App search: Change speaker volume depending on BT connection - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all,
I'm looking for an application to change the speaker volume depending on a device connected to my PDA via BT.
Example: When my PDA is connected to my BT hands free kit in my car, I want the speaker volume to be maximum. When the connection is lost (or disconnected), the speaker volume should switch back to a default value.
Is there an existing application which does this or something similar? Or does anyone know, where WM5 / WM6 stores, which device is connected via BT?

sounds like you need mort script. i dont think it would be that hard. i have a mort script for brightness that does the same thing.

In order to write a script I need to know, how to figure out, which bt device is connected to the PDA - this seems to be the major difficulty... I want it to switch automatically as soon as the PDA connects to my hands free kit in my car.
So if someone knows, how to find out (by script) which bt device is connected, please let me know...


Stereo Bluetooth Headset Issue with Qtek 9000(HTC Universal)

Hello everybody,
I just would like to hear some (technical) comments regarding making stereo bluetooth headset usage more convenient with a device like the HTC Universal.
My current situation is as follows:
The stereo bluetooth headset that I am using is
The inconvenient problem I am encountering is the cumbersome method of going into "wireless-stereo/hands-free/headset" mode immediately after switching ON my headset.
The pairing between the device and the headset was not an issue, however one would think that once paired - there would be no need to go into the "Partnership Settings" again, and again, and again, etc...
So assuming that the Universal device has Bluetooth ALWAYS active, I switch ON my headset and the only think that works is the Multi-Function-Button on the headset that triggers the voice dialer / voice commander. Once the phone dialer is running I conveniently go into hands-free mode. This is fine and all, but quite useless when I am not using the phone dialer.
I mean, after switching ON the headset, and then I start to play an audio file - the headset should be the point of audio output, not Universal's speakers. This does not happen after switching ON the headset. To make this happen, I must do the follwing:
1. Switch ON the headset
2. On the Universal Device, go to Comm Manager and select the Settings tab
3. Choose Bluetooth Settings...
4. Select the Devices tab
5. Select the defined Partnership between the headset and the Universal device, in my case this selection is "i.Tech Clip S"
6. Under the "Select services to use from this device" we have:
a.) Hands Free
b.) Wireless Stereo
c.) Headset
All three are selected but in reality are not working (not yet anyway..)
7. Clicking the REFRESH button causes the services selected in point 6 above to change. Clicking the REFRESH button causes the Hands Free and Wireless Stereo services to be de-selected while the Headset service to remain selected.
8. Select the Hands Free and Wireless Stereo services and click on the Save button.
9. Now all is well!
So, the problem obviously is in point 6 where what the Universal device says is not actually what is reflected in reality.
But in order to work around the problem, I must do points 7 and 8. Since I wish to make an app that does the things mentioned in points 7 and 8 - I need to know what the REFRESH button actually does.
All I know so far is that the REFRESH button does not just elicit values from the registry. It does something that results in the registry values being written. This is where I would really appreciate your comments.
qtek 9000 MS voice commander 1.6 handsfree voiceenable !
It doesn't work , but now I have this ?!!!
But the voice down in my pocket PC. I want that Handsfree is only "ON", not "OF" after click?...

Bluetooth audio, but not to a headset...

Hi all,
I use a THB carkit integrated into my stereo. It uses usb connector to power the pda but bluetooth to trick the pda into thinking a headset is in use so calls are handled by the carkit. Aside the problem of bluetooth intermittantly turning off, is there a way to forward all audio (especially tomtom) to the "headset" carkit?
I've searched the forum and there is plenty of info on bluetooth headsets and how the button on them can be used to start audio via bluetooth, but the carkit doesn't use any buttons. I would be happy enough if there is an app to run whenever I want audio over bluetooth, anything really to sort this out.
Cheers all.
Anybody have any suggestions pleeease?
well sounds like your in a tight spot. I believe that all the audio programs use the button to initiate the audio transfer. Perhaps if you look at the reg edits for these programs you might be able to toggle it with some other input from the phone.....
There is a free program called BTAudio that you could try
tried that program but it relies on pressing the voicedial button on a headset which I don't have.

Start a program when BT Handsfree is connecting

Hey guys, I could need your help.
I need to find a way to start a program / file (mortscript file) when Bluetooth Handsfree is connected /disconnected (more clear: connecting / disconnecting)
SPB Phone Suite can change profiles automaticly on this event, but Phone Suite cannot run a program when changing a profile ... what a pitty.
It would be very usefull for me because when Handsfree is connected I sit in my car and then I want to start Media Player, TomTom and so on.
Anyone could suggest me ANY solution to start a program upon Bluetooth Handsfree connecting?
I would be glad for every idea ;-)
Maybe search the registry keys of SPB Phone suite to see if you can find one that shows the status of a changed profile (the little yellow asterisk on the profile icon) and then monitor it with mortscript.
A2DPToggle by Teksoft is a nice free today plugin that lets you easily connect/disconnect headset. It also supports execution of desired app after connecting
True, but it cannot autoconnect when bluetooth device in range and detected
Sadly, i cannot get my Philips SHB7100 to autoconnect anyway

Bluetooth Shortcut to disconnect hands free

I don't know if this is possible or if this is a really simple question however is there a way to disconnect a hands free device in 1-2 clicks.
what happens is this, I have a BlueAnt Speakerphone in the car I get out of the car (and forget to turn of BlueAnt) walk 15m and make a call - phone is still connected to Hands-Free, so how can I quickly disconnect the hands-free and make a call through the normal phones internal speaker.
I suppose I can assigna button to be comms manager and disable bluetooth however I want bluetooth to remain on if possible (just d/c hands-free temporarily)
Windows Mobile 6.1 on HTC Touch HD
You can try this, it merely toggles bluetooth.
However, I have had the same problem as you, so decided to make my TD2 KNOW when it is in my car and KNOW when it is not. I use GProfile for this. It knows when it is in my car because it is connected to my car cradle (it is charging) which is also an FM transmitter (it thinks it is connected to a headset). This then automatically turns bluetooth on when cradled. When I un-cradle it, it turns bluetooth off thus disconnecting from my handsfree headset.
GProfile is one program which does this but you could use Mortscript instead.

[Q] Connect bluetooth device, but let the phone handle it

I have a bluetooth headset and I switch the connection constantly between my MP3, phone and laptop (for different reasons).
On my laptop I made a bind, so if I press M10 (I have a gamer keyboard) it auto-connects this headset.
On my MP3 I just have to press a button for 3 seconds and it connects the headset automatically.
On my Nexus One, I have to go to the settings then bluetooth Settings then select the headset.
So I want to make a simple widget that allows me to view all the known bluetooth devices (that have already been paired with the phone once) and be able with one touch to be connected with the chosen device.
Developing an application that needs bluetooth on android is simple but I can't find a way to say to my phone : "Connect to this device already paired but you handle the socket server etc..."
I don't want to right a socket server and handle the sounds being sent to the device... I just want to connect the headset to my phone and let the phone do the rest.
Is is possible ? Because on Android Dev website I didn't find any class, method etc... to do that.
Best regards,
No answer means can't be done I guess ?

