dev-wiki and tasks-plugin - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi there, does anyone know how and/or where the calendars tasks are stored? As a first application i would like to do something like a home-screen plugin to display the tasks, or even code a little program to display them in a more sophisticated way than the std-program does. Any link, help?
AH yeah, btw I set up a wiki vor development on Vox, maybe we can get some things together there which are also usefull for all the other phones. Have a look at the WiKi


[REQUEST] Save uncompleted tasks to registry

I looked for a solution everywhere I could, and I asked too in the sticky thread about general questions and answer, without result.
Ok I would like to have a little application able to save on registry the tasks still not completed.
In few words, something very similar to "Apptx":
The only difference would be treating tasks instead of appointments.
The main reason is to see tasks using applications like rltoday, batterystatus, WAD2 etc. able to read from registry and to show on today screen.
Thank you very much for your help.

Lack of Agenda Space

I've posted in the Clock forum with hardly a response. Is anyone addressing the basic issue with business use of TF3D? The Today screen, while attractive, is not well suited to the original purpose; to see mail, appointments, etc at one glace. It uses up so much room needlessly, that there is no room for appointments.
The clock is about twice as big as necessary. Missed calls are not so critical as to need an entire line. Then last is what needs to be first, the agenda. Room for one appointment isn't even close to what a business person needs; we need the bulk of our day at a glance. In this respect, the original MS Today screen was far better, primitive as it is.
The fix is easy in concept. A clock half the size, and dropping the Missed Calls section in favor or an notification icon or something similar would allow room for 3-4 agenda items, which is acceptable in most cases. The question is, does TF3D let one make these kinds of changes? Anyone?
DrewVS said:
I've posted in the Clock forum with hardly a response. Is anyone addressing the basic issue with business use of TF3D? The Today screen, while attractive, is not well suited to the original purpose; to see mail, appointments, etc at one glace. It uses up so much room needlessly, that there is no room for appointments.
The clock is about twice as big as necessary. Missed calls are not so critical as to need an entire line. Then last is what needs to be first, the agenda. Room for one appointment isn't even close to what a business person needs; we need the bulk of our day at a glance. In this respect, the original MS Today screen was far better, primitive as it is.
The fix is easy in concept. A clock half the size, and dropping the Missed Calls section in favor or an notification icon or something similar would allow room for 3-4 agenda items, which is acceptable in most cases. The question is, does TF3D let one make these kinds of changes? Anyone?
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'The fix is easy in concept' is the key words here...
In reality It's not easy...
personally I don't know why you opened a new thread on this subject.. you have already done/asked the same statement/question...
I agree with you.. I would also like to have more appointments, etc on the Home tab...
If you'll have a look around here in the forum you will see that there is research going on on the subject of altering the programming of manila files...
But needless to say It's not easy! (or there would be more changing, more tabs, more of everything in TF3D)
Do a search about it... maybe you can contribute with your knowledge and programming experience?
Yes, I do understand that concept is different than implementation.
It is a new thread because clock design is not the primary topic, it is a means to an end. Also, because I had received no response previous to yours here. Thank you.
NisseDILLIGAF said:
'The fix is easy in concept' is the key words here...
In reality It's not easy...
personally I don't know why you opened a new thread on this subject.. you have already done/asked the same statement/question...
I agree with you.. I would also like to have more appointments, etc on the Home tab...
If you'll have a look around here in the forum you will see that there is research going on on the subject of altering the programming of manila files...
But needless to say It's not easy! (or there would be more changing, more tabs, more of everything in TF3D)
Do a search about it... maybe you can contribute with your knowledge and programming experience?
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[Q;maybe today screen idea]Desktop-like today screen?

Hey there
I tried to google but didn't find anything interesting.
Is'nt there any today screen that looks like a normal desktop?
The one where you would icons and some widgets like drag&drop clock, weather and stuff?
Is there something like this? If not why?
Is it even possible to something like this to exist?
Would like a today screen like this?
Thanks guys.
As far as I know, Wisbar Advance Desktop pretty much is what you're looking for:
It can be customized in many different ways... Here's an example of a heavy modified today screen:
[delete post] - how do that? - read below
thank you for your advice.
I tried this app but couldn get enough out of it - although app itself is brilliant...I searched a lot for themes...but couldn't find good ones.
I tried some but they were very function limited and I guess mostly suitable for the creator's needs only...
I did some further research and found stuff like SimpleOS etc..but doesn't work
you can see for yourself:
altough it is not comaptible with WM higher than 5. (as you can read from the webpage)
So if anybody finds today screen like I am searching for or skin or solution for this please let know

[REQ/DEV] [WM 6.5] Titanium CStocks

WM 6.5 has really opened the doors for some nice development for panels. Much like the existing Touch Flo 3D, panels can be developed to show your favorite....well anything. Already great work on weather, fave people, opera, twitter, facebook, ms office, programs, settings...colors, themes...etc!!!
One of the things I love most about TF3D is the stocks tab. I have started to tinker with a stocks panel for Titanium, but wanted to get a tab started for any who may have input, or have begun development themselves. I have been playing around with the cprs, bronzeres, and colors for some time, but this is my first past at creating a new panel from scratch. The good news for me is many have laid some tremendous groundwork to help make this an easier process.
My plan is to link the existing msn finance widget in 6.5 to the panel. The plan is to show the details of each stock pick from msn widget to the titanium custom panel. I am in the process of mocking something up just to post what I am thinking soon.
Moderators...gods of xda...please keep me honest as I am not actually posting any dev just yet. If I am out of line, please accept my apology in advance and shut me down, but kindly please don't lock me out.
Thanks....more to come!
pmorganii said:
WM 6.5 has really opened the doors for some nice development for panels. Much like the existing Touch Flo 3D, panels can be developed to show your favorite....well anything. Already great work on weather, fave people, opera, twitter, facebook, ms office, programs, settings...colors, themes...etc!!!
One of the things I love most about TF3D is the stocks tab. I have started to tinker with a stocks panel for Titanium, but wanted to get a tab started for any who may have input, or have begun development themselves. I have been playing around with the cprs, bronzeres, and colors for some time, but this is my first past at creating a new panel from scratch. The good news for me is many have laid some tremendous groundwork to help make this an easier process.
My plan is to link the existing msn finance widget in 6.5 to the panel. The plan is to show the details of each stock pick from msn widget to the titanium custom panel. I am in the process of mocking something up just to post what I am thinking soon.
Moderators...gods of xda...please keep me honest as I am not actually posting any dev just yet. If I am out of line, please accept my apology in advance and shut me down, but kindly please don't lock me out.
Thanks....more to come!
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If I knew where to pull data from seperate program I would try this. Maybe in the next week or 2. Does anyone else wanna jump this one?
+1 for stock widget
instead of msn money should be better using yahoo finance, by far more complete... titaniumweather use mortscript to fetch accuweater data, will be possible make this widget same way?
JukEboXAuDiO said:
If I knew where to pull data from seperate program I would try this. Maybe in the next week or 2. Does anyone else wanna jump this one?
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This might work if you set it up like Showaco is doing his radar for TitaniumWeather.
i am with you here man... i would give away TF3d if I can get a stocks plugin for WM6.5 good idea.... great idea...
There is a FRENCH stock titanium panel.
You can analyze and modify this for your convenience.
Go to
Is there any update on the app?
With the current advancements in plugin developments, this would actually be an easy one to make. it's just a matter of reading rss feeds from stock websites. I'll see if i can make some time next week and look into this.
rpereira said:
With the current advancements in plugin developments, this would actually be an easy one to make. it's just a matter of reading rss feeds from stock websites. I'll see if i can make some time next week and look into this.
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Not to mention example already from the post i quoted below:
JMHL said:
There is a FRENCH stock titanium panel.
You can analyze and modify this for your convenience.
Go to
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The French version looks perfect. I only know basic French words. I poked around on the site some and I cant understand. I am going to try a translator or a friend who knows French. Does anyone have any pointers?

stocks and shares application

hi guys and gals..
i have searched this forum without much joy (i got to page 50!!) looking for a application i can run on the diamond which will give me stocks and shares information and data. I am after a application bit like the vista widget or some kind of ticker/up-dater
can anyone point me in the right direction??
all help and advice greatly appreciated
Google has a fine application where you can make a list of your stocks and get updated data- iGoogle Mobile. It works fine on my Diamond.
Do a Google search on "iGoogle Mobile"
You will have to setup a Google account if you don't have one, define a list of stocks and configure the page to your liking.
It is easier to set it up on the regular iGoogle page first.
Good luck
search this forum for "TickerTape". this is the best app for your purpose. i use it everyday.
Manila for Diamond II?
What about the manila for Diamond II? Anyone tried it? I guess it has a bar for stocks, etc...
thanks for the replies i think i'm going to try the ticker tape app it looks like what i need

