Help! My XDA Mini S is dying!!!! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

For some reason after 3 years of valiant service my XDA is giving me problems. It was fine until I lost it, reported it stolen and had it barred and then someone handed it in. I contacted O2 who unbarred the phone but ever since then it's been intermittently not getting a phone signal.
I wanted to try re-flashing it with the original ROMs but it appears O2 have deleted them from their website and, using the Wiki here, none of the links work.
I really love this phone, if anyone has any clue why it may be doing this (tried 3 different SIMs) or if you have a copy of the O2 Mini S XDA WM5 AKU2 ROM, please get in touch!


Everything looks like it should be right, but it isn't -GPRS

Hi all,
I've spent the last 3 weeks searching through everything so as not to waste anyones time with a simple question but to no avail.
I've been given an XDA II from a family member as they have upgraded to the Exec and I have been using it as a PDA only. Well I see that Orange have some good deals on the go and so decide to use it as a phone/Internet enabled PDA.
I've unlocked it (many times now) got 2003SE on it and have put the correct MMS and GPRS settings in (The ones from Shadamehr). I've checked with Orange and GPRS is enabled on my account with them (PAYG at the mo) but for some reason the same thing that was happening when I first got it pops up
"Cannot connect
There is no modem at the above number..."
So best my small mind can figure is that somehow the 'phone part' of the PDA isn't working. I've tried other sims in it and they don't work either (o2 and Three - but I think Three is funny anyways). Is there something wrong with the actual phone bit?
It's a legit XDA with the M1000 ROM upgrade from the orange site which has made it 2003SE
Does anyone have any knowledge about how I can get my PDA to be a phone? It was once before (but with O2)
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
No modem at above number
Thanks for the link, but believe me I've tried this. I retried it to be sure just now.
"No modem at above number" is what I get after the XDA II tries to connect.
I have no phone reception whatsoever, no internet and no SMS.
My XDA II just works as a PDA with no communication possiblities apart from USB cradle.
Again, thanks in advance for any and all help with this.
If there's no phone reception, and no GPRS, how do you expect to connect to one?
Not to be mean or anything, but aren't your hopes of connecting a little farfetched if all the systems you're trying to use are down?
Not to be mean or anything, but aren't your hopes of connecting a little farfetched if all the systems you're trying to use are down?
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Your not being mean, believe me after a month of searching through here and SPV developers anything that wuld resolve this issue would be appreciated.
Why would the phone element of my XDA just stop working? I can only imagine some sort of Hardware fault but I'm a thorough bunny and would like to make sure of this. A diagnostic app or some way of reading the phone element like a device driver would be handy.
So in brief, why has my phone part of my XDA II stopped working and how do I switch it back on again (if this is at all possible)?
Thank you for your replies thusfar Cynagen, I shall start to ask these questions in the Himalaya forum also now since it seems model specific and not network related.
Any and all further assistance is much appreciated.

Phone element in XDA II - Not there?!?!

Hi all,
I've spent the last month searching through everything so as not to waste anyones time with a simple question but to no avail and so here I am.
I've been given an XDA II from a family member as they have upgraded to the Exec and I have been using it as a PDA only. Well I see that Orange have some good deals on the go and so decide to use it as a phone/Internet enabled PDA as well.
I've unlocked it (many times now) got 2003SE on it and have put the correct MMS and GPRS settings in (The ones from Shadamehr). I've checked with Orange and GPRS is enabled on my account with them (PAYG at the mo) but for some reason the same thing that was happening when I first got it pops up
"Cannot connect
There is no modem at the above number..."
So best my small mind can figure is that somehow the 'phone part' of the PDA isn't working. I've tried other sims in it and they don't work either (o2 and Three - but I think Three is funny anyways). Is there something wrong with the actual phone bit?
It's a legit XDA with the M1000 ROM upgrade from the orange site which has made it 2003SE
Does anyone have any knowledge about how I can get my PDA to be a phone? It was once before (but with O2)
I asked this question over in Networking but they seem to think it's something specific to the phone.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.

O2 Xda Exec use on Cingular network

I've searched this can can't find anything...I was wondering if i could use the Exec on my cingular plan without having to change anything. I'd like to be able to use my existing SIM card with it. Thanks for the help.
Paden said:
I've searched this can can't find anything...I was wondering if i could use the Exec on my cingular plan without having to change anything. I'd like to be able to use my existing SIM card with it. Thanks for the help.
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Yes, you can , but you need had unlock O2 Exec , I used Cingular in my Exec work fine.
I got the same problem with you, I cant get it work with Cingular service and I cant get any solutions from searching net. I have tried to talk with them, go to their stores and do whatever I can. The result still the same, it really make me headache....I have already paid for 2 months fee in "NO SERVICE" condition and they cannot do anything!
O2 XDA Exec issue with cingular ....
O2 XDA Execs come unlocked from O2. When i received mine when it came first out in early october 2005, i just plugged in my Cingular SIM and there wasn't any problems. Though note that the SIM location is a little iffy at times, you shouldn't have a lot of problems.
You would also need to configure the GPRS settings on the Exec.
BTW, noticing you're from MO, which phone were you using prior to the Exec? it might give me more of an idea of your situation ...I've been using GSM phone for a while and i know that Cingular didn't have a full GSM network until a couple of months ago ... and if you came from AT&T then that's another ballgame as well ... AT&T used a mix of different standards as well ...
I was using MDA II before EXEC. Start from May, I can't get the signal anymore, at first I thought it was my MDA problem, so I changed it to EXEC. But, who knows? The same problem still there. Cingular just blame O2 that the EXEC has problem, and they do nothing.
Are you using EXEC now? How to change the GPRS setting?
In addition, I was Cingular customer about 1.5 year already. This problem happen since May. I really have no idea how to solve it.

02 XDA Orbit

I want to get the ROM updated as my GPS is slow to load and I was told that updating the ROM will sort this out.
I haven't done this before on the XDA (have on HP iPac) so I get the idea. Having reading through many posts I am totally confused as to what I should be doing.
I have downloaded and installed Artemis_USPL and I get everything in order - however it doesn't report current ROM version and doesn't update (Active Sync seem to drop connection).
All I want to do is update the ROM to the latest version.
Therefore I want to know where I can get the latest O2 Rom for WM5, and what software I should be using to make the update.
Many thanks for any help
(BTW - I am happy with WM5, however if I can kill 2 birds with one stone and get on to an English version of WM6 I would like to do that as well!)
losing sync
got the same problem here
Have you tried waiting the screen willgo either white or black for a period.
When using USPL it doesnt alter the device data or appearance just the CID status.
If you follow the idiots guide
you should have no problems.
I have UK O2 Orbit and no problems at all as I said follow the guide and will work sometimes it seems to be taking ages and doing nothing but trust me for me it gets there.
o2 are doing WM6 updates - just take it to the store....
Thanks for the reply.
I did follow the idiots guide as mentioned, and having working in IT for 10 years found it simple enough to follow. Didn't change the fact that I couldn't get passed the "dropped" used connection and no update!
What I then did was ring o2 who did have a clue and then I rang the XDA (o2) dedicated service center.
The girl on the phone went and checked with the techs and rang me back to confirm they are installing WM6 on all XDA's that get sent back, and that the update is free!
With this information I went to my local o2 store who accepted the phone for software upgrade to WM6 and told me it will be back with me on Thursday of next week.
Problem sorted - let them do it......
Wishfull thinking....please check when they return the device...may have the SD Card with the flashed ROM on it hee hee hee...!
ukmp3 said:
Thanks for the reply.
I did follow the idiots guide as mentioned, and having working in IT for 10 years found it simple enough to follow. Didn't change the fact that I couldn't get passed the "dropped" used connection and no update!
What I then did was ring o2 who did have a clue and then I rang the XDA (o2) dedicated service center.
The girl on the phone went and checked with the techs and rang me back to confirm they are installing WM6 on all XDA's that get sent back, and that the update is free!
With this information I went to my local o2 store who accepted the phone for software upgrade to WM6 and told me it will be back with me on Thursday of next week.
Problem sorted - let them do it......
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is your pc Vista by any chance
I did ask the service center direct - if you want to check give them a call on 01603 269901 - XDA2 warranty returns line.
Also I rang o2 twice on 0800 5874715 and on both occasions they confirmed they are supporting it from 23/27 of this month - so that all ties in nicely.
I will let you know when mine returns if it works and if they have upgraded the ROM etc.....
They are indeed upgrading all retuned devices with WM6. That is for sure.
I got my XDA Orbit Back from o2 yesterday after 6 days.
It has been updated (ROM, GSM etc) and has WM 6 Pro on it.
Sat Nav is still very slow to kick in - what else can I do to speed up the connection?
ukmp3 said:
I got my XDA Orbit Back from o2 yesterday after 6 days.
It has been updated (ROM, GSM etc) and has WM 6 Pro on it.
Sat Nav is still very slow to kick in - what else can I do to speed up the connection?
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Have you ensured that QuickGPS is up to date?
Also when you run the GPS ensure u are static while it locates you.
Also overclock the Orbit slightly?
Hope this helps

Hero on O2 pay and go?

Hi all, im thinking about getting either the Hero or the touch Diamond 2 sim free which i have seen going for about £400 (Hero that is) and would like to use an O2 pay and go sim with it.
Question is can anybody using an O2 pay and go sim give me any feedback as regards compatability, call quality and access to the internet etc?
I have read that the settings are pulled to the phone from the sim when you first power up, but would help if an actual user could confirm this for me as its a lot of money to spend as you can appreciate.
A friend of mine recently bought a sim free Diamond 2 used from E Bay and tried several sims in it only to find that it could not connect to any network, however it later turned out that the phone had been reported lost/stolen and some sort of block put on it. Luckily he got his money back but it throws up the question for me wether there may be an O2/ HTC sim incompatability as O2 dont officialy support this manufacturers devices.
Any feedback would be appreciated, im a new member and this would be my first smartphone so please be gentle lol.
Many thanks.
I had my O2 sim in my Sim free Hero for a week with no problems what so ever.
I'm using an O2 pay-monthly SIM with no problems, all the settings were done automatically. Haven't tried a pay and go but I reckon you'll be okay.
Great new guys many thanks for the replies

