App request (icon viewer) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Can someone write a small app to view .icon and .png files? Or does anyone know of one? I am sure I am not the only one with too many icons. But I cant remember what they all look like.
Thanks IA

use the search engine on this site to search "picture viewer". There is 1 or 2 that will view most of them. Fyi, They don't take kindly around here to new threads by jr members. it typically means that member didn't do enough research first. Most will tell you this is a reasearch and development site primarily. Not a help me with everything site. Just thought you should no going forward.


Just an idea or two

How about on this thread,we answer two things ,which may helpspread awarness of apps & prog out there maybe also help see what your exec can do and achieve
If the above idea is ok I'd like to ask two things
If you just got a brand new shiny out the box exec,what would you do too it and what would you add.?
I Intend this weekend to save and compress any memory,by using another ROM and other software,but I have no idea,so ill search the site this weekend
secondly maybe we can post up here ,things you'd like,your exec to do,
hopefully if your request isn't too OTT,someone may know a way or provide a link
for e.g.
I'd like my exec to watch tv is this poss?
either pre load your memory card with compressed films and use a dvd software,like this
or install slingbow and the relevant software,this is there homepage
a one thread resource for a how to,regards the limitations of an exec
jaceuk - we're having this discussion over here:
But basically, the wiki lives, and is used as a repository for knowledge. Anyone can access/update it. That's the best way to distribute this type of information.
Regarding what to do with your Exec, there are several threads on the subject... eg what software to install etc.
OTT requests - just post them. People will respond if they can!
Very few things are too OTT
Thanks as always ur the gent,i was unaware of the wiki ill look
But any questions, search first, but do ask. That's why we're a community

Skin Help!!

Is anyone familiar with Rainmeter for Windows.
I know you guys are incredible with skinning phones and pda's but I am learning simple skinning with windows still.
I have a program called Rainmeter and I have this specific skin that keeps me up to date with stocks I plug into it. My dilemma is I can only get the top 4 to work which is the default script but when I add my other 10-11 stock tickers they don't work.
Can anyone help me? I have both the original and edited .ini script files for anyone willing to take a look and help.
ICQ = 444344622
AIM = xacazzioner
i came to the wrong place to ask for help
Can't be of a better help, but your best bet is to read the stickies at the topic, then use the search function, and finally go to this link (Questions and Answers) and post your question there.

M2D help

Hi there,
Please don't shoot me down if the info I'm asking for her is already on the forums but I've been trying to find it for ages.
I saw a picture of Asus lamborghini ZX1 a while ago and wondered whether I cold get the same theme on my XDA Orbit. The closest I've found is someone else on here who's started to make one that can be loaded using the M2D software.
What I'd like to do is try to create my own. I've looked all over the place but can't find any help on how to do it. Can anyone direct me towards a website explaining how to create themes that I can install using the M2D software?
This might be a simple question but I just cant find it anywhere.
yellowplanet said:
Hi there,
Please don't shoot me down if the info I'm asking for her is already on the forums but I've been trying to find it for ages.
I saw a picture of Asus lamborghini ZX1 a while ago and wondered whether I cold get the same theme on my XDA Orbit. The closest I've found is someone else on here who's started to make one that can be loaded using the M2D software.
What I'd like to do is try to create my own. I've looked all over the place but can't find any help on how to do it. Can anyone direct me towards a website explaining how to create themes that I can install using the M2D software?
This might be a simple question but I just cant find it anywhere.
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Unfortunately it is not as simple as throwing some .png and .jpg files into a ThemeGen and out pops a theme. It is, sometimes tedious, editing of xml files. For a better understanding look here.
This isn't the place to post questions.
Please refer to the Q&A next.
Thank you

S2U2 3 Themes & Settings

not worth exploring per senior members
not worth exploring per senior members
any screenshots?
not worth exploring per senior members
do we really need another thread for this? i mean i tried doing it on here
and hopefully you can work ovethere just a though
probably the most productive first three posts I've ever seen, but I do agree with Magicalan :
[SKIN] Hero theme for S2U2 v1.2 - /W/VGA-/W/QVGA (updated:'09aug14))
Posting other members work without permission
tj2009 said:
heres some screenshots, also if anyone seems interested I would be happy to collect themes and save them in the s2u2 file format and add 50 to a 100 of them to a zip to download with screen shots.
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My question is who gave you the right to upload other members work?????? The gears theme is mine I can speak for it and I would Imagine the other artist are not to happy either. Why dont you post links to the work instead of uploading theme to rapidshare?? I'm asking you now to remove the gears theme and show a little respect for the ones that spent countless hours on these themes. I mean you don't even give credit to the artist at all. Try to be respectfull.
not worth exploring per senior members
tj2009 said:
i would be happy to remove the gears file and any other that would like it down, This has not been discussed in any of the threads you guys posted though. those threads are all for of theme custimizations that require you to move each piece of the theme to the gfx folder and make allot of changes to the clock, battery ect..., the example files I uploaded was to show that you can have a SINGLE save file for a theme (not 40 some png files) and just click load and change your theme on the fly. No disrespect intended, I downloaded those themes along time ago and did not know whos they were, however i did state I IN NO WAY DESIGNED THEM. was just trying to show a cool feature that no one seems to take advantage of in s2u2.
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I understand and agree. I have been looking for the single file theme solution files that he talks about. It would be nice if this thread was dedicated completely to single theme files because it is impossible to find those in the massive threads (if they are even there). It would be much easier to use these instead of having to move multiple files and what not.
tj2009 said:
i would be happy to remove the gears file and any other that would like it down, This has not been discussed in any of the threads you guys posted though. those threads are all for of theme custimizations that require you to move each piece of the theme to the gfx folder and make allot of changes to the clock, battery ect..., the example files I uploaded was to show that you can have a SINGLE save file for a theme (not 40 some png files) and just click load and change your theme on the fly. No disrespect intended, I downloaded those themes along time ago and did not know whos they were, however i did state I IN NO WAY DESIGNED THEM. was just trying to show a cool feature that no one seems to take advantage of in s2u2.
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I understand your intent and I agree with you on the fact that it needs to be explained how to arrange the files. But there are other ways to do this.
You got the gears theme from if you read the first page it states any thing you download is for your personal use only not for redistribution. Again I ask please remove my theme.
Here it is from the first page copied and pasted:
Welcome to Skin Zone
To enter this site you must agree to the following:
You may not post or publish anything that is not owned by you, your company, or represented by you.
You may not sell, or distribute anything from this site without the owners consent.
Finally, you may use anything posted in this site for your own personal use only.
Feel free to donate, as it helps with the time spent in the creations published.
eMpTy3000 said:
I understand and agree. I have been looking for the single file theme solution files that he talks about. It would be nice if this thread was dedicated completely to single theme files because it is impossible to find those in the massive threads (if they are even there). It would be much easier to use these instead of having to move multiple files and what not.
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i would like to add something to this.
first, as a part of myself there are a ton of posts there on a program called s2u2c which allows you to download numerous parts, and creat one theme.
secondly i can vouche for holdem when i say he will gladly make a cab file for quick and easy install.
the biggest complain we have (where holdem is coming from) is our work is all over without credits given. and thats where all of us get ticked.
not worth exploring per senior members
tj2009 said:
So I removed the gear theme as requested, I was just trying to contribute, however I really don't see the point of that now, And since the gear theme was actually made wrong, and I redesigned the notice ping to work correctly ( it was missing an icon and was made in wrong dimensions) I would be happy to upload that without any credit. Ill post a few themes I created later tonight for download, anyone feel free to use as they wish as well. And yes I get it, I just don't agree with you. Also that program that makes cabs is still a pain for most people. It is very simple to make the themes then save them into a single s2u2 file, it lets you have as many themes on your ppc as you want, and is a 1 click load to change it. have a nice day.
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actually, it wasnt made wrong.. it was made for an older version of s2u2.
and you need not agree with me. u just simply need to realize you dont own it therefore its immoral to post it under a rapidshare link.

Need help fixing an app

Hi all, I'm attempting to modify/fix someone else's app. The app is a forum reader. It used to be on the Play store, but has now been removed.
I still use it, but it doesn't work properly. I'd like to fix it to continue using it. This is for my personal use only.
Basically, I can reply to threads/make new posts, but I can't create new threads. (There is other stuff I'd like to change as well).
Could anyone help? I won't attach the app here now, I'm not sure if I can post it, as the app doesn't belong to me. (Can anyone confirm?)
Thanks, Chris
You can post the app as long as its not a paid for application (posting paid apps is warez).
As for modifying/fixing it though, you'd have to use apktool to edit it and even then you wouldn't be able to work in java, it would be in smali which is a pain in the ass to work with.
Thanks for the reply. The app was free. Please see attachment.
The forum reader is for
I'm using Virtuous Ten Studio to edit the app.
My main issue is creating new threads. In the app I have this;
<string name="prule_create_new_topic_url">a[href^=/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=]</string>
The forum uses the same command to post new threads, where the * is the sub-forum number.
I think the above string is correct, so I'm assuming the code is wrong elsewhere?
I'm really out of my depth here, learning as I go. Thanks

