wasn't my intention, hence the .
Well, I dunno. People complain a lot in this forum that it takes ages for the Exec to ring when someone calls them, and people keep missing calls, so anything that delays the phone app (e.g. closing it down manually) would IMHO be a V.Bad Thing. I've never had a problem just letting the OS handle it. When I was looking at my task list last night, though, (with 26 tasks running) I had 14MB program memory free, so I'm a long way from running out.
Leaving applications open makes the Universal more responsive and perky, since I don't have to wait for the OS to initialise them every time I want them.
Anyway, your phone, your choice of course. I'm just offering an alternative viewpoint since the desire to close apps seems to be just a peace-of-mind thing for the enthusiasts on this forum rather than being driven by any tangible need.
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No worries
I didnt take offence and you made a perfectly legitimate case for leaving the phone app running in the background. I think I will see how long it takes for the phone to respond with the phone app running and without.
It is still VERY useful (using vijay555's apps) to be able to kill tasks as and when you need - because there will come a time when you run low on prog memory. I think especially if you run something like TTN or CP!!
I am surprised that you have 26 apps running comfortably on your EXEC with no performance degradation. Are you sure you havent been slipped a limited edition EXEC with more memory than the rest of us poor souls

Just my humble observations, but when I first got my Exec I kept wanting to force close the Phone app, but every time I did it would refuse to reload. A soft reset resulted in the splash screen saying no GSM, so I had to wait for it to reboot, use the phone and then soft reset again to get it working properly. Anyone else found this?
Great tool by the way!

Hey, thanks for all your comments guys. Hope it was useful! Visit my site often for more releases (although not today, or at least so far!)
mzaslam: how long did it take? Um, basic code is used in VJBigPhone to find and modify the phone. Then writing the close code was relatively straightforward. However, debugging, testing and preparing the icon, screenshots, cabs, uploading and preparing webpage all took an hour or two. Got a good telling off from my better half for it! I really need to sleep more...
Findus: I've never had that problem, sorry!
SiliconS: VJBigPhone. I'm quite prepared to step to v1.0 if I can, if there are no issues. No one's mentioned anything bad I think, so I think the core code is safe to stick with. I'm intending to add a phone close option on the tray icon (just in case anyone wants it!) and hopefully one other minor but useful function. Beyond there, hopefully that's v1.0. If I can, I will try to enlarge the caller's photo as requested elsewhere, and if so I will incorporate it as a menu option. (that might be >v1.0)
Finally, I intend to re-address the wireless manager fix, and if it works, I'll reincorporate it as an option on the menu, and also perhaps as a standalone for those who don't need VJBigPhone! Sound ok? Any other ideas for incorporating in? :wink:
How are you guys finding this tool? There's one or two tricks you can pull off with VJTaskKiller, but I shouldn't let you in on how because you could cause some difficulties :wink:


Re:Best software for WM5.0 to far!!

Re:Best software for WM5.0 to far!!
Hi all. I cannot take credit for the best bit of software I have come across since purchasing my Jasjar. All credit most deservedly goes to sub69 for pointing me in the right direction. 8)
Read this thread to understand why:
Like most people on this forum, I joined xda-developers to solve my own problems whilst trying to help others solve theirs if I am able. I've been cursing left right and center for 3 weeks now about the performance of the Jasjar even though i still love the device. However one of my big complaints related to memory usage/leakage as I believed it affected the jasjars performance and through many trials and errors and lows, I almost sold it due to feeling I was not getting what I paid for. I felt that the jasjar was slow and underperformed.
I retract all former negative comments I made in relation to it being slow. Whilst looking for a simple application (with a small memory footprint) that would close all running apps without the rigmaroll of hunting down the 'settings' tab .I tried several different programs and all fell short in one way or another...till now (including Wisbar Advance 2.4.1..., Spb 3.0.1 and MagicButton (small footprint))!
Sub69 pointed me in the direction of GSPocketMagic and claimed it was the most stable program he had tried. Thought I'd give it a go too. Am I over the moon that I did.
This software does EXACTLY what it says it does.....well for me anyhow. :lol: Even better, it very much appears to have ironed out alot of my performance/speed issues with the jasjar! It has sped up browsing of the O/S and access to applications and gives me greater control of navigation in a simple manner. For me it has been Rock solid. I've only been testing it for about 5 hours+, but it hasn't slowed down once and has not dropped below 12MB of Program memory (I started with 27MB) & it maintains its speed whilst I upurposely ran 12 programs simulatneously (including video, music, photo slide show, word mobile, powerpoint, resco radio etc..)and then connected to wi-fi, surfed the net (faster I might add -not the loading of new web pages, but of cached ones) and posted on this forum. Almost Everything has improved by at least 30% or more (speed gain) and whilst I still get some jerking in high res 640x480 vid playback, it too seems more stable.
I don't understand how this has happened. All I had previously installed was TCPMP and Resco radio ! :?
Bearing in mind I had even overclocked my jasjar (no longer needed) with PocketHackMaster 2005, which, for me, did not yield results as favourable as this has.
The only logical conclusion I have been able to come up with is that GSPocketMagic has overridden some default settings/application that was somehow holding my Jasjar back! Overridden a bug in other words & this seems possible as it loads first after a soft reset, therefore taking precedence over anything else that may have usually performed some of its functions. Anyway that's just a theory.
For anyone like sub69 who have experienced relatively few problems with their universal, you might not notice any difference, but for anyone who is still suffering performance issues, I urge you to try this. You have nothing to loose & no of course I don't work for the company. I've just had to wait 3 weeks to start seeing the manifestation of the beast I believed the Jasjar was supposed to be. :lol:
Sorry about the long post people, but I've shared in alot of the misery many of you have been complaining about & at £700 it's about time we got some positive results.
thanks again to sub69. 8)
I can confirm that this programme is small and perfectly funcitonal for closing apps. If you're battling with PocketPlus for some reason, then this is definitely the way to go.
So do you have a URL where I can download it from?
Just have a look in the original thread he mentioned ;-) it´s
- SUperbowl
Joe you could have opened the topic that was suggested
good luck
Hi, is it possible to use it without replacing the current Today page and Start Menu?
Which CAB file do I install?
Yes, there's an option to set the 'click' to open the "Start Menu" (the default is "Menu") You could then set "Tap & Hold" to close all tasks or maybe to open the GSPM++ Menu.
I use "" for the english version.
Here you go. A bitmap to use instead of he built in WM2002 windows flag.
CJSnet said:
Which CAB file do I install?
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GSPMagic.xscaleE.CAB for english on JJ
Sub69, nice start button, now the flawless look sets it off
sub69 said:
Here you go. A bitmap to use instead of he built in WM2002 wibdows flag.
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Where do I put this? The current program's bitmaps are all together in one file.
Are other people finding this program somehow magically overrides some settings or bugs?
Do I have to keep closing tasks to keep up good performance?
This is the only button you can change as far as I know. Put it anywhere, and on the Basic tab of the GSPM++ settings screem, choose Bitmap as the Image, and browse to the saved .bmp
I don't have to keep closing tasks, but mackaby may have a different opinion on this, as he was having more problems with the JasJar's performance in the first place?
CJSnet said:
sub69 said:
Here you go. A bitmap to use instead of he built in WM2002 wibdows flag.
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Where do I put this? The current program's bitmaps are all together in one file.
Are other people finding this program somehow magically overrides some settings or bugs?
Do I have to keep closing tasks to keep up good performance?
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Put in anywhere you like, then go to the menu: start-option-setting. Change to Bitmap and point to your new start menu bitmap.
The less programs you keep in memory, the better the performance, so close your apps instead of building up in mem.
Ok Sub69, you where there just before me.......tnx for the nice bitmap!
WM 2005 was supposed to deal with this issue. But I find that the build in close button of WM 2005 does not close at all. Amazing MS didn't find a solution for this problem yet.
The great thing about GSPM is that it also closes the phone application, where Magic button cannot deal with this properly.
sub69 said:
I don't have to keep closing tasks, but mackaby may have a different opinion on this, as he was having more problems with the JasJar's performance in the first place?
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Quite true, that was the case for me, but no more. It doesn't really matter wether I close down applications or not, my speed is always up, unless I run videos at the same time in windows media player and TCPMC (that was accidental by the way).
Like I said, it's worked for me, and I had performance issues. If you don't have any, maybe you you won't see any improvement in performance, but it is still a very useful and stable application.
Oh, don't get me wrong it definitely speeds things up a bit for me too. It's only when you mentioned it that I really noticed though. I've been installing and uninstalling so many different things it's hard to keep track of what might be making a difference!!
Anyway, it's the best task manager I've used on my JasJar, and the performance boost is a welcome bonus!
Two Soft keys issue is back!
Small problem, some of us have noticed that the 2 soft keys keep dissapearing and reappearing after soft-resets. I thought I had this sussed last night, but I was wrong. It's my only issue with this software but not enough to put me off it.
mig31 suggested we might contact the developers of the software, as they would more than likely be able to fix this quicker than we could. I second that.
Gotta work at the mo, but unless someone else is willing to get in touch with the developers of GSPocketMagic, I'll get around to it in the week and post the outcome of our communications. Otherwise, all's well with this app. :wink:
I just wish I cud understand why (and if) it speeds up the device, even if u dont close apps. I'm a bit dubious if it's actually doing anything otherwise, without some benchmarks :S
if anyone finds gs++'s source code, please pm me.
I noticed that the 2 bottom soft keys disappear when you click "Close all". May be there is a way to add this in the "Exlude task Close" somehow

Close programs??

is there a registry hack that will close a program instead of minimising it?
Here you go! and the best part is that it's free!!!
There are many programs that will do this, some of them have many other functions that you will find useful.
My favourite program, WisBar Advance does this as part of a massive set of functions, and adds the ability to completely skin your device.
The trade is that it uses heaps of valuable RAM and isn't free.
ViJay555 has a piece of software that will also perform this function, VJOKButt.
This is something that many people ask about, we all find our own solution.
cheers guys i'll try them out. does anyone know why microsoft did this?
bobbyb said:
cheers guys i'll try them out. does anyone know why microsoft did this?
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So that applications will "seem" to start faster after the first initial load.
The way MS sees us using the device often has little to do with the reality of using a PDA.
The default tools loaded by WM5 or the carriers (the ExtROM contents) are what they assume we will use and they do try to provide the things that most people want. Word, Phone, Calendar etc will all run quite happily in the memory that we have been (grieviously under)allocated on the device. However, when you start putting lots of third party apps in there you find that 64MB isn't enough. Skinning, Today plugins, TomTom, alternative BT stacks and voice diallers, better PIMs and the like all take up more space than MS had planned and we have to close them to save space.
If you ran it the way it was intended then minimising without closing would be acceptable.
Reminds me of Monty Python:
You're all individuals!
I'm not ...
One day I'll find a way to upgrade this baby to 512MB of DDR and drop a 2GHz CPU in it ... Then I'll be a happy camper =)
One problem I ran into, well, really not a problem just didnt think. As mentioned there are several programs that work great and I run SPB Pocket plus and all was great until my Exec started running slower & slower and eventually crashed. What I realized was that I was closing programs with the "ok" button on the keypad. This will only minimize not close so my programs were still running and stacking up in memory. This is a big "DUH". As long as you use the "x" in the top coner then the programs mentioned can close your program (as designed) but if you use the keypad "ok" the programs will continue to run in the background. Just a heads up.
Unless you use PQz! This program has an option that lets the "ok" button on the keyboard actually close apps.
have I mentioned I'm a fan of PQz? ;-)
Thanks, I will check it out.

Please Delete This Thread

You all know what happened here. Thanks picsel for the nice pdf file.
Update: Fixed browser rendering issues.
You dont know how long i've waited for this, thank you!! it works great on my Qtek 9100
edit: all the features work fine, but after a while of browsing, it gives a low memory warning.. any way to fix that?
MilanoRex said:
You dont know how long i've waited for this, thank you!! it works great on my Qtek 9100
edit: all the features work fine, but after a while of browsing, it gives a low memory warning.. any way to fix that?
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no problem.....glad you like me too
yea memory issues have been reported @ my site, Im currently looking into it. It also will not start a data connection, you have to manually start that yourself also.
wow, i am impressed if the memory problem gets fixed, thanks a lot.
if only there was a smartphone verion i could get. it makes me want to go back to ppc.
It's been working fine for me - I've been using it with several windows open and it hasn't complained yet... I'm using a heavily customised version, but I have to say that it's one of the most beautiful apps I've ever seen (after customising!)...
Thanks Lvballer06!
vijay555 said:
It's been working fine for me - I've been using it with several windows open and it hasn't complained yet... I'm using a heavily customised version, but I have to say that it's one of the most beautiful apps I've ever seen (after customising!)...
Thanks Lvballer06!
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how is it heavily customized? what tweaks can you do to this?
No chance this will work on Smartphone I take it?
vijay555 said:
It's been working fine for me - I've been using it with several windows open and it hasn't complained yet... I'm using a heavily customised version, but I have to say that it's one of the most beautiful apps I've ever seen (after customising!)...
Thanks Lvballer06!
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yea I have ran across the memory issues myself. I just moved my history folder over to the card and change the reg reference and its been working beautifully. I havent figured out what the issue is there nor can I find out why it closes when u hit ok......I also would like to know what you mean by a heavily customized version?
I'm sitting in court right now, stealing wifi and browsing with picsel. It's a beautiful app, but it's a shame it doesn't quite conform to Win32 API. Custom text boxes etc, so for some reason it doesn't accept carriage returns (enter key line breaks). But, minor issue.I think the memory issue may due to attempting to download streaming media, which fills all free memory (at least, youtube crashes it). May need to limit assigned memory in registry.Heavily customised: I'm using a plugin I am writing to make it prettier and easier to use... just for my use for now, but it could be very helpful. Multiple windows are supported, but not very useful because you can't pass links between windows. But you can browse in multiple windows, and do lots of other stuff.V
vijay555 said:
I'm sitting in court right now, stealing wifi and browsing with picsel.
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You sound like me
I think the memory issue may due to attempting to download streaming media, which fills all free memory (at least, youtube crashes it).
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now that you mention it.....I think ur right. The one time I got the low memory error was when accessing a myspace page.
May need to limit assigned memory in registry.Heavily customised: I'm using a plugin I am writing to make it prettier and easier to use... just for my use for now, but it could be very helpful. Multiple windows are supported, but not very useful because you can't pass links between windows. But you can browse in multiple windows, and do lots of other stuff.V
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multiple windows would be great...I bet ur loving it lucky u!
vijay555 said:
I'm sitting in court right now, stealing wifi and browsing with picsel. It's a beautiful app, but it's a shame it doesn't quite conform to Win32 API. Custom text boxes etc, so for some reason it doesn't accept carriage returns (enter key line breaks). But, minor issue.I think the memory issue may due to attempting to download streaming media, which fills all free memory (at least, youtube crashes it). May need to limit assigned memory in registry.Heavily customised: I'm using a plugin I am writing to make it prettier and easier to use... just for my use for now, but it could be very helpful. Multiple windows are supported, but not very useful because you can't pass links between windows. But you can browse in multiple windows, and do lots of other stuff.V
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Any plans on releasing this little jewel? sounds pretty cool
Not just yet. Picsel is one of the most beautiful apps I've seen, but at the same time a little rudimentary in access Working on improving it... will keep you informed.
I have been playing with Picsel and it's a great app.
The other day it suddenly lost the "momentum" when scrolling with the stylus. So if I am dragging the stylus and lift it immediately stops making it harder to get through long pages. Anyone else experienced this? Have a solution?
Mine lost momentum too after first usage. Not missing it though. Didn't investigate how to reenable...

Developing new application, need help/suggestions

MAJOR EDIT: Started over, I need fresh ideas!
I'm bored, I got Basic4PPC andI want to make a little freeware app. Seeing how much people wanted another unit converter, I dropped the towel before entering the shower (pushing the metaphor to far...) and decided to consult the experts.
What would be THE best idea for a Pocket PC application? I was thinking about a small app to launch many applications from a single hardware button with some cool UI and all, but it's been down quite a couple of times.
I don't think that a unit converter can be sold easily... I mean: I don't need it, and if I would: there are so much freeware alternatives.
And about your goals:
- only one file... why?
- Try to make it modulair: easier to extend
sounds like a good idea, but why not have currency converter, in fact what would be a cool idea is if it can download a table of exchange rates on startup so that it gives you an accurate conversion figure.
Rhapsody said:
I don't think that a unit converter can be sold easily... I mean: I don't need it, and if I would: there are so much freeware alternatives.
And about your goals:
- only one file... why?
- Try to make it modulair: easier to extend
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I agree, who would buy a unit converter... for instance I use google to convert for me on my phone. Easy and fast to use. I don't really know why I would need to convert a number fast.
I chose a unit converter for ease of use, but since the project is a day old or so, it's the right time to tell me what to make!
N1c0_ds said:
I chose a unit converter for ease of use, but since the project is a day old or so, it's the right time to tell me what to make!
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No I think if you want to make something which you want to sell, you have to come up with the ideas yourself
I think you start at the wrong side. First think about what you want to make (what are you missing at the moment on your phone?), then try to create it and when it's finished you can always decide what to do with it. (shareware or freeware).
The thing is that most of the things are already available freeware.
I don't quite correspond to the typical PDA user. I'm 15 years-old, part time worker...
I can get ideas myself, but I can't really know what the average user wants. The best thing I can of right now would be a hardware button launcher.
When you'd press the button you'd be presented a big touch keyboard from which you could filter the available apps. It would launch the app then close itself. Good or no good?
Timesheet application?
Well, since you asked... This is the only app I used on my old palm device that I have not been able to replace on my PPC. It is a simple timesheet program that allows the user to record time spent on definable projects.
I have tried several of the commercial programs out there and they are all too complex or geared more for billable time and invoice generation. I just need something simple. The PALM program was freeware and can be seen here.
If you are interested in giving this a try I will be glad to give some more details on the desired functionality. The PALM program was not 100% of what I needed, just the best fit from what I could find.
Interesting. I actually made something similar in one of my Palm apps (which was never finished because I switched to WM).
I'll have a look at that. I'll try it as a filler, waiting for a great project.
P.S.: your themes are awesome!
That would be wonderful! The biggest things I would need are below:
Multiple projects with name and number (13 digit)
Ability to delete project from available list but keep past history
Day and Week summary view reports
Easy selection / clock in / clock out on main screen
Those are the main things. There are lots of ways to do this and I have ideas, but part of the fun of coding is UI design and code structuring. If you decide to take this one please let me know. I will be very happy to test for you.
Woah, calm down, I'm only about to complete the table. It looks like the screenshots for Timesheet right now (without final total, project selection and "today" button).
what about an app that can install automatically and in silent mode a big list of cabs. we should just have to select the destination : phone storage or sdcard. it would make reinstalls easier after rom updates .....
perhaps it already exist, i don't know ...
The thing is now useable! It saves date, in time, out time and calculates the difference between the two. When you exit it save your current data to load it when you launch.
Looks like this:
Date In Out Time
08/08/2008 17:15 17:20 00:05
And it adds one row for each in/out.
Sample coming soon.
kaiser47 said:
what about an app that can install automatically and in silent mode a big list of cabs. we should just have to select the destination : phone storage or sdcard. it would make reinstalls easier after rom updates .....
perhaps it already exist, i don't know ...
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Interesting idea, but I doubt people would pay for it.
CAB File!
Here's the working version. It yet has to show total time, money owed and all, but that's a good start!
Does anyone know a better CAB making app? This one sucks.
N1c0_ds said:
Interesting idea, but I doubt people would pay for it.
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basically exists as user customisation... a new thing where cabs from storage card can be installed if u basically make an xml file with links to all the needed cabs
N1c0_ds said:
Here's the working version. It yet has to show total time, money owed and all, but that's a good start!
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I am impressed. Then again, I don't have a WM dev environment. It is running fine so far on my P4300 WM6. Thanks for taking this on! There is nothing out there right now that is simple and clean.
I'm about to cancel all that crap right now. After a hard day of work, it was all made useless because Basic4PPC can't freakin' handle tables as it should. Thus instead of getting the standard plain white tables with grey headers, I get some ugly dark gray filling where there is no data. Then thing get even uglier when scrolling is needed. That kind of crap is enough to make me quit.
Unless you guys can get me something actually worth its price, forget about my app, I'm too pissed off to continue and all the files went straight to the bin.

Great Soft CNetX Face Contacts v1.0

I want to share this application to manage contacts is a demonstration version, it is really interesting and very fluid, it can display its contacts with photos or icons page of today and navigate shift
Je désire partager cette application pour gérer les contacts c'est une version démonstration, il est vraiment intéressant et très fluide, il permet d'afficher ses contacts en photos ou en icônes en page d'aujourd'hui et de naviguer en glissement
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
for more information
thanks again , .. einstein (albert) is my friend lol
sorry for my bad english( google translate)
good program
i will test it
Interesting ..
I've saw this app on Handago, and thought about giving it a try, but I'm in love with pocketcm. But I'm interested to know who much ram this thing takes, if and when someone uses this app?
hmm... I'm using PocketCM which I love, but I'd like something to give me quick access to certain contacts from the today screen (speed dial). This might be a little more than I'm looking for.
robosiris said:
I've saw this app on Handago, and thought about giving it a try, but I'm in love with pocketcm. But I'm interested to know who much ram this thing takes, if and when someone uses this app?
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I am using it and its about 1mb of memory and I think the CAB is only about 500kb
iggy said:
I am using it and its about 1mb of memory and I think the CAB is only about 500kb
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Does it require flash?? I noticed on the website it said something about that.
Curious G
no flash.lite...
No Flash involved. The memory used depends on the resolution of your device as we do some caching here and there to keep the animation smooth.
The binary that does all the work is about 200kb (the file is larger but most of it are graphic resources). On a 240x320 device caching should take an additional 140kb (but it can be reduced if you disable the reflection effect).
Some additional memory may be taken by Outlook Mobile when you interact with dialog boxes to Edit contacts, select contacts and so on.
Please let us know if you have any feedback.
BTW: the bad news is that after months of work, we released this yesterday, and, guess what, it's already been cracked. So while were planning to add some further features soon (such as the ability to instantly filter contacts by category via the right softkey in the Today screen), we may give up all this for the time being and literally WASTE time making it more for difficult to crack (which of course will also make the software larger and slower).
It's a very stupid world sometime...
This looks like a nice app. I can't seem to find the cab file. I am on my Treo. Could someone pls post the cab file. G8ly appreciated
Just visit using your Treo, visit the download page and it will automatically download the CAB file for you.
BTW: the CAB file is signed with a Microsoft M2M security certificate, so the process should be pretty smooth indeed.
I installed it on my CDMA vogue/touch and I *really* like it so far. I have it inside my ultimatelaunch UI and its working great.
Couple points:
-the cracking thing sucks, but all software gets cracked. Its a fact of life. When it comes to PPC software, if I like it, I'll buy it. Most here on this forum will too. I like to support the community. I wouldn't be that disheartened.
-Features I'd like
1) automatically import my all my contacts or contact groups. It would be much faster than adding 1 by 1.
2) ability to resize the picture. The size it is now is okay, but I wanted to make it a bit bigger, although that might distort the picture I guess
3) maybe have multiple rows. If you have a few dozen contacts, you won't be able to see them (they will be "stacked" in the corner so-to-speak). I would like to be able to maybe put a dozen in one row, a dozen in the next (or however many I want per row) and so on.
If I don't find any bugs and I like it, I WILL buy it. Your price is fair.
1 - Install Cnetx face without serial
2 - In today, remove plug-in
3 - soft reset
4 - Copy dll and paste on windows folder (replace)
5 - run Cnetx face
unlock using 11111111111111
link for programe + crack
WAREZ not permitted here you've been warned.
Torayem said:
1 - Install Cnetx face without serial
2 - In today, remove plug-in
3 - soft reset
4 - Copy dll and paste on windows folder (replace)
5 - run Cnetx face
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NO WAREZ please remove link
Torayem said:
1 - Install Cnetx face without serial
2 - In today, remove plug-in
3 - soft reset
4 - Copy dll and paste on windows folder (replace)
5 - run Cnetx face
unlock using 11111111111111
link for programe + crack
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For Pete's sake, give me a f***ing break. This is the reason why developers are decreasing by the hour. It's a shame. Hackers have been cracking apps for the longest, but scammers have even gone so far as to take what developers here created (for free, including ROM's), and selling them on ebay. I'm not even a developer (or cook) of any kind, just a avid supporter, and it pisses me off.
Sorry, I had to vent when I saw this.
how signal to moderator??
Hey Matt,
thanks for your positive comments and your suggestions for future improvements.
Actually as I mentioned in my earlier post, one of the things we have in mind is to add support for contact categories, and this could indeed include adding contacts by category (or by "All Categories"). This should increase "usability", which as you can probably see was one of our main concern during development.
A nice looking UI is simply useless if not effective at accessing information. And most photo dialers or FAV apps fall short exactly in this area. With most of those apps, once you add more than a handful of contacts you simply get lost, because they lack indexing, sorting, direct access to contacts by initial and so on. And then you have to access a separate application and UI to make any little change to your contacts.
That's why, together with the 3D interface, we also focused on sorting, and indexing, or jumping to a contact by simply pressing the corresponding letter on the thumbboard or software panel, and making sure that all kinds of contact management tasks could be performed directly from Face Contact.
As for the size of pictures, actually, we already have support for that, as we handle different screen sizes and resolutions (so internally we are able to cope with different dimensions). But we don't expose any method to let the user resize the interface, which indeed could be another improvement.
Last but not least, as for the guy who just posted the crack here, I don't know exactly what the rules are here at "xda-DEVELOPERS", but I have a feeling he probably did it on purpose after reading my comments of how "stupid" all this is.
To put the whole thing in perspective, I'll say that seeing your own worked cracked hours after it's released, tells you that you probably released something good, or nobody would have bothered.
The stupidity is that, as it is now, something between 5% and 10% of the size of the binaries is probably code dealing with the registration, encrypting keys, supporting a black list to disable keys to are made public, and so on. Which is completely useless stuff.
And it took hours to crack anyway.
The idea of spending more time developing more useless stuff (to make the software more difficult to crack) simply make me sick. And I know, someone at the end will still crack it after a while, and in the meantime the binaries will be larger and slower, because of all this useless stuff.
And you never end.
So, as far as we are concerned, instead then focusing on developing features, we waste time on such useless stuff, trying to make the life of whoever is cracking more difficult. Which means that the cracker himself will also waste more time to succeed at cracking, instead than using his time and abilities to do anything useful. And so on and on and on.
And in the meantime, as a byproduct, the software itself gets larger, slower and full of useless stuff.
That's exactly how stupid it is.
im using the trial
the only request or thing thatd keep me from buying it is
1. it starts at one and not "centered"
2. it doesnt have an option to revolve
3. there isnt an option to hide the name or set it as name only... meaning no (h) (m) or (txt)
these are all simple fixes im sure, if these options could be added, im sure many users besides myself would love and purchase it.
great job guys, keep up the good work
I'm pretty sure that user will get banned as it's xdas policy not to allow warez. too bad for that user.
Looks like a nice app... but i don't have that many contacts with pictures. Would be great for someone that does though i bet.
I'm pretty sure that user will get banned as it's xdas policy not to allow warez. too bad for that user.
Looks like a nice app... but i don't have that many contacts with pictures. Would be great for someone that does though i bet.
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it comes with icons and the option to choose a cropped picture of your choice.... its quite cool... especially if they allow it to revolve!
Hey Michael,
thanks for your feedback.
I'm not sure I understood everything you suggest though:
1) yes, at startup, or after a soft reset, it shows the beginning of the list, but thereafter it simply stays wherever you leave it... so if you leave it on a contat at the center of the list, it will remain there, until you move to a different contact, and so on... I'm afraid I don't understand what you are suggesting...
Or do you mean "centered within the today screen"?
If the latter is the issue simply go to the Contact Manager and then Menu > Display Options, and check the "Hide plugin icon" options... this will make it "centered".
2) By revolve, do you mean start all over when you are at the end of the list?
If this is the case, actually we considered this (and as you suggest it should be pretty easy to implement). The point is that it may get "confusing", because you could be missing a contact and simply go through the list again and again without even realizing. Also, if contacts are sorted, seeing "A" after "Z" could also be a little puzzling.
Anyway, if this is what you meant, we'll experiment and see if it actually makes sense without becoming distracting (as I said it is something that we were considering to at the beginning of development).
By the way, are you aware that you can instantly jump to the beginning or end of the list by pressing an appropriate key (on your thumbboard or software input panel)?
3) this is indeed easy... and as I think of it now, I understand that there are actually some people who don't have their "work contacts" on the phone, and only have "friends and family"... so indeed, as you suggest, the option of displaying only the name should be given.
I have some concern though on hiding completely the caption... as this would also remove the Index-Tracking letter while scrolling, which I believe is quite helpful if you have many contacts, as it tells you where you are in the list while scrolling.
The same applies the (m), (h), etc. which is meant to give you a clue of the number called if you simply hit the START CALL key of your phone... which is the quickest and easiest way to place a call with Face Contact....
So it seems quite important to know in advance what number is going to be called., huh?
But nevertheless, as you said, all such things could be just "options": we could set the "default" at the same settings we have now, and then give each user the ability to change them as preferred.
So thanks for your feedback.

