CASL - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

does anyone have experiance with this?
just downloaded it as a 'learning to program' with ppc, any advise on it's language?
i have a bit of an understanding in few basic languages, but fancied putting some apps together for my phone, but cant afford vb as a starting point, if you understand what i mean
sorry bit of a basic question for the forum, but seemed best place to post


hermes help

new here would like to know if any one could help me find a program to take out the useless programs on my cingular 8525 and if any one knows how to change the splash screens
Welcome to the forum. There is alot of useful information here. The first thing is to get to know where and how to use the phone from front to back. You should start by reading the wiki. Everything you would ever want to know is there. As for changing things around on your phone, you should learn about it first. Last thing you would want to do is mess up your phone by not knowing and understanding what your doing. When in doubt dont do anything unless your sure of it. Also use the search button, it will be your best friend in time of need.
Welcome on board bubba433.
nyc_medic's advice is good. Particularly as removing pre-packaged applications from your phone is not as straightforward as it sounds as it requires changes to be made to the extended rom - that's quite a learning curve.

(Dumb-ass question again) is there a how-to guide....??

seasons greetings!
have another question thats been bugging me sinse getting my Touch HD. this question is probably the equivalent of potty training...One i know how to do it there's no stopping me....
i've been reading various posts on people changing the fonts on their phone (cab files?) and upgrading the ROM (?) and obviously adding software to their phone to, but i dont get any of it. the thing i dont understand is how you install software that i've seen (is there a specific place on the phone?) add cab files (to where?) and what on earth is a ROM?
the last time i did anything like this was a few years ago to Orange SPV 500 and 550, but it was much easier for me to understand back then as is was all pretty basic. but now? im
i guess what im looking for is a HOW TO guide that i can follow and understand. can anyone point me in the right direction? or am i going to have to pee and poo all over the living room carpet before i actually hit the toilet???
I am new as well, but as far as I can help:
A .cab is much like an .exe on your PC, you can put it ANYWHERE you want really. To install, you simply navigate to where you have put it on your phone through the file explorer and run the .cab from there which will install the application.
I don't know anything about Roms I am afraid.
how to
just type "install cab pocketpc" in a google field, i'm sure your find what your looking for in the first five answers. I know it's could be hard to understand but this is a though forum: if you want to learn from the beginning here you got to search a lot and read more. That's what i'vedone or you google for simple words.
PS: Put the cab in your storage card from activesync, open file explorer in ppc, click your cab, choose where to install ( on ppc for everyday use, on storage for big files). Continue to ask but in the right thread. In french : "tous les grands chenes furent des glands". Rom is the "windows" you got in you ppc, it could be arrange , or modify before by someone (adding or suppressing)
NB/ edit: apologize, you can find people like ScarySquirrel How could you have 116 posts without flashing once ?
HTC Touch HD said:
seasons greetings!
have another question thats been bugging me sinse getting my Touch HD. this question is probably the equivalent of potty training...One i know how to do it there's no stopping me....
i've been reading various posts on people changing the fonts on their phone (cab files?) and upgrading the ROM (?) and obviously adding software to their phone to, but i dont get any of it. the thing i dont understand is how you install software that i've seen (is there a specific place on the phone?) add cab files (to where?) and what on earth is a ROM?
the last time i did anything like this was a few years ago to Orange SPV 500 and 550, but it was much easier for me to understand back then as is was all pretty basic. but now? im
i guess what im looking for is a HOW TO guide that i can follow and understand. can anyone point me in the right direction? or am i going to have to pee and poo all over the living room carpet before i actually hit the toilet???
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I guess your'e going to have to "pee and poo all over the living room carpet" as you so eloquently put it. Just read up the forum and use the search, using context clues to figure what you want to do. Around these parts, people aren't very keen on spoon-feeding info to people. Also check out the Blackstone wiki as well. The blackstone is slightly difficult to mod for newbies at this point due to it being so new, but i'm sure in a few months there will be .CAB files for pretty much everything.
Try this wiki page:
CABs are just like setup.exe files on Windows. I suggest you forget about ROMs if you are new for now.

how to become a developer

is there like a book or how to i am missing, i wanna learn, i know im a newbie to phones but ive done some programming on computers, so please can some one point to the right direction?
looking for a basic to advance how to guide of becoming either, windows mobile or even better android developer and the tools required to do so.
any help is appreciated
You obviously didnt look at all before you asked. Read the wiki here:
thanks, i totally missed it

I'm new to this

well I'm to this l and i was just wondering a couple things like what is a ROM and how do i get the new windows mobile 7 theme stright on my htc hd2 or how do i get the games for my ps1 games stright on my phone without hooking it up to a computer .
Play station info:
I went into the Apps part of this forum and searched for PSX
I would suggest you read the sticky threads at the top of each section on this forum it will tell you lots.
Good luck
curtismeulen said:
well I'm to this l and i was just wondering a couple things like what is a ROM and how do i get the new windows mobile 7 theme stright on my htc hd2 or how do i get the games for my ps1 games stright on my phone without hooking it up to a computer .
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How about using the search function, looking at the stickys and using Google to find the answers to your questions? It gets a bit redundant replying to the same questions from lazy people that cannot be bothered to invest some time into the forum.
If you don't want to answer the question then perhaps you should save your time even more and not reply? I'm no stranger to forums, but I do find this one particularly hard to follow/read/search.
From what I understand of how search engines work (for example Google's pagerank system) the search results would be dramatically improved if people posted links to relevant pages. This would also be a much better use of time than repeatedly having a go at new visitors for not searching. The more places that point to the answers, the easier it is to find them.
Some people are also happy to reply, because they know the answer straight away and it will take 60 seconds to reply. I don't see that it hurts to ask, in the hope that it will avoid 30 minutes of searching, which of course, is probably going on at the same time. If you are looking for something, do you not ask around whist you look yourself?
Anyway, more constructively back to the original question... @curtismeulen
Basically the ROM is the operating system that your phone runs on. You can install apps on to your phone (which mostly come in .CAB files) and most ROM come with a load of apps preinstalled.
HTC make the standard ROM for the HD2, but also phone companies (O2, T-mobile, etc) make slightly customised versions for the phones they sell themselves, - for e.g. adding/removing particular apps, or a special startup screen or background image, etc. If you have one of these kind of ROMs then you can't install the HTC one without running special programs.
The third kind of ROMs are 'custom ROMs' made by experts who want to always have the cutting edge software, have the phoen set up exactly as they prefer and to improve on what HTC do. Again special programs are required to install these, and always when you install a new ROM there's the risk of something going wrong and your phone not working any more.
Here's some links to useful info:
The HD2/Leo page on this sites wiki:
a list of ROMs for the HD2 (though it's not quite up to date):
Stuff about installing different ROMs:
Changing "official ROMs" from one to another:
Installing any ROM you like:
Personally I use this ROM:
Artemis HD2 ROM Family Ver 15.5:
The instructions there are also quite useful to give you an idea of the differences between ROMs, etc.
mpaxton said:
If you don't want to answer the question then perhaps you should save your time even more and not reply? I'm no stranger to forums, but I do find this one particularly hard to follow/read/search.
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Don't be obtuse, the stickys tell you everything you need to know with regards to ROMs and ROM flashing. Google search 'ps1 emulator for windows mobile' and FPSEce and a number of other emulators are listed in the first link.
It probably took him longer to register to ask the question than it would have done to research it for himself.
I dont undertstand why people get so offensive, i thought forums like these were made to help people with questions, even noobs?
nirvanafreak919 said:
I dont undertstand why people get so offensive, i thought forums like these were made to help people with questions, even noobs?
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Actually, this forum is call xda "DEVELOPERS".... name clearly means it's full of developers.... not really a place for newbies. There are plenty of help forums out there. This forum is for the advanced user who wants to learn to hack and help develop. I didn't even post for the first year or 2 that I was a member... not until I felt comfortable with my knowledge. I used other help forums that are meant for newbie questions and just watched and learned from this forum.
Help form
For friendly site try They are great, but as stated, this is dev site, theirs is help site, big difference,, good luck
mpaxton said:
Anyway, more constructively back to the original question... @curtismeulen
Basically the ROM is the operating system that your phone runs on. You can install apps on to your phone (which mostly come in .CAB files) and most ROM come with a load of apps preinstalled.
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Actually ROM is Read Only Memory
It has come to be used as short form for the coded OS that is used in the ROM and that specifically is the "ROM image" of the OS in use.
So any cooked (or otherwise) "ROM" we are talking about is not the same as the "ROM" within the device.
...and even though it's called read only memory, it can still be written to, otherwise we'd not be able to install different kinds of operating system, etc. So to me it's an arbitrary set of letters used to describe something that's vaguely relevant to the original usage of them!
mpaxton said:
...and even though it's called read only memory, it can still be written to, otherwise we'd not be able to install different kinds of operating system, etc. So to me it's an arbitrary set of letters used to describe something that's vaguely relevant to the original usage of them!
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You don't install anything to the ROM.
ROMs are flashable, which is different to installing things to. OSs are flashed, not installed, to devices.
The internal memory part of the device is different to the ROM, it is an 'open' writable section. It may well be on the same memory chip, but is different in terms of usage available to it.
mpaxton said:
...and even though it's called read only memory, it can still be written to, otherwise we'd not be able to install different kinds of operating system, etc. So to me it's an arbitrary set of letters used to describe something that's vaguely relevant to the original usage of them!
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And as a follow on from rp-x1 and also as a quick history lesson to you "youngsters" the correct term is actually "EPROM" chips (Electronically Programmable Read Only Memory) and when they were first used you couldn't write to them unless you had the appropriate equipment and that included UV "fixing ovens"!!!!!!
So, it's not an arbitrary set of letters, but, more a corruption of a very precise acronym which is now used in completely the wrong way.

[Q] Beginner, looking for help; modding Striiv fusion

I have been studying programming and the like recently, and I wanted to work on something practical. I recently got a 'Striiv Fusion' and wanted to learn how I can edit the firmware inside the device, to make a few simple changes such as the order in which screens appear.
If anyone could help; I want to know how I can get access to the code in some form for both the Wrist-Device and the Mobile app. Then how to redeploy my edited version of the code into the device/phone.
In addition:
I'm very unfamiliar with this sort of thing, and would appreciate being directed towards any references I could read up on.

