[NEW RELEASE] ◄ HyperCore Kitchen ► MULTIDEVICE !!! - Touch Cruise ROM Development

As you can see I made a hard copy of one of the posts of anichillus!
This is his HyperCore Kitchen and I made some minor changes to make it work for our Polaris!
The most complex KITCHEN a begginer cook may ever need.
Easy to use but also very complex, it can be usefull to anyone.
Why ask and wait for others to make the perfect ROM for you when you got the power to do it yourself ?
~. Base ROM .~​* NO BASE ROM ! but ANY ROM !
~. Best part .~​* IT USES TADZIO TOOLS
~. It will install .~​Core folder on the system drive. Some tools and settings required.
HyperCore folder on the Desktop. There is your kitchen. You can move it wherever you want.
The place where you actually use it is HyperCore\Panel.
~. How To .~​- First of all edit the file named "Device.txt" located on the "Core\ACK\" folder located on systemdrive (mostly drive C:\)
Edit as following.
If you have a :
HTC Wizard : " set device=Wizard "
HTC Hermes : " set device=Hermes "
HTC Artemis : " set device=Artemis "
HTC Herald : " set device=Herald "
HTC Universal : " set device=Universal "
HTC Trinity : " set device=Trinity "
HTC Prophet : " set device=Prophet "
HTC Polaris/Kaiser : " set device=Polaris "
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Save it and then you're good to go.
It's much similar to the old Core kitchen...so those of you who used it ...will feel comfortable with it. Regenerated batch scripts, better, and i hope bug free.
~. Guides .~​* Hermes Cookbook - THANKS to sambartle
* My Way of cooking
* How to ADD/REMOVE programs -THANKS to mfrazzz
~. Notes .~​Since this is still a public BETA, I await your problems/ideas/concepts.
If you spot a bug, i suggest to send me a PM as well as a post on the thread.
I suggest having a ROM to make a backup in case you do something wrong
I created and tested this tool for WindowsMobile 6 , but WM5 should work OK too.
~. Download .~​
HyperCore_1.02 on RapidShare
Special thanks :
* anichillus - for this kitchen
* Papamopps - for real support
* nandlal_mk - for answering questions and DSM editor
* mUn - for finding the time to answer some of my questions
* molski - for i started working on his tools and still used some of them
* Tadzio - for his tools and patience
* bepe - for his tools
* the-equinoxe - for his splash-screen tools
* naboleo - for his initflashfiles generator
* dutty - for his NBH Tool
few others that surely i forgot to mention Sorry..

Thanks for sharing this! It's a revolution for the chef's here.
I suggest working on the Polaris Project with this baby!

THX too ... i will Port it on the Niki Plattform too ... or if you can Handle it ... pls write a PM and i will help you!

thx NikMel for sharing...and happy to see that you've got an HTC Cruise...
-maybe your polaris'rom release for next ?

You never know?!?!

Very good job!!! Thank you so much for spreading this info to all of us!!!

Nice work man! Finally we have it also for Polaris

have fun!

Thanks alot for your efforts. I have to say though, the kitchen doesnt work at all for me on my Vista Ultimate x86.
I somewhat got it to work by editinig some of the paths int he BAT files (see below for examples) but it's nearly impossible to track down all paths, I get "could not be found..." and paths errors all the time...
DUMP_ROM.BAT, when the working directory is %systemdrive%\Core\Batch\, the provided cd /../../ on line 4 leads to %systemdrive% where the batch stops because IF EXIST "Extract\Source\%rom%" etc breaks because the folders \EXTRACT\etc do - in fact- not exist in %systemdrive%
Extract.bat, the working directory is
%systemdrive%\Core\Batch\Links\ and the provided cd /../../ on line 4 leads to a path error when you try to launch the folder \Extract which doesnt exist in %systemdrive%\Core of course.
And a general question: I didnt really think it through, but it seems illogical and more prone to errors to me: why is there so much stuff doubled, once in HyperCore and once in the systemdrive\Core directory...?

You did install this kitchen and not extracted?
schaggo said:
Thanks alot for your efforts. I have to say though, the kitchen doesnt work at all for me on my Vista Ultimate x86.
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There is no call to an etc directory where do you see that?
schaggo said:
DUMP_ROM.BAT, when the working directory is %systemdrive%\Core\Batch\, the provided cd /../../ on line 4 leads to %systemdrive% where the batch stops because IF EXIST "Extract\Source\%rom%" etc breaks because the folders \EXTRACT\etc do - in fact- not exist in %systemdrive%
Extract.bat, the working directory is
%systemdrive%\Core\Batch\Links\ and the provided cd /../../ on line 4 leads to a path error when you try to launch the folder \Extract which doesnt exist in %systemdrive%\Core of course.
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Just some file are double and this is how anichillus made it.
schaggo said:
And a general question: I didnt really think it through, but it seems illogical and more prone to errors to me: why is there so much stuff doubled, once in HyperCore and once in the systemdrive\Core directory...?
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Oh wow, I didnt expect an answer so soon...! Thanks alot!
There is no etc directory of course, etc means and so on... I figured everybody understands etc... my bad, sorry
What I meant with \Extract\etc is if the script can't reach \Extract it cant reach any subdirectory either...
Ok, now to the kitchen. No, I didnt use WinRAR to extract it, I executed the EXE and it got extracted to C:\Core\... and the HyperCore folder gets moved to the desktop after the extraction is done. So the directories are just fine, they are how they are supposed to be. But - and that I suppose is the problem - when I check the properties of the shortcuts in the HyperCore\Panel directory, their working directory (the directory the script does its actions in) is the directory the target batch script lays at and not the directory where the shortcut is placed. So the batch tries to access empty, non-existant folders all the time...
Example: Shortcut in Desktop\HC\Panel\Extract will execute a batch script, but the working directory of the batchscript isnt Desktop\HC\Panel\Extract where it got executed from but its the directory where the BAT effectively is: C:\Core\Tools\Extract
So placing a cd \..\..\ in the batch file won't change the working directory two levels up to Desktop\HC\Panel\Extract but it changes two levels up from the folder the batch lies: to C:\Core\Tools\Extract
Do you use Vista too? It could be that the relative (and correct) paths get updated in the shortcuts when you move the directory to another place. Could it be that this new "feature" exists in Vista? I guess I have to try it in an XP installation in a virtual machine...
I found the cause: a cd / changes to the root directory! so cd /../../ will result in C:\ which of course is wrong! I started editing the batch files and I'm replacing all cd /.. with cd .. and now its working!
Check it out and try yourself in your command line tool:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
C:\>cd "Program Files"
C:\Program Files>cd Adobe
C:\Program Files\Adobe>cd "Reader 8.0"
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0>[B][COLOR=red]cd ..[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]C:\Program Files\Adobe>[/COLOR][/B]
C:\Program Files\Adobe>cd "Reader 8.0"
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0>[B][COLOR=red]cd /[/COLOR][/B]

Dear schaggo,
I'm in XP and it works as is.
True when you use "cd /" it gets you back to the root of drive.
C:\etc..\etc..\etc..\>cd / goes to C:\
D:\etc..\etc..\etc..\>cd / goes to D:\
The path issue is a VISTA behavior so you better try it in XP (virtually or hard installed).

Desktop\HC\Panel\Extract is a directory and all the batch file to extract a rom file are in that directory.
schaggo said:
Example: Shortcut in Desktop\HC\Panel\Extract will execute a batch script, but the working directory of the batchscript isnt Desktop\HC\Panel\Extract where it got executed from but its the directory where the BAT effectively is:....
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Thanks for sharing this!

Well yeah, I know where the files are.
But hey, if there are cd /../../ commands all over the batch files (check them yourself), it would mean that almost every batch file is trying to access the \Extract folder on C:\ at some point, which just ISNT placed in C:\ on any system!
And you say the cd / command produces the exact same behaviour on XP, then it can't be a Vista issue.

I don't know if it's me or you but we talk parallel and we don't listening to each other.
You better try it on a XP system.

Thanks a lot.
It works when i changed "/../" to "../" in my Vista.
It seems some ROM can't dump well, such as "Polaris_WWE_0.67_Opera_bepe"

Bepe is using a method to bundle all rgu/dsm files in one.
This is the reason.
alanxzg said:
Thanks a lot.
It works when i changed "/../" to "../" in my Vista.
It seems some ROM can't dump well, such as "Polaris_WWE_0.67_Opera_bepe"
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Hey, I just found out about this
For it to work on Vista you'll need to edit all the batch files located in C:\Core\Batch so that instead of cd /../ or cd /../../ ...and so on will be cd ../ or cd ../../
More exactly remove first / after cd.
Don't worry about how it's made...it was the only possible way to link icons and folders that are dynamic. You can move the HyperCore folder wherever you want on your harddrive. It will work.
I am guessing you added the new IMGFS tools to it so it works with WM6.1 ?
This version also works on Kaiser...since from what I know same arguments are used. Only difference is the RUU and possibly others. Anyway the HyperCore 2 is under way .
Cheers !

TNX for your input!!!
TNX for your input!!!


n00b question about adding my own programs

Okay I understand you have to use mkrom and Linux (or cygwin on Windows) to roll your own ROM my question is regarding how one could say remove one program from the SE ROM and include something else, for instance take off the byte counter and put another different counter on or such, would you just copy the necessary files (.exe and dll's) to the files1 or files2 folder and that's it ? What more is involved? Thanks in advance!
for simple programs, that is all there is to it.
some might need more research, as to which registry settings need to be tweaked to get te program to run from the windows directory. and what settings it needs to run at all.
You copy the files to either files1 or files2. Both sets of files end up in the \Windows subdir. So if you do not want to copy the files to RAM (see below), you should make sure the program is set to run from \Windows. Then you add any necessary registry keys to "default.reg", and any file-copy or directory creation commands to initobj.txt. Then run "mkrom <ROMfile>" and hey-presto.
Thanks so much for all your guys awesome work!!
entropy1980 said:
ok sounds good, what would one need to do to mod the registry for the programs (By that I mean prior to booting) I don't want to be mucking around with a reg editor after the device boots just to get the progs to work...
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Not sure I understand the question. Default.reg just holds the entire registry as present after a cold restart. So if you put something in there, this will be in the registry when the device wakes up.
I think we wrote at the same time , so you answered my question before I posted it !!! What you said made complete sense! Thanks!
entropy1980 said:
[...]so you answered my question before I posted it !!! [...]
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I installed the phpBB telepathy mod a couple of days ago, so I guess it's working.
Hey I knew you were going to say that.... :lol: :lol:
i want to add the skelmir java virtual machine (thats default installed in windows\ceej) and copy the swingall.jar in the windows\ceej map.
I have the cab file of the virtual machine but i can't find out which files are in it (when i open it with cabextract is shows .001 files and not the files that i find back in the device)
please help me
Using Special Edition ROM, Tthe CabInst tool will run CAB files on the device if you move it there manually and double-tap it. It allows to set a new directory to install in.
Also the System Snapshot tool will write a file in the root of the device which holds a list of the entire filesystem and registry contents, so you can compare and see what changed. UltraEdit for the desktop has a compare function.
Good luck...
i installed it to a seperate directory and zipped the files. i also took a snapshot when the xda was fresh and after install. i only can't find where the xda's gets is files from in:
43 <! [\Windows\AppMgr]
8544 <! 31/12/2002 12:31 1632 FC0E9EE1 Skelmir CEEJ Virtual Machine.DAT
8576 <! 16/02/2003 23:10 27 AEBB1DF3 CEEJ.lnk
8587 <! 16/02/2003 23:10 40 1EAF4EB3 CEEJ Examples.lnk
8588 <! 16/02/2003 23:10 27 AEBB1DF3 CEEJ.lnk
because these are not in the map where i extracted the cab file too. maybe you can take a look for me and tell me what i have to change in mkrom to have ceej by default installed
the extraced cab map:
http://www.devosjansen.nl/xda/java installed.rar
the snapfiles:
http://www.devosjansen.nl/xda/xda snapshots files.rar
thanks in advance
laurens0619 said:
i installed it to a seperate directory and zipped the files. i also took a snapshot when the xda was fresh and after install. i only can't find where the xda's gets is files from in:
43 <! [\Windows\AppMgr]
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These files are generated during the install process, and contain uninstall information. You do not need to write them if you install in ROM, since you don't need/want your programs to show up the in the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialogue.
ah i understand,
so i just put the files in the files1 or files2 directory and add this reg files to the default.reg? i dony really understand the readme file
ah little kick,
isn't also good for the next SE rom? because you have finally a java virtual machine on the xda and the app is freeware (got it from www.skelmir.com)
laurens0619 said:
isn't also good for the next SE rom?
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nice but can you please help me out for the moment? i dont know which part i must add to the default.reg file
laurens0619 said:
I dont know which part i must add to the default.reg file
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default.reg holds the registry that is present when the system wakes up from cold-boot. So any registry entries your installer (or first run of the app) has made that you would like to have present should go in there. Clear enough?
so i just copy paste the **** at the end of the reg file? and the files in the files 2 map
but how will the rom know where to put the files??
sorry if i'm stupid but i don't want to f*ck my rom so i can use me xda's as a frisbee
Yes, the registry entries can be pasted at the end of default.reg. It doesn't matter if there's earlier entries with the same values, since the latter ones override.
All files in files1 and files2 will end up in \Windows, and if you want them somewhere else, (where they'll take up RAM), you must manually copy them (or pre-made links pointing to them) by issueing commands in initobj.txt.
Take a real close look at initobj.txt, and you'll get the picture.

Rebuild *.dsm --- BuildDSM.exe

Hi, I dont know how Rom Kitchen Cooker were doing this till date ( some like me just ignored in past) but some how i got this (iv not created it) and would like to share this.
1) Place ur OEM, with its dsm file inside.
2)take out option.xml temporarily
3)Drag and drop OEM folder over BuildDSM.exe
4)u got ur dsm populated.
5)place back option.xml in OEM folder, and thats done.
View attachment BuildDSM.zip
BTW, I always leave my Option.xml in the OEM. Never had a problem
looks very nice does it work for system dsm's?
Midget_1990 said:
looks very nice does it work for system dsm's?
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ya its working on sys dsm's also.
looks easy, i look forward to trying it, great work.
nandlal_mk.Thanks a lot..!
Trying now..!
Thanks man !
I'll use it now.
I had hard time locating this one. Good thing you sent the link in the pm
To be honest I dont quite get what this does. I thought that for OEM packages we make, we just need a zero-bite file with the GUID and .dsm in the end.
WizeMan said:
To be honest I dont quite get what this does. I thought that for OEM packages we make, we just need a zero-bite file with the GUID and .dsm in the end.
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Yes, but that would result with "missing" packages
Aha, Uhum, I Get it.
Is that really all the need and reason to use a populated DSM?
So that when the Rom gets extracted there won't be missing files?
So Empty Bites DSM have no effect on performance or whatsoever?
(Except the fact they or 0 bites)
I've got 2 small questions;
1. Can somebody explain to me what the function of these *.dsm files is?
2. Wouldn't it be nicer to exclude the option.xml file automatically instead of taking it out by hand?
But as far as I can understand it looks very promising!!!
Great tool, just trying it today, big thanks !!!
Is there an option to bypass the "press a key to continue" ?
looks easy, trying it, great work.
Thank you very much.
The system cannot execute the specified program.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
... installing VC2K5 SP1 Redist allows the application to run although Dependency Walker also shows a delay-load on DWMAPI.DLL.

VipMSCRexe is a utility to run MortScript without Assigning .mscr to MortScript.exe

VipMSCRexe is a utility to run MortScript without Assigning .mscr extension to MortScriptexe.
How to Use it
Rename exe to your scriptname.exe e.g if your script name is sashimi.mscr then rename this VipMSCRexe.exe to sashimi.exe
This utility will first find MortScript.exe in Current directory and Sub directory under it
if not found then look in \Program Files and sub directory
if still not found then look in \Storage Card\Program Files
if still not found then look in root directory.
Once MortScript.exe found then find <exename>.mscr in same above fashion.
Once script found then execute command like MortScript.exe scriptname.mscr parameter1 parameter2 etc.
Advantages of this Utility
you can have only one installation of MortScript and may be all your script in one another folder.
Now if you want to call any of script copy this exe and rename to your scriptname.exe
Basically if you have script name sashimi.mscr then copy this exe and rename to sashimi.exe and put it in any folder
Root or storage card any where and run exe will execute your script you do not give any path or tell where it located etc.
To me MortScript.exe only support one parameter where as this Utility support multiple parameter
Version 1.0
Initial version
Version 2.0
Make changes so that Arguments are passed properly
Performance Improvement using config file
Version 3.0
Performance and Special Chars Handling in Mortscript's Path
Version 5.0
Performance improvement Using registry values
Version 6.0
Fixed Langeuge issue
Fixed Error Handling Routine
Very interesting. I have several uses for this right away so I'll download it and test. Many thanks for sharing!
Just want to note that although this is a fine tool (I'm using it for SASHIMI), if you DON'T need to pass parameters to your program you would be better off to use a renamed Autorun.exe file from the MortScript download.
The only reason I say this is becuase of the delay that VipMSCRexe has when locating/opening the script.
But, if you need to pass parameters to your script, this is the tool!
Don't work in my PC "System.ArgumentException: URI formats are not supported"
In smartphone with WM6.1 is the same error
hurtavy said:
Don't work in my PC "System.ArgumentException: URI formats are not supported"
In smartphone with WM6.1 is the same error
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Don't work in my PC "System.ArgumentException: URI formats are not supported"
Only Supported for Pocket PC's not for desktops
In smartphone with WM6.1 is the same error
SmartPhone and WM6.1 I am not sure you have smartphone or Wm6.1
Can you please let me know which phone you have?
I have Motorola MPx200 with WM6.1 Standart Russian.
Error message is in russian language. Translate:
System.ArgumentException: It is not possible to show the error message, since it is impossible to find its containing additional assembling of resources in System.IOath:InternalCombine()...
Do you have .netCf 3.0 installed?
hurtavy said:
I have Motorola MPx200 with WM6.1 Standart Russian.
Error message is in russian language. Translate:
System.ArgumentException: It is not possible to show the error message, since it is impossible to find its containing additional assembling of resources in System.IOath:InternalCombine()...
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Do you have .netCf 3.0 installed?
v3patel said:
Do you have .netCf 3.0 installed?
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No. Only .NETcf 2.0
I do not have smartphone to test but can you try changing your languegue to english and then try. I just want to see is it languege problem or somthing else.
Posted Version 6.0
Posted Version 6.0
v3patel said:
Posted Version 6.0
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You Can make it run in Win-CE ?
Great App.
But I have a same problem, it delayed 3-4 second before running a script.
Hope that you can fix it!
Thank u.
blue1311218 said:
Great App.
But I have a same problem, it delayed 3-4 second before running a script.
Hope that you can fix it!
Thank u.
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Me too, I know that you may have heavy code inside to do like path checking & etc., may be another version with just execute the .mscr in same folder as MortScript.exe & <VipMSCRexe>.exe ?
Many thanks for this great app.,
Thanks, that the thing I need~~~
Hope you can me help
i have program in the startup of my WinCE 5 Falk GPS. After the Hard Reset, has a Error. And the text:
Script \Temp\0084Script.mscr not found, waiting for existence (Storage Card not Initializied?)... After 3 sec. my falk stops.
Sry for bad english, im german.....

[TOOL 4 CHEFS] kitchen UPDATE ONLY NEW EXT batch file (EVK & OSK compatible)

only new ext-pkg's to a other kitchen (language import support is coming...).
a friend of mine wrote a little bat-file for me and i want to share it with you.
the creator insisted to call it bloody rudimentary but i think it's quite useful.
he wants to stay anonymous...
around two hours of brainwork (i remember the command for this... what was it again?) and notepad.exe to create this from scratch.
you only need to adjust the two paths at the beginning.
the batch searches for same packets (exact name matches) and ignores them.
a txt will pop up showing only the new packages.
you can edit this list (only delete pks but don't change entries).
save and close after you removed the lines you don't want to import.
batch will create a temp workfolder in c: (it will pop up once copying is finished).
at this point you can rename the folders (add *_photon_1.36 at the end for example)
and add missing language sub-folders.
if you are done, press any key at the cmd window and all the edited/renamed package folders will be moved to the ext-folder in the destination kitchen (_NewPackages folder).
example (if you want to update only new ext from 1.36 into 1.11 kitchen):
-kitchen1 (source kitchen) photon 1.36 htc
-kitchen2 (destination kitchen) photon 1.11 vodafone
tested and working with oskitchen1.31beta10 file-/folder-structure.
take this code and save it into a txt file. rename it to *.bat and adjust the paths.
@echo off
SET L_SOURCEPATH="[COLOR="Red"]X:\osKitchen Zero v1.31beta10_1.36SOURCE\Sources\Devices\HTC HD Mini\EXT Packages\HTC HD Mini Packages\[/COLOR]"
SET L_TARGETPATH="[COLOR="Red"]X:\osKitchen Zero v1.31beta10_1.11DESTINATION\Sources\Devices\HTC HD Mini\EXT Packages\HTC HD Mini Packages\[/COLOR]"
REM ------ END
SET SCRFILE=%L_WORKPATH%\packets_source.txt
SET TGTFILE=%L_WORKPATH%\packets_target.txt
del %ACTFILE%>nul
CD \
CD \
FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%SCRFILE%) DO (
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
REM insert logic here to select packages i.e. package numbers
FINDSTR /C:"%%I" %TGTFILE%>nul&& ECHO Exact name match. || ECHO "%%I">>%ACTFILE%
REM insert some better logic here duh!
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO !!!! Remove packages you dont want to copy from list but RETAIN LINE FORMAT !!!!
ECHO !!!! Save and close List to continue!!!!
start /w notepad %L_WORKPATH%\PKG2COPY.TXT
REM hier: Collect packages based on pkg2copy.txt
FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%ACTFILE%) DO (
xcopy /E /Y /H /I %%I %L_WORKPATH%\PRECOPY\%%I
ECHO !!!!Edit Folders now!!! Add langs etc.. press any key to continue and copy edited folders to destination (_NewPackages)
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
REM i.E. delete... rename....
REM automate it duh!
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
REM !!! ACTION - Copy from Precopy to Target Folder (Targetpath\_NewPackages)
xcopy /E /H /Y /I %L_WORKPATH%\PRECOPY\*.* %L_TARGETPATH%\_NewPackages\
rmdir /s /q %L_WORKPATH%
explorer %L_TARGETPATH%
CD \
tested now with ervius visual kichen.
works. hope y'all enjoy this batch file...
please leave a "thanks" if you like and use it.
wow this tool is awesome, its amazing how a simple batch file created by notepad can do so much functionality..
gonna use this right now
my opinion:
many xda-chef's would use it if they would know about it's existence..
please help me to keep this thread alive so all chefs can see it better...
tell your favorite chefs to take a look at this thread. thanks.
Wow, the time this is going to save me! (^^,) I haven't used it yet but I'm pretty sure I will. Thanks bro!
I didnt try it yet but sounds like a very life saver tool, got one week sticky for let other chefs to check it.
Thanks for sharing.
@ mods: i will take care of unsticky it @ 04 August.
I'm sorry but I've read the intro 3 times and still don't know what it does.
As i said ,i didnt try it yet but for what i understood it updates packages in your EXT folder,example:
You have a 2.14 Leo Kitchen and you want update only NEW EXT packages from 3.04.
Laurentius26 said:
I'm sorry but I've read the intro 3 times and still don't know what it does.
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feel free to test it. no harm done.
source and destination folders stay untouched.
only the (not exact name match - packets that aren't already in the destination kitchen) packets you don't delete from the pop-up list will be copied to the destination kitchen ext folder (_NewPackages subfolder).
I will give it a shot when I'm back from holiday mate.
Thanks for sharing with us.
HD2Owner said:
feel free to test it. no harm done.
source and destination folders stay untouched.
only the (not exact name match - packets that aren't already in the destination kitchen) packets you don't delete from the pop-up list will be copied to the destination kitchen ext folder (_NewPackages subfolder).
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wauw!!! works great man!!! perfect! now the only thing is we need to automate copying lang files from an other folder... hihi
kurniawan77 said:
wauw!!! works great man!!! perfect! now the only thing is we need to automate copying lang files from an other folder... hihi
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You mean for SYS?
seeM_ZA said:
You mean for SYS?
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i guess he means lang folders for ext-packages since this tool has nothing to do with sys.
it's possible but it would require a more advanced detection logic.
seeM_ZA said:
You mean for SYS?
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Nah... not that much work...
Unfortunately, my kitchen is setup in a way that would prevent this from working, but this seems like a great idea.
Thanks for sharing!
HD2Owner said:
my opinion:
many xda-chef's would use it if they would know about it's existence..
please help me to keep this thread alive so all chefs can see it better...
tell your favorite chefs to take a look at this thread. thanks.
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This is all nice and cool.. but what happened to porting your packages MANUALLY and actually looking at them before you put them in your kitchen ? You can't tell me this is how you cook a ROM... you run this batch file and blindly move over "newer" packages to your kitchen ? Wow... I believe packages need to be looked over and brought it one by one to insure compatibility first.
NRGZ28 said:
This is all nice and cool.. but what happened to porting your packages MANUALLY and actually looking at them before you put them in your kitchen ? You can't tell me this is how you cook a ROM... you run this batch file and blindly move over "newer" packages to your kitchen ? Wow... I believe packages need to be looked over and brought it one by one to insure compatibility first.
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you are right... that's why the tool moves the new ext folders into a sub-folder (_NewPackages).
cooks still need to add compatible lang sub-folders and maybe adjust some keys in the rgu's.
this batch-file is only around a week old. so it's basically new.
the main reason for it's existence is to remove the manual package comparison wich is very time-consuming (detection of already present packages).
of course cooks need to check the new ext like they would need to do when updating them manually.
in my personal kitchen i adjust the ext folder names as following:
this way i always know where the ext's in my kitchen are coming from.
the batch file detection still works when adjusting the end of the folder names.
for example:
source kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0
destination kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66
the album folder will still be ignored even after you changed the folder name of the already imported package to Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66.
just don't change/rename the blue part (original package name)
HD2Owner said:
you are right... that's why the tool moves the new ext folders into a sub-folder (_NewPackages).
cooks still need to add compatible lang sub-folders and maybe adjust some keys in the rgu's.
this batch-file is only around a week old. so it's basically new.
the main reason for it's existence is to remove the manual package comparison wich is very time-consuming (detection of already present packages).
of course cooks need to check the new ext like they would need to do when updating them manually.
in my personal kitchen i adjust the ext folder names as following:
this way i always know where the ext's in my kitchen are coming from.
the batch file detection still works when adjusting the end of the folder names.
for example:
source kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0
destination kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66
the album folder will still be ignored even after you changed the folder name of the already imported package to Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66.
just don't change/rename the blue part (original package name)
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That's cool I guess... but it still seems like a lot to do, for such a simple operation as replacing a package with a newer one. I personally use beyond compare. It's a MUST have tool for chefs. It's great once you get to know how to use it.
NRGZ28 said:
That's cool I guess... but it still seems like a lot to do, for such a simple operation as replacing a package with a newer one. I personally use beyond compare. It's a MUST have tool for chefs. It's great once you get to know how to use it.
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i bought beyondcompare too. it's a must have for chef's if you ask me too..
lot to do?? did you actually try the batch-file???
-adjust the 2 paths in the batch
-remove the lines you dont want to import (from the pop-up txt file - save and close to continue)
-adjust packages (insert lang subfolders and rename packages in the pop up temp folder)
-press any key (dos window) to move adjusted packages from temp folder to sub-folder "_NewPackages" in destination kitchen
for me, this batch is a real time-saver........
and i dont even have to use beyondcompare for this specific task anymore..
i will try to adjust the batch to show a pop-up of the destination-kitchen too when the temp folder is showing (so you dont have to open it manually to pick lang folders).

[TUT] Beginers guide to cooking for the TG01

Welcome to my tutorial in cooking for the TG01.
I shall no longer be updating this thread, so please feel free to post and make any contribution you see fit.
This is meant to be a very simple, plain English guide to cooking.
With this in mind i will not be showing you how to port a new sys/xip or any of the more advanced features like sense
lets just see if we can dump, modify, build then flash a working, booting ROM for now.
This tutorial is only what i have learnt whilst beginning to cook my own ROM, so if you find a mistake or have something to offer feel free to post
If you have a question that your going to post, please please search the forum first, i learnt a lot of what i know from threads that have nothing to do with the TG01 or even the type of kitchen we're using. So as the rules state - Search before posting, Thank you.
Modifying the ROM of a Windows Mobile is dangerous to your devices health. If you mess it up it can be fatal.
The information contained in this tutorial is only as far as i am aware. Don't blame me if you brick it.
Having said that, i have never had a problem the short pin method couldn't fix.
You will need the attached .zip file, it contains the kitchen and associated applications.
In this tutorial i am using L3V5Ys kitchen, cab converter by Jason8, Package converter by Total Fire and Package Creator by Ervius.
So thanks to them and everyone in the XDA community for making this kind of thing possible.
1. Dump a ROM
1.1. Download the ROM you wish to modify. I suggest Miros miROM4, its clean and fast without any clutter.
1.2. Extract the ROM and place the resulting .tsw file in the BASE folder in the kitchen. Then rename it "TG01WP_5005000176.tsw"
1.3. Run dump.bat and wait for it to finish, this could take a little time depending on you PC, it may be worth making a tea as it seems to take longer if you watch it.
1.4. You should now have some new folders in your kitchen, for now the only one were interested in is SYS.
2. Modify a ROM (Removal of packages)
2.1 Open your kitchen folder then open the SYS folder,
2.2 You should now be faced with a window with lots of folders in it. The folders are called packages.
2.3 Delete the package Entertainment and its associated packages (Entertainment, Entertainment_DPI_192, Entertainment_Lang_0409 and Entertainment_Lang_0409_DPI_192)
2.4 This has effectively deleted the games that ship with your chosen ROM,
2. Modify a ROM (Adding packages)
2.1 Open your kitchen folder then open the SYS folder.
2.2 Copy the package from its source to the SYS folder. Remember that for this kitchen it must be an OEM\old type package (see post #4)
2.3 Thats it, you added software to your custom ROM.
2. Modify a ROM (modify existing package)
2.1 Open your kitchen folder then open the SYS folder.
2.2 Open the folder titled "Redist_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_800"
2.3 Replace welcomehead.192.png with the one in the downloaded zip.
2.4 That's it, when you boot your new ROM it should show the new welcome screen.
3. Building and flashing a ROM
3.1 Run "2. build no XIP port_no auto.bat" (this is the original build.bat, modified by myself to skip the port xip and BuildOS/auto parts)
3.2 When the cmd prompt opens press any key
3.3 When BuildOS opens check the packages you wish to install then click the green arrow in the top left.
3.4 When BuildOS has finished, close it and the cmd window will carry on opening and closing other programs as it goes. You do not need to touch any thing till it has finished and it asks you to hit enter.
3.5 Assuming you pressed enter when it asked, the cmd window will have now closed.
3.6 Go into your kitchen folder and you should have a new file called "TG01WP_00.tsw" This is your ROM.
3.7 Copy "TG01WP_00.tsw" to a folder called PRG on your storage card (if its not there then create it) and then run SDDL+ or use the short pin method to flash it.
3.8 That should be it, you should now have the rom you started with but minus solitaire.
The Kitchen:
In your "Kitchen" you will find some folders and some files. They all relate to either the ROM ityself,
or the tools used to edit/dump/create the ROM.
BASE - This is the folder in which you put the rom you are dumping
OEM - This is the folder where the Toshiba part of the ROM would be if it was an official Rom that was being dumped,
however when dumping a cooked ROM this folder will be empty as a cooked ROM cannot be dumped correctly by the tools available
and all packages are put in the SYS folder. This will not affect the output, and the OEM packages can be left in the sys folder.
If you dump a cooked ROM you will need to create the OEM folder as BuildOS panics without it, even if its empty it needs to be there.
SYS - This folder contains the dumped ROM separated into packages
ROM - This folder contains the xip, boot.rgu and boot.hv. For this tutorial we won't be working with anything here.
TOOLS - This is where the exe's are that make up the kitchen, you don't need to touch these, the .bat files do it all for you.
Temp - This is the kitchens working folder, you don't need to go here unless there are problems building the ROM but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Packages: (there are 2 types, EXT and OEM, our kitchen can only handle OEM so thats what i'll be discusing)
Each package contains an element of the ROM. For example the BROWSING package contains the parts of the ROM required for internet browsing.
For a package to be usable it requires certain things
.dsm file - This is to complicated for the scope of this tut so for now just accept that this file is necessary and should never be deleted. All dsms must have a unique name.
That is all a package needs to be a package, though without any files in it won't actually do anything.
.rgu file - This file contains the reg entries for the package in question and its name will be the same as the .dsm file in your package.
initflashfiles.txt / initflashfiles.dat - This file tells the PPC where to put the files that are within the package, ie. a short cut to a program in the start menu.
NOTE without an initflashfiles.txt all items within the package will go to the Windows folder.
option.xml - Holds information relevant to the package
The files you wish to install, without them its pretty pointless.
Packages often have other packages associated to them, for example the Entertainment package also has Entertainment_DPI192, Entertainment_Lang_0409 and Entertainment_Lang_0409_DPI_192.
Where Entertainment is the package, Entertainment_DPI_192 has the files specifically for our screen size, Entertainment_Lang_0409 has the files for our language (0409 is WWE)
and Entertainment_Lang_0409_DPI_192 has files that are for our lang and our screen size.
Modifying a .rgu file:
.rgu files contain registry information for the package they are in. If you wish to modify this data then you can do so with notepad, though i recommend downloading Notepad2. If you open a .rgu file and don't understand what's in it then you need to go learn about windows registry editing first. I am assuming that if you are looking at building a custom ROM you already know about reg editing.
CAB Converter:
This program is used to convert a .cab file into a package to be cooked into a ROM
1.Open CAB_Converter.exe
2.Click "add a cab" and browse to your cab or drag and drop your cab into the window
3.Click on the text representing your cab at the top of the window so its selected.
4.Click CAB->OEM, and wait till its finished. Should only be a few seconds.
5.Your package will be in the CAB Converter folder in the converted OEM folder
Package Converter:
Our kitchen only supports OEM\Old type packages, so what if we want to use an EXT\Visual type package? Well Total Fire kindly made and distributed a tool that converts from one to another.
The program is fairly self explanatory but i'll quickly cover converting from a visual to an old package.
1.Open the converter, then click "select" where the greyed text say package,
2.Browse to and open your visual package.
3.click "Convert VTO", now wait till you see "Conversion Complete".
4.Your now usable package will be in the same directory as the visual package with the text "PACKAGE TF" added to the title.
Package Builder:
If you wish to create your own packages, this is the tool to do it.
1.Create a folder named whatever you want your package to be named
2.Add to it the files you want
3.Add to it a .reg file if required
4.Open package Creator, in the bottom right you can choose ITA or ENG.
5.Click open package and browse to the folder you created.
6.Now the initflashes.txt options page appears, here you can select the .exes in your package and choose where to create short cuts. You will need to click apply on each one.
7.Now click complete package.
8.The creator will now create a .dsm file, a .rgu file with your .reg file settings in, an initflases.txt file and an option.xml file within the folder turning it into a package.
9.This package can now be used in your kitchen.
leeston2379 said:
CAB Converter:
This program is used to convert a .cab file into a package to be cooked into a ROM
1.Open CAB_Converter.exe
2.Click "add a cab" and browse to your cab or drag and drop your cab into the window
3.Click on the text representing your cab at the top of the window so its selected.
4.Click CAB->OEM, and wait till its finished. Should only be a few seconds.
5.Your package will be in the CAB Converter folder in the converted OEM folder
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Thanks for a lovely tutorial! Makes sense!
I am continuously facing this attached error! Any ideas how to solve this! :s
Wich cab do you use ?
What is your Operating System ?
EVEALEX62 said:
Wich cab do you use ?
What is your Operating System ?
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I used Opera.cab (opera 10) and with windows 7
EVEALEX62 said:
Wich cab do you use ?
What is your Operating System ?
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chek property of your folder in c: or test to reinstall this program with administrator right (clic right).
Can you send me MP with your cab, I'll test tomorow morning
Have a good night
drupad2drupad said:
Thanks for a lovely tutorial! Makes sense!
I am continuously facing this attached error! Any ideas how to solve this! :s
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Its better to grab hold of one of the existing opera packages on the forum, I never successfully converted it to a working package. Just seemed to be the opera cab as i have no problems with any other. I think ninjaduck does a nice version with flash and the like already in.
I never saw that particular error myself though. Sorry I can't be more help.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
I will no longer be updating this or any of my ROM threads as its upgrade time and I've got a shiny new Desire HD, my trusty TG01 has been retired and i'm off to have a bodge with Android.
The TG01 forum is a nice little place with only a hand full of regular contributors/posters but its always friendly and development seems to move along at a steady pace, so thanks to all its members for that.
To those who PM me, feel free to continue as i will still be around here somewhere and will help in anyway i can.
See you later.
leeston2379 said:
I will no longer be updating this or any of my ROM threads as its upgrade time and I've got a shiny new Desire HD, my trusty TG01 has been retired and i'm off to have a bodge with Android.
The TG01 forum is a nice little place with only a hand full of regular contributors/posters but its always friendly and development seems to move along at a steady pace, so thanks to all its members for that.
To those who PM me, feel free to continue as i will still be around here somewhere and will help in anyway i can.
See you later.
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i have one samsung galaxy tab and next week i get also one HTC Desire HD of my company. Android is really good- but more fun i have with WinMo.
today i have get my second "new" tg01!
you were ever friendly and helpful. thank you for your activity and cooking for our tg01 community.
i wish you all best, good luck and cheers, miro
leeston2379 said:
I will no longer be updating this or any of my ROM threads as its upgrade time and I've got a shiny new Desire HD, my trusty TG01 has been retired and i'm off to have a bodge with Android.
The TG01 forum is a nice little place with only a hand full of regular contributors/posters but its always friendly and development seems to move along at a steady pace, so thanks to all its members for that.
To those who PM me, feel free to continue as i will still be around here somewhere and will help in anyway i can.
See you later.
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Hi Lee!
TG01 community will miss your contributions! In case your retired TG01 lures you back to development, I will keep my eyes peeled. I hope you like your new android, but in case, Winmo is missed (I wish!), do come back!
Leeston2379 will not be doing any changes here any more so I allow myself to upload my version of his kitchen here without creating new thread.
What has been changed ?
"Virgin" kitchen was only for packages modification without any pagepool changes or xip porting. Leeston2379 was basing on l3v5y kitchen which have certain bug. Interestingly this bug was "not active" as far as old ( original ) xip.bin was taken in .tsw file creation.
There are 4 batch files for new system building:
a) 2. build_without_xip_port.bat - the same as original leeston2379 batch but with fixed bug although here it is not "active"
b) 2. build_without_xip_port_pagepool_set.bat - allows to set pagepool size
c) 2. build_with_xip_port.bat - like original but allows to port new xip
d) 2. build_with_xip_port_pagepool_set.bat - like original but allows to set pagepool size and port new xip
I did not utilize automatic execution via for example
AutoExecAndClick.exe /launch "xipport.exe" /clickbutton "dump xip.bin" /clickbutton "write maps" /clickbutton "make pkgs" /kill
In my oppinion it is buggy . There are any timing races or something other causing any strange errors from time to time. User has to like in original l3v5y kitchen press different buttons in xipport software.
Thanks Mangasora for his post concerning porting xip
fxdjacentyfxd said:
Leeston2379 will not be doing any changes here any more so I allow myself to upload my version of his kitchen here without creating new thread.
What has been changed ?
"Virgin" kitchen was only for packages modification without any pagepool changes or xip porting. Leeston2379 was basing on l3v5y kitchen which have certain bug. Interestingly this bug was "not active" as far as old ( original ) xip.bin was taken in .tsw file creation.
There are 4 batch files for new system building:
a) 2. build_without_xip_port.bat - the same as original leeston2379 batch but with fixed bug although here it is not "active"
b) 2. build_without_xip_port_pagepool_set.bat - allows to set pagepool size
c) 2. build_with_xip_port.bat - like original but allows to port new xip
d) 2. build_with_xip_port_pagepool_set.bat - like original but allows to set pagepool size and port new xip
I did not utilize automatic execution via for example
AutoExecAndClick.exe /launch "xipport.exe" /clickbutton "dump xip.bin" /clickbutton "write maps" /clickbutton "make pkgs" /kill
In my oppinion it is buggy . There are any timing races or something other causing any strange errors from time to time. User has to like in original l3v5y kitchen press different buttons in xipport software.
Thanks Mangasora for his post concerning porting xip
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2. build_without_xip_port_pagepool_set.bat is my mod based
on leestone 2. build_without_xip_port.bat. bug?
please explain a little bit better: what you have do, what changed, the method for xip porting and how works? i hope is testet from you

