Rebuild *.dsm --- BuildDSM.exe - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi, I dont know how Rom Kitchen Cooker were doing this till date ( some like me just ignored in past) but some how i got this (iv not created it) and would like to share this.
1) Place ur OEM, with its dsm file inside.
2)take out option.xml temporarily
3)Drag and drop OEM folder over BuildDSM.exe
4)u got ur dsm populated.
5)place back option.xml in OEM folder, and thats done.
View attachment

BTW, I always leave my Option.xml in the OEM. Never had a problem

looks very nice does it work for system dsm's?

Midget_1990 said:
looks very nice does it work for system dsm's?
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ya its working on sys dsm's also.

looks easy, i look forward to trying it, great work.

nandlal_mk.Thanks a lot..!
Trying now..!

Thanks man !
I'll use it now.
I had hard time locating this one. Good thing you sent the link in the pm

To be honest I dont quite get what this does. I thought that for OEM packages we make, we just need a zero-bite file with the GUID and .dsm in the end.

WizeMan said:
To be honest I dont quite get what this does. I thought that for OEM packages we make, we just need a zero-bite file with the GUID and .dsm in the end.
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Yes, but that would result with "missing" packages

Aha, Uhum, I Get it.
Is that really all the need and reason to use a populated DSM?
So that when the Rom gets extracted there won't be missing files?
So Empty Bites DSM have no effect on performance or whatsoever?
(Except the fact they or 0 bites)

I've got 2 small questions;
1. Can somebody explain to me what the function of these *.dsm files is?
2. Wouldn't it be nicer to exclude the option.xml file automatically instead of taking it out by hand?
But as far as I can understand it looks very promising!!!

Great tool, just trying it today, big thanks !!!
Is there an option to bypass the "press a key to continue" ?

looks easy, trying it, great work.
Thank you very much.

The system cannot execute the specified program.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
... installing VC2K5 SP1 Redist allows the application to run although Dependency Walker also shows a delay-load on DWMAPI.DLL.


XDA-developers ROMkitchen: cook your own ROMs

Announcing: ROMkitchen
Special Edition ROMs are soooo yesterday.... We're proud to unveil our largest project yet: ROMkitchen. Now you too can modify your ROM to contain precisely what you need. Create your personal ROM, based on the ROM you like.
Wanna see: Have a look at our showroom kitchen to see what we mean. As you can see the showroom kitchen shows the PPC2002 based 3.17.03 ROM released by O2, as well as the 4.00.05 Microsoft WM2003 test ROM. Neither of these ROMs is really present though: you need to download the scripts, include your own ROM images, and run the scripts on your own unix machine. But once you do, you and your friends can create ROMs to your heart's content.
Why didn't we just include these files and make it all work? Because we're not licensed to distribute these ROMs, that's why.
So now what?
Play around to see if you like it.
download all the files visible when logging in using FTP to username 'kitchen', password 'kitchen'.
Put them on your own unix machine, which should be capable of executing php scripts, and which should have a 'little' memory, disk and processing power left over. (We're afraid ROMkitchen wasn't built with resource-efficiency in mind.)
Add your own ROM files, see the readme files in the "data/00[...]/_/cfg" directories for details.
If you set up your ROMkitchen, make sure you only use it for yourself, and with ROMs you legally own. We're not responsible for abuses.
If you use an ftp-client which can ignore files which are newer on your side, you can regularly check for updates and always have the newest kitchen.
ROMkitchen does not yet support outputting self-extracting binaries a-la Jeff's exe. We're working on that.
ROMkitchen currently supports English language ROMs only. We're working on this too.
The welcome exe is back in ROMs made with it: a little too much hassle to make our own. So you'll have to go through the silly tutorial every cold-boot.
XDAunlock is missing still. (It will be incorporated, but most people will be making 4.00.05 ROMs, and it doesn't work on that anyway...)
How does it work?
The ROMkitchen consists of a number of php scripts that present the form with all the options to choose from, and which copy files ready for our 'mkrom' utility to process. If you take a look you can see the raw structure of the data that is presented and inserted into the ROM. We'll find some time soon to explain, but you can already learn quite a bit if you look at the files and directories carefully.
xda-developers u are AWESOME
I'm going to try it as soon as i get home tonight. So all that is needed at first is a 2003 or 2002 image file?
This looks awesome
Is it possible to run this program on Cygwin ? I have configuered the Cygwin download to include Bash and Perl but can't find a reference to dd. I confess that although I have a reasonable amount of programming experience I have never used Unix before so don't even know how to invoke the scripts so any help would be much appreciated.
just uploaded everything to my unix box and tried to run from 4.00.05 directory. i also uploaded bootloader.nb0 and rom.nb1 files to the cfg directory. when i run ./ this is what i get:
[[email protected] _]# ./
Usage: splitrom <romimage(s)> [options]
-wx xipchain where to write xipchain
-wo osrom where to write output image
-wb bitmap where to write bitmap
-wl bootloader where to write bootloader
-rl bootloader which bootloader to use for NBF
-n nbfinfotext what NBF header to use [ex: PW10A1-ENG-3.16-007]
-ri nbfinfofile or where to read NBF header info from
-wi nbfinfofile where to save NBF header info
-rx xipchain where to get xipchain from
-rb bitmap where to get bitmap from
-rm [email protected] insert new romsection.
-ob offset where to find the bootup image
-oe offset the end of the desired os image ( default: 0x81f00000 )
-t NBF | B000FF | NB? | IMG type of result image (default is NB1)
also when i tried to convert the default.fdf file to default.reg i get error saying "unknown fdf file signature" and it creates a 0 byte default.reg file.
any help is appreciated. i know i'm asking too many questions, but same happened with ur mkrom tools and once i got answers from u i was able to build roms without any problems.
Hold on a tick, if you guys added one more feature it would go nova, however. Some features I would like to see is the ability to mix drinks, roll joints, cook dinner, and cure premature baldness/cancer.
It would also be nice if you could arrange for the program to be delivered to my house by the drunken, naked Chinese twins, Fok u and Fok me.
You guys are the bomb. Keep up the great work!
# Put them on your own unix machine, which should be capable of executing php scripts, ...
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this implies that you should also have setup a webserver, for running the php scripts.
you will have to change the 'splitrom' commandline in depending on what source file you have.
it is not a configure all automatically script, just a guide, to what sort of is supposed to happen for setup.
Holy Cow, you guys are amazing....
This is just a short message to say I'm fighting with it as we speak. My friend's box does have PHP, this is good. I've already found that it needs two subdirs under its root ('download' and 'workspace') to be world-writeable. Took me a while to figure that one out. Haven't got it running yet though, this ROM thing is far less than intuitive. But I have the two ROMs which have all the other mumbo-jumbo done: 3.17.03 and 4.00.05, and I will get this to run, if it's the last thing I do.
Jeff (Just back from the U.S., up since 4 am, severe jetlag)
Jeff Summers said:
I've already found that it needs two subdirs under its root ('download' and 'workspace') to be world-writeable.
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Whoops... I guess you're right, that should have been documented. The things you take for granted sometimes...
Thanks, and good luck...
hey, you are doing a great job guys, keep it up.
welcome back Jeff Summers.
OK, here's the status:
I'm close, really close. It wouldn't detect my OS, the bash on the system I'm on is in /usr/local/bin instead of /bin and now it's complaining about a missing perl file. I'm working on it though...
probably you are missing
which is included with perl 5.8, but not with perl 5.6.*
if you don't have root access to you box, you can also install ( see the README for build instructions ) list-utils in your home directory, by editing the generated Makefile, and changing 'PREFIX=$(HOME)', and then adding
export PERL5LIB=$HOME/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.*
to your environment. ( with '*' your perl version )
It's working
It's working!!!
With a little help, I got it to work !!!
Have a look at
I just created my first ROM!
Hi, I tried create 4.00 based Rom on Jeff web and it works... thanks.
I discovered only small problem, that there are not installed links in Programs to extra included programs. But I can do it manually for now.
I tried to start my version of romkitchen on my notebook but I was stopped on integration PHP to IIS. I tried some last installer php-4.3.2-installer.exe for Windows but I got CGI error when I tried to access index.php. I'll work on it.
I hope that it will run too, like mkrom on Cygwin.
aleho said:
Hi, I tried create 4.00 based Rom on Jeff web and I works... thanks.
I discovered only small problem, that there are not installed links in Programs to extra included programs. But I can do it manually for now.
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Ah, you haven't noticed that we put these in subfolders maybe. Go to Programs, and you should see subfolders. If you unchecked the option to put in these subfolders, then you have also unchecked everything 'below' that, meaning you haven't installed these programs.
I tried to start my version of romkitchen on my notebook but I was stopped on integration PHP to IIS. I tried some last installer php-4.3.2-installer.exe for Windows but I got CGI error when I tried to access index.php. I'll work on it.
I hope that I will run too, like mkrom on Cygwin.
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Go for it...
Ah, you haven't noticed that we put these in subfolders maybe. Go to Programs, and you should see subfolders. If you unchecked the option to put in these subfolders, then you have also unchecked everything 'below' that, meaning you haven't installed these programs.
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I had unchecked only few of programs to fit in ROM 4.00 free memory.
But folders in Programs like Phone, System tools,... were not in this case created, but they were checked.
jeff: great work...
one bug i found: when i disable the modify rom and add programs i get an error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/jsummers/public_html/ROMkitchen/processor.php on line 480
i wanted to get the orig 4.00.05 rom without modifications
REQUEST: zipped Kitchen
Hi !
Thanks all developers! Great work
One request though: please put a zipped version of your ROMKitchen at your ftp -> downloading hundreds of files is a mess *g*
Thanks... Jabba
This is so frustrating: I had it working perfectly, and now all of a sudden it stopped working. I'm working on it...
It's working now. Not really sure what was up, but it seems to have fixed itself.
Nice!!! These new ROMs are sooo cool. All the programs are stored in neat subfolders with icons....
I did find that D9 and PocketCHAT (The EVB apps) do not yet work on WM2003. It complains some EVB shared files are still missing.
Hi Jeff, just to say I've successfully used your ROM builder principally it has to be said to get hold of 4.00.05 so I only choose the Hot Fix item.
Checked in startup (which I've not looked in before) to see the hotfix and its there, there is also aFlashman, cFlashman Handsfree poutlook, SMSReciever, stk & Ussd. Are these part of the normal ROM? Just want to check that the thing is running as lean and clean as it can.
Many Thanks

[APP] ReCOOKstruct - "all pkg in one" cooked ROM reconstructor

This tool tries reconstruct cooked ROMs, that have been cooked using the "all packages in one" feature. It does this using a scaffold ROM, that should be as identical to the cooked one as possible for maximum recookstruction.
How does it work?
In theory
It loads the filenames and registry entries from the mock-up ROM and from the dumped ROM (using rgucomp to get the registry informations), then it tries to set up the same file and registry structure that the scaffold ROM had, but with the files and registry entries from the dumped ROM.
In practice
Copy the "oem", "sys" and "packages" directory from a non-cooked ROM in a directory. This will be the scaffold. The more identical this is to the cooked ROM the better. You can of course use a kitchenized official ROM too.
Next extract the contents of the cooked ROM. (using imgfstodump or something similar). Put the contents of the ROM in a "dump" directory besides the "oem", "sys" and "packages" directory.
Delete the dsm file from the dump, you won't need it. If it has an rgu file, delete it too.
Next copy reCOOKstruct into this directory, and run it (you should do it in a console, so you can see what it is doing). After a while it should create an "_output" directory, with the "oem", "sys" and "packages" directories recookstructed. All files and registry entries it couldn't handle using the scaffold will be put in the "Unknown packages" package in the "packages" directory.
If you want to cook the recookstructed dump, then move everything from the "packages" directory to the "OEM" directory (they won't have an option.xml so buildos won't recognize them is they are there). Add ".ROM" and ".VM" to the "sys" directory from the dump (because they weren't copied). Next load up buildos, and cook. Be careful though! You will need the same (extracted) XIP in your kitchen as the dumped ROM had! Copying and porting XIP's in not in the scope of this topic...
If you recookstruct a ROM and use information from it to create your ROM, then add credit to the original author even if he didn't release his rom in kitchen form
see attachments
EDIT: forgot to include rgucomp.exe, added
Awesome concept if it works. Ill give it a shot later when I get by a real computer thanks
hey sztupy great tool bro im gonna take a look at it (sector)!
will try tis ... really getting tired of the all in one package ... when wanna recook
rjmjr69 said:
Awesome concept if it works. Ill give it a shot later when I get by a real computer thanks
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I've tried with two of my favorite ROM's (that have no kitchens) and it worked fine. Just don't forget to use the XIP/os.nb/"etc stuff not related to the imgfs section" from the cooked rom.
ugotta try this. thanks
i have tested your tool, but comes error:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
Cooked ROM reconstructor
by SztupY (
Reading data from dump
Reading dumped filelist
Reading registry hives
dumping dump/boot.hv
C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\app\recookstruct.rb:85:in ``': No su
ch file or directory - rgucomp -o "dump/boot.hv" -nologo (Errno::ENOENT)
from C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\app\recookstruct.rb:85
from C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\app\recookstruct.rb:83:
in `each'
from C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\app\recookstruct.rb:83
from C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\bootstrap.rb:77:in `loa
from C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\bootstrap.rb:77
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C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\ what is it???
*_Touch_HD_* said:
i have tested your tool, but comes error:
C:\DOKUME~1\alle\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.2\ what is it???
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it couldn't find rgucomp.exe. Did you copy that there too?
EDIT: I forgot to include rgucomp.exe in the zip. Redownload please.
nice, now works.
yes yes sztupy...
always re-inventing the wheel. Gonna use this methinks....
Thanks as always bro. Hope you keeping well!!
Ok so if I read this right what needs to happen is you have to find the DONOR rom which is most likely a stock or leaked rom and then the actual rom your want to depackage and follow the rest of the directions?
Can someone please verify this for me before I screw something up. Thanks
Would someone be willing to do a rom for me I think this is above my skills but I have a base rom I'm dieing to add too
rjmjr69 said:
Ok so if I read this right what needs to happen is you have to find the DONOR rom which is most likely a stock or leaked rom and then the actual rom your want to depackage and follow the rest of the directions?
Can someone please verify this for me before I screw something up. Thanks
Would someone be willing to do a rom for me I think this is above my skills but I have a base rom I'm dieing to add too
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Yes, you're right. You'll need a donor that will be used as a pattern for the recookstruction. You can use anything ranging from official ROM's to kitchens with extracted ROM's
sztupy said:
Yes, you're right. You'll need a donor that will be used as a pattern for the recookstruction. You can use anything ranging from official ROM's to kitchens with extracted ROM's
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Thank you sir for such a speedy reply. I've given it a shot but I dont know what the heck is going wrong I think its Vista even though I have full admin "hidden admin" user rights.
I'm going to have to fire up the xp machine see what happens there. But I would still love if someone could do it for me hehehe
rjmjr69 said:
Thank you sir for such a speedy reply. I've given it a shot but I dont know what the heck is going wrong I think its Vista even though I have full admin "hidden admin" user rights.
I'm going to have to fire up the xp machine see what happens there. But I would still love if someone could do it for me hehehe
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vista shoudln't be a problem, I'm using Win7/vista miyself
Another fine thread added to my list of subscriptions ...
hilaireg said:
Another fine thread added to my list of subscriptions ...
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This thread wouldn't be possible without your cooking tutorial
can i reconstruct a rom that was made by another chef? if so how because i read everything and i am still clueless on what to do
Wooooooowwwwwwwwwww! Works great!! PROPS man!!
Oh wait, then it failed in SYS at sys/Redist_Lang_0409
Says: (** are username, disregard please)
C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:215:in `conv': "\343o Tom\351 and Pr\355n"... (Iconv::IllegalSequence)
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:215
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:214:in `open'
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:214
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:185:in `each'
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:185
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\bootstrap.rb:77:in `load'
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\bootstrap.rb:77
Any ideas??
Very much appreciated. I was in the process of developing the same exact thing. But you seem to have beat me to the punch. At least you made my job easier. lol
ookba said:
Wooooooowwwwwwwwwww! Works great!! PROPS man!!
Oh wait, then it failed in SYS at sys/Redist_Lang_0409
Says: (** are username, disregard please)
C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:215:in `conv': "\343o Tom\351 and Pr\355n"... (Iconv::IllegalSequence)
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:215
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:214:in `open'
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:214
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:185:in `each'
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\app\recookstruct.rb:185
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\bootstrap.rb:77:in `load'
from C:\DOCUME~1\**\eee\eee.recookstruct.exe.3\bootstrap.rb:77
Any ideas??
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Iconv crashed because it expected an UTF-8 string but got something else. What locale are you in?

Learning to cook a rom

I've been reading up on cooking ROM's and with the help of leeston i managed to create a basic ROM earlier in the week. After searching for guides / tutorials on this stuff im really not that much the wiser, i cant seem to find anything that explains it well enough, there always missing details. The actual cooking process seems fairly straightforward but its those extra bits im missing ie
how do i add my own packages - am i right in just copying them to the SYS folder or is there more to it ?
how do i edit the registry - I know how to edit the registry once the ROM is loaded onto my phone but how do i do it from the ROM without the phone ?
how do i add things to the start menu - When i add packages to the SYS folder and load the ROM into my phone the shortcuts dont seem to be in my start menu
how do i add sense - i've loaded the packages but it never starts and theres no sense option in today settings
im new to this so as you'd imagine the questions i have are endless ...
Im sure most of this info is on XDA already somewhere but i just cant find it, maybe im searching for the wrong term or something.
Any help from the chef's would be great, perhaps you could provide links to tutorials / info you've used when learning to cook. Im sure this stuff would be useful to everyone and may even encourage more to have a go at cooking .
drkdeath5000 said: do i add my own packages - am i right in just copying them to the SYS folder or is there more to it ? do i edit the registry - I know how to edit the registry once the ROM is loaded onto my phone but how do i do it from the ROM without the phone ? do i add things to the start menu - When i add packages to the SYS folder and load the ROM into my phone the shortcuts dont seem to be in my start menu do i add sense - i've loaded the packages but it never starts and theres no sense option in today settings
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I am still new to cooking but I'll tell you what i believe to be correct.
1.Yes. To add a package to a rom you put the package into the SYS folder.
However be aware that the kitchen used for the TG01 cannot handle EXT (visual) packages, only OEM (old) packages can be used. Use Totalfires package converter to convert between the 2 types.
The above info is not strictly true but is what you need to know when cooking for the TG and i don't have the time or knowledge to write a complete tutorial.
2. Editing the registry is all to do with .RGU files, you can create a package with a new one in or edit the existing ones within the packages in the SYS folder. You can edit them with notepad but i suggest using Notepad2.
Once you open an .RGU file you should recognize the reg key text in the file and edit it accordingly. As far as i am aware the file MUST have REGEDIT4 in the first line and an empty line at the bottom in order to work. Another way is to edit the regkey on your device then export the regkey using resco or something similar, then rename the resulting file from .reg to .rgu then open it in note pad and copy and paste it into another packages .rgu file, or create a custom package for that .rgu file.
The registry can also be modified using cab files during autorun, but this can be a little messy as the cab can be uninstalled by the end user causing problems.
3. To do this you need to edit the initflashs.txt file within the . This can be done manually or with one of the many package tools available on this site. The one i use is below, it does the hardwork for you, you click a few options and it edits the required files as needed.
4. Sense is a funny one. You should just need to add all the required packages to the SYS folder and away it goes. Unfortunately this is rarely the case. It should just a case of making sure all the sense packages are there, including its many dependencies. Sense is one of my weaker areas so maybe some one else has better advice.
Hope this is useful.
do you have a loooong far way, but read the forumposts an try, try and shortPin and try. that was my way, or is my way. i have don´t helping, all found with google and in xda forum.
unfortunately, my English knowledge is terrible. otherwise I would write more.
best to dump a officiels ROM or miROM5 , then you have an example
related post here
PC Software Reg-editor〈=en
All folder to cooking need a .dsm (and/or) .rgu file
RGU name Generator (such as Reg- file) , dsm become automatically (Fetch UUIDs of another type to Version 4)
do you have a loooong far way!
... Or make a good donation to nokser or ffboy, they teach you
Hi my friend, I have a problem to cook a ROM with cab which required a reboot or witch have a information message ( SWYPE or GPSMOdDriver for example)
Do you know a solution for this please?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the info leeston and miro ;-). I havent had time to try it yet but will be over weekend and im almost sure now i know where to find the registry files ill be able to cook something decent up since that was my main problem. Thanks again for the help.
EVEALEX62 said:
Hi my friend, I have a problem to cook a ROM with cab which required a reboot or witch have a information message ( SWYPE or GPSMOdDriver for example)
Do you know a solution for this please?
Thanks in advance.
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I may be wrong but when the cab files are first installed doesnt it automatically reboot ? If not you can always do a manual reboot ;-).
I've tried everything to get sense working but im just having no luck ... copied the packages to the sys folder, flashes fine, boots fine but no sense and now theres no setting shortcut in the start menu ?
Could i ask for the exact procedure for installing sense please ? Im getting my packages from here but replacing the 2017 home with 2016. Could i perhaps be missing something ?
Thanks again
drkdeath5000 said:
I may be wrong but when the cab files are first installed doesnt it automatically reboot ? If not you can always do a manual reboot ;-).
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I have try to delete the line "Reboot" after autocabinstall but nothing change the phone always reboot ... I think the only thing is to do OEM package...
I have test with many cabs but nothing works same as you with Sense ...
Have you found solutions ?
EVEALEX62 said:
Hi my friend, I have a problem to cook a ROM with cab which required a reboot or witch have a information message ( SWYPE or GPSMOdDriver for example)
Do you know a solution for this please?
Thanks in advance.
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The solutoin is to use autorun instead of cabinstl, you can then write a custom script to handle the input required by the cab.
However this is above my head, and i couldn't get autorun to work. FFBOY knows how but i doubt you will get his help as he doesn't seem to check any threads other than his own rom threads, and if he does his responces are few and far between.
drkdeath5000 said:
I've tried everything to get sense working but im just having no luck ... copied the packages to the sys folder, flashes fine, boots fine but no sense and now theres no setting shortcut in the start menu ?
Could i ask for the exact procedure for installing sense please ? Im getting my packages from here but replacing the 2017 home with 2016. Could i perhaps be missing something ?
Thanks again
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Those are the packages i used and they work so it's not the packages, but i cheated and dumped a sense rom then modified it. I don't have time to try and work out how to do it properly unfortunatley.
leeston2379 said:
Those are the packages i used and they work so it's not the packages, but i cheated and dumped a sense rom then modified it. I don't have time to try and work out how to do it properly unfortunatley.
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Well atleast i know the packages are fine, i was starting to wonder if that was the problem . Theres some satisfaction in doing it yourself but like miro said i think its just too much for me, ill give it another go later in the week and if that fails ill just dump a sense rom like you did ... if there was just a tutorial on installing sense packages etc id be fine, with sense being so popular you'd think there to be loads of tuts.

[q] xml / pxml

Sorry for being dumb once again.
I know how to create an XML and convert reg files to PROVXML etc but :
I flashed my cooked rom and did snapshot with kheb made all my changes and got a difference .reg file.
I converted that to PROVXML cause i believe its the best way of doing it.
What I dont know is what to do with it and where to put it in order to flash it.
Ive put it under custom settings\files but iot needs to be named something specifically according to 0Kitchen . Also i have an xml file that has my exchange settings in that which i want to cook in as well but dont know how.
I do use XDA uc but id prefer to let it be done with runcc or something?
Please advise whats better and whats the difference between the differentx PROVXML file naming.
I would preffer using reg instead Provxml because they take a lot of time for 1st boot....anyway you need to name them mxip_xxxx.provxml if im not wrong.
af974 said:
I would preffer using reg instead Provxml because they take a lot of time for 1st boot....anyway you need to name them mxip_xxxx.provxml if im not wrong.
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Can i renam the exchange.xml to mxip_exchange.provxml as well. does a xml and provxml contain the same information/layout? seems that should work, give a look here
Grumps said:
Can i renam the exchange.xml to mxip_exchange.provxml as well. does a xml and provxml contain the same information/layout?
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af974 said: seems that should work, give a look here
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Leme just try quickly we do flash like 30 times a day in any case hey. Will revdert just now
Thanx for your help
There's various file names, mxip, mxipinit and mxipupdate. In my experience I've never needed to add anything to a .dsm file, as long as the extension is .provxml they execute ok.
What I do though, is put my post-boot provxml's into the very last folder that my kitchen picks up so it's named ZZZ_postboot_provxml or something similar and I also name the file to mxipupdate_zzzPostBoot.provxml but I'm not sure if this helps. I do this because:
If you use total commander and search for *.provxml files in your windows folder you might find that none of them have the original name you gave in your packages, but if you step through the files you find there, you can see the execution order.
Hope this helps a bit.
arealityfarbetween said:
There's various file names, mxip, mxipinit and mxipupdate. In my experience I've never needed to add anything to a .dsm file, as long as the extension is .provxml they execute ok.
What I do though, is put my post-boot provxml's into the very last folder that my kitchen picks up so it's named ZZZ_postboot_provxml or something similar and I also name the file to mxipupdate_zzzPostBoot.provxml but I'm not sure if this helps. I do this because:
If you use total commander and search for *.provxml files in your windows folder you might find that none of them have the original name you gave in your packages, but if you step through the files you find there, you can see the execution order.
Hope this helps a bit.
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ok so postboot is also one of the names like mxipinit and mxipupdate. Why are there so many different ones and which ones are executed in what order?
Grumps said:
ok so postboot is also one of the names like mxipinit and mxipupdate. Why are there so many different ones and which ones are executed in what order?
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I think the order is all to do with the way the kitchen picks them up. e.g. I use OSKitchen and it seems SYS, then OEM, then EXT packages are picked up, alphabetically-so my provxml's get the same order, which is why I put them in a package of their own with the ZZZ_postboot name. It just makes it the last one to be picked up of the EXT packages-ensuring everything is in place when the script runs
arealityfarbetween said:
I think the order is all to do with the way the kitchen picks them up. e.g. I use OSKitchen and it seems SYS, then OEM, then EXT packages are picked up, alphabetically-so my provxml's get the same order, which is why I put them in a package of their own with the ZZZ_postboot name. It just makes it the last one to be picked up of the EXT packages-ensuring everything is in place when the script runs
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Ok lemme try
Im trying to change my timezone from dublin -8 to gmt +2. n start kheb take snapshot make the change get i difference .reg file. convert it to xml and the paste it in files folder of lastflash folder?? ill try and see what happens

Problems cooking quick shutdown

So, I'm pretty new at creating working ext packages from cab files, and I could use some help.
I'm trying to cook in the latest Quick Shutdown, and of course tie it to long press end key, like it was meant to be used for.
With some help from Grumps, here is what I've managed to get for my app.dat and app.reg:
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_divider_section.png","\Windows\bg_ common_divider_section.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_dotline.png","\Windows\bg_common_d otline.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_msgbox.png","\Windows\bg_common_ms gbox.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_titlebar.png","\Windows\bg_common_ titlebar.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_checkbox_thirdState.png","\Windows\btn_c heckbox_thirdState.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_checkbox.png","\Windows\btn_commo n_checkbox.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_combo_down.png","\Windows\btn_com mon_combo_down.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_input.png","\Windows\btn_common_i nput.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_listitem_bottom.png","\Windows\bt n_common_listitem_bottom.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_listitem_middle.png","\Windows\bt n_common_listitem_middle.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_msgbox_large.png","\Windows\btn_c ommon_msgbox_large.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_msgbox_small.png","\Windows\btn_c ommon_msgbox_small.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_normal.png","\Windows\btn_common_ normal.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_slider.png","\Windows\btn_common_ slider.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.english.txt","\Windows\lang.english.txt ")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.italian.txt","\Windows\lang.italian.txt ")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.russian.txt","\Windows\lang.russian.txt ")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.spanish.txt","\Windows\lang.spanish.txt ")
Directory("%Windows-StartMenu-Programs%"):-File("Quick Shutdown.lnk","%Windows%\_Shutdown.lnk")
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Manila_Config QuickShutdown]
Cooking that package, I have a few problems. When I hold down the power button, it says exe can't be found. So, just to make sure that the visual aspect is working, I try searching for quickshutdown.exe in \Windows and can't find it.
So, what's wrong in my .dat and .reg?
Thanks a lot for the help, this will definitely give me a better understanding of how EXT packages work!
First of all, I think that these lines in your app.dat are unnecessary; because when you cook the ROM then the files that are not specified with the path in app.dat land automatically in the Windows folder:
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Second: All of the lines are wrong. Example:
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It should be:
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Third: Open up the file _Shutdown.lnk in notepad and see if it links to the \Windows\QuickShutdown.exe
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Maybe you will find something in my post that can help you.
It's much, much easier to do than the way you're trying to do it. First, copying all of those files is really wasteful. If you look at your registry keys, there are paths there for the resource files. Instead of creating a \windows sub-directory, you could just set the path as \windows. Then, the files that are in rom will be used, and you won't need duplicates, or any of the app.dat lines (except for the .lnk).
Change the .rgu to this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Manila_Config QuickShutdown]
Try deleting the DLLSetup.dll-it's really unlikely that you need it. It's just cabinstall information, most likely. Unless you really want all those other lang files, I'd just delete all but the English one. If you cook them all in, it's possible that you'll need to get the others into \windows\lang (it doesn't look like there's a reg key for the lang directory, just for the file being used). I don't know, I've never used the app. As mentioned above, you may also need to fix the path of the shortcut.
You may also want to look into compressing the png files, although it's not really worth it if they're only 1-2 kb each.
This is what I use. I put it together and it worked, so I never did much investigation to see if it could be optimized.
One thing to be aware of ... if you have carrier files which fire provxml, it is possible that the provxml could do something to overwrite the poweroffwarning file here. Same is true if you have a poweroffwarning file getting copied in later in the build process.
Best regards,
Farmer Ted said:
It's much, much easier to do than the way you're trying to do it. First, copying all of those files is really wasteful. If you look at your registry keys, there are paths there for the resource files. Instead of creating a \windows sub-directory, you could just set the path as \windows. Then, the files that are in rom will be used, and you won't need duplicates, or any of the app.dat lines (except for the .lnk).
Change the .rgu to this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Manila_Config QuickShutdown]
Try deleting the DLLSetup.dll-it's really unlikely that you need it. It's just cabinstall information, most likely. Unless you really want all those other lang files, I'd just delete all but the English one. If you cook them all in, it's possible that you'll need to get the others into \windows\lang (it doesn't look like there's a reg key for the lang directory, just for the file being used). I don't know, I've never used the app. As mentioned above, you may also need to fix the path of the shortcut.
You may also want to look into compressing the png files, although it's not really worth it if they're only 1-2 kb each.
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Great call! Worked immediately! Thanks a lot!
One more quick question. Cooking total commander is being dumb. The EXT I create doesn't have any exe files in the "files" folder, and doesn't extract any into windows. It just isn't working well lol.
Also, what version or what addon enables the user to hold the slash button and bring up the menu where you can hide exit blah blah total commander?
Total Commander is easy to cook in. Again, you don't need app.dat lines, except for the shortcut (make sure it points to windows). Just put the .exe and the plugins (registry, wlan, ftp and webdav, if you have it) in windows. Cook in the reg settings, and you're good to go. I would convert the exe to a module as well.
Farmer Ted said:
Total Commander is easy to cook in. Again, you don't need app.dat lines, except for the shortcut (make sure it points to windows). Just put the .exe and the plugins (registry, wlan, ftp and webdav, if you have it) in windows. Cook in the reg settings, and you're good to go. I would convert the exe to a module as well.
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So... Create the EXT and recmod without any reg or dat entries except icon and shortcut?
No, include the ghisler reg key (hkcu-software-ghisler). Set it up however you like it (like w/ a fully loaded hotlist). But don't move the files around w/ the app.dat.
Farmer Ted said:
No, include the ghisler reg key (hkcu-software-ghisler). Set it up however you like it (like w/ a fully loaded hotlist). But don't move the files around w/ the app.dat.
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Huh this isn't working lol could you post the cab you're working with? My cab is acting up (even on fully functional roms)
Farmer Ted said:
Total Commander is easy to cook in. Again, you don't need app.dat lines, except for the shortcut (make sure it points to windows). Just put the .exe and the plugins (registry, wlan, ftp and webdav, if you have it) in windows. Cook in the reg settings, and you're good to go. I would convert the exe to a module as well.
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Hello Farmer Ted - what for is the file that you attached?
It's a plugin for WebDav, which is the new big thing. I have no clue wtf it does.
Get the ghisler reg key from the device, not the cab. That's always the way to do it. Kheb 1.1 is the way to go for making packages. Cab converters miss a lot of stuff.
Edit: here's my package; it's in oem form (for osbuilder), and it looks like there's a second file needed to get webdav to work in the plugins. Edit the hotlist however you want it (it has folders on my sd card, which are useless to anyone else). It doesn't have a shortcut or initflashfiles.txt in it, since I don't use them for my start menu.
To be more specific about TCMD, here is the output I get with OSkitchen cab to ext:
And within the files directory:
So what do I do with those files lol
Farmer Ted said:
It's a plugin for WebDav, which is the new big thing. I have no clue wtf it does.
Get the ghisler reg key from the device, not the cab. That's always the way to do it. Kheb 1.1 is the way to go for making packages. Cab converters miss a lot of stuff.
Edit: here's my package; it's in oem form (for osbuilder), and it looks like there's a second file needed to get webdav to work in the plugins. Edit the hotlist however you want it (it has folders on my sd card, which are useless to anyone else). It doesn't have a shortcut or initflashfiles.txt in it, since I don't use them for my start menu.
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Thank you for sharing the package.
Farmer Ted said:
It's a plugin for WebDav, which is the new big thing. I have no clue wtf it does.
Get the ghisler reg key from the device, not the cab. That's always the way to do it. Kheb 1.1 is the way to go for making packages. Cab converters miss a lot of stuff.
Edit: here's my package; it's in oem form (for osbuilder), and it looks like there's a second file needed to get webdav to work in the plugins. Edit the hotlist however you want it (it has folders on my sd card, which are useless to anyone else). It doesn't have a shortcut or initflashfiles.txt in it, since I don't use them for my start menu.
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Thanks for your package, much appreciated! This thread has taught me a lot about how ext's work
Do you know what all those strange files I talked of 2 posts up are though? Like, how do I put those all together?
smithisize said:
Thanks for your package, much appreciated! This thread has taught me a lot about how ext's work
Do you know what all those strange files I talked of 2 posts up are though? Like, how do I put those all together?
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I'm not sure what the technical name is, but those are the raw files from the cab; if you extract the cab with winzip or 7-zip, that's the file names. If you give them the proper extensions (.dll, exe, etc) then you can recover the proper files. It looks like the unpacking didn't work properly.
Farmer Ted said:
I'm not sure what the technical name is, but those are the raw files from the cab; if you extract the cab with winzip or 7-zip, that's the file names. If you give them the proper extensions (.dll, exe, etc) then you can recover the proper files. It looks like the unpacking didn't work properly.
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Ah! You're right thanks a lot lol that's where my confusion was stemming from lol I couldn't figure out what to do with them!
Thank you very much!

